def in_triangle(point, triangle):
    """Checks if a specified point is inside a triangle using the barycenter

    :param point: The point to be checked
    :type point: list

    :param triangle: The triangle
    :type triangle: list

    :returns: True if the point is inside the triangle.
    :rtype: bool
    A, B, C = map(lambda t: Vec(*t), triangle)
    P = Vec(*point)

    u = B - A
    v = C - A
    w = P - A

    vxw = v.cross(w)
    vxu = v.cross(u)

    if < 0:
        return False

    uxw = u.cross(w)
    uxv = u.cross(v)

    if < 0:
        return False

    denom = uxv.mag()

    r = vxw.mag() / denom
    t = uxw.mag() / denom

    return (r + t <= 1)
def is_degenerate(triangle):
    """Checks if the triangle is degenerate.

    :param triangle: The triangle to be checked.
    :type triangle: list

    :returns: Wether the triangle is degenerate or not
    :rtype: bool
    A, B, C = map(lambda t: Vec(*t), triangle)
    u = B - A
    v = C - A
    uxv = u.cross(v)
    return uxv.mag() == 0