Beispiel #1
def Add_tgt(pk, C, C_prime):

    Gt = pk['Gt']

    G1 = pk['G1']
    H1 = pk['H1']

    g = pk['g']
    h = pk['h']
    a = randint(1, int(p))
    b = randint(1, int(p))

    g1 = (e_hat(g, (H1[0] * a), Pair), e_hat(g, (H1[1] * a), Pair),
    h1 = (e_hat((G1[0] * b), h, Pair), e_hat((G1[1] * b), h, Pair),

    C0 = C['C0'] * C_prime['C0'] * g1[0] * h1[0]
    C1 = C['C1'] * C_prime['C1'] * g1[1] * h1[1]
    C2 = C['C2'] * C_prime['C2'] * g1[2] * h1[2]

    C_doubleprime = {
        'C0': C0,
        'C1': C1,
        'C2': C2
    }  # C'' = e(C,C') * e(g,h1) * e(g1,h)
    return C_doubleprime
Beispiel #2
def Multiply_src(pk, C0, C1):

    Gt = pk['Gt']

    G1 = pk['G1']
    H1 = pk['H1']

    g = pk['g']
    h = pk['h']
    a = randint(1, int(p))
    b = randint(1, int(p))

    #eC = (e_hat(C0[0],C1[0],Pair),e_hat(C0[0],C1[1],Pair)*e_hat(C0[1],C1[0],Pair),e_hat(C0[1],C1[1],Pair))
    eC = e(C0, C1)
    g1 = (e_hat(g, H1[0] * a, Pair), e_hat(g, H1[1] * a, Pair),
    h1 = (e_hat(G1[0] * b, h, Pair), e_hat(G1[1] * b, h, Pair),

    C = {
        'C0': (eC[0] * g1[0]) * h1[0],
        'C1': eC[1] * (g1[1] * h1[1]),
        'C2': eC[2]

    return C  # C = e(C0,C1) * e(g,h1) * e(g1,h)
Beispiel #3
def en(g, h):
    """Evaluates the bilinear operator on pairs of elements of G and H.
        g, a pair of elements of EFp
        h, a pair of elements of EFp2
    Returns a triple of elements of Fp12
    r0 = e_hat(g[0], h[0], Pair)
    r1 = e_hat(g[0], h[1], Pair) * e_hat(g[1], h[0], Pair)
    r2 = e_hat(g[1], h[1], Pair)
    return (r0, r1, r2)
Beispiel #4
def e(g, h):
    """Evaluates the bilinear operator on pairs of elements of G and H.
    Uses Karatsuba's trick.
        pp, the public parameters describing the groups
        g, a pair of elements of G
        h, a pair of elements of H
    Returns a triple of elements of Gt
    r0 = e_hat(g[0], h[0], Pair)
    r2 = e_hat(g[1], h[1], Pair)
    r1 = e_hat(g[0] + g[1], h[0] + h[1], Pair) * pp['Gt'].invert(r0 * r2)
    return (r0, r1, r2)
Beispiel #5
def e(g, h):
    """Evaluates the bilinear operator on pairs of elements of G and H.
    Uses Karatsuba's trick
        g, a pair of elements of EFp
        h, a pair of elements of EFp2
    Returns a triple of elements of Fp12
    r0 = e_hat(g[0], h[0], Pair)
    r2 = e_hat(g[1], h[1], Pair)
    r1 = e_hat(g[0] + g[1], h[0] + h[1], Pair) * Fp12.invert(r0 * r2)

    return (r0, r1, r2)
Beispiel #6
def Dec_tgt(sk, pk, C, table={}):

    g = pk['g']
    h = pk['h']

    M = log_field(e_hat(g, h, Pair), sk['pi_t'](C), pk['Gt'], table)
    return M
Beispiel #7
def KeyGen(pp):

    G = pp['G']  # Representation of G
    H = pp['H']  # Representation of H
    s = getrandbits(MAX_BITS)

    P1 = P * randint(0, int(n))
    G1 = (G.neg(P1) * s, P1)  # Description of G1 - (g^{-s},g)

