def plot_running_time(running_time, path): xlabel('|C|') ylabel('MTV iteration in secs.') grid(True) plot([x for x in range(len(running_time))], running_time) savefig(os.path.join(path, 'running_time.png')) close()
def display_grid(grid, **kwargs): fig = plt.figure() plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') if kwargs.get('mark_core_cells', True): core_cell_coords = grid._cell_nodes[1:-1, 1:-1] cellx, celly = core_cell_coords[:, :, 0], core_cell_coords[:, :, 1] plt.plot(cellx, celly, '-o', np.transpose(cellx), np.transpose(celly), '-o', color='red') if kwargs.get('mark_boundary_cells', True): boundary_cell_coords = grid._cell_nodes[0, :], \ grid._cell_nodes[-1, :], \ grid._cell_nodes[1:-1, 0], \ grid._cell_nodes[1:-1, -1] for coords in boundary_cell_coords: plt.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], '-x', color='blue') if kwargs.get('show', False): f = BytesIO() plt.savefig(f) return f
def make_corr1d_fig(dosave=False): corr = make_corr_both_hemi() lw=2; fs=16 pl.figure(1)#, figsize=(8, 7)) pl.clf() pl.xlim(4,300) pl.ylim(-400,+500) lambda_titles = [r'$20 < \lambda < 30$', r'$30 < \lambda < 40$', r'$\lambda > 40$'] colors = ['blue','green','red'] for i in range(3): corr1d, rcen = corr_1d_from_2d(corr[i]) ipdb.set_trace() pl.semilogx(rcen, corr1d*rcen**2, lw=lw, color=colors[i]) #pl.semilogx(rcen, corr1d*rcen**2, 'o', lw=lw, color=colors[i]) pl.xlabel(r'$s (Mpc)$',fontsize=fs) pl.ylabel(r'$s^2 \xi_0(s)$', fontsize=fs) pl.legend(lambda_titles, 'lower left', fontsize=fs+3) pl.plot([.1,10000],[0,0],'k--') s_bao = 149.28 pl.plot([s_bao, s_bao],[-9e9,+9e9],'k--') pl.text(s_bao*1.03, 420, 'BAO scale') pl.text(s_bao*1.03, 370, '%0.1f Mpc'%s_bao) if dosave: pl.savefig('xi1d_3bin.pdf')
def plot_size_of_c(size_of_c, path): xlabel('|C|') ylabel('Max model size |Ci|') grid(True) plot([x+1 for x in range(len(size_of_c))], size_of_c) savefig(os.path.join(path, 'size_of_c.png')) close()
def transition_related_averaging_run(self, simulation_data, smoothing_kernel_width = 200, sampling_interval = [-50, 150], plot = True ): """docstring for transition_related_averaging""" transition_occurrence_times = self.transition_occurrence_times(simulation_data = simulation_data, smoothing_kernel_width = smoothing_kernel_width) # make sure only valid transition_occurrence_times survive transition_occurrence_times = transition_occurrence_times[(transition_occurrence_times > -sampling_interval[0]) * (transition_occurrence_times < (simulation_data.shape[0] - sampling_interval[1]))] # separated into on-and off periods: transition_occurrence_times_separated = [transition_occurrence_times[::2], transition_occurrence_times[1::2]] mean_time_course, std_time_course = np.zeros((2, sampling_interval[1] - sampling_interval[0], 5)), np.zeros((2, sampling_interval[1] - sampling_interval[0], 5)) if transition_occurrence_times_separated[0].shape[0] > 2: for k in [0,1]: averaging_interval_times = np.array([transition_occurrence_times_separated[k] + sampling_interval[0],transition_occurrence_times_separated[k] + sampling_interval[1]]).T interval_data = np.array([simulation_data[avit[0]:avit[1]] for avit in averaging_interval_times]) mean_time_course[k] = interval_data.mean(axis = 0) std_time_course[k] = (interval_data.std(axis = 0) / np.sqrt(interval_data.shape[0])) if plot: f = pl.figure(figsize = (10,8)) for i in range(simulation_data.shape[1]): s = f.add_subplot(simulation_data.shape[1], 1, 1 + i) for j in [0,1]: pl.plot(np.arange(mean_time_course[j].T[i].shape[0]), mean_time_course[j].T[i], ['r--','b--'][j], linewidth = 2.0 ) pl.fill_between(np.arange(mean_time_course[j].shape[0]), mean_time_course[j].T[i] + std_time_course[j].T[i], mean_time_course[j].T[i] - std_time_course[j].T[i], ['r','b'][j], alpha = 0.2) s.set_title(self.variable_names[i]) pl.draw() return (mean_time_course, std_time_course)
def study_multiband_planck(quick=True): savename = datadir+'cl_multiband.pkl' bands = [100, 143, 217, 'mb'] if quick: cl = pickle.load(open(savename,'r')) else: cl = {} mask = load_planck_mask() mask_factor = np.mean(mask**2.) for band in bands: this_map = load_planck_data(band) this_cl = hp.anafast(this_map*mask, lmax=lmax)/mask_factor cl[band] = this_cl pickle.dump(cl, open(savename,'w')) cl_theory = {} pl.clf() for band in bands: l_theory, cl_theory[band] = get_cl_theory(band) this_cl = cl[band] pl.plot(this_cl/cl_theory[band]) pl.legend(bands) pl.plot([0,4000],[1,1],'k--') pl.ylim(.7,1.3) pl.ylabel('data/theory')
def study_sdss_density(hemi='south'): grid = grid3d(hemi=hemi) n_data = num_sdss_data_both_catalogs(hemi, grid) n_rand, weight = num_sdss_rand_both_catalogs(hemi, grid) n_rand *= ((n_data*weight).sum() / (n_rand*weight).sum()) delta = (n_data - n_rand) / n_rand delta[weight==0]=0. fdelta = np.fft.fftn(delta*weight) power = np.abs(fdelta)**2. ks = get_wavenumbers(delta.shape, grid.reso_mpc) kmag = ks[3] kbin = np.arange(0,0.06,0.002) ind = np.digitize(kmag.ravel(), kbin) power_ravel = power.ravel() power_bin = np.zeros_like(kbin) for i in range(len(kbin)): print i wh = np.where(ind==i)[0] power_bin[i] = power_ravel[wh].mean() #pl.clf() #pl.plot(kbin, power_bin) from cosmolopy import perturbation pk = perturbation.power_spectrum(kbin, 0.4, **cosmo) pl.clf(); pl.plot(kbin, power_bin/pk, 'b') pl.plot(kbin, power_bin/pk, 'bo') pl.xlabel('k (1/Mpc)',fontsize=16) pl.ylabel('P(k) ratio, DATA/THEORY [arb. norm.]',fontsize=16) ipdb.set_trace()
def ROC(self, x): """ ROC curve for seperating positive Gamma distribution from two other modes, predicted by current parameter values -x: vector of observations Output: P P[0]: False positive rates P[1]: True positive rates """ import matplotlib.pylab as mp p = len(x) P = np.zeros((2,p)) #False positives P[0] = (self.mixt[0]*st.gamma.cdf(-x,self.shape_n,scale=self.scale_n) + self.mixt[1]*st.norm.sf(x,0,np.sqrt(self.var)))/\ (self.mixt[0] + self.mixt[1]) #True positives P[1] = st.gamma.sf(x,self.shape_p,scale=self.scale_p) mp.figure() I = P[0].argsort() mp.plot(P[0,I],P[0,I],'r-') mp.plot(P[0,I],P[1,I],'g-') mp.legend(('False positive rate','True positive rate')) return P
def plot_mock(mock): plt.clf() plt.plot(mock['dates'], mock['y'], marker='+', color='blue', label='data', markersize=9) plt.plot(mock['dates'], mock['y_without_seasonal'], color='green', alpha=0.6, linewidth=1, label='model without seasonal')
def __init__(self, frames, z, zeta, sweep): from scitbx import simplex from scitbx.array_family import flex import numpy self.L = Likelihood(FractionOfObservedIntensity(frames, z, zeta, sweep.get_scan())) x = 0.1 + numpy.arange(1000) / 2000.0 l = [self.L(xx) for xx in x] from matplotlib import pylab pylab.plot(x, l) # print 1/0 startA = 0.3 startB = 0.4 # startA = 0.2*3.14159 / 180 # startB = 0.3*3.14159 / 180 print "Start: ", startA, startB starting_simplex=[flex.double([startA]), flex.double([startB])] # for ii in range(2): # starting_simplex.append(flex.double([start]))#flex.random_double(1)) self.optimizer = simplex.simplex_opt( 1, matrix=starting_simplex, evaluator=self, tolerance=1e-7)
