def vis_back_proj(ind=1, img_style="edge", pcd_style="intens"): imgfile = "img/" + str(ind).zfill( params["file_name_digits"]) + "." + params['image_format'] if img_style == "edge": gray = cv2.imread(imgfile) edges = cv2.Canny(gray, 50, 150, apertureSize=3) img = cv2.cvtColor(edges, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) elif img_style == "orig": img = cv2.imread(imgfile) else: print "Please input the right image style" csvfile = "pcd/" + str(ind).zfill(params["file_name_digits"]) + ".csv" csv = np.genfromtxt(csvfile, delimiter=",", skip_header=1) pcd = csv[:, :3] dis_arr = np.linalg.norm(pcd, axis=1) intens = csv[:, 3] filels = os.listdir(".") for file in filels: if file.find("cali_result.txt") > -1: r_t = np.genfromtxt(file, delimiter=',') print "Load ", file, " as the extrinsic calibration parameters!" break else: raise Exception("No calibration file is found!") if pcd_style == "intens": pcd_color = np.fliplr( (cm.jet(intens.astype(np.float32) / intens.max()) * 255).astype( np.int32)[:, :3]) elif pcd_style == "dis": pcd_color = np.fliplr( (cm.jet(dis_arr / 10) * 255).astype(np.int32)[:, :3]) else: print "Please input the right pcd color style" backproj_img = back_project_pcd(img, pcd, pcd_color, r_t) resized_img_for_view = cv2.resize(backproj_img, (int(W / 4.), int(H / 4.))) window_name = "ind: " + str( ind) + " img_style: " + img_style + " pcd_style: " + pcd_style cv2.namedWindow(window_name, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow(window_name, resized_img_for_view) k = cv2.waitKey(0) if k == 27: # wait for ESC key to exit cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif k == ord('s'): # wait for 's' key to save and exit save_file_name = str(ind).zfill( params["file_name_digits"] ) + "_" + img_style + "_" + pcd_style + "." + params['image_format'] cv2.imwrite(save_file_name, img, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 70]) print "The image is saved to ", save_file_name cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def compareVoteonBar(): total = 0 for elval1 in listt: total += elval1[1] for elval in listt: c = "%.3f" % ((elval[1] / total) * 100) chng.append([elval[0], float(c)]) perclist = sorted(chng, key=itemgetter(1)) for element in perclist: names.append(element[0]) byvote.append(element[1]) byvote.reverse() names.reverse() length = len(names) aaa = np.arange(length) rex = list(map("{} %".format, byvote)) k = 0 for con in names:, byvote[k], align='center', color=cm.jet(1. * k / length), label=con) k += 1 plot.xticks(aaa, rex) plot.xlabel("Nominees") plot.ylabel("Vote percentages") plot.legend() plot.autoscale() plot.tight_layout() plot.savefig("CompVotePercs.pdf") plot.close()
def SetClassPoints(self, classCoords): self.sizer4.DeleteWindows() vals = np.arange(float(len(classCoords))) / len(classCoords) if len(vals) > 0: vals += (1.0 - vals[-1]) / 2 colors = [np.array(cm.jet(val)) * 255 for val in vals] colors_dict = {} i=0 for name in classCoords: colors_dict[name] = colors[i] i+=1 self.sizer4.Add(wx.StaticText(self.Parent, -1, 'Classes:')) i=1 classCoords_ordered = [name for name in classCoords if name[:8] != 'training'] classCoords_ordered.extend([name for name in classCoords if name[:8] == 'training']) for name in classCoords_ordered: if i == len(classCoords)/2 + 1: self.sizer4.Add(wx.StaticText(self.Parent, -1, 'Training:')) checkBox = wx.CheckBox(self.Parent, wx.NewId(), '%d) %s'%(i,name)) #checkBox.SetForegroundColour(color) # Doesn't work on Mac. Works on Windows. checkBox.SetBackgroundColour(colors_dict[name]) checkBox.SetValue(True) self.sizer4.Add(checkBox, flag=wx.EXPAND) def OnTogglePhenotype(evt): className = evt.EventObject.Label for listener in self.listeners: listener.ToggleClass(className[3:], evt.Checked()) checkBox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, OnTogglePhenotype) i+=1
