Beispiel #1
def concatN_from_list(dirList, pathList, saveDir):
    sourceDir = dirList[0]
    N = len(dirList)
    errorCnt = 0
    for path in pathList:
        sourcePath = path
        tmpVec = np.transpose(matio.load_mat(sourcePath))[:, 0:-1]
        _concatedPath = path.replace(sourceDir, '')
        if _concatedPath.startswith('/'):
            _concatedPath = _concatedPath[1:]
        concatedPath = os.path.join(saveDir, _concatedPath)
        # try:

        for followDir in dirList[1:]:
            followPath = sourcePath.replace(sourceDir, followDir)
            untransposed = matio.load_mat(followPath)
            followVec = np.transpose(untransposed)[:, 0:-1]
            tmpVec = np.concatenate((tmpVec, followVec), axis=1)
        #pad the last label
        tmpVec = tmpVec / np.sqrt(N)
        tmpVec = np.concatenate(
            (tmpVec, np.expand_dims(np.transpose(untransposed)[:, -1],

        createPath_write_bin(concatedPath, tmpVec.T)

Beispiel #2
def compare():
    # verify the keys
    ACCESS_KEY = request.form.get('ACCESS_KEY').encode("utf-8")
    TIMESTAMP = request.form.get('TIMESTAMP').encode("utf-8")
    SIGN_KEY = request.form.get('SIGN_KEY').encode("utf-8")
    user_id = request.form.get('user_id').encode("utf-8")
    id_0 = request.form.get('id_0').encode("utf-8")
    id_1 = request.form.get('id_1').encode("utf-8")
    if ACCESS_KEY and TIMESTAMP and SIGN_KEY and user_id >= 0 and id_0 >= 0 and id_1 >= 0:
        check_result, message = _check_security(ACCESS_KEY, TIMESTAMP,
                                                SIGN_KEY, user_id)
        if not check_result:
            return message
        return error_resp(2, "LACK_PARAM ERROR")
    file_path1 = os.path.join(app.config['FEATURE_FOLDER'],
    file_path2 = os.path.join(app.config['FEATURE_FOLDER'],
    if (not os.path.exists(file_path1) or not os.path.exists(file_path2)):
        return error_resp(2, "FACE_ID ERROR")

    feat1 = load_mat(file_path1)
    feat2 = load_mat(file_path2)
    score = eng.calc_score_result(feat1, feat2)
    resp = jsonify(status=1,
                   result="Same Person" if score > 0.5 else "Different Person",
                   similarity="%.3f" % score)
    resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    return resp
def clean_intra_noise(root_folder, feature_path, fea_dims, threshold):
    print('Start load feature')
    label_featurelist_dict = get_label_featurelist_dict(feature_path)

    print('Finished load feature')
    lable_center_dict = dict()
    # Calulate feature center
    for key in label_featurelist_dict:
        feature_sum = np.zeros(fea_dims, dtype=np.float64)
        cur_fea_list = label_featurelist_dict[key]
        for i in range(len(cur_fea_list)):
            full_path = os.path.join(root_folder, cur_fea_list[i])
            x_vec = matio.load_mat(full_path).flatten()
            feature_sum += x_vec
        feature_center = feature_sum / len(cur_fea_list)
        lable_center_dict[key] = feature_center

    # compare insta distance
    noise_img = []
    for key in label_featurelist_dict:
        cur_fea_list = label_featurelist_dict[key]
        for i in range(len(cur_fea_list)):
            full_path = os.path.join(root_folder, cur_fea_list[i])
            x_vec = matio.load_mat(full_path).flatten()
            center = lable_center_dict[key]

            sim =, center) / (np.linalg.norm(x_vec, ord=2) *
                                           np.linalg.norm(center, ord=2))
            if sim < threshold:
                #print(cur_fea_list[i] + ' ' + str(dist))
                noise_img.append(cur_fea_list[i] + ' ' + str(sim))
    return noise_img
Beispiel #4
def main(args):
    print('===> args:\n', args)

    image_list = args.image_list
    feature_dir_1 = args.feature_dir_1
    feature_dir_2 = args.feature_dir_2

    save_type = args.save_format
    feature_len = args.feature_dims

    i = 0
    with open(image_list, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        print('###### read features nums: %d ######' % (len(lines)))
        X = np.zeros(shape=(len(lines), feature_len))

        for line in lines:
            feature_name = line.strip() + save_type
            feature_path_1 = os.path.join(feature_dir_1, feature_name)
            x_vec_1 = np.transpose(matio.load_mat(feature_path_1))

            feature_path_2 = os.path.join(feature_dir_2, feature_name)
            x_vec_2 = np.transpose(matio.load_mat(feature_path_2))

            x_vec = np.concatenate((x_vec_1, x_vec_2), axis=0)

