Beispiel #1
def campana(f0, A0, I0, duracion, fsampl):
    ts = pyl.arange(0, duracion, 1 / fsampl)  # creo el espacio temporal
    Tao = duracion / 3
    fc = f0
    fm = 2 * f0

    I_t = I0 * pyl.exp(-ts / Tao)  # para la campana
    A_t = A0 * pyl.exp(-ts / Tao)  # para la campana
    ym = pyl.sin(2 * pyl.pi * fm * ts)  # función modulada
    # Señal FM final con sus componentes que varían en el tiempo
    yc = A_t * pyl.sin(2 * pyl.pi * fc * ts + (I_t * ym))
    return yc
Beispiel #2
    def _make_log_freq_map(self):

            For the given ncoef (bands-per-octave) and nfft, calculate the center frequencies
            and bandwidths of linear and log-scaled frequency axes for a constant-Q transform.
        fp = self.feature_params
        bpo = float(self.nbpo)  # Bands per octave
        self._fftN = float(self.nfft)
        hi_edge = float(self.hi)
        lo_edge = float(self.lo)
        f_ratio = 2.0**(1.0 / bpo)  # Constant-Q bandwidth
        self._cqtN = float(P.floor(P.log(hi_edge / lo_edge) / P.log(f_ratio)))
        self._dctN = self._cqtN
        self._outN = float(self.nfft / 2 + 1)
        if self._cqtN < 1: print("warning: cqtN not positive definite")
        mxnorm = P.empty(self._cqtN)  # Normalization coefficients
        fftfrqs = self._fftfrqs  #P.array([i * self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN) for i in P.arange(self._outN)])
        logfrqs = P.array([
            lo_edge * P.exp(P.log(2.0) * i / bpo) for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)
        logfbws = P.array([
            max(logfrqs[i] * (f_ratio - 1.0),
                self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN))
            for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)
        #self._fftfrqs = fftfrqs
        self._logfrqs = logfrqs
        self._logfbws = logfbws
Beispiel #3
 def _pvoc(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None):
       a phase vocoder - time-stretch
         X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude
         [Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase
         [R] - resynthesis hop ratio
         updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum
     N = self.nfft
     W = self.wfft
     H = self.nhop
     R = 1.0 if R is None else R
     dphi = (2 * P.pi * H * P.arange(N / 2 + 1)) / N
     print("Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R)
     A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat
     phs = A[:, 0]
     self.X_hat = []
     n_cols = X_hat.shape[1]
     t = 0
     while P.floor(t) < n_cols:
         tf = t - P.floor(t)
         idx = P.arange(2) + int(P.floor(t))
         idx[1] = n_cols - 1 if t >= n_cols - 1 else idx[1]
         Xh = X_hat[:, idx]
         Xh = (1 - tf) * Xh[:, 0] + tf * Xh[:, 1]
         self.X_hat.append(Xh * P.exp(1j * phs))
         U = A[:, idx[1]] - A[:, idx[0]] - dphi
         U = U - / (2 * P.pi)) * 2 * P.pi
         phs += (U + dphi)
         t += P.randn() * P.sqrt(PVOC_VAR * R) + R  # 10% variance
     self.X_hat =
Beispiel #4
 def _pvoc2(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None):
       alternate (batch) implementation of phase vocoder - time-stretch
         X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude
         [Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase
         [R] - resynthesis hop ratio
         updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum
     N, W, H = self.nfft, self.wfft, self.nhop
     R = 1.0 if R is None else R
     dphi = P.atleast_2d((2 * P.pi * H * P.arange(N / 2 + 1)) / N).T
     print("Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R)
     A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat
     U = P.diff(A, 1) - dphi
     U = U - / (2 * P.pi)) * 2 * P.pi
     t = P.arange(0, n_cols, R)
     tf = t - P.floor(t)
     phs = P.c_[A[:, 0], U]
     phs += U[:, idx[1]] + dphi  # Problem, what is idx ?
     Xh = (1 - tf) * Xh[:-1] + tf * Xh[1:]
     Xh *= P.exp(1j * phs)
     self.X_hat = Xh
    def __call__(self, theta, resp):
        """Return the 3PL IRF evaluated at `theta` given item response `resp`.
    theta : scalar or array-like of floats
      The latent traits.
    resp : scalar or array-like of 0's and 1's
      Whether the response was correct or not.

