Beispiel #1
	def inner(srv, run_id, accum):
		script = ''
		root = getRoot(accum)
		parameters = {
					'root': getRoot(accum), 
					'fortune' :  fortune, 
					'program': 'progs/Millionaires.txt', 
					'run_id' : run_id, 
					'player': player}
		if host_slavetag:
			host = getHosts(accum).get(host_slavetag)
			parameters['addr_of_host'] = host
		return execute_injected_python_script(srv, script, root, parameters)
    def inner(srv, run_id, accum):
        root = getRoot(accum)

        path = rjoin(root, inject_folder_name, "run")
        cmd = "cd %s; chmod -R 777 *; ./%s -c %s" % (path, command, program)"execute: " + cmd)
Beispiel #3
def execute_runner_1(srv, run_id, accum):
	''' helper method for hierarchy 1 '''
	script = ''
	root = getRoot(accum)
	parameters = { 'tag' : getTag(accum), 'run_id': run_id}
	return execute_injected_python_script(srv, script, root, parameters)
Beispiel #4
def assertDataFromSlave1(srv, id, accum):
	assert the structure and content of slave1's data,
	this includes both accum and the results file
	_assert('assert fetched results', id)
	tag = getTag(accum) # assert on accum from here
	root = getRoot(accum)
	hosts = getHosts(accum)
	_assert(len(hosts), 4)
	_assert('test_framework/slave1', root)
	_assert('slave1', tag)
	with open(local_results_file_path_F(tag), 'rb') as f: 
		results = json.load(f)

	_assert_contain('result_0', results) # assert on results file from here
	result_0 = results.get('result_0')
	_assert_contain( 'tmsp', result_0)
	_assert_contain( 'parameters', result_0)
	_assert_contain( 'query', result_0.get('parameters'))
	_assert_contain( 'Oryx and Crake', result_0.get('parameters').get('query'))
	_assert_contain( 'result', result_0)
	_assert(len(result_0.get('result')), 4)
Beispiel #5
def assertDataFromSlave4(srv, id, accum):
	assert the structure and content of slave4's data,
	this includes both accum and the results file

	_assert('assert fetched results', id) # assert on accum from here
	tag = getTag(accum)
	root = getRoot(accum)
	hosts = getHosts(accum)
	_assert(len(hosts), 4)
	_assert('test_framework/slave4', root)
	_assert('slave4', tag)
	with open(local_results_file_path_F(tag), 'rb') as f:
		results = json.load(f) # assert on results file here

	_assert_contain('result_0', results)
	result_0 = results.get('result_0')
	_assert_contain( 'tmsp', result_0)
	_assert_contain( 'parameters', result_0)
	_assert_contain( 'The Jabberwocky', result_0.get('parameters').get('Dragon_no_1'))
	_assert_contain( 'The Tarasque', result_0.get('parameters').get('Dragon_no_2'))
	_assert_contain( 'result', result_0)
	_assert(result_0.get('result'), 42)
Beispiel #6
	def inner(srv, run_id, accum):
		root = getRoot(accum)
		script = script_ # seems necessary for maintaining script in scope
		if not script.endswith('.java'): script += '.java'
		path = rjoin(root, inject_folder_name)
		cmd = 'javac -cp %s/*.jar %s' % (path, rjoin(path, script))'execute: ' + cmd)
		print_remote_out( srv.execute(cmd))
Beispiel #7
def collect_context_stat(srv, run_id, accum):
	''' Helper method for hierarchy 3 '''
	hosts = getHosts(accum)
	me = getTag(accum)
	tag2hosts = {}
	for tag, host in hosts.iteritems():
		if tag != me:
			tag2hosts[tag] = host
	script = ''
	root = getRoot(accum)
	parameters = {'tag2hosts':tag2hosts, 'run_id': run_id}
	execute_injected_python_script(srv, script, root, parameters)
Beispiel #8
def assertDataFromSlave2(srv, id, accum):
	assert the structure and content of slave2's data,
	this includes both accum and the results file
	_assert('assert fetched results', id) # assert on accum from here
	tag = getTag(accum)
	root = getRoot(accum)
	hosts = getHosts(accum)
	_assert(len(hosts), 4)
	_assert('test_framework/slave2', root)
	_assert('slave2', tag)
	assert os.path.exists(local_results_file_path_F(tag)) == False, \
		'slave 2 should not have generated any results' # assert on results file here
    def inner(srv, run_id, accum):
        root = getRoot(accum)"bob on host: " + getMetadata(accum).get("host"))

        command = "run_bob"
        path = rjoin(root, inject_folder_name, "run")
        cmd = r"cd %s; echo %d | ./%s -r %s abcdefghijk 4" % (path, fortune, command, program)"execute: " + cmd)

        t1 = clock()
        (stdout, stderr) = srv.execute(cmd)
        t2 = clock()