    Q1 = Q * randint(0, int(n))
    H1 = (H.neg(Q1) * s, Q1)  # Description of H1 - (h^{-s},h)

    Gt = pp['Gt']

    #g = P*randint(0,int(n)) # Random element of G
    #h = Q*randint(0,int(n))# Random element of H
    g = P1
    h = Q1

    gt = e_hat(g, h, Pair)

    pk = {
        'G': G,
        'G1': G1,
        'H': H,
        'H1': H1,
        'Gt': Gt,
        'g': g,
        'h': h,
        'e': gt

    def pi_1(g):
        if g[1] == 1:
            output = g[0]
            output = g[0] + (g[1] * s)  # pi_1((g1,g2)) = g1 * g2^s
        return output

    def pi_2(h):
        if h[1] == 1:
            output = h[0]
            output = h[0] + (h[1] * s)  # pi_2((h1,h2)) = h1 * h2^s
        return output

    def pi_t(gt):
        if gt['C1'] == 1:
            output = gt[0]
            output = gt['C0'] * (gt['C1']**s) * (gt['C2']**(
                s**2))  # pi_t((gt1,gt2,gt3)) = gt1 * gt2^s * gt3^{s^2}
        return output

    sk = {'pi_1': pi_1, 'pi_2': pi_2, 'pi_t': pi_t}
    return pk, sk
Beispiel #8
def Enc_tgt(pk, M):

    a = randint(1, int(p))
    b = randint(1, int(p))

    G1 = pk['G1']
    H1 = pk['H1']
    Gt = pk['Gt']

    gt = pk['e']

    g1 = (G1[0] * a, G1[1] * a)
    h1 = (H1[0] * b, H1[1] * b)

    C0 = (gt**M) * e_hat(G1[1], h1[0], Pair) * e_hat(g1[0], H1[1], Pair)
    C1 = e_hat(G1[1], h1[1], Pair) * e_hat(g1[1], H1[1], Pair)
    C2 =

    C = {'C0': C0, 'C1': C1, 'C2': C2}
    return C
Beispiel #9
 def test_bilinearity(self):
     gta1 = e_hat(r * P, Q, Pair)
     gta2 = e_hat(P, r * Q, Pair)
     gta3 = gt**r
     self.assertEqual(gta1, gta3, 'Not bilinear wrt G1')
     self.assertEqual(gta2, gta3, 'Not bilinear wrt G2')
Beispiel #10
 def test_pairing(self):
     _ = e_hat(P, Q, Pair)
     t = time.time() - self.startTime
     print "%s: %.4f" % ("Pairing", t)
Beispiel #11
fp6_1 =
fp6_xi = Fp6.elem(xi)  # xi in Fp6

# Fp12
poly6 = field.polynom(Fp6, [fp6_1, fp6_0, -fp6_xi])  # X**2-xi
Fp12 = field.ExtensionField(Fp6, poly6)
fp12_0 =
fp12_1 =
C12 = ellipticCurve.Curve(fp12_0, b * fp12_1, Fp12)  # Y**2 = X**3+b
PInf12 = ellipticCurve.ECPoint(infty=True)
EFp12 = ellipticCurve.ECGroup(Fp12, C12, PInf12)

gamma = oEC.prec_gamma(Fp12, u, c, d)
Qpr = oEC.psi(EFp12, Q)  # Qpr lives in E[Fp12b]
Pair = pairing.Pairing(EFp, EFp12, C, P, Q, n, Qpr, oEC.frobenius, gamma)
gt = e_hat(P, Q, Pair)

r = randint(0, int(n - 1))
gtr = gt**r

rgp = (randint(0, int(n - 1)) * P, randint(0, int(n - 1)) * P)
rhp = (randint(0, int(n - 1)) * Q, randint(0, int(n - 1)) * Q)

def en(g, h):
    """Evaluates the bilinear operator on pairs of elements of G and H.
        g, a pair of elements of EFp
        h, a pair of elements of EFp2
    Returns a triple of elements of Fp12