    p : scalar or array-like (following the shape of theta+resp)
      The conditional probability of `resp` given `theta`. Broadcasting is
      respected. E.g. if `theta.shape==(n, 1)` and `resp.shape==(1,m)`,
      then p will have `p.shape==(n,m)`.
        a, b, c = self._params
        make_tens = T.Tensor in map(type, [a, b, c, theta, resp])
        if make_tens:
            theta = to_tens(theta)
        resp_temp = to_tens(resp)
        if make_tens:
            resp = to_tens(resp)
        if make_tens:
            p = c + (1 - c) * 1. / (1 + T.exp(-a * (theta - b)))
            p = c + (1 - c) * 1. / (1 + P.exp(-a * (theta - b)))
        return resp * p + (1 - resp) * (1 - p)
Beispiel #6
def splitfit(Ts, Rs, es, a, b, c, d, pguess, eguess, outfile=None):
    ## Split the data in two parts
    x1, x2, y1, y2, e1, e2 = [], [], [], [], [], []
    for T, R, pe, ee in zip(Ts, Rs, es[0], es[1]):
        if a < T < b:
        elif c < T < d:
    ## Fit one part with the exponential
    fit1 = fit_power(x1, y1, e1, pguess)
    ## Fit one part with the polynomial
    fit2 = fit_exp(x2, y2, e2, eguess)
    res1 = fit1.results[0]
    res2 = fit2.results[0]
    fct1 = lambda x: res1[0] * (x - res1[1])
    fct2 = lambda x: res2[0] * pylab.exp(res2[1]/x)
    Rs = pylab.array(Rs)
    Ges = [[[e/R**2] for R, e in zip(Rs, es[i])] for i in range(2)]
    make_fig(Ts, Rs, Ges, a, b, c, d, fct1, fct2, outfile)
    return fit1, fit2
Beispiel #7
def gauss(d,**parms):
    # gaussian, f(r) = exp(-(ep r)^2)
    c = parms.get('centers')
    #op = parms.get('operator','interp')
    ep = parms.get('shapeparm',1)
    DM = dmatrix(d, centers = c)
    # eps_r = epsilon*r where epsilon may be an array or scalar
    eps_r = dot(ep*eye(DM.shape[0]),DM)
    return exp(-(eps_r)**2)
Beispiel #8
def cons_vac(T):
    consentration is given by n(T)/N 
    (vacant parrticle-spaces divided 
    by total particle-spaces)
    k_b=8.617332478*1e-5;#[eV/K] boltzmanns constant 
    deltaeps=1; #[eV] infitisemial energy for each "particle-jump"
    exponential = plt.exp( deltaeps/(T*k_b) ); #these values are way large.
    return 1.0/(exponential);
Beispiel #9
def heat_capacity(Num,Temp):
    heat capacity is given by the partiaally derived energy on temperature.
    giving us the function:
    C_v = (delta_eps)**2*N*exp(-delta_eps/T*k)/(k*T**2)
    k_b=8.617332478*1e-5;#[eV/K] boltzmanns constant 
    deltaeps=1; #[eV] infitisemial energy for each "particle-jump"
    exponential = plt.exp( -deltaeps/(Temp*k_b) ); #these values are way large.
    return Num*deltaeps**2*exponential/(k_b*Temp**2);
def gauss_pdf(n, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0):

        Generate a gaussian kernel
         n - number of points to generate
         mu - mean
         sigma - standard deviation
    var = sigma**2
    return 1.0 / pylab.sqrt(2 * pylab.pi * var) * pylab.exp(
        -(pylab.r_[0:n] - mu)**2 / (2.0 * var))
Beispiel #11
    def _istftm(self,
            Inverse short-time Fourier transform magnitude. Make a signal from a |STFT| transform.
            Uses phases from self.STFT if Phi_hat is None.

            X_hat - N/2+1 magnitude STFT [None=abs(self.STFT)]
            Phi_hat - N/2+1 phase STFT   [None=exp(1j*angle(self.STFT))]
            pvoc - whether to use phase vocoder [False]
            usewin - whether to use overlap-add [False]

             x_hat - estimated signal
        if not self._have_stft:
            return None
        X_hat = self.X if X_hat is None else
        if pvoc:
            self._pvoc(X_hat, Phi_hat, pvoc)
            Phi_hat = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat
            self.X_hat = X_hat * P.exp(1j * Phi_hat)
        if usewin:
            if is None:
       = P.ones(
                    self.wfft) if self.window == 'rect' else
            if len( != self.nfft:
       = P.r_[, - self.wfft)]
            if len( != self.nfft:
                    "features_base.Features._istftm(): assertion failed len("
   = P.ones(self.nfft)
        if resamp:
   = sig.resample(,
                                    int( * resamp)))
        fp = self._check_feature_params()
        self.x_hat = self._overlap_add(P.real(P.irfft(self.X_hat.T)),
        if self.verbosity:
            print("Extracted iSTFTM->self.x_hat")
        return self.x_hat
Beispiel #12
def plotSigmoid():
    t = plab.arange(-60.0, 60.3, 0.1)
    s = 1 / (1 + plab.exp(-t))
    ax = plab.subplot(211)
    ax.plot(t, s)
    ax.axis([-5, 5, 0, 1])
    ax = plab.subplot(212)
    ax.plot(t, s)
    ax.axis([-60, 60, 0, 1])
Beispiel #13
def clarinet_funct(attack, sustain, release, sampling_frecuenciy, A0, I0):
    ta = pyl.arange(0, attack - 1 / sampling_frecuenciy,
                    1 / sampling_frecuenciy)
    y1 = pyl.exp(ta / attack * 1.5) - 1
    y1 = y1 / max(y1)
    y1 = np.append(y1, pyl.ones([1, round(sustain * sampling_frecuenciy)]))
    tr = pyl.arange(0, (release / 2 - 1 / sampling_frecuenciy),
                    1 / sampling_frecuenciy)
    y3 = pyl.exp((release / 2 - tr) / release * 3) - 1
    y4 = pyl.ones(len(y3)) - y3[::-1]
    y3 = y3 / max(y3) / 2