def check_models(self): ''' Displays a plot of the models against that taken from a respected website ( ''' plt.figure('Intrinsic bandgap') t = np.linspace(1, 500) for author in self.available_models(): Eg = self.update(temp=t, author=author, multiplier=1.0) plt.plot(t, Eg, label=author) test_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'Si', 'check data', 'iBg.csv') data = np.genfromtxt(test_file, delimiter=',', names=True) for temp, name in zip(data.dtype.names[0::2], data.dtype.names[1::2]): plt.plot( data[temp], data[name], '--', label=name) plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') plt.ylabel('Intrinsic Bandgap (eV)') plt.legend(loc=0) self.update(temp=0, author=author, multiplier=1.01)
def plot_values(self, TITLE, SAVE): plot(self.list_of_densities, self.list_of_pressures) title(TITLE) xlabel("Densities") ylabel("Pressure") savefig(SAVE) show()
def test_simple_gen(self): self_con = .8 other_con = 0.05 g = self.gen.gen_stoch_blockmodel(min_degree=1, blocks=5, self_con=self_con, other_con=other_con, powerlaw_exp=2.1, degree_seq='powerlaw', num_nodes=1000, num_links=3000) deg_hist = vertex_hist(g, 'total') res = fit_powerlaw.Fit(g.degree_property_map('total').a, discrete=True) print 'powerlaw alpha:', res.power_law.alpha print 'powerlaw xmin:', res.power_law.xmin if len(deg_hist[0]) != len(deg_hist[1]): deg_hist[1] = deg_hist[1][:len(deg_hist[0])] print 'plot degree dist' plt.plot(deg_hist[1], deg_hist[0]) plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel('degree') plt.ylabel('#nodes') plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig('deg_dist_test.png') plt.close('all') print 'plot graph' pos = sfdp_layout(g, groups=g.vp['com'], mu=3) graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output='graph.png', output_size=(800, 800), vertex_size=prop_to_size(g.degree_property_map('total'), mi=2, ma=30), vertex_color=[0., 0., 0., 1.], vertex_fill_color=g.vp['com'], bg_color=[1., 1., 1., 1.]) plt.close('all') print 'init:', self_con / (self_con + other_con), other_con / (self_con + other_con) print 'real:', gt_tools.get_graph_com_connectivity(g, 'com')
def histograma(hist): hist=hist.histogram(255) ##"hola4Hist.txt") pylab.plot(hist) pylab.draw() pylab.pause(0.0001)
def compareFrequencies(): times = generateTimes(sampleFreq, numSamples) signal = (80.0, 0.1) coherent = (60.0, 1.0) incoherent = (60.1, 1.0) highFNoise = (500.0, 0.01) timeData = generateTimeDomain(times, [signal, coherent, highFNoise]) timeData2 = generateTimeDomain(times, [signal, incoherent, highFNoise]) #timeData3 = generateTimeDomain(times, [signal, highFNoise]) #timeData = generateTimeDomain(times, [(60.0, 1.0)]) #timeData2 = generateTimeDomain(times, [(61.0, 1.0)]) roi = (0, 20) freqData = map(toDb, map(dtype, map(absolute, fourier(timeData))))[roi[0]:roi[1]] freqData2 = map(toDb, map(dtype, map(absolute, fourier(timeData2))))[roi[0]:roi[1]] #freqData3 = map(toDb, map(dtype, map(absolute, fourier(timeData3))))[roi[0]:roi[1]] frequencies = generateFFTFrequencies(sampleFreq, numSamples)[roi[0]:roi[1]] #pylab.subplot(111) pylab.plot(frequencies, freqData) #pylab.subplot(112) pylab.plot(frequencies, freqData2) #pylab.plot(frequencies, freqData3) pylab.grid(True)
def plotGetRetangle(): """ Area selection from selected pen. """ selRect = [] if len(ds.EpmDatasetAnalysisPens.SelectedPens) != 1: sr.msgBox('EPM Python Plugin - Demo Tools', 'Please select a single pen before applying this function!', 'Warning') return 0 epmData = ds.EpmDatasetAnalysisPens.SelectedPens[0].values y = epmData['Value'].copy() x = np.arange(len(y)) fig, current_ax = pl.subplots() pl.plot(x, y, lw=2, c='g', alpha=.3) def line_select_callback(eclick, erelease): 'eclick and erelease are the press and release events' x1, y1 = eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata x2, y2 = erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata print ("\n(%3.2f, %3.2f) --> (%3.2f, %3.2f)" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)) selRect.append((int(x1), y1, int(x2), y2)) def toggle_selector(event): if event.key in ['Q', 'q'] and toggle_selector.RS.set_active(False) if event.key in ['A', 'a'] and not toggle_selector.RS.set_active(True) toggle_selector.RS = RectangleSelector(current_ax, line_select_callback, drawtype='box', useblit=True, button=[1,3], minspanx=5, minspany=5, spancoords='pixels') pl.connect('key_press_event', toggle_selector) return selRect
def existe_croche_blanche_mesure(img,img2,liste,ecart): for elt in liste: #Si on a une noire en haut ou (exclusif) en bas if (not(elt[3]) and elt[4]) or (elt[3] and not(elt[4])): if elt[3]: elt.append(existe_croche_haut(img,ecart,elt[0],elt[2])) else: elt.append(existe_croche_bas(img,ecart,elt[1],elt[2])) #on regarde s'il y a d'autres croches liste = existe_autre_croche(img,liste,ecart) elt.extend([False,False]) #s'il n'y a pas de noire elif (not(elt[3]) and not(elt[4])): #on met le nombre de croches à zéro elt.append(0) elt.append(existe_note(img2,ecart,elt[1],elt[2],pc_blan,'magenta')) elt.append(existe_note(img2,ecart,elt[0],elt[2],pc_blan,'magenta')) #c'est une barre de mesure (ni noire, ni blanche) if (not(elt[6]) and not(elt[7])): #elt.extend('m') x = [elt[2],elt[2]] y = [elt[0],elt[1]] plt.plot(x,y,'b') return liste
def cdf(x,colsym="",lab="",lw=4): """ plot the cumulative density function Parameters ---------- x : np.array() colsym : string lab : string lw : int linewidth Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np """ rcParams['legend.fontsize']=20 rcParams['font.size']=20 x = np.sort(x) n = len(x) x2 = np.repeat(x, 2) y2 = np.hstack([0.0, repeat(np.arange(1,n) / float(n), 2), 1.0]) plt.plot(x2,y2,colsym,label=lab,linewidth=lw) plt.grid('on') plt.legend(loc=2) plt.xlabel('Ranging Error[m]') plt.ylabel('Cumulative Probability')
def plot(self, bit_stream): if self.previous_bit_stream != bit_stream.to_list(): self.previous_bit_stream = bit_stream x = [] y = [] bit = None for bit_time in bit_stream.to_list(): if bit is None: x.append(bit_time) y.append(0) bit = 0 elif bit == 0: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([0, 1]) bit = 1 elif bit == 1: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([1, 0]) bit = 0 plt.clf() plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlim([0, 10000]) plt.ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) plt.pause(0.005)
