Beispiel #1
	def expected_theta(self, obs_wordidsd, obs_wordctsd, lambda_v, nu_v):
		''' Return expected theta under a variational distribution

			self : use all the parameters initialized before
			lambda_v : variational parameter lambda
			nu_v : variational parameter nu

			val : the expected theta
		nsamples = 100
		eta = np.zeros(self._K)
		theta = eta[:]
		# initialize e_theta
		e_theta = -1.0 * np.ones(self._K)
		# for each sample
		nterms = len(obs_wordidsd)
		for n in range(nterms):
			# sample eta from q(\eta)
			for i in range(self._K):
				eta[i] = random.gauss(0, np.sqrt(nu_v[i])) + lambda_v[i]
			# compute p(w | \eta) - q(\eta)
			log_prob = self.sample_term(eta, lambda_v, nu_v, obs_wordidsd, obs_wordctsd)
			# compute theta
			theta = eta[:]
			sum_t = np.sum(np.exp(eta))
			theta = np.divide(theta, sum_t)

			# update e_theta
			for i in range(self._K):
				e_theta[i] = math_utli.log_sum(e_theta[i], log_prob + math_utli.safe_log(theta[i]))
		# normalize e_theta and set return vector
		sum_et = -1.0
		for i in range(self._K):
			e_theta[i] -= np.log(nsamples)
			sum_et = math_utli.log_sum(sum_et, e_theta[i])
		e_theta = np.exp(np.subtract(e_theta, sum_et))
		return e_theta
Beispiel #2
	def opt_phi(self, ntermd, lambda_v, log_phi_v):"calculating variational parameter PHI")
		# optimize phi
		log_sum_temp = 0
		phi_v = np.zeros_like(log_phi_v)

		for i in range(self._K):
			log_sum_temp = 0.0
			for j in range(ntermd):
				log_phi_v[i, j] = lambda_v[i] + self.log_beta[i, j]
				if i == 0:
					log_sum_temp = log_phi_v[i, j]
					log_sum_temp = math_utli.log_sum(log_sum_temp, log_phi_v[i, j])
				log_phi_v[i, j] -= log_sum_temp
				phi_v[i, j] = np.exp(log_phi_v[i, j])

		return (phi_v, log_phi_v)