            X[i] = x_vec
            i = i + 1
    print('###### success load feature nums: %d ######' % i)
Beispiel #5
def concatN_from_list(dirList, pathList, saveDir):
    sourceDir = dirList[0]

    errorCnt = 0
    for path in pathList:
        sourcePath = path
        tmpVec = np.transpose(matio.load_mat(sourcePath))
        _concatedPath = path.replace(sourceDir, '')
        if _concatedPath.startswith('/'):
            _concatedPath = _concatedPath[1:]
        concatedPath = os.path.join(saveDir, _concatedPath)
        # try:

        for followDir in dirList[1:]:
            followPath = sourcePath.replace(sourceDir, followDir)
            untransposed = matio.load_mat(followPath)
            followVec = np.transpose(untransposed)
            tmpVec = np.concatenate((tmpVec, followVec), axis=1)
        #pad the last label
        #tmpVec = np.concatenate((tmpVec, np.expand_dims(followVec[:, -1], axis=0)), axis=1)
        createPath_write_bin(concatedPath, tmpVec.T)

        # except Exception e:
        #     print e.message()
        #     errorCnt += 1
        #     print errorCnt, "errors"
def clean_intra_noise(root_folder, feature_path, fea_dims, threshold):
    print('Start load feature')
    label_featurelist_dict = get_label_featurelist_dict(feature_path)
    print('Finished load feature')

    lable_center_dict = dict()
    # Calulate feature center
    for key in label_featurelist_dict:
        feature_sum = np.zeros(fea_dims, dtype=np.float64)
        cur_fea_list = label_featurelist_dict[key]
        feature_center = np.zeros(fea_dims, dtype=np.float64)

        fea_num = len(cur_fea_list)
        is_finised_flag = False
        for i in range(fea_num):
            count = 0
            full_path = os.path.join(root_folder, cur_fea_list[i])
            x_vec_1 = matio.load_mat(full_path).flatten()
            for j in range(fea_num):
                full_path2 = os.path.join(root_folder, cur_fea_list[j])
                x_vec_2 = matio.load_mat(full_path2).flatten()
                sim =, x_vec_2) / (
                    np.linalg.norm(x_vec_1, ord=2) *
                    np.linalg.norm(x_vec_2, ord=2) + +0.0000001)
                if sim > 0.6:
                    feature_sum = feature_sum + x_vec_2
                    count = count + 1
                    if count > (fea_num * 0.5):
                        is_finised_flag = True
            if is_finised_flag == True:
                feature_center = feature_sum / count

        lable_center_dict[key] = feature_center

    # compare insta distance
    noise_img = []
    for key in label_featurelist_dict:
        cur_fea_list = label_featurelist_dict[key]
        for i in range(len(cur_fea_list)):
            full_path = os.path.join(root_folder, cur_fea_list[i])
            x_vec = matio.load_mat(full_path).flatten()
            center = lable_center_dict[key]
            sim =, center) / (
                np.linalg.norm(x_vec, ord=2) * np.linalg.norm(center, ord=2) +

            if sim < threshold:
                print(cur_fea_list[i] + ' ' + str(sim))
                noise_img.append(cur_fea_list[i] + ' ' + str(sim))
    return noise_img
Beispiel #7
def recognize():
    # verify the keys
    ACCESS_KEY = request.form.get('ACCESS_KEY').encode("utf-8")
    TIMESTAMP = request.form.get('TIMESTAMP').encode("utf-8")
    SIGN_KEY = request.form.get('SIGN_KEY').encode("utf-8")
    user_id = request.form.get('user_id').encode("utf-8")
    id = request.form.get('id').encode("utf-8")
    if ACCESS_KEY and TIMESTAMP and SIGN_KEY and user_id >= 0 and id >= 0:
        check_result, message = _check_security(ACCESS_KEY, TIMESTAMP,
                                                SIGN_KEY, user_id)
        if not check_result:
            return message
        return error_resp(2, "LACK_PARAM ERROR")

    file_path = os.path.join(app.config['FEATURE_FOLDER'], "{}.bin".format(id))
    if (not os.path.exists(file_path)):
        return error_resp(2, "FACE_ID ERROR")

