#                      Simulation Input File Parameters

# OpenMC simulation parameters
batches = 20000
inactive = 500
particles = 10000

#                 Exporting to OpenMC materials.xml File

from materials import materials

# Instantiate a Materials collection and export to XML
materials_file = openmc.Materials(materials.values())
materials_file.default_xs = '300k'

#                 Exporting to OpenMC geometry.xml File

# Instantiate Core boundaries
cells['Core'].region = +surfaces['Core x-min'] & +surfaces['Core y-min'] & \
                       +surfaces['Small Core z-min'] & -surfaces['Core x-max'] & \
                       -surfaces['Core y-max'] & -surfaces['Small Core z-max']

lattices['Core'] = openmc.RectLattice(lattice_id=201, name='3x3 core lattice')
lattices['Core'].dimension = [3, 3, 9]
lattices['Core'].lower_left = [-32.13, -32.13, -32.13]
Beispiel #2

# OpenMC simulation parameters
batches = 20000
inactive = 500
particles = 10000

#                 Exporting to OpenMC materials.xml File

from materials import materials

# Instantiate a Materials collection, register all Materials, and export to XML
materials_file = openmc.Materials(materials.values())
materials_file.default_xs = '300k'

#                 Exporting to OpenMC geometry.xml File

# Instantiate Core boundaries
cells['Core'].region = +surfaces['Core x-min'] & +surfaces['Core y-min'] & \
                       -surfaces['Core x-max'] & -surfaces['Core y-max']

lattices['Core'] = openmc.RectLattice(lattice_id=201, name='3x3 core lattice')
lattices['Core'].dimension = [3,3]
lattices['Core'].lower_left = [-32.13, -32.13]