Beispiel #1
    def scytheAttack(self, checkList):
        """ The hit detection if using a SCYTHE. """
        for obj in checkList:
            ######### HIT DETECTION FOR hitPtFar! ############
            if obj == self:  # Don't check hits against yourself
            if isinstance(obj, Player) or isinstance(obj, Enemy):
                # Calculates the distance (scalar) between the hit point and the object
                distance = math2d.Vector2(obj.pos[0] - self.hitPtFar[0],
                                          obj.pos[1] - self.hitPtFar[1] - 10)
                distance = distance.length()

                if distance < obj.size + self.hitRadius:  # If the object is hit, handle the hit (below)
                    if isinstance(obj, Player):
                        obj.lastHitByPlayer = True
           -= self.weapon[4] * self.damageScale // 2

        for obj in checkList:
            ######### HIT DETECTION FOR hitPtNear! ###########
            if obj == self:  # Don't check hits against yourself
            if isinstance(obj, Player) or isinstance(obj, Enemy):
                # Calculates the distance (scalar) between the hit point and the object
                distance = math2d.Vector2(obj.pos[0] - self.hitPtNear[0],
                                          obj.pos[1] - self.hitPtNear[1] - 10)
                distance = distance.length()

                if distance < obj.size + self.hitRadius:  # If the object is hit, handle the hit (below)
                    if isinstance(obj, Player):
                        obj.lastHitByPlayer = True
           -= self.weapon[4] * self.damageScale // 2
Beispiel #2
    def test_rotate(self):
        a = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        b = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)

        a90 = a.rotate(1.5708)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(a90.x, 0, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(a90.y, 1, places=4)
        a180 = a90.rotate(1.5708)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(a180.x, -1, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(a180.y, 0, places=4)
        a270 = a180.rotate(1.5708)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(a270.x, 0, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(a270.y, -1, places=4)
        a360 = a270.rotate(1.5708)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(a360.x, 1, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(a360.y, 0, places=4)

        b90 = b.rotate(1.5708)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b90.x, -1, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b90.y, 1, places=4)
        b180 = b90.rotate(1.5708)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b180.x, -1, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b180.y, -1, places=4)
        b270 = b180.rotate(1.5708)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b270.x, 1, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b270.y, -1, places=4)
        b360 = b270.rotate(1.5708)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b360.x, 1, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b360.y, 1, places=4)
Beispiel #3
    def test_local_transformation(self):
        # the division transforms a vector in global coordinates to local coordinates.
        # vector in local coord = pose3d(robot) in global coordinates / global vector
        glob_robot_pose = m2d.Pose2D(m2d.Vector2(1000, 0), 0)
        glob_ball_pose = m2d.Vector2(1200, 0)

        test = glob_robot_pose / glob_ball_pose
        self.assertEqual(test.x, 200)
        self.assertEqual(test.y, 0)
Beispiel #4
    def test_div(self):
        a = m2d.Vector2(20, -20)
        b = m2d.Vector2(4, -4)
        c = m2d.Vector2(-8., 8.)

        d = a / 5
        e = a / -2.5

        self.assertEqual(d.x, b.x)
        self.assertEqual(d.y, b.y)

        self.assertEqual(e.x, c.x)
        self.assertEqual(e.y, c.y)
Beispiel #5
    def test_projection(self):

        begin1 = m2d.Vector2(-1, 0)
        end1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)

        line1 = m2d.LineSegment(begin1, end1)

        project1 = line1.projection(m2d.Vector2(0, 1))
        project2 = line1.projection(m2d.Vector2(5, 1))
        self.assertEqual(project1.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(project1.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(project2.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(project2.y, 0)
Beispiel #6
    def staffP_Attack(self, checkList):
        if self.drawDirection == 0:
            projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0] - 64, self.pos[1] - 20)
        elif self.drawDirection == 1:
            projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0] + 64, self.pos[1] - 20)
        elif self.drawDirection == 2:
            projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0], self.pos[1] - 64)
        elif self.drawDirection == 3:
            projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0], self.pos[1] + 64)

        newProjectile = Projectile(projPos, "purple projectile", self.spriteDB,
                                   self.weapon, self.drawDirection, self,
Beispiel #7
    def test_max(self):
        a1 = m2d.Vector2(0, 0)
        a2 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        a = m2d.Rect2d(a1, a2)
        a_max = a.max()

