Beispiel #1
 def _calculate_reciprocal_angles(self):
     self.alpha_ = acos(
         (cos(self.beta) * cos(self.gamma) - cos(self.alpha)) /
         (sin(self.beta) * sin(self.gamma)))
     self.beta_ = acos(
         (cos(self.alpha) * cos(self.gamma) - cos(self.beta)) /
         (sin(self.alpha) * sin(self.gamma)))
     self.gamma_ = acos(
         (cos(self.alpha) * cos(self.beta) - cos(self.gamma)) /
         (sin(self.alpha) * sin(self.beta)))
    def testinterplanarangle_triclinic(self):
        lat = self.triclinic

        s11 = lat.b**2 * lat.c**2 * sin(lat.alpha)**2
        s22 = lat.a**2 * lat.c**2 * sin(lat.beta)**2
        s33 = lat.a**2 * lat.b**2 * sin(lat.gamma)**2
        s12 = lat.a * lat.b * lat.c**2 * (cos(lat.alpha) * cos(lat.beta) -
        s23 = lat.a**2 * lat.b * lat.c * (cos(lat.beta) * cos(lat.gamma) -
        s13 = lat.a * lat.b**2 * lat.c * (cos(lat.gamma) * cos(lat.alpha) -
        v = lat.a * lat.b * lat.c * sqrt(1 - cos(lat.alpha) ** 2 - \
                                         cos(lat.beta) ** 2 - \
                                         cos(lat.gamma) ** 2 + \
                                         2 * cos(lat.alpha) * cos(lat.beta) * cos(lat.gamma))

        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
            d1 * d2 / v ** 2 * (s11 * h1 * h2 + \
                                s22 * k1 * k2 + \
                                s33 * l1 * l2 + \
                                s23 * (k1 * l2 + k2 * l1) + \
                                s13 * (l1 * h2 + l2 * h1) + \
                                s12 * (h1 * k2 + h2 * k1))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                d1 = calculations.planespacing(plane1, self.triclinic)
                d2 = calculations.planespacing(plane2, self.triclinic)
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2,
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.triclinic, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle, 6)
    def testinterplanarangle_triclinic(self):
        lat = self.triclinic

        s11 = lat.b ** 2 * lat.c ** 2 * sin(lat.alpha) ** 2
        s22 = lat.a ** 2 * lat.c ** 2 * sin(lat.beta) ** 2
        s33 = lat.a ** 2 * lat.b ** 2 * sin(lat.gamma) ** 2
        s12 = lat.a * lat.b * lat.c ** 2 * (cos(lat.alpha) * cos(lat.beta) - cos(lat.gamma))
        s23 = lat.a ** 2 * lat.b * lat.c * (cos(lat.beta) * cos(lat.gamma) - cos(lat.alpha))
        s13 = lat.a * lat.b ** 2 * lat.c * (cos(lat.gamma) * cos(lat.alpha) - cos(lat.beta))
        v = lat.a * lat.b * lat.c * sqrt(1 - cos(lat.alpha) ** 2 - \
                                         cos(lat.beta) ** 2 - \
                                         cos(lat.gamma) ** 2 + \
                                         2 * cos(lat.alpha) * cos(lat.beta) * cos(lat.gamma))

        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
            d1 * d2 / v ** 2 * (s11 * h1 * h2 + \
                                s22 * k1 * k2 + \
                                s33 * l1 * l2 + \
                                s23 * (k1 * l2 + k2 * l1) + \
                                s13 * (l1 * h2 + l2 * h1) + \
                                s12 * (h1 * k2 + h2 * k1))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                d1 = calculations.planespacing(plane1, self.triclinic)
                d2 = calculations.planespacing(plane2, self.triclinic)
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2, self.triclinic)
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.triclinic, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle, 6)
Beispiel #4
def zoneaxis_goniometricangles(zoneaxis, unitcell):
    Return the goniometric angles (:math:`\\phi` and :math:`\\rho`)
    for a zone axis of a given unit cell.
    :type zoneaxis: :class:`vectors.Vector3D`
    :type unitcell: :class:`unitcell.UnitCell`
    :return: (:math:`\\phi`, :math:`\\rho`)
    :rtype: :class:`tuple`
      Example 2.20 from Mathematical Crystallography
    a = unitcell.cartesianmatrix

