Beispiel #1
 def check(self, mode, triggers=None):
     """Check if timing is configured."""
     if triggers is None:
         triggers = list()
     pvs_2_init = self.get_pvname_2_defval_dict(mode, triggers)
     for prop, defval in pvs_2_init.items():
             prop_sts = _get_pair_sprb(prop)[1]
         except TypeError:
         pvobj = Timing._pvs[prop_sts]
         if not pvobj.wait_for_connection(TIMEOUT_CONNECTION):
             return False
         if prop_sts.propty_name == 'Src':
             defval = Timing.cycle_idx[prop_sts.device_name]
         if prop_sts.propty_name.endswith(('Duration', 'Delay')):
             tol = 0.008 * 15
             if not _isclose(pvobj.value, defval, abs_tol=tol):
                 # print(pvobj.pvname, pvobj.value, defval)
                 return False
         elif isinstance(defval, (_np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
             if _np.any(pvobj.value[0:len(defval)] != defval):
                 # print(pvobj.pvname, pvobj.value, defval)
                 return False
         elif pvobj.value != defval:
             # print(pvobj.pvname, pvobj.value, defval)
             return False
     return True
Beispiel #2
def is_close(a, b, msg="", **isclose_kwargs):
    """Assert that math.isclose returns True based on the given values."""
    assert _isclose(a, b, **isclose_kwargs), _msg_concat(
        "Expected '{}' to be close to '{}'{}".format(
            a, b, _format_if(": kwargs: {}", isclose_kwargs)),
Beispiel #3
    def check(self, mode, triggers=None):
        """Check if timing is configured."""
        if triggers is None:
            triggers = list()

        pvs_2_init = self.get_pvname_2_defval_dict(mode, triggers)
        for prop, defval in pvs_2_init.items():
            prop_sts = prop.replace('SP', 'RB').replace('Sel', 'Sts')
            pvobj = Timing._pvs[prop_sts]

            if not pvobj.wait_for_connection(TIMEOUT_CONNECTION):
                return False

            if prop_sts.propty_name.endswith(('Duration', 'Delay')):
                tol = 0.008 * 15
                if not _isclose(pvobj.value, defval, abs_tol=tol):
                    # print(pvobj.pvname, pvobj.value, defval)
                    return False
            elif isinstance(defval, (_np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
                if _np.any(pvobj.value[0:len(defval)] != defval):
                    # print(pvobj.pvname, pvobj.value, defval)
                    return False
            elif pvobj.value != defval:
                # print(pvobj.pvname, pvobj.value, defval)
                return False
        return True
Beispiel #4
def almost_equal(actual, expected, places=2, msg=''):
    # Set relative tolerance to 0 because we don't want that messing up the places check.
    relative_tolerance = 0
    absolute_tolerance = 10.0**(-places)
    assert _isclose(expected,
                    abs_tol=absolute_tolerance), _msg_concat(
                        msg, "Expected '{}' to be almost equal to '{}'".format(
                            actual, expected))
Beispiel #5
def isclose(a: float, b: float) -> bool:
    """Determine whether two single-precision floating-point numbers
    are close in value.

    For the values to be considered close, the relative difference
    between them must be smaller than FLT_EPSILON.

    -inf, inf and NaN behave similarly to the IEEE 754 Standard.
    That is, NaN is not close to anything, even itself.
    inf and -inf are only close to themselves.
    return _isclose(a, b, rel_tol=FLT_EPSILON)
def smart_dir_sync(
    src_dir, dst_dir, mtime_tolerance=2.0, 
    pathname_xform=lambda sub_path, file: os.path.join(sub_path, file)
    """Recursively copy a directory, skipping any files that don't appear to
    require updating.

    :param str src_dir: The directory to copy from.
    :param str dst_dir: The directory to copy to.
    :param float mtime_tolerance:
        How many seconds to tolerate in differences between the mtime of
        a file in ``src_dir`` and an existing file of the same name in
        ``dst_dir``.  This is especially useful for FAT filesystems, which have
        a 2-second resolution.
    :param function filename_xform:
        An optional function that translates a pathname from ``src_dir`` before
        being written to ``dst_dir``.  This can be used for stripping out
        characters that may not be supported on the filesystem of ``dst_dir``.
        The function should take 2 strings as arguments, representing the
        current subdirectory(s), if any, under the ``dst_dir``;
        and the filename.  The function should return a single string
        representing both strings after undergoing any desired transformations
        and concatenated together.