        b1 = m2d.Vector2(-1, -1)
        b2 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        b = m2d.Rect2d(b1, b2)
        b_max = b.max()

        c1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        c2 = m2d.Vector2(1, -1)
        c = m2d.Rect2d(c1, c2)
        c_max = c.max()

        d1 = m2d.Vector2(-1, 1)
        d2 = m2d.Vector2(1, -1)
        d = m2d.Rect2d(d1, d2)
        d_max = d.max()

        self.assertEqual(a_max.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a_max.y, 1)
        self.assertEqual(b_max.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(b_max.y, 1)
        self.assertEqual(c_max.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(c_max.y, 1)
        self.assertEqual(d_max.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(d_max.y, 1)
Beispiel #8
    def test_normalize_length(self):
        a = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        b = m2d.Vector2(0, -1.)
        c = m2d.Vector2(math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))

        a = a.normalize_length(2.6)
        b = b.normalize_length(-15)
        c = c.normalize_length(0)

        self.assertEqual(a.x, 2.6)
        self.assertEqual(a.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(b.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(b.y, 15)
        self.assertEqual(c.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(c.y, 0)
Beispiel #9
    def test_global_transformation(self):
        # the multiplication transforms a vector in local coordinates to global coordinates.
        # syntax pose2d(robot) in global coordinates * a vector in the robots coordinate system
        glob_robot_pose = m2d.Pose2D(m2d.Vector2(-1000, -1000), 0)

        # test the init method
        self.assertEqual(glob_robot_pose.translation.x, -1000)
        self.assertEqual(glob_robot_pose.translation.y, -1000)
        self.assertEqual(glob_robot_pose.rotation, 0)

        rel_ball_position = m2d.Vector2(100, 0)

        glob_ball_pos = glob_robot_pose * rel_ball_position
        self.assertEqual(glob_ball_pos.x, -900)
        self.assertEqual(glob_ball_pos.y, -1000)
Beispiel #10
    def test_angle(self):
        a = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        b = m2d.Vector2(0, -1.)
        c = m2d.Vector2(math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))
        d = m2d.Vector2(-1, 0)

        a_angle = a.angle()
        b_angle = b.angle()
        c_angle = c.angle()
        d_angle = d.angle()

        self.assertEqual(a_angle, math.radians(0))
        self.assertEqual(b_angle, math.radians(-90))
        self.assertEqual(c_angle, math.radians(45))
        self.assertEqual(d_angle, math.radians(180))
Beispiel #11
    def chaserMove(self, dT, w):
        """ AI pattern for enemies that chase you """
        chaseDist = 800
        for obj in self.visibles:
            if isinstance(obj, Player):
                # Calculating the distance between the Player and the Enemy
                dist = math2d.Vector2(obj.pos[0] - self.pos[0],
                                      obj.pos[1] - self.pos[1])
                distLength = dist.length(
                )  # Finding the length of that distance
                # Start chasing the player if the Player is within the chase distance
                if distLength <= chaseDist:
                    direct = dist.normalized(
                    )  # Normalizing the distance so that it is a direction only

                    if abs(direct[0]) > abs(direct[1]) and direct[
                            0] < 0:  # Moving more in the x direction; also moving left
                    elif abs(direct[0]) > abs(direct[1]) and direct[
                            0] > 0:  # Moving more in the x direction; also moving right
                    elif abs(direct[0]) < abs(direct[1]) and direct[
                            0] < 0:  # Moving more in the y direction; also moving up
                    elif abs(direct[0]) < abs(direct[1]) and direct[
                            0] > 0:  # Moving more in the y direction; also moving down