    # Change basis of zone axis (lattice basis) into the cartesian basis
    r_c = a * zoneaxis

    # Normalize r_c to have a unit length

    # Find phi and rho
    rho = acos(r_c[2])
    phi = atan2(r_c[0], r_c[1])

    return phi, rho
Beispiel #5
def facepole_goniometricangles(facepole, unitcell):
    Return the goniometric angles (:math:`\\phi` and :math:`\\rho`)
    for a face pole of a given unit cell.
    :type facepole: :class:`vectors.Vector3D`
    :type unitcell: :class:`unitcell.UnitCell`
    :return: (:math:`\\phi`, :math:`\\rho`)
    :rtype: :class:`tuple`
      Example 2.20 from Mathematical Crystallography
    b = matrices.inverse(matrices.transpose(unitcell.cartesianmatrix))

    # Change basis of face pole (reciprocal basis) into the cartesian basis
    s_c = b * facepole

    # Normalize r_c to have a unit length

    # Find phi and rho
    rho = acos(s_c[2])
    phi = atan2(s_c[0], s_c[1])

    return phi, rho
    def testinterplanarangle_cubic(self):
        equation = lambda h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          (h1 * h2 + k1 * k2 + l1 * l2) / \
          sqrt((h1 ** 2 + k1 ** 2 + l1 ** 2) * (h2 ** 2 + k2 ** 2 + l2 ** 2))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2, self.cubic)
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(*args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle)
    def testinterplanarangle_tetragonal(self):
        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          ((h1 * h2 + k1 * k2) / lat.a ** 2 + l1 * l2 / lat.c ** 2) / \
          sqrt(((h1 ** 2 + k1 ** 2) / lat.a ** 2 + l1 ** 2 / lat.c ** 2) * \
               ((h2 ** 2 + k2 ** 2) / lat.a ** 2 + l2 ** 2 / lat.c ** 2))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2, self.tetragonal)
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.tetragonal, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle)
    def testinterplanarangle_cubic(self):
        equation = lambda h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          (h1 * h2 + k1 * k2 + l1 * l2) / \
          sqrt((h1 ** 2 + k1 ** 2 + l1 ** 2) * (h2 ** 2 + k2 ** 2 + l2 ** 2))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2,
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(*args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle)
    def testinterplanarangle_tetragonal(self):
        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          ((h1 * h2 + k1 * k2) / lat.a ** 2 + l1 * l2 / lat.c ** 2) / \
          sqrt(((h1 ** 2 + k1 ** 2) / lat.a ** 2 + l1 ** 2 / lat.c ** 2) * \
               ((h2 ** 2 + k2 ** 2) / lat.a ** 2 + l2 ** 2 / lat.c ** 2))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2,
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.tetragonal, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle)
Beispiel #10
def angle(v1, v2):
    Return the angle in radians between *v1* and *v2*.
    :arg v1: the first vector
    :type v1: :class:`vectors.Vector`
    :arg v2: the second vector
    :type v2: :class:`vectors.Vector`
    :return: angle in radians
    :rtype: :class:`float`
    costheta = directioncosine(v1, v2)
    return acos(costheta)
Beispiel #11
def angle(v1, v2):
    Return the angle in radians between *v1* and *v2*.
    :arg v1: the first vector
    :type v1: :class:`vectors.Vector`
    :arg v2: the second vector
    :type v2: :class:`vectors.Vector`
    :return: angle in radians
    :rtype: :class:`float`
    costheta = directioncosine(v1, v2)
    return acos(costheta)
Beispiel #12
    def testinterplanarangle_hexagonal(self):
        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          (h1 * h2 + k1 * k2 + 0.5 * (h1 * k2 + h2 * k1) + \
           (3 * lat.a ** 2) / (4 * lat.c ** 2) * l1 * l2) / \
           sqrt((h1 ** 2 + k1 ** 2 + h1 * k1 + (3 * lat.a ** 2) / \
                 (4 * lat.c ** 2) * l1 ** 2) * \
                 (h2 ** 2 + k2 ** 2 + h2 * k2 + (3 * lat.a ** 2) / \
                  (4 * lat.c ** 2) * l2 ** 2))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2, self.hexagonal)
