Beispiel #1
def parse_plots(plot_types, table_overrides):
    def get_module_base(n):
        return n
    def get_super_base(n):
        return "plot"

    module_specs = []
    for plot in plot_types:
        port_specs = {}
        print "========================================"
        print plot
        print "========================================"
        (plot, module_name, super_name) = \
            get_names(plot, get_module_base, get_super_base, "Mpl", "")

            plot_obj = getattr(matplotlib.pyplot, plot)
        except AttributeError:
            print '*** CANNOT ADD PLOT "%s";' \
                'IT DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS MPL VERSION ***' % plot
        port_specs_list = parse_argspec(plot_obj)
        for port_spec in port_specs_list:
            port_specs[port_spec.arg] = port_spec

        docstring = plot_obj.__doc__
        if plot == 'contour':
            # want to change the double newline to single newline...
            print "&*&* FINDING:", \
                docstring.find("*extent*: [ *None* | (x0,x1,y0,y1) ]\n\n")
            docstring = docstring.replace("*extent*: [ *None* | (x0,x1,y0,y1) ]\n\n", 
                              "*extent*: [ *None* | (x0,x1,y0,y1) ]\n")
        if plot == 'annotate':
            docstring = docstring % dict((k,v) for k, v in matplotlib.docstring.interpd.params.iteritems() if k == 'Annotation')
        elif plot == 'barbs':
            docstring = docstring % dict((k,v) for k,v in matplotlib.docstring.interpd.params.iteritems() if k == 'barbs_doc')

        cleaned_docstring, output_port_specs = \
            process_docstring(docstring, port_specs, ('pyplot', plot),

        # for port_spec in port_specs.itervalues():
        #     if port_spec.defaults is not None:
        #         port_spec.defaults = [str(v) for v in port_spec.defaults]
        #     if port_spec.values is not None:
        #         port_spec.values = [[str(v) for v in port_spec.values[0]]]
        #     for alt_ps in port_spec.alternate_specs:
        #         if alt_ps.defaults is not None:
        #             alt_ps.defaults = [str(v) for v in alt_ps.defaults]
        #         if alt_ps.values is not None:
        #             alt_ps.values = [[str(v) for v in alt_ps.values[0]]]
        module_specs.append(ModuleSpec(module_name, super_name,
                                       "matplotlib.pyplot.%s" % plot, 
                                       cleaned_docstring, port_specs.values(),
    my_specs = SpecList(module_specs)
    return my_specs
Beispiel #2
def parse_plots(plot_types, table_overrides):
    def get_module_base(n):
        return n
    def get_super_base(n):
        return "plot"

    module_specs = []
    for plot in plot_types:
        port_specs = {}
        print "========================================"
        print plot
        print "========================================"
        (plot, module_name, super_name) = \
            get_names(plot, get_module_base, get_super_base, "Mpl", "")

            plot_obj = getattr(matplotlib.pyplot, plot)
        except AttributeError:
            print '*** CANNOT ADD PLOT "%s";' \
                'IT DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS MPL VERSION ***' % plot
        port_specs_list = parse_argspec(plot_obj)
        for port_spec in port_specs_list:
            port_specs[port_spec.arg] = port_spec

        docstring = plot_obj.__doc__
        if plot == 'contour':
            # want to change the double newline to single newline...
            print "&*&* FINDING:", \
                docstring.find("*extent*: [ *None* | (x0,x1,y0,y1) ]\n\n")
            docstring = docstring.replace("*extent*: [ *None* | (x0,x1,y0,y1) ]\n\n", 
                              "*extent*: [ *None* | (x0,x1,y0,y1) ]\n")
        if plot == 'annotate':
            docstring = docstring % dict((k,v) for k, v in matplotlib.docstring.interpd.params.iteritems() if k == 'Annotation')
        elif plot == 'barbs':
            docstring = docstring % dict((k,v) for k,v in matplotlib.docstring.interpd.params.iteritems() if k == 'barbs_doc')

        cleaned_docstring, output_port_specs = \
            process_docstring(docstring, port_specs, ('pyplot', plot),

        # for port_spec in port_specs.itervalues():
        #     if port_spec.defaults is not None:
        #         port_spec.defaults = [str(v) for v in port_spec.defaults]
        #     if port_spec.values is not None:
        #         port_spec.values = [[str(v) for v in port_spec.values[0]]]
        #     for alt_ps in port_spec.alternate_specs:
        #         if alt_ps.defaults is not None:
        #             alt_ps.defaults = [str(v) for v in alt_ps.defaults]
        #         if alt_ps.values is not None:
        #             alt_ps.values = [[str(v) for v in alt_ps.values[0]]]
        module_specs.append(ModuleSpec(module_name, super_name,
                                       "matplotlib.pyplot.%s" % plot, 
                                       cleaned_docstring, port_specs.values(),
    my_specs = SpecList(module_specs)
    return my_specs
def parse_plots(plot_types, table_overrides):
    def get_module_base(n):
        return n
    def get_super_base(n):
        return "plot"

    module_specs = []
    for plot in plot_types:
        port_specs = {}
        print "========================================"
        print plot
        print "========================================"
        (plot, module_name, super_name) = \
            get_names(plot, get_module_base, get_super_base, "Mpl", "")

            plot_obj = getattr(matplotlib.pyplot, plot)
        except AttributeError:
            print '*** CANNOT ADD PLOT "%s";' \
                'IT DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS MPL VERSION ***' % plot
        # argspec = inspect.getargspec(plot_obj)
        # print argspec
        # if argspec.defaults is None:
        #     start_defaults = len(argspec.args) + 1
        # else:
        #     start_defaults = len(argspec.args) - len(argspec.defaults)
        # for i, arg in enumerate(argspec.args):
        #     port_specs[arg] = PortSpec(arg, arg)
        #     if i >= start_defaults:
        #         port_specs[arg].required = False
        #         default_val = argspec.defaults[i-start_defaults]
        #         if default_val is not None:
        #             port_specs[arg].defaults = [str(default_val)]
        #             port_type = get_type_from_val(default_val)
        #             if port_type is not None:
        #                 port_specs[arg].port_type = port_type
        #     else:
        #         port_specs[arg].required = True
        #         # port_specs[arg].entry_types = [None,]
        #         # port_specs[arg].values = [[]]
        #         # port_specs[arg].translations = [None,]
        port_specs_list = parse_argspec(plot_obj)
        for port_spec in port_specs_list:
            port_specs[port_spec.arg] = port_spec

        docstring = plot_obj.__doc__
        if plot == 'contour':
            # want to change the double newline to single newline...
            print "&*&* FINDING:", \
                docstring.find("*extent*: [ *None* | (x0,x1,y0,y1) ]\n\n")
            docstring = docstring.replace("*extent*: [ *None* | (x0,x1,y0,y1) ]\n\n", 
                              "*extent*: [ *None* | (x0,x1,y0,y1) ]\n")
        if plot == 'annotate':
            docstring = docstring % dict((k,v) for k, v in matplotlib.docstring.interpd.params.iteritems() if k == 'Annotation')
        elif plot == 'barbs':
            docstring = docstring % dict((k,v) for k,v in matplotlib.docstring.interpd.params.iteritems() if k == 'barbs_doc')

        cleaned_docstring, output_port_specs = \
            process_docstring(docstring, port_specs, ('pyplot', plot),

        module_specs.append(ModuleSpec(module_name, super_name,
                                       "matplotlib.pyplot.%s" % plot, 
                                       cleaned_docstring, port_specs.values(),
    my_specs = SpecList(module_specs)
    return my_specs