def __call__(self, **params): p = ParamOverrides(self, params) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) # This one-liner works in Octave, but in matplotlib it # results in lines that are all connected across rows and columns, # so here we plot each line separately: # plt.plot(x,y,"k-",transpose(x),transpose(y),"k-") # Here, the "k-" means plot in black using solid lines; # see matplotlib for more info. isint = plt.isinteractive() # Temporarily make non-interactive for # plotting plt.ioff() for r, c in zip(p.y[::p.skip], p.x[::p.skip]): plt.plot(c, r, "k-") for r, c in zip(np.transpose(p.y)[::p.skip],np.transpose(p.x)[::p.skip]): plt.plot(c, r, "k-") # Force last line avoid leaving cells open if p.skip != 1: plt.plot(p.x[-1], p.y[-1], "k-") plt.plot(np.transpose(p.x)[-1], np.transpose(p.y)[-1], "k-") plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') # Currently sets the input range arbitrarily; should presumably figure out # what the actual possible range is for this simulation (which would presumably # be the maximum size of any GeneratorSheet?). plt.axis(p.axis) if isint: plt.ion() self._generate_figure(p) return fig
def plot_movie(x,t,u,NN,**kwargs): """ x | Spatial coordinate vector, len (Nx) t | Temporal coordinate vector, len (Nt) data | The data in matrix form, len (Nt,Nx) NN | integer giving interval of plotting. """ N,M = shape(u) clf() ion() line, = plot(x,u[0,:],'k-',label=parse_kwargs('label','$Wave$ $equation:$ $BW$',**kwargs), linewidth=2) plot(x,u[0,:],color='gray',alpha=0.75) line.axes.set_ylim(parse_kwargs('miny',-1,**kwargs),parse_kwargs('maxy',1,**kwargs)) legend(loc=0) xlabel(parse_kwargs('xlabel','$x$',**kwargs)) ylabel(parse_kwargs('ylabel','$u$',**kwargs)) grid(True) for i in range(0,N,N/NN): title('$t={}$'.format(t[i])) line.set_ydata(u[i,:]) plot(x,u[i,:],color='gray',alpha=0.2) xlim([min(x),max(x)]) draw() line.set_ydata(u[-1,:]) title('$t={}$'.format(t[-1]))
def main(): # u_t = u_xx dx = .1 dt = .5 timesteps = 100000 x = np.arange(-10,10,dx) m = len(x) kappa = 50 # u''(x) = (u(x + dx) - 2u(x) + u(x - dx)) / dx^2 ones = lambda x: np.ones(x) A = np.diag(ones(m-1),k=-1) + -2*np.diag(ones(m)) + np.diag(ones(m-1),k=1) A *= kappa*(dx**2) U = 0*ones(m) for i in xrange(0,m): if x[i] > -2 and x[i] < 2: U[i] = 1 p.ion() lines, = p.plot(x,U) for n in xrange(0,timesteps): U = U + dt*dudt(U,A) if n % 100 == 0: lines.set_ydata(U) p.draw()
def plot_average(filenames, save_plot=True, show_plot=False, dpi=100): ''' Plot Signal average from a list of averaged files. ''' fname = get_files_from_list(filenames) # plot averages pl.ioff() # switch off (interactive) plot visualisation factor = 1e15 for fnavg in fname: name = fnavg[0:len(fnavg) - 4] basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] print fnavg # mne.read_evokeds provides a list or a single evoked based on condition. # here we assume only one evoked is returned (requires further handling) avg = mne.read_evokeds(fnavg)[0] ymin, ymax =, ymin *= factor * 1.1 ymax *= factor * 1.1 fig = pl.figure(basename, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=100) pl.clf() pl.ylim([ymin, ymax]) pl.xlim([avg.times.min(), avg.times.max()]) pl.plot(avg.times, * factor, color='black') pl.title(basename) # save figure fnfig = os.path.splitext(fnavg)[0] + '.png' pl.savefig(fnfig, dpi=dpi) pl.ion() # switch on (interactive) plot visualisation
def count_barcodes(dataset, VERBOSE=0): '''Count the abundance of each barcode''' # Get the read filenames data_filenames = get_raw_read_files(dataset) datafile = data_filenames['adapter'] # Count the abundance of each barcode bc_counts = defaultdict(int) rc = 0 with open(datafile, 'r') as infile: for read in SeqIO.parse(infile, 'fastq'): bc_counts[read.seq.tostring()] += 1 rc += 1 if rc == maxreads: break print sorted(bc_counts.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)[:20] # Plot results plt.figure() ax=plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(range(1,len(bc_counts)+1), sorted(bc_counts.values(), reverse=True)) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') plt.xlabel('barcode rank') plt.ylabel('abundance') plt.ion()
def label_data(prefix, size=100, savename=None): from glob import glob from os.path import basename from PIL import Image from os.path import isfile if savename==None: savename=labelpath+'label_'+prefix+'.txt' # We want to avoid labeling an image twice, so keep track # of what we've labeled in previous labeling sessions. if isfile(savename): fileout = open(savename,'r') already_seen = [line.split(',')[0] for line in fileout] fileout.close() else: already_seen = [] # Now reopen the file for appending. fileout = open(savename,'a') pl.ion() pl.figure(1,figsize=(9,9)) files = glob(imgpath+prefix+'*.png') for file in np.random.choice(files, size=size, replace=False): if basename(file) in already_seen: continue pl.clf() pl.subplot(1,1,1) pl.imshow(np.array( pl.title(file) pl.axis('off') pl.draw() label = get_one_char() if label=='q': break fileout.write(basename(file)+','+label+'\n') print file,label fileout.close() return
def kmr_test_plot(data, k, end_thresh): from matplotlib.pylab import ion, figure, draw, ioff, show, plot, cla ion() fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(True) # get k centroids kmr = kmeans.kmeans_runner(k, end_thresh) kmr.init_data(data) print kmr.centroids plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'o') i = 0 while kmr.stop_flag is False: kmr.iterate() #print kmr.centroids, kmr.itr_count plot(kmr.centroids[:, 0], kmr.centroids[:, 1], 'sr') time.sleep(.2) draw() i += 1 print "N Iterations: %d" % (i) plot(kmr.centroids[:, 0], kmr.centroids[:, 1], 'g^', linewidth=3) ioff() show() print kmr.itr_count, kmr.centroids
def plot(y, function): """ Show an animation of Poincare plot. --- arguments --- y: A list of initial values function: function which is argument of Runge-Kutta solver """ h = dt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid() time_text = ax.text(0.05, 0.9, '', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.ion() for i in range(nmax + 1): for j in range(nstep): rk4 = RK.RK4(function) y = rk4.solve(y, j * h, h) # -pi <= theta <= pi while y[0] > pi: y[0] = y[0] - 2 * pi while y[0] < -pi: y[0] = y[0] + 2 * pi if ntransient <= i < nmax: # <-- draw the poincare plots plt.scatter(y[0], y[1], s=2.0, marker='o', color='blue') time_text.set_text('n = %d' % i) plt.draw() if i == nmax: # <-- to stop the interactive mode plt.ioff() plt.scatter(y[0], y[1], s=2.0, marker='o', color='blue') time_text.set_text('n = %d' % i)
def rf_sub_size(Input, net_size, resolution): size = np.zeros((net_size*net_size,)) coms = np.zeros((net_size*net_size, 2)) R = np.zeros((net_size*resolution, net_size*resolution)) Z = np.zeros((resolution, resolution)) scale = 1.0/(resolution**2) X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(Z.shape[0]), np.arange(Z.shape[1])) count_roi, count_nroi, count_tot = 0, 0, 0 plt.ion() for i in range(net_size): for j in range(net_size): Z = np.abs(Input[i, j, ...] * (Input[i, j, ...] > 0) + 0.0 * (Input[i, j, ...] < 0)) R[i*resolution:(i+1)*resolution, j*resolution:(j+1)*resolution] = Z size[i*net_size+j] = area_of_activation(Z) * scale d = np.unravel_index(Z.argmax(), Z.shape) Z = np.roll(Z, Z.shape[0]/2-d[0], axis=0) Z = np.roll(Z, Z.shape[1]/2-d[1], axis=1) xc = ((Z*Y).sum()/Z.sum() - Z.shape[0]/2 + d[0])/float(Z.shape[0]) yc = ((Z*X).sum()/Z.sum() - Z.shape[1]/2 + d[1])/float(Z.shape[1]) coms[i*net_size+j, 0] = (xc+1.0) % 1 coms[i*net_size+j, 1] = (yc+1.0) % 1 return coms, R, size
def do_fit_trans(self): f = self.fit_trans p0 = self.p0.copy() # p0[:-3]=0.0 #print p0,"call d0" #d0 = f(p0) if 0: for i in range(len(p0)): pt = p0.copy() pt[i] = p0[i]+0.001 from matplotlib.pylab import clf, ion, title, plot, show print pt - p0, pt ion() clf() title("%d"%(i)) plot(d0, f(pt) - d0, ",") show() if raw_input()[0] != " ": break res = scipy.optimize.leastsq( f, p0, full_output=1) pfit, pcov, info, errmsg, ier = res if ier not in [1,2,3,4]: print s_sq, ier, errmsg else: residu = f(pfit) s_sq = (residu**2).sum()/(len(residu)-len(p0)) ubi = pfit[:9].reshape(3,3) print ("%.6f "*6)%(indexing.ubitocellpars(ubi)) print pfit[9:12] self.g = grain( ubi, pfit[9:12].copy())
def example(): # pl.ioff() pl.ion() import pandas from numpy.random import uniform n = 25 m = pandas.DataFrame({ 'x': uniform(-1, 1, size=n), 'y': uniform(-1, 1, size=n), 'size': uniform(3, 10, size=n) ** 2, 'color': uniform(0, 1, size=n), }) # test using a custom index m['silly_index'] = ['%sth' % x for x in range(n)] m.set_index('silly_index', drop=True, inplace=True, verify_integrity=True) print m ax = pl.subplot(111) plt = ax.scatter(m['x'], m['y']) b = LassoBrowser(m, ax) print b.idxs #from viz.interact.pointbrowser import PointBrowser #pb = PointBrowser(m, plot=plt) ip()
def demo(): ''' Load and plot a few CIB spectra. ''' # define ell array. l = np.arange(100,4000) # get dictionary of CIBxCIB spectra. cl_cibcib = get_cl_cibcib(l) # plot import matplotlib.pylab as pl pl.ion() lw=2 fs=18 leg = [] pl.clf() for band in ['857','545','353']: pl.semilogy(l, cl_cibcib['545',band],linewidth=lw) leg.append('545 x '+band) pl.xlabel(r'$\ell$',fontsize=fs) pl.ylabel(r'$C_\ell^{TT, CIB} [\mu K^2]$',fontsize=fs) pl.ylim(5e-2,6e3) pl.legend(leg, fontsize=fs)
def plot_diagnostics(self): if 0: from matplotlib import pylab as plt plt.ion() plt.figure() _phot = phot.read_fits(self.lcfn,'optimum') with self.FigureManager('_0-aperture'): plotting.phot.aperture(_phot) with self.FigureManager('_1-background'): plotting.phot.background(_phot) if len(self.dfaper.npix.drop_duplicates()) > 1: with self.FigureManager('_2-noise_vs_aperture_size'): plotting.pipeline.noise_vs_aperture_size(self) with self.FigureManager("_3-fdt_t_roll_2D"): plotting.phot.detrend_t_roll_2D(_phot) with self.FigureManager("_4-fdt_t_roll_2D_zoom"): plotting.phot.detrend_t_roll_2D(_phot,zoom=True) with self.FigureManager("_5-fdt_t_rollmed"): plotting.phot.detrend_t_rollmed(_phot)
def eqDistribution(self, plot=True): """ Obtain and plot the equilibrium probabilities of each macrostate Parameters ---------- plot : bool, optional, default=True Disable plotting of the probabilities by setting it to False Returns ------- eq : ndarray An array of equilibrium probabilities of the macrostates Examples -------- >>> model = Model(data) >>> model.markovModel(100, 5) >>> model.eqDistribution() """ self._integrityCheck(postmsm=True) macroeq = np.ones(self.macronum) * -1 for i in range(self.macronum): macroeq[i] = np.sum(self.msm.stationary_distribution[self.macro_ofmicro == i]) if plot: from matplotlib import pylab as plt plt.ion() plt.figure(), macroeq) plt.ylabel('Equilibrium probability') plt.xlabel('Macrostates') plt.xticks(np.arange(0.4, self.macronum+0.4, 1), range(self.macronum)) return macroeq
def matrix_plot(self, matrix, figure_name='matrix_plot.pdf'): import numpy from matplotlib import pylab def _blob(x,y,area,colour): hs = numpy.sqrt(area) / 2 xcorners = numpy.array([x - hs, x + hs, x + hs, x - hs]) ycorners = numpy.array([y - hs, y - hs, y + hs, y + hs]) pylab.fill(xcorners, ycorners, colour, edgecolor=colour) reenable = False if pylab.isinteractive(): pylab.ioff() pylab.clf() maxWeight = 2**numpy.ceil(numpy.log(numpy.max(numpy.abs(matrix)))/numpy.log(2)) height, width = matrix.shape pylab.fill(numpy.array([0,width,width,0]),numpy.array([0,0,height,height]),'white') pylab.axis('off') pylab.axis('equal') for x in xrange(width): for y in xrange(height): _x = x+1 _y = y+1 w = matrix[y,x] if w > 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, 0.2,'#0099CC') elif w < 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, 0.2,'#660000') if reenable: pylab.ion() pylab.savefig(figure_name)
def integral_plots(vals, new_vals, n): """ Parameters ------------------------------------------------------- vals: non-normalized values of the table new_vals: normalized values of the table such that the maximum of each vertical column is 1. n: number of points in theta and omega arrays (so the size of the 2D table is n x n) Return ------------------------------------------------------- Plots a density plot of the table using imshow of the normalized table and also plots the integral of the table along each axis (these are the integrals of the non-normalized values) """ import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec omega_par = np.linspace(0.1,0.4,n) theta_par = np.linspace(0.01,1.4,n) oo = [] tt = [] # integral in left side (sum of each row) for i in range(n): oo.append(sum(vals[i])) # integral in bottom side (sum of columns) for i in range(n): tt.append(sum(vals.T[i])) plt.ion() plt.figure(figsize=(11,9)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[1,4],height_ratios=[4,1]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax1.plot(oo,omega_par, linewidth=2) plt.ylabel(r"$\Omega_{||}$", fontsize=20) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) plt.imshow(new_vals, interpolation='nearest', origin="lower", extent=(theta_par.min(), theta_par.max(), omega_par.min(), omega_par.max()),aspect='auto') #plt.imshow(vals, interpolation='nearest', origin="lower", extent=(theta_par.min(), theta_par.max(), omega_par.min(), omega_par.max()),aspect='auto') plt.colorbar() plt.title("$P(t_s) \propto t_s $, maximum normalized to 1", fontsize=15) ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[3]) ax4.plot(theta_par,tt, linewidth=2) plt.xlabel(r"$\theta_{||}$",fontsize=20)
def plot_pol_info_pat(problem_id, pol, times): fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(times), ncols=1) for idx, time in enumerate(times): df = pd.DataFrame(pol[:, :, time]) df.plot(title='{0:s}: Whether to sell, depending on current price; time = {1:d}'.format(problem_id, time), ax=axes[idx]) axes[idx].set_xlabel('Number of stocks in inventory') axes[idx].set_ylabel('1->sell; 0->hold') plt.ion()
def assignpeaks( gr, pars, colfile, tol=None, omegatol=0.2 ): labels = np.zeros( colfile.nrows ) cyf = cyfit.cyfit(pars) cyf.setscfc(, colfile.fc ) hkl = np.zeros( cyf.XL.shape, np.float) drlv = np.zeros( colfile.nrows, np.float) kcalc = np.zeros( cyf.XL.shape, np.float) r_omega = np.array(*np.pi/180.0,np.float) cyf.hkl(, colfile.fc, r_omega, gr, hkl, kcalc ) # Make integer hkl wripaca.ih_drlv( hkl, drlv ) # Now replace omegaobs by omegacalc where this is appropriate pre = np.eye(3).ravel() posti ='wedge')), gv_general.chimat(pars.get('chi'))).T.ravel() axis = np.array([0,0,-1],np.float) ub = np.linalg.inv(gr.ubi) gcalc = ub, hkl.T ).T.copy() #print hkl romegacalc = np.zeros( r_omega.shape, np.float) romegaerr = np.zeros( r_omega.shape, np.float) wripaca.omegacalcclose(gcalc, pre, posti, axis, r_omega, romegacalc, romegaerr, pars.get('wavelength'), ) # OK, now we will accept anything within omegatol if 0: pylab.hist(romegaerr, bins=50) pylab.figure() pylab.plot(r_omega, romegaerr,",") r_omega = np.where( romegaerr < omegatol*np.pi/180., romegacalc, r_omega ) cyf.hkl(, colfile.fc, r_omega, gr, hkl, kcalc ) drlv_omegafree = drlv.copy() wripaca.ih_drlv( hkl, drlv_omegafree ) m = drlv < tol sc =[m] fc = colfile.fc[m] omegaobs =[m].astype(np.float) omega =[m].astype(np.float) hkl = hkl[m] print "Got",m.sum(),"peaks", if 0: pylab.ion() pylab.title("tol = %f"%(tol)) pylab.hist( drlv, bins=np.arange(0,0.05,0.001)) pylab.hist( drlv_omegafree, bins=np.arange(0,0.05,0.001)) raw_input("OK?") return dummycf( sc, fc, omega, omegaobs, hkl )