def plot_mesh(self): """Plot the overall BEM mesh and domain geometry Each domain can have different color by modifing line: plt.plot(np.append([BE.xa for BE in BEMobj.BEs_edge], BEMobj.BEs_edge[0].xa), np.append([BE.ya for BE in BEMobj.BEs_edge], BEMobj.BEs_edge[0].ya), ,color=c,markersize=5) plt.scatter([BE.xc for BE in BEMobj.BEs_edge], [BE.yc for BE in BEMobj.BEs_edge], color=c, s=25) Author:Bin Wang([email protected]) Date: July. 2017 """ plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') plt.axes().set_title('BEM Mesh', fontsize=15) plt.axes().set_xlabel('x(m)') plt.axes().set_ylabel('y(m)') #plt.xticks(np.arange(-3, 9, 1)) #plt.yticks(np.arange(-2, 5,1)) #plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='k', linestyle=':') #plt.grid(b=True, which='minor', color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.2) #plt.minorticks_on() Total_Ele = 0 color = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, self.NumObj + 1)) for i, c in zip(range(self.NumObj), color): #For each subdomain BEMobj = self.BEMobjs[i] #Boundary elements plt.plot(np.append([BE.xa for BE in BEMobj.BEs_edge], BEMobj.BEs_edge[0].xa), np.append([BE.ya for BE in BEMobj.BEs_edge], BEMobj.BEs_edge[0].ya), 'bo-', markersize=5) if (BEMobj.BEs_edge[0].element_type == "Quad"): plt.scatter([BE.xc for BE in BEMobj.BEs_edge], [BE.yc for BE in BEMobj.BEs_edge], color='b', s=25) Total_Ele += len(BEMobj.BEs_edge) #plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.tight_layout() #plt.savefig('Couplded_Fig.png', format='png', dpi=300) print('-----Mesh Info-----') print('Total Number of Elements:', Total_Ele) print("Total Number of Subdomains:", self.NumObj)
def random_jet(bgcolor=(255, 255, 255)): """Generate random RGB lut for nice visually object distinguishing. Return random uint8 cmap based on jet colors. """ lut = (cm.jet(np.arange(256))[...,:3] * 256).round().astype(np.uint8) np.random.shuffle(lut) lut[0] = bgcolor return lut
def get_colors(self): if self.colors: colors = self.colors elif max(list(map(len, self.x_points)))==0: colors = [] else: # Choose colors from jet colormap starting with light blue (0.28) vals = np.arange(0.28, 1.28, 1. / len(self.x_points)) % 1. colors = [colorConverter.to_rgba(cm.jet(val), alpha=0.75) for val in vals] return colors
def plotReflectance(root, dirpath, filename): try: referenceGroup = root.getGroup("Reflectance") rrsData = referenceGroup.getDataset("Rrs") font = { 'family': 'serif', 'color': 'darkred', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 16, } x = [] for k in if Utilities.isFloat(k): x.append(k) total =[0] color = iter(cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, total))) for i in range(total): y = [] for k in x: y.append([k][i]) c = next(color) plt.plot(x, y, 'k', c=c) #if (i % 25) == 0: # plt.plot(x, y, 'k', color=(i/total, 0, 1-i/total, 1)) #plt.title('Remote sensing reflectance', fontdict=font) #plt.text(2, 0.65, r'$\cos(2 \pi t) \exp(-t)$', fontdict=font) plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)', fontdict=font) plt.ylabel('Rrs ($sr^{-1}$)', fontdict=font) # Tweak spacing to prevent clipping of ylabel plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) # Create output directory plotdir = os.path.join(dirpath, 'Plots') os.makedirs(plotdir, exist_ok=True) # Save the plot fp = os.path.join(plotdir, filename + '.png') plt.savefig(fp) plt.close( ) # This prevents displaying the polt on screen with certain IDEs except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error: %s" % e)
def SetClassPoints(self, classes): if len(classes) == 0: logging.warn('There are no objects to classify in this image.') return from matplotlib.pyplot import cm self.classes = classes vals = np.arange(0, 1, 1. / len(classes)) vals += (1.0 - vals[-1]) / 2 self.colors = [np.array(cm.jet(val)) * 255 for val in vals] self.class_nums = [str(i + 1) for i, _ in enumerate(classes)] self.classVisible = {} for className in classes.keys(): self.classVisible[className] = True self.Refresh()