    y2 = np.append(y1, pyl.ones([1, round(release * sampling_frecuenciy)]))
    y1 = np.append(y1, y4)
    y1 = np.append(y1, y3)

    lenght = min(len(y1), len(y2))
    y1 = y1[:lenght]
    y2 = y2[:lenght]
    y2 = -I0 * y2 + 4
    y1 = A0 * y1

    return [y1, y2]  # [A(t),I(t)]
Beispiel #14
def plotSigmoid():
    t = plab.arange(-60.0, 60.3, 0.1)
    s = 1 / (1 + plab.exp(-t))
    ax = plab.subplot(211)
    ax.plot(t, s)
    ax.axis([-5, 5, 0, 1])
    ax = plab.subplot(212)
    ax.plot(t, s)
    ax.axis([-60, 60, 0, 1])
Beispiel #15
    def to_dissonance(self, tuning, f0=440., num_harmonics=6):

            Convert scale to dissonance values for num_harmonics harmonics.
            Assume an exponentially decaying harmonic series.
            Returns dissonance scores for each interval in given tuning system.
        harm = pylab.arange(num_harmonics) + 1
        h0 = [f0 * k for k in harm]
        a = [pylab.exp(-0.5 * k) for k in harm]
        diss = [
            dissonance_fun(h0 + [p * k for k in harm])
            for p in self.to_scale_freqs(tuning, f0)
        return diss
Beispiel #16
def variable_phase_vocoder(D, times_steps, hop_length=None):
    n_fft = 2 * (D.shape[0] - 1)

    if hop_length is None:
        hop_length = int(n_fft // 4)

    # time_steps = P.arange(0, D.shape[1], rate, dtype=P.double)
    # time_steps = P.concatenate([
    #   P.arange(0, D.shape[1]/2, .5, dtype=P.double),
    #   P.arange(D.shape[1]/2, D.shape[1], 2, dtype=P.double)
    #   ])

    # Create an empty output array
    d_stretch = P.zeros((D.shape[0], len(time_steps)), D.dtype, order='F')

    # Expected phase advance in each bin
    phi_advance = P.linspace(0, P.pi * hop_length, D.shape[0])

    # Phase accumulator; initialize to the first sample
    phase_acc = P.angle(D[:, 0])

    # Pad 0 columns to simplify boundary logic
    D = P.pad(D, [(0, 0), (0, 2)], mode='constant')

    for (t, step) in enumerate(time_steps):
        columns = D[:, int(step):int(step + 2)]

        # Weighting for linear magnitude interpolation
        alpha = P.mod(step, 1.0)
        mag = ((1.0 - alpha) * abs(columns[:, 0]) + alpha * abs(columns[:, 1]))

        # Store to output array
        d_stretch[:, t] = mag * P.exp(1.j * phase_acc)

        # Compute phase advance
        dphase = (P.angle(columns[:, 1]) - P.angle(columns[:, 0]) -

        # Wrap to -pi:pi range
        dphase = dphase - 2.0 * P.pi * P.around(dphase / (2.0 * P.pi))

        # Accumulate phase
        phase_acc += phi_advance + dphase

    return d_stretch
Beispiel #17
    def _make_cqt(self):

            Build a constant-Q transform (CQT) from lists of
            linear center frequencies, logarithmic center frequencies, and
            constant-Q bandwidths.
        fftfrqs = self._fftfrqs
        logfrqs = self._logfrqs
        logfbws = self._logfbws
        fp = self.feature_params
        ovfctr = 0.5475  # Norm constant so CQT'*CQT close to 1.0
        tmp2 = 1.0 / (ovfctr * logfbws)
        tmp = (logfrqs.reshape(1, -1) - fftfrqs.reshape(-1, 1)) * tmp2
        self.Q = P.exp(-0.5 * tmp * tmp)
        self.Q *= 1.0 / (2.0 * P.sqrt((self.Q * self.Q).sum(0)))
        self.Q = self.Q.T
def harmonics(afun=lambda x: pylab.exp(-0.5 * x),
              pfun=lambda x: pylab.rand() * 2 * pylab.pi,