def begin_draw(): pl.ion() pl.figure( 1, figsize = ( 20, 20 ), dpi = 50 ) pl.clf() pl.axis( "scaled" ) pl.xlim( -4, 4 ) pl.ylim( -2, 6 ) pl.plot( [d[0] for d in data], [d[1] for d in data], "b." ) for m in xrange( clusters ): plot_gaussian( mu[m], sigma[m], "r" )
def normalized_contour_max1(ptype, n): """ Parameters ------------------------------------------------------- ptype: type of the probability. It can be either "Gauss", "one_over_ts" or "ts" n: number of points in theta and omega arrays Return ------------------------------------------------------- val: non-normalized values of the 2D table. new_val: normalized values fo the 2D table such that the maximum value of each vertical column is 1. It also plots the normalized density plot. """ omega_par = np.linspace(0.1,0.4,n) theta_par = np.linspace(0.01,1.4,n) vals = np.zeros((n,n)) Nlist = [] new_vals = [] # calculating the 2D table of distribution for i in range(n): for j in range(n): vals[i][j] = prob_Oparapar(5.,i, j, n, ptype) # calculating the normalization A for i in range(n): xx = (np.max(vals.T[i])) Nlist.append(1./xx) # calculating the normalized values for i in range(n): xx = vals.T[i] * Nlist[i] new_vals.append(xx) new_vals = np.array(new_vals) plt.ion() plt.imshow(new_vals.T, interpolation='nearest', origin="lower", extent=(theta_par.min(), theta_par.max(), omega_par.min(), omega_par.max()),aspect='auto') plt.xlabel(r"$\theta_{||}$",fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r"$\Omega_{||}$", fontsize=20) plt.title("$p(t_s) = {0}$.formar(ptype), max of each column is 1", fontsize=15) return vals, new_vals
def debug_eep(track, inds=None, ax=None): if inds is None: inds = track.iptcri[track.iptcri > 0] if ax is None: plt.ion() ax = hrd(track, ax=ax) ax = hrd(track, inds=inds, ax=ax) annotate_plot(track, ax, logT, logL) plt.legend() return ax
def plot3d(self): fsize3d = 16 plt.ion() fig1 = plt.figure('3D plot') ax = p3.Axes3D(fig1) ax.set_xlabel(self.xlab, fontsize=fsize3d) ax.set_ylabel('Time [s]', fontsize=fsize3d) ax.plot_wireframe(self.m2g.r_new, self.m2g.t_new, self.m2g.g, linewidth=.3, rstride=1, cstride=3) plt.draw()
def plotTimescales(self, lags=None, units='frames', errors=None, nits=None, results=False, plot=True): """ Plot the implied timescales of MSMs of various lag times Parameters ---------- lags : list The lag times at which to compute the timescales. By default it spreads out 25 lag times linearly from lag 10 until the mode length of the trajectories. units : str The units of lag. Can be 'frames' or any time unit given as a string. errors : errors Calculate errors using Bayes (Refer to pyEMMA documentation) nits : int Number of implied timescales to calculate. Default: all results : bool If the method should return the calculated implied timescales plot : bool If the method should display the plot of implied timescales Returns ------- If given `results`=True this method will return the following data its : np.ndarray The calculated implied timescales. 2D array with dimensions (len(`lags`), `nits`) lags : np.ndarray A list of the lag times that were used to calculate the implied timescales Examples -------- >>> model = Model(data) >>> model.plotTimescales() >>> model.plotTimescales(lags=list(range(1,100,5))) """ import pyemma.plots as mplt import pyemma.msm as msm self._integrityCheck() if lags is None: lags = self._defaultLags() else: lags = unitconvert(units, 'frames', lags, if nits is None: nits = np.min((, 20)) from htmd.config import _config its = msm.its(, lags=lags, errors=errors, nits=nits, n_jobs=_config['ncpus']) if plot: from matplotlib import pylab as plt plt.ion() plt.figure() mplt.plot_implied_timescales(its,, units='ns') if results: return its.get_timescales(), its.lags
def draw_sinus_move(self): #Interactive mode ON pylab.ion() for n in range(25): #next frame: self.ylist = [math.sin (x + n / 2.0) for x in self.xlist] #clear screen pylab.clf() #plot new info pylab.plot (self.xlist, self.ylist) #draw pylab.draw()
def __init__(self, lock, points): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.stop = threading.Event() plt.ion() self.points = points self.lock = lock self.fig = plt.figure() = self.fig.add_subplot(111), =[0, 0], [0, 0], "o")[0, 1024, 0, 850]) self.sleepDelay = 0.03
def plot_init(data): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_aspect('equal') X,Y=np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0., float(DIMENSION-1),DIMENSION), np.linspace(float(DIMENSION-1),0, DIMENSION)) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, data) plt.title(0) plt.ylabel("give") plt.xlabel("accept") plt.ion() return fig ,ax
def plot_pitch_matrix(pitch_matrix, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21,8)) heatmap = ax.pcolor(pitch_matrix, plt.title(title, fontsize = 24) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize = 24) plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize = 24) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim([0, pitch_matrix.shape[1]]) ax.set_ylim([0, pitch_matrix.shape[0]]) plt.ion()
def pltciri(self,itx,irx): """ plot channel impulse response interactively. display all nodes position of Tx and Rx and choose for which link the CIR is displayed. Once self.pltciri(node1,node2) is called : 1) Press 't' on the displayed graph to chose the Tx 2) Press 'x' on the displayed graph to chose the Rx 3) Press Enter to display CIR betwen Tx-Rx Parameters ---------- itx : int node number irx : int node number usage >>> W=W2() >>> W.pltciri(6,1) """ plt.ion() fig1 = plt.figure(1) ax=fig1.add_subplot(111) self.ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(111) self.L.showG(fig=fig1,graph='') self.S.tx = RadioNode(typ='tx',name=itx) self.S.tx.loadini(str(itx)+'.ini',rep=pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']) self.S.rx = RadioNode(typ='rx',name=irx) self.S.rx.loadini(str(irx)+'.ini',rep=pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']) ax.plot(self.S.tx.position[0,:],self.S.tx.position[1,:],'ob') ax.plot(self.S.rx.position[0,:],self.S.rx.position[1,:],'or') print( '1. Press \'t\' and click to select a Tx ') print( '2. Press \'x\' and click to select a Rx ' ) print( '3. Press Enter to see the associated CIR ' ) self.key='' self.x1='' self.x2='' self.y1='' self.y2='' self.n1='' self.n2='' self.pos1='' self.pos2='' self.c1=[] self.c2=[] cid=fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onclick) cid=fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key)
def run(pixfn, lcfn, transfn, tlimits=[-np.inf,np.inf], tex=None, debug=False, ap_select_tlimits=None): """ Run the pixel decorrelation on pixel file """ pipe = PipelinePixDecor( pixfn, lcfn,transfn, tlimits=tlimits, tex=None ) pipe.print_parameters() pipe.set_lc0('circular',10) pipe.set_hyperparameters() pipe.reject_outliers() dfaper = pipe.get_dfaper_default() dfaper = pipe.detrend_dfaper(dfaper) dfaper_optimize = pipe.optimize_aperture() dfaper = dfaper + dfaper_optimize dfaper = pd.DataFrame(dfaper) row = dfaper.loc[dfaper.noise.idxmin()].copy() row['to_fits'] = True row['fits_group'] = 'optimum' dfaper = dfaper.append(row, ignore_index=True) pipe.dfaper = dfaper print dfaper.sort('npix')['fits_group npix noise to_fits'.split()] pipe.to_fits(pipe.lcfn) if 0: from matplotlib import pylab as plt plt.ion() plt.figure() import pdb;pdb.set_trace() _phot = phot.read_fits(lcfn,'optimum') with pipe.FigureManager('_0-aperture.png'): plotting.phot.aperture(_phot) with pipe.FigureManager('_1-background.png'): plotting.phot.background(_phot) with pipe.FigureManager('_2-noise_vs_aperture_size.png'): plotting.pipeline.noise_vs_aperture_size(pipe) with pipe.FigureManager("_3-fdt_t_roll_2D.png"): plotting.phot.detrend_t_roll_2D(_phot) with pipe.FigureManager("_4-fdt_t_roll_2D_zoom.png"): plotting.phot.detrend_t_roll_2D(_phot,zoom=True) with pipe.FigureManager("_5-fdt_t_rollmed.png"): plotting.phot.detrend_t_rollmed(_phot)
def plot_init(data): """Initialize plot. Args: data: team matrix """ # Set figure style sns.set_style("dark") # Create subplot grid fig = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1) # Create subplots axarr = [plt.subplot(fig[0, 0]), plt.subplot(fig[1, 0])] # Plot data img = axarr[0].imshow(data, interpolation = 'nearest', cmap =, extent = (0.5, np.shape(data)[0] + 0.5, 0.5, np.shape(data)[1] + 0.5)) # Display round plt.title("Current Round:" + str(0)) # Set labels axarr[0].set_ylabel("Give") axarr[0].set_xlabel("Accept") axarr[0].set_title("Distribution of Teams") # Plot average deal data axarr[1].plot(avg_deal_data) # Set labels axarr[1].set_xlim(0,rounds) axarr[1].set_ylabel("Average Cash per Deal") axarr[1].set_xlabel("Round Number") # Create colorbar for strategy distribution plt.colorbar(img, ax=axarr[0], label= "Prevalence vs. Uniform") # Interactive mode plt.ion() # Changed this to use 'normal' instead of 'zoomed' since it didn't work on # my system mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() mng.window.state('normal') # Display everything return fig, axarr
def __init__(self, cells, t, solute=None, cmap=default_color_map): """ Creates a new HillPlot on the active figure, showing the state of each layer - cells: The a sequence of cmf cells to use in this hill_plot. You can use the whole project if you like - t: Current time step. Needed to retrieve the fluxes - solute:The solute concentration to show. If None, the wetness of the layer will be shown - cmap: a matplotlib colormap (see module cm) for coloring """ was_interactive = pylab.isinteractive() if was_interactive: pylab.ioff() self.cells = cells self.layers = cmf.node_list(chain(*[c.layers for c in cells])) self.surfacewater = cmf.node_list(c.surfacewater for c in cells) x_pos = [self.__x(c.x, c.y) for c in cells] self.topline = pylab.plot(x_pos, self.__get_snow_height(), 'k-', lw=2)[0] self.__cells_of_layer = {} self.polys = {} # Get standard evaluation functions if isinstance(solute, cmf.solute): self.evalfunction = lambda layer: layer.conc(solute) else: self.evalfunction = lambda layer: layer.wetness self.cmap = cmap self.figure = pylab.gcf() for i, c in enumerate(cells): c_left = cells[i - 1] if i else c c_right = cells[i + 1] if i < len(cells) - 1 else c for l in c.layers: x, z = self.__get_layer_shape(l, c, c_left, c_right) self.polys[l.node_id], = pylab.fill(x, z, fc=self.cmap( self.evalfunction(l)), ec='none', zorder=0) self.__cells_of_layer[l.node_id] = (c, c_left, c_right) layer_pos = self.layers.get_positions() surf_pos = self.surfacewater.get_positions() layer_f = self.layers.get_fluxes3d(t) surf_f = self.surfacewater.get_fluxes3d(t) scale = max(numpy.linalg.norm(surf_f.X), numpy.linalg.norm( layer_f.X)) * 10 layer_x = self.__x(numpy.asarray(layer_pos.X), numpy.asarray(layer_pos.Y)) surf_x = self.__x(numpy.asarray(surf_pos.X), numpy.asarray(surf_pos.Y)) self.q_sub = pylab.quiver(layer_x, layer_pos.Z, layer_f.X + layer_f.Y, layer_f.Z, scale=scale, minlength=0.1, pivot='middle', zorder=1) self.q_surf = pylab.quiver(surf_x, surf_pos.Z, surf_f.X + surf_f.Y, surf_f.Z, color='b', scale=scale, minlength=0.1, pivot='middle', zorder=1) self.title = pylab.title(t) if was_interactive: pylab.draw() pylab.ion()
def main(): plt.ion() running_reward = 10 env.reset() c1, c2 = [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1] for i_episode in count(1): state = env.reset() feedback1 = np.zeros(state.shape) feedback2 = np.zeros(state.shape) for t in range(10000): # Don't infinite loop while learning # env.render() # Begin source coding here # encoder: encoder_state1 = c1 * state - feedback1 encoder_state2 = c2 * state - feedback2 stategy1 = select_strategy1(encoder_state1) # learn f_encoder quantized_state1 = uniform_midtread_quantizer( encoder_state1, 1 / 2**stategy1) stategy2 = select_strategy2(encoder_state2) # learn f_encoder quantized_state2 = uniform_midtread_quantizer( encoder_state2, 1 / 2**stategy2) # feedback: feedback1 = quantized_state1 + feedback1 feedback2 = quantized_state2 + feedback2 # print(feedback) control_state = np.stack([feedback1, feedback2]).flatten() control_state = np.stack([state, state]).flatten() # Controller: action = select_action(control_state) # learn f_decoder state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) # reward = reward -(abs(state[2])) # if done: # print(reward) # finish source coding here if args.render: env.render() rr = reward #- stategy1*0.1-stategy2*0.1 policy.rewards.append(rr) quantizer1.rewards.append(rr) quantizer2.rewards.append(rr) if done: break running_reward = running_reward * 0.99 + t * 0.01 finish_episode() quantizer1_finish_episode() quantizer2_finish_episode() episode_durations.append(t + 1) episode_strategies.append(stategy1 + stategy2) plot_strategies() plot_durations() # Plot the durations if i_episode % args.log_interval == 0: print('Episode {}\tLast length: {:5d}\tAverage length: {:.2f}'. format(i_episode, t, running_reward)) if running_reward > env.spec.reward_threshold: #(195) print("Solved! Running reward is now {} and " "the last episode runs to {} time steps!".format( running_reward, t)) break if i_episode % 50 == 0: folder_path = os.path.join( '/home/liang/PycharmProjects/SourceCoding/', 'model') if not os.path.exists(folder_path): os.makedirs(folder_path), folder_path + '/policy_state_dict'), folder_path + '/quantizer1_state_dict'), folder_path + '/quantizer2_state_dict'), folder_path + '/policy_state_dict'), folder_path + '/quantizer1_state_dict'), folder_path + '/quantizer2_state_dict') print('Complete') import pickle duration = open('duration2.pickle', 'wb') pickle.dump(episode_durations, duration) duration.close() strategies = open('strategies2.pickle', 'wb') pickle.dump(episode_strategies, strategies) strategies.close() env.close() plt.ioff()