                    # Making sure it doesn't walk through walls
                    #ignoring because GHOSTS ARE HOMING if (w.isSpotWalkable((self.pos[0]) + direct[0] * (self.size + self.tempSpeed * dT), (self.pos[1]))):
                    self.pos[0] += direct[0] * self.tempSpeed * dT
                    #if (w.isSpotWalkable((self.pos[0]), (self.pos[1]) + direct[1] * (self.size + self.tempSpeed * dT))):
                    self.pos[1] += direct[1] * self.tempSpeed * dT

                    break  # After chasing one object, don't chase another
Beispiel #12
    def swordP_Attack(self, checkList):
        for obj in checkList:
            if obj == self:  # Don't check hits against yourself
            if isinstance(obj, Player) or isinstance(obj, Enemy):

                if self.drawDirection == 0:  # Facing West
                    if obj.pos[0] > self.pos[
                            0]:  # If the object is to your right, skip it
                elif self.drawDirection == 1:  # Facing East
                    if obj.pos[0] < self.pos[
                            0]:  # If the object is to your left, skip it
                elif self.drawDirection == 2:  # Facing North
                    if obj.pos[1] > self.pos[
                            1]:  # If the object is below you, skip it
                elif self.drawDirection == 3:  # Facing South
                    if obj.pos[1] < self.pos[
                            1]:  # If the object is above you, skip it

                # Calculates the distance (scalar) between the hit point and the object
                distance = math2d.Vector2(obj.pos[0] - self.pos[0],
                                          obj.pos[1] - self.pos[1])
                distance = distance.length()

                # 96 is the distance the Scythe reaches (192/2)
                if distance < 96:  # If the object is hit, handle the hit (below)
                    if isinstance(obj, Player):
                        obj.lastHitByPlayer = True
           -= self.weapon[5] * self.damageScale
Beispiel #13
    def staffAttack(self, checkList):
        """ Hit detection for the STAFF. Creates a projectile that handles all hit detection """
        ####### Finding the position of the new projectile #######
        if self.drawDirection == 0:
            projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0] - 64, self.pos[1] - 20)
        elif self.drawDirection == 1:
            projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0] + 64, self.pos[1] - 20)
        elif self.drawDirection == 2:
            projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0], self.pos[1] - 64)
        elif self.drawDirection == 3:
            projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0], self.pos[1] + 64)

        newProjectile = Projectile(projPos, "Blue projectile", self.spriteDB,
                                   self.weapon, self.drawDirection, self,
Beispiel #14
 def rangeFire(self, dT, w):
     """AI to fire a projectile in a random direction"""
     if self.drawDirection == 0:
         projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0] - 64, self.pos[1] - 20)
     elif self.drawDirection == 1:
         projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0] + 64, self.pos[1] - 20)
     elif self.drawDirection == 2:
         projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0], self.pos[1] - 64)
     elif self.drawDirection == 3:
         projPos = math2d.Vector2(self.pos[0], self.pos[1] + 64)
         if projPos:  # Debugging
             newProjectile = Projectile(projPos, "arrow", self.spriteDB,
                                        self.weapon, self.drawDirection,
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initializes all data """
        self.quit = False

        self.soundeffects = soundDataBase.SoundDBase("sounds\\sound effects")

        self.GManager = gui_manager.GUI_Manager(self)

        # Temporarily create a single player (keyboard) & pane
        self.IDeviceMasterList = [idevice.Keyboard()]
        numSticks = pygame.joystick.get_count()
        count = 0
        while numSticks > 0:
            numSticks -= 1
            count += 1

        self.spriteSheets = spriteDataBase.ImageDBase("imgs\\player")
        self.spriteSheets.addAdditionalDirectory("imgs\\pickup items")
        #self.spriteSheets = spriteDataBase.ImageDBase("..\\Art")  # Designate a path to your spritesheets folder.
        #self.spriteSheets.addAdditionalDirectory("..\\Art\\Pick up items")
        self.tileDBase = spriteDataBase.ImageDBase("imgs\\floor")

        self.guiDBase = spriteDataBase.ImageDBase("imgs\\gui")

        #SOUND CODE...
        self.soundeffects = soundDataBase.SoundDBase("sounds\\sound effects") = soundDataBase.SoundDBase("sounds\\music")
        self.songs = 6  #How many fight themes are in the music folder...
        self.musicOrder = [
            random.randint(1, self.songs),
        ]  #self.musicOrder will have randomized numbers from one to however many songs there are.
        #Songs are looped in this order, in-game. The following code randomly appends the next numbers...
        newval = None
        numberUnused = False
        counter = 1
        while counter < self.songs:  #There are six songs so far.
            val = random.randint(1, self.songs)
            for i in self.musicOrder:
                if val == i:
                    numberUnused = False
                    numberUnused = True
            if numberUnused:
                counter += 1