def SetClassPoints(self, classes): if len(classes) == 0: logging.warn('There are no objects to classify in this image.') return from matplotlib.pyplot import cm self.classes = classes vals = np.arange(0, 1, 1. / len(classes)) vals += (1.0 - vals[-1]) / 2 self.colors = [np.array(cm.jet(val)) * 255 for val in vals] self.class_nums = [str(i+1) for i,_ in enumerate(classes)] self.classVisible = {} for className in classes.keys(): self.classVisible[className] = True self.Refresh()
def plotDataset(root, filename, name, label): try: referenceGroup = root.getGroup("Reflectance") rrsData = referenceGroup.getDataset(name) font = { 'family': 'serif', 'color': 'darkred', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 16, } x = [] for k in x.append(k) total =[0] color = iter(cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, total))) for i in range(total): y = [] for k in x: y.append([k][i]) c = next(color) plt.plot(x, y, 'k', c=c) #if (i % 25) == 0: # plt.plot(x, y, 'k', color=(i/total, 0, 1-i/total, 1)) #plt.title('Remote sensing reflectance', fontdict=font) #plt.text(2, 0.65, r'$\cos(2 \pi t) \exp(-t)$', fontdict=font) plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)', fontdict=font) plt.ylabel(label, fontdict=font) # Tweak spacing to prevent clipping of ylabel plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) plt.savefig('Plots/' + filename + '.png') plt.close( ) # This prevents displaying the polt on screen with certain IDEs except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error: %s" % e)
def SetClassPoints(self, classCoords): self.sizer4.DeleteWindows() vals = np.arange(float(len(classCoords))) / len(classCoords) if len(vals) > 0: vals += (1.0 - vals[-1]) / 2 colors = [np.array(cm.jet(val)) * 255 for val in vals] self.sizer4.Add(wx.StaticText(self.Parent, -1, 'Classes:')) i=1 for (name, keys), color in zip(classCoords.items(), colors): checkBox = wx.CheckBox(self.Parent, wx.NewId(), '%d) %s'%(i,name)) checkBox.SetForegroundColour(color) # Doesn't work on Mac. Works on Windows. checkBox.SetValue(True) self.sizer4.Add(checkBox, flag=wx.EXPAND) def OnTogglePhenotype(evt): className = evt.EventObject.Label for listener in self.listeners: listener.ToggleClass(className[3:], evt.Checked()) checkBox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, OnTogglePhenotype) i+=1
def SetClassPoints(self, classCoords): self.sizer4.DeleteWindows() vals = np.arange(float(len(classCoords))) / len(classCoords) if len(vals) > 0: vals += (1.0 - vals[-1]) / 2 colors = [np.array(cm.jet(val)) * 255 for val in vals] colors_dict = {} i = 0 for name in classCoords: colors_dict[name] = colors[i] i += 1 self.sizer4.Add(wx.StaticText(self.Parent, -1, 'Classes:')) i = 1 classCoords_ordered = [ name for name in classCoords if name[:8] != 'training' ] classCoords_ordered.extend( [name for name in classCoords if name[:8] == 'training']) for name in classCoords_ordered: if i == len(classCoords) / 2 + 1: self.sizer4.Add(wx.StaticText(self.Parent, -1, 'Training:')) checkBox = wx.CheckBox(self.Parent, wx.NewId(), '%d) %s' % (i, name)) #checkBox.SetForegroundColour(color) # Doesn't work on Mac. Works on Windows. checkBox.SetBackgroundColour(colors_dict[name]) checkBox.SetValue(True) self.sizer4.Add(checkBox, flag=wx.EXPAND) def OnTogglePhenotype(evt): className = evt.EventObject.Label for listener in self.listeners: listener.ToggleClass(className[3:], evt.Checked()) checkBox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, OnTogglePhenotype) i += 1
