def labelmap(bmap, mask, opts):

    # Local Variables: nearest, dist, thetaBin, V, locs, ind, Theta, nOrients, bmap, Dx, Dy, theta, nDists, gtWidth, C, labels, nLabels, I, J, step, R, U, T, dx, dy, Nearest, Dist, h, k, Labels, mask, edges, w, opts
    # Function calls: binangles360, angleimage, cosd, distBin, all, double, cross, sign, labelmap, meshgrid, ind2sub, bwdist, sind, repmat, find, size
    #% [Labels,Dist,Theta] = labelmap( bmap, mask, opts )
    #% It is assumed that bmap was already cleaned (cleanbmap.m)
    gtWidth = opts.gtWidth
    nOrients = opts.nOrients
    nDists = opts.nDists
    nLabels =, nDists)
    #% calculate distances and angles
    [h, w] = matcompat.size(bmap)
    [Dist, Nearest] = bwdist(bmap)
    Nearest = np.double(Nearest)
    Theta = angleimage(bmap, (opts.angleRad))
    [R, C] = ind2sub(np.array(np.hstack((h, w))), Nearest)
    [J, I] = matcompat.meshgrid(np.arange(1., (w)+1), np.arange(1., (h)+1))
    Dx = C-J
    Dy = -(R-I)
    #% focus on locations indicated by mask
    locs = nonzero(mask)
    dx = Dx[int(locs)-1]
    dy = Dy[int(locs)-1]
    nearest = Nearest[int(locs)-1]
    theta = Theta[int(nearest)-1]
    thetaBin = binangles360(theta, (nOrients*2.))
    T = np.array(np.hstack((sind(theta), cosd(theta), 0.*theta)))
    V = np.array(np.hstack((dy, dx, 0.*dx)))
    U = np.cross(T, V)
    dist = Dist[int(locs)-1]*np.sign((-U[:,2]))
    #% standardize
    ind = thetaBin > nOrients
    dist[int(ind)-1] = -dist[int(ind)-1]
    thetaBin[int(ind)-1] = thetaBin[int(ind)-1]-nOrients
    #% bin distance
    k = (nDists-1.)/2.
    step = matdiv(gtWidth-2., nDists-1.)
    edges = np.array(np.hstack((, np.array(np.hstack((np.arange(1., (k)+1)))))-step/2., gtWidth/2.)))
    labels =, nDists)+distBin.conj().T
    #% IMPORTANT assertion that has caught MANY bugs
    #% write result images
    Labels = matcompat.repmat((nLabels+1.), np.array(np.hstack((h, w))))
    Dist = Labels
    Theta = Labels
    Labels[int(locs)-1] = labels
    Dist[int(locs)-1] = distBin
    Theta[int(locs)-1] = thetaBin
    return [Labels, Dist, Theta]
Beispiel #2
def myfun(beta, X):

    # Local Variables: D, F, J, N, beta, X
    # Function calls: myfun, double, nargout, exp, repmat, size
    #% size( beta )   = [D 1] 
    #% size(  X   )   = [N D]
    #% size( X*beta ) = [N 1]
    [N, D] = matcompat.size(X)
    F = 1.-np.exp(, beta))
    F = np.double(F)
    if nargout > 1.:
        J = matcompat.repmat((1.-F), np.array(np.hstack((1., D))))*X
        J = np.double(J)
    return [F, J]
Beispiel #3
    #% current pattern generator
    xCollector = np.zeros(Netsize, learnLength)
    xOldCollector = np.zeros(Netsize, learnLength)
    pCollector = np.zeros(1., learnLength)
    x = np.zeros(Netsize, 1.)
    for n in np.arange(1., (washoutLength + learnLength) + 1):
        u = patt[int(n) - 1]
        #% pattern input
        xOld = x
        x = np.tanh((, x) +, u) + Wbias))
        if n > washoutLength:
            xCollector[:, int((n - washoutLength)) - 1] = x
            xOldCollector[:, int((n - washoutLength)) - 1] = xOld
            pCollector[0, int((n - washoutLength)) - 1] = u