    for dir_path, dir_names, filenames in os.walk(src_dir):
        print('src_dir=' + src_dir + ', dir_path=' + dir_path)
        sub_path = os.path.relpath(dir_path, src_dir)
        for d in dir_names:
            src_pathname = os.path.join(src_dir, sub_path, d)
            dst_pathname = os.path.join(dst_dir, pathname_xform(sub_path, d))
            if not os.path.exists(dst_pathname):
        for f in filenames:
            print('sub_path = ' + sub_path)
            src_pathname = os.path.join(src_dir, sub_path, f)
            dst_pathname = os.path.join(dst_dir, pathname_xform(sub_path, f))
            print('< ' + src_pathname)
            print('> ' + dst_pathname)
            if (
                and _isclose(
                and os.path.getsize(dst_pathname) == 
            shutil.copy(src_pathname, dst_pathname)
            set_mtime(dst_pathname, os.path.getmtime(src_pathname))
Beispiel #7
def almost_equal(actual, expected, places=2, msg=""):
    """Check that actual and expected are within `places` equal."""
    # Set relative tolerance to 0 because we don't want that messing up the places check
    relative_tolerance = 0
    absolute_tolerance = 10.0**(-places)
    if _isclose(expected,
        return ""
    return _msg_concat(
        "Expected '{}' to be almost equal to '{}'".format(actual, expected))
Beispiel #8
def is_close(a, b, msg="", **isclose_kwargs):
    """Check that math.isclose returns True based on the given values."""
    if _isclose(a, b, **isclose_kwargs):
        return ""
    return _msg_concat(
        "Expected '{}' to be close to '{}', "
        "but they differ by '{}', a difference of '{}%'.{}".format(
            abs(a - b),
            percent_diff(a, b),
            _format_if(": kwargs: {}", isclose_kwargs),
Beispiel #9
def is_close(a, b, msg='', **isclose_kwargs):
    '''Assert that math.isclose returns True based on the given values.'''
    assert _isclose(a, b, **isclose_kwargs), _msg_concat(
        msg, "Expected '{}' to be close to '{}'{}".format(
            a, b, _format_if(': kwargs: {}', isclose_kwargs)))
Beispiel #10
def igual(a,b):
    '''Função math.isclose com rel_tol=0.05'''
    return _isclose(a,b,rel_tol=0.05)
    def _update_value(self, value):
        """ Update the value and depending on it the status and severity. """
        value = self._constrain_value(value)
        status, severity = self._calculate_status_severity(value)

        old_value = self._attributes.get('value')
        if is_sequence(value) != is_sequence(old_value):
            # If old and new_value differ in wether they are sequences or not
            # we can't compare them.
            value_changed = True
        elif is_sequence(value) and len(value) != len(old_value):
            # If the lenth of both sequences are different we can't
            # compare them either.
            value_changed = True
            if self._type in (ca.Type.FLOAT, ca.Type.DOUBLE):
                # Floating point types can't be compare with the equal
                # operator because of rounding errors
                isclose = lambda a, b: _isclose(a, b, rel_tol=self._relative_tolerance, abs_tol=self._absolute_tolerance)
                if is_sequence(value):
                    # sequences are compared element-wise
                    if numpy and (isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(old_value, numpy.ndarray)):
                        value_changed = not numpy.allclose(value, old_value, rtol=self._relative_tolerance, atol=self._absolute_tolerance)
                        value_changed = not all(map(lambda x: isclose(x[0], x[1]), zip(value, old_value)))
                    value_changed = not isclose(value, old_value)
                # Integer types are compared with the equal operator
                if numpy and (isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(old_value, numpy.ndarray)):
                    value_changed = not numpy.all(numpy.equal(value, old_value))
                    # For simple sequences this compares element-wise
                    value_changed = value != old_value

        if value_changed:
            self._attributes['value'] = value

            # Deadbands are only defined for number types
            check_deadbands = self._type not in (ca.Type.STRING, ca.Type.ENUM)
            if is_sequence(value) != is_sequence(old_value):
                # If the values differ in wether they are sequences or not,
                # deadbands can't be used.
                check_deadbands = False
            elif is_sequence(value) and len(value) != len(old_value):
                # If the lenth of both sequences are different we can't
                # use the deadbands either.
                check_deadbands = False

            if check_deadbands:
                if is_sequence(value):
                    # Look at the maximum difference between the old values
                    # and the new ones.
                    diff = max(map(lambda x: abs(x[0] - x[1]), zip(value, old_value)))
                    diff = abs(value - old_value)
                if diff >= self._value_deadband:
                    self._outstanding_events |= ca.Events.VALUE
                if diff >= self._archive_deadband:
                    self._outstanding_events |= ca.Events.ARCHIVE
                self._outstanding_events |= ca.Events.VALUE | ca.Events.ARCHIVE

        self._update_status_severity(status, severity)