def plot_evol(z_nums, masses, bins, avg=False, normalized=False): fig, ax = plt.subplots() color = iter(cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, len(masses)))) if avg == True: for m in np.arange(len(masses)): ax.plot( z_nums[m], masses[m], color=next(color), label=("bin " + str(m + 1) + ": (" + "{:.2e}".format(bins[m]) + " to " + "{:.2e}".format(bins[m + 1]) + ")")) ax.legend() if normalized == True: ax.set_title("Normalized averaged mass evolution of halos in " + str(int(len(bins) - 1)) + " bins") elif normalized == False: ax.set_title("Averaged mass evolution of halos in " + str(int(len(bins) - 1)) + " bins") elif avg == False: for m in np.arange(len(masses)): ax.plot(z_nums[m], masses[m], color=next(color)) if extremum == 'max': ax.set_title("Mass evolution of " + str(n) + " most massive halos") elif extremum == 'min': ax.set_title("Mass evolution of " + str(n) + " least massive halos") elif extremum == '': ax.set_title("Mass evolution of halos in range " + my_range_str[0] + " to " + my_range_str[1]) ax.set_yscale('log', nonpositive='clip') ax.set_xlabel('Redshift') ax.set_ylabel('Mass [M_sun/h]') plt.savefig('full_mass_evol_bins_z_norm.png')
def SetClassPoints(self, classCoords): self.sizer4.DeleteWindows() vals = np.arange(float(len(classCoords))) / len(classCoords) if len(vals) > 0: vals += (1.0 - vals[-1]) / 2 colors = [np.array(cm.jet(val)) * 255 for val in vals] self.sizer4.Add(wx.StaticText(self.Parent, -1, 'Classes:')) i = 1 for (name, keys), color in zip(classCoords.items(), colors): checkBox = wx.CheckBox(self.Parent, wx.NewId(), '%d) %s' % (i, name)) checkBox.SetForegroundColour( color) # Doesn't work on Mac. Works on Windows. checkBox.SetValue(True) self.sizer4.Add(checkBox, flag=wx.EXPAND) def OnTogglePhenotype(evt): className = evt.EventObject.Label for listener in self.listeners: listener.ToggleClass(className[3:], evt.Checked()) checkBox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, OnTogglePhenotype) i += 1
from matplotlib.markers import MarkerStyle as mk markers = mk.filled_markers from matplotlib.pyplot import cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import glob as g import numpy as np from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord as SC from astropy import units as u from import ascii cats = sorted(g.glob('Catalogues/v*dat')) visits = np.array(cats).reshape((len(cats) / 4, 4)) color = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, len(visits))) markers = markers[:len(visits)] for v, c in zip(visits, color): alpha, delta = np.loadtxt(v[0], usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True) plt.scatter(alpha, delta, color=c, s=2, label=str(v[0]).split('/')[1][:3]) alpha, delta = np.loadtxt(v[2], usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True) plt.scatter(alpha, delta, color=c, s=2) plt.scatter(194.8987875, 27.9593889, marker='^', color='black', s=50, label='NGC4874') plt.scatter(195.0337375, 27.9770250, marker='v', color='black', s=50, label='NGC4889') data ='Catalogues/vandokkum15.csv',
thr=0.9, colors='yellow', vmax=0.75, display_numbers=False, cmap='gray') a4 = plot_contours(A_gt.tocsc()[:, idx_components_gt[fn_gt_online]], Cn, thr=0.9, vmax=0.85, colors='r', display_numbers=False, cmap='gray') # %% FIGURE 4 c and d from matplotlib.pyplot import cm as cmap pl.figure("Figure 4c and 4d") color = cmap.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, 10)) i = 0 legs = [] all_ys = [] SNRs = np.arange(0, 10) pl.subplot(1, 3, 1) for k, fl_results in all_results.items(): print(k) nm = k[:] nm = nm.replace('neurofinder', 'NF') nm = nm.replace('final_map', '') nm = nm.replace('.', '') nm = nm.replace('Data', '') idx_components_gt = fl_results['idx_components_gt'] tp_gt = fl_results['tp_gt']