    xCollectorCentered = xCollector - matcompat.repmat(np.mean(xCollector, 2.),
                                                       1., learnLength)
    xCollectorsCentered.cell[0, int(p) - 1] = xCollectorCentered
    xCollectors.cell[0, int(p) - 1] = xCollector
    R = matdiv(, xCollector.conj().T), learnLength)
    [Ux, Sx, Vx] = plt.svd(R)
    SRCollectors.cell[0, int(p) - 1] = Sx
    URCollectors.cell[0, int(p) - 1] = Ux
    patternRs.cell[int(p) - 1] = R
    startXs[:, int(p) - 1] = x
    train_xPL.cell[0, int(p) - 1] = xCollector[0:5., 0:signalPlotLength]
    train_pPL.cell[0, int(p) - 1] = pCollector[0, 0:signalPlotLength]
    patternCollectors.cell[0, int(p) - 1] = pCollector
                 int( - 1., learnLength) + 1.) -
       , learnLength)] = xCollector
def kntrefine(knots, n_sub, degree, regularity):

    # Local Variables: knots, old_mult, degree, insk, nz, varargout, regularity, aux_knots, n_sub, idim, new_knots, ik, min_mult, zeta, z, rknots, mult, deg
    # Function calls: repmat, max, sum, kntrefine, nargout, ones, linspace, numel, error, iscell, unique, vec
    if iscell(knots):
        if numel(n_sub) != numel(degree) or numel(n_sub) != numel(regularity) or numel(n_sub) != numel(knots):
            matcompat.error('kntrefine: n_sub, degree and regularity must have the same length as the number of knot vectors')
        aux_knots = knots
        if numel(n_sub) != numel(degree) or numel(n_sub) != numel(regularity) or numel(n_sub) != 1.:
            matcompat.error('kntrefine: n_sub, degree and regularity must have the same length as the number of knot vectors')
        aux_knots = cellarray(np.hstack((knots)))
    if nargout == 3.:
        for idim in np.arange(1., (numel(n_sub))+1):
            if degree[int(idim)-1]+1. != np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1,0]())):
                matcompat.error('kntrefine: new_knots is only computed when the degree is maintained')
        for idim in np.arange(1., (numel(n_sub))+1):
            min_mult = degree[int(idim)-1]-regularity[int(idim)-1]
            z = np.unique(aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1])
            nz = numel(z)
            deg = np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == z[0]))-1.
            rknots.cell[int(idim)-1] = z[int(np.ones(1., (degree[int(idim)-1]+1.)))-1]
            new_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.array([])
            for ik in np.arange(2., (nz)+1):
                insk = np.linspace(z[int((ik-1.))-1], z[int(ik)-1], (n_sub[int(idim)-1]+2.))
                insk = vec(matcompat.repmat(insk[1:0-1.], min_mult, 1.)).conj().T
                old_mult = np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == z[int(ik)-1]))
                mult = matcompat.max(min_mult, (degree[int(idim)-1]-deg+old_mult))
                rknots.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.array(np.hstack((rknots.cell[int(idim)-1], insk, z[int(, np.ones(1., mult)))-1])))
                new_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.array(np.hstack((new_knots.cell[int(idim)-1], insk, z[int(, np.ones(1., (mult-old_mult))))-1])))
            zeta.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.unique(rknots.cell[int(idim)-1])
        if not iscell(knots):
            rknots = rknots.cell[0]
            zeta = zeta.cell[0]
            new_knots = new_knots.cell[0]
        varargout.cell[0] = rknots
        varargout.cell[1] = zeta
        varargout.cell[2] = new_knots
        for idim in np.arange(1., (numel(n_sub))+1):
            min_mult = degree[int(idim)-1]-regularity[int(idim)-1]
            z = np.unique(aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1])
            nz = numel(z)
            deg = np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == z[0]))-1.
