def _on_slider_value_changed(self): if self._entity is None or not self.isEnabled(): return slider_value = state.get('current_slider_value') real_frame = get_real_frame(slider_value) body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if body_mode is BodyMode.PLAYBACK: closeup_camera = state.get('closeup_camera') state.cast( 'camera', 'request_shot_image', self._entity.get_id(), real_frame, closeup_camera=closeup_camera, delay=True ) elif body_mode is BodyMode.MODEL: job = state.get('current_job') if job is None: return state.cast( 'resolve', 'request_geometry', self._entity, real_frame ) self._playback_bar.on_slider_value_changed(slider_value)
def _on_save(self): directory = str( QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Select Directory")) if directory is not None and directory != '': state.cast( 'camera', 'request_save_image', state.get('current_slider_value') + state.get('offset_frame'), directory)
def _update_clip_visible(self): body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if body_mode is BodyMode.PLAYBACK: crop = state.get('Crop') self.setVisible(crop) elif body_mode is BodyMode.MODEL: loop = state.get('Loop') self.setVisible(loop)
def _get_rig_geo(self): job = state.get('current_job') body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if job is None or body_mode is not BodyMode.MODEL: return state.cast( 'resolve', 'request_geometry', job, None )
def _prepare(self): body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if body_mode is BodyMode.PLAYBACK: for camera_id in setting.get_working_camera_ids(): state.on_changed(f'pixmap_{camera_id}', self.increase) if state.get('closeup_camera'): state.on_changed('pixmap_closeup', self.increase) elif body_mode is BodyMode.MODEL: state.on_changed('opengl_data', self.increase)
def _on_show(self): body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if body_mode is BodyMode.PLAYBACK: state.cast( 'camera', 'cache_whole_shot', state.get('closeup_camera') ) elif body_mode is BodyMode.MODEL: state.cast('resolve', 'cache_whole_job') state.set('caching', True)
def _prepare(self): project = state.get('current_project') shot = state.get('current_shot') job = state.get('current_job') folder_name = f'{}_{}_{}' folder_name = re.sub(r'[^\w\d-]', '_', folder_name) path = Path(self._export_path) path = path.joinpath(folder_name) path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) state.set('screenshot_export_path', str(path)) state.on_changed('tick_update_geo', self._play_next)
def _stop_function(self): if state.get('playing'): state.set('playing', False) if state.get('Crop'): state.set('Crop', False) state.set('crop_range', [None, None]) if state.get('Loop'): state.set('Loop', False) state.set('loop_range', [None, None])
def _prepare(self): body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if body_mode is BodyMode.PLAYBACK: self._threashold = len(setting.get_working_camera_ids()) for camera_id in setting.get_working_camera_ids(): state.on_changed(f'pixmap_{camera_id}', self._loaded) if state.get('closeup_camera'): state.on_changed('pixmap_closeup', self._loaded) self._threashold += 1 elif body_mode is BodyMode.MODEL: state.on_changed('tick_update_geo', self._notify)
def _on_key_pressed(self): if not self.isVisible(): return key = state.get('key') if key == Qt.Key_Up: self._change_closeup(-1) elif key == Qt.Key_Down: self._change_closeup(1) elif key == Qt.Key_Escape: closeup_camera = state.get('closeup_camera') if closeup_camera is not None: state.set('closeup_camera', None)
def _on_show(self): offset_frame = state.get('offset_frame') frames = state.get('frames') state.cast( 'resolve', 'export_model', state.get('current_project'), state.get('current_shot'), state.get('current_job'), [f + offset_frame for f in frames], self._export_path )
def _new_shot(self): if state.get('shot_new_dialog'): is_cali = state.get('is_cali') shot_type = 'cali' if is_cali else 'shot' result = popup(None, f'Create New {shot_type.title()}', f"Please input new {shot_type}'s name (optional)", f'{shot_type.title()} Name') if result is not False: project = state.get('current_project') project.create_shot(is_cali, result) state.set('shot_new_dialog', False)
def _update_shot_list(self): current_shot = state.get('current_shot') body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if (body_mode is BodyMode.MODEL and current_shot == self._shot and len( > 0): if self._job_list is None: self._job_list = JobList(self._shot._jobs) self.addWidget(self._job_list) else: if self._job_list is not None: self._job_list.deleteLater() self._job_list = None state.cast('project', 'select_job', None)
def _update_geo(self): if state.get('caching'): return turntable = self._turntable_speed if state.get('playing') else 0 self._core.set_geo(state.get('opengl_data'), turntable) self._fps_counter.tick() # screenshot screenshot_path = state.get('screenshot_export_path') if screenshot_path is not None: self._take_screenshot(screenshot_path) state.set('tick_update_geo', None)
