def plot_model(self, ax, I0, R, b0, a0, model_kind=None, dimless=True, rdf=True, bg=False): plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=12) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if model_kind is None: model_kind = SprModelRadial._model_spr q0, qn = self.q[0, 0], self.q[-1, 0] q = np.linspace(q0, qn, 300).reshape(300, 1) q1 = np.linspace(0, q0, 50).reshape(50, 1) I = self.model_q(I0, R, q, model_kind) + a0 * np.interp( q, self.q.flat, self.b.flat) + b0 I1 = self.model_q(I0, R, q1, model_kind) + a0 * self.b[0, 0] + b0 #q = q.reshape(200,1) #print("I", I.shape) #print("q", q.shape) dq = (7.72525183693770716 - 4.49340945790906418) / (math.pi * R) / 9 if dq < self.dq: dq = self.dq qr, v, sv, b, sb, nn = SprModelRadial._rdf(self.qi, dq,,,, self.ei) if dimless: q = q * R q1 = q1 * R qr = qr * R ax.set_xlabel("$q$") else: #q = self.q ax.set_xlabel("$q, \mathrm{\AA}^{-1}$") #idx = I > 0. ax.semilogy(q, I - b0, 'C0', linewidth=2) ax.semilogy(q1, I1 - b0, 'C0:', linewidth=2) if rdf: idx = v > 0. ax.semilogy(qr, v - b0, 'C1--', linewidth=2) if bg: idx = b > 0. ax.semilogy(qr, a0 * b, 'C2', linewidth=2) ax.set_xlim(0, q[-1]) ax.set_ylabel("$I, \mathrm{photons}$")
def plot_model(self, ax, I0, R, b0, a0, model_kind=None, dimless=True, rdf=True, bg=False): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if model_kind is None: model_kind = SprModelRadial._model_spr q0, qn = self.q[0, 0], self.q[-1, 0] q = np.linspace(q0, qn, 1000).reshape(1000, 1) q1 = np.linspace(0, q0, 50).reshape(50, 1) I = self.model_q( I0, R, q, model_kind) #+ a0*np.interp(q, self.q.flat, self.b.flat) I1 = self.model_q(I0, R, q1, model_kind) + a0 * self.b[0, 0] dq = (7.72525183693770716 - 4.49340945790906418) / (math.pi * R) / 21 if dq < self.dq: dq = self.dq qr, v, sv, b, sb, nn = SprModelRadial._rdf(self.qi, dq,,,, self.ei) if dimless: q = q * R q1 = q1 * R qr = qr * R ax.set_xlabel("$q$") else: #q = self.q ax.set_xlabel("$q, \mathrm{nm}^{-1}$") #idx = I > 0. # ax.semilogy(q, I-b0, 'C0', linewidth=2) ax.semilogy(q * 10, I, 'C0', linewidth=2) #ax.semilogy(q1, I1-b0, 'C0:', linewidth=2) if rdf: idx = v > 0. #ax.semilogy(qr, v-b0, 'C1--', linewidth=2) ax.semilogy(qr * 10, v - b0, 'C1--', linewidth=2) if bg: idx = b > 0. ax.semilogy(qr * 10, a0 * b, 'C2', linewidth=2) # ax.semilogy(qr, a0*b, 'C2', linewidth=2) #ax.set_xlim(0, q[-1]) ax.set_ylabel("$I, \mathrm{photons/pixel}$")
def plot(self, ax=None): x = [*self.times, self.times[-1] + self.values[-1][1]] y = [*(v for v, d in self.values), self.values[-1][0]] from matplotlib.pylab import plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.step(x, y, where='post') ax.set_xlabel('Time (seconds)') y_ticks = list(map(int, plt.yticks()[0])) ax.set_yticks(y_ticks, list(map(self.format_value.format, y_ticks)))
def plotJoinTree(real_acts, pred_acts): from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters register_matplotlib_converters() size = 0.45 if (len(real_acts) == 0): print('real not enough data of this type') print(real_acts) return if (len(pred_acts) == 0): #pred_acts=pred_acts.append({'StartTime':real_acts.StartTime.iloc[0],'EndTime':real_acts.EndTime.iloc[0],'Activity':real_acts.Activity.iloc[0]},ignore_index=True) print('pred not enough p data of this type') print(pred_acts) return rstart = [r.begin for r in real_acts] rend = [r.end for r in real_acts] ract = [1 + (size / 2) for r in