    feat = load_mat(file_path)
    names, scores = inner_recognize(feat)
    min_value = min(scores)
    scores = [s - min_value for s in scores]
    sum_value = sum(scores)
    norm_scores = ["%.2f" % np.divide(s, sum_value) for s in scores]
    results = []
    for i in xrange(len(norm_scores)):
        results.append(serialize3(names[i], norm_scores[i]))
    resp = jsonify(status=1, results=results)
    resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    return resp
Beispiel #8
def concat2_from_list(aDir, bDir, pathList, saveDir):
    for path in pathList:
        aPath = path
        bPath = path.replace(aDir, bDir)
        _concatedPath = path.replace(aDir, '')
        concatedPath = os.path.join(saveDir, _concatedPath)
            aFeatureVec = np.transpose(matio.load_mat(aPath))
            bFeatureVec = np.transpose(matio.load_mat(bPath))
            concatedFeatureVec = np.concatenate((aFeatureVec, bFeatureVec),
            #print concatedPath
            createPath_write_bin(concatedPath, concatedFeatureVec)
            print 'unable to process'
Beispiel #9
def main(args):
    print('===> args:\n', args)

    image_list = args.image_list
    feature_dir = args.feature_dir

    save_type = args.save_format
    feature_len = args.feature_dims

    i = 0
    with open(image_list, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        print('###### read features nums: %d ######' % (len(lines)))
        X = np.zeros(shape=(len(lines), feature_len))

        for line in lines:
            feature_name = line.strip() + save_type
            feature_path = os.path.join(feature_dir, feature_name)
            x_vec = np.transpose(matio.load_mat(feature_path))
            X[i] = x_vec
            i = i + 1
    print('###### success load feature nums: %d ######' % i)
    ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=args.n_components)
    print('###### PCA Done! ######')
    joblib.dump(ipca, args.ipca_save_path)

    print('components num: %d' % ipca.n_components)
    sum_variance_ratio = 0
    for i in range(ipca.n_components):
        sum_variance_ratio += ipca.explained_variance_ratio_[i]
    print('sum_variance_ratio: %f' % sum_variance_ratio)
Beispiel #10
def read_feature(fea_root, path):
    fea_dict = dict()
    with open(path) as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            full_path = os.path.join(fea_root, line.strip())
            x_vec = matio.load_mat(full_path).flatten()
            fea_dict[line.strip()] = x_vec
    return fea_dict
Beispiel #11
def load_cele_features(celefeature_folder):
    features = []
    names = []
    for the_file in os.listdir(celefeature_folder):
        name = the_file.rsplit('#', 1)[0]
        file_path = os.path.join(celefeature_folder, the_file)
        feature = load_mat(file_path)
    return features, names
Beispiel #12
def load_feature_list(rel_list, feature_dir, suffix):
    total_size = len(rel_list)
    featlist = []
    for i in range(total_size):
        # make fullpath
        feat_path = os.path.join(feature_dir, rel_list[i])
        feat_path = feat_path + suffix
        feat = load_mat(feat_path)
        if i % 100 == 0:
            print('\t%d/%d\t%s' % (i, total_size, rel_list[i]))
    return featlist
Beispiel #13
def load_feat(feat_file, flatten=True):
    feat = None
    if feat_file.endswith('npy'):
        feat = np.load(feat_file)
    elif feat_file.endswith('bin'):
        feat = load_mat(feat_file)
        raise Exception(
            'Unsupported feature file. Only support .npy and .bin (OpenCV Mat file)'
    if flatten:
        feat = feat.flatten()
    return feat
def read_feature(root_folder, feature_path):
    label_feature_dict = get_img_list(feature_path)
    feature_matrix = []

    for key in label_feature_dict:
        each_class_feature = []
        cur_fea_list = label_feature_dict[key]
        for i in range(len(cur_fea_list)):
            full_path = os.path.join(root_folder, cur_fea_list[i])
            x_vec = matio.load_mat(full_path).flatten()
        feature_matrix.append(np.array(each_class_feature, dtype=np.float64))
    return feature_matrix
def main(args):
    root_folder = args.feature_dir
    img_list = args.image_list
    save_list = args.out_result_list
    threshold = args.threshold

    with open(img_list) as f, open(save_list, 'w') as f2:
        lines = f.readlines()
        print('All Feature Num: %d' % len(lines))
        for line in lines:
            fea_name = line.strip() + fea_type
            if not os.path.exists(osp.join(root_folder, fea_name)):