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.hexagonal, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle)
    def testinterplanarangle_hexagonal(self):
        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          (h1 * h2 + k1 * k2 + 0.5 * (h1 * k2 + h2 * k1) + \
           (3 * lat.a ** 2) / (4 * lat.c ** 2) * l1 * l2) / \
           sqrt((h1 ** 2 + k1 ** 2 + h1 * k1 + (3 * lat.a ** 2) / \
                 (4 * lat.c ** 2) * l1 ** 2) * \
                 (h2 ** 2 + k2 ** 2 + h2 * k2 + (3 * lat.a ** 2) / \
                  (4 * lat.c ** 2) * l2 ** 2))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2,
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.hexagonal, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle)
Beispiel #14
    def testinterplanarangle_monoclinic(self):
        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          d1 * d2 / sin(lat.beta) ** 2 * \
          (h1 * h2 / lat.a ** 2 + \
           k1 * k2 * sin(lat.beta) ** 2 / lat.b ** 2 + \
           l1 * l2 / lat.c ** 2 - \
           (l1 * h2 + l2 * h1) * cos(lat.beta) / (lat.a * lat.c))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                d1 = calculations.planespacing(plane1, self.monoclinic)
                d2 = calculations.planespacing(plane2, self.monoclinic)
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2, self.monoclinic)
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.monoclinic, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle, 6)
Beispiel #15
    def testinterplanarangle_orthorhombic(self):
        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          (h1 * h2 / lat.a ** 2 + k1 * k2 / lat.b ** 2 + l1 * l2 / lat.c ** 2) / \
          sqrt((h1 ** 2 / lat.a ** 2 + \
                k1 ** 2 / lat.b ** 2 + \
                l1 ** 2 / lat.c ** 2) \
               * (h2 ** 2 / lat.a ** 2 + \
                  k2 ** 2 / lat.b ** 2 + \
                  l2 ** 2 / lat.c ** 2))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2, self.orthorhombic)
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.orthorhombic, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle, 6)
    def testinterplanarangle_orthorhombic(self):
        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          (h1 * h2 / lat.a ** 2 + k1 * k2 / lat.b ** 2 + l1 * l2 / lat.c ** 2) / \
          sqrt((h1 ** 2 / lat.a ** 2 + \
                k1 ** 2 / lat.b ** 2 + \
                l1 ** 2 / lat.c ** 2) \
               * (h2 ** 2 / lat.a ** 2 + \
                  k2 ** 2 / lat.b ** 2 + \
                  l2 ** 2 / lat.c ** 2))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2,
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.orthorhombic, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle, 6)
    def testinterplanarangle_monoclinic(self):
        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          d1 * d2 / sin(lat.beta) ** 2 * \
          (h1 * h2 / lat.a ** 2 + \
           k1 * k2 * sin(lat.beta) ** 2 / lat.b ** 2 + \
           l1 * l2 / lat.c ** 2 - \
           (l1 * h2 + l2 * h1) * cos(lat.beta) / (lat.a * lat.c))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                d1 = calculations.planespacing(plane1, self.monoclinic)
                d2 = calculations.planespacing(plane2, self.monoclinic)
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2,
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.monoclinic, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle, 6)
Beispiel #18
def bondangle(atom1, atom2, atom3, unitcell):
    Calculate the bond angle (in radians) between the vector
    from *atom1* to *atom2* and the vector from *atom1* to *atom3*.
    :type atom1: :class:`atomsite.AtomSite`
    :type atom2: :class:`atomsite.AtomSite`
    :type atom3: :class:`atomsite.AtomSite`
    :type unitcell: :class:`unitcell.UnitCell`
    :rtype: :class:`float`
      Equation 1.13 from Mathematical Crystallography
    atom1vector = atom1.position
    atom2vector = atom2.position
    atom3vector = atom3.position
    metricalmatrix = unitcell.metricalmatrix