real_acts] # .apply(lambda x:dataset.activities_map[x.Activity], axis=1).tolist() pstart = [r.begin for r in pred_acts] pend = [r.end for r in pred_acts] pact = [1 - (size / 2) for r in pred_acts] ax = plt.gca() _plotActs(ax, ract, rstart, rend, linewidth=1, edgecolor='k', facecolor='g', size=size, alpha=.6) _plotActs(ax, pact, pstart, pend, linewidth=1, edgecolor='k', facecolor='r', size=size, alpha=.6) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xlim(min(pstart + rstart), max(pend + rend)) ax.set_yticks([i for i in [1]]) ax.yaxis.grid(True) # ax.set_yticklabels([l for l in labels]) ax.set_ylim(1 - size, 1 + size) plt.margins(0.1)
def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """plot using matplotlib : param ax: The axis to plot on(default is plt.gca()) : param ** kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed on to plt.Polygon. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() patch_args = dict( alpha=0.5, fill=False, color='r', ) patch_args.update(kwargs) ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(self.points(), **patch_args))
def plot_rdf(self, ax, R=None): plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=12) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() idx = self.v > 0. if R is None: ax.loglog(self.q[idx], self.v[idx]) ax.loglog(self.q[idx], self.v[idx] +[idx] +[idx]) ax.set_xlabel("$q, \mathrm{\AA}^{-1}$") else: ax.loglog(self.q[idx] * R, self.v[idx]) ax.loglog(self.q[idx], self.v[idx] +[idx] +[idx]) ax.set_xlabel("$q$") ax.set_ylabel("$I, \mathrm{photon}/\mathrm{\AA}^{-2}$")
def anim_daily_total(data, file_name, kind="cases", minlim=1): fig = plt.figure() FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['ffmpeg'] metadata = dict(title='Corona virus temp evolution', artist='Sylvain Guieu', comment='') writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=6, metadata=metadata) subset = data perday = subset.cases.iloc[:, 1:] - np.asarray(subset.cases.iloc[:, 0:-1]) perday = perday.rolling(4, center=True, axis=1).mean() total = subset.cases.iloc[:, 1:] mdates = range(2, len(total.iloc[0]) + 1) # add 1 iddentical graph for pause axes = plt.gca() xlm = np.nanmax(np.asarray(total), axis=None) * 2 ylm = np.nanmax(np.asarray(perday), axis=None) * 2 print(xlm) with writer.saving(fig, os.path.join(root, file_name) + ".mp4", len(mdates)): for mdate in mdates: axes.clear() pd1 = perday.subset(end=mdate) ttl = total.subset(end=mdate) for name, r in pd1.iterrows(): axes.plot(ttl.loc[name], r, label=name, **styles.get(name, {})) axes.plot(ttl.loc[name].iloc[-1], r.iloc[-1], 'k*') axes.legend(loc='upper left') axes.set(yscale="log", xscale="log", xlabel="Total %s" % kind, ylabel="Daily %s" % kind, xlim=(minlim, xlm), ylim=(minlim, ylm), title=r.index[-1]) writer.grab_frame() print(".", end="") print('') f"ffmpeg -y -i {root}/{file_name}.mp4 -vf \"fps=10,scale=800:-1:flags=lanczos\" -loop 999 {root}/{file_name}.gif", shell=True)
def ncp(s2n): """ Explore the output of BB as we change the prior on the number of change points """ nncp = logspace(0.5,1.5,9) f,t = keptoy.lightcurve(s2n=s2n) sig = zeros(len(t)) + std(f) for i in range( len(nncp) ): last,val = t,f,sig,ncp=nncp[i] ) blocks(t,f,last,val) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title('s2n - %.1e, cpts prior - %.2e' % (s2n,nncp[i]) ) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig('frames/s2n-%.1e_%02d.png' % (s2n,i) )