def plot_grouped_by_mica(self, train, params, i, ylim=[0, 1], force_ylim=True, fs=24, fs_tick=18): # if mica_library is not loaded, load it self.load_mica_library(train) # compute mica features mica_attributes = train.m.F_att(self.mica_library) mica_latents = train.m.F_lat(self.mica_library) self.mica_features =[mica_latents, mica_attributes], dim=1).cpu().data.numpy() # generate samples and compute their features samples = [train.m.get_fake(64, params['z_dim']) for i in range(10)], dim=0) attributes = train.m.F_att(samples) latents = train.m.F_lat(samples) features =[latents, attributes], dim=1).cpu().data.numpy() # compute cosine similarity similarity = cosine_similarity(features, self.mica_features) # matches = argmax cosine similarity matches = np.argmax(similarity, axis=1) # group spectra by matches groups = {} for idx, match in enumerate(matches): if match not in groups: groups[match] = set([(idx, similarity[idx][match])]) else: groups[match].add((idx, similarity[idx][match])) # for each class in generated spectra: # plot spectra and save plot with filename as mica match samples = samples.cpu().data.numpy() # sim_min = np.cos(np.pi/4.) sim_min = max(np.cos(np.pi / 4.), np.min(np.max(similarity, axis=1))) sim_max = np.max(similarity) for endmember, sample_idxs in groups.items(): n = 0 avg_sim = 0. for idx, sim in list(sample_idxs): if sim >= sim_min: # alpha = np.clip(0.5 * (sim + 1.), 0., 1.) sim_norm = (sim - sim_min) / (sim_max - sim_min) alpha = np.clip(sim_norm, 0., 1.) plt.plot(self.waves, samples[idx], '--', color=cm.jet(alpha)) avg_sim += sim n += 1 if n >= 1: avg_sim /= float(n) plt.plot(self.waves, self.mica_library[endmember].cpu().data.numpy(), 'k-') plt.title( '{:s}: avg_sim={:1.4f} global_min/max={:1.4f}/{:1.4f}'. format(self.mica_names[endmember], avg_sim, sim_min, sim_max), fontsize=fs_tick - 6) plt.xlabel('Channels', fontsize=fs) plt.ylabel('Intensities', fontsize=fs) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fs_tick) plt.grid(True, axis='x') if force_ylim: plt.gca().set_ylim(ylim) filename = ''.join([ c for c in self.mica_names[endmember] if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() ]).rstrip() plt.savefig(params['saveto'] + 'mica/{}_{}.png'.format(i, filename)) plt.close()
def plot_3D(*opts, fxn_name, animate_gif=True, f_name='v1'): def init(): for line in lines: line.set_data([], []) line.set_3d_properties([]) return lines def animate(i): num1 = int(x2[i]) for lnum, (line, dot) in enumerate(zip(lines, dots)): if num1 < dp[lnum]: line.set_data( xlist[lnum][:num1], ylist[lnum][:num1]) # set data for each line separately. line.set_3d_properties(zlist[lnum][:num1]) line.set_label(nn[lnum]) # set the label and draw the legend plt.legend(loc="upper center", ncol=4) return lines # Get data xlist, ylist, zlist, nn, dp = get_dlists(opts) n = len(opts) if fxn_name == 'rosenbrock': x2 = np.rint(np.linspace(0, len(xlist[1]), endpoint=False, num=200)) c = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, n)) g = 0.4 rot_val = 245 nr = colors.PowerNorm(gamma=g) elif fxn_name == 'saddle': rot_val = -60 nr = None x2 = np.rint(np.linspace(0, len(xlist[1]), endpoint=False, num=100)) c = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, n)) else: x2 = np.rint(np.linspace(0, len(xlist[1]), endpoint=False, num=200)) c = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, n)) g = 0.25 rot_val = 245 nr = colors.PowerNorm(gamma=g) # Plot 3D Surface fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9.6, 6.4)) ax = plt.axes(projection='3d', azim=rot_val) plt.tight_layout() data, minima, x_lims, y_lims = plot_fxn(fxn_name, '3D') ax.plot_surface(*data, rstride=1, cstride=1, norm=nr, cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none', alpha=1.0) ax.plot(*minima, 'x', markersize=12, mew=2, color='k') ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') # ax.set_xlim(x_lims) # ax.set_ylim(y_lims) # c = new_cmap(np.linspace(0,1,n)) # c = cm.jet(np.linspace(0,1,n)) if animate_gif == False: for k in range(n): x_history = np.array(xlist[k]) y_history = np.array(ylist[k]) path = np.concatenate( (np.expand_dims(x_history, 1), np.expand_dims(y_history, 1)), axis=1).T