Beispiel #1
def arcov(x, p):

    # Local Variables: a, msgobj, p, msg, x, e
    # Function calls: nargchk, arcov, nargin, isempty, error, arparest
    #%ARCOV   AR parameter estimation via covariance method.
    #%   A = ARCOV(X,ORDER) returns the polynomial A corresponding to the AR
    #%   parametric signal model estimate of vector X using the Covariance method.
    #%   ORDER is the model order of the AR system.
    #%   [A,E] = ARCOV(...) returns the variance estimate E of the white noise
    #%   input to the AR model.
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1988, Chapter 7
    #%        P. Stoica and R. Moses, INTRODUCTION TO SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1997, Chapter 3
    #%   Author(s): R. Losada and P. Pacheco
    #%   Copyright 1988-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2011/05/13 18:06:51 $
    matcompat.error(nargchk(2., 2., nargin, 'struct'))
    [a, e, msg, msgobj] = arparest(x, p, 'covariance')
    if not isempty(msg):

    #% [EOF] - arcov.m
    return [a, e]
def armcov(x, p):

    # Local Variables: a, msgobj, p, msg, x, e
    # Function calls: nargchk, nargin, isempty, error, arparest, armcov
    #%ARMCOV   AR parameter estimation via modified covariance method.
    #%   A = ARMCOV(X,ORDER) returns the polynomial A corresponding to the AR
    #%   parametric signal model estimate of vector X using the Modified Covariance
    #%   method. ORDER is the model order of the AR system.
    #%   [A,E] = ARMCOV(...) returns the variance estimate E of the white noise
    #%   input to the AR model.
    #%   References:
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1987, Chapter 8
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1988, Chapter 7
    #%   Author(s): R. Losada and P. Pacheco
    #%   Copyright 1988-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2011/05/13 18:06:53 $
    matcompat.error(nargchk(2., 2., nargin, 'struct'))
    [a, e, msg, msgobj] = arparest(x, p, 'modified')
    if not isempty(msg):

    #% [EOF] - armcov.m
    return [a, e]
Beispiel #3
def kntbrkdegmult(breaks, degree, mult):

    # Local Variables: knots, breaks, mult, degree
    # Function calls: false, do_kntbrkdegmult, kntbrkdegmult, nargin, num2cell, numel, error, cellfun, iscell
    if iscell(breaks):
        if nargin == 2.:
            mult = 1.
        if numel(breaks) != numel(degree) or numel(breaks) != numel(mult):
            matcompat.error('kntbrkdegmult: degree and multiplicity must have the same length as the number of knot vectors')
        degree = num2cell(degree)
        if not iscell(mult):
            mult = num2cell(mult)
        knots = cellfun(do_kntbrkdegmult, breaks, degree, mult, 'uniformoutput', false)
        if nargin == 2.:
            mult = 1.
        knots = do_kntbrkdegmult(breaks, degree, mult)
    return [knots]
Beispiel #4
def NormalizeRows(a, type):

    # Local Variables: a, b, type, normF, normFUsed
    # Function calls: sum, bsxfun, sqrt, nargin, abs, error, NormalizeRows
    #% Normalizes the rows of a using specified normalisation type. Makes sure
    #% there is no division by zero: b will not contain any NaN entries.
    #% a:            data with row vectors
    #% type:         String:
    #%                   'L1' (default) Sums to 1
    #%                   'L2' Unit Length
    #%                   'Sqrt->L1' Square root followed by L1
    #%                   'L1->Sqrt' L1 followed by Square root. Becomes unit length
    #%                   'Sqrt->L2' Square root followed by L2. Square rooting
    #%                               while keeping the sign
    #%                   'None' No normalization
    #% b:            normalized data with row vecors.
    #% normF:        Normalization factor per row (when valid)
    #% Jasper Uijlings, 2011
    #% Default: L1
    if nargin == 1.:
        type = 'L1'

    _switch_val = type
    if False:  # switch
    elif _switch_val == 'L1':
        normF = np.sum(a, 2.)
        #% Get sums
        normFUsed = normF
        normFUsed[int((normFUsed == 0.)) - 1] = 1.
        #% Prevent division by zero
        b = bsxfun(rdivide, a, normFUsed)
        #% Normalise
    elif _switch_val == 'L2':
        normF = np.sqrt(np.sum((a * a), 2.))
        #% Get length
        normFUsed = normF
        normFUsed[int((normFUsed == 0.)) - 1] = 1.
        #% Prevent division by zero
        b = bsxfun(rdivide, a, normFUsed)
    elif _switch_val == 'Sqrt->L1':
        b = NormalizeRows(np.sqrt(a), 'L1')
        normF = np.array([])
    elif _switch_val == 'L1->Sqrt':
        #% This is the same as ROOTSIFT
        b = np.sqrt(NormalizeRows(np.abs(a), 'L1'))
        normF = np.array([])
    elif _switch_val == 'Sqrt->L2':
        b = NormalizeRows(np.sqrt(a), 'L2')
        normF = np.array([])
    elif _switch_val == 'None':
        b = a
        normF = np.array([])
        matcompat.error('Wrong normalization type given')

    return [b, normF]
def kntbrkdegreg(breaks, degree, reg):

    # Local Variables: knots, breaks, reg, degree
    # Function calls: false, do_kntbrkdegreg, nargin, num2cell, numel, error, cellfun, iscell, kntbrkdegreg
    if iscell(breaks):
        if nargin == 2.:
            reg = degree-1.
        if numel(breaks) != numel(degree) or numel(breaks) != numel(reg):
            matcompat.error('kntbrkdegreg: degree and regularity must have the same length as the number of knot vectors')
        degree = num2cell(degree)
        if not iscell(reg):
            reg = num2cell(reg)
        knots = cellfun(do_kntbrkdegreg, breaks, degree, reg, 'uniformoutput', false)
        if nargin == 2.:
            reg = degree-1.
        knots = do_kntbrkdegreg(breaks, degree, reg)
    return [knots]
def arcov(x, p):

    # Local Variables: a, msgobj, p, msg, x, e
    # Function calls: nargchk, arcov, nargin, isempty, error, arparest
    #%ARCOV   AR parameter estimation via covariance method.
    #%   A = ARCOV(X,ORDER) returns the polynomial A corresponding to the AR
    #%   parametric signal model estimate of vector X using the Covariance method.
    #%   ORDER is the model order of the AR system.
    #%   [A,E] = ARCOV(...) returns the variance estimate E of the white noise
    #%   input to the AR model.
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1988, Chapter 7
    #%        P. Stoica and R. Moses, INTRODUCTION TO SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1997, Chapter 3
    #%   Author(s): R. Losada and P. Pacheco
    #%   Copyright 1988-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2011/05/13 18:06:51 $
    matcompat.error(nargchk(2., 2., nargin, 'struct'))
    [a, e, msg, msgobj] = arparest(x, p, 'covariance')
    if not isempty(msg):
    #% [EOF] - arcov.m
    return [a, e]
def do_kntbrkdegreg(breaks, degree, reg):

    # Local Variables: knots, mults, breaks, reg, degree
    # Function calls: do_kntbrkdegreg, kntbrkdegmult, warning, numel, error, any
    if numel(breaks)<2.:
        matcompat.error('kntbrkdegreg: the knots sequence should contain at least two points')
    if numel(reg) == 1.:
        elif numel(reg) == numel(breaks):
            mults = degree-reg
def aryule(x, p):