    # Interatom vectors
    vector12 = atom2vector - atom1vector
    vector13 = atom3vector - atom1vector

    # Dot product
    dotproduct = vector12 * (metricalmatrix * vector13)

    # Bond distance
    bonddistance12 = bonddistance(atom1, atom2, unitcell)
    bonddistance13 = bonddistance(atom1, atom3, unitcell)

    # Cosine
    cosine = dotproduct / (bonddistance12 * bonddistance13)

    # Angle
    angle = acos(cosine)

    return angle
Beispiel #19
    def testinterplanarangle_trigonal(self):
        lat = self.trigonal

        v = lat.a ** 3 * sqrt(1 - 3 * cos(lat.alpha) ** 2 + 2 * cos(lat.alpha) ** 3)

        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          (lat.a ** 4 * d1 * d2) / v ** 2 * \
          (sin(lat.alpha) ** 2 * (h1 * h2 + k1 * k2 + l1 * l2) + \
           (cos(lat.alpha) ** 2 - cos(lat.alpha)) * \
           (k1 * l2 + k2 * l1 + l1 * h2 + l2 * h1 + h1 * k2 + h2 * k1))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                d1 = calculations.planespacing(plane1, lat)
                d2 = calculations.planespacing(plane2, lat)
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2, self.trigonal)
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.trigonal, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle, 6)
    def testinterplanarangle_trigonal(self):
        lat = self.trigonal

        v = lat.a**3 * sqrt(1 - 3 * cos(lat.alpha)**2 + 2 * cos(lat.alpha)**3)

        equation = lambda lat, h1, k1, l1, h2, k2, l2: \
          (lat.a ** 4 * d1 * d2) / v ** 2 * \
          (sin(lat.alpha) ** 2 * (h1 * h2 + k1 * k2 + l1 * l2) + \
           (cos(lat.alpha) ** 2 - cos(lat.alpha)) * \
           (k1 * l2 + k2 * l1 + l1 * h2 + l2 * h1 + h1 * k2 + h2 * k1))

        for plane1 in self.planes:
            for plane2 in self.planes:
                d1 = calculations.planespacing(plane1, lat)
                d2 = calculations.planespacing(plane2, lat)
                angle = calculations.interplanarangle(plane1, plane2,
                args = copy.deepcopy(plane1)
                expected_angle = acos(equation(self.trigonal, *args))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(angle, expected_angle, 6)
Beispiel #21
 def _calculate_reciprocal_angles(self):
     self.alpha_ = acos((cos(self.beta) * cos(self.gamma) - cos(self.alpha)) / (sin(self.beta) * sin(self.gamma)))
     self.beta_ = acos((cos(self.alpha) * cos(self.gamma) - cos(self.beta)) / (sin(self.alpha) * sin(self.gamma)))
     self.gamma_ = acos((cos(self.alpha) * cos(self.beta) - cos(self.gamma)) / (sin(self.alpha) * sin(self.beta)))
Beispiel #22
 def testacos(self):
     self.assertEqual(trigo.acos(4), 0)
     self.assertEqual(trigo.acos(-4), pi)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(trigo.acos(0.5), 60 / 180.0 * pi)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(trigo.acos(0.45675), acos(0.45675))
Beispiel #23
 def testacos(self):
     self.assertEqual(trigo.acos(4), 0)
     self.assertEqual(trigo.acos(-4), pi)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(trigo.acos(0.5), 60 / 180.0 * pi)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(trigo.acos(0.45675), acos(0.45675))