def plot_graph(g, ax=None, with_labels=True): from matplotlib.pylab import plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_facecolor('lightgray') edges = np.array(g.edges()) edge_scores = np.array([a['score'] for a in g.edges().values()]) # edge_scores = np.log(edge_scores) # edge_scores += edge_scores.min() order = np.argsort(edge_scores) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( g, nx.get_node_attributes(g, 'xy'), ax=ax, node_size=30, font_size=9, font_color='blue', with_labels=with_labels, ) edges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, nx.get_node_attributes(g, 'xy'), ax=ax, edgelist=edges[order].tolist(), edge_color=edge_scores[order],, node_size=30, edge_vmin=edge_scores[order[0]], edge_vmax=edge_scores[order[-1]], font_size=9, font_color='blue', with_labels=with_labels, connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2') ax.set_aspect('equal') return edges
import matplotlib from matplotlib.pylab import plt #load plot library matplotlib.use('Agg') from sys import stdout import sys filepath = str(sys.argv[1]) print('Reading file ', filepath) plt.figure(1, figsize = (50,20)) axes = plt.gca() plt.gca().set_aspect('auto') vector_l = 2000 bin_size = 0 x_size = vector_l y_size = 500 axes.set_xlim(0, x_size) word_hash = "none" frequency = 0 seq_len = 0 count = 0 xdata_prev = 0 ydata_prev = 0
import matplotlib from matplotlib.pylab import plt #load plot library matplotlib.use('Agg') from sys import stdout import sys filepath = str(sys.argv[1]) print('Reading file ', filepath) # Frag,562480,166774007,562667,166774194,f,0,187,66,66,0.352941,0.352941,0,0 #SeqX length : 155270560 #SeqY length : 171031299 plt.figure(1, figsize=(8.5, 11)) axes = plt.gca() plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') x_size = 1000 y_size = 1000 axes.set_xlim(0, x_size) axes.set_ylim(0, y_size) #ratio_x = x_size / 155270560 #ratio_y = y_size / 171031299 count = 0 with open(filepath) as openfileobject: for line in openfileobject: if (count == 6):
subset = subset.sample(n=1000) plt.figure() plt.scatter(result['g_auto'] - result['i_auto'], result['g_auto'] - result['r_auto'], s=10, c='gray', edgecolor='none', alpha = 0.5) plt.scatter(subset['g_auto'] - subset['i_auto'], subset['g_auto'] - subset['r_auto'], s=20, c='blue', edgecolor='none') plt.scatter(GCs['g_auto'] - GCs['i_auto'], GCs['g_auto'] - GCs['r_auto'], s=10, c='red', edgecolor='none') plt.xlabel('(g - i)') plt.ylabel('(g - r)') plt.xlim(-1,4) plt.ylim(-1,4) plt.figure() plt.scatter(subset['g_auto'] - subset['r_auto'], subset['r_auto'], s=30, c='blue', edgecolor='none') plt.scatter(GCs['g_auto'] - GCs['r_auto'], GCs['i_auto'], s=8, c='red', edgecolor='none') plt.ylim(13,24) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('(g - i)') plt.ylabel('i') plt.figure() plt.scatter(result['g_auto'] - result['u_auto'], result['g_auto'] - result['r_auto'], s=10, c='gray', edgecolor='none', alpha = 0.5) plt.scatter(subset['g_auto'] - subset['u_auto'], subset['g_auto'] - subset['r_auto'], s=20, c='blue', edgecolor='none') plt.scatter(GCs['g_auto'] - GCs['u_auto'], GCs['g_auto'] - GCs['r_auto'], s=10, c='red', edgecolor='none') plt.scatter(galaxies['g_auto'] - galaxies['u_auto'], galaxies['g_auto'] - galaxies['r_auto'], s=10, c='green', edgecolor='none') plt.xlabel('(g - u)') plt.ylabel('(g - r)') plt.xlim(-4,3) plt.ylim(-1,2) for i in tqdm(range(0,len(subset))):