def fancy_dendrogram(*args, **kwargs): ''' Source: ''' from scipy.cluster import hierarchy import matplotlib.pylab as plt max_d = kwargs.pop('max_d', None) if max_d and 'color_threshold' not in kwargs: kwargs['color_threshold'] = max_d annotate_above = kwargs.pop('annotate_above', 0) ddata = hierarchy.dendrogram(*args, **kwargs) if not kwargs.get('no_plot', False): plt.title('Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram (truncated)') plt.xlabel('sample index or (cluster size)') plt.ylabel('distance') for i, d, c in zip(ddata['icoord'], ddata['dcoord'], ddata['color_list']): x = 0.5 * sum(i[1:3]) y = d[1] if y > annotate_above: plt.plot(x, y, 'o', c=c) plt.annotate("%.3g" % y, (x, y), xytext=(0, -5), textcoords='offset points', va='top', ha='center') if max_d: plt.axhline(y=max_d, c='k') return ddata
def visualization2(self, sp_to_vis=None): if sp_to_vis: species_ready = list(set(sp_to_vis).intersection(self.all_sp_signatures.keys())) else: raise Exception('list of driver species must be defined') if not species_ready: raise Exception('None of the input species is a driver') for sp in species_ready: # Setting up figure plt.figure() plt.subplot(313) mon_val = OrderedDict() signature = self.all_sp_signatures[sp] for idx, mon in enumerate(list(set(signature))): if mon[0] == 'C': mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][mon] + (-1,)] = idx else: mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][mon]] = idx mon_rep = [0] * len(signature) for i, m in enumerate(signature): if m[0] == 'C': mon_rep[i] = mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m] + (-1,)] else: mon_rep[i] = mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m]] # mon_rep = [mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m]] for m in signature] y_pos = numpy.arange(len(mon_val.keys())) plt.scatter(self.tspan[1:], mon_rep) plt.yticks(y_pos, mon_val.keys()) plt.ylabel('Monomials', fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('Time(s)', fontsize=16) plt.xlim(0, self.tspan[-1]) plt.ylim(0, max(y_pos)) plt.subplot(312) for name in self.model.odes[sp].as_coefficients_dict(): mon = name mon = mon.subs(self.param_values) var_to_study = [atom for atom in mon.atoms(sympy.Symbol)] arg_f1 = [numpy.maximum(self.mach_eps, self.y[str(va)][1:]) for va in var_to_study] f1 = sympy.lambdify(var_to_study, mon) mon_values = f1(*arg_f1) mon_name = str(name).partition('__')[2] plt.plot(self.tspan[1:], mon_values, label=mon_name) plt.ylabel('Rate(m/sec)', fontsize=16) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1, 0.85), loc='upper right', ncol=1) plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(self.tspan[1:], self.y['__s%d' % sp][1:], label=parse_name(self.model.species[sp])) plt.ylabel('Molecules', fontsize=16) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.15, 0.85), loc='upper right', ncol=1) plt.suptitle('Tropicalization' + ' ' + str(self.model.species[sp])) # plt.savefig('s%d' % sp + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=400)
def sanity_RotBroadProfileExample(self): """ Example of rotational broadening. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt from PyAstronomy import modelSuite as ms # Get an instance of the model ... x = ms.RotBroadProfile() # ... and define some starting value x["xmax"] = 60.0 x["A"] = 1.0 x["eps"] = 0.8 x["off"] = 0.0 # Define a radial velocity axis vv = np.linspace(-90.,90.,200) # Construct some "data" and ... data = x.evaluate(vv) # ... add noise data += np.random.normal(0.0, 1e-3, data.size) # Fit the model using A, xmax, and eps as free # parameters ... x.thaw(["A", "xmax", "eps"]), data) # ... and show the resulting parameter values. x.parameterSummary() # Plot the data and the model plt.plot(vv, data, 'bp') plt.plot(vv, x.model, 'r--')
def plot_corner_posteriors(self, savefile=None, labels=["T1", "R1", "Av", "T2", "R2"]): ''' Plots the corner plot of the MCMC results. ''' ndim = len(self.sampler.flatchain[0,:]) chain = self.sampler samples = chain.flatchain samples = samples[:,0:ndim] plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) fig = corner.corner(samples, labels=labels[0:ndim]) plt.title("MJD: %.2f"%self.mjd) name = self._get_save_path(savefile, "mcmc_posteriors") plt.savefig(name) plt.close("all") plt.figure(figsize=(8,ndim*3)) for n in range(ndim): plt.subplot(ndim,1,n+1) chain = self.sampler.chain[:,:,n] nwalk, nit = chain.shape for i in np.arange(nwalk): plt.plot(chain[i], lw=0.1) plt.ylabel(labels[n]) plt.xlabel("Iteration") name_walkers = self._get_save_path(savefile, "mcmc_walkers") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(name_walkers) plt.close("all")
def plot_locking_states(df, meta, num_joints=None): marker_style = dict(linestyle=':', marker='o', s=100,) def format_axes(ax): ax.margins(0.2) ax.set_axis_off() if num_joints is None: num_joints = determine_num_joints(df) points = np.ones(num_joints) fig, ax = plt.subplots() for j in range(num_joints): ax.text(-1.5, j, "%d" % j) ax.text(0, -1.5, "time") for t in df.index: lock_states = df.loc[t][ [ "LockingState%d" % k for k in range(num_joints) ] ].tolist() c = ["orange" if l else "k" for l in lock_states] ax.scatter((t+0.1) * points, range(num_joints), color=c, **marker_style) format_axes(ax) ax.set_title('Locking state evolution') ax.set_xlabel("t") plt.plot()
def check_isometry(G, chart, nseeds=100, verbose = 0): """ A simple check of the Isometry: look whether the output distance match the intput distances for nseeds points Returns ------- a scaling factor between the proposed and the true metrics """ nseeds = np.minimum(nseeds, G.V) aux = np.argsort(nr.rand(nseeds)) seeds = aux[:nseeds] dY = Euclidian_distance(chart[seeds],chart) dx = G.floyd(seeds) dY = np.reshape(dY,np.size(dY)) dx = np.reshape(dx,np.size(dx)) if verbose: import matplotlib.pylab as mp mp.figure() mp.plot(dx,dY,'.') scale =,dY)/,dx) return scale
def plot_q(model='cem', r_min=0.0, r_max=6371.0, dr=1.0): """ Plot a radiallysymmetric Q model. plot_q(model='cem', r_min=0.0, r_max=6371.0, dr=1.0): r_min=minimum radius [km], r_max=maximum radius [km], dr=radius increment [km] Currently available models (model): cem, prem, ql6 """ import matplotlib.pylab as plt r = np.arange(r_min, r_max + dr, dr) q = np.zeros(len(r)) for k in range(len(r)): if model == 'cem': q[k] = q_cem(r[k]) elif model == 'ql6': q[k] = q_ql6(r[k]) elif model == 'prem': q[k] = q_prem(r[k]) plt.plot(r, q, 'k') plt.xlim((0.0, r_max)) plt.xlabel('radius [km]') plt.ylabel('Q')