    # Local Variables: a, e, k, nx, p, R, x, mx
    # Function calls: aryule, nargchk, min, issparse, nargin, length, isempty, error, levinson, message, xcorr, round, size
    #%ARYULE   AR parameter estimation via Yule-Walker method.
    #%   A = ARYULE(X,ORDER) returns the polynomial A corresponding to the AR
    #%   parametric signal model estimate of vector X using the Yule-Walker
    #%   (autocorrelation) method.  ORDER is the model order of the AR system. 
    #%   This method solves the Yule-Walker equations by means of the Levinson-
    #%   Durbin recursion.
    #%   [A,E] = ARYULE(...) returns the final prediction error E (the variance
    #%   estimate of the white noise input to the AR model).
    #%   [A,E,K] = ARYULE(...) returns the vector K of reflection coefficients.
    #%   % Example:
    #%   %   Estimate model order using decay of reflection coefficients.
    #%   rng default;
    #%   y=filter(1,[1 -0.75 0.5],0.2*randn(1024,1));
    #%   % Create AR(2) process
    #%   [ar_coeffs,NoiseVariance,reflect_coeffs]=aryule(y,10);
    #%   % Fit AR(10) model
    #%   stem(reflect_coeffs); axis([-0.05 10.5 -1 1]);
    #%   title('Reflection Coefficients by Lag'); xlabel('Lag');
    #%   ylabel('Reflection Coefficent');
    #%   Ref: S. Orfanidis, OPTIMUM SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2nd Ed.
    #%              Macmillan, 1988, Chapter 5
    #%              John Wiley & Sons, 1996, Chapter 8
    #%   Author(s): R. Losada
    #%   Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2012/10/29 19:30:38 $
    matcompat.error(nargchk(2., 2., nargin, 'struct'))
    #% Check the input data type. Single precision is not supported.
    #%    chkinputdatatype(x,p);
    #%catch ME
    #%    throwAsCaller(ME);
    [mx, nx] = matcompat.size(x)
    if isempty(x) or length(x)<p or matcompat.max(mx, nx) > 1.:
    elif isempty(p) or not p == np.round(p):
    if issparse(x):
    R = plt.xcorr(x, p, 'biased')
    [a, e, k] = levinson(R[int(p+1.)-1:], p)
    return [a, e, k]
def aryule(x, p):

    # Local Variables: a, e, k, nx, p, R, x, mx
    # Function calls: aryule, nargchk, min, issparse, nargin, length, isempty, error, levinson, message, xcorr, round, size
    #%ARYULE   AR parameter estimation via Yule-Walker method.
    #%   A = ARYULE(X,ORDER) returns the polynomial A corresponding to the AR
    #%   parametric signal model estimate of vector X using the Yule-Walker
    #%   (autocorrelation) method.  ORDER is the model order of the AR system.
    #%   This method solves the Yule-Walker equations by means of the Levinson-
    #%   Durbin recursion.
    #%   [A,E] = ARYULE(...) returns the final prediction error E (the variance
    #%   estimate of the white noise input to the AR model).
    #%   [A,E,K] = ARYULE(...) returns the vector K of reflection coefficients.
    #%   % Example:
    #%   %   Estimate model order using decay of reflection coefficients.
    #%   rng default;
    #%   y=filter(1,[1 -0.75 0.5],0.2*randn(1024,1));
    #%   % Create AR(2) process
    #%   [ar_coeffs,NoiseVariance,reflect_coeffs]=aryule(y,10);
    #%   % Fit AR(10) model
    #%   stem(reflect_coeffs); axis([-0.05 10.5 -1 1]);
    #%   title('Reflection Coefficients by Lag'); xlabel('Lag');
    #%   ylabel('Reflection Coefficent');
    #%   Ref: S. Orfanidis, OPTIMUM SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2nd Ed.
    #%              Macmillan, 1988, Chapter 5
    #%              John Wiley & Sons, 1996, Chapter 8
    #%   Author(s): R. Losada
    #%   Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2012/10/29 19:30:38 $
    matcompat.error(nargchk(2., 2., nargin, 'struct'))
    #% Check the input data type. Single precision is not supported.
    #%    chkinputdatatype(x,p);
    #%catch ME
    #%    throwAsCaller(ME);
    [mx, nx] = matcompat.size(x)
    if isempty(x) or length(x) < p or matcompat.max(mx, nx) > 1.:
    elif isempty(p) or not p == np.round(p):

    if issparse(x):

    R = plt.xcorr(x, p, 'biased')
    [a, e, k] = levinson(R[int(p + 1.) - 1:], p)
    return [a, e, k]
Beispiel #10
def asserteq(varargin):

    # Local Variables: varargin, i
    # Function calls: length, error, asserteq, isequal
    #% asserteq(in1, in2, ...)
    #% Assert all arguments are equal (via "isequal")
    #% If nargin is 1 then do nothing
    #% Sam Hallman, 2013
    if length(varargin) >= 2.:
        for i in np.arange(2., (length(varargin))+1):
            if not isequal(varargin.cell[0], varargin.cell[int(i)-1]):
                matcompat.error('inputs %d,%d not equal', 1., i)
Beispiel #11
def binangles360(angles, nBins):

    # Local Variables: a, nBins, b, edges, angles, delta, orient
    # Function calls: binangles360, any, error
    #% Assume angles lie in [0,360]
    if np.any(np.logical_or(angles < 0., angles > 360.)):
        matcompat.error('angles should be in the range [0,360]')

    #% change from [0,360] to [-270,90]
    angles[int((angles > 90.)) - 1] = angles[int((angles > 90.)) - 1] - 360.
    delta = 360. / nBins
    a = -270. + delta / 2.
    b = +90. - delta / 2.
    edges = np.arange(a, (b) + (delta), delta)
    orient = nBins - orient + 1.
    orient[int((orient == nBins + 1.)) - 1] = 1.
    return [orient]
Beispiel #12
def clustMasks(opts):

    # Local Variables: gtWidth, E, zz, i, k, j, xx, yy, S, t, w, theta, dist, nDists, nOrients, K, opts
    # Function calls: all, cosd, sum, rem, nargout, single, meshgrid, zeros, linspace, error, sind, clustMasks, gradientMag, size
    gtWidth = opts.gtWidth
    nDists = opts.nDists
    nOrients = opts.nOrients
    if plt.rem(gtWidth, 2.) != 0.:
        matcompat.error('gtWidth should be even')
    #% define gtWidth x gtWidth grid
    [xx, yy] = matcompat.meshgrid(np.arange(-gtWidth/2.+1., (gtWidth/2.)+1))
    #% define the distances and orientations
    k = gtWidth/1.0.
    dist = np.linspace(k, (-k), nDists)
    theta = np.arange(0., (180.-.01)+(180./nOrients), 180./nOrients)
    #% render seg masks for each cluster
    K =, nOrients)
    S = np.zeros(gtWidth, gtWidth, K)
    for i in np.arange(1., (nOrients)+1):
        t = theta[int(i)-1]
        w = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((cosd(t))), np.hstack((sind(t))))))
        zz =[0], xx)[1], yy)
        for j in np.arange(1., (nDists)+1):
            k =, nDists)+j
            S[:,:,int(k)-1] = zz > dist[int(j)-1]
    #% check for bugs
    #% demonstrate how to convert segs S to edges E
    if nargout > 1.:
        E = np.zeros(matcompat.size(S))
        for k in np.arange(1., (K)+1):
            E[:,:,int(k)-1] = gradientMag(np.single(S[:,:,int(k)-1])) > .01
    return [S, E]
def mirrorhistc(x, e):