            rknots.cell[int(idim)-1] = z[int(np.ones(1., (degree[int(idim)-1]+1.)))-1]
            for ik in np.arange(2., (nz)+1):
                insk = np.linspace(z[int((ik-1.))-1], z[int(ik)-1], (n_sub[int(idim)-1]+2.))
                insk = vec(matcompat.repmat(insk[1:0-1.], min_mult, 1.)).conj().T
                old_mult = np.sum((aux_knots.cell[int(idim)-1] == z[int(ik)-1]))
                mult = matcompat.max(min_mult, (degree[int(idim)-1]-deg+old_mult))
                rknots.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.array(np.hstack((rknots.cell[int(idim)-1], insk, z[int(, np.ones(1., mult)))-1])))
            zeta.cell[int(idim)-1] = np.unique(rknots.cell[int(idim)-1])
        if not iscell(knots):
            rknots = rknots.cell[0]
            zeta = zeta.cell[0]
        varargout.cell[0] = rknots
        if nargout == 2.:
            varargout.cell[1] = zeta
    return [varargout]
 xOldCollector = np.zeros(Netsize, learnLength)
 pCollector = np.zeros(1., learnLength)
 x = np.zeros(Netsize, 1.)
 for n in np.arange(1., (washoutLength+learnLength)+1):
     u = patt[int(n)-1]
     #% pattern input
     xOld = x
     x = np.tanh((, x), u)+Wbias))
     if n > washoutLength:
         xCollector[:,int((n-washoutLength))-1] = x
         xOldCollector[:,int((n-washoutLength))-1] = xOld
         pCollector[0,int((n-washoutLength))-1] = u
 xCollectorCentered = xCollector-matcompat.repmat(np.mean(xCollector, 2.), 1., learnLength)
 xCollectorsCentered.cell[0,int(p)-1] = xCollectorCentered
 xCollectors.cell[0,int(p)-1] = xCollector
 R = matdiv(, xCollector.conj().T), learnLength)
 [Ux, Sx, Vx] = plt.svd(R)
 SRCollectors.cell[0,int(p)-1] = Sx
 URCollectors.cell[0,int(p)-1] = Ux
 patternRs.cell[int(p)-1] = R
 startXs[:,int(p)-1] = x
 train_xPL.cell[0,int(p)-1] = xCollector[:,0:signalPlotLength]
 train_pPL.cell[0,int(p)-1] = pCollector[0,0:signalPlotLength]
 patternCollectors.cell[0,int(p)-1] = pCollector
 allTrainArgs[:,int(, learnLength)+1.), learnLength)] = xCollector
 allTrainOldArgs[:,int(, learnLength)+1.), learnLength)] = xOldCollector
 allTrainOuts[0,int(, learnLength)+1.), learnLength)] = pCollector
 allTrainTargs[:,int(, learnLength)+1.), learnLength)] =, pCollector)
def aveknt(varargin):

    # Local Variables: ndim, nrb, onedim, idim, varargin, knt_aux, knt, pts, order
    # Function calls: false, nargin, reshape, sum, isfield, cell, aveknt, zeros, numel, error, iscell, repmat, true
    #% AVEKNT:  compute the knot averages (Greville points) of a knot vector
    #% Calling Sequence:
    #%   pts = aveknt (knt, p)
    #%   pts = aveknt (nrb)
    #%    INPUT:
    #%      knt - knot sequence
    #%      p   - spline order (degree + 1)
    #%      nrb - NURBS structure (see nrbmak)
    #%    OUTPUT:
    #%      pts - average knots. If the input is a NURBS, it gives a cell-array,
    #%        with the average knots in each direction
    #% See also:
    #% Copyright (C) 2016 Rafael Vazquez
    #%    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    #%    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    #%    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    #%    (at your option) any later version.
    #%    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    #%    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    #%    GNU General Public License for more details.
    #%    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    #%    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    if nargin == 1.:
        if isfield(varargin.cell[0], 'form'):
            nrb = varargin.cell[0]
            knt = nrb.knots
            order = nrb.order
                'The input should be a NURBS structure, or a knot vector and the order. See the help for details'

    elif nargin == 2.:
        knt = varargin.cell[0]
        order = varargin.cell[1]