def fdr(p_values=None, verbose=0): """Returns the FDR associated with each p value Parameters ----------- p_values : ndarray of shape (n) The samples p-value Returns ------- q : array of shape(n) The corresponding fdr values """ p_values = check_p_values(p_values) n_samples = p_values.size order = p_values.argsort() sp_values = p_values[order] # compute q while in ascending order q = np.minimum(1, n_samples * sp_values / np.arange(1, n_samples + 1)) for i in range(n_samples - 1, 0, - 1): q[i - 1] = min(q[i], q[i - 1]) # reorder the results inverse_order = np.arange(n_samples) inverse_order[order] = np.arange(n_samples) q = q[inverse_order] if verbose: import matplotlib.pylab as mp mp.figure() mp.xlabel('Input p-value') mp.plot(p_values, q, '.') mp.ylabel('Associated fdr') return q
def plot_fft(self,b): a = len(self.fullfft_dft_py_fc_0.output) for i in range(0,b): self.frq.append(i) plt.plot(self.frq,self.fullfft_dft_py_fc_0.output)
def check_models(self): plt.figure('Bandgap narrowing') Na = np.logspace(12, 20) Nd = 0. dn = 1e14 temp = 300. for author in self.available_models(): BGN = self.update(Na=Na, Nd=Nd, nxc=dn, author=author, temp=temp) if not np.all(BGN == 0): plt.plot(Na, BGN, label=author) test_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'Si', 'check data', 'Bgn.csv') data = np.genfromtxt(test_file, delimiter=',', names=True) for name in data.dtype.names[1:]: plt.plot( data['N'], data[name], 'r--', label='PV-lighthouse\'s: ' + name) plt.semilogx() plt.xlabel('Doping (cm$^{-3}$)') plt.ylabel('Bandgap narrowing (K)') plt.legend(loc=0)
def plot_cell(self,cell_number=0,label='insert_label'): current_cell = self.cell_list[cell_number] temp = current_cell.temp cd_signal = current_cell.cd_signal cd_calc = current_cell.cd_calc() ax = pylab.gca() pylab.plot(temp,cd_signal,'o',color='black') pylab.plot(temp,cd_calc,color='black') pylab.xlabel(r'Temperature ($^{\circ}$C)') pylab.ylabel('mdeg') pylab.ylim([-25,-4]) dH = numpy.round(current_cell.dH, decimals=1) Tm = numpy.round(current_cell.Tm-273.15, decimals=1) nf = nu = textstr_dH = '${\Delta}H_{m}$ = %.1f kcal/mol' %dH textstr_Tm ='$T_{m}$ = %.1f $^{\circ}$C' %Tm textstr_nf ='$N_{folded}$ = %d' %nf textstr_nu ='$N_{unfolded}$ = %d'%nu ax.text(8,-6,textstr_dH, fontsize=16,ha='left',va='top') ax.text(8,-7.5,textstr_Tm, fontsize=16,ha='left',va='top') ax.text(8,-9,textstr_nf, fontsize=16,ha='left',va='top') ax.text(8,-10.5,textstr_nu, fontsize=16,ha='left',va='top') pylab.title(label) return
def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): self.acc = [] def on_epoch_end(self, batch, logs={}): self.acc.append(logs.get('acc')) history = AccuracyHistory() # # Train the model, y=y, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=10, verbose=1, validation_data=(X_test,y_test), callbacks=[history]) # # Model Evaluation testScore = model.evaluate(x=X_test,y=y_test,verbose=1) print('Test loss:', testScore[0]) print('Test accuracy:', testScore[1]) # # Plot epoch vs accuracy. plt.plot(range(1,11),history.acc) plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('Accuracy')
min_ind = np.argmin(D, axis=1) min_val = D[np.arange(D.shape[0]), min_ind] numbers = min_ind / 2. return numbers, min_val high_num, err_h = get_best_match(higher_img, numbers_base) low_num, err_l = get_best_match(lower_img, numbers_base) video_num = np.floor(high_num) * 10 + low_num video_num[25::25] = np.nan #%% plt.figure() lab_t, = plt.plot(np.diff(stamp), label='timestamp') dd = np.diff(video_num) dd[dd < -50] = np.nan lab_v, = plt.plot(dd * 20, label='video number') plt.xlim((0, 12000)) plt.ylim((0, 550)) plt.legend(handles=[lab_t, lab_v]) plt.xlabel('frame number') plt.ylabel('time difference (ms)') plt.xlim((1800, 2000)) #%% #plt.figure() #plt.imshow(lower_img[1328]-numbers_base[-1])
dwell_time=0.001 #sec def lorentzian(x,bkg,amp,f0,w): return bkg + amp*w**2/((x-f0)**2+w**2) if flag=='nm': data = np.loadtxt(filename) dim = np.shape(data) print(dim) center=float(a[0]) x0 = np.linspace(float(a[2]), float(a[3]), 800) y0 = sum(data) / dim[0] print(center) x=299792458.0/(x0*1E9+299792458.0/(center*1E-9)) y=y0 plt.plot(x*1E9,y/dwell_time,'.-',label='PLE Cps') plt.xlabel('nm') plt.ylabel('cps') plt.legend(loc=0) if flag=='V': data = np.loadtxt(filename) dim = np.shape(data) print(dim) x = np.linspace(float(a[2])/-10.0, float(a[3])/-10.0, 800) y = sum(data) / dim[0] plt.plot(x, y / dwell_time, '.-', label='PLE Cps') plt.xlabel('V') plt.ylabel('cps') plt.legend(loc=0) if flag == 'GHz': data = np.loadtxt(filename)
def outliers_example(self, corr='', out='', date='', N='', lower='', upper='', median='', flag='', upper_s='', lower_s='', station='', what=''): pressure = self.pretty_pressure_dic[str(self.an_p)] var = self.var_dics[self.var]['name'] hour = str(self.hour).replace('0', '00:00').replace('1', '12:00') plt.title(var + ' ' + what + ' Outliers - Stat: ' + station + ', H: ' + hour + ', P: ' + pressure + ' [hPa]', y=1.03) corr_ = [n for n in corr if not np.isnan(n)] out_ = [n for n in out if not np.isnan(n)] num_a = '{:.1f}'.format(len(corr_) / len(out_ + corr_) * 100) num_o = '{:.1f}'.format(len(out_) / len(out_ + corr_) * 100) plt.scatter(date, corr, label='Accepted [' + num_a + '%]', color='cyan', s=3) plt.scatter(date, out, label='Outliers [' + num_o + '%]', color='black', s=3) X = [min(date), max(date)] plt.plot(X, [lower, lower], label='Lower', color='blue', ls='--') plt.plot(X, [upper, upper], label='Upper', color='red', ls='--') # adding the upper and lower values for skewed distributions plt.plot(X, [lower_s, lower_s], label='Lower Skewed', color='blue', ls='-') plt.plot(X, [upper_s, upper_s], label='Upper Skewed', color='red', ls='-') plt.plot(X, [median, median], label='Median [' + '{:.1f}'.format(median) + ']', color='black', ls='--') plt.legend(fontsize=self.font - 6, loc='upper right', ncol=2) plt.grid(linestyle=':', color='lightgray', lw=1.2) plt.ylabel('Departure ' + self.var_dics[self.var]['units'], fontsize=self.font) plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=self.font) plt.xticks(rotation=45) out_c = [n for n in out if not np.isnan(n)] corr_c = [n for n in corr if not np.isnan(n)] plt.xlim(min(date) - 1 / 365, max(date) + 1 / 365) plt.ylim(-10, 10) plt.savefig('plots/outliers/outliers_' + flag + '_' + str(N) + '_date_' + str(min(date)) + '_hour_' + self.hour + '_' + self.var + '_anp_' + str(self.an_p) + '_fgp_' + str(self.fg_p) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
big_dict={} for dataset in ['HadGHCND','MIROC5','NORESM1']: pkl_file = open('data/'+dataset+'_regional_distrs.pkl', 'rb') region_dict = pickle.load(pkl_file) ; pkl_file.close() big_dict[dataset]=region_dict counter=big_dict['MIROC5']['CEU']['All-Hist']['JJA']['warm']['counter'] cold,warm=counter_to_list(counter) num_bins = 65 counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(warm, bins=range(0,65), normed=True) cdf = np.cumsum(counts) plt.plot(bin_edges[1:], cdf) plt.plot([0,70],[0.95,0.95]) def quantile_from_cdf(x,qu): counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(warm, bins=range(0,max(x)+1), normed=True) cdf = np.cumsum(counts) quantiles=[] for q in qu: x1=np.where(cdf<q)[0][-1] quantiles.append(x1+(q-cdf[x1])/(cdf[x1+1]-cdf[x1])) return quantiles