    # Local Variables: b, lastBin, nn, bn, n, bp, np, x, e
    # Function calls: all, mirrorhistc, max, min, histc, length, abs, error, diff, ndims, any, size
    #% [N,B] = mirrorhistc( X, E )
    #% Suppose E = [a b]. Then the binning
    #% used is (-b,-a] (-a,a) [a,b).
    #% Suppose E = [a b c]. Then the binning
    #% used is (-c,-b] (-b,-a] (-a,a) [a,b) [b,c).
    #% ...and so on.
    if np.any((e <= 0.)) or not np.all((np.diff(e) > 0.)):
        matcompat.error('invalid bin edges')

    if np.abs(matcompat.max(x)) >= e[int(0) - 1]:
        matcompat.error('data is out of bounds')

    if matcompat.ndim(x) > 2. or matcompat.max(matcompat.size(x)) > 1.:
        matcompat.error('data should be a vector')

    x = x.flatten(0).conj()
    e = e.flatten(0).conj()
    e = np.array(np.hstack((0., e)))
    lastBin = length(e) - 1.
    [nn, bn] = histc((-x[int((x < 0.)) - 1]), e)
    bn = lastBin - bn + 1.
    nn = nn[int(0 - 1.) - 1:1.:-1.]
    [np, bp] = histc(x[int((x >= 0.)) - 1], e)
    bp = bp + lastBin - 1.
    np = np[0:0 - 1.]
    b = 0. * x
    b[int((x < 0.)) - 1] = bn
    b[int((x >= 0.)) - 1] = bp
    n = np.array(np.hstack((nn[0:0 - 1.], nn[int(0) - 1] + np[0], np[1:])))
    return [n, b]
def aveknt(varargin):

    # Local Variables: ndim, nrb, onedim, idim, varargin, knt_aux, knt, pts, order
    # Function calls: false, nargin, reshape, sum, isfield, cell, aveknt, zeros, numel, error, iscell, repmat, true
    #% AVEKNT:  compute the knot averages (Greville points) of a knot vector
    #% Calling Sequence:
    #%   pts = aveknt (knt, p)
    #%   pts = aveknt (nrb)
    #%    INPUT:
    #%      knt - knot sequence
    #%      p   - spline order (degree + 1)
    #%      nrb - NURBS structure (see nrbmak)
    #%    OUTPUT:
    #%      pts - average knots. If the input is a NURBS, it gives a cell-array,
    #%        with the average knots in each direction
    #% See also:
    #% Copyright (C) 2016 Rafael Vazquez
    #%    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    #%    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    #%    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    #%    (at your option) any later version.
    #%    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    #%    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    #%    GNU General Public License for more details.
    #%    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    #%    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    if nargin == 1.:
        if isfield(varargin.cell[0], 'form'):
            nrb = varargin.cell[0]
            knt = nrb.knots
            order = nrb.order
                'The input should be a NURBS structure, or a knot vector and the order. See the help for details'

    elif nargin == 2.:
        knt = varargin.cell[0]
        order = varargin.cell[1]

            'The input should be a NURBS structure, or a knot vector and the order. See the help for details'

    onedim = false
    if not iscell(knt):
        knt = cellarray(np.hstack((knt)))
        onedim = true

    ndim = numel(knt)
    pts = cell(ndim, 1.)
    for idim in np.arange(1., (ndim) + 1):
        if numel(knt.cell[int(idim) - 1]) < order[int(idim) - 1] + 1.:
                'The knot vector must contain at least p+2 knots, with p the degree'

        knt_aux = matcompat.repmat(knt.cell[int(idim) - 1, 1:0 - 1.](), 1.,
                                   (order[int(idim) - 1] - 1.))
        knt_aux = np.array(
                       np.hstack((np.zeros((order[int(idim) - 1] - 1.),
        knt_aux = np.reshape(knt_aux, np.array([]),
                             (order[int(idim) - 1] - 1.))
        pts.cell[int(idim) - 1] = matdiv(np.sum(knt_aux.T, 1.),
                                         order[int(idim) - 1] - 1.)
        pts.cell[int(idim) - 1] = pts.cell[int(idim) - 1,
                                           0:0 - order[int(idim) - 1] + 1.]()

    if onedim:
        pts = pts.cell[0]

    #%! knt = [0 0 0 0.5 1 1 1];
    #%! pts = aveknt (knt, 3);
    #%! assert (pts - [0 1/4 3/4 1] < 1e-14)
    #%! knt = {[0 0 0 0.5 1 1 1] [0 0 0 0 1/3 2/3 1 1 1 1]};
    #%! pts = aveknt (knt, [3 4]);
    #%! assert (pts{1} - [0 1/4 3/4 1] < 1e-14);
    #%! assert (pts{2} - [0 1/9 1/3 2/3 8/9 1] < 1e-14);
    #%! nrb = nrb4surf([0 0], [1 0], [0 1], [1 1]);
    #%! nrb = nrbkntins (nrbdegelev (nrb, [1 2]), {[1/2] [1/3 2/3]});
    #%! pts = aveknt (nrb);
    #%! assert (pts{1} - [0 1/4 3/4 1] < 1e-14);
    #%! assert (pts{2} - [0 1/9 1/3 2/3 8/9 1] < 1e-14);
    return [pts]
def kntrefine(knots, n_sub, degree, regularity):

    # Local Variables: knots, old_mult, degree, insk, nz, varargout, regularity, aux_knots, n_sub, idim, new_knots, ik, min_mult, zeta, z, rknots, mult, deg
    # Function calls: repmat, max, sum, kntrefine, nargout, ones, linspace, numel, error, iscell, unique, vec
    if iscell(knots):
        if numel(n_sub) != numel(degree) or numel(n_sub) != numel(regularity) or numel(n_sub) != numel(knots):
            matcompat.error('kntrefine: n_sub, degree and regularity must have the same length as the number of knot vectors')
        aux_knots = knots
        if numel(n_sub) != numel(degree) or numel(n_sub) != numel(regularity) or numel(n_sub) != 1.:
            matcompat.error('kntrefine: n_sub, degree and regularity must have the same length as the number of knot vectors')
        aux_knots = cellarray(np.hstack((knots)))
    if nargout == 3.:
        for idim in np.arange(1., (numel(n_sub))+1):
            if degree[int(idim)-1]+1. != np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1,0]())):
                matcompat.error('kntrefine: new_knots is only computed when the degree is maintained')
        for idim in np.arange(1., (numel(n_sub))+1):
            min_mult = degree[int(idim)-1]-regularity[int(idim)-1]
            z = np.unique(aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1])
            nz = numel(z)
            deg = np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == z[0]))-1.
            rknots.cell[int(idim)-1] = z[int(np.ones(1., (degree[int(idim)-1]+1.)))-1]
            new_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.array([])
            for ik in np.arange(2., (nz)+1):
                insk = np.linspace(z[int((ik-1.))-1], z[int(ik)-1], (n_sub[int(idim)-1]+2.))
                insk = vec(matcompat.repmat(insk[1:0-1.], min_mult, 1.)).conj().T
                old_mult = np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == z[int(ik)-1]))
                mult = matcompat.max(min_mult, (degree[int(idim)-1]-deg+old_mult))
                rknots.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.array(np.hstack((rknots.cell[int(idim)-1], insk, z[int(, np.ones(1., mult)))-1])))
                new_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.array(np.hstack((new_knots.cell[int(idim)-1], insk, z[int(, np.ones(1., (mult-old_mult))))-1])))
            zeta.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.unique(rknots.cell[int(idim)-1])
        if not iscell(knots):
            rknots = rknots.cell[0]
            zeta = zeta.cell[0]
            new_knots = new_knots.cell[0]
        varargout.cell[0] = rknots
        varargout.cell[1] = zeta
        varargout.cell[2] = new_knots
        for idim in np.arange(1., (numel(n_sub))+1):
            min_mult = degree[int(idim)-1]-regularity[int(idim)-1]
            z = np.unique(aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1])
            nz = numel(z)
            deg = np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == z[0]))-1.
            rknots.cell[int(idim)-1] = z[int(np.ones(1., (degree[int(idim)-1]+1.)))-1]
            for ik in np.arange(2., (nz)+1):
                insk = np.linspace(z[int((ik-1.))-1], z[int(ik)-1], (n_sub[int(idim)-1]+2.))
                insk = vec(matcompat.repmat(insk[1:0-1.], min_mult, 1.)).conj().T
                old_mult = np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == z[int(ik)-1]))
                mult = matcompat.max(min_mult, (degree[int(idim)-1]-deg+old_mult))
                rknots.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.array(np.hstack((rknots.cell[int(idim)-1], insk, z[int(, np.ones(1., mult)))-1])))
            zeta.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.unique(rknots.cell[int(idim)-1])
        if not iscell(knots):
            rknots = rknots.cell[0]
            zeta = zeta.cell[0]
        varargout.cell[0] = rknots
        if nargout == 2.:
            varargout.cell[1] = zeta
    return [varargout]
def findspan(n, p, u, U):