        self.musicIndex = 0  #This index is incremented in self.update() = world.World((6,4), self.tileDBase, self.spriteSheets)
        self.panes = []
        # TEMPORARY -- just to test idevice code.
        self.testPos = math2d.Vector2(400, 300)
Beispiel #16
    def test_rotate_right(self):
        a = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        b = m2d.Vector2(0, -1.)
        c = m2d.Vector2(math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))

        a = a.rotate_right()
        b = b.rotate_right()
        c = c.rotate_right()

        self.assertEqual(a.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.y, -1)
        self.assertEqual(b.x, -1)
        self.assertEqual(b.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(c.x, math.sqrt(2))
        self.assertEqual(c.y, -math.sqrt(2))

        a = a.rotate_right().rotate_right()

        self.assertEqual(a.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.y, 1)
Beispiel #17
    def test_mul(self):
        a = m2d.Vector2(50, -50)
        b = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        c = m2d.Vector2(0, 1)
        d = m2d.Vector2(0.5, 7)

        # Scalarproduct
        ab = a * b
        ac = a * c
        ad = a * d

        self.assertEqual(ab, 50)
        self.assertEqual(ac, -50)
        self.assertEqual(ad, -325)

        e = 0.5
        f = 0
        g = -2

        ea = e * a  # Test for __rmul__
        ae = a * e
        fa = a * f
        ga = a * g

        self.assertEqual(ea.x, 25)
        self.assertEqual(ea.y, -25)

        self.assertEqual(ae.x, 25)
        self.assertEqual(ae.y, -25)

        self.assertEqual(fa.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(fa.y, 0)

        self.assertEqual(ga.x, -100)
        self.assertEqual(ga.y, 100)

        # Negative Test
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            t = m2d.Vector2(50, -50)
            z = m3d.Vector3(1, 0, 1)
            t * z
Beispiel #18
    def test_point(self):
        begin1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        end1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        begin2 = m2d.Vector2(-1, -1)
        end2 = m2d.Vector2(2, 2)
        begin3 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        end3 = m2d.Vector2(-1, 1)

        line1 = m2d.LineSegment(begin1, end1)
        line2 = m2d.LineSegment(begin2, end2)
        line3 = m2d.LineSegment(begin3, end3)

        line_point1 = line1.point(20)
        line_point2 = line1.point(0.5)
        line_point3 = line2.point(3)
        line_point4 = line3.point(1)

        self.assertEqual(line_point1.x, 1)  # equal to end point
        self.assertEqual(line_point1.y, 1)
        self.assertEqual(line_point2.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(line_point2.y, 0.5)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(line_point3.x, 3 / math.sqrt(2) - 1)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(line_point3.y, 3 / math.sqrt(2) - 1)
        self.assertEqual(line_point4.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(line_point4.y, 1)
Beispiel #19
    def test_add(self):
        a = m2d.Vector2(100, 100)
        b = m2d.Vector2(1000, 10)
        c = m2d.Vector2(-100, -100)
        d = m2d.Vector2(-5000, 5.3)
        e = m2d.Vector2(0.245, -32.28)

        ab = a + b
        self.assertEqual(ab.x, 1100)
        self.assertEqual(ab.y, 110)

        ac = a + c
        self.assertEqual(ac.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(ac.y, 0)

        de = d + e
        self.assertEqual(de.x, -4999.755)
        self.assertEqual(de.y, -26.98)

        cc = c + c
        self.assertEqual(cc.x, -200)
        self.assertEqual(cc.y, -200)
Beispiel #20
    def test_invert(self):
        glob_robot_pose = m2d.Pose2D(m2d.Vector2(-1000, -1000), 20)
        test = ~glob_robot_pose
        testtest = ~test

Beispiel #21
    def test_normalize(self):
        a = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        b = m2d.Vector2(0, -1.)
        c = m2d.Vector2(math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))
        d = m2d.Vector2(0, 0)

        a = a.normalize()
        b = b.normalize()
        c = c.normalize()
        d = d.normalize()

        self.assertEqual(a.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(b.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(b.y, -1.)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c.x, math.sqrt(2) / 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c.y, math.sqrt(2) / 2)
        self.assertEqual(d.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(d.y, 0)

        c_n = c.normalize()