ax1.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(which='both', direction='out') plt.tick_params( axis='both', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected bottom=False, left=False, # ticks along the bottom edge are off top=False, # ticks along the top edge are off labelbottom=False, # ticks along the top edge are off labelleft=False) bottom = -65 top = 25 ax1.set_ylim(bottom, top) plt.plot(times[t1:t2], voltage_a[t1:t2], 'k') offset = 0.005 plt.xlabel('20 ms', fontsize=12) ax1.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.9, -0.015) plt.ylabel('20 mV', fontsize=12) ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(1.0, 0.375) scale1_x = [times[t2] + offset - 0.02, times[t2] + offset] scale1_y = [-65, -65] plt.plot(scale1_x, scale1_y, color='k') scale2_x = [times[t2] + offset, times[t2] + offset] scale2_y = [-65, -45] plt.plot(scale2_x, scale2_y, color='k')
susPlot.append(np.sum(np.sum(susMat))) infPlot.append(np.sum(np.sum(infMat))) remPlot.append(np.sum(np.sum(remMat))) expPlot.append(np.sum(np.sum(expMat))) # if i%100 == 0: # plt.cla() # plt.plot(susPlot,'g') # plt.plot(infPlot,'r') # plt.plot(remPlot,'b') # plt.plot(expPlot,'k') # print(susPlot[-1]+infPlot[-1]+remPlot[-1]+expPlot[-1]) # # plt.imshow(infMat,aspect='auto',interpolation='none',vmin=0,vmax=1/(xSize*ySize)) # plt.pause(0.001) # plt.draw() #plt.plot(np.diff(np.array(susPlot)),np.diff(np.array(infPlot)+np.array(expPlot))) #Plots the phase diagram plt.plot(susPlot, 'g') plt.plot(infPlot, 'r') plt.plot(remPlot, 'b') plt.plot(expPlot, 'k') # sp = np.fft.fft(susPlot) # freq = np.fft.fftfreq(len(susPlot)) # plt.semilogy(freq, np.abs(sp)) #
# we can duplicate the list here without worry as it will be copied into new python processes # thus creating separate copies of sd print("Running parallel generation of surrogates and SVD") slam_list =, [(sd, Ud)] * NUM_SURR) # rearrange into numpy array (can I use vstack for this?) for i in range(len(slam_list)): slam[i, :], maxU[i, :] = slam_list[i] maxU.sort(axis = 0) print("Saving computed spectra ...") # save the results to file with open('data/slp_eigvals_surrogates.bin', 'w') as f: cPickle.dump([dlam, slam, sd.model_orders(), sd.lons, sd.lats], f) plt.figure() plt.plot(np.arange(NUM_EIGS) + 1, dlam, 'ro-') plt.errorbar(np.arange(NUM_EIGS) + 1, np.mean(slam, axis = 0), np.std(slam, axis = 0) * 3, fmt = 'g-') plt.figure() plt.errorbar(np.arange(NUM_EIGS) + 1, np.mean(maxU, axis = 0), np.std(maxU, axis = 0) * 3, fmt = 'g-') plt.plot(np.arange(NUM_EIGS) + 1, np.amax(maxU, axis = 0), 'r-') plt.plot(np.arange(NUM_EIGS) + 1, np.amin(maxU, axis = 0), 'r-') plt.plot(np.arange(NUM_EIGS) + 1, maxU[94, :], 'bo-', linewidth = 2) plt.plot(np.arange(NUM_EIGS) + 1, np.amax(np.abs(Ud), axis = 0), 'kx-', linewidth = 2) print("DONE.")
def plot(self): """Plot this timeseries.""" pl.plot(self.values)
import matplotlib.pylab as pl import numpy as np # # 隐藏层函数比较(ReLu和Sigmoid函数) x1 = np.linspace(0, 10000, 1000) y1 = np.loadtxt('./activation_function/') x2 = np.linspace(0, 10000, 1000) y2 = np.loadtxt('./activation_function/') pl.plot(x1, y1, 'r', linewidth=2.0, linestyle='-', label='ReLu,Neurons=8,ALR') pl.plot(x2, y2, 'k', linewidth=2.0, linestyle='-', label='Sigmoid,Neurons=8,ALR') # pl.xlabel('Iteration', fontsize=13, fontweight='bold') # # pl.xlabel('*1000', horizontalalignment=right) # pl.ylabel('loss', fontsize=13, fontweight='bold') # pl.legend() # # print(p1) # # # # 学习率动态和固定值比较 # x3 = np.linspace(0, 10000, 1000) # y3 = np.loadtxt('') # # x4 = np.linspace(0, 10000, 1000) # y4 = np.loadtxt('') #
def estimate_fit_parameters(phi, noisy_squid_curve, nharmonics_to_estimate=5): min_acorr_dist_from_zero = len(phi) * 0.1 ##find period from autocorrelation lags, corrs = autocorr(noisy_squid_curve) #find peaks in autocorrelation vs lag from scipy.signal import find_peaks peaks, _ = find_peaks(corrs, height=0) plt.figure() plt.plot(lags, corrs) plt.plot(peaks, corrs[peaks], "x") sorted_peaks = [ pk for _, pk in sorted(zip(corrs[peaks], peaks), reverse=False) ] print(sorted_peaks[:4]) try: phi0_idx = next(pk for pk in sorted_peaks if pk > min_acorr_dist_from_zero) except: return None phi0 = np.abs(phi[phi0_idx] - phi[0]) print('phi0=', phi0) #plot cosine with same amplitude and period ymax = np.max(noisy_squid_curve) ymin = np.min(noisy_squid_curve) yspan = ymax - ymin yoffset = yspan / 2. + ymin harmonic = lambda n, ph, phoff, amplitude: (amplitude) * np.cos(n * ( ph - phoff) * (2. * np.pi / phi0)) first_harmonic_guess = lambda ph, phoff: harmonic(1, ph, phoff, ( yspan / 2)) + harmonic(0, ph, phoff, (yoffset)) #now correlate the first harmonic guess against the #SQUID curve dphi = np.abs(phi[1] - phi[0]) testphoffs = np.linspace(0, phi0, int(np.floor(phi0 / dphi) + 1)) corrs = [] for testphoff in testphoffs: y1 = first_harmonic_guess(phi, testphoff) y2 = noisy_squid_curve y1 = (y1 - np.mean(y1)) y2 = (y2 - np.mean(y2)) corr = np.corrcoef(y1, y2)[0, 1] corrs.append(corr) # should just be able to find the maximum of this correlation phioffset = testphoffs[np.argmax(corrs)] # plot harmonics only over the largest possible number of SQUID periods. May only be 1. lower_phi_full_cycles = (np.min(phi) + phioffset) % (phi0) + np.min(phi) upper_phi_full_cycles = np.max(phi) - (np.max(phi) - phioffset) % phi0 phi_full_cycle_idxs = np.where((phi > lower_phi_full_cycles) & (phi < upper_phi_full_cycles)) phi_full_cycles = phi[phi_full_cycle_idxs] ##overplot squid curve, squid curve + noise, ##and as many full periods as overlap #plt.figure() #plt.plot(phi,noisy_squid_curve) #plt.plot(phi,squid_curve) #plt.plot(phi,first_harmonic_guess(phi,phioffset),'r--') #plt.ylim(ymin-yspan/10.,ymax+yspan/10.) #plt.plot([lower_phi_full_cycles,lower_phi_full_cycles],plt.gca().get_ylim(),c='gray',ls='-',lw=2,alpha=0.5) #plt.plot([upper_phi_full_cycles,upper_phi_full_cycles],plt.gca().get_ylim(),c='gray',ls='-',lw=2,alpha=0.5) # correlate some harmonics and overplot! fit_guess = np.zeros_like(noisy_squid_curve) # add constant fit_guess += np.mean(noisy_squid_curve) # mean subtract the data and this harmonic d = noisy_squid_curve[phi_full_cycle_idxs] dm = np.mean(d) d_ms = d - dm est = [phi0, phioffset, dm] for n in range(1, nharmonics_to_estimate): # if 1/2, peak-to-peak amplitude is 1 A = 1 / 2. this_harmonic = lambda ph: harmonic(n, ph, phioffset, A) h = this_harmonic(phi_full_cycles) hm = np.mean(h) h_ms = h - hm # sort of inverse dft them Xh = np.sum(d_ms * h_ms) # add this harmonic fit_guess += Xh * this_harmonic(phi) est.append(Xh) #print('n=',n,'Xh=',Xh) # match span of harmonic guess sum and add offset from data normalization_factor = (np.max(d_ms) - np.min(d_ms)) / (np.max(fit_guess) - np.min(fit_guess)) fit_guess *= normalization_factor # also scale parameter guesses we pass back est = np.array(est) est[3:] *= normalization_factor fit_guess += dm #plt.plot(phi,fit_guess,'c--') return est
