Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.scales = [(_("Hour"),hours(1),MinuteLocator(interval=10)),
     self.cur = 0
     self.pos = None
def time_truncate(dictionary, start_time, end_time):
    """ take a dictionary and reduce it to the desired interval.
    We do this rather than integrate it into time_to_tweets to keep
    time_to_tweets from becoming more complicated; this doesn't add
    any extra time, and requires only slightly more memory. It could be
    abstracted even more and called in time_to_tweets, but this lets us keep
    the logic separate and easier to debug.

    # We need to preprocess times into our desired mdates format.

    zero_time = list(dictionary.keys())[0]
    start_time = start_time.split(':')
    start_time = mdate.hours(float(start_time[0])) + \
    start_time = start_time + zero_time

    end_time = end_time.split(':')
    end_time = mdate.hours(float(end_time[0])) + \
    end_time = zero_time + end_time

    # we need a new dictionary. It costs a bit of memory.
    new_dict = OrderedDict({})

    for time in dictionary:
        if time < start_time:
        elif time > start_time and time < end_time:
            new_dict[time] = dictionary[time]
        elif time > end_time:

    return new_dict
def time_to_tweets(filename, search_list, interval=15):
    This determines how to bucket the times for a line plot, and returns a
    fi = open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf_8')

    time_dictionary = OrderedDict({})

    interval_time = mdate.minutes(interval)

    # this is set to zero because of the way initialization works later
    curr_time = 0
    for line in nonblank_lines(fi):
        jdata = json.loads(line)
        for term in search_list:
            if term in jdata['text'].lower():

                timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(jdata['created_at'], '%a %b %d \
                    %H:%M:%S %z %Y')
                timename = mdate.date2num(timestamp)

                # initializes the dictionary. This is true only once, but we do
                # it here, rather than earlier, since it lets us initialize it
                # for the first timename (which we won't know until we've
                # started searching the JSON file).
                if time_dictionary == {}:
                    time_dictionary[timename] = dict(search_list)
                    time_dictionary[timename][term] += 1
                    curr_time = timename

                # this conditional should NOT be an elif!
                if timename < curr_time + interval_time:
                    time_dictionary[curr_time][term] += 1
                elif timename > curr_time + interval_time:
                    curr_time = timename
                    time_dictionary[curr_time] = dict(search_list)
                    time_dictionary[curr_time][term] += 1

    return time_dictionary