    # Local Variables: j, n, p, s, u, U
    # Function calls: min, max, find, zeros, numel, error, findspan, size
    #% FINDSPAN  Find the span of a B-Spline knot vector at a parametric point
    #% Calling Sequence:
    #%   s = findspan(n,p,u,U)
    #%  INPUT:
    #%    n - number of control points - 1
    #%    p - spline degree
    #%    u - parametric point
    #%    U - knot sequence
    #%  OUTPUT:
    #%    s - knot span index
    #%  Modification of Algorithm A2.1 from 'The NURBS BOOK' pg68
    #%    Copyright (C) 2010 Rafael Vazquez
    #%    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    #%    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    #%    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    #%    (at your option) any later version.
    #%    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    #%    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    #%    GNU General Public License for more details.
    #%    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    #%    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    if matcompat.max(u.flatten(1)) > U[int(0) - 1] or matcompat.max(
            u.flatten(1)) < U[0]:
        matcompat.error('Some value is outside the knot span')

    s = np.zeros(matcompat.size(u))
    for j in np.arange(1., (numel(u)) + 1):
        if u[int(j) - 1] == U[int((n + 2.)) - 1]:
            s[int(j) - 1] = n

        s[int(j) - 1] = nonzero((u[int(j) - 1] >= U), 1., 'last') - 1.

    #%!  n = 3;
    #%!  U = [0 0 0 1/2 1 1 1];
    #%!  p = 2;
    #%!  u = linspace(0, 1, 10);
    #%!  s = findspan (n, p, u, U);
    #%!  assert (s, [2*ones(1, 5) 3*ones(1, 5)]);
    #%! p = 2; m = 7; n = m - p - 1;
    #%! U = [zeros(1,p)  linspace(0,1,m+1-2*p) ones(1,p)];
    #%! u = [ 0   0.11880   0.55118   0.93141   0.40068   0.35492 0.44392   0.88360   0.35414   0.92186   0.83085   1];
    #%! s = [2   2   3   4   3   3   3   4   3   4   4   4];
    #%! assert (findspan (n, p, u, U), s, 1e-10);
    return [s]
Beispiel #17
def stmcb(x, u_in, q, p, niter, a_in):

    # Local Variables: T_sub2, T_sub1, T_minus, C2, C1, a_in, N, u_in, T, a, niter, c, b, i, q, p, u, v, x, T_left, T_right, C1_minus
    # Function calls: convmtx, filter, prony, nargchk, stmcb, nargin, length, zeros, error, message, size
    #%STMCB Compute linear model via Steiglitz-McBride iteration
    #%   [B,A] = stmcb(H,NB,NA) finds the coefficients of the system
    #%   B(z)/A(z) with approximate impulse response H, NA poles and
    #%   NB zeros.
    #%   [B,A] = stmcb(H,NB,NA,N) uses N iterations.  N defaults to 5.
    #%   [B,A] = stmcb(H,NB,NA,N,Ai) uses the vector Ai as the initial
    #%   guess at the denominator coefficients.  If you don't specify Ai,
    #%   STMCB uses [B,Ai] = PRONY(H,0,NA) as the initial conditions.
    #%   [B,A] = STMCB(Y,X,NB,NA,N,Ai) finds the system coefficients B and
    #%   A of the system which, given X as input, has Y as output.  N and Ai
    #%   are again optional with default values of N = 5, [B,Ai] = PRONY(Y,0,NA).
    #%   Y and X must be the same length.
    #%   % Example:
    #%   %   Approximate the impulse response of a Butterworth filter with a
    #%   %   system of lower order.
    #%   [b,a] = butter(6,0.2);              % Butterworth filter design
    #%   h = filter(b,a,[1 zeros(1,100)]);   % Filter data using above filter
    #%   freqz(b,a,128)                      % Frequency response
    #%   [bb,aa] = stmcb(h,4,4);
    #%   figure; freqz(bb,aa,128)
    #%   See also PRONY, LEVINSON, LPC, ARYULE.
    #%   Author(s): Jim McClellan, 2-89
    #%   	       T. Krauss, 4-22-93, new help and options
    #%   Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2012/10/29 19:32:10 $
    matcompat.error(nargchk(3., 6., nargin, 'struct'))
    if length(u_in) == 1.:
        if nargin == 3.:
            niter = 5.
            p = q
            q = u_in
            a_in = prony(x, 0., p)
        elif nargin == 4.:
            niter = p
            p = q
            q = u_in
            a_in = prony(x, 0., p)

        elif nargin == 5.:
            a_in = niter
            niter = p
            p = q
            q = u_in

        u_in = np.zeros(matcompat.size(x))
        u_in[0] = 1.
        #% make a unit impulse whose length is same as x
        if length(u_in) != length(x):

        if nargin < 6.:
            [b, a_in] = prony(x, 0., p)

        if nargin < 5.:
            niter = 5.

    a = a_in
    N = length(x)
    for i in np.arange(1., (niter) + 1):
        u = filter(1., a, x)
        v = filter(1., a, u_in)
        C1 = convmtx(u.flatten(1), (p + 1.))
        C2 = convmtx(v.flatten(1), (q + 1.))
        C1_minus = -C1
        T_sub1 = C1_minus[0:N, :]
        T_sub2 = C2[0:N, :]
        T = np.array(np.hstack((T_sub1, T_sub2)))
        #%T = [ C1_minus(1:N,:) C2(1:N,:) ];
        T_minus = -T
        T_left = T[:, 1:p + q + 2.]
        T_right = T_minus[:, 0]
        c = linalg.solve(T_left, T_right)
        #%    c = T(:,2:p+q+2)\(T_minus(:,1));   % move 1st column to RHS and do least-squares
        a = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((1.)), np.hstack((c[0:p])))))
        #% denominator coefficients
        b = c[int(p + 1.) - 1:p + q + 1.]
        #% numerator coefficients

    a = a.T
    b = b.T
    return [b, a]
Beispiel #18
def arburg(x, p):