        print_remote_out((None, stderr))"".join(stdout).replace("\n", ". "))"execution time took %d seconds" % (t2 - t1))
Beispiel #10
def put_my_init_file(srv, run_id, accum):
	my_tag = getTag(accum)
	root = getRoot(accum)
	lpath = ljoin(ctx.local_output_dir, my_tag+'.ini')
	put(srv, lpath, rjoin(root, 'inject'))
Beispiel #11
def let_my_millionaire_participate(srv, run_id, accum):
	tag = getTag(accum)
	root = getRoot(accum)
	params = '--no-ssl {my_initfile}'.format(my_initfile=(rjoin(root,'inject', tag+'.ini')))
	execute_injected_python_script(srv, 'millionaires', root, params)
Beispiel #12
	def inner(srv, run_id, accum):
		root = getRoot(accum)
		path = rjoin(root, inject_folder_name)
		cmd = 'java -cp %s/.:%s/* %s %s' % (path, path, script, remote_results_dir_F(root))'execute: ' + cmd)
		print_remote_out( srv.execute(cmd) )
Beispiel #13
                    # if none is specified, a unique temporary folder is created 
                     slave1 : ('setup script 1.', 							deploy(rjoin(ipath, 'slave_scripts', ''), 'test_framework/slave1')),
                     slave2 : ('setup script 2.', 							deploy(rjoin(ipath, 'slave_scripts', ''), 'test_framework/slave2')),
                     slave3 : ('setup script 2. again ', 					deploy(rjoin(ipath, 'slave_scripts', ''), 'test_framework/slave3')),
                     slave4 : ('setup folder with script 3, 4, 5', 	 		deploy(rjoin(ipath, 'some_other_slave_scripts'), 'test_framework/slave4')),
                    # tier 4: call a script and see how the logger handles remote prints
                    # call slave_script 3: which simply prints to stdout what parameters is gets
                    # this is an example of directly executing a remote script.
                    # note the necessity of supplying a function which takes srv, run_id and accum
                    # note also how to get the name of the root folder (as it might be generated on runtime, we need this)
                    # should simply be evident in the log output
                    slave4 : ('echo', lambda srv, run_id, accum : 
									execute_injected_python_script(srv, '', getRoot(accum), 
										{'Sherlock Holmes':'Arthur Conan Doyle', 'Conan the barbarian': 'Robert E. Howard'})),
                    slave1 : ('google search', lambda srv, run_id, accum : 
									execute_injected_python_script(srv, '', getRoot(accum), 
										{'query':'Oryx and Crake'})),
                    # tier 5: call a script and see how remote results can be saved for later retrival 
                    # which simply uses another script to generate a random number
                    # which is saved as a result i output/results/myresults along with benchmarking data
                    slave4 : ('guess a number', lambda srv, a, accum : 
									execute_injected_python_script(srv, '', getRoot(accum), 
										{'Dragon' : 'The Jabberwocky', 'Dragon' : 'The Tarasque'})),
                    # tier 6: see how accum works by accumulating results from locally executed scripts
Beispiel #14
	def inner(srv, run_id, accum):
		script = ''
		root = getRoot(accum)
		parameters = {	'x': x, 
						'timeout': 300}
		return execute_injected_python_script(srv, script, root, parameters)
Beispiel #15
def calculate(srv, run_id, accum):
    root = getRoot(accum)
    tag = getTag(accum)
    params = "--no-ssl {my_initfile}".format(my_initfile=rjoin(root, "inject", tag + ".ini"))
    execute_injected_python_script(srv, "", root, params)
Beispiel #16
		slave3 : ('hello world', lambda srv, run_id, accum:'hello world from %s' % run_id)),
		slave4 : ('hello world', lambda srv, run_id, accum:'hello world from %s' % run_id)), },
		slave1 : ('purge remote', lambda srv, run_id, accum: remove_remote_location(srv, 'test_framework')),					 
		slave2 : ('purge remote', lambda srv, run_id, accum: remove_remote_location(srv, 'test_framework')),					 
		slave3 : ('purge remote', lambda srv, run_id, accum: remove_remote_location(srv, 'test_framework')),					 
		slave4 : ('purge remote', lambda srv, run_id, accum: remove_remote_location(srv, 'test_framework'))
	{ 	slave1 : ('setup script 1.', deploy(rjoin(ipath, 'slave_scripts', ''), 'test_framework/slave1')),
		slave2 : ('setup script 2.', deploy(rjoin(ipath, 'slave_scripts', ''), 'test_framework/slave2')),
		slave3 : ('setup script 2. again ', deploy(rjoin(ipath, 'slave_scripts', ''), 'test_framework/slave3')),
		slave4 : ('setup folder with script 3, 4, 5', deploy(rjoin(ipath, 'some_other_slave_scripts'), 'test_framework/slave4')), },
	{	slave4 : ('echo', lambda srv, run_id, accum : 
					execute_injected_python_script(srv, '', getRoot(accum), 
						{'Sherlock Holmes':'Arthur Conan Doyle', 'Conan the barbarian': 'Robert E. Howard'})),
		slave1 : ('google search', lambda srv, run_id, accum : 
					execute_injected_python_script(srv, '', getRoot(accum), 
						{'query':'Oryx and Crake'})), },
	{ 	slave4 : ('guess a number', lambda srv, a, accum : 
					execute_injected_python_script(srv, '', getRoot(accum), 
						{'Dragon_no_1' : 'The Jabberwocky', 'Dragon_no_2' : 'The Tarasque'})),	  },
	{	slave3: ('produce local results', lambda a, b, c: ('some local results', [42,43,44,45])), },
	{ 	slave1 : ('fetch results and cleanup remote', fetch_and_teardown),
		slave2 : ('fetch results and cleanup remote', fetch_and_teardown),
		slave3 : ('fetch results and cleanup remote', fetch_and_teardown),