def main(unused_args): tdLoader = TrafficDataLoader( 'internet-data/data/internet-traffic-11-cities-5min.csv', max_norm=5.) tdConfig = TrafficDataConfig() tmConfig = TrafficRNNConfig(tdConfig) batch_size = tmConfig.batch_size seq_input, seq_target = tdLoader.get_rnn_input(tdConfig) print seq_input.shape, seq_target.shape data = dict() data['seq_input'] = seq_input data['seq_target'] = seq_target data['early_stop'] = tdConfig.batch_size is_training = True save_graph = False with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as session: model = TrafficRNN(is_training=True, config=tmConfig) saver = tf.train.Saver() merged = None writer = None if is_training and save_graph: writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter('/tmp/rnn_logs', session.graph_def) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() decay = .8 if is_training: lr_value = 1e-3 for epoch in range(tmConfig.max_epoch): if epoch > 10: lr_value = 1e-3 elif epoch > 75: lr_value = 1e-4 elif epoch > 100: lr_value = 1e-6 elif epoch > 200: lr_value = 1e-7 elif epoch > 250: lr_value = 1e-8 model.assign_lr(session, lr_value) net_outs_all = np.array([]) error, net_outs_all = run_epoch(session, model, data, model.train_op, tdConfig) error, net_outs_all = run_epoch(session, model, data, tf.no_op(), tdConfig, writer) print net_outs_all.shape, seq_target.shape print('Epoch %d: %s') % (epoch, error) if epoch == 0: plt.figure(1, figsize=(20, 10)) plt.ion() plt.ylim([-1, 6]) plt.plot(xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), seq_target, 'b-', xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), net_outs_all, 'r-') time.sleep(20) else: plt.clf() plt.ylim([-1, 6]) plt.plot(xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), seq_target, 'b-', xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), net_outs_all, 'r-') img_loc = 'out-img/epoch-%05d.png' % (epoch) plt.savefig(img_loc) plt.draw() time.sleep(.1) if epoch > 40 and epoch % 20 == 9: outfile = 'internet-data/saved-models/traffic-rnn-hid-%d-batch-%d-window-%d-lag-%d.chkpnt' % ( tmConfig.num_hidden, tdConfig.batch_size, tdConfig.window_size, tdConfig.lag), outfile, global_step=epoch) else: saved_vars = 'internet-data/saved-models/traffic-rnn-hid-%d-batch-%d-window-%d-lag-%d.chkpnt-%d' % ( tmConfig.num_hidden, tdConfig.batch_size, tdConfig.window_size, tdConfig.lag, tmConfig.max_epoch - 1) saver.restore(session, saved_vars) train_error, train_outs_all = run_epoch(session, model, data, tf.no_op(), tdConfig) testDataConfig = TestConfig() test_seq_input, test_seq_target = tdLoader.get_rnn_input( testDataConfig) test_data = dict() test_outs_all = np.array([]) test_data['seq_input'] = test_seq_input test_data['seq_target'] = test_seq_target test_data['early_stop'] = testDataConfig.batch_size test_error, test_outs_all = run_epoch(session, model, test_data, tf.no_op(), testDataConfig) upper_curve = test_outs_all + .1 * test_outs_all lower_curve = test_outs_all - .1 * test_outs_all shift_left = np.zeros(test_outs_all.shape) shift_right = np.zeros(test_outs_all.shape) shift_left[:-18] = test_outs_all[18:] shift_right[18:] = test_outs_all[:-18] curve1 = np.maximum(upper_curve, shift_left) curve1 = np.maximum(curve1, shift_left) curve1 = np.maximum(curve1, shift_right) curve2 = np.minimum(lower_curve, shift_right) curve2 = np.minimum(curve2, upper_curve) curve2 = np.minimum(curve2, shift_left) print test_outs_all.shape x = xrange(len(test_outs_all)) plt.figure(3, figsize=(20, 10)) plt.ioff() plt.plot(x, test_outs_all, 'b-', alpha=1) plt.plot(x, test_seq_target, 'g-', alpha=1) plt.plot(x, curve1, 'r-', alpha=.1) plt.plot(x, curve2, 'r-', alpha=.1) plt.fill_between(x, curve1, curve2, color='grey', alpha=.3) print 'Test error: %s' % test_error plt.figure(2, figsize=(20, 10)) plt.plot(xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), seq_target, 'b-', xrange(tdConfig.n_steps), train_outs_all, 'g--') plt.plot( xrange(tdConfig.n_steps - 24, tdConfig.n_steps + testDataConfig.n_steps - 24), test_seq_target, 'b-') plt.plot( xrange(tdConfig.n_steps - 24, tdConfig.n_steps + testDataConfig.n_steps - 24), test_outs_all, 'r--') time.sleep(1)
elif try_darpa_2d: ntheta = 2 x,y,z,theta_offset,np,x_ll,L = darpa2gen(nx,ntheta,pad_x=10.0, pad_r_fact=8.) write_csv_file(x[:np],y[:np],z[:np],'darpa2_2d') domain = build_2d_domain_from_axisymmetric_points(x[:np,:],y[:np,:],x_ll,L,name='darpa2_2d') domain.writePoly('darpa2_2d') else: x,y,np = darpa2gen_orig(nx) fout = open('darpa2.dat','w') for i in range(np): fout.write("%12.5e %12.5e \n" % (x[i],y[i])) # fout.close() import matplotlib from matplotlib import pylab fig = pylab.figure(1) pylab.plot(x[:np],y[:np]) fig.hold('on') y *= -1.0 pylab.plot(x[:np],y[:np]) pylab.xlabel('x [ft]'); pylab.ylabel('y [ft]') pylab.title('DARPA2 body') pylab.axes().set_aspect('equal','datalim') pylab.savefig('darpa2.png')
print('Training Accurancy : {:<10}'.format( gbrt_clf.score(train_sub[features], train_sub['result']))) print('x-validation Accurancy: {:<10}'.format( clf.score(xv_sub[features], xv_sub['result']))) GBRT_scores.append(gbrt_clf.score(xv_sub[features], xv_sub['result'])) print('Time spent for GBRT: {:6.3f}s'.format(time.time() - start)) print('The logloss is: {}'.format( logloss(xv_sub['result'], gbrt_clf.predict_proba(xv_sub[features])[:, 1]))) import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.figure() plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.title('Scores of Random Forest') if RF: plt.plot(RF_para, RF_scores, 'o-') plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.title('Scores of Neural Network') if NN: plt.semilogx(NN_para, NN_scores, 'o-') plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.title('Scores of Logistic Regression') if GLM: plt.semilogx(GLM_para, GLM_scores, 'o-') plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.title('Scores of Gradient Boost RT') if GBRT: plt.semilogx(GBRT_para, GBRT_scores, 'o-') # =============================================================================
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt def step_function(x): return np.array(x > 0, x = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1) y = step_function(x) plt.plot(x, y) plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1)
