Beispiel #1
def get_project(name: str, new_branch: bool, directory: str = '') -> None:
    """Clone a project from a GitHub name or git url.

    Put it in dir if this argument is given.
    A GitHub name without / will be considered as
    a leanprover-community project.
    If the name ends with ':foo' then foo will be interpreted
    as a branch name, and that branch will be checked out.

    This will fail if the branch does not exist. If you want to create a new
    branch, pass the `-b` option."""

    original_name = name
    name, url, branch, is_url = parse_project_name(original_name)
    if branch:
        name = name + '_' + branch
    directory = directory or name
    if directory and Path(directory).exists():
        raise FileExistsError('Directory ' + directory + ' already exists')
        LeanProject.from_git_url(url, directory, branch, new_branch,
                                 cache_url, force_download)
    except GitCommandError as err:
        # if full url is provided, do not retry with HTTPS
        if not is_url:
  'Error cloning via SSH, trying HTTPS...')
                name, url, branch, is_url = parse_project_name(original_name, ssh=False)
                LeanProject.from_git_url(url, directory, branch, new_branch,
                                 cache_url, force_download)
            except GitCommandError as e:
                handle_exception(e, e.stderr)
            handle_exception(err, err.stderr)
Beispiel #2
def check() -> None:
    """Check mathlib oleans are more recent than their sources"""
    project = proj()
    core_ok, mathlib_ok = project.check_timestamps()
    toolchain = project.toolchain
    toolchain_path = Path.home()/'.elan'/'toolchains'/toolchain
    if not core_ok:
        print('Some core oleans files in toolchain {} seem older than '
              'their source.'.format(toolchain))
        touch = input('Do you want to set their modification time to now (y/n) ? ')
        if touch.lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
    if not mathlib_ok:
        print('Some mathlib oleans files seem older than their source.')
        touch = input('Do you want to set their modification time to now (y/n) ? ')
        if touch.lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
    if core_ok and mathlib_ok:'Everything looks fine.')