            'The input should be a NURBS structure, or a knot vector and the order. See the help for details'

    onedim = false
    if not iscell(knt):
        knt = cellarray(np.hstack((knt)))
        onedim = true

    ndim = numel(knt)
    pts = cell(ndim, 1.)
    for idim in np.arange(1., (ndim) + 1):
        if numel(knt.cell[int(idim) - 1]) < order[int(idim) - 1] + 1.:
                'The knot vector must contain at least p+2 knots, with p the degree'

        knt_aux = matcompat.repmat(knt.cell[int(idim) - 1, 1:0 - 1.](), 1.,
                                   (order[int(idim) - 1] - 1.))
        knt_aux = np.array(
                       np.hstack((np.zeros((order[int(idim) - 1] - 1.),
        knt_aux = np.reshape(knt_aux, np.array([]),
                             (order[int(idim) - 1] - 1.))
        pts.cell[int(idim) - 1] = matdiv(np.sum(knt_aux.T, 1.),
                                         order[int(idim) - 1] - 1.)
        pts.cell[int(idim) - 1] = pts.cell[int(idim) - 1,
                                           0:0 - order[int(idim) - 1] + 1.]()

    if onedim:
        pts = pts.cell[0]

    #%! knt = [0 0 0 0.5 1 1 1];
    #%! pts = aveknt (knt, 3);
    #%! assert (pts - [0 1/4 3/4 1] < 1e-14)
    #%! knt = {[0 0 0 0.5 1 1 1] [0 0 0 0 1/3 2/3 1 1 1 1]};
    #%! pts = aveknt (knt, [3 4]);
    #%! assert (pts{1} - [0 1/4 3/4 1] < 1e-14);
    #%! assert (pts{2} - [0 1/9 1/3 2/3 8/9 1] < 1e-14);
    #%! nrb = nrb4surf([0 0], [1 0], [0 1], [1 1]);
    #%! nrb = nrbkntins (nrbdegelev (nrb, [1 2]), {[1/2] [1/3 2/3]});
    #%! pts = aveknt (nrb);
    #%! assert (pts{1} - [0 1/4 3/4 1] < 1e-14);
    #%! assert (pts{2} - [0 1/9 1/3 2/3 8/9 1] < 1e-14);
    return [pts]
Beispiel #7
def cohbias(v, cb):