def correlator_online_mp(fileinput='input.txt', dark_file='default', mask_file='default', plot='yes'): global nq, n, chn, chn2, rcr, index_in_q, lag, dt, norm, nc, I_avg, I_avg2, lm1, lm2, lm1b, lm2b, ax1, ax1b, ax2, ax2b, nq, detector, ccd_img, flat_field, tot_darks, totmask, ttdata, tcalc_cum, tplot_cum, tread_cum, tI_avg, static_corrected, firstfile, tolerance, I_avgs, xnq, Mythread, l, y, v, input_info, wtotmask, totsaxs, tI_avg, q_2tcf time1 = time.time() p.rc('image', origin='lower') p.rc('image', interpolation='nearest') p.close() print 'multiprocessor' print 'reading input...' input_info = get_input(fileinput) ##processing input file##### dir = input_info['dir'] dir_dark = input_info['dark dir'] if dir_dark == 'none': dir_dark = dir file_prefix = input_info['file_prefix'] ext = input_info['file_suffix'] # New version has capabilities of reading also .gz files if ext == '.edf.gz': dataread = EdfFile.EdfGzipFile else: dataread = EdfFile.EdfFile firstfile = int(input_info['n_first_image']) lastfile = int(input_info['n_last_image']) + 1 firstdark = input_info['n_first_dark'] if firstdark.lower() != 'none': firstdark = int(input_info['n_first_dark']) lastdark = int(input_info['n_last_dark']) + 1 geometry = input_info['geometry'].lower() tolerance = float32(float(input_info['tolerance'])) avgt = input_info['lag time'].lower() if avgt == 'auto': lagt = [] lagt1 = 0 for k in xrange(firstfile + 40, firstfile + 100): filename = file_name(dir + file_prefix, ext, k) while os.path.exists(filename) is False: sys.stdout.write(50 * '\x08') sys.stdout.write('file ' + filename + 'still not ready') sys.stdout.flush() #rint 'file ' ,filename, 'still not ready' time.sleep(10) f = dataread(filename) params = f.GetHeader(0) if input_info['detector'] == 'medipix': lagt2 = float32(float(params['time_of_frame'])) lagt.append(lagt2 - lagt1) lagt1 = lagt2 # if (input_info['detector']=='princeton' or input_info['detector']=='andor'): else: counters = params['counter_mne'].split(' ') lagt_ind = counters.index('ccdtavg') values = params['counter_pos'].split(' ') lagt.append(float32(float(values[lagt_ind]))) del lagt[0] dt = average(array(lagt, dtype=float32)) print 'lag time =', dt else: dt = float32(float(input_info['lag time'])) q_2tcf = (input_info['q for TRC']).lower() if q_2tcf != 'none': q_2tcf = int(q_2tcf) out_dir = get_dir(input_info['output directory']) out_prefix = get_prefix(input_info['output filename prefix']) out_tot = out_dir + out_prefix ##end processing input file##### firstname = dir + file_name(file_prefix, ext, firstfile) f = dataread(firstname) ccd_info = f.GetStaticHeader(0) ncol = int(ccd_info['Dim_1']) nrows = int(ccd_info['Dim_2']) static = out_tot + 'static.edf' static = EdfFile.EdfFile(static) static_data = asfarray(static.GetData(0), dtype=float32) if input_info['n_first_dark'].lower() == 'none': print 'not using darks' tot_darks = 0 * static_data else: print 'using darks' if dark_file == 'default': dark_file = out_tot + 'dark.edf' print 'using dark file:', dark_file dark = EdfFile.EdfFile(dark_file) tot_darks = asfarray(dark.GetData(0), dtype=float32) toplot = static_data + .001 #to avoid zeros in plotting logarithm### print '...done' print '...reading q mask' if mask_file == 'default': mask_file = out_tot + 'mask.edf' print 'using mask file:', mask_file tot = EdfFile.EdfFile(mask_file) totmask = float32(tot.GetData(0) + tot.GetData(1)) wtotmask = where(totmask == 0) p.ion() fileq = out_tot + 'qmask.edf' file = EdfFile.EdfFile(fileq) q = file.GetData(0) maxval = int(amax(q) + 2) detector = input_info['detector'] flatfield_file = input_info['flatfield file'] if detector == 'medipix': flat_field = flatfield(detector, flatfield_file) else: flat_field = 1.0 print '...done' if geometry == 'saxs': print '...correcting static for baseline' xbeam = int(input_info['x direct beam']) ybeam = int(input_info['y direct beam']) static_data = rad_average(static_data, totmask, xbeam, ybeam) qaxis_list = [] npix_per_q = [] oneq = [] index_in_q = [] firstq = float32(float(input_info['first q'])) deltaq = float32(float(input_info['delta q'])) stepq = float32(float(input_info['step q'])) qvalue = firstq + deltaq / 2 static_corrected = ones(shape(static_data), dtype=float32) q *= abs(totmask - 1) total_pixels = 0 for i in range(2, maxval, 2): indices = where(q == i) index_in_q.append( indices ) #gives the indices of pixels that are not masked at this q if geometry == 'saxs': static_corrected[indices] = mean( static_data[indices]) / static_data[indices] npixel = len(static_data[indices]) npix_per_q.append(npixel) oneq.append(ones((1, npixel))) qaxis_list.append(qvalue) qvalue += deltaq + stepq total_pixels += npixel print '...done' nq = len(npix_per_q) xnq = xrange(nq) ncores = 1 ncores = min(ncores, nq) tmp_pix = 0 q_sec = [] if nq == 1: q_sec.append(0) elif ncores >= nq: q_sec = range(1, nq) else: for ii in xnq: if tmp_pix < total_pixels / (ncores): tmp_pix += npix_per_q[ii] if ii == nq - 1: q_sec.append(ii) else: q_sec.append(ii) tmp_pix = 0 + npix_per_q[ii] ncores = len(q_sec) tmpdat = loadtxt(out_tot + '1Dstatic.dat') qaxis = tmpdat[:, 0] I_q = tmpdat[:, 1] del tmpdat ##FINISHED INITIALIZING PART OF THE CODE###### ##START MAIN PART FOR CORRELATION##### chn = 16. chn2 = chn / 2 nfile = lastfile - firstfile rch = int(ceil(log(nfile / chn) / log(2)) + 1) ###2time if q_2tcf != 'none': ttdata = zeros((nfile, npix_per_q[q_2tcf - 1]), dtype=float32) ###2time rcr = chn + chn2 * ceil(log(nfile / chn) / log(2)) lag = zeros((1, rcr), dtype=float32) data_shape = p.shape(toplot) smatr = zeros(data_shape, dtype=float32) matr = zeros(data_shape, dtype=float32) norm = zeros((1, rcr), dtype=float32) for ir in xrange(rch): if ir == 0: lag[0, :chn] = dt * arange(1, chn + 1, 1) norm[0, :chn] = 1. / arange(nfile - 2, nfile - chn - 2, -1) else: lag[0, chn2 * (ir + 1):chn2 * (ir + 2)] = (dt * 2**ir) * arange(1 + chn2, chn + 1) norm[0, chn2 * (ir + 1):chn2 * (ir + 2)] = 1. / arange( (nfile - 1) / (2**ir) - chn2 - 1, (nfile - 1) / (2**ir) - chn - 1, -1) #END of declaring and initializing variables#### #READING FILES filenames = [] for k in xrange(firstfile, lastfile): filenames.append(file_name(file_prefix, ext, k)) n = 0 if plot != 'no': ax1 = p.axes([0.11, 0.08, 0.75, 0.57]) ax1.set_xlabel('t [sec]') ax1.set_ylabel('g^2(q,t)') ax1b = p.twinx(ax1) ax1b.yaxis.tick_right() ax2 = p.axes([0.11, 0.73, 0.75, 0.19]) ax2.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax2.set_xlabel('t [sec]') ax2.set_ylabel('I(q,t) [a.u.]') ax2b = p.gcf().add_axes(ax2.get_position(), frameon=False) ax2b.xaxis.tick_top() ax2b.yaxis.tick_right() ax2b.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax2b.set_xlabel('Image no.') label1 = 'q= %2.1e 1/Ang' % qaxis_list[0] label2 = 'q= %2.1e 1/Ang' % qaxis_list[nq / 2] lm1, = ax1.semilogx((1, ), (1, ), 'ro-', label=label1) lm1b, = ax1b.semilogx((1, ), (1, ), 'bo-', label=label2) ax1.legend(loc='lower left') ax1b.legend(loc=(0.02, 0.1)) lm2, = ax2.plot((1, ), (1, ), 'r-') lm2b, = ax2b.plot((1, ), (1, ), 'b-') p.setp(ax1.get_yticklabels(), color='r') p.setp(ax1b.get_yticklabels(), color='b') p.setp(ax2.get_yticklabels(), color='r') p.setp(ax2b.get_yticklabels(), color='b') tplot_cum = 0 tread_cum = 0 tcalc_cum = 0 tqueue_cum = 0 I_avg = zeros((1, nfile), float32) I_avg2 = zeros((1, nfile), float32) I_avgs = zeros((nfile, nq), float32) tI_avg = zeros((1, nfile), float32) mon = zeros((1, nfile), int16) detector = input_info['detector'].lower() Mythread = threading.Thread checkfile = os.path.exists n = 0 totsaxs = 0 * static_data goodsize = os.path.getsize(dir + filenames[n]) nnfile = nfile - 1 #if plot!='no': # tmpf=lambda x : True # thplot=Process(target=tmpf,args=([0])) # thplot.start() ######################multiprocessing####################################################### qur = [] qure = [] pcorr = [] for i in xrange(ncores): qur.append(Queue()) qure.append(Queue()) #qur.append(Queue()) quplot = Queue() for i in xrange(ncores): if i == 0: q_beg = 0 else: q_beg = q_sec[i - 1] q_end = q_sec[i] if i == ncores - 1: q_end = nq pcorr.append( Process(target=mp_corr, args=(i, nfile, chn, plot, npix_per_q[q_beg:q_end], index_in_q[q_beg:q_end], qur[i], qure[i], quplot))) for i in xrange(ncores): pcorr[i].start() n = 0 nc = 0 nnfile = nfile - 1 if input_info['normalize'].lower() != 'none': normalize = input_info['normalize'] print "normalizing to ", input_info['normalize'] else: print "not normalizing" while n < nnfile: tread = time.time() nc = n + 1 file = filenames[n] tmf = dir + file wait = 0 t0 = time.time() stop = 0 while checkfile(tmf) is False: p.draw() sys.stdout.write(50 * '\x08') sys.stdout.write('waiting for file' + file + '...') sys.stdout.flush() t1 = time.time() wait += t1 - t0 time.sleep(dt) t0 = t1 if wait > 10 * dt: print nfile ans = raw_input('\n will this file ever arrive? (y/N)') if ans.lower() == 'y': print '\n keep waiting...\n' time.sleep(3 * dt) wait = 0 else: stop = 1 nfile = n + 1 break if stop == 1: break if ext == '.edf': filesize = os.path.getsize(tmf) while filesize != goodsize: sys.stdout.write(50 * '\x08') sys.stdout.write('file ' + file + 'still not ready...') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(dt) filesize = os.path.getsize(tmf) f = dataread(tmf) dread(f, n, tot_darks, flat_field, static_corrected) mon[0, n] = monitor #for plot. TO be faster, I only updated plot each chn files. jj = 0 tmp_put = [] tqueue = time.time() for i in xnq: if i < q_sec[jj]: tmp_put.append(ccd_img[index_in_q[i]]) elif i == nq - 1: tmp_put.append(ccd_img[index_in_q[i]]) qur[jj].put(tmp_put) else: qur[jj].put(tmp_put) tmp_put = [] tmp_put.append(ccd_img[index_in_q[i]]) jj += 1 tqueue_cum += time.time() - tqueue if nc % chn == 0: pct = 100.0 * n / nfile sys.stdout.write(50 * '\x08') sys.stdout.write('read ' + str(int(pct)) + '% of files' + 32 * ' ') sys.stdout.flush() if plot != 'no': #thplot.join() xx = quplot.get() ttplot(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], n + 1, I_avg[0, :n + 1], I_avg2[0, :n + 1]) #thplot=Process(target=ttplot,args=([xx[0],xx[1],xx[2],n+1,I_avg[0,:n+1],I_avg2[0,:n+1]])) #thplot.start() #thplot.join() n += 1 #if plot!='no': #thplot.join() sys.stdout.write(50 * '\x08') sys.stdout.flush() print "read 100% of files" ############################################################################################### from_proc = [] for i in xrange(ncores): from_proc.append(qure[i].get()) pcorr[i].join() qure[i].close ############################################################################################# #END OF MAIN LOOP #calculate 2 times correlation function print "saving results..." if stop == 1: tI_avg = tI_avg[:, :nfile] mon = mon[:, :nfile] I_avgs = I_avgs[:nfile, :] rch = int(ceil(log(nfile / nchannels) / log(2)) + 1) for ir in xrange(rch): if ir == 0: norm[0, :nchannels] = 1. / arange(nfile - 2, nfile - nchannels - 2, -1) else: norm[0, nchannels2 * (ir + 1):nchannels2 * (ir + 2)] = 1. / arange( (nfile - 1) / (2**ir) - nchannels2 - 1, (nfile - 1) / (2**ir) - nchannels - 1, -1) #calculate correlation functions corf = from_proc[0][0] sl = from_proc[0][1] sr = from_proc[0][2] tcalc_cum = from_proc[0][3] for i in xrange(1, ncores): corf = concatenate((corf, from_proc[i][0]), axis=0) sl = concatenate((sl, from_proc[i][1]), axis=0) sr = concatenate((sr, from_proc[i][2]), axis=0) tcalc_cum = max(tcalc_cum, from_proc[i][3]) indt = int(chn + chn2 * log(nfile / chn) / log(2)) - 2 cc = zeros((indt, nq + 1), float32) q_title = '#q values:' trace_title = '#file_no. , time, monitor, q values:' for cindex in xnq: q_title = q_title + ' ' + str(qaxis_list[cindex]) trace_title = trace_title + ' ' + str(qaxis_list[cindex]) cc[:,cindex+1]=corf[cindex,:indt]/(sl[cindex,:indt]*sr[cindex,:indt])/\ norm[0,:indt] cc[:, 0] = lag[0, :indt] q_title = q_title + '\n' trace_title = trace_title + '\n' del indt f = open(out_tot + 'cf.dat', 'w') f.write(q_title) savetxt(f, cc) f.close() del cc f = open(out_tot + 'trace.dat', 'w') f.write(trace_title) traces = zeros((nfile, nq + 3), float32) traces[:, 0] = tI_avg / dt + firstfile traces[:, 1] = tI_avg traces[:, 2] = mon traces[:, 3:] = I_avgs savetxt(f, traces) f.close() del traces static = out_tot + 'static.edf' static = EdfFile.EdfFile(static) totsaxs = totsaxs / n - tot_darks totsaxs[totsaxs <= 0] = 0 static.WriteImage({}, totsaxs, 0) del static print 'correlation functions are saved to ', out_tot + 'cf.dat' print 'traces are saved to ', out_tot + 'trace.dat' if plot != 'no': p.hold(True) p.close() if q_2tcf != 'none': print "calculating time resolved cf and chi4..." if nfile > 6000: #this is for 4 GB RAM PC nfile = 6000 n = 6000 lind2 = npix_per_q[q_2tcf - 1] / 16 l = arange(5) * 0 y = [] v = [] for i in range(5): y.append([]) v.append([]) ib = 0 for i in xrange(16): sys.stdout.write(50 * '\x08') sys.stdout.write('done ' + str(int(i / 16. * 100)) + '% of data' + 32 * ' ') sys.stdout.flush() ie = ib + lind2 y[0].append(trc(ttdata[:n - 1, ib:ie])) v[0].append(vartrc(y[0][-1])) if l[0] == 1: recurf(0) else: l[0] += 1 ib += lind2 vm = [] for i in range(4, -1, -1): vm.append(mean(v[i], 0)) vm = array(vm) del ttdata del v sys.stdout.write(50 * '\x08') sys.stdout.flush() file_2times = out_tot + '2times_q_' + str(q_2tcf) + '.edf' ytrc.write(file_2times, y[4][0]) print 'Time resolved CF is saved to ' + out_tot + '2times_q_' + str( q_2tcf) + '.edf' N = array([[1], [2], [4], [8], [16]]) / float(npix_per_q[q_2tcf - 1]) data = concatenate((N, vm), 1).T #print 'number of pixels ',lind[ttcf_par] #print 'q value=', qv[ttcf_par] p0 = [0.0, 1.0] it = range(len(data[1:, 0])) p1 = zeros((len(data[1:, 0]), len(p0) + 1)) p1[:, 0] = (asfarray(it) + 1.0) * dt xdata = data[0, :] for i in it: ydata = data[i + 1, :] p1[i, 1:], success = leastsq(errfunc, p0, args=(xdata, ydata)) outfile = out_tot + 'fitchi4_q_' + str(q_2tcf) + '.dat' f = open(outfile, 'w') f.write("#time chi4 error q value:" + str(qaxis_list[q_2tcf - 1]) + "\n") savetxt(f, p1) f.close() print 'file is saved to ' + outfile print "saving results..." time2 = time.time() print 'elapsed time', time2 - time1 print 'elapsed time for plotting', tplot_cum print 'elapsed time for reading', tread_cum print 'elapsed time for correlating', tcalc_cum print 'elapsed time for queueing', tqueue_cum print 'used ncores=', ncores
