Beispiel #1
def chunk_limit_setup():
    N = 100_000
    dpi = 500
    w = 5 * dpi
    h = 6 * dpi

    # just fit in the width
    x = np.linspace(0, w, N)
    # and go top-to-bottom
    y = np.ones(N) * h
    y[::2] = 0

    idt = IdentityTransform()
    # make a renderer
    ra = RendererAgg(w, h, dpi)
    # setup the minimal gc to draw a line
    gc = ra.new_gc()
    # make a Path
    p = Path(np.vstack((x, y)).T)
    # effectively disable path simplification (but leaving it "on")
    p.simplify_threshold = 0

    return ra, gc, p, idt
Beispiel #2
def onselect(vertices):
    path = Path( vertices, closed = True)
    # fraction of a pixel difference below which vertices will be simplified out
    path.simplify_threshold = 1.0
    path.should_simplify = True
    # path.contains_points(points = )

    vertfilename = "maskselection.npz"
    savez_dict = dict(vertices = vertices)
    np.savez_compressed(vertfilename, **savez_dict)
Beispiel #3
    def draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace=None):
        # docstring inherited
        nmax = mpl.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize']  # here at least for testing
        npts = path.vertices.shape[0]

        if (npts > nmax > 100 and path.should_simplify and rgbFace is None
                and gc.get_hatch() is None):
            nch = np.ceil(npts / nmax)
            chsize = int(np.ceil(npts / nch))
            i0 = np.arange(0, npts, chsize)
            i1 = np.zeros_like(i0)
            i1[:-1] = i0[1:] - 1
            i1[-1] = npts
            for ii0, ii1 in zip(i0, i1):
                v = path.vertices[ii0:ii1, :]
                c =
                if c is not None:
                    c = c[ii0:ii1]
                    c[0] = Path.MOVETO  # move to end of last chunk
                p = Path(v, c)
                p.simplify_threshold = path.simplify_threshold
                    self._renderer.draw_path(gc, p, transform, rgbFace)
                except OverflowError:
                    msg = (
                        "Exceeded cell block limit in Agg.\n\n"
                        "Please reduce the value of "
                        f"rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] (currently {nmax}) "
                        "or increase the path simplification threshold"
                        "(rcParams['path.simplify_threshold'] = "
                        f"{mpl.rcParams['path.simplify_threshold']:.2f} by "
                        "default and path.simplify_threshold = "
                        f"{path.simplify_threshold:.2f} on the input).")
                    raise OverflowError(msg) from None
                self._renderer.draw_path(gc, path, transform, rgbFace)
            except OverflowError:
                cant_chunk = ''
                if rgbFace is not None:
                    cant_chunk += "- can not split filled path\n"
                if gc.get_hatch() is not None:
                    cant_chunk += "- can not split hatched path\n"
                if not path.should_simplify:
                    cant_chunk += "- path.should_simplify is False\n"
                if len(cant_chunk):
                    msg = (
                        "Exceeded cell block limit in Agg, however for the "
                        "following reasons:\n\n"
                        "we can not automatically split up this path to draw."
                        "\n\nPlease manually simplify your path.")

                    inc_threshold = (
                        "or increase the path simplification threshold"
                        "(rcParams['path.simplify_threshold'] = "
                        f"{mpl.rcParams['path.simplify_threshold']} "
                        "by default and path.simplify_threshold "
                        f"= {path.simplify_threshold} "
                        "on the input).")
                    if nmax > 100:
                        msg = (
                            "Exceeded cell block limit in Agg.  Please reduce "
                            "the value of rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] "
                            f"(currently {nmax}) {inc_threshold}")
                        msg = ("Exceeded cell block limit in Agg.  Please set "
                               "the value of rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'], "
                               f"(currently {nmax}) to be greater than 100 " +

                raise OverflowError(msg) from None
Beispiel #4
# <codecell>

import matplotlib.path as mpath
from matplotlib.path import Path

vertfilename = "maskselection.npz"

data = np.load(vertfilename)

verts = data['vertices']

path = Path(verts, closed = True)
print len(path)

path.should_simplify = True
path.simplify_threshold = 10.0

# <codecell>

vertices = []
codes = []
for (vertex, code) in path.iter_segments(simplify = True):

# <codecell>

cleanpath = Path(vertices, codes)

# <codecell>