def __init__(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp, sync_on_demand=False):
        Initialization method for the SyncThread.
        @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
        @type name:  C{str}
        @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
        @type uri:  C{str}
        @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
        @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
        @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
        @type monitoruri:  C{str}
        @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
        @type timestamp:  C{float64}
        @param sync_on_demand: Synchronize topics on demand
        @type sync_on_demand: bool
        ''' = name
        self.uri = uri
        self.discoverer_name = discoverer_name
        self.monitoruri = monitoruri
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.timestamp_local = 0.
        self.timestamp_remote = 0.
        self._online = True
        self._offline_ts = 0

        self.masteruri_local = masteruri_from_ros()
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: create this sync thread",
        # synchronization variables
        self.__lock_info = threading.RLock()
        self.__lock_intern = threading.RLock()
        self._use_filtered_method = None
        # SyncMasterInfo with currently synchronized nodes, publisher (topic, node, nodeuri), subscriber(topic, node, nodeuri) and services
        self.__sync_info = None
        self.__unregistered = False
        # a list with published topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
        self.__publisher = []
        # a list with subscribed topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
        self.__subscriber = []
        # a list with services as a tuple of (service name, service URL, node name, node URL)
        self.__services = []
        # the state of the own ROS master is used if `sync_on_demand` is enabled or
        # to determine the type of topic subscribed remote with `Empty` type
        self.__own_state = None

        # setup the filter
        self._filter = FilterInterface()
                          ['/rosout', rospy.get_name(), self.discoverer_name, '/node_manager', '/zeroconf'], [],
                          ['/rosout', '/rosout_agg'], ['/'] if sync_on_demand else [],
                          ['/*get_loggers', '/*set_logger_level'], [],
                          # do not sync the bond message of the nodelets!!
                          [], [],

        # congestion avoidance: wait for random.random*2 sec. If an update request
        # is received try to cancel and restart the current timer. The timer can be
        # canceled for maximal MAX_UPDATE_DELAY times.
        self._update_timer = None
        self._delayed_update = 0
        self.__on_update = False