def _update(self): if state.get('caching'): return status = state.get('status') for key, value in status.items(): if key not in self._widgets: continue if isinstance(value, float): text = f'{value:.2f}' else: text = str(value) self._widgets[key].set_text(text)
def _update(self): value = state.get(self._name) if self._type == 'int': text = str(int(value)) elif value == 0: text = '0' else: text = f'{value:.02f}'.rstrip('0.') self._label.setText(text) if state.get('parm_outside'): v = (value - self._vmin) / (self._vmax - self._vmin) * self._length self._slider.setValue(int(v))
def _get_total_progress(self): shot = state.get('current_shot') body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if body_mode is BodyMode.PLAYBACK: count = len(setting.get_working_camera_ids()) if state.get('closeup_camera'): count += 1 return ( shot.frame_range[1] - shot.frame_range[0] + 1 ) * count elif body_mode is BodyMode.MODEL: return len(state.get('frames'))
def _update_progress(self): if state.get('caching') or not self.isVisible(): return progress = self._entity.get_cache_progress() if isinstance(progress, tuple): offset_tasks = {} offset_frame = state.get('offset_frame') for k, v in progress[1].items(): offset_tasks[k - offset_frame] = v self._tasks = offset_tasks self._paint_progress() self._update()
def _on_key_pressed(self): if self.parentWidget() is None: return key = state.get('key') if key == Qt.Key_Space: self._on_click('play')
def _update(self): projects = state.get('projects') new_project_ids = [] added_item = None for order, project in enumerate(projects): project_id = project.get_id() if project_id not in self._project_widgets: item = QListWidgetItem() widget = ProjectItem(item, project) self.insertItem(order, item) self.setItemWidget(item, widget) self._project_widgets[project_id] = widget if added_item is None: added_item = item new_project_ids.append(project_id) deleted_widgets = [ widget for widget in self._project_widgets.values() if widget.get_project_id() not in new_project_ids ] for widget in deleted_widgets: project_id = widget.get_project_id() index = self.indexFromItem(widget.get_item()) self.takeItem(index.row()) del self._project_widgets[project_id] if added_item: self.scrollToItem(added_item)
def _set_pixmap(self): if self.isVisible(): pixmap = state.get('pixmap_closeup') if pixmap is None: return self.setPixmap( pixmap.scaled(self.width(), self.height(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio))
def get_result(self): frames = [] offset_frame = state.get('offset_frame') for s1 in self._text_frames.text().strip().split(): for s2 in s1.split(','): if s2 == '' or s2 is None: continue if '-' in s2: sf, ef = s2.split('-') frames += [i for i in range(int(sf), int(ef) + 1)] else: frames.append(int(s2)) frames.sort() frames = set(frames) frames = [f + offset_frame for f in frames] parms = {'cali': self._comboBox.currentData()} for parm_widget in self._parms: name, value = parm_widget.get_result() parms[name] = value return { 'name': self._text_name.text(), 'frames': frames, 'parms': parms }
def _update(self): check_result = state.get('deadline_status') self.setText(self._submit_text if check_result else self._connect_text) self._is_server_on = check_result if check_result: self._submit()
def _new_project(self): if state.get('project_new_dialog'): result = popup(self, 'Create New Project', "Please input new project's name", 'Project Name') if result: state.cast('project', 'create_project', result) state.set('project_new_dialog', False)
def _on_take_screenshot(self): if state.get('playing'): state.set('playing', False) directory = str( QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Select Directory")) if directory is not None and directory != '': popup(dialog=ScreenshotProgressDialog, dialog_args=(directory, ))
def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: current_select = state.get('current_shot') if current_select != self._shot: state.cast('project', 'select_shot', self._shot) elif event.button() == Qt.RightButton: pos = self.mapToGlobal(event.pos()) self._menu.exec_(pos)
def _update(self): body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if body_mode is BodyMode.LIVEVIEW: self._layout.setCurrentIndex(0) elif body_mode is BodyMode.PLAYBACK: self._layout.setCurrentIndex(1) elif body_mode is BodyMode.MODEL: self._layout.setCurrentIndex(2)
def _update(self): current_select = state.get('project_list_select') if current_select == self._project: self._wrapper.setStyleSheet(self._wrapper_default + self._wrapper_selected) else: self._wrapper.setStyleSheet(self._wrapper_default) self._title_label.setText(
def _update(self): cali_list = state.get('cali_list') self.clear() for label, job_id in cali_list: self.addItem(label, job_id) if len(cali_list) == 0: self.addItem('None', None)
def _on_entity_changed(self): self._stop_function() body_mode = state.get('body_mode') if body_mode is BodyMode.LIVEVIEW: self._entity = None return else: job = state.get('current_job') if job is not None: self._entity = job else: shot = state.get('current_shot') self._entity = shot self._playback_bar.on_entity_changed(self._entity) if self._entity is not None and self._entity.state != 0: self._on_slider_value_changed()