def scale_mtx(M, normalize=False, dbscale=False, norm=False, bels=False): """ :: Perform mutually-orthogonal scaling operations, otherwise return identity: normalize [False] dbscale [False] norm [False] """ if not (normalize or dbscale or norm or bels): return M else: X = M.copy() # don't alter the original if norm: nz_idx = (X * X).sum(1) > 0 X[nz_idx] = (X[nz_idx].T / np.sqrt( (X[nz_idx] * X[nz_idx]).sum(1))).T if normalize: X = X - np.min(X) X = X / np.max(X) if dbscale or bels: X = P.log10(P.clip(X, 0.0001, X.max())) if dbscale: X = 20 * X return X
def _mfcc(self): """ :: DCT of the Log magnitude CQFT """ fp = self._check_feature_params() if not self._cqft(): return False self._make_dct() AA = P.log10(P.clip(self.CQFT, 0.0001, self.CQFT.max())) self.MFCC =, AA) self._have_mfcc = True if self.verbosity: print("Extracted MFCC: lcoef=%d, ncoef=%d, intensified=%d" % (self.lcoef, self.ncoef, self.intensify)) n = self.ncoef l = self.lcoef self.X = self.MFCC[l:l + n, :] return True
def feature_scale(M, normalize=False, dbscale=False, norm=False, bels=False): """ :: Perform mutually-orthogonal scaling operations, otherwise return identity: normalize [False] dbscale [False] norm [False] """ if not (normalize or dbscale or norm or bels): return M else: X = M.copy() # don't alter the original if norm: X = X / P.tile(P.sqrt((X * X).sum(0)), (X.shape[0], 1)) if normalize: X = _normalize(X) if dbscale or bels: X = P.log10(P.clip(X, 0.0001, X.max())) if dbscale: X = 20 * X return X
def Make_Z_Plot(grbdict, z_key='grbox_z', Nbins=31, z_cutoff=4.0): '''Given any dictionary which has the redshift as one of the keywords, plot a histogram of those redshifts. ''' z_list = [] zname_list = [] date_list = [] # 'un'zip all_grbs (is there a better way to do this? just assign rather than a for loop?) for key, value in grbdict.iteritems(): # date_list.append(value['date']) z_list.append(value[z_key]) zname_list.append(key) print '***All***' print ' ' print z_list print len(z_list) ### Print out the most distant GRB as a function of time zmax = 0.0 rr = [] for key, value in grbdict.iteritems(): if value[z_key] > zmax: rr.append(key) zmax = value[z_key] # print value['date'].year + value['date'].timetuple().tm_yday/365.0, zmax, "# ", key ax = plt.subplot(111) n, bins, patches = plt.hist(plt.log10(z_list), bins=Nbins, facecolor='grey', edgecolor='grey') # Define pre-swift burst index as bursts before 041210 # high_z_i = plt.where(plt.array(date_list) <,12,10)) # high_z_list = [z_list[i] for i in list(high_z_i[0])] #print high_z_list # n, bins1, patches = plt.hist(plt.log10(high_z_list),bins=bins,facecolor='black',edgecolor='black',alpha=0.6) if overplot_high_z: high_z_list = [z for z in z_list if z > z_cutoff] n, bins1, patches = plt.hist(plt.log10(high_z_list), bins=bins, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') ay = ax.twinx() argg = list(plt.ones(len(z_list)).cumsum().repeat(2)) zz = copy.copy(z_list) zz.sort() tmp = list(plt.log10(zz).repeat(2)) tmp.append(1) yy = [0] yy.extend(argg) ay.plot(tmp, yy, aa=True, linewidth=4, color='black') argg = list(plt.ones(len(high_z_list)).cumsum().repeat(2)) zz = copy.copy(high_z_list) zz.sort() tmp = list(plt.log10(zz).repeat(2)) tmp.append(1) yy = [0] yy.extend(argg) ay.plot(tmp, yy, aa=True, linewidth=2, color='grey') ay.set_ylim((0, len(z_list) * 1.05)) ay.set_ylabel("Cumulative Number", fontsize=20) # formatter for bottom x axis def ff(x, pos=None): if x < -1: return "%.2f" % (10**x) elif x < 0: return "%.1f" % (10**x) elif 10**x == 8.5: return "%.1f" % (10**x) else: return "%i" % (10**x) formatter = FuncFormatter(ff) ax.set_xticks([ -2, -1, plt.log10(0.3), 0, plt.log10(2), plt.log10(3), plt.log10(4), plt.log10(6), plt.log10(8.5) ]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.set_xlabel("Redshift ($z$)", fontsize=20) ax.set_ylabel("Number", fontsize=20) ax.set_xlim((plt.log10(0.005), plt.log10(10))) ax2 = ax.twiny() xlim = ax.get_xlim() #ax2.set_xscale("log") ax2.set_xlim((xlim[0], xlim[1])) # Define function for plotting the top X axis; time since big bang in Gyr def rr(x, pos=None): g = cosmocalc.cosmocalc(10.0**x, H0=71.0) if g['zage_Gyr'] < 1: return "%.2f" % g[ 'zage_Gyr'] # Return 2 dec place if age < 1; e.g 0.62 else: return "%.1f" % g[ 'zage_Gyr'] # Return 1 dec place if age > 1; e.g. 1.5 ax2.set_xticks( [-1.91, -1.3, -0.752, -0.283, 0.102, 0.349, 0.62, plt.log10(8.3)]) formatter1 = FuncFormatter(rr) ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter1) ax2.set_xlabel("Time since Big Bang (Gyr)", fontsize=20),a['yy'],width=w,log=False) #ax.set_xscale("log",nonposx='clip') ## Now plot inset plot of GRBs greater than z=z_cutoff axins = inset_axes( ax2, width="30%", # width = 30% of parent_bbox height="30%") # height : 1 inch) locator = axins.get_axes_locator() locator.set_bbox_to_anchor((-0.8, -0.45, 1.35, 1.35), ax.transAxes) locator.borderpad = 0.0 high_z_list = [z for z in z_list if z > z_cutoff] if high_z_list: # if there are any high-z's, plot them n, bins, patches = plt.hist(plt.array(high_z_list), facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') axins.set_xlim(z_cutoff, 8.5) axins.set_xlabel("z") axins.set_ylabel("N") # high_z_i = plt.where(plt.array(date_list) <,12,10)) # high_z_list = [z_list[i] for i in list(high_z_i[0]) if z_list[i] > z_cutoff] n, bins, patches = plt.hist(plt.array(high_z_list), bins=bins, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') high_z_list = [z for z in z_list if z > z_cutoff] if high_z_list: # if there are any high-z's, plot them n, bins, patches = plt.hist(plt.array(high_z_list), facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') axins.set_xlim(z_cutoff, 9.0) #mark_inset(ax, axins, loc1=2, loc2=4, fc="none", ec="0.5") #axins2.set_xlabel("Time since Big Bang [Gyr]",fontsize=20) ylabels = ax.get_yticklabels() plt.setp(ylabels, size=14, name='times', weight='light', color='k') xlabels = ax.get_xticklabels() plt.setp(xlabels, size=14, name='times', weight='light', color='k') xlabels = ax2.get_xticklabels() plt.setp(xlabels, size=14, name='times', weight='light', color='k') xlabels = ay.get_yticklabels() plt.setp(xlabels, size=14, name='times', weight='light', color='k') plt.savefig('z_plot.eps') plt.draw() return z_list
def Make_Z_Plot(grbdict, z_key="grbox_z", Nbins=31, z_cutoff=4.0): """Given any dictionary which has the redshift as one of the keywords, plot a histogram of those redshifts. """ z_list = [] zname_list = [] date_list = [] # 'un'zip all_grbs (is there a better way to do this? just assign rather than a for loop?) for key, value in grbdict.iteritems(): # date_list.append(value['date']) z_list.append(value[z_key]) zname_list.append(key) print "***All***" print " " print z_list print len(z_list) ### Print out the most distant GRB as a function of time zmax = 0.0 rr = [] for key, value in grbdict.iteritems(): if value[z_key] > zmax: rr.append(key) zmax = value[z_key] # print value['date'].year + value['date'].timetuple().tm_yday/365.0, zmax, "# ", key ax = plt.subplot(111) n, bins, patches = plt.hist(plt.log10(z_list), bins=Nbins, facecolor="grey", edgecolor="grey") # Define pre-swift burst index as bursts before 041210 # high_z_i = plt.where(plt.array(date_list) <,12,10)) # high_z_list = [z_list[i] for i in list(high_z_i[0])] # print high_z_list # n, bins1, patches = plt.hist(plt.log10(high_z_list),bins=bins,facecolor='black',edgecolor='black',alpha=0.6) if overplot_high_z: high_z_list = [z for z in z_list if z > z_cutoff] n, bins1, patches = plt.hist(plt.log10(high_z_list), bins=bins, facecolor="black", edgecolor="black") ay = ax.twinx() argg = list(plt.ones(len(z_list)).cumsum().repeat(2)) zz = copy.copy(z_list) zz.sort() tmp = list(plt.log10(zz).repeat(2)) tmp.append(1) yy = [0] yy.extend(argg) ay.plot(tmp, yy, aa=True, linewidth=4, color="black") argg = list(plt.ones(len(high_z_list)).cumsum().repeat(2)) zz = copy.copy(high_z_list) zz.sort() tmp = list(plt.log10(zz).repeat(2)) tmp.append(1) yy = [0] yy.extend(argg) ay.plot(tmp, yy, aa=True, linewidth=2, color="grey") ay.set_ylim((0, len(z_list) * 1.05)) ay.set_ylabel("Cumulative Number", fontsize=20) # formatter for bottom x axis def ff(x, pos=None): if x < -1: return "%.2f" % (10 ** x) elif x < 0: return "%.1f" % (10 ** x) elif 10 ** x == 8.5: return "%.1f" % (10 ** x) else: return "%i" % (10 ** x) formatter = FuncFormatter(ff) ax.set_xticks([-2, -1, plt.log10(0.3), 0, plt.log10(2), plt.log10(3), plt.log10(4), plt.log10(6), plt.log10(8.5)]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.set_xlabel("Redshift ($z$)", fontsize=20) ax.set_ylabel("Number", fontsize=20) ax.set_xlim((plt.log10(0.005), plt.log10(10))) ax2 = ax.twiny() xlim = ax.get_xlim() # ax2.set_xscale("log") ax2.set_xlim((xlim[0], xlim[1])) # Define function for plotting the top X axis; time since big bang in Gyr def rr(x, pos=None): g = cosmocalc.cosmocalc(10.0 ** x, H0=71.0) if g["zage_Gyr"] < 1: return "%.2f" % g["zage_Gyr"] # Return 2 dec place if age < 1; e.g 0.62 else: return "%.1f" % g["zage_Gyr"] # Return 1 dec place if age > 1; e.g. 1.5 ax2.set_xticks([-1.91, -1.3, -0.752, -0.283, 0.102, 0.349, 0.62, plt.log10(8.3)]) formatter1 = FuncFormatter(rr) ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter1) ax2.set_xlabel("Time since Big Bang (Gyr)", fontsize=20) #,a['yy'],width=w,log=False) # ax.set_xscale("log",nonposx='clip') ## Now plot inset plot of GRBs greater than z=z_cutoff axins = inset_axes(ax2, width="30%", height="30%") # width = 30% of parent_bbox # height : 1 inch) locator = axins.get_axes_locator() locator.set_bbox_to_anchor((-0.8, -0.45, 1.35, 1.35), ax.transAxes) locator.borderpad = 0.0 high_z_list = [z for z in z_list if z > z_cutoff] if high_z_list: # if there are any high-z's, plot them n, bins, patches = plt.hist(plt.array(high_z_list), facecolor="black", edgecolor="black") axins.set_xlim(z_cutoff, 8.5) axins.set_xlabel("z") axins.set_ylabel("N") # high_z_i = plt.where(plt.array(date_list) <,12,10)) # high_z_list = [z_list[i] for i in list(high_z_i[0]) if z_list[i] > z_cutoff] n, bins, patches = plt.hist(plt.array(high_z_list), bins=bins, facecolor="black", edgecolor="black") high_z_list = [z for z in z_list if z > z_cutoff] if high_z_list: # if there are any high-z's, plot them n, bins, patches = plt.hist(plt.array(high_z_list), facecolor="black", edgecolor="black") axins.set_xlim(z_cutoff, 9.0) # mark_inset(ax, axins, loc1=2, loc2=4, fc="none", ec="0.5") # axins2.set_xlabel("Time since Big Bang [Gyr]",fontsize=20) ylabels = ax.get_yticklabels() plt.setp(ylabels, size=14, name="times", weight="light", color="k") xlabels = ax.get_xticklabels() plt.setp(xlabels, size=14, name="times", weight="light", color="k") xlabels = ax2.get_xticklabels() plt.setp(xlabels, size=14, name="times", weight="light", color="k") xlabels = ay.get_yticklabels() plt.setp(xlabels, size=14, name="times", weight="light", color="k") plt.savefig("z_plot.eps") plt.draw() return z_list