        self.assertEqual(c_n.x, c.x)
        self.assertEqual(c_n.y, c.y)
Beispiel #22
 def __init__(self, pos, spriteName, spriteDBase):
     self.state = 0  # When 0, alive. When 1, dying. When 2, it is dead, and needs to be removed
     self.spriteDB = spriteDBase  # Needed for creating projectiles
     self.sprite = spriteDBase.get(spriteName)
     if not isinstance(
             pos, math2d.Vector2
     ):  # Making sure the position of this Entity is a Vector2 object
         self.pos = math2d.Vector2(
             pos[0], pos[1]
         )  # WORLD position of the bottom-middle of the character (feet when standing)
         self.pos = pos
     self.size = 20  # Radius of the bounding circle (centered at self.pos) used for wall / trap hit-detection
     #       Normal size of (nearly) all entities is set here
     self.hitRadius = 5  # The radius of the circle used for weapons
     self.damageScale = 25  # Multiplied by the weapon damage factor
Beispiel #23
    def scytheP_Attack(self, checkList):
        for obj in checkList:
            if obj == self:  # Don't check hits against yourself
            if isinstance(obj, Player) or isinstance(obj, Enemy):
                # Calculates the distance (scalar) between the hit point and the object
                distance = math2d.Vector2(obj.pos[0] - self.pos[0],
                                          obj.pos[1] - self.pos[1])
                distance = distance.length()

                # 96 is the distance the Scythe reaches (192/2)
                if distance < 96:  # If the object is hit, handle the hit (below)
                    if isinstance(obj, Player):
                        obj.lastHitByPlayer = True
           -= self.weapon[5] * self.damageScale
Beispiel #24
 def __init__(self, inputObject, worldPos, moverSpriteDBase, dimensions,
              world, appPtr, paneScreenPos, paneNum):
     self.appPtr = appPtr = world
     self.paneNum = paneNum
     self.idevice = inputObject  # Something derived from
     # idevice.IDevice
     self.surface = pygame.Surface(dimensions)
     self.cameraPos = worldPos - math2d.Vector2(dimensions[0] / 2,
                                                dimensions[1] / 2)
     self.player = entity.Player(worldPos, "Human", moverSpriteDBase,
     self.visibleObjects = []
     self.traps = []
     self.trapCheckList = [self.player]
     #self.GManager = gui_manager.GUI_Manager()
     for enemy in world.enemies:
     self.paneScreenPos = paneScreenPos
Beispiel #25
 def respawn(self, world):
     spawnPoints = copy.deepcopy(
     self.state = 0  # Revert the state of the player to 0 (normal) = 100  # Return the player to full health
     spawnIndex = random.randint(0, len(spawnPoints) - 1)
     self.pos = spawnPoints[
         spawnIndex]  # Put the player's position at the chosen spawnPoint (randomly picked from possible spawnPoints)
     self.pos = math2d.Vector2(
         self.pos[1])  # To make sure position is a vector, not a tuple
     if not world.isSpotWalkable(self.pos[0], self.pos[1],
                                 "normal") or world.isSpotTrap(
                                     self.pos[0], self.pos[1] - 5) != -1:
         print("Trying respawn again, you got stuck in a wall or trap!")
     self.weapon = BigDict.BigDict["Pickups"]["Weapons"]["Melee"][
         0]  # Sets self.weapon to the Sword list
     self.weaponSprite = self.spriteDB.get(self.weapon[0])
     self.sprite = self.spriteDB.get("Human") = "Human"
Beispiel #26
    def update(self, dT, checkList, world):
        """ Updates the projectile. Performs the following:
                1: Move the projectile in the correct direction
                2: Determine how far the projectile has travelled
                    - If it has travelled the maximum range, change its state to 2 (dead)
                3: Check to see if the projectile hits anything """
        displacement = self.speed * dT  # This is the amount of distance the projectile has moved