def main(unused_args): tdLoader = TrafficDataLoader( 'internet-data/data/internet-traffic-11-cities-5min.csv', max_norm=5.) tdConfig = TrafficDataConfig() tmConfig = TrafficRNNConfig(tdConfig) batch_size = tmConfig.batch_size seq_input, seq_target = tdLoader.get_rnn_input(tdConfig) print seq_input.shape, seq_target.shape data = dict() data['seq_input'] = seq_input data['seq_target'] = seq_target data['early_stop'] = tdConfig.batch_size is_training = True save_graph = False with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as session: model = TrafficRNN(is_training=True, config=tmConfig) saver = tf.train.Saver() merged = None writer = None if is_training and save_graph: writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter('/tmp/rnn_logs', session.graph_def) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() decay = .8 if is_training: lr_value = 1e-3 for epoch in range(tmConfig.max_epoch): if epoch > 10: lr_value = 1e-3 elif epoch > 75: lr_value = 1e-4 elif epoch > 100: lr_value = 1e-6 elif epoch > 200: lr_value = 1e-7 elif epoch > 250: lr_value = 1e-8 model.assign_lr(session, lr_value) net_outs_all = np.array([]) error, net_outs_all = run_epoch(session, model, data, model.train_op, tdConfig) error, net_outs_all = run_epoch(session, model, data, tf.no_op(), tdConfig, writer) print net_outs_all.shape, seq_target.shape print('Epoch %d: %s') % (epoch, error) if epoch == 0: plt.figure(1, figsize=(20, 10)) plt.ion() plt.ylim([-1, 6]) plt.plot(xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), seq_target, 'b-', xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), net_outs_all, 'r-') time.sleep(20) else: plt.clf() plt.ylim([-1, 6]) plt.plot(xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), seq_target, 'b-', xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), net_outs_all, 'r-') img_loc = 'out-img/epoch-%05d.png' % (epoch) plt.savefig(img_loc) plt.draw() time.sleep(.1) if epoch > 40 and epoch % 20 == 9: outfile = 'internet-data/saved-models/traffic-rnn-hid-%d-batch-%d-window-%d-lag-%d.chkpnt' % ( tmConfig.num_hidden, tdConfig.batch_size, tdConfig.window_size, tdConfig.lag), outfile, global_step=epoch) else: saved_vars = 'internet-data/saved-models/traffic-rnn-hid-%d-batch-%d-window-%d-lag-%d.chkpnt-%d' % ( tmConfig.num_hidden, tdConfig.batch_size, tdConfig.window_size, tdConfig.lag, tmConfig.max_epoch - 1) saver.restore(session, saved_vars) train_error, train_outs_all = run_epoch(session, model, data, tf.no_op(), tdConfig) testDataConfig = TestConfig() test_seq_input, test_seq_target = tdLoader.get_rnn_input( testDataConfig) test_data = dict() test_outs_all = np.array([]) test_data['seq_input'] = test_seq_input test_data['seq_target'] = test_seq_target test_data['early_stop'] = testDataConfig.batch_size test_error, test_outs_all = run_epoch(session, model, test_data, tf.no_op(), testDataConfig) upper_curve = test_outs_all + .1 * test_outs_all lower_curve = test_outs_all - .1 * test_outs_all shift_left = np.zeros(test_outs_all.shape) shift_right = np.zeros(test_outs_all.shape) shift_left[:-18] = test_outs_all[18:] shift_right[18:] = test_outs_all[:-18] curve1 = np.maximum(upper_curve, shift_left) curve1 = np.maximum(curve1, shift_left) curve1 = np.maximum(curve1, shift_right) curve2 = np.minimum(lower_curve, shift_right) curve2 = np.minimum(curve2, upper_curve) curve2 = np.minimum(curve2, shift_left) print test_outs_all.shape x = xrange(len(test_outs_all)) plt.figure(3, figsize=(20, 10)) plt.ioff() plt.plot(x, test_outs_all, 'b-', alpha=1) plt.plot(x, test_seq_target, 'g-', alpha=1) plt.plot(x, curve1, 'r-', alpha=.1) plt.plot(x, curve2, 'r-', alpha=.1) plt.fill_between(x, curve1, curve2, color='grey', alpha=.3) print 'Test error: %s' % test_error plt.figure(2, figsize=(20, 10)) plt.plot(xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), seq_target, 'b-', xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), train_outs_all, 'g--') plt.plot( xrange(tdConfig.n_steps - 24, tdConfig.n_steps + testDataConfig.n_steps - 24), test_seq_target, 'b-') plt.plot( xrange(tdConfig.n_steps - 24, tdConfig.n_steps + testDataConfig.n_steps - 24), test_outs_all, 'r--') time.sleep(1)
else: Lite = False try: try: import matplotlib.pylab as pylab except: import matplotlib.matlab as pylab # catch old versions which use set instead of setp if not hasattr(pylab, 'setp'): pylab.setp = pylab.set # gives right aspect ratio in subplots pylab.rcParams['image.aspect'] = 'auto' # increase vertical gap between plots pylab.rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace'] = 0.3 # turn on interactive mode pylab.ion() gotMatplotlib = True except: if not Lite: print '\n ++++ CliMT: WARNING: matplotlib.pylab ' \ +'could not be loaded, so no runtime monitoring !\n' gotMatplotlib = False from numpy import * from utils import squeeze from state import KnownFields def _figureSetUp(FieldKeys, Component): """ Sets up a figure consisting of up to 4 panels (subplots). """
import MEArec as mr import MEAutility as mu import matplotlib.pylab as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec from plotting_conventions import * import numpy as np import os save_fig = False plt.ion() template_file = 'data/templates/templates_30_tetrode.h5' recording_file = 'data/recordings/recordings_6cells_tetrode_30.0_10.0uV.h5' tempgen = mr.load_templates(template_file) recgen = mr.load_recordings(recording_file) mea = mu.return_mea(['electrodes']) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 11)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(20, 3) ax_timeseries = fig.add_subplot(gs[:4, :]) ax_waveforms = fig.add_subplot(gs[5:8, :]) ax_pca = fig.add_subplot(gs[10:, :]) mr.plot_recordings(recgen, ax=ax_timeseries, overlay_templates=True,
def neu(): global wa, wb, wa1, wb1, wc1, wa2, wb2, wc2, wconst1, wconst2, wconst3, w13, w23 wa = random.random() wb = random.random() wa1 = random.random() wb1 = random.random() wc1 = random.random() wa2 = random.random() wb2 = random.random() wc2 = random.random() w13 = random.random() w23 = random.random() wconst1 = random.random() wconst2 = random.random() wconst3 = random.random() dwa1 = 0 dwb1 = 0 dwc1 = 0 dwa2 = 0 dwb2 = 0 dwc2 = 0 dw13 = 0 dw23 = 0 dwconst1 = 0 dwconst2 = 0 dwconst3 = 0 #----------------------------------------------- def neut1(a, b, c, dwa1, dwb1, dwc1, dwconst1): global wa1, wb1, wc1, wconst1 wa1 = wa1 + dwa1 wb1 = wb1 + dwb1 wc1 = wc1 + dwc1 wconst1 = wconst1 + dwconst1 S = a * wa1 + b * wb1 + c * wc1 + 1 * wconst1 F = sigmoid(S) print(F) return F def neut2(a, b, c, dwa2, dwb2, dwc2, dwconst2): global wa2, wb2, wc2, wconst2 wa2 = wa2 + dwa2 wb2 = wb2 + dwb2 wc2 = wc2 + dwc2 wconst2 = wconst2 + dwconst2 S = a * wa2 + b * wb2 + c * wc2 + 1 * wconst2 F = sigmoid(S) print(F) return F def neut3(f1, f2, dw13, dw23, dwconst3, X): global w13, w23, wconst3 w13 = w13 + dw13 w23 = w23 + dw23 wconst3 = wconst3 + dwconst3 S = f1 * w13 + f2 * w23 + 1 * wconst3 F = sigmoid(S) E = X - F print(F) return F, w13, w23, E #--------------------------------------------------- def neu1(a, b, c): global wa1, wb1, wc1, wconst1 F = sigmoid(a * wa1 + b * wb1 + c * wc1 + wconst1) return F def neu2(a, b, c): global wa2, wb2, wc2, wconst2 F = sigmoid(a * wa2 + b * wb2 + c * wc2 + wconst2) return F def neu3(a, b): global w13, w23, wconst3 f3 = sigmoid(a * w13 + b * w23 + wconst3) return f3 print("Training area initialized. Print what u want to do:") print("e=exit;l=learn") s = input() s = "l" if s == "e": print("See you later!") if s == "l": print("Lets train something") print("Enter values") i = 0 q = 0 j = 0 x1 = [1, -1] y1 = [0, 0] x2 = [0, 0] y2 = [1, -1] plt.plot(x1, y1) plt.plot(x2, y2) plt.grid() plt.ion() while i < 7000: #-Тренировочные_данные-\/ a = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] b = [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] c = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] x = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0] #-Тренировочные_данные-/\ ai = a[q] bi = b[q] ci = c[q] xi = x[q] f1 = neut1(ai, bi, ci, dwa1, dwb1, dwc1, dwconst1) f2 = neut2(ai, bi, ci, dwa2, dwb2, dwc2, dwconst2) f3, w13, w23, E = neut3(f1, f2, dw13, dw23, dwconst3, xi) E1 = backerror(E, w13) E2 = backerror(E, w23) dwa1 = E1 * (f1 * (1 - f1)) * ai dwb1 = E1 * (f1 * (1 - f1)) * bi dwc1 = E1 * (f1 * (1 - f1)) * ci dwconst1 = E1 * (f1 * (1 - f1)) * 1 dwa2 = E2 * (f2 * (1 - f2)) * ai dwb2 = E2 * (f2 * (1 - f2)) * bi dwc2 = E2 * (f2 * (1 - f2)) * ci dwconst2 = E2 * (f2 * (1 - f1)) * 1 dw13 = E * (f3 * (1 - f3)) * f1 dw23 = E * (f3 * (1 - f3)) * f2 dwconst3 = E * (f3 * (1 - f3)) * 1 print("------------------") if q == 6: q = 0 else: q = q + 1 i = i + 1 try: Ap.remove() except: print("Старт") Ap = plt.scatter(E, E) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.0001) plt.ioff() print("Lets train my skills") while i < 5: i = i + 1 a = int(input()) b = int(input()) c = int(input()) f1 = neu1(a, b, c) f2 = neu2(a, b, c) f3 = neu3(f1, f2) print(f3)
use and modify it however you like). """ # import future syntax as for Python version >= 3.0 from __future__ import division # such that 0 != 1/2 == 0.5 from __future__ import print_function # available since 2.6, not needed from math import log, exp from random import normalvariate as random_normalvariate # see randn keyword argument to CMAES.__init__ # Optional imports, can be out-commented, if not available import sys try: import matplotlib.pylab as pylab pylab.ion() # prevents that execution stops after plotting # for plotting, scitools.easyfiz might be an alternative except ImportError: pylab = None print(' pylab could not be imported ') __version__ = '1.10' __author__ = 'Nikolaus Hansen' __docformat__ = 'reStructuredText' def fmin(objectivefct, xstart, sigma, args=(), max_eval='1e3*N**2',
def process_data(self, **kwds): """Keywords are passed spike.plot_correlogram as style formatting. """ plt.ioff() self.figure = {} res = self.results lags = res['lags'] C = res['C_overall'] C_rat = res['C_rat'] # Set an informative title title = "Scan " + res['scan_time'] + ": " + res['query'] if res['shuffled']: title += ' [shuffled]' fmt = dict(lw=1) fmt.update(kwds) corr_args = dict(is_corr=True, norm=False, plot_type="lines", fmt=fmt) # Plot the per-rat correlograms normalized in different ways C_rat_norm = [] for norm in 0, 1, 2: f = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) if norm == 0: self.figure['rat'] = f rat_title = title + ' [per rat]' elif norm == 1: self.figure['rat_norm_max'] = f rat_title = title + ' [per rat] [norm max]' elif norm == 2: self.figure['rat_norm_zero'] = f rat_title = title + ' [per rat] [norm zero]' ax = plt.axes() for i, psth in enumerate(C_rat.values()): if norm == 1: psth /= psth.max() C_rat_norm.append(psth) elif norm == 2: psth /= psth[lags==0] plot_correlogram((psth, lags), **corr_args) ax.set_xlabel('Spike Lag (%s)'%res['units']) ax.set_ylabel('Correlation') ax.set_title(rat_title) # if len(C_rat_norm): # valid = filter(lambda x: np.isfinite(x).all(), C_rat_norm) # C_rat_norm = np.array(C_rat_norm) # mu = C_rat_norm.mean(axis=0) # std = C_rat_norm.std(axis=0) # ci = 1.96*std/np.sqrt(C_rat_norm.shape[0]) # Plot overal correlogram with min/max per-rat envelope self.figure['overall'] = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) ax = plt.axes() fmt['lw'] = 2 fmt['c'] = 'k' corr_args['norm'] = True h = plot_correlogram((C, lags), **corr_args) h.set_label('Overall Spikes') # if len(C_rat_norm): # ax.plot(lags, mu, 'b-', zorder=-1, label='Rat Average') # ax.plot(lags, mu+ci, 'r--', zorder=-2, label='Rat 95% CI') # ax.plot(lags, mu-ci, 'r--', zorder=-2) ax.set_xlabel('Spike Lag (%s)'%res['units']) ax.set_ylabel('Correlation') ax.set_title(title) ax.legend(loc=4) plt.ion()
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter import time TIME = 30 path = 'C:/Users/asus/Desktop/0022R.wav' audio,fs = read_audio_soundfile(path) # footstep 0007R range[250:280]0 ; gun 0022R range[0:30] vehicle 0018R range[1020:1050] audio = audio[fs*0:fs*30] time = np.arange(0, len(audio)) * (1.0 / fs) split_len = int(30*fs/1000) N = int(len(audio)/split_len) predict_all = [] count = 0 plt.ion() #start interactive mode # ax = plt.subplot(121) m = [] acc = [] for i in range(N): test_data = audio[i*split_len:(i+1)*split_len] feature = mel_f.extract_logmel(test_data,fs) feature = avg_frame(feature) predict = svm_c.predict_svm([feature],[1]) if predict == 0: count += 1 predict_point = np.ones(split_len)*predict # print(predict_point) predict_all.append(predict_point) m.append(predict_point) acc.append(count/(i+1))
def plot(self, block=False, period=False, fap=None, gls=True, data=True, residuals=True): """ Create a plot. Parameters ---------- period : boolean The periodogram is plotted against log(Period). fap : float, list Plots the FAP levels. gls : boolean Plots the GLS periodogram. data : boolean Plots the data. residuals : boolean Plots the residuals. Returns ------- fig : mpl.figure A figure which can be modified. """ try: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as mpl except ImportError: raise (ImportError("Could not import matplotlib.pylab.")) fbest, T0 =["f"],["T0"] fig = mpl.figure() fig.canvas.set_window_title('GLS periodogram') fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.04, right=0.97, bottom=0.09, top=0.84) fs = 10 # fontsize nrow = gls + data + residuals plt, plt1, plt2, plt3, plt4 = [None] * 5 if gls: # Periodogram plt = fig.add_subplot(nrow, 1, 1) plt.tick_params(direction='in') if period: plt.set_xscale("log") plt.set_xlabel("Period P") else: plt.set_xlabel("Frequency $f$") plt.set_ylabel(self.label["ylabel"]) plt.plot(1 / self.f if period else self.f, self.power, 'b-', linewidth=.5) # mark the highest peak plt.plot(1 / fbest if period else fbest, self.power[self.p.argmax()], 'r.', label="$1/f = %f$" % (1 / fbest)) x2tics = 1 / np.array([0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20., 100]) mx2tics = 1 / np.array([0.75, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 15, 40, 60., 80, 100]) def tick_function(X): return ["%g" % (1 / z) for z in X] plt.tick_params(direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) plt.minorticks_on() plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) if not period: ax2 = plt.twiny() ax2.tick_params(direction='in', which='both') ax2.format_coord = lambda x, y: "x=%g, x2=%g, y=%g" % (x, 1 / x, y) ax2.set_xticks(x2tics) ax2.set_xticks(mx2tics, minor=True) ax2.set_xticklabels(tick_function(x2tics)) ax2.set_xlim(plt.get_xlim()) ax2.set_xlabel("Period") plt.tick_params(top=False) if fap is not None: if isinstance(fap, float): fap = [fap] n = max(1, len(fap) - 1) # number of dash types for i, fapi in enumerate(fap): plt.axhline(self.powerLevel(fapi), linewidth=0.5, color='r', dashes=(8 + 32 * (n - i) / n, 8 + 32 * i / n), label="FAP = %s%%" % (fapi * 100)) plt.legend(numpoints=1, fontsize=fs, frameon=False) # Data and model col = def plot_ecol(plt, x, y): # script for scatter plot with errorbars and time color-coded datstyle = dict(color=col, marker='.', edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.5, zorder=2) if self.e_y is not None: errstyle = dict(yerr=self.e_y, marker='', ls='', elinewidth=0.5) if matplotlib.__version__ < '2.': errstyle['capsize'] = 0. datstyle['s'] = 8**2 # requires square size !? else: errstyle['ecolor'] = col _, _, (c, ) = plt.errorbar(x, y, **errstyle) if matplotlib.__version__ < '2.': c.set_color(col) plt.scatter(x, y, **datstyle) def phase(t): #return (t-T0)*fbest % 1 return (t - T0) % (1 / fbest) if data: # Time series tt = arange(self.t.min(), self.t.max(), 0.01 / fbest) ymod = self.sinmod(tt) plt1 = fig.add_subplot(nrow, 2, 2 * gls + 1) plt1.set_ylabel("Data") if residuals: mpl.setp(plt1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) else: plt1.set_xlabel("Time") plot_ecol(plt1, self.t, self.y) plt1.plot(tt, ymod, 'k-', zorder=0) # Phase folded data tt = arange(T0, T0 + 1 / fbest, 0.01 / fbest) yy = self.sinmod(tt) plt2 = fig.add_subplot(nrow, 2, 2 * gls + 2, sharey=plt1) mpl.setp(plt2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if residuals: mpl.setp(plt2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) else: plt2.set_xlabel("Phase") plot_ecol(plt2, phase(self.t), self.y) xx = phase(tt) ii = np.argsort(xx) plt2.plot(xx[ii], yy[ii], 'k-') plt2.format_coord = lambda x, y: "x=%g, x2=%g, y=%g" % (x, x * fbest, y) if residuals: # Time serie of residuals yfit = self.sinmod() yres = self.y - yfit plt3 = fig.add_subplot(nrow, 2, 2 * (gls + data) + 1, sharex=plt1) plt3.set_xlabel("Time") plt3.set_ylabel("Residuals") plot_ecol(plt3, self.t, yres) plt3.plot([self.t.min(), self.t.max()], [0, 0], 'k-') # Phase folded residuals plt4 = fig.add_subplot(nrow, 2, 2 * (gls + data) + 2, sharex=plt2, sharey=plt3) plt4.set_xlabel("Phase") mpl.setp(plt4.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plot_ecol(plt4, phase(self.t), yres) plt4.plot([0, 1 / fbest], [0, 0], 'k-') plt4.format_coord = lambda x, y: "x=%g, x2=%g, y=%g" % (x, x * fbest, y) for x in fig.get_axes()[2:]: x.tick_params(direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) x.minorticks_on() x.autoscale(enable=True, tight=True) if hasattr(mpl.get_current_fig_manager(), 'toolbar'): # check seems not needed when "TkAgg" is set mpl.get_current_fig_manager().toolbar.pan() #t = fig.canvas.toolbar #mpl.ToggleTool(mpl.wx_ids['Pan'], False) fig.tight_layout() # to get the left margin marleft = fig.subplotpars.left * fig.get_figwidth() * fig.dpi / fs def tighter(): # keep margin tight when resizing xdpi = fs / (fig.get_figwidth() * fig.dpi) ydpi = fs / (fig.get_figheight() * fig.dpi) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=4. * ydpi, top=1 - ydpi - 4 * gls * ydpi, right=1 - 1 * xdpi, wspace=4 * xdpi, hspace=4 * ydpi, left=marleft * xdpi) if gls and (residuals or data): # gls plot needs additional space for x2axis fig.subplots_adjust(top=1 - 8 * ydpi) if matplotlib.__version__ < '2.': ax2.set_position(plt.get_position().translated( 0, 4 * ydpi)) plt.set_position(plt.get_position().translated(0, 4 * ydpi)) #fig.canvas.mpl_connect("resize_event", lambda _: (fig.tight_layout())) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("resize_event", lambda _: (tighter())) if block: print("Close the plot to continue.") # needed when called from shell else: # avoids blocking when: import test_gls mpl.ion() # # unexpected keyword argument 'block' in older matplotlib return fig
