Beispiel #1
    def whoWouldIShoot(self, tank1):
        target = False
        targetDistance = PROJECTILE_RANGE * 2 # Just put it at a ridiculous range to start
        # get the end point for tank1's range
        endPoint = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(tank1['position'], PROJECTILE_RANGE, tank1['turret'])

        for tankId in self.tanks:
            tank = self.tanks[tankId]
            # Don't consider self
            if (tank['id'] == tank1['id']):
            distanceToIntersection = mathHelper.circleOnLine(tank1['position'], endPoint, tank['position'], tank['hitRadius'])
            if (distanceToIntersection != False and distanceToIntersection < targetDistance):
                targetDistance = distanceToIntersection
                target = tank

        if target == False:
            return False

        # Ensure path is clear of solids
        endPoint = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(tank1['position'], targetDistance, tank1['turret'])
        if self.isShotClear(tank1['position'], endPoint):
            return target
            return False
Beispiel #2
    def whoWouldIShoot(self, tank1):
        target = False
        targetDistance = PROJECTILE_RANGE * 2  # Just put it at a ridiculous range to start
        # get the end point for tank1's range
        endPoint = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(tank1["position"], PROJECTILE_RANGE, tank1["turret"])

        for tankId in self.tanks:
            tank = self.tanks[tankId]
            # Don't consider self
            if tank["id"] == tank1["id"]:
            distanceToIntersection = mathHelper.circleOnLine(
                tank1["position"], endPoint, tank["position"], tank["hitRadius"]
            if distanceToIntersection != False and distanceToIntersection < targetDistance:
                targetDistance = distanceToIntersection
                target = tank

        if target == False:
            return False

        # Ensure path is clear of solids
        endPoint = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(tank1["position"], targetDistance, tank1["turret"])
        if self.isShotClear(tank1["position"], endPoint):
            return target
            return False
Beispiel #3
 def obstacleInWay(self, position, size):
     for terrain in self.mapTerrain:
         if mathHelper.rectOnCircle(terrain['boundingBox']['corner'], terrain['boundingBox']['size'], position, size):
             return True
     mapLeft = 0
     mapRight = self.mapSize[0]
     mapBottom = 0
     mapTop = self.mapSize[1]
     if mathHelper.circleOnLine([mapLeft,mapBottom], [mapLeft,mapTop], position, size):
         return True
     if mathHelper.circleOnLine([mapLeft,mapBottom], [mapRight,mapBottom], position, size):
         return True
     if mathHelper.circleOnLine([mapLeft,mapTop], [mapRight,mapTop], position, size):
         return True
     if mathHelper.circleOnLine([mapRight,mapBottom], [mapRight,mapTop], position, size):
         return True
     return False
Beispiel #4
 def obstacleInWay(self, position, size):
     for terrain in self.mapTerrain:
         if mathHelper.rectOnCircle(
             terrain["boundingBox"]["corner"], terrain["boundingBox"]["size"], position, size
             return True
     mapLeft = 0
     mapRight = self.mapSize[0]
     mapBottom = 0
     mapTop = self.mapSize[1]
     if mathHelper.circleOnLine([mapLeft, mapBottom], [mapLeft, mapTop], position, size):
         return True
     if mathHelper.circleOnLine([mapLeft, mapBottom], [mapRight, mapBottom], position, size):
         return True
     if mathHelper.circleOnLine([mapLeft, mapTop], [mapRight, mapTop], position, size):
         return True
     if mathHelper.circleOnLine([mapRight, mapBottom], [mapRight, mapTop], position, size):
         return True
     return False
def circleOnLine():
    ## Should return the distance to an intersection point
    if (mathHelper.circleOnLine([0,0],[10,0],[5,1],1) != 5):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
    if (mathHelper.circleOnLine([0,5],[10,5],[5,5],1) != 4):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
    if (mathHelper.circleOnLine([0,5],[10,5],[0,5],1) != 1):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
    if (mathHelper.circleOnLine([0,5],[10,5],[10,5],1) != 9):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')

    ## Should return false
    if (not mathHelper.circleOnLine([4.5,12.5],[14.5,5.5],[12,9],1.414) == False):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
    if (not mathHelper.circleOnLine([4.5,12.5],[14.5,5.5],[2,3],2) == False):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
def circleOnLine():
    ## Should return the distance to an intersection point
    if (mathHelper.circleOnLine([0, 0], [10, 0], [5, 1], 1) != 5):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
    if (mathHelper.circleOnLine([0, 5], [10, 5], [5, 5], 1) != 4):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
    if (mathHelper.circleOnLine([0, 5], [10, 5], [0, 5], 1) != 1):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
    if (mathHelper.circleOnLine([0, 5], [10, 5], [10, 5], 1) != 9):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')