            fea = matio.load_mat(osp.join(root_folder, fea_name)).flatten()
            norm = np.linalg.norm(fea)
            if norm < threshold:
                f2.write(line.strip() + ' ' + str(norm) + '\n')
def clean_inter_noise(root_folder, feature_path, fea_dims,threshold):
    label_featurelist_dict = get_label_featurelist_dict(feature_path)
    print('Finished load feature')
    lable_center_dict = dict()
    # Calulate feature center
    for key in label_featurelist_dict:
        feature_sum = np.zeros(fea_dims, dtype=np.float64)
        cur_fea_list = label_featurelist_dict[key]
        for i in range(len(cur_fea_list)):
            full_path = os.path.join(root_folder, cur_fea_list[i])
            x_vec = matio.load_mat(full_path).flatten()
            feature_sum += x_vec
        feature_center = feature_sum / len(cur_fea_list)
        lable_center_dict[key] = feature_center

    # compare insta distance
    print('Finished Cal class center')
    label_visited_dict = dict()
    for key in lable_center_dict:
        label_visited_dict[key] = 0
    print('Start merge same class')
    #same_class = []
    out_result = []
    for key in lable_center_dict:
        tmp_class = []
        if label_visited_dict[key] == 0:
            label_visited_dict[key] = 1
            cur_fea_center = lable_center_dict[key]

            for key2 in lable_center_dict:
                if key != key2 and label_visited_dict[key2] == 0:
                    #label_visited_dict[key2] = 1
                    com_fea_center = lable_center_dict[key2]
                    dist =, com_fea_center) / (np.linalg.norm(cur_fea_center, ord=2) * np.linalg.norm(com_fea_center, ord=2))
                    #print(str(key)+'  ' +str(key2) + '  ' + str(dist))
                    if dist > threshold:
                        print(str(key)+'  ' +str(key2) + '  ' + str(dist))
                        label_visited_dict[key2] = 1
                        out_result.append(str(key)+'  ' +str(key2) + '  ' + str(dist))
    return out_result
Beispiel #17
def test_set(distractor_path, probe, feature_dir, suffix):
    # load distractor
    with open(distractor_path, 'r') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    distractor_list = data['path']
    # probe set
    T = len(probe['id'])
    probe_set = set()
    for id in probe['id']:
    ids = list(probe_set)
    N = len(ids)
    pclass = {}
    for id in ids:
        pclass[id] = []
    for i in range(len(probe['id'])):
        id = probe['id'][i]
    probe_id_list = probe['id']
    probe_feat_list = probe['feat']
    correct = 0
    wrong = 0
    # class 1,..., N
    for id in pclass:
        # i,...,M
        S = pclass[id]
        M = len(S)
        print('test id:%s' % id)
        for i in range(M):
            min_dist = 100000
            min_idx = 0
            probe_idx = S[i]
            probe_feat = probe_feat_list[probe_idx]
            probe_id = probe_id_list[probe_idx]
            # match distractors
            for j in range(len(distractor_list)):
                # make fullpath
                feat_path = os.path.join(feature_dir, distractor_list[j])
                feat_path = feat_path + suffix
                feat = load_mat(feat_path)
                dist = L2_distance(feat, probe_feat)
                if dist < min_dist:
                    min_dist = dist
                    min_idx = j
            p2_dist = 100000
            p2_idx = 0
            # match probe
            for j in range(T):
                if j == probe_idx:
                dist = L2_distance(probe_feat_list[j],probe_feat)
                if dist < p2_dist:
                    p2_dist = dist
                    p2_idx = j
            for c in ids:
                if c != id:
                    SS = pclass[c]
                    MM = len(SS)
                    II = np.random.randint(MM)
                    j = SS[II]
                    II = np.random.randint(M - 1)
                    II = II if II < i else (II + 1)
                    j = S[II]
                dist = L2_distance(probe_feat_list[j], probe_feat)
                if dist < p2_dist:
                    p2_dist = dist
                    p2_idx = j

            if p2_dist < min_dist:
                if probe['id'][p2_idx] == probe_id:
                    print("TTT:%s\t %s %f" % (probe['path'][probe_idx],
                                              probe['path'][p2_idx], p2_dist))
                    print("FFF:%s\t %s %f" % (probe['path'][probe_idx],
                                              probe['path'][p2_idx], p2_dist))
                print("FFF:%s\t %s %f" % (probe['path'][probe_idx],
                                          distractor_list[min_idx], min_dist))