def test_weathering_model(): from weathering_model.utils import pack_values from weathering_model.muscl import muscl, vanAlbada import numpy as np nx = 1000 dx = 0.05 Xo = 1 x0 = np.zeros((nx, 2)) x0[:, 0] = Xo t = np.array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]) vstar = 1 r = 0.25 Yostar = 1 def bc_function(x): return (np.array([[1.0, 1], [0, 0]]), np.array([[1.0, yb], [0, 0]])) def flux_function(x): v = np.zeros_like(x) v[:, 1] = vstar return x * v def source_function(x): X = x[:, 0] Y = (x[:, 1] > 0) * x[:, 1] s = np.zeros_like(x) s[:, 0] = -np.power(Y, r) * np.power(X, 2) s[:, 1] = -r * np.power(X, 2) * np.power(Y, r) / Yostar return s def diffusion_function(x): x_d = np.zeros((x0.shape[0] + 2, 2)) x_d[1:-1, :] = x (topBC, bottomBC) = bc_function(x) x_d[0, 1] = topBC[0, 1] x_d[-1, 1] = bottomBC[0, 1] q = np.diff(x_d[:, 1]) / dx dxdt = np.zeros_like(x) dxdt[:, 1] = vstar * np.diff(q) / dx return dxdt def prop_speed(x): v = np.zeros_like(x) v[:, 1] = vstar return np.abs(v) def to_integrate(t, x): x_unpacked = pack_values(x, packing_geometry=x0.shape) dxdt_flux = muscl(x_unpacked, dx, bc_function, flux_function, vanAlbada, prop_speed=prop_speed, reconstruction='parabolic') dxdt_source = source_function(x_unpacked) dxdt_diffusion = diffusion_function(x_unpacked) dxdt = dxdt_flux + dxdt_source + dxdt_diffusion print(t) return pack_values(dxdt, packing_geometry=None) from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp out = solve_ivp(to_integrate, (np.min(t), np.max(t)), pack_values(x0, packing_geometry=None), method='RK45', t_eval=t) y = out.y.T import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.ion() x_a = np.arange(0, nx * dx, dx) for i in range(len(t)): this_y = pack_values(y[i], packing_geometry=x0.shape) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(x_a, this_y[:, 0], '.') plt.figure(2) plt.plot(x_a, this_y[:, 1], '.')
def setupAxes(self): if self.showFigs: # create figure with axes: pylab.ion() # Force interactive plt.close('all') ### for 'Qt4Agg' backend maximize figure plt.switch_backend('QT5Agg') # plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') self.fig = plt.figure() # gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) # # fig.set_tight_layout(True) self.figManager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() DPI = self.fig.get_dpi() self.fig.set_size_inches(800.0 / DPI, 600.0 / DPI) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) self.fig.clf() self.FTR.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) self.FTR.axes.invert_xaxis() self.FTR.axes.set_title('$FT(r)$') self.FTR.axes.grid(True) self.Chi_k.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) self.Chi_k.axes.invert_xaxis() self.Chi_k.axes.set_title('$\chi(k)$') self.Chi_k.axes.grid(True) self.FTR.axes.set_ylabel('Reletive Intensity (a.u.)', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') self.FTR.axes.set_xlabel('$r$ $[\AA]$', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') self.Chi_k.axes.set_ylabel('Reletive Intensity (a.u.)', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') self.Chi_k.axes.set_xlabel('$k$ $[\AA^{-1}]$', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') # Change the axes border width for axis in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: self.FTR.axes.spines[axis].set_linewidth(2) self.Chi_k.axes.spines[axis].set_linewidth(2) # plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) # gs1.tight_layout(fig, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) self.fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.03, 0.03, 1, 0.95], w_pad=1.1) # put window to the second monitor # figManager.window.setGeometry(1923, 23, 640, 529) self.figManager.window.setGeometry(1920, 20, 1920, 1180) self.fig.suptitle(self.graph_title_txt, fontsize=self.suptitle_fontsize, fontweight='normal') # put window to the second monitor # figManager.window.setGeometry(1923, 23, 640, 529) # self.figManager.window.setGeometry(780, 20, 800, 600) self.figManager.window.setWindowTitle('Compare xftf') self.figManager.window.showMinimized()
def main(conf_file='config.cfg', logfile=None): #%% parameters print "reading config parameters..." config, pars = front_end.parser(conf_file) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: print "recording configuration file..." front_end.record_config_file(pars) logfile = front_end.make_logfile_name(pars) #%% create and initialize the network if pars['train_load_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_load_net']): print "loading network..." net = netio.load_network(pars) # load existing learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve(pars['train_load_net']) else: if pars['train_seed_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_seed_net']): print "seeding network..." net = netio.seed_network(pars, is_seed=True) else: print "initializing network..." net = netio.init_network(pars) # initalize a learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve() # show field of view print "field of view: ", net.get_fov() print "output volume info: ", net.get_outputs_setsz() # set some parameters print 'setting up the network...' vn = utils.get_total_num(net.get_outputs_setsz()) eta = pars['eta'] #/ vn net.set_eta(eta) net.set_momentum(pars['momentum']) net.set_weight_decay(pars['weight_decay']) # initialize samples outsz = pars['train_outsz'] print "\n\ncreate train samples..." smp_trn = front_end.CSamples(config, pars, pars['train_range'], net, outsz, logfile) print "\n\ncreate test samples..." smp_tst = front_end.CSamples(config, pars, pars['test_range'], net, outsz, logfile) # initialization elapsed = 0 err = 0 cls = 0 # interactive visualization plt.ion() # the last iteration we want to continue training iter_last = lc.get_last_it() print "start training..." start = time.time() print "start from ", iter_last + 1 for i in xrange(iter_last + 1, pars['Max_iter'] + 1): vol_ins, lbl_outs, msks = smp_trn.get_random_sample() # forward pass vol_ins = utils.make_continuous(vol_ins, dtype=pars['dtype']) props = net.forward(vol_ins) # cost function and accumulate errors props, cerr, grdts = pars['cost_fn'](props, lbl_outs) err = err + cerr cls = cls + cost_fn.get_cls(props, lbl_outs) # mask process the gradient grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, msks) # run backward pass grdts = utils.make_continuous(grdts, dtype=pars['dtype']) net.backward(grdts) if pars['is_malis']: malis_weights = cost_fn.malis_weight(props, lbl_outs) grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, malis_weights) if i % pars['Num_iter_per_test'] == 0: # test the net lc = test.znn_test(net, pars, smp_tst, vn, i, lc) if i % pars['Num_iter_per_show'] == 0: # anneal factor eta = eta * pars['anneal_factor'] net.set_eta(eta) # normalize err = err / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] cls = cls / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] lc.append_train(i, err, cls) # time elapsed = time.time() - start elapsed = elapsed / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] show_string = "iteration %d, err: %.3f, cls: %.3f, elapsed: %.1f s/iter, learning rate: %.6f"\ %(i, err, cls, elapsed, eta ) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: utils.write_to_log(logfile, show_string) print show_string if pars['is_visual']: # show results To-do: run in a separate thread front_end.inter_show(start, lc, eta, vol_ins, props, lbl_outs, grdts, pars) if pars['is_rebalance'] and 'aff' not in pars['out_type']: plt.subplot(247) plt.imshow(msks.values()[0][0, 0, :, :], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') plt.xlabel('rebalance weight') if pars['is_malis']: plt.subplot(248) plt.imshow(malis_weights.values()[0][0, 0, :, :], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') plt.xlabel('malis weight (log)') plt.pause(2) # reset err and cls err = 0 cls = 0 # reset time start = time.time() if i % pars['Num_iter_per_save'] == 0: # save network netio.save_network(net, pars['train_save_net'], num_iters=i), elapsed)
plotOption = sys.argv[2] except IndexError: print "No plot option provided. Options are: plot and movie" sys.exit(1) if plotOption == "plot": for instance in planets_resh: try: plot(instance[:, 0], instance[:, 1], '*') hold('on') except: print "ValueError!" # movie: if plotOption == "movie": ion() figure() colors = ['*r', '*b', '*m'] min_length = 0 min_x = 0 max_x = 0 min_y = 0 max_y = 0 for i in range(len(planets_resh)): max_x_tmp = planets_resh[i].max() if max_x_tmp > max_x: max_x = max_x_tmp min_x_tmp = planets_resh[i].min() if min_x_tmp < min_x: min_x = min_x_tmp max_y_tmp = planets_resh[i].max()
def move(self): """ Move the Person """ if self.pdshow: fig = plt.gcf() fig, ax = self.L.showG('w', labels=False, alphacy=0., edges=False, fig=fig) plt.draw() plt.ion() while True: if self.moving: if self.sim.verbose: print('meca: updt ag ' + self.ID + ' @ ', # if np.allclose(conv_vecarr(self.destination)[:2],self.L.Gw.pos[47]): # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() while self.cancelled: yield passivate, self print("Person.move: activated after being cancelled") checked = [] for zone in if zone not in checked: checked.append(zone) zone(self) # updating acceleration acceleration = self.steering_mind(self) acceleration = acceleration.truncate(self.max_acceleration) self.acceleration = acceleration # updating velocity velocity = self.velocity + acceleration * self.interval self.velocity = velocity.truncate(self.max_speed) if velocity.length() > 0.2: # record direction only when we've really had some self.localy = velocity.normalize() self.localx = vec3(self.localy.y, -self.localy.x) # updating position self.position = self.position + self.velocity * self.interval # self.update() self.position.z = 0, conv_vecarr(self.position), p = conv_vecarr(self.position).reshape(3, 1) v = conv_vecarr(self.velocity).reshape(3, 1) a = conv_vecarr(self.acceleration).reshape(3, 1) # fill panda dataframe 2D trajectory self.df = self.df.append( pd.DataFrame( { 't': pd.Timestamp(, unit='s'), 'x': p[0], 'y': p[1], 'vx': v[0], 'vy': v[1], 'ax': a[0], 'ay': a[1] }, columns=['t', 'x', 'y', 'vx', 'vy', 'ax', 'ay'])) if self.pdshow: ptmp = np.array([p[:2, 0], p[:2, 0] + v[:2, 0]]) if hasattr(self, 'pl'):[0].set_data(self.df['x'].tail(1), self.df['y'].tail(1)) self.pla[0].set_data(ptmp[:, 0], ptmp[:, 1]) circle = plt.Circle( (self.df['x'].tail(1), self.df['y'].tail(1)), radius=self.radius, alpha=0.3) ax.add_patch(circle) else: = ax.plot(self.df['x'].tail(1), self.df['y'].tail(1), 'o', color=self.color, ms=self.radius * 10) self.pla = ax.plot(ptmp[:, 0], ptmp[:, 1], 'r') circle = plt.Circle( (self.df['x'].tail(1), self.df['y'].tail(1)), radius=self.radius, alpha=0.3) ax.add_patch(circle) # try: # fig,ax=plu.displot(p[:2],p[:2]+v[:2],'r') # except: # pass # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() plt.draw() plt.pause(0.0001) if 'mysql' in self.db.writemeca(self.ID,, p, v, a) if 'txt' in pyu.writemeca(self.ID,, p, v, a) # new target when arrived in poi if self.arrived and\ (self.L.pt2ro(self.position) ==\ self.L.Gw.node[self.rooms[1]]['room']): self.arrived = False if self.endpoint: self.endpoint = False self.roomId = self.nextroomId # remove the remaining waypoint which correspond # to current room position del self.waypoints[0] del self.rooms[0] # del self.dlist[0] # # If door lets continue # # # ig destination --> next room # #adjroom = self.L.Gr.neighbors(self.roomId) #Nadjroom = len(adjroom) if self.cdest == 'random': # self.nextroomId = int(np.floor(random.uniform(0,self.L.Gr.size()))) self.nextroomId = random.sample( self.L.Gr.nodes(), 1)[0] # test 1 ) next != actualroom # 2 ) nextroom != fordiden room # 3 ) room not share without another agent while self.nextroomId == self.roomId or ( self.nextroomId in self.forbidroomId ): # or (self.nextroomId in self.sim.roomlist): # self.nextroomId = int(np.floor(random.uniform(0,self.L.Gr.size()))) self.nextroomId = random.sample( self.L.Gr.nodes(), 1)[0] elif self.cdest == 'file': self.room_counter = self.room_counter + 1 if self.room_counter >= self.nb_room: self.room_counter = 0 self.nextroomId = self.room_seq[self.room_counter] self.wait = self.room_wait[self.room_counter] #self.sim.roomlist.append(self.nextroomId) # list of all destiantion of all nodes in object sim self.rooms, wp = self.L.waypointGw( self.roomId, self.nextroomId) # self.dlist = [i in self.L.Gw.ldo for i in self.rooms] for tup in wp[1:]: self.waypoints.append(vec3(tup)) #nextroom = adjroom[k] # print "room : ",self.roomId # print "nextroom : ",self.nextroomId #p_nextroom = self.L.Gr.pos[self.nextroomId] #setdoors1 = self.L.Gr.node[self.roomId]['doors'] #setdoors2 = self.L.Gr.node[nextroom]['doors'] #doorId = np.intersect1d(setdoors1,setdoors2)[0] # # coord door # #unode = self.L.Gs.neighbors(doorId) #p1 = self.L.Gs.pos[unode[0]] #p2 = self.L.Gs.pos[unode[1]] #print p1 #print p2 #pdoor = (np.array(p1)+np.array(p2))/2 self.destination = self.waypoints[0] if self.sim.verbose: print('meca: ag ' + self.ID + ' wait ' + str(self.wait)) yield hold, self, self.wait else: del self.waypoints[0] del self.rooms[0] # del self.dlist[0] #print "wp : ", self.waypoints if len(self.waypoints) == 1: self.endpoint = True self.destination = self.waypoints[0] #print "dest : ", self.destination else: yield hold, self, self.interval else: # self.update(), conv_vecarr(self.position), yield hold, self, self.interval