    ## Should return false
    if (not mathHelper.circleOnLine([4.5, 12.5], [14.5, 5.5], [12, 9], 1.414)
            == False):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
    if (not mathHelper.circleOnLine([4.5, 12.5], [14.5, 5.5], [2, 3], 2)
            == False):
        raise Exception('Failed circleOnLine')
Beispiel #7
    def evade(self):
        for myTank in self.myTanks:
            threatGrid = np.zeros(7)
            for i in range(7):
                if i == 0:
                    newPosition = myTank['position']
                    angle = 2*np.pi*i/6
                    newPosition = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(myTank['position'], 2*myTank['hitRadius'], angle)
                # TODO: Dodge enemy turrets
                enemyThreats = self.intp.getThreatsToA(myTank, self.enemyTanks)
                for enemyTank in enemyThreats:
                    if self.intp.canAshootB(enemyTank['tank']['id'], myTank['id']):
                        strikeDist = mathHelper.distanceBetween(myTank['position'], enemyTank['tank']['position'])
                        strikeDist -= self.intp.avgPeriod * enemyTank['tank']['speed']
                        threatGrid[i] = max(1/strikeDist, threatGrid[i])
                for projectile in self.intp.projectiles:
                    A = projectile['position']
                    B = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(A, projectile['range'], projectile['direction'])
                    strikeDist = mathHelper.circleOnLine(A, B, newPosition, myTank['hitRadius'])
                    if strikeDist != False:
                        threatGrid[i] = max(1/strikeDist, threatGrid[i])
                if self.intp.obstacleInWay(newPosition, myTank['collisionRadius']):
                    threatGrid[i] = max(10, threatGrid[i])

            i = np.argmin(threatGrid)

            #if self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lastThreat'] <= threatGrid[i]:
            #    i = self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lasti']

            #direction = 0
            #myNewAngle = 0

            #if i == self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lasti'] and i!= 0:
            #    direction = self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lastDirection']
            #    self.comm.move(myTank['id'], direction, 2*myTank['hitRadius'])

            #    predictedDist = self.intp.avgPeriod * myTank['speed']

            #    myTank['predictedPosition'] = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(myTank['position'], predictedDist, self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lastAngle'])

            if i != 0:
                reqAngle = 2*np.pi*i/6
                myAngle = myTank['tracks']
                diff = myAngle - reqAngle
                rotationReq = np.arctan(np.sin(diff)/ np.cos(diff))

                self.comm.rotateTank(myTank['id'], rotationReq)

                myNewAngle = myAngle+rotationReq

                if myNewAngle < 0:
                    myNewAngle += 2*np.pi
                if myNewAngle > 2*np.pi:
                    myNewAngle -= 2*np.pi

                if myNewAngle != reqAngle:
                    direction = "REV"
                    direction = "FWD"

                self.comm.move(myTank['id'], direction, 2*myTank['hitRadius'])

                predictedDist = self.intp.avgPeriod * myTank['speed']

                myTank['predictedPosition'] = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(myTank['position'], predictedDist, myNewAngle)

                myTank['predictedPosition'] = myTank['position']
Beispiel #8
    def evade(self):
        for myTank in self.myTanks:
            threatGrid = np.zeros(7)
            for i in range(7):
                if i == 0:
                    newPosition = myTank["position"]
                    angle = 2 * np.pi * i / 6
                    newPosition = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(myTank["position"], 2 * myTank["hitRadius"], angle)
                # TODO: Dodge enemy turrets
                enemyThreats = self.intp.getThreatsToA(myTank, self.enemyTanks)
                for enemyTank in enemyThreats:
                    if self.intp.canAshootB(enemyTank["tank"]["id"], myTank["id"]):
                        strikeDist = mathHelper.distanceBetween(myTank["position"], enemyTank["tank"]["position"])
                        strikeDist -= self.intp.avgPeriod * enemyTank["tank"]["speed"]
                        threatGrid[i] = max(1 / strikeDist, threatGrid[i])
                for projectile in self.intp.projectiles:
                    A = projectile["position"]
                    B = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(A, projectile["range"], projectile["direction"])
                    strikeDist = mathHelper.circleOnLine(A, B, newPosition, myTank["hitRadius"])
                    if strikeDist != False:
                        threatGrid[i] = max(1 / strikeDist, threatGrid[i])
                if self.intp.obstacleInWay(newPosition, myTank["collisionRadius"]):
                    threatGrid[i] = max(10, threatGrid[i])

            i = np.argmin(threatGrid)

            # if self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lastThreat'] <= threatGrid[i]:
            #    i = self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lasti']

            # direction = 0
            # myNewAngle = 0

            # if i == self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lasti'] and i!= 0:
            #    direction = self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lastDirection']
            #    self.comm.move(myTank['id'], direction, 2*myTank['hitRadius'])

            #    predictedDist = self.intp.avgPeriod * myTank['speed']

            #    myTank['predictedPosition'] = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(myTank['position'], predictedDist, self.tankPlans[myTank['id']]['lastAngle'])

            if i != 0:
                reqAngle = 2 * np.pi * i / 6
                myAngle = myTank["tracks"]
                diff = myAngle - reqAngle
                rotationReq = np.arctan(np.sin(diff) / np.cos(diff))

                self.comm.rotateTank(myTank["id"], rotationReq)

                myNewAngle = myAngle + rotationReq

                if myNewAngle < 0:
                    myNewAngle += 2 * np.pi
                if myNewAngle > 2 * np.pi:
                    myNewAngle -= 2 * np.pi

                if myNewAngle != reqAngle:
                    direction = "REV"
                    direction = "FWD"

                self.comm.move(myTank["id"], direction, 2 * myTank["hitRadius"])

                predictedDist = self.intp.avgPeriod * myTank["speed"]

                myTank["predictedPosition"] = mathHelper.getLineEndpoint(myTank["position"], predictedDist, myNewAngle)

                myTank["predictedPosition"] = myTank["position"]