            # compare
            if p2_dist < min_dist and probe_id_list[p2_idx] == probe_id:
                correct += 1
                wrong += 1
    rank1_ratio = float(correct) / (correct + wrong)
    print('RandK-1:%f %d/%d' % (rank1_ratio, correct, (correct + wrong)))
Beispiel #18
    save_type = '_feat.bin'
    save_dir = '/workspace/data/face-idcard-1M/features/idcard1M-features-insightface-r100-spa-m2.0-ep96/pca-320-split0'

    if not osp.exists(save_dir):

    i = 0
    with open(feature_list_path, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        print('###### read features nums: %d ######' % (len(lines)))
        for line in lines:
            sub_dir = line.split('/')[0]
            final_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, sub_dir)
            if not osp.exists(final_dir):

            feature_path = osp.join(feature_dir, line.strip() + save_type)
            new_feature_path = osp.join(
                line.strip().split('/')[-1] + save_type)
            #print new_feature_path

            x_vec = np.transpose(matio.load_mat(feature_path))
            new_x_vec = ipca.transform(x_vec)
            matio.save_mat(new_feature_path, new_x_vec.T)
            i = i + 1
            if i % 100000 == 0:
                print('####### Save index %d feature  ######' % i)
    print('###### Finished Feature Reduce Dims, %d ######' % i)
Beispiel #19
import matio
import argparse
import os
import sys
import os.path as osp

fea_type = '_feat.bin'

def AugDistance(fea1, fea2):


if __name__ == '__main__':
    #root_folder = '/workspace/data/vgg-features_0410/vggface-r100-spa-m2.0-ep96/vggface2_train_aligned_112x112/aligned_imgs'
    root_folder = '/workspace/data/face-idcard-1M/features/insightface-r100-spa-m2.0-ep96/'
    with open('../../data/pair.txt') as f, open('./result.txt', 'w') as f2:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            fea1_name = line.strip().split(' ')[0] + fea_type
            fea2_name = line.strip().split(' ')[1] + fea_type

            fea1 = matio.load_mat(osp.join(root_folder, fea1_name)).flatten()
            fea2 = matio.load_mat(osp.join(root_folder, fea2_name)).flatten()

            dist =, fea2) / (np.linalg.norm(fea1, ord=2) *
                                         np.linalg.norm(fea2, ord=2))

            f2.write('%s  %s: %f\n' % (fea1_name, fea2_name, dist))
Beispiel #20
def main(args):
    print('===> args:\n', args)

    image_list = args.image_list
    feature_dir = args.feature_dir

    ipca_model_path = args.ipca_model_path
    save_format = args.save_format

    out_dir = args.out_dir
    if not osp.exists(out_dir):
    #load pca model
    ipca = joblib.load(ipca_model_path)

    print('components num: %d' % ipca.n_components)
    print('explained_variance_ratio: %s' %
    sum_variance_ratio = 0
    for i in range(ipca.n_components):
        sum_variance_ratio += ipca.explained_variance_ratio_[i]
    print('sum_variance_ratio: %f' % sum_variance_ratio)

    succ_num = 0
    failed_num = 0
    with open(image_list, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        print('###### read features nums: %d ######' % (len(lines)))
        for line in lines:
            sub_dir_list = line.split('/')
            sub_dir = ''
            for i in range(len(sub_dir_list) - 1):
                sub_dir = osp.join(sub_dir, sub_dir_list[i])
            final_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, sub_dir)

            if not osp.exists(final_dir):
            feature_name = line.strip() + save_format
            feature_path = osp.join(feature_dir, feature_name)
            new_feature_path = osp.join(
                line.strip().split('/')[-1] + save_format)
            if not osp.exists(feature_path):
                print('Not existed: %s' % feature_path)
                failed_num = failed_num + 1
                x_vec = np.transpose(matio.load_mat(feature_path))
                #print('pca after')
                x_vec_by_pca = ipca.transform(x_vec)

                feature_len = x_vec_by_pca.shape[1]
                norm_x_vec = np.zeros(shape=(1, feature_len))

                norm_x_vec = 1.0 * x_vec_by_pca / (
                    np.linalg.norm(x_vec_by_pca, ord=2) + 0.000001)
                #feature is NAN
                if np.isnan(norm_x_vec).sum() > 0:
                    print('%s is Nan' % feature_path)

                    #matio.save_mat(new_feature_path, norm_x_vec.T)
                    write_bin(new_feature_path, norm_x_vec.T)
                    succ_num = succ_num + 1
                    if succ_num % 10000 == 0:
                        print('####### Save index %d feature  ######' %
    print('###### Finished Feature Reduce Dims, %d ######' % succ_num)
    print('###### Failed Feature Reduce Dims, %d ######' % failed_num)