    # Local Variables: a, E, efp, k, ef, m, varargout, N, p, num, ebp, den, x, eb
    # Function calls: arburg, validateattributes, nargchk, flipud, nargout, issparse, nargin, length, zeros, numel, error, message, conj
    #%ARBURG   AR parameter estimation via Burg method.
    #%   A = ARBURG(X,ORDER) returns the polynomial A corresponding to the AR
    #%   parametric signal model estimate of vector X using Burg's method.
    #%   ORDER is the model order of the AR system.
    #%   [A,E] = ARBURG(...) returns the final prediction error E (the variance
    #%   estimate of the white noise input to the AR model).
    #%   [A,E,K] = ARBURG(...) returns the vector K of reflection 
    #%   coefficients (parcor coefficients).
    #%   % Example:
    #%   %   Estimate input noise variance for AR(4) model.
    #%   A=[1 -2.7607 3.8106 -2.6535 0.9238]; 
    #%   % Generate noise standard deviations
    #%   % Seed random number generator for reproducible results
    #%   rng default;
    #%   noise_stdz=rand(50,1)+0.5;
    #%   for j=1:50
    #%       y=filter(1,A,noise_stdz(j)*randn(1024,1));
    #%       [ar_coeffs,NoiseVariance(j)]=arburg(y,4);
    #%   end
    #%   %Compare actual vs. estimated variances
    #%   plot(noise_stdz.^2,NoiseVariance,'k*');
    #%   xlabel('Input Noise Variance');
    #%   ylabel('Estimated Noise Variance');
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1988, Chapter 7
    #%        S. Orfanidis, OPTIMUM SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2nd Ed.
    #%              Macmillan, 1988, Chapter 5
    #%   Author(s): D. Orofino and R. Losada
    #%   Copyright 1988-2009 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2012/10/29 19:30:37 $
    matcompat.error(nargchk(2., 2., nargin, 'struct'))
    #% Check the input data type. Single precision is not supported.
    #%    chkinputdatatype(x,p);
    #%catch ME
    #%    throwAsCaller(ME);
    validateattributes(x, cellarray(np.hstack(('numeric'))), cellarray(np.hstack(('nonempty', 'finite', 'vector'))), 'arburg', 'X')
    validateattributes(p, cellarray(np.hstack(('numeric'))), cellarray(np.hstack(('positive', 'integer', 'scalar'))), 'arburg', 'ORDER')
    if issparse(x):
    if numel(x)<p+1.:
        matcompat.error(message('signal:arburg:InvalidDimension', (p+1.)))
    x = x.flatten(1)
    N = length(x)
    #% Initialization
    ef = x
    eb = x
    a = 1.
    #% Initial error
    E =, x)/N
    #% Preallocate 'k' for speed.
    k = np.zeros(1., p)
    for m in np.arange(1., (p)+1):
        #% Calculate the next order reflection (parcor) coefficient
    a = a.flatten(0)
    #% By convention all polynomials are row vectors
    varargout.cell[0] = a
    if nargout >= 2.:
        varargout.cell[1] = E[int(0)-1]
    if nargout >= 3.:
        varargout.cell[2] = k.flatten(1)
    return [varargout]
Beispiel #19
def bspinterpcrv(Q, p, method):

    # Local Variables: A, ii, crv, d, n, Q, p, u, pnts, jj, x, y, span, z, knts, method
    # Function calls: basisfun, nrbmak, cumsum, sum, error, sqrt, nargin, ones, isempty, linspace, zeros, diff, size, bspinterpcrv, findspan, strcmpi
    #% BSPINTERPCRV: B-Spline interpolation of a 3d curve.
    #% Calling Sequence:
    #%   crv = bspinterpcrv (Q, p);
    #%   crv = bspinterpcrv (Q, p, method);
    #%   [crv, u] = bspinterpcrv (Q, p);
    #%   [crv, u] = bspinterpcrv (Q, p, method);
    #%    INPUT:
    #%      Q      - points to be interpolated in the form [x_coord; y_coord; z_coord].
    #%      p      - degree of the interpolating curve.
    #%      method - parametrization method. The available choices are:
    #%               'equally_spaced'
    #%               'chord_length'
    #%               'centripetal' (Default)
    #%    OUTPUT:
    #%      crv - the B-Spline curve.
    #%      u   - the parametric points corresponding to the interpolation ones.
    #%    See The NURBS book pag. 364 for more information.
    #% Copyright (C) 2015 Jacopo Corno
    #%    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    #%    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    #%    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    #%    (at your option) any later version.
    #%    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    #%    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    #%    GNU General Public License for more details.
    #%    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    #%    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    if nargin<3. or isempty(method):
        method = 'centripetal'
    n = matcompat.size(Q, 2.)
    if strcmpi(method, 'equally_spaced'):
        u = np.linspace(0., 1., n)
    elif strcmpi(method, 'chord_length'):
        d = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.diff(Q.conj().T).conj().T**2.), 1.)))
        u = np.zeros(1., n)
        u[1:n] = matdiv(np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.diff(Q, np.array([]), 2.)**2.), 1.))), d)
        #%    for ii = 2:n-1
        #%      u(ii) = u(ii-1) + norm (Q(:,ii) - Q(:,ii-1)) / d;
        #%    end
        u[int(0)-1] = 1.
    elif strcmpi(method, 'centripetal'):
        d = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.diff(Q.conj().T).conj().T**2.), 1.))))
        u = np.zeros(1., n)
        u[1:n] = matdiv(np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.diff(Q, np.array([]), 2.)**2.), 1.)))), d)
        #%    for ii = 2:n-1
        #%      u(ii) = u(ii-1) + sqrt (norm (Q(:,ii) - Q(:,ii-1))) / d;
        #%    end
        u[int(0)-1] = 1.
        matcompat.error('BSPINTERPCRV: unrecognized parametrization method.')
    knts = np.zeros(1., (n+p+1.))
    for jj in np.arange(2., (n-p)+1):
        knts[int((jj+p))-1] =, np.sum(u[int(jj)-1:jj+p-1.]))
    knts[int(0-p)-1:] = np.ones(1., (p+1.))
    A = np.zeros(n, n)
    A[0,0] = 1.
    A[int(n)-1,int(n)-1] = 1.
    for ii in np.arange(2., (n-1.)+1):
        span = findspan(n, p, u[int(ii)-1], knts)
        A[int(ii)-1,int(span-p+1.)-1:span+1.] = basisfun(span, u[int(ii)-1], p, knts)
    x = linalg.solve(A, Q[0,:].conj().T)
    y = linalg.solve(A, Q[1,:].conj().T)
    z = linalg.solve(A, Q[2,:].conj().T)
    pnts = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((x.conj().T)), np.hstack((y.conj().T)), np.hstack((z.conj().T)), np.hstack((np.ones(matcompat.size(x.conj().T)))))))
    crv = nrbmak(pnts, knts)
    #%! Q = [1 0 -1 -1 -2 -3;
    #%!      0 1  0 -1 -1 0;
    #%!      0 0  0  0  0 0];
    #%! p = 2;
    #%! crv = bspinterpcrv (Q, p);
    #%! plot (Q(1,:), Q(2,:), 'xk');
    #%! hold on; grid on;
    #%! nrbkntplot (crv);
    return [crv, u]
def stmcb(x, u_in, q, p, niter, a_in):

