def update(self):
    '''update the marker to reflect the current joint angle'''

    p1 = self.pose_base.p
    p2 = self.pose_base * (self.axis*self.chi)

    marker.align(self.marker, p1, p2, config.axisWidth)
    self.marker.color = color_code(abs(self.chi - self.chi_desired) / config.error_length)
def axis_marker(tw, id = 0, ns = 'twist'):
  """ make a marker message showing the instantaneous
      rotation axis of a twist message"""

  t = kdl.Twist(kdl.Vector(tw.linear.x,  tw.linear.y,  tw.linear.z),
                kdl.Vector(tw.angular.x, tw.angular.y, tw.angular.z))

    (x,     rot)  = listener.lookupTransform(target_frame, ref_frame, rospy.Time(0))
    (trans, rotp) = listener.lookupTransform(target_frame, ref_point, rospy.Time(0))
  except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException):
    print 'tf exception!'
    return marker.create(id=id, ns=ns, action=Marker.DELETE)

  # put the twist in the right frame
  f = posemath.fromTf( (trans, rot) )
  t = f*t

  direction = t.rot
  location = t.rot * t.vel /, t.rot)

  lr = t.rot.Norm()
  lt = t.vel.Norm()

  m = marker.create(id=id, ns=ns, type=Marker.CYLINDER)

  if lr < 0.0001 and lt < 0.0001:
    return marker.create(id=id, ns=ns, action=Marker.DELETE)

  if lr < 0.001:
    # very short axis, assume linear movement
    location = kdl.Vector(0,0,0)
    direction = t.vel
    if lt < min_length:
      direction *= min_length / lt
    m.type = Marker.CUBE
    m = marker.align(m, location, location + direction, 0.02)
  elif lr < min_length:
    direction = direction / lr * min_length
    m = marker.align(m, location - direction, location + direction, 0.02)
  elif lr > max_length:
    direction = direction / lr * max_length
    m = marker.align(m, location - direction, location + direction, 0.02) 
    #BAH! How do I make this better?
    m = marker.align(m, location - direction, location + direction, 0.02)

  m.header.frame_id = target_frame
  m.frame_locked = True

    m.color = colors[id % len(colors)]
    m.color = ColorRGBA(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1)

  return m
def display_feature(feature, frame, frame_id, id=1):
  m = marker.create(type=marker.Marker.CYLINDER, id=id)

  p = frame * feature.position
  d = (frame * (feature.position + feature.direction)) - p
  s = feature.size
  marker.align(m, p-d*s, p+d*s, 0.01)
  m.header.frame_id = frame_id
  m.color = marker.ColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
  def update(self):
    '''update the marker to reflect the current joint angle'''

    p1 = self.pose_base * (-self.axis * config.axisLength)
    p2 = self.pose_base * ( self.axis * config.axisLength)

    marker.align(self.marker, p1, p2, config.axisWidth)
    self.marker.color = color_code(abs(self.chi - self.chi_desired) / config.error_angle)
    if self.weight == 0.0:
      self.marker.color = ColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
def cylinders(frm, to, diameter, ns=''):

  m1 = marker.create(id=21, ns=ns, type=Marker.CYLINDER)
  m1.color = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 0.7)
  m1 = marker.align(m1, frm, kdl.Vector(to[0], frm[1], frm[2]), diameter)

  m2 = marker.create(id=22, ns=ns, type=Marker.CYLINDER)
  m2.color = ColorRGBA(0, 1, 0, 0.7)
  m2 = marker.align(m2, frm, kdl.Vector(frm[0], to[1], frm[2]), diameter)

  m3 = marker.create(id=23, ns=ns, type=Marker.CYLINDER)
  m3.color = ColorRGBA(0, 0, 1, 0.7)
  m3 = marker.align(m3, frm, kdl.Vector(frm[0], frm[1], to[2]), diameter)

  return [m1, m2, m3]
  def markers(self):
    ''' get the markers for visualization '''

    frame = self._transform()

    mrks = []
    pos = kdl.Vector(0,0,0)
    l_index = 0

    for i,t in enumerate(self.jac):
      twist = frame*t

      lr = twist.rot.Norm()
      lv = twist.vel.Norm()

      if lr < self.eps and lv < self.eps:
        # null twist, make a delete marker
        mrks.append(marker.create(id=i,, action=Marker.DELETE))

      if lr < self.eps:
        # pure translational twist
        location = pos
        direction = twist.vel / lv * self.lengths[l_index]

        m = marker.create(id=i,, type=Marker.CUBE)
        m = marker.align(m, location, location + direction, self.width)

        l_index += 1
        frame.p = frame.p - direction  # move target point to end of this 'axis'
        pos += direction               # remember current end point
        # rotational twist
        location = twist.rot * twist.vel /, twist.rot) + pos
        if self.independent_directions:
          direction = twist.rot * self.rot_length / lr
          # take axis from interaction matrix and transform to location
          dir_H = self.H[i].rot - location*self.H[i].vel
          direction = dir_H * self.rot_length / dir_H.Norm()
        m = marker.create(id=i,, type=Marker.CYLINDER)
        m = marker.align(m, location - direction, location + direction, self.width)

      m.color = self._color(i)
      m.header.frame_id = self.target_frame
    return mrks
def marker_line(start, end, **args):
  global _config_
  m = marker_base(type=marker.Marker.CYLINDER, **args)
  marker.align(m, start, end, m.scale.z)
  return m