sgd = SGD(lr=0.01) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy']) H =, trainY, validation_data=(testX, testY), epochs=100, batch_size=32) # evaluate the network print('[INFO] evaluating network...') predictions = model.predict(testX, batch_size=32) print( classification_report(testY.argmax(axis=1), predictions.argmax(axis=1), target_names=labelNames)) # plot the training loss and accuracy'ggplot') plt.figure() plt.plot(np.arange(0, 100), H.history['loss'], label='train_loss') plt.plot(np.arange(0, 100), H.history['val_loss'], label='validation_loss') plt.plot(np.arange(0, 100), H.history['acc'], label='train_accuracy') plt.plot(np.arange(0, 100), H.history['val_acc'], label='validation_accuracy') plt.title('Training Loss and Accuracy') plt.xlabel('Epoch #') plt.ylabel('Loss or Accuracy') plt.legend() plt.savefig(args['output'])
i = 0 data = pd.read_csv('D:\College\Project\Final\data\upload_data_kadu1.csv') #print data.head() #print '\n Data Types:' #print data.dtypes dateparse = lambda dates: pd.datetime.strptime(dates, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data = pd.read_csv('D:\College\Project\Final\data\upload_data_kadu1.csv', parse_dates=['datetime'], index_col='datetime', date_parser=dateparse) #print data.head() #print data.index co_data = data['field2'] #print co_data.head(10) plt.plot(co_data) test_stationarity(co_data) i = i + 1 co_log = np.log(co_data) plt.plot(co_log) moving_avg = pd.Series(co_log).rolling(window=12, center=False).mean() plt.plot(co_log) plt.plot(moving_avg, color='red') co_log_moving_avg_diff = co_log - moving_avg co_log_moving_avg_diff.head(12) co_log_moving_avg_diff.dropna(inplace=True) test_stationarity(co_log_moving_avg_diff) i = i + 1 expwighted_avg = pd.Series(co_log).ewm(halflife=12, ignore_na=True,
def forward(network, x): W1, W2, W3 = network['W1'], network['W2'], network['W3'] b1, b2, b3 = network['b1'], network['b2'], network['b3'] a1 =, W1) + b1 z1 = sigmoid(a1) a2 =, W2) + b2 z2 = sigmoid(a2) a3 =, W3) + b3 y = identity_function(a3) return y network = init_network() x = np.array([1.0, 0.5]) y = forward(network, x) print(y) y1 = step_function(x) y2 = sigmoid(x) y3 = relu(x) plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y1) plt.plot(x, y2) plt.plot(x, y3) plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1)
# Trainieren des Modells model.compile( optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.005, momentum=0.9), loss=tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True, label_smoothing=0.1), metrics=['accuracy']) history = train_ds, epochs=25, validation_data=valid_ds).history # plot the development of the accuracy and loss during training plt.figure(figsize=(12,4)) plt.subplot(1,2,(1)) plt.plot(history['accuracy'],linestyle='-.') plt.plot(history['val_accuracy']) plt.title('model accuracy') plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.legend(['train', 'valid'], loc='lower right') plt.subplot(1,2,(2)) plt.plot(history['loss'],linestyle='-.') plt.plot(history['val_loss']) plt.title('model loss') plt.ylabel('loss') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.legend(['train', 'valid'], loc='upper right')
# Upper and lower bound for cos integral a = -10.0 b = 10.0 # maturities T = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1.0] markers = ['.', '+', '*', '^'] no_maturities = len(T) for i in range(0, no_maturities): cf_merton = partial(JumpDiffusionCharesticFunction.get_merton_cf, t=T[i], x=x0, sigma=sigma, jumpmean=jumpmean, jumpstd=jumpstd, lambda_t=lambda_t) # check martingale aux = cf_merton(np.asfortranarray(3.0)) cos_price_merton = COSRepresentation.get_european_option_price(TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, a, b, 256, k_s, cf_merton) iv_smile_merton = [] for k in range(0, no_strikes): iv_smile_merton.append(implied_volatility(cos_price_merton[k], f0, f0, T[i], 0.0, 0.0, 'c')) plt.plot(k_s, iv_smile_merton, label='T=%s' % T[i], linestyle='--', color='black', marker=markers[i]) # plt.ylim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.xlabel('K') plt.legend()
.format(batch_idx + 1, iterations, loss.item(), loss_v.item(), accuracy)) scheduler.step(accuracy) fi.close() print('Finished Training') # In[ ]: loss_ = np.asarray(loss_) iters = np.linspace(0, len(loss_), len(loss_)) plt.plot(iters, loss_, label='Training loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.title('Train Loss') plt.legend() plt.savefig('Train_loss_Classification.jpg') plt.close() # In[ ]: loss_val = np.asarray(loss_val) iters = np.linspace(0, len(loss_val), len(loss_val)) plt.plot(iters, loss_val, label='Training loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch')
rabi[i + 1] = rabi[i] + 1j * g * (1e-6) * dz * rho_z return rabi t_step = 0.5 tlist = np.arange(0, 100.0, 0.5) z_step = 200 min_z = 0 max_z = 20. dz = (max_z - min_z) / z_steps zlist = np.arange(min_z, max_z, z_steps) t0 = 10 sigma = 10. det = 0 peak = gamma / 5 rho_0 = basis(2, 0) * basis(2, 0).dag() rabi_0 = input_pulse(tlist, peak, t0, sigma) time_evolution = solve_Lindblad(tlist, rabi_0, rho_0) s_1 = time_evolution.expect[0] rho_eg = time_evolution.expect[1] N_z = 1. spatial_evolution = solve_spatial(rho_eg[100], N_z, rabi_0[100], z_steps, dz, g) data = np.array([tlist, s_1]) # plt.plot(tlist,s_1) plt.plot(zlist, spatial_evolution) plt.legend(('ground', 'pulse', 'field'), loc='upper right') # plt.savefig('mbe.pdf') # np.savetxt('populations_2level.dat', data.T)
# option information # options strikes = np.linspace(70.0, 130.0, 30) no_strikes = len(strikes) f0 = 100 T = 0.1 notional = 1.0 options = [] for k_i in strikes: options.append(EuropeanOption(k_i, notional, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T)) map_output = SABR_Engine.get_path_multi_step(0.0, T, parameters, f0, no_paths, no_time_steps, Types.TYPE_STANDARD_NORMAL_SAMPLING.REGULAR_WAY, rnd_generator) iv_vol = [] for i in range(0, no_strikes): rnd_generator.set_seed(seed) mc_option_price = options[i].get_price_control_variate(map_output[Types.SABR_OUTPUT.PATHS][:, -1], map_output[Types.SABR_OUTPUT.INTEGRAL_VARIANCE_PATHS]) iv_vol.append(implied_volatility(mc_option_price[0], f0, strikes[i], T, 0.0, 0.0, 'c')) plt.plot(strikes, iv_vol, label="rho=%s" % rho, marker=".", linestyle="--", color="black") plt.xlabel("K") plt.legend()
fig = pylab.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # vary initial conditions ystart = 0.1 for xstart in numpy.linspace(1., 1.4, 3): # initial condition x = numpy.array([xstart, ystart, 0.]) # solve solExact = odeint(velocityExact, x, ts) solNodal = odeint(velocityFaceAsNodal2, x, ts) solFace = odeint(velocityFace2, x, ts) pylab.plot(solExact[:, 0], solExact[:, 1], 'g-') pylab.plot(solNodal[:, 0], solNodal[:, 1], 'r-') pylab.plot(solFace[:, 0], solFace[:, 1], 'b-') pylab.plot([solExact[0, 0]], [solExact[0, 1]], 'k*', markersize=10) pylab.legend(['exact', 'nodal', 'face']) # plot the stream function x = numpy.linspace(origin[0], origin[0] + ls[0], 101) y = numpy.linspace(origin[1], origin[1] + ls[1], 101) xx, yy = numpy.meshgrid(x, y) xxp = cos_angle * xx - sin_angle * yy yyp = sin_angle * xx + cos_angle * yy pylab.contour(x, y, numpy.sin(xxp)**2 + yyp**2, colors='k') ax.set_aspect('equal')