    # Local Variables: T_sub2, T_sub1, T_minus, C2, C1, a_in, N, u_in, T, a, niter, c, b, i, q, p, u, v, x, T_left, T_right, C1_minus
    # Function calls: convmtx, filter, prony, nargchk, stmcb, nargin, length, zeros, error, message, size
    #%STMCB Compute linear model via Steiglitz-McBride iteration
    #%   [B,A] = stmcb(H,NB,NA) finds the coefficients of the system 
    #%   B(z)/A(z) with approximate impulse response H, NA poles and 
    #%   NB zeros.
    #%   [B,A] = stmcb(H,NB,NA,N) uses N iterations.  N defaults to 5.
    #%   [B,A] = stmcb(H,NB,NA,N,Ai) uses the vector Ai as the initial 
    #%   guess at the denominator coefficients.  If you don't specify Ai, 
    #%   STMCB uses [B,Ai] = PRONY(H,0,NA) as the initial conditions.
    #%   [B,A] = STMCB(Y,X,NB,NA,N,Ai) finds the system coefficients B and 
    #%   A of the system which, given X as input, has Y as output.  N and Ai
    #%   are again optional with default values of N = 5, [B,Ai] = PRONY(Y,0,NA).
    #%   Y and X must be the same length.
    #%   % Example:
    #%   %   Approximate the impulse response of a Butterworth filter with a 
    #%   %   system of lower order.
    #%   [b,a] = butter(6,0.2);              % Butterworth filter design
    #%   h = filter(b,a,[1 zeros(1,100)]);   % Filter data using above filter
    #%   freqz(b,a,128)                      % Frequency response 
    #%   [bb,aa] = stmcb(h,4,4);                  
    #%   figure; freqz(bb,aa,128)
    #%   See also PRONY, LEVINSON, LPC, ARYULE.
    #%   Author(s): Jim McClellan, 2-89
    #%   	       T. Krauss, 4-22-93, new help and options
    #%   Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2012/10/29 19:32:10 $
    matcompat.error(nargchk(3., 6., nargin, 'struct'))
    if length(u_in) == 1.:
        if nargin == 3.:
            niter = 5.
            p = q
            q = u_in
            a_in = prony(x, 0., p)
        elif nargin == 4.:
            niter = p
            p = q
            q = u_in
            a_in = prony(x, 0., p)
        elif nargin == 5.:
            a_in = niter
            niter = p
            p = q
            q = u_in
        u_in = np.zeros(matcompat.size(x))
        u_in[0] = 1.
        #% make a unit impulse whose length is same as x
        if length(u_in) != length(x):
        if nargin<6.:
            [b, a_in] = prony(x, 0., p)
        if nargin<5.:
            niter = 5.
    a = a_in
    N = length(x)
    for i in np.arange(1., (niter)+1):
        u = filter(1., a, x)
        v = filter(1., a, u_in)
        C1 = convmtx(u.flatten(1), (p+1.))
        C2 = convmtx(v.flatten(1), (q+1.))
        C1_minus = -C1
        T_sub1 = C1_minus[0:N,:]
        T_sub2 = C2[0:N,:]
        T = np.array(np.hstack((T_sub1, T_sub2)))
        #%T = [ C1_minus(1:N,:) C2(1:N,:) ];
        T_minus = -T
        T_left = T[:,1:p+q+2.]
        T_right = T_minus[:,0]
        c = linalg.solve(T_left, T_right)
        #%    c = T(:,2:p+q+2)\(T_minus(:,1));   % move 1st column to RHS and do least-squares
        a = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((1.)), np.hstack((c[0:p])))))
        #% denominator coefficients
        b = c[int(p+1.)-1:p+q+1.]
        #% numerator coefficients
    a = a.T
    b = b.T
    return [b, a]
Beispiel #21
def arparest(x, p, method):

    # Local Variables: a, msgobj, XM, Xc, a_left, a_right, minlength_x, mx, nx, p, x, msg, e, Xc_minus, X1, method, Cz
    # Function calls: real, corrmtx, nargchk, getString, min, strcmp, issparse, nargin, length, abs, isempty, error, arparest, message, round, size
    #%ARPAREST   AR parameter estimation via a specified method.
    #%   A = ARPAREST(X,ORDER,METHOD) returns the polynomial A corresponding to 
    #%   the AR parametric signal model estimate of vector X using the specified
    #%   METHOD.  ORDER is the model order of the AR system.
    #%   Supported methods are: 'covariance' and 'modified' although all of the
    #%   methods of CORRMTX will work. In particular if 'autocorrelation' is
    #%   used, the results should be the same as those of ARYULE (but slower).
    #%   [A,E] = ARPAREST(...) returns the variance estimate E of the white noise
    #%   input to the AR model.
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1988, Chapter 7
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1987, Chapter 8.
    #%        P. Stoica and R. Moses, INTRODUCTION TO SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,
    #%              Prentice-Hall, 1997, Chapter 3
    #%   Author(s): R. Losada and P. Pacheco
    #%   Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2011/05/13 18:13:56 $
    matcompat.error(nargchk(3., 3., nargin, 'struct'))
    [mx, nx] = matcompat.size(x)
    #% Initialize in case we return early
    a = np.array([])
    e = np.array([])
    #% Assign msg in case there are no errors
    msg = \'
    msgobj = np.array([])
    #% Set up necessary but not sufficient conditions for the correlation
    #% matrix to be nonsingular. From (Marple)
    if False: # switch 
    elif _switch_val == 'covariance':
        minlength_x = 2.*p
    elif _switch_val == 'modified':
        minlength_x = 3.*p/2.
        msgobj = message('signal:arparest:UnknMethod')
        msg = getString(msgobj)
        return []
    #% Do some data sanity testing
    if isempty(x) or length(x)<minlength_x or matcompat.max(mx, nx) > 1.:
        if strcmp(method, 'modified'):
            msgobj = message('signal:arparest:TooSmallForModel', 'X', '3/2')
            msg = getString(msgobj)
            msgobj = message('signal:arparest:TooSmallForModel', 'X', '2')
            msg = getString(msgobj)
        return []
    if issparse(x):
        msgobj = message('signal:arparest:InputSignalCannotBeSparse')
        msg = getString(msgobj)
        return []
    if isempty(p) or p != np.round(p):
        msgobj = message('signal:arparest:ModelOrderMustBeInteger')
        msg = getString(msgobj)
        return []
    x = x.flatten(1)
    #% Generate the appropriate data matrix
    XM = corrmtx(x, p, method)
    Xc = XM[:,1:]
    X1 = XM[:,0]
    #% Coefficients estimated via the covariance method
    a_left = np.array(np.hstack((1.)))
    Xc_minus = -Xc
    a_right = linalg.solve(Xc_minus, X1)
    a = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((a_left)), np.hstack((a_right)))))
    #%a = [1; -Xc\X1];
    #% Estimate the input white noise variance
    Cz =, Xc)
    e =, X1), a[1:])
    #% Ignore the possible imaginary part due to numerical errors and force
    #% the variance estimate of the white noise to be positive
    e = np.abs(np.real(e))
    a = a.flatten(0)
    #% By convention all polynomials are row vectors
    #% [EOF] arparest.m
    return [a, e, msg, msgobj]
    # Local Variables: knots, mults, breaks, reg, degree
    # Function calls: do_kntbrkdegreg, kntbrkdegmult, warning, numel, error, any
    if numel(breaks)<2.:
        matcompat.error('kntbrkdegreg: the knots sequence should contain at least two points')
    if numel(reg) == 1.:
        elif numel(reg) == numel(breaks):
            mults = degree-reg
    elif numel(reg) == numel(breaks)-2.:
        mults = np.array(np.hstack((-1., degree-reg, -1.)))
        matcompat.error('kntbrkdegreg: the length of mult should be equal to one or the number of knots')
    if np.any((reg<-1.)):
        matcompat.warning('kntbrkdegreg: for some knots the regularity is lower than -1')
    elif np.any((reg > degree-1.)):
        matcompat.error('kntbrkdegreg: the regularity should be lower than the degree')
    knots = kntbrkdegmult(breaks, degree, mults)
    #%! breaks = [0 1 2 3 4];
    #%! degree = 3;
    #%! knots = kntbrkdegreg (breaks, degree);
    #%! assert (knots, [0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4])
def InterpolateCrossCorrelation(FirstSignal, SecondSignal, Delays, SamplingPeriod, MaxDelay):