# Get pixel coordinates of SN wcs = pywcs.WCS(prihdr) try: target_pix = wcs.wcs_sky2pix([(np.array([ra,dec], np.float_))], 1)[0] except: print "ERROR when converting sky to wcs. Is astrometry in place? Default coordinates assigned." target_pix = [+nx/2., ny/2.] print target_pix else: target_pix = [+nx/2., ny/2.] img = img - np.nanmin(img) av = np.median(img.flatten()) mi, ma = zscale.zscale(img) im = plt.imshow(plt.log10(img), aspect="equal", extent=(0, ny, 0, nx), \ origin="lower",, interpolation="none", vmin=np.log10(av), vmax=np.log10(3*av)) #, interpolation="lanczos") plt.scatter(target_pix[0], target_pix[1], marker="x", s=10, c="red") plt.colorbar(im) filename = os.path.basename(f) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, filename.replace("."+filename.split(".")[-1], "_{:}.png".format(i))), dpi=200) plt.clf() def move_to_discarded(mydir, myfilter, ra, dec): import shutil for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(mydir, myfilter)): frames_with_target = get_frames_with_target(f, ra, dec) if len(frames_with_target) == 0: discarddir = os.path.join(mydir, "discarded") if (not os.path.isdir(discarddir)):
wcs = pywcs.WCS(prihdr) try: target_pix = wcs.wcs_sky2pix( [(np.array([ra, dec], np.float_))], 1)[0] except: print "ERROR when converting sky to wcs. Is astrometry in place? Default coordinates assigned." target_pix = [+nx / 2., ny / 2.] print target_pix else: target_pix = [+nx / 2., ny / 2.] img = img - np.nanmin(img) av = np.median(img.flatten()) mi, ma = zscale.zscale(img) im = plt.imshow(plt.log10(img), aspect="equal", extent=(0, ny, 0, nx), \ origin="lower",, interpolation="none", vmin=np.log10(av), vmax=np.log10(3*av)) #, interpolation="lanczos") plt.scatter(target_pix[0], target_pix[1], marker="x", s=10, c="red") plt.colorbar(im) filename = os.path.basename(f) plt.savefig(os.path.join( plot_dir, filename.replace("." + filename.split(".")[-1], "_{:}.png".format(i))), dpi=200) plt.clf()
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pylab as plb from scipy.stats import linregress labels, values = zip(*aggCount.most_common(50)) indexes = np.arange(len(labels)) width = 1, values, width) plt.xticks(indexes + width * 0.5, labels) X = indexes + 1 Y = values plt.plot(X, Y, 'bo') plt.savefig('rawplot.png') plt.loglog(X, Y, 'bo') plt.savefig('loglogplot.png') m, b = plb.polyfit(plb.log10(X), plb.log10(Y), 1) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress( plb.log10(X), plb.log10(Y)) rsquared = r_value**2 plt.plot(plb.log10(X), plb.log10(Y), 'bo', plb.log10(X), plb.log10(X) * slope + intercept, '--k') plt.savefig('loglogplot_fitted.png')
from collections import Counter import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pylab as plb from scipy.stats import linregress labels, values = zip(*aggCount.most_common(50)) indexes = np.arange(len(labels)) width = 1, values, width) plt.xticks(indexes + width * 0.5, labels) X=indexes +1 Y=values plt.plot(X,Y, 'bo') plt.savefig('rawplot.png') plt.loglog(X,Y,'bo') plt.savefig('loglogplot.png') m,b=plb.polyfit(plb.log10(X),plb.log10(Y),1) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err=linregress(plb.log10(X),plb.log10(Y)) rsquared=r_value**2 plt.plot(plb.log10(X),plb.log10(Y),'bo',plb.log10(X), plb.log10(X)*slope +intercept, '--k') plt.savefig('loglogplot_fitted.png')
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import pickle from pylab import * import random from matplotlib import pylab as pl file = open('table_data.bin', 'rb') table = pickle.load(file) file.close() chen_f = lambda Ree, jdd: (-2.0 * pl.log10( jdd / 3.7065 - 5.0452 / Ree * pl.log10((jdd**1.1098) / 2.8257 + 5.8506 / (Ree**0.8981))))**-2 #Re>2100일경우 minor_loss = { 'edged inlet': 0.5, 'Re-entrant inlet': 1, 'Well rounded inlet': 0.05, 'Exit': 1, '90º Elbow': 1.4, '45º Elbow': 0.35, 'Globe valve': 10, 'Gate valve': 0.15, 'Basket strainer': 1.3 } # -------------------------------- 압력차 --------------------------------------------- def Pressure_drop(Q, L, dz, liquid_type, pipe_standard, merterial, loss): Q = float(Q)