if matplotlib_backend in mpl_backends: plt.switch_backend(matplotlib_backend) else: print "Warning: Matplotlib backend", matplotlib_backend, "not available" print "Available backends:", mpl_backends from matplotlib import pylab as pl import matplotlib.ticker as ticker from matplotlib import rc, colors import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib.path as mpath import as cm from matplotlib import lines from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d from matplotlib import lines # for plotting lines in pendulum and PST from matplotlib.patches import ConnectionStyle # for cartpole pl.ion() else: print 'matplotlib is not available => No Graphics' if module_exists('networkx'): import networkx as nx else: 'networkx is not available => No Graphics on SystemAdmin domain' if module_exists('sklearn'): from sklearn import svm else: 'sklearn is not available => No BEBF representation available' from scipy import stats from scipy import misc from scipy import linalg
def plot_rssi(self, port): self.count = 0 self.dt = 0.5 self.tlen = 120 # Generate mesh for plotting Y, X = np.mgrid[slice(0 - .5, 26 + 1.5, 1), slice(0 - self.dt / 2, self.tlen + 1 - self.dt / 2, self.dt)] Z = np.zeros_like(X) # X and Y are bounds, so Z should be the value *inside* those bounds. # Therefore, remove the last value from the Z array. Z = Z[:, :-1] logging.debug("Creating figure") fig = plt.figure() pcm = plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z, vmin=-128, vmax=0,'jet')) plt.xlim([0, self.tlen]) plt.ylim([0, 26]) plt.colorbar(label="Measured signal level [dB]") plt.ylabel("Channel number") plt.xlabel("Time [s]") plt.ion() logging.debug("Show plot window") ch_min = 26 ch_max = 0 last_update = time.time()"Begin collecting data from serial port") while True: line = port.readline().rstrip() pkt_data = re.match( r"\[([-+]?\d+),\s*([-+]?\d+),\s*([-+]?\d+)\]\s*(.*)", line.decode(errors='replace')) if pkt_data: now = time.time() try: iface_id = int( timestamp = int( count = int( tidx = int(timestamp / (self.dt * 1000000)) % (Z.shape[1]) except ValueError: continue logging.debug("data: tidx=%d if=%d t=%d", tidx, iface_id, timestamp) raw = resize = False for ch_ed in raw.split(","): try: pair = ch_ed.split(":") ch = int(pair[0]) ed = float(pair[1]) if ch < ch_min: ch_min = ch resize = True if ch > ch_max: ch_max = ch resize = True Z[ch, tidx] = ed except (ValueError, IndexError): continue #print("ch: %d ed: %d" % (ch, ed)) if resize: logging.debug("resize: %d %d" % (ch_min, ch_max)) plt.ylim([ch_min - .5, ch_max + .5]) if now > last_update + 1: last_update = now #pcm = plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z) pcm.set_array(Z.ravel()) pcm.autoscale() pcm.changed() plt.pause(0.01)
def make_waterfall_plots(filenames_list, target, f_start, f_stop, ion=False, epoch=None, local_host='', plot_name='', save_pdf_plot=False, saving_fig=False, **kwargs): ''' Makes waterfall plots per group of ON-OFF pairs (up to 6 plots.) ''' matplotlib.rc('font', **font) if ion: plt.ion() min_val = 0 max_val = 5. factor = 1e6 units = 'Hz' print(target) n_plots = len(filenames_list) fig = plt.subplots(n_plots, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 2 * n_plots)) #finding plotting values range fil = Filterbank(filenames_list[0], f_start=f_start, f_stop=f_stop) plot_f, plot_data = fil.grab_data(f_start, f_stop, 0) dec_fac_x, dec_fac_y = 1, 1 if plot_data.shape[0] > MAX_IMSHOW_POINTS[0]: dec_fac_x = plot_data.shape[0] / MAX_IMSHOW_POINTS[0] if plot_data.shape[1] > MAX_IMSHOW_POINTS[1]: dec_fac_y = plot_data.shape[1] / MAX_IMSHOW_POINTS[1] plot_data = rebin(plot_data, dec_fac_x, dec_fac_y) A1_avg = np.median(plot_data) A1_max = plot_data.max() A1_std = np.std(plot_data) if not epoch: epoch = fil.header['tstart'] labeling = ['A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'A', 'D'] # delta_f = ('%f0.6'%np.abs(f_start-f_stop)) delta_f = np.abs(f_start - f_stop) mid_f = np.abs(f_start + f_stop) / 2. for i, filename in enumerate(filenames_list): print(filename) plt.subplot(n_plots, 1, i + 1) fil = Filterbank(filename, f_start=f_start, f_stop=f_stop) this_plot = plot_waterfall(fil, f_start=f_start, f_stop=f_stop, vmin=A1_avg - A1_std * min_val, vmax=A1_avg + max_val * A1_std, **kwargs) if i == 0: plt.title(target.replace('HIP', 'HIP ')) if i < len(filenames_list) - 1: plt.xticks(np.arange(f_start, f_stop, delta_f / 4.), ['', '', '', '']) #Some plot formatting. ax = plt.gca() ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) print('delta_f', delta_f) plt.xticks(np.arange(f_start, f_stop, delta_f / 4.), [ round(loc_freq) for loc_freq in np.arange( (f_start - mid_f), (f_stop - mid_f), delta_f / 4.) * factor ]) plt.xlabel("Relative Frequency [%s] from %f MHz" % (units, mid_f), fontdict=font) #to plot color bar. for now. cax = fig[0].add_axes([0.9, 0.11, 0.03, 0.77]) fig[0].colorbar(this_plot, cax=cax, label='Power [Arbitrary Units]') # Fine-tune figure; make subplots close to each other and hide x ticks for # all but bottom plot. plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0) if saving_fig: if not plot_name: plot_name = 'Candidate_waterfall_plots.%s.t%.0f.%s.f%.0f.png' % ( target, epoch, local_host, mid_f * 1e6) print('Saving png figure.') plt.savefig(plot_name, bbox_inches='tight') if save_pdf_plot: print('Saving pdf figure.') plt.savefig(plot_name.replace('.png', '') + '.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_waveforms(waveforms, sensors, evt, *, wf_type="PMT", range=(None, ), overlay=False, sum=False, zoomx=False, zoomy=False, dual=False): range = slice(*range) wfsize = waveforms.shape[2] time = np.arange(wfsize).astype(float) if wf_type == "PMT": time /= 40 elif wf_type == "BLR": time /= 40 elif wf_type == "SiPM": pass else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized wf type {}. ".format(wf_type) + "Valid options: are 'PMT', 'BLR' and 'SiPM'") if sum: wf_type += " SUM" gmin, gmax = float("inf"), -float("inf") plt.ion() ax1 = plt.gca() if sum: sum_wf = np.zeros(waveforms.shape[2]) if dual: for wf, wf_dual, ID, color in zip(waveforms[0][range], waveforms[1][range], sensors[range], _colors): ymin, ymax = min(wf_dual), max(wf_dual) if ymin < gmin: gmin = ymin if ymax > gmax: gmax = ymax plt.plot(wf, drawstyle="steps", label=str(ID[0]), c=color) plt.plot(wf_dual, drawstyle="steps", label=str(ID[0]), c=next(_colors)) ylim = (0.99 * ymin, 1.01 * ymax) customize_plot(zoomx, zoomy if zoomy else ylim, wf_type, evt, ID[0]) show_and_wait() else: for wf, ID, color in zip(waveforms[0][range], sensors[range], _colors): ymin, ymax = min(wf), max(wf) if ymin < gmin: gmin = ymin if ymax > gmax: gmax = ymax if sum: bls_wf = wf - mode(wf) sum_wf = sum_wf + bls_wf * (1 if "SiPM" in wf_type else -1) else: plt.plot(wf, drawstyle="steps", label=str(ID[0]), c=color) if not overlay and not sum: ylim = (0.99 * ymin, 1.01 * ymax) customize_plot(zoomx, zoomy if zoomy else ylim, wf_type, evt, ID[0]) show_and_wait() if overlay: ylim = 0.99 * gmin, 1.01 * gmax customize_plot(zoomx, zoomy if zoomy else ylim, wf_type, evt) show_and_wait() if sum: ylim = np.min(sum_wf) - 50, np.max(sum_wf) + 50 plt.plot(sum_wf, drawstyle="steps", c="k") customize_plot(zoomx, zoomy if zoomy else ylim, wf_type, evt) show_and_wait()
def ratdisp(workdir='.', targetdir='.', cams=[0, 1, 2, 3], auto=False): # check for non-list camera argument if type(cams) is not list: cams = [cams] # convert to list pl.ion() # pylab in interactive mode # move to working directory start_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(workdir) d = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] # name of current directory if not auto: print "\n* * * displaying science frames in {} for selection * * *".format( d) else: print "\n* * * selecting all science frames in {} * * *".format(d) # make target directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(targetdir): print "Creating target directory: ", targetdir os.makedirs(targetdir) # warn user if previous files may be overwritten else: print "Warning: Target directory exists. Existing files will be overwritten." resp = raw_input("Proceed? (y/n): ") if resp.lower() != 'y': print "Exiting..." os.chdir(start_dir) # move back to starting directory return # remove tailing / from target directory name if present if targetdir[-1] == '/': targetdir = targetdir[:-1] # delete existing object and sky lists fntemp = glob('{}/{}*.list'.format(targetdir, af.OBJ_NAME)) for fn in fntemp: os.remove(fn) fntemp = glob('{}/{}*.list'.format(targetdir, af.SKY_NAME)) for fn in fntemp: os.remove(fn) # work on FITs files for specified cameras for cam_i in cams: # print current camera number print "\n* * * CAMERA {} * * *".format(cam_i) # CCDs if cam_i in [0, 1]: fn_list = '{}_{}.list'.format(af.CAM_NAMES[cam_i], d) try: fin = open(fn_list, 'r') # open list of FITs files except IOError: print "Warning: {} not found. Skipping camera {}.".format( fn_list, cam_i) else: # look at FITs data sequentially for line in fin: fits_fn = line.rstrip( ) # current fits file name with return removed fits_id = fits_fn.split('.')[ 0] # fits file name with extention removed print '\n{}'.format(fits_fn) # open data hdulist = im = hdulist[0].data h = hdulist[0].header # check for required header keywords if 'PRPSLID' in h: prpslid = h['PRPSLID'] else: "ERROR: ratdisp - PRPSLID not found in fits header." os.chdir(start_dir) # move back to starting directory pl.close('all') # close image to free memory return if 'VSTID' in h: vstid = h['VSTID'] else: "ERROR: ratdisp - VSTID keyword not found in fits header." os.chdir(start_dir) # move back to starting directory pl.close('all') # close image to free memory return targname = '{}-vis{}'.format(prpslid, vstid) targname_sky = '{}-sky'.format(targname) # rotate image or not im = np.rot90(im, af.CAM_ROTAT[cam_i]) # get image statistics m = np.median(im) s = af.robust_sigma(im) # display image and prompt user if not auto: implot = zoom( im, ZOOM_LVL) # change image size for display axim = pl.imshow(implot, vmin=m - 5 * s, vmax=m + 5 * s, origin='lower', axim.axes.set_xticks(axim.axes.get_xlim()) axim.axes.set_xticklabels(['E', 'W']) axim.axes.set_yticks(axim.axes.get_ylim()) axim.axes.set_yticklabels(['S', 'N']) pl.title( r"{} band, Median = {}, $\sigma$ = {:.1f}".format( h['FILTER'], int(m), s)) # print filter name print '\t* Filter used: {}'.format(h['FILTER']) # query user until valid response is provided valid_entry = False while not valid_entry: # either select all if auto, or have user select if auto: direction = 'y' else: direction = raw_input( "\nType Y for YES, N for NO, Q for QUIT: ") if direction.lower() == 'y': # set keyword values h['PIXSCALE'] = af.CAM_PXSCALE[cam_i] h['WAVELENG'] = 'OPT' h['GAIN'] = (af.CAM_GAIN[cam_i](h['SOFTGAIN']), 'in electrons/DN') h['SATURATE'] = (af.CAM_SATUR[cam_i]( h['SOFTGAIN']), 'in electrons/DN') # object frame imfits = '{}/{}_{}_{}.fits'.format( targetdir, fits_id, af.OBJ_NAME, cam_i) h['TARGNAME'] = targname hdulist.writeto(imfits, clobber=True) # save object frame fout = open( '{}/{}_{}.list'.format(targetdir, af.OBJ_NAME, h['FILTER']), 'a') # append if this filter's list exists fout.write(fits_id + '\n') # write new file name to list fout.close() # sky frame skyfits = '{}/{}_{}_{}.fits'.format( targetdir, fits_id, af.SKY_NAME, cam_i) h['TARGNAME'] = targname_sky hdulist.writeto(skyfits, clobber=True) # save sky frame fout = open( '{}/{}_{}.list'.format(targetdir, af.SKY_NAME, h['FILTER']), 'a') # append if this filter's list exists fout.write(fits_id + '\n') # write new file name to list fout.close() valid_entry = True elif direction.lower() == 'q': # exit function print "Exiting..." os.chdir( start_dir) # move back to starting directory pl.close('all') # close image to free memory return elif direction.lower() != 'n': # invalid case print "'{}' is not a valid entry.".format( direction) else: # 'N' selected, skip valid_entry = True hdulist.close() # close FITs file pl.close('all') # close image to free memory # close files fin.close() # H2RGs if cam_i in [2, 3]: fn_list = '{}_{}.list'.format(af.CAM_NAMES[cam_i], d) try: fin = open(fn_list, 'r') # open list of FITs files except IOError: print "Warning: {} not found. Skipping camera {}.".format( fn_list, cam_i) else: fout_img = [ open( '{}/{}_{}.list'.format(targetdir, af.OBJ_NAME, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2]), 'w'), open( '{}/{}_{}.list'.format(targetdir, af.OBJ_NAME, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]), 'w') ] # create list files for new img FITs files (e, w) fout_sky = [ open( '{}/{}_{}.list'.format(targetdir, af.SKY_NAME, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2]), 'w'), open( '{}/{}_{}.list'.format(targetdir, af.SKY_NAME, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]), 'w') ] # create list files for new sky FITs files (e, w) # look at FITs data sequentially for line in fin: fits_fn = line.rstrip( ) # current fits file name with return removed fits_id = fits_fn.split('.')