    # Local Variables: SecondPolynomialCoefficients, FirstPolynomialCoefficients, MaxDelay, SecondSignal, MaxLag, PCCC, Delays, Curvature, SamplingPeriod, CrossCorrelation, FirstSignal, Derivative, dd
    # Function calls: disp, PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation, numel, PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients, ceil, nargin, zeros, InterpolateCrossCorrelation, error, size
    #%InterpolatieCrossCorrelation interpolates the cross-correlation function 
    #%of two discrete signals
    #% USAGE: [CrossCorrelation Derivative Curvature] = 
    #%   InterpolateCrossCorrelation(FirstSignal,SecondSignal,Delays,SamplingPeriod)
    #%   FirstSignal ~ values of the first signal
    #%   SecondSignal ~ values of the second signal
    #%   Delays ~ delays in which we want to evaluate the cross-correlation function
    #%   SamplingPeriod ~ sampling period of the signals
    #%   CrossCorrelation ~ values of the cross-correlation function at delays
    #%   Derivatives ~ values of its derivative at delays
    #%   Curvature ~ values of its second derivative at delays
    #%   This function interpolates the cross-correlation function at times Delays
    #%   of the signals FirstSignal and SecondSignal (sampled at SamplingPeriod). 
    #%   It does that assuming some polynomial interpolation at each time interval.
    #%   This function will then compute:
    #%   1) The sequence of coefficients of each polynomial interpolation.
    #%   2) The cross-correlation of these sequences of coefficients.
    #%   3) The interpolation of the cross-correlation function at each of the Delays.
    #%     X. Alameda-Pineda and R. Horaud. Geometrically-constrained time delay
    #%     estimation-based sound source localisation (gTDESSL). Research Report 
    #%     RR-7988, INRIA, June 2012.
    #%   see also PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients, PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation and performCCInterpolation
    #% Copyright 2012, Xavier Alameda-Pineda
    #% INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes
    #% E-mail: [email protected]
    #% This is part of the gtde program.
    #% gtde is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    #% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    #% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    #% (at your option) any later version.
    #% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    #% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    #% GNU General Public License for more details.
    #% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    #% along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    #%%% Input check
    if nargin<4.:
        matcompat.error('Usage: [CrossCorrelation Derivative] = Interpolation(FirstSignal,SecondSignal,Delays,SamplingPeriod[,MaxDelay]')
    #%%% Compute the interpolation polynomial coefficients of the signals
    [FirstPolynomialCoefficients] = PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients(FirstSignal, SamplingPeriod)
    [SecondPolynomialCoefficients] = PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients(SecondSignal, SamplingPeriod)
    #%%% Compute the cross-correlation of the coefficients
    if nargin<5.:
        [PCCC] = PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation(FirstPolynomialCoefficients, SecondPolynomialCoefficients)
        MaxLag = np.ceil(matdiv(MaxDelay, SamplingPeriod))
        [PCCC] = PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation(FirstPolynomialCoefficients, SecondPolynomialCoefficients, MaxLag)
    #%%% Interpolate the cross-correlation at "Delays"
    CrossCorrelation = np.zeros(matcompat.size(Delays))
    Derivative = np.zeros(matcompat.size(Delays))
    Curvature = np.zeros(matcompat.size(Delays))
    for dd in np.arange(1., (numel(Delays))+1):
        if dd == 2651.:
    return [CrossCorrelation, Derivative, Curvature]
def invfreqz(g, w, varargin):

