Beispiel #1
def verifyRouterState(apiclient, routerid, allowedstates):
    """List the router and verify that its state is in allowed states
    @output: List, containing [Result, Reason]
             Ist Argument ('Result'): FAIL: If router state is not
                                                in allowed states
                                          PASS: If router state is in
                                                allowed states"""

        cmd = listRouters.listRoutersCmd() = routerid
        cmd.listall = True
        routers = apiclient.listRouters(cmd)
    except Exception as e:
        return [FAIL, e]
    listvalidationresult = validateList(routers)
    if listvalidationresult[0] == FAIL:
        return [FAIL, listvalidationresult[2]]
    if routers[0].state.lower() not in allowedstates:
        return [
            "state of the router should be in %s but is %s" %
            (allowedstates, routers[0].state)
    return [PASS, None]
Beispiel #2
def list_routers(apiclient, **kwargs):
    """List all Routers matching criteria"""

    cmd = listRouters.listRoutersCmd()
    [setattr(cmd, k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
    if "account" in kwargs.keys() and "domainid" in kwargs.keys():
        cmd.listall = True
    return apiclient.listRouters(cmd)
Beispiel #3
def list_routers(api_client, **kwargs):
    """List all Routers matching criteria"""

    cmd = listRouters.listRoutersCmd()
    [setattr(cmd, k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
    if 'account' in kwargs.keys() and 'domainid' in kwargs.keys():
        cmd.listall = True
    return api_client.listRouters(cmd)
Beispiel #4
def verifyRouterState(apiclient, routerid, allowedstates):
    """List the router and verify that its state is in allowed states
    @output: List, containing [Result, Reason]
             Ist Argument ('Result'): FAIL: If router state is not
                                                in allowed states
                                          PASS: If router state is in
                                                allowed states"""

        cmd = listRouters.listRoutersCmd() = routerid
        cmd.listall = True
        routers = apiclient.listRouters(cmd)
    except Exception as e:
        return [FAIL, e]
    listvalidationresult = validateList(routers)
    if listvalidationresult[0] == FAIL:
        return [FAIL, listvalidationresult[2]]
    if routers[0].state.lower() not in allowedstates:
        return [FAIL, "state of the router should be in %s but is %s" %
            (allowedstates, routers[0].state)]
    return [PASS, None]
Beispiel #5
def list_routers(apiclient, **kwargs):
    """List all Routers matching criteria"""

    cmd = listRouters.listRoutersCmd()
    [setattr(cmd, k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
Beispiel #6
def list_routers(apiclient, **kwargs):
    """List all Routers matching criteria"""

    cmd = listRouters.listRoutersCmd()
    [setattr(cmd, k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
    return (apiclient.listRouters(cmd))