    # Local Variables: A, c, f, i1, cb, i3, i2, M, ec, n, ct, pl, expect, v, z, k, cu, qans
    # Function calls: disp, isnan, repmat, cohbias, interp1, sum, sqrt, nargin, length, strncmpi, input, exist, pi, find, gamma
    if nargin<2.:
        return []
    if v<2.:
        np.disp('Warning: degress of freedom must be greater or equal to two.')
        return []
    if np.logical_or(cb<0., cb > 1.):
        np.disp('Warning: biased coherence should be between zero and one, inclusive.')
        return []
    if v > 50.:
        np.disp('using 50 degrees of freedom')
        v = 50.
    #%if nargin==0; help cohbias.m; return; end;
    if exist('cohbias.mat') == 0.:
        #%Cohbias.mat file should be down-loaded with cmtm.m and cohbias.m
    #%The routine is included primarily to show how it was created.
    n = np.arange(2., 51.0, 1.)
    c = np.arange(.1, 1.0001, .0001)
    np.disp('-- The file cohbias.mat does not exist within the path.')
    qans = input('-- To create this file now enter \'y\' or to skip \'n\'. \n--> ', 's')
    if strncmpi(qans, 'y', 1.):
        z = np.arange(0., 1.1, .1)
        for i3 in np.arange(1., (length(n))+1):
            for i2 in np.arange(1., (length(c)-1.)+1):
                for i1 in np.arange(1., (length(z))+1):
                    A[0] = 1.
                    #%Calculated according to: Amos and Koopmans, "Tables of the distribution of the
                    #%coefficient of coherence for stationary bivariate Gaussian processes", Sandia
                    #%Corporation, 1963
                    #%Also see the manuscript of Wunsch, C. "Time-Series Analysis.  A Heuristic Primer".  
                    for k in np.arange(1., (n[int(i3)-1]-1.)+1):
                        A[int((k+1.))-1] =[int(k)-1], n[int(i3)-1]-k), 2.*k-1.),*n[int(i3)-1]-2.*k+1., k)), matdiv([int(i2)-1], z[int(i1)-1]),[int(i2)-1], z[int(i1)-1]))**2.)
                    f[int(i1)-1] =*(n[int(i3)-1]-1.), matixpower(1.-c[int(i2)-1]**2., n[int(i3)-1])), z[int(i1)-1]), matixpower(1.-z[int(i1)-1]**2., n[int(i3)-1]-2.)),[int(i2)-1], z[int(i1)-1]), matixpower([int(i2)-1], z[int(i1)-1]), 2.*n[int(i3)-1]-1.))), plt.gamma((n[int(i3)-1]-.5))),, plt.gamma(n[int(i3)-1]))), np.sum(A))
                #%Use a quadratic Newton-Cotes methods to determine the cumulative sum
                for i1 in np.arange(2., (length(f)/2.)+1):
                    M[int(i1)-1] =[int((2.*(i0.)+1.))-1],, f[int((2.*i1))-1]), +f[int((2.*i1+1.))-1]))), z[int((2.*i1))-1])
                expect[int(i3)-1,int(i2)-1] = matdiv(np.sum(np.array(np.hstack((M, 1.)))), 6.*length(M))
            expect[int(i3)-1,int((i2+1.))-1] = 1.
        #% save cohbias.mat expect n c; 
        #%if skip cohbias.mat calculation
        expect = matcompat.repmat(c, length(n), 1.)
    #%stop qans condition
        #%if cohbias.mat already exists
        #%load cohbias.mat expect n c;
    #%stop cohbias calculation
    cb = cb.flatten(1)
    c = c.flatten(1)
    n = n.flatten(1)
    v = v.flatten(1)
    for ct in np.arange(1., (length(c))+1):
        ec[int(ct)-1] = interp1(n, expect[:,int(ct)-1], v)
    for ct in np.arange(1., (length(cb))+1):
        cu[int(ct)-1] = interp1(ec, c, cb[int(ct)-1])
    cu = cu.flatten(1)
    pl = nonzero(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.isnan(cu) == 1., cb<1.), cb >= 0.))
    #%If cu is NaN while cb is between (0,1)
    cu[int(pl)-1] = 0.
    return [cu]
Beispiel #8

    frames = getdata(vid)
    nFrames = matcompat.size(frames, 4.)
    first_frame = frames[:,:,:,0]
    rect = np.array(np.hstack((910., 420., 90., 50.)))
    first_region = imcrop(first_frame, rect)

    frame_regions = matcompat.repmat(np.uint8(0.), np.array(np.hstack((matcompat.size(first_region), nFrames))))
    for count in np.arange(1., (nFrames)+1):
        frame_regions[:,:,:,int(count)-1] = imcrop(frames[:,:,:,int(count)-1], rect)
    seg_pend = false(np.array(np.hstack((matcompat.size(first_region, 1.), matcompat.size(first_region, 2.), nFrames))))
    centroids = np.zeros(nFrames, 2.)
    se_disk = strel('disk', 3.)
    for count in np.arange(1., (nFrames)+1):
        fr = frame_regions[:,:,:,int(count)-1]
        gfr = rgb2gray(fr)
        gfr = imcomplement(gfr)
        bw = im2bw(gfr, .65)
        #% threshold is determined experimentally