        Generate a harmonic series using a harmonic weighting function
         afun   - lambda function of one parameter (harmonic index) returning a weight
         pfun   - lambda function of one parameter (harmonic index) returning radian phase offset
         **params - signal_params dict, see default_signal_params()
    params = _check_signal_params(**params)
    f0 = params['f0']
    x = pylab.zeros(params['num_points'])
    for i in pylab.arange(1, params['num_harmonics'] + 1):
        params['f0'] = i * f0
        params['phase_offset'] = pfun(i)
        x += afun(i) * sinusoid(**params)
    x = balance_signal(x, 'maxabs')
    return x
		def f(x, a, b, c):
			return a * P.exp(-(x - b)**2.0 / (2 * c**2))
Beispiel #20
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import sys, os

version = sys.argv[0][5]
    nj = int(sys.argv[1])
    nj = 100

T_theta = plt.array([1e-3, 1, 1e3])
K = lambda j_, u: (2 * j_ + 1.0) * plt.exp(-j_ * (j_ + 1.0) / u)

plt.figure("exercise b")
for t_ in T_theta:
    J = plt.array(range(nj + 1))
    plt.plot(J, K(J, u=t_), label="T/qr=%0.0e" % t_)

plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc=1)
plt.title("Partition function")

plt.savefig("exb_v%s_nj%s.png" % (version, nj))
om_area = math.pi * domRadius**2.
pm_area_factor = pmt_area / om_area

#Evaluate the functions
x = [float(i) / 10. for i in range(2800, 6201)]
qe = [quantum_efficiency.GetValue(i * I3Units.nanometer) for i in x]
glass_abs = [
    glass_absorption_length.GetValue(i * I3Units.nanometer) for i in x
gel_abs = [gel_absorption_length.GetValue(i * I3Units.nanometer) for i in x]
om_acc = [om_acceptance.GetValue(i * I3Units.nanometer) for i in x]
pm_coll = [pm_collection_efficiency for i in x]
area_factor = [pm_area_factor for i in x]

#Calculate some more
glass_trans = [plt.exp(-(glass_width / i)) if i != 0 else 0 for i in glass_abs]
gel_trans = [plt.exp(-(gel_width / i)) if i != 0 else 0 for i in gel_abs]

#Make the main plot
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=[8, 10])
fig.canvas.set_window_title("Acceptance properties of an ANTARES OM")

plt.xlabel("Wavelength $\\lambda$ [nm]")
plt.ylabel("Absorption length [m]")
#plt.title("Absorption lengths in an ANTARES OM as function of wavelength")
plt.plot(x, glass_abs, label=str(glass_width * 100.) + ' cm Glass')
plt.plot(x, gel_abs, label=str(gel_width * 100.) + ' cm Gel')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Beispiel #22
def contrast(image, level=1):
    image = image / 255
    image = image - 0.5
    image = 255 / (1 + pylb.exp(-5 * level * image))
    image = image.astype("uint8")
    return image
Beispiel #23
pmt_area = math.pi * (pmt_diameter/2.)**2
domRadius = 0.2159*I3Units.m
om_area = math.pi*domRadius**2.
pm_area_factor = pmt_area/om_area

#Evaluate the functions
x =          [float(i)/10. for i in range(2800,6201)]
qe =         [quantum_efficiency.GetValue(i*I3Units.nanometer) for i in x]
glass_abs =  [glass_absorption_length.GetValue(i*I3Units.nanometer) for i in x]
gel_abs =    [gel_absorption_length.GetValue(i*I3Units.nanometer) for i in x]
om_acc =     [om_acceptance.GetValue(i*I3Units.nanometer) for i in x]
pm_coll =    [pm_collection_efficiency for i in x]
area_factor =    [pm_area_factor for i in x]

#Calculate some more
glass_trans = [plt.exp(-(glass_width / i)) if i != 0 else 0 for i in glass_abs]
gel_trans =   [plt.exp(-(gel_width / i)) if i != 0 else 0 for i in gel_abs] 

#Make the main plot
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=[8,10])
fig.canvas.set_window_title("Acceptance properties of an ANTARES OM")

plt.xlabel("Wavelength $\\lambda$ [nm]")
plt.ylabel("Absorption length [m]")
#plt.title("Absorption lengths in an ANTARES OM as function of wavelength")
plt.plot(x, glass_abs, label=str(glass_width*100.)+' cm Glass')
plt.plot(x, gel_abs, label=str(gel_width*100.)+' cm Gel')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Beispiel #24
def logistic(t):
    return (1.0 / (1.0 + pl.exp(-t)))
def logistic(t):
    return(1.0/(1.0 + pl.exp(-t)))