[ 0] # fits file name with extention removed print '\n{}'.format(fits_fn) # open data hdulist = im = hdulist[0].data h = hdulist[0].header # check for required header keywords if 'PRPSLID' in h: prpslid = h['PRPSLID'] else: "ERROR: ratdisp - PRPSLID not found in fits header." os.chdir(start_dir) # move back to starting directory pl.close('all') # close image to free memory return if 'VSTID' in h: vstid = h['VSTID'] else: "ERROR: ratdisp - VSTID keyword not found in fits header." os.chdir(start_dir) # move back to starting directory pl.close('all') # close image to free memory return if af.CENTER_KEY in h: center = h[af.CENTER_KEY].split('center')[0] else: "ERROR: ratdisp - {} keyword not found in fits header.".format( af.CENTER_KEY) os.chdir(start_dir) # move back to starting directory pl.close('all') return targname = '{}-vis{}'.format(prpslid, vstid) targname_sky = '{}-sky'.format(targname) # rotate FITs data to align with filters (Z/J in E-left, Y/H in W-right) im = np.rot90(im, af.CAM_ROTAT[cam_i]) if cam_i == 3: im = np.flipud(im) # flip C3 about y axis # get image statistics imleft = im[af.H2RG_SLICES[cam_i - 2]] mleft = np.median(imleft) sleft = af.robust_sigma(imleft) imright = im[af.H2RG_SLICES[cam_i]] mright = np.median(imright) sright = af.robust_sigma(imright) # display image and prompt user if not auto: imleft = zoom( imleft, ZOOM_LVL) # change image size for display pl.subplot(121) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.2) axim = pl.imshow(imleft, vmin=mleft - 5 * sleft, vmax=mleft + 5 * sleft, origin='lower', axim.axes.set_xticks([axim.axes.get_xlim()[0]]) axim.axes.set_xticklabels(['E']) axim.axes.set_yticks(axim.axes.get_ylim()) axim.axes.set_yticklabels(['S', 'N']) pl.title(r"{} band".format(af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2]) + '\n' + "Median = {}, $\sigma$ = {:.1f}".format( int(mleft), sleft)) imright = zoom( imright, ZOOM_LVL) # change image size for display pl.subplot(122) axim = pl.imshow(imright, vmin=mright - 5 * sright, vmax=mright + 5 * sright, origin='lower', axim.axes.set_xticks([axim.axes.get_xlim()[1]]) axim.axes.set_xticklabels(['W']) axim.axes.set_yticks([]) pl.title(r"{} band".format(af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]) + '\n' + "Median = {}, $\sigma$ = {:.1f}".format( int(mright), sright)) # print target center for user if center.count(af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]) != 0: print "\t* The target is focused on the {} filter.".format( af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]) elif center.count(af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2]) != 0: print "\t* The target is focused on the {} filter.".format( af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2]) else: print "\t* Warning: The target is NOT focused on an H2RG filter. The target is focused on the {} filter.".format( center) # query user until valid response is provided valid_entry = False while not valid_entry: # either select based on center keyword if auto, or have user select if auto: if center.count(af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]) != 0: direction = 'w' elif center.count(af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2]) != 0: direction = 'e' else: print "\t* Warning: Skipping frame not centered on H2RG filter." direction = 'n' else: direction = raw_input( "\nType E for EAST, W for WEST, N for NEXT, Q for QUIT: " ) if direction.lower() == 'e' or direction.lower( ) == 'w': # selected h['PIXSCALE'] = af.CAM_PXSCALE[cam_i] h['WAVELENG'] = 'IR' h['GAIN'] = (af.CAM_GAIN[cam_i](h['SOFTGAIN']), 'in electrons/DN') h['SATURATE'] = (af.CAM_SATUR[cam_i]( h['SOFTGAIN']), 'in electrons/DN') if direction.lower() == 'e': f_img = cam_i - 2 f_sky = cam_i else: f_img = cam_i f_sky = cam_i - 2 # filter side with object imfits = '{}/{}_{}_{}.fits'.format( targetdir, fits_id, af.OBJ_NAME, af.H2RG_FILTERS[f_img]) im_img = im[af.H2RG_SLICES[f_img]] h['NAXIS1'] = af.H2RG_SLICES[f_img][ 0].stop - af.H2RG_SLICES[f_img][0].start h['NAXIS2'] = af.H2RG_SLICES[f_img][ 1].stop - af.H2RG_SLICES[f_img][1].start h['FILTER'] = af.H2RG_FILTERS[f_img] h['TARGNAME'] = targname pf.writeto(imfits, im_img, header=h, clobber=True) # save object frame fout_img[0].write('{}_{}_{}\n'.format( fits_id, af.OBJ_NAME, af.H2RG_FILTERS[f_img]) ) # write new file name to list # filter side with sky skyfits = '{}/{}_{}_{}.fits'.format( targetdir, fits_id, af.SKY_NAME, af.H2RG_FILTERS[f_sky]) im_sky = im[af.H2RG_SLICES[f_sky]] h['NAXIS1'] = af.H2RG_SLICES[f_sky][ 0].stop - af.H2RG_SLICES[f_sky][ 0].start # repeat incase filter sizes differ h['NAXIS2'] = af.H2RG_SLICES[f_sky][ 1].stop - af.H2RG_SLICES[f_sky][1].start h['FILTER'] = af.H2RG_FILTERS[f_sky] h['TARGNAME'] = targname_sky pf.writeto(skyfits, im_sky, header=h, clobber=True) # save sky frame fout_sky[0].write('{}_{}_{}\n'.format( fits_id, af.SKY_NAME, af.H2RG_FILTERS[f_sky]) ) # write new file name to list valid_entry = True elif direction.lower() == 'q': # exit function print "Exiting..." os.chdir( start_dir) # move back to starting directory pl.close('all') # close image to free memory return elif direction.lower() != 'n': # invalid case print "'{}' is not a valid entry.".format( direction) else: # 'N' selected, skip valid_entry = True hdulist.close() # close FITs file pl.close('all') # close image to free memory # close files fin.close() for f in fout_img: f.close() for f in fout_sky: f.close() # move back to starting directory os.chdir(start_dir)
def run_detect(datasets_dir): filenames = [f for f in sorted(os.listdir(datasets_dir)) if f.lower().endswith(".png")] for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): print i, filename filename = os.path.join(datasets_dir, filename) # filename = '../samples/aa_test.png' image = cv2.imread(filename) gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) show("gray", gray) ret, thresholded = cv2.threshold(gray, 250, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) show("thresholded", thresholded) toContour = thresholded # Added by Caryn to erase dots # # kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.uint8) # kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(5,5)) # opened = cv2.morphologyEx(thresholded, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) # show("opened", opened) # toContour = opened results = cv2.findContours(toContour, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(results) == 2: contours = results[0] else: contours = results[1] draw_image = ~image.copy() newimage = np.zeros(thresholded.shape, dtype=np.uint8) boxes = [cv2.boundingRect(contour) for contour in contours] widths = [box[2] for box in boxes] typical_width = np.median(widths) merge_width = int(typical_width) # merge letters to form word blocks for box in boxes: if box[2] > 5 * typical_width or box[3] > 5 * typical_width: continue cv2.rectangle(newimage, (box[0] - merge_width, box[1]), (box[0] + box[2] + merge_width, box[1] + box[3]), 255, -1) # refind contours in merged line image boximage = newimage.copy() results = cv2.findContours(newimage, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(results) == 2: contours = results[0] else: contours = results[1] # make histogram of x coverage of word boxes. hist_x1 = np.zeros(image.shape[1]) for contour in contours: box = cv2.boundingRect(contour) hist_x1[box[0]:box[0]+box[2]] += 1 max_x = np.max(hist_x1) line_x = np.where(hist_x1 > max_x * 0.6) maxtab, mintab = peakdetect(hist_x1, np.max(hist_x1) * 0.2) for i, x in maxtab: x = int(i) cv2.line(draw_image, (x, 0), (x, 2000), (0, 0, 255), 2) draw_image[boximage != 0, 0] = 255 cv2.imshow("process", draw_image) pylab.clf() pylab.plot(hist_x1) pylab.plot(maxtab[:, 0], maxtab[:, 1], 'o') pylab.ion() cv2.waitKey(0)
def ratdisp_calib(ftype=af.FLAT_NAME, workdir='.', cams=[0, 1, 2, 3], auto=False, amin=0.1, amax=0.8): # check for non-list camera argument if type(cams) is not list: cams = [cams] # convert to list pl.ion() # pylab in interactive mode # move to working directory start_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(workdir) d = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] # name of current directory if not auto: print "\n* * * displaying {} frames in {} for selection * * *".format( ftype, d) else: print "\n* * * automatically selecting {} frames in {} * * *".format( ftype, d) # delete existing calibration lists fntemp = glob(ftype + '*.list') for fn in fntemp: os.remove(fn) # work on FITs files for specified cameras for cam_i in cams: # print current camera number print "\n* * * CAMERA {} * * *".format(cam_i) # CCDs if cam_i in [0, 1]: fn_list = '{}_{}.list'.format(af.CAM_NAMES[cam_i], d) try: fin = open(fn_list, 'r') # open list of FITs files except IOError: print "Warning: {} not found. Skipping camera {}.".format( fn_list, cam_i) else: # look at FITs data sequentially for line in fin: fits_fn = line.rstrip( ) # current fits file name with return removed fits_id = fits_fn.split('.')[ 0] # fits file name with extention removed print '{}'.format(fits_fn) # open data hdulist = im = hdulist[0].data h = hdulist[0].header # all bias frames are selected if auto and ftype is af.BIAS_NAME: fout = open('{}_{}.list'.format(ftype, cam_i), 'a') # append if this filter's list exists fout.write(fits_id + '\n') # write new file name to list fout.close() else: # no rotation needed (why is C0 rotated by 270 deg in IDL code?) im = np.rot90(im, af.CAM_ROTAT[cam_i]) # Let user determine if the image is good or not implot = zoom( im, ZOOM_LVL) # change image size for display m = np.median(im) s = af.robust_sigma(im) print '\t* Median is {} counts.'.format(m) # print filter name print '\t* Filter used: {}'.format(h['FILTER']) # select non-saturated flat frames with sufficient counts if auto and ftype is af.FLAT_NAME: # check whether median value is in specified range sat_pt = af.CAM_SATUR[cam_i](h['SOFTGAIN']) vmin = amin * sat_pt vmax = amax * sat_pt if m > vmin and m < vmax: print "\t* Frame selected." fout = open( '{}_{}.list'.format(ftype, h['FILTER']), 'a') # append if this filter's list exists fout.write(fits_id + '\n') # write new file name to list fout.close() else: if m < vmin: print "\t* Frame rejected:\tUNDEREXPOSED." else: print "\t* Frame rejected:\tSATURATED." # display image and prompt user else: axim = pl.imshow(implot, vmin=m - 5 * s, vmax=m + 5 * s, origin='lower', pl.title(r"Median = {}, $\sigma$ = {:.1f}".format( int(m), s)) # query user until valid response is provided valid_entry = False while not valid_entry: direction = raw_input( "\nType Y for YES, N for NO, Q for QUIT: ") if direction.lower() == 'y': fout = open( '{}_{}.list'.format( ftype, h['FILTER']), 'a' ) # append if this filter's list exists fout.write( fits_id + '\n') # write new file name to list fout.close() valid_entry = True elif direction.lower() == 'q': # exit function print "Exiting..." os.chdir( start_dir ) # move back to starting directory pl.close( 'all') # close image to free memory return elif direction.lower() != 'n': # invalid case print "'{}' is not a valid entry.".format( direction) else: # 'N' selected, skip valid_entry = True hdulist.close() # close FITs file pl.close('all') # close image to free memory # close files fin.close() # H2RGs if cam_i in [2, 3]: fn_list = '{}_{}.list'.format(af.CAM_NAMES[cam_i], d) try: fin = open(fn_list, 'r') # open list of FITs files except IOError: print "Warning: {} not found. Skipping camera {}.".format( fn_list, cam_i) else: isfoutopen = False # H2RGs do not have bias frames. inform user if auto and ftype is af.BIAS_NAME: print "\t* Warning: H2RG detectors do not have {} frames. Skipping...".format( af.BIAS_NAME) else: fout = [ open( '{}_{}.list'.format(ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2]), 'w'), open( '{}_{}.list'.format(ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]), 'w') ] # create list files for new img FITs files (e, w) isfoutopen = True # look at FITs data sequentially for line in fin: fits_fn = line.rstrip( ) # current fits file name with return removed fits_id = fits_fn.split('.')[ 0] # fits file name with extention removed print '{}'.format(fits_fn) # open data hdulist = im = hdulist[0].data h = hdulist[0].header # rotate FITs data to align with filters (Z/J in E-left, Y/H in W-right) im = np.rot90(im, af.CAM_ROTAT[cam_i]) if cam_i == 3: im = np.flipud(im) # flip C3 about y axis # Let user determine if the image is good or not implot = zoom(im, ZOOM_LVL) # change image size for display imleft = im[af.H2RG_SLICES[cam_i - 2]] mleft = np.median(imleft) sleft = af.robust_sigma(imleft) imright = im[af.H2RG_SLICES[cam_i]] mright = np.median(imright) sright = af.robust_sigma(imright) print '\t* Median of left side is {} counts'.format(mleft) print '\t* Median of right side is {} counts'.format( mright) # select non-saturated flat frames with sufficient counts if auto and ftype is af.FLAT_NAME: # check whether median values are in specified range sat_pt = af.CAM_SATUR[cam_i](h['SOFTGAIN']) vmin = amin * sat_pt vmax = amax * sat_pt # left side if mleft > vmin and mleft < vmax: print "\t* Left side selected." imfits_left = '{}_{}_{}.fits'.format( fits_id, ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2]) h['FILTER'] = af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2] pf.writeto(imfits_left, imleft, header=h, clobber=True) # save left frame fout[0].write('{}_{}_{}\n'.format( fits_id, ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[ cam_i - 2])) # write new file name to list else: if mleft < vmin: print "\t* Left side rejected:\tUNDEREXPOSED." else: print "\t* Left side rejected:\tSATURATED." # right side if mright > vmin and mright < vmax: print "\t* Right side selected." imfits_right = '{}_{}_{}.fits'.format( fits_id, ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]) h['FILTER'] = af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i] pf.writeto(imfits_right, imright, header=h, clobber=True) # save object frame fout[1].write('{}_{}_{}\n'.format( fits_id, ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]) ) # write new file name to list else: if mleft < vmin: print "\t* Right side rejected:\tUNDEREXPOSED." else: print "\t* Right side rejected:\tSATURATED." # display image and prompt user else: # display image and prompt user pl.subplot(121) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.2) axim = pl.imshow(imleft, vmin=mleft - 5 * sleft, vmax=mleft + 5 * sleft, origin='lower', axim.axes.set_xticks([axim.axes.get_xlim()[0]]) axim.axes.set_xticklabels(['E']) axim.axes.set_yticks(axim.axes.get_ylim()) axim.axes.set_yticklabels(['S', 'N']) pl.title(r"Median = {}, $\sigma$ = {:.1f}".format( int(mleft), sleft)) pl.subplot(122) axim = pl.imshow(imright, vmin=mright - 5 * sright, vmax=mright + 5 * sright, origin='lower', axim.axes.set_xticks([axim.axes.get_xlim()[1]]) axim.axes.set_xticklabels(['W']) axim.axes.set_yticks([]) pl.title(r"Median = {}, $\sigma$ = {:.1f}".format( int(mright), sright)) # query user until valid response is provided, Z & J face the EASTERN part of the field valid_entry = False while not valid_entry: direction = raw_input( "\nType Y for YES, N for NO, Q for QUIT: ") if direction.lower() == 'y': imfits_left = '{}_{}_{}.fits'.format( fits_id, ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2]) h['FILTER'] = af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i - 2] pf.writeto(imfits_left, imleft, header=h, clobber=True) # save object frame fout[0].write('{}_{}_{}\n'.format( fits_id, ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[ cam_i - 2])) # write new file name to list imfits_right = '{}_{}_{}.fits'.format( fits_id, ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]) h['FILTER'] = af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i] pf.writeto(imfits_right, imright, header=h, clobber=True) # save object frame fout[1].write('{}_{}_{}\n'.format( fits_id, ftype, af.H2RG_FILTERS[cam_i]) ) # write new file name to list valid_entry = True elif direction.lower() == 'q': # exit function print "Exiting..." os.chdir(start_dir ) # move back to starting directory pl.close('all') # close image to free memory return elif direction.lower() != 'n': # invalid case print "'{}' is not a valid entry.".format( direction) else: # 'N' selected, skip valid_entry = True hdulist.close() # close FITs file pl.close('all') # close image to free memory # close files fin.close() if isfoutopen: for f in fout: f.close() # move back to starting directory os.chdir(start_dir)