# Temp1=np.loadtxt('KE_ave10000.dat',usecols=[2])/(10**(-11.)*1.38064852*2) ke_ave2 = np.loadtxt('ke_ave.dat', usecols=[3]) / (10**(-11.) * 1.38064852 * 0.5) Temp2 = np.loadtxt('ke_ave.dat', usecols=[2]) / (10**(-11.) * 1.38064852 * 0.5) begin = 1 end = int(sys.argv[1]) # if(len(sys.argv)>3): # =int(sys.argv[3]) if (len(sys.argv) > 2): count = int(sys.argv[2]) mean = np.mean(ke_ave2[count:end]) print('mean temp=', mean) x = [i + 1 for i in range(begin, end)] plt.plot(x, Temp2[begin:end], '--', linewidth=2.0, color='g') # plt.plot(x,ke_ave1,'--',linewidth=2.0,color='g') plt.plot(x, ke_ave2[begin:end], '-', linewidth=2.0, color='r') #plt.plot(x,np.ones(len(x))*400,'-',linewidth=2.0,color='b') if (len(sys.argv) > 3): plt.plot(x, np.ones(len(x)) * (Temp2[1]), '--', linewidth=2.0, color='b') plt.plot(x, np.ones(len(x)) * (Temp2[1] + 100), '--', linewidth=2.0, color='b') plt.plot(x, np.ones(len(x)) * (Temp2[1] - 100), '--', linewidth=2.0, color='b')
def _get_OP_(x, y): print "CF_gl_md4" p_guess = (0.01, 1) p_gl_md4, s_gl_md4 = scipy.optimize.leastsq(_CF_gl_md4_residuals, p_guess, args=(x, y)) ts_gl_md4, S_gl_md4 = p_gl_md4 print "CF_gl" p_guess = (1, 0.5, 1, 0.1) p_gl, s_gl = scipy.optimize.leastsq(_CF_gl_residuals, p_guess, args=(x, y)) tm_gl, S_gl, Sf_gl, te_gl = p_gl print "CF_ex" p_guess = (4, 0.5, 1, 1) p_ex, s_ex = scipy.optimize.leastsq(_CF_ex_residuals, p_guess, args=(x, y)) tm_ex, S_ex, Sf_ex, te_ex = p_ex print "CF_or" p_guess = (4, 0.5, 1) p_or, s_or = scipy.optimize.leastsq(_CF_or_residuals, p_guess, args=(x, y)) tm_or, S_or, te_or = p_or print "CF_davi" p_guess = (4, 1, 1, 0.001, 1) p_davi, s_davi = scipy.optimize.leastsq(_CF_davi_residuals, p_guess, args=(x, y), maxfev=12000) tm_davi, S_davi, Sf_davi, tf_davi, ts_davi = p_davi print "Ci(t) for simple cases (Sf^2 == 1 ) by Eq (9) on Chen - black - S2 = " + str( p_gl_md4[1]**2) print p_gl_md4 r = _CF_gl_md4_residuals(p_gl_md4, x, y) r = r**2 # print sum(r) print numpy.corrcoef(y, _CF_gl_md4(p_gl_md4, x))[0][1] print "Ci(t) for complex cases or Eq 11 on Chen - magenta - S2 = " + str( p_gl[1]**2) print p_gl # print sum(_CF_gl_residuals(p_gl,x,y)**2) print numpy.corrcoef(y, _CF_gl(p_gl, x))[0][1] print "C(t) for complex residues as Shaw 2005 - green - S2 = " + str( p_ex[1]**2) print p_ex # print sum(_CF_ex_residuals(p_ex,x,y)**2) print numpy.corrcoef(y, _CF_ex(p_ex, x))[0][1] print "C(t) for simple residues as Shaw 2005 - red - S2 = " + str(p_or[1]** 2) print p_or # print sum(_CF_or_residuals(p_or,x,y)**2) print numpy.corrcoef(y, _CF_or(p_or, x))[0][1] print "C(t) for complex residues Davi 2012 - blue - S2 = " + str(p_davi[1] **2) print p_davi # print sum(_CF_davi_residuals(p_davi,x,y)**2) print numpy.corrcoef(y, _CF_davi(p_davi, x))[0][1] # print "S = " + str(S) # xp = numpy.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), numpy.floor((x.max()-x.min())*100) p_cf_gl_md4 = _CF_gl_md4(p_gl_md4, x) p_cf_gl = _CF_gl(p_gl, x) p_cf_ex = _CF_ex(p_ex, x) p_cf_davi = _CF_davi(p_davi, x) p_cf_or = _CF_or(p_or, x) mp.plot(x, y, 'o', x, p_cf_ex, 'g-', x, p_cf_or, 'r-', x, p_cf_davi, 'b-', x, p_cf_gl, '-m', x, p_cf_gl_md4, '-k') mp.grid(True) mp.xscale('log')
''' if (j >= 15): sim.spring_l0_offset = ((np.random.random(sim.spring_connections.shape[0])*0.2+0.2)) print sim.time*1e-6 for i in xrange(50): sim.simulate() pos1.append(sim.nodes_eucl.copy()) nForce1.append(sim.nodal_forces_reduced)''' #plot and save the results iterations = (np.arange(0., j + 1.) / 1000)[np.newaxis].T plt.figure(3) print np.array(pos1).shape plt.plot(np.array(pos1)[:, :, 2], 'b') plt.title('Z Direction Position') plt.ylabel('vertical position nodes') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.savefig('Z_Direction_Position') np.savetxt('Z_Position.txt', np.column_stack((iterations, np.array(pos1)[:, :, 2])), delimiter=',', fmt='%f') np.savetxt('Y_Position.txt', np.column_stack((iterations, np.array(pos1)[:, :, 1])), delimiter=',', fmt='%f') np.savetxt('X_Position.txt', np.column_stack((iterations, np.array(pos1)[:, :, 0])), delimiter=',',
bw='normal_reference') KL0 = np.mean(np.log(kernel0.pdf(z_samples0)) - truepost0) KL1 = np.mean(np.log(kernel1.pdf(z_samples1)) - truepost1) KL2 = np.mean(np.log(kernel2.pdf(z_samples2)) - truepost2) KL3 = np.mean(np.log(kernel3.pdf(z_samples3)) - truepost3) KL4 = np.mean(np.log(kernel4.pdf(z_samples4)) - truepost4) indexuu = int(j / 100) KLAVG = np.mean([KL0, KL1, KL2, KL3, KL4]) if KLAVG < 1.35 and converge[0] == 0: converge[0] = int(j) KLAVGBRUH[indexuu] = KLAVG np.savetxt("JCADVgudlog truklavg.csv", KLAVGBRUH, delimiter=",") np.savetxt("JCADVgudlog estimatorloss.csv", ISTHISLOSS, delimiter=",") np.savetxt("JCADVgudlog nelbo.csv", NELBRUH, delimiter=",") np.savetxt("JCADVgudlog converge.csv", converge) plt.plot(KLAVGBRUH) plt.axvline(x=(converge[0] / 100), ls='--') plt.xlabel('Iterations (x100)') plt.ylabel('Avg KL Div') plt.savefig("JCADVgudlog truklavg") plt.close() plt.plot(ISTHISLOSS) plt.axvline(x=converge[0], ls='--') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('Estimator Loss') plt.savefig("JCADVgudlog estimatorloss") plt.close() plt.plot(NELBRUH) plt.axvline(x=converge[0], ls='--') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('NELBO')
for i in range(step_num): x_history.append( x.copy() ) grad = numerical_gradient(f, x) x -= lr * grad return x, np.array(x_history) def function_2(x): return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 init_x = np.array([-3.0, 4.0]) #lr = 0.1 lr = 10 step_num = 100 x, x_history = gradient_descent(function_2, init_x, lr=lr, step_num=step_num) print(x) plt.plot( [-5, 5], [0,0], '--b') plt.plot( [0,0], [-5, 5], '--b') plt.plot(x_history[:,0], x_history[:,1], 'o') plt.xlim(-3.5, 3.5) plt.ylim(-4.5, 4.5) plt.xlabel("X0") plt.ylabel("X1")
print np.empty((2, 3, 2)) bouya = np.arange(0, 15) print bouya.dtype myFloatArr = bouya.astype(np.float) print myFloatArr.dtype arr = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]) print arr print arr * arr print arr - arr print 1 / arr print arr**0.5 arr2d = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) print arr2d[2][1] print arr2d[2, 1] #Random walk example import random from matplotlib import pylab as plt position = 0 walk = [position] steps = 100 for i in xrange(steps): step = 1 if random.randint(0, 1) else -1 position += step walk.append(position) plt.plot([x for x in range(steps + 1)], walk)