        ####### Move the projectile #######
        if self.direction == 0:  # West
            self.pos[0] -= displacement
        elif self.direction == 1:  # East
            self.pos[0] += displacement
        elif self.direction == 2:  # North
            self.pos[1] -= displacement
        elif self.direction == 3:  # South
            self.pos[1] += displacement

        self.distTravelled += displacement  # Add to the total distance travelled by the projectile
        if self.distTravelled >= self.range:  # The projectile has moved its maximum range
            self.state = 2
        # If this gets code stomped again, someone dies
        if not (world.isSpotWalkable((self.pos[0]), (self.pos[1]))):
            self.state = 2

        for obj in checkList:
            # Does the actual hit detection for this projectile
            if obj == self.shooter:  # Don't hit yourself
            if isinstance(obj, Player) or isinstance(obj, Enemy):
                # Calculates the distance (scalar) between the hit point and the object
                distance = math2d.Vector2(obj.pos[0] - self.pos[0],
                                          obj.pos[1] - self.pos[1] - 10)
                distance = distance.length()

                if distance < obj.size + self.hitRadius:  # If the object is hit, handle the hit (below)
                    if isinstance(obj, Player):
                        obj.lastHitByPlayer = True
           -= self.damage * self.damageScale
                    self.state = 2
Beispiel #27
    def test_intersect(self):
        begin1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        end1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        begin2 = m2d.Vector2(-1, -1)
        end2 = m2d.Vector2(2, 2)
        begin3 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        end3 = m2d.Vector2(-1, 1)
        begin4 = m2d.Vector2(-1, 1)
        end4 = m2d.Vector2(-1, -1)

        line1 = m2d.LineSegment(begin1, end1)
        line2 = m2d.LineSegment(begin2, end2)
        line3 = m2d.LineSegment(begin3, end3)
        line4 = m2d.LineSegment(begin4, end4)

        intersect1 = line1.intersect(line2)
        intersect2 = line2.intersect(line3)
        intersect3 = line3.intersect(line1)
        intersect4 = line4.intersect(line1)

        self.assertEqual(intersect1, 1)
        self.assertEqual(intersect2, 1)
        self.assertEqual(intersect3, 1)
        self.assertEqual(intersect4, 0)
Beispiel #28
    def populate(self):
        """ Scans the map and creates Enemy, Trap, Loot objects """
        # Do Traps to start with, then eventually add the other type of "things"
        BigDict.BigDict["WorldObjects"]["Spawnpoints"] = []
        self.enemies = []
        self.chests = []
        self.items = []
        tempdict = BigDict.BigDict
        # Scans through entire map code and documents the entities position in pixels
        for line in range(len(self.Map)):
            for var in range(len(self.Map[line])):
                tmp = self.Map[line][var][0]
                tmp2 = self.Map[line][var][1:]

                pos = []
                entityX = var * 32
                entityY = line * 32
                pos = math2d.Vector2(entityX, entityY)
                if tmp == "c":
                    pass  #self.chests.append(entity.chests(pos, "chest", self.spriteDBase))
                elif tmp == "s":
                    if line < 32:
                        #Top bar of map
                    elif line > ((self.dim[1] - 1) * 32):
                        #Bottom bar of map
                    elif var < 32:
                        #Left bar of map
                    elif var > ((self.dim[0] - 1) * 32):
                        #Right bar of map
Beispiel #29
    def test_line_intersection(self):
        begin1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        end1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        begin2 = m2d.Vector2(-1, -1)
        end2 = m2d.Vector2(2, 2)
        begin3 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        end3 = m2d.Vector2(-1, 1)

        line1 = m2d.LineSegment(begin1, end1)
        line2 = m2d.LineSegment(begin2, end2)
        line3 = m2d.LineSegment(begin3, end3)

        line_intersection1 = line1.line_intersection(line2)
        line_intersection2 = line2.line_intersection(line3)
        line_intersection3 = line3.line_intersection(line1)

        self.assertEqual(line_intersection1, 1)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(line_intersection2, math.sqrt(8))
        self.assertEqual(line_intersection3, 0)
Beispiel #30
    def test_end(self):
        begin1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 0)
        end1 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        begin2 = m2d.Vector2(-1, -1)
        end2 = m2d.Vector2(2, 2)
        begin3 = m2d.Vector2(1, 1)
        end3 = m2d.Vector2(-1, 1)

        line1 = m2d.LineSegment(begin1, end1)
        line2 = m2d.LineSegment(begin2, end2)
        line3 = m2d.LineSegment(begin3, end3)

        line_end1 = line1.end()
        line_end2 = line2.end()
        line_end3 = line3.end()

        self.assertEqual(line_end1.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(line_end1.y, 1)
        self.assertEqual(line_end2.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(line_end2.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(line_end3.x, -1)
        self.assertEqual(line_end3.y, 1)