    # Local Variables: realFlag, cg, realStr, D31, gndir, t1, cw, rw, nm, na, nb, Vcap, V1, rg, pf, tol, maxiter, varargin, cwf, wf, ll, D, rwf, D32, Dva, Dvb, gaussFlag, verb, GC, T, e, th, nk, a, OM, b, Vd, g, k, l, st, indg, R, t, w, indb, D3
    # Function calls: disp, polystab, deal, ischar, int2str, all, warning, home, message, size, getString, sqrt, clc, zeros, invfreqz, norm, real, nargchk, max, nargin, ones, isempty, lower, length, num2str, exp, error, strcmp
    #%INVFREQZ  Discrete filter least squares fit to frequency response data.
    #%   [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA) gives real numerator and denominator 
    #%   coefficients B and A of orders NB and NA respectively, where
    #%   H is the desired complex frequency response of the system at frequency
    #%   points W, and W contains the normalized frequency values within the 
    #%   interval [0, Pi] (W is in units of radians/sample).
    #%   INVFREQZ yields a filter with real coefficients.  This means that it is 
    #%   sufficient to specify positive frequencies only; the filter fits the data 
    #%   conj(H) at -W, ensuring the proper frequency domain symmetry for a real 
    #%   filter.
    #%   [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA,Wt) allows the fit-errors to be weighted
    #%   versus frequency.  LENGTH(Wt)=LENGTH(W)=LENGTH(H).
    #%   Determined by minimization of sum |B-H*A|^2*Wt over the freqs in W.
    #%   [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA,Wt,ITER) does another type of fit:
    #%   Sum |B/A-H|^2*Wt is minimized with respect to the coefficients in B and
    #%   A by numerical search in at most ITER iterations.  The A-polynomial is 
    #%   then constrained to be stable.  [B,A]=INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA,Wt,ITER,TOL)
    #%   stops the iterations when the norm of the gradient is less than TOL.
    #%   The default value of TOL is 0.01.  The default value of Wt is all ones.
    #%   This default value is also obtained by Wt=[].
    #%   [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA,Wt,ITER,TOL,'trace') provides a textual
    #%   progress report of the iteration.
    #%   [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,'complex',NB,NA,...) creates a complex filter.  In 
    #%   this case, no symmetry is enforced and W contains normalized frequency
    #%   values within the interval [-Pi, Pi].
    #%   % Example:
    #%   %   Convert a simple transfer function to frequency response data and 
    #%   %   then back to the original filter coefficients. If the system is
    #%   %   unstable, use invfreqs's iterative algorithm to find a stable 
    #%   %   approximation to the system.
    #%   b = [1 2 3 2 3];            % Numerator coefficients
    #%   a = [1 2 3 2 1 4];          % Denominator coefficients
    #%   [h,w] = freqz(b,a,64);
    #%   [bb,aa] = invfreqz(h,w,4,5) % aa has poles in the right half-plane.
    #%   [z,p,k] = tf2zp(bb,aa);     % Get Zero-Pole form
    #%   fprintf('Stable Approximation to the system:')
    #%   [bbb,aaa] = invfreqz(h,w,4,5,[],30) % Stable approximation to system
    #%   subplot(2,1,1); zplane(bb,aa); title('PZ plot - Unstable system')
    #%   subplot(2,1,2); zplane(bbb,aaa); title('PZ plot of stable system')
    #%   See also FREQZ, FREQS, INVFREQS.
    #%   Author(s): J.O. Smith and J.N. Little, 4-23-86
    #%              J.N. Little, 4-27-88, revised 
    #%              Lennart Ljung, 9-21-92, rewritten
    #%              T. Krauss, 99-92, trace mode made optional
    #%   Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2012/10/29 19:31:23 $
    #% calling sequence is
    #%function [b,a]=invfreqz(g,w,nb,na,wf,maxiter,tol,pf)
    #% OR
    #%function [b,a]=invfreqz(g,w,'complex',nb,na,wf,maxiter,tol,pf)
    matcompat.error(nargchk(4., 9., nargin, 'struct'))
    if ischar(varargin.cell[0]):
        realStr = lower(varargin.cell[0])
        varargin[0] = np.array([])
        realStr = 'real'
    gaussFlag = length(varargin) > 3.
    #% run Gauss-Newton algorithm or not?
    if length(varargin)<6.:
        varargin.cell[5] = np.array([])
        #% pad varargin with []'s
    [nb, na, wf, maxiter, tol, pf] = deal(varargin.cell[:])
    if False: # switch 
    elif _switch_val == 'real':
        realFlag = 1.
    elif _switch_val == 'complex':
        realFlag = 0.
        matcompat.warning(message('signal:invfreqz:InvalidParam', realStr))
        realFlag = 0.
    nk = 0.
    T = 1.
    #% The code is prepared for arbitrary sampling interval T and for
    #% constraining the numerator to begin with nk zeros.
    nb = nb+nk+1.
    if isempty(pf):
        verb = 0.
    elif strcmp(pf, 'trace'):
        verb = 1.
        matcompat.error(message('signal:invfreqz:NotSupported', pf))
    if isempty(wf):
        wf = np.ones(length(w), 1.)
    wf = np.sqrt(wf)
    if length(g) != length(w):
        matcompat.error(message('signal:invfreqz:InvalidDimensions', 'H', 'W'))
    if length(wf) != length(w):
        matcompat.error(message('signal:invfreqz:InvalidDimensions', 'Wt', 'W'))
    #% if any( (w>pi) | (w<0) ) && realFlag 
    #%    warning(message('signal:invfreqz:InvalidRegion', 'W', 'INVFREQZ', '''complex''')) 
    #% end
    [rw, cw] = matcompat.size(w)
    if rw > cw:
        w = w.conj().T
    [rg, cg] = matcompat.size(g)
    if cg > rg:
        g = g.T
    [rwf, cwf] = matcompat.size(wf)
    if cwf > rwf:
        wf = wf.conj().T
    nm = matcompat.max(na, (nb+nk-1.))
    OM = np.exp(, np.arange(0., (nm)+1).conj().T), w), T))
    #% Estimation in the least squares case:
    Dva = OM[1:na+1.,:].T*, np.ones(1., na))
    Dvb = -OM[int(nk+1.)-1:nk+nb,:].T
    D = np.array(np.hstack((Dva, Dvb)))*, np.ones(1., (na+nb)))
    if realFlag:
        R = np.real(, D))
        Vd = np.real(, -g*wf))
        R =, D)
        Vd =, -g*wf)
    th = linalg.solve(R, Vd)
    a = np.array(np.hstack((1., th[0:na].T)))
    b = np.array(np.hstack((np.zeros(1., nk), th[int(na+1.)-1:na+nb].T)))
    if not gaussFlag:
        return []
    #% Now for the iterative minimization
    if isempty(maxiter):
        maxiter = 30.
    if isempty(tol):
        tol = 0.01
    indb = np.arange(1., (length(b))+1)
    indg = np.arange(1., (length(a))+1)
    a = polystab(a)
    #% Stabilizing the denominator
    #% The initial estimate:
    GC = (, OM[int(indb)-1,:])/, OM[int(indg)-1,:])).T
    e = (GC-g)*wf
    Vcap =, e)
    t = np.array(np.hstack((a[1:na+1.], b[int(nk+1.)-1:nk+nb]))).T
    if verb:
        #%messages similar to invfreqs
    np.disp(np.array(np.hstack(('  ', getString(message('signal:invfreqs:INITIALESTIMATE'))))))
    np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((getString(message('signal:invfreqs:CurrentFit')), num2str(Vcap)))))
    #% ** the minimization loop **
    gndir = 2.*tol+1.
    l = 0.
    st = 0.
    while np.all(np.array(np.hstack((linalg.norm(gndir) > tol, l<maxiter, st != 1.)))):
        l = l+1.
        #%     * compute gradient *
        D31 = OM[1:na+1.,:].T*, OM[0:na+1.,:]).T, np.ones(1., na))
        D32 = OM[int(nk+1.)-1:nk+nb,:].T/, OM[0:na+1.,:]).T, np.ones(1., nb))
        D3 = np.array(np.hstack((D31, D32)))*, np.ones(1., (na+nb)))
        #%     * compute Gauss-Newton search direction *
        e = (GC-g)*wf
        if realFlag:
            R = np.real(, D3))
            Vd = np.real(, e))
            R =, D3)
            Vd =, e)
        gndir = linalg.solve(R, Vd)
        #%     * search along the gndir-direction *
        ll = 0.
        k = 1.
        V1 = Vcap+1.
        while np.all(np.array(np.hstack((V1, ll<20.)))):
            t1 =, gndir)
            if ll == 19.:
                t1 = t
            a = polystab(np.array(np.hstack((1., t1[0:na].T))))
            t1[0:na] = a[1:na+1.].T
            #%Stabilizing denominator
            b = np.array(np.hstack((np.zeros(1., nk), t1[int(na+1.)-1:na+nb].T)))
            GC = (, OM[int(indb)-1,:])/, OM[int(indg)-1,:])).T
            V1 =*wf).conj().T, (GC-g)*wf)
            t1 = np.array(np.hstack((a[1:na+1.], b[int(nk+1.)-1:nk+nb]))).T
            if verb:
            k = k/2.
            ll = ll+1.
            if ll == 20.:
                st = 1.
            if ll == 10.:
                gndir =, linalg.norm(R)), length(R))
                k = 1.
        if verb:
            np.disp(np.array(np.hstack(('      ', getString(message('signal:invfreqs:ITERATION')), int2str(l)))))
            np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((getString(message('signal:invfreqs:CurrentFit')), num2str(V1), getString(message('signal:invfreqs:PreviousFit')), num2str(Vcap)))))
            np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((t1, t, gndir))))
            np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((getString(message('signal:invfreqs:NormOfGNvector')), num2str(linalg.norm(gndir))))))
            if st == 1.:
        t = t1
        Vcap = V1
    return [b, a]