def display(q): ''' The worker thread sends audio data this display thread for real-time oscilliscope display. ''' pylab.ion() fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax1.grid(True) ax1.set_xlabel('Time') ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax2.grid(True) ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax2.set_ylabel('Amplitude') #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create oscilliscope data and plot axes xdata = np.arange(int(DISP_WIDTH * SR + 0.5)) / float(SR) n_samples = len(xdata) ydata = ns.Buffer.zeros(n_samples) ax1.axis([xdata[0], xdata[-1], -0.5, 0.5]) line1, = ax1.plot(xdata, ydata, rasterized=True) # Create spectrogram data and plot axes spec_args = (SR, SPEC_WINDOW, 0.010, ns.NUTTALL) spec = ns.Spectrogram(ydata, *spec_args) spec_xaxis = np.array(spec.getFrequencyAxis()) spec_yzeros = np.array(spec.computeMagnitude(ydata)[1:]) line2, = ax2.plot(spec_xaxis, spec_yzeros, rasterized=True) ax2.set_xlim(20, SPEC_MAX_FREQ) ax2.set_xscale('log') ax2.set_ylim(-90, 60) fig.canvas.draw() # cache the backgrounds bg1 = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax1.bbox) bg2 = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax2.bbox) cbuf = ns.CircularBuffer(2 * n_samples) d0 = now() dcount = 0 while True: try: d = q.get(False) have_d = True except queue.Empty: have_d = False if not have_d: continue if d == "QUIT": print "dcount = ", dcount return elif d == "RESET": data = np.zeros(n_samples) line1.set_ydata(data) line2.set_ydata(spec_yzeros) ax1.draw_artist(ax1.patch) ax1.draw_artist(line1) ax2.draw_artist(ax2.patch) ax2.draw_artist(line2) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() cbuf.write(ns.Buffer.zeros(2 * n_samples)) continue cbuf.write(d) d1 = now() dt = d1 - d0 if dt.total_seconds() >= (1.0 / 30): dcount += 1 data = #------------------------------------------------------------------ # oscilliscope # Search the middle part of the data for the peak value n = len(data) i0 = n / 4 i1 = i0 + n_samples / 2 middle = data[i0:i1] imax = i0 + middle.argmax() # keep peak at 25 % into the window i0 = imax - n_samples / 4 i1 = i0 + n_samples ydata = data[i0:i1] #------------------------------------------------------------------ # spectrogram spec_ydata = spec.computeMagnitude(data).getdB()[1:] #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Redraw plot line1.set_ydata(ydata) line2.set_ydata(spec_ydata) # restore background fig.canvas.restore_region(bg1) fig.canvas.restore_region(bg2) ax1.draw_artist(ax1.patch) ax1.draw_artist(line1) ax2.draw_artist(ax2.patch) ax2.draw_artist(line2) fig.canvas.blit(ax1.bbox) fig.canvas.blit(ax2.bbox) # cache the backgrounds bg1 = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax1.bbox) bg2 = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax2.bbox) d0 = now()
def display_video(dataset): """Display 3D video.""" plt.ion() for i in range(dataset.shape[2]): plt.imshow(dataset[:, i]) plt.pause(0.05)
def plot(self, block=False, period=False): """ Create a plot. """ try: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as mpl except ImportError: raise (ImportError("Could not import matplotlib.pylab.")) fbest, T0 =["f"],["T0"] fig = mpl.figure() fig.canvas.set_window_title('GLS periodogram') fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.04, right=0.97, bottom=0.09, top=0.84) fs = 10 # fontsize # Periodogram plt = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.tick_params(direction='in') if period: plt.set_xscale("log") plt.set_xlabel("Period P") else: plt.set_xlabel("Frequency f") plt.set_ylabel(self.label["ylabel"]) plt.plot(1 / self.f if period else self.f, self.power, 'b-', linewidth=.5) # mark the highest peak plt.plot(1 / fbest if period else fbest, self.power[self.p.argmax()], 'r.', label="1/f = %f" % (1 / fbest)) plt.legend(numpoints=1, fontsize=fs, frameon=False) x2tics = 1 / np.array([0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20., 100]) mx2tics = 1 / np.array([0.75, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 15, 40, 60., 80, 100]) def tick_function(X): return ["%g" % (1 / z) for z in X] plt.tick_params(direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) plt.minorticks_on() plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) if not period: ax2 = plt.twiny() ax2.tick_params(direction='in', which='both') ax2.format_coord = lambda x, y: "x=%g, x2=%g, y=%g" % (x, 1 / x, y) ax2.set_xticks(x2tics) ax2.set_xticks(mx2tics, minor=True) ax2.set_xticklabels(tick_function(x2tics)) ax2.set_xlim(plt.get_xlim()) ax2.set_xlabel("Period") plt.tick_params(top=False) # Data and model col = def plot_ecol(plt, x, y): # script for scatter plot with errorbars and time color-coded datstyle = dict(color=col, marker='.', edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.5, zorder=2) if self.e_y is not None: errstyle = dict(yerr=self.e_y, marker='', ls='', elinewidth=0.5) if matplotlib.__version__ < '2.': errstyle['capsize'] = 0. datstyle['s'] = 8**2 # requires square size !? else: errstyle['ecolor'] = col _, _, (c, ) = plt.errorbar(x, y, **errstyle) if matplotlib.__version__ < '2.': c.set_color(col) plt.scatter(x, y, **datstyle) def phase(t): #return (t-T0)*fbest % 1 return (t - T0) % (1 / fbest) # Time series tt = arange(self.t.min(), self.t.max(), 0.01 / fbest) ymod = self.sinmod(tt) yfit = self.sinmod() plt1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 3) plt1.set_ylabel("Data") mpl.setp(plt1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plot_ecol(plt1, self.t, self.y) plt1.plot(tt, ymod, 'k-', zorder=0) # Phase folded data tt = arange(T0, T0 + 1 / fbest, 0.01 / fbest) yy = self.sinmod(tt) plt2 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 4, sharey=plt1) mpl.setp(plt2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) mpl.setp(plt2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plot_ecol(plt2, phase(self.t), self.y) xx = phase(tt) ii = np.argsort(xx) plt2.plot(xx[ii], yy[ii], 'k-') plt2.format_coord = lambda x, y: "x=%g, x2=%g, y=%g" % (x, x * fbest, y ) # Time serie of residuals yres = self.y - yfit plt3 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 5, sharex=plt1) plt3.set_xlabel("Time") plt3.set_ylabel("Residuals") plot_ecol(plt3, self.t, yres) plt3.plot([self.t.min(), self.t.max()], [0, 0], 'k-') # Phase folded residuals plt4 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 6, sharex=plt2, sharey=plt3) plt4.set_xlabel("Phase") mpl.setp(plt4.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plot_ecol(plt4, phase(self.t), yres) plt4.plot([0, 1 / fbest], [0, 0], 'k-') plt4.format_coord = lambda x, y: "x=%g, x2=%g, y=%g" % (x, x * fbest, y ) for x in [plt1, plt2, plt3, plt4]: x.tick_params(direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) x.minorticks_on() x.autoscale(enable=True, tight=True) if hasattr(mpl.get_current_fig_manager(), 'toolbar'): # check seems not needed when "TkAgg" is set mpl.get_current_fig_manager().toolbar.pan() #t = fig.canvas.toolbar #mpl.ToggleTool(mpl.wx_ids['Pan'], False) if block: print("Close the plot to continue.") else: mpl.ion() fig.tight_layout() # to get the left margin marleft = fig.subplotpars.left * fig.get_figwidth() * fig.dpi / fs def tighter(): # keep margin tight when resizing xdpi = fs / (fig.get_figwidth() * fig.dpi) ydpi = fs / (fig.get_figheight() * fig.dpi) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=4. * ydpi, top=1 - 8. * ydpi, right=1 - 1 * xdpi, wspace=4 * xdpi, hspace=4 * ydpi, left=marleft * xdpi) if matplotlib.__version__ < '2.': ax2.set_position(plt.get_position().translated(0, 4 * ydpi)) plt.set_position(plt.get_position().translated(0, 4 * ydpi)) #fig.canvas.mpl_connect("resize_event", lambda _: (fig.tight_layout())) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("resize_event", lambda _: (tighter())) # # unexpected keyword argument 'block' in older matplotlib return mpl
def test_fps(use_blit=True): ax1.cla() ax1.set_title('Sensor Input vs. Time -' + 'Blit [{0:3s}]'.format("On" if use_blit else "Off")) ax1.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax1.set_ylabel('Sensor Input (mV)') plt.ion( ) # Set interactive mode ON, so matplotlib will not be blocking the window # Set to false so that the code doesn't stop here cur_time = time.time() ax1.hold(True) x, y = [], [] times = [time.time() - cur_time] # Create blank array to hold time values y.append(0) line1, = ax1.plot(times, y, '.-', alpha=0.8, color="gray", markerfacecolor="red") fig.canvas.draw() if use_blit: background = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox( ax1.bbox) # cache the background tic = time.time() niter = 200 i = 0 while i < niter: fields = random.random() * 100 times.append(time.time() - cur_time) y.append(fields) # this removes the tail of the data so you can run for long hours. You can cache this # and store it in a pickle variable in parallel. if len(times) > 50: del y[0] del times[0] xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = [min(times) / 1.05, max(times) * 1.1, -5, 110] # feed the new data to the plot and set the axis limits again line1.set_xdata(times) line1.set_ydata(y) plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) if use_blit: fig.canvas.restore_region(background) # restore background ax1.draw_artist(line1) # redraw just the points fig.canvas.blit(ax1.bbox) # fill in the axes rectangle else: fig.canvas.draw() i += 1 fps = niter / (time.time() - tic) print "Blit [{0:3s}] -- FPS: {1:.1f}, time resolution: {2:.4f}s".format( "On" if use_blit else "Off", fps, 1 / fps) return fps
def process_data(self): """Create figure plotting distributions of scan-firing measures and compute various relevant statistics """ from import smooth_pdf, t_one_tailed from import snake2title from scipy.stats import (ttest_ind as ttest, t as t_dist, ks_2samp as kstest) os.chdir(self.datadir) self.out.outfd = file('figure.log', 'w') self.out.timestamp = False self.figure = {} self.figure['distros'] = f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 16)) f.suptitle('Distributions of LEC/MEC Scan/Non-scan Firing') LEC = self.results['LEC'] MEC = self.results['MEC'] data_types = LEC.dtype.names N = len(data_types) def mean_pm_sem(a): return '%.4f +/- %.4f'%(a.mean(), a.std()/np.sqrt(a.size)) plt.ioff() kw = dict(lw=2, aa=True) for i, data in enumerate(data_types): ax = plt.subplot(N, 1, i+1) label = snake2title(data) kw.update(label='LEC', c='b') ax.plot(*smooth_pdf(LEC[data]), **kw) kw.update(label='MEC', c='g') ax.plot(*smooth_pdf(MEC[data]), **kw) ax.axis('tight') v = list(ax.axis()) v[3] *= 1.1 ax.axis(v) med_LEC = np.median(LEC[data]) med_MEC = np.median(MEC[data]) ax.plot([med_LEC]*2, [v[2], v[3]], 'b--') ax.plot([med_MEC]*2, [v[2], v[3]], 'g--') self.out(, '-')) N_LEC = LEC[data].size N_MEC = MEC[data].size self.out('Median LEC(%s) = %.4f'%(label, med_LEC)) self.out('Mean/SEM LEC(%s) = %s'%(label, mean_pm_sem(LEC[data]))) if data.endswith('norm'): self.out('T(LEC > 1) = %.4f, p = %.8f'%t_one_tailed(LEC[data])) self.out('T_cstv(LEC > 1) = %.4f, p = %.8f'%t_one_tailed( LEC[data], df=N_LEC/float(5)-1)) self.out('N LEC cell-sessions = %d'%N_LEC) self.out('Median MEC(%s) = %.4f'%(label, med_MEC)) self.out('Mean/SEM MEC(%s) = %s'%(label, mean_pm_sem(MEC[data]))) if data.endswith('norm'): self.out('T(MEC > 1) = %.4f, p = %.8f'%t_one_tailed(MEC[data])) self.out('T_cstv(MEC > 1) = %.4f, p = %.8f'%t_one_tailed( MEC[data], df=N_MEC/float(5)-1)) self.out('N MEC cell-sessions = %d'%N_MEC) t = ttest(LEC[data], MEC[data]) k = kstest(LEC[data], MEC[data]) self.out('T-test(%s): t = %.4f, p = %.8f'%(label, t[0], t[1])) self.out('KS-test(%s): D = %.4f, p = %.8f'%(label, k[0], k[1])) if t[1] < 0.05: ax.text(0.025, 0.8, '*t', size='x-large', transform=ax.transAxes) if k[1] < 0.05: ax.text(0.025, 0.6, '*KS', size='x-large', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_ylabel('p[ %s ]'%label) if i == 0: ax.legend(loc=1) plt.ion() self.out.outfd.close()
def plot(self, fig_number=322): """plot the stored data in figure `fig_number`. Dependencies: `matlabplotlib.pylab` """ from matplotlib import pylab from matplotlib.pylab import ( gcf, gca, figure, plot, xlabel, grid, semilogy, text, draw, show, ion, subplot as _subplot, tight_layout, rcParamsDefault, xlim, ylim ) def title_(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('size', rcParamsDefault['axes.labelsize']) pylab.title(*args, **kwargs) def subtitle(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('horizontalalignment', 'center') text(0.5 * (xlim()[1] - xlim()[0]), 0.9 * ylim()[1], *args, **kwargs) def legend_(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('framealpha', 0.3) kwargs.setdefault('fancybox', True) kwargs.setdefault('fontsize', rcParamsDefault['font.size'] - 2) pylab.legend(*args, **kwargs) def subplot(*args, **kwargs): with _warnings.catch_warnings(): _warnings.simplefilter("ignore") _subplot(*args, **kwargs) # catch unjustified deprecation warning because subplot and add_subplot are not separate if isinstance(fig_number, int): figure(fig_number) dat = self._data # dictionary with entries as given in __init__ if not dat or not dat['eval'] or len(dat['eval']) <= 2: return try: # a hack to get the presumable population size lambda strpopsize = ' (evaluations / %s)' % str(dat['eval'][-2] - dat['eval'][-3]) except IndexError: strpopsize = '' # plot fit, Delta fit, sigma subplot(221) gca().clear() if dat['fit'][0] is None: # plot is fine with None, but comput- dat['fit'][0] = dat['fit'][1] # tations need numbers # should be reverted later, but let's be lazy assert dat['fit'].count(None) == 0 fmin = min(dat['fit']) imin = dat['fit'].index(fmin) dat['fit'][imin] = max(dat['fit']) + 1 fmin2 = min(dat['fit']) dat['fit'][imin] = fmin semilogy(dat['iter'], [f - fmin if f - fmin > 1e-19 else None for f in dat['fit']], 'c', linewidth=1, label='f-min(f)') semilogy(dat['iter'], [max((fmin2 - fmin, 1e-19)) if f - fmin <= 1e-19 else None for f in dat['fit']], 'C1*') semilogy(dat['iter'], [abs(f) for f in dat['fit']], 'b', label='abs(f-value)') semilogy(dat['iter'], dat['sigma'], 'g', label='sigma') semilogy(dat['iter'][imin], abs(fmin), 'r*', label='abs(min(f))') if dat['more_data']: gca().twinx() plot(dat['iter'], dat['more_data']) grid(True) legend_(*[[v[i] for i in [1, 0, 2, 3]] # just a reordering for v in gca().get_legend_handles_labels()]) # plot xmean subplot(222) gca().clear() plot(dat['iter'], dat['xmean']) for i in range(len(dat['xmean'][-1])): text(dat['iter'][0], dat['xmean'][0][i], str(i)) text(dat['iter'][-1], dat['xmean'][-1][i], str(i)) subtitle('mean solution') grid(True) # plot squareroot of eigenvalues if dat['D'][-1][0] != dat['D'][-1][-1]: subplot(223) gca().clear() semilogy(dat['iter'], dat['D'], 'm') xlabel('iterations' + strpopsize) title_('Axis lengths') grid(True) # plot stds subplot(224) # if len(gcf().axes) > 1: # sca(pylab.gcf().axes[1]) # else: # twinx() gca().clear() semilogy(dat['iter'], dat['stds']) for i in range(len(dat['stds'][-1])): text(dat['iter'][-1], dat['stds'][-1][i], str(i)) title_('Coordinate-wise STDs w/o sigma') grid(True) xlabel('iterations' + strpopsize) _stdout.flush() tight_layout() # avoid superfluous padding # draw(), show() # canvas.draw seem to do the job better ion() # may prevent that everything stops until figure is closed? # todo: if in the same cell, the subplots are small until the cell is finished gcf().canvas.draw() CMAESDataLogger.plotted += 1