ax.quiver(path[0, :-1], path[1, :-1], beale_fxn(path[::, :-1][0], path[::, :-1][1]), path[0, 1:] - path[0, :-1], path[1, 1:] - path[1, :-1], beale_fxn(path[::, :-1][0], path[::, :-1][1]) - beale_fxn(path[::, :-1][0], path[::, :-1][1]), color=c[k], label=nn[k], length=1, normalize=False, lw=5) plt.legend(loc="upper left") else: line, = ax.plot([], [], [], lw=2) # dot, = ax.plot([], [], 'o', lw=2) lines = [] dots = [] for index in range(n): l_obj = ax.plot([], [], [], lw=2, color=c[index])[0] lines.append(l_obj) d_obj = ax.scatter([], [], [], marker='o', color=c[index]) dots.append(d_obj) # print(x2) # blit=True --> only re-draw the parts that have changed. # dot = ax.scatter([],[],[]) # Set the dot at some arbitrary position initially anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=len(x2), interval=1, blit=True)'images/{}_3D_{}.gif'.format(fxn_name, f_name), dpi=60, writer="imagemagick") # ax.invert_yaxis()
def get_network_from_bursts(self, bursts_count_threshold=1, user_interaction_weight_threshold=1): """ get bursts in activity for units of information, get network of connected users that parcipate in these bursts :param bursts_count_threshold: threshold for the number of bursts in activity for an information to be considered :param user_interaction_weight_threshold: threshold for the number of burts two users must participate in together in order for them to be connected """ def get_burst_user_connections_df(content_id, content_df, burst_interval, userid_col='from_id', timestamp_col='date'): '''connect users who participate in the same burst''' burst_df = content_df[(content_df[self.timestamp_col].between(burst_interval[0], burst_interval[1], inclusive=True)) & (~content_df[self.userid_col].isna())].copy() uids = list(sorted(burst_df[self.userid_col].unique())) if len(uids) < 2: return [] content_user_connections = [] for i, uid1 in enumerate(uids): for uid2 in uids[i+1:]: content_user_connections.append({'content': content_id, 'uid1': uid1, 'uid2': uid2, 'weight': 1}) return content_user_connections user_connections = [] n_ids = self.dataset_df[self.content_col].nunique() max_plots_to_show = 5 num_plots = 0 for content_id, content_df in self.dataset_df.groupby(self.content_col): if num_plots < max_plots_to_show: show = True else: show = False if self.selected_content is not None and content_id not in self.selected_content: continue burstDetection = BurstDetection(dataset_df=content_df, metadata=self.metadata, id_col=self.id_col, timestamp_col=self.timestamp_col, platform_col=self.platform_col, time_granularity=self.time_granularity, min_date=self.min_date, max_date=self.max_date) burst_intervals = burstDetection.detect_bursts(self.gammas[content_id]) if len(burst_intervals) < bursts_count_threshold: continue if self.plot_bursts: plot_df = self.dataset_df.copy() plot_df.set_index(self.timestamp_col, inplace=True) new_df = plot_df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq=self.time_granularity))[[self.content_col]].count() new_df.reset_index(inplace=True) plt.figure() plt.plot(new_df[self.timestamp_col], new_df[self.content_col]) for burst_interval in burst_intervals: user_connections.extend(get_burst_user_connections_df(content_id, content_df, burst_interval)) if self.plot_bursts: plt.axvspan(xmin=burst_interval[0], xmax=burst_interval[1], color="red", alpha=0.25) if show and self.plot_bursts: if self.plot_bursts and self.save_plots: plt.savefig(self.plot_dir + str(content_id) + "_persistent_groups_with_bursts.png", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() num_plots += 1 user_network_df = pd.DataFrame(user_connections) if 'uid1' not in user_network_df.columns: warnings.warn("No bursts detected in any information IDs. Persistent group measurements cannot be run. They will fail with uid1 KeyError.") user_network_df = user_network_df.groupby(['uid1', 'uid2'])['weight'].sum().reset_index() self.user_network_df = user_network_df[user_network_df['weight']>=user_interaction_weight_threshold] edgelist = self.user_network_df[['uid1', 'uid2', 'weight']].apply(tuple, axis=1).tolist() if len(edgelist) == 0: return user_interaction_graph = ig.Graph.TupleList(edgelist, directed=False) self.groups = self.community_detection_algorithm(user_interaction_graph) print('Number of groups: ', len(self.groups)) if self.plot: figsize = (10, 10) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.axis('off') ax.set_frame_on(False) colors = iter(cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.groups)))) node_color = {} node_labels = {} for g_id, g in enumerate(self.groups): c = next(colors) for i in g: node_color[i] = c node_labels[i] = g_id # Draw graph of users by group membership node_c = [node_color[node['name']] for node in user_interaction_graph.vs] ig.plot(user_interaction_graph, layout=user_interaction_graph.layout_fruchterman_reingold(), vertex_size=30, edge_color='black', vertex_color=node_c) if self.save_plots: plt.savefig(self.plot_dir+ "network_of_users_by_groups.png",bbox_inches='tight')
dec_min=np.min(data_cat["DELTA_J2000_1"][~np.isnan(data_cat["DELTA_J2000_1"])]) ra_slices=20 dec_slices=20 for i,ii in enumerate(np.linspace(ra_min,ra_max,ra_slices)): for j,jj in enumerate(np.linspace(dec_min,dec_max,dec_slices)): coords.append([ii,jj]) '''filter_names="ugrizJHK" filters=[] for f in filter_names: filters.append((g.glob("synth/*"+f+"*Mega*")+g.glob("synth/"+f+"wircam*"))[0]) ''' filters=sorted(g.glob("../../Coding/synth/F*W.fil.txt")) filtercolor=cm.jet(np.linspace(0,1,len(filters))) #print filters wl=np.empty(0) filts=[] wls=[] ax1=plt.subplot2grid((3,1),(0,0)) ax2=plt.subplot2grid((3,1),(1,0),sharex=ax1) ax3=plt.subplot2grid((3,1),(2,0)) ax1.set_xlim([2900,17100]) ax1.set_ylim([0,0.6]) spec=0.5 for i,f in enumerate(filters): wlr,eff=np.loadtxt(f,unpack=True) wls.append(wlr) wl=np.concatenate((wl,wlr)) filts.append(eff)
ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(312) ax3 = fig1.add_subplot(313) plt.tight_layout(pad=3.0, w_pad=3.0, h_pad=3.0) fig1.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) # fig1.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) # fig1.subplots_adjust(top=0.90) # fig1.subplots_adjust(right=0.95) for axis in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: ax1.spines[axis].set_linewidth(1.) ax2.spines[axis].set_linewidth(1.) ax3.spines[axis].set_linewidth(1.) plt_title = ax1.set_title(' ') color = cycle(cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, 100))) ax1_hdl, = ax1.plot([], []) ax1_c_hdl, = ax1.plot([], []) ax2_hdl, = ax2.plot([], []) ax2_c_hdl, = ax2.plot([], []) ax3_hdl, = ax3.plot([], []) set_line_hdl = ax3.axvline(1.5, color='red') act_line_hdl = ax3.axvline(1.5, color='black') # ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude of TM modes (norm.)',**axis_font) ax1.set_ylabel('Power of TM modes (norm.)', **axis_font) ax1.set_xlabel('Time (ms)', **axis_font) ax2.set_ylabel('Power of TE modes (norm.)', **axis_font) # ax2.set_ylabel('Amplitude of Fabry Perot (norm.)',**axis_font)
galq[6] = 4341 galq[7] = 4862 galq[8] = 5008 galq[9] = 6564 lab = [ 'OVI: 1034 $\AA$', 'Ly-alpha: 1215 $\AA$', 'NV: 1240 $\AA$', 'CIV: 1549 $\AA$', 'CIII: 1908 $\AA$', 'MgII: 2799 $\AA$', 'H-gama: 4341 $\AA$', 'H-beta: 4863 $\AA$', 'OIII: 5008 $\AA$', 'H-alpha: 6564 $\AA$' ] # Redshift z = N.arange(0., 10.01, 0.01) colores = list(cm.jet(N.linspace(0, 1, 10))) colores = colores[::-1] plt.figure(1, figsize=(11, 9), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() for ii in range(10): plt.plot(galq[ii] * (1 + z), z, '-', alpha=0.5, lw=3., color=colores[ii]) for ii in range(7): x, y = U.get_data(root_to_filts + filters[ii], (0, 1)) plt.plot(x, 8. * (y / y.max()), '-', lw=1, color='grey', alpha=0.5) plt.fill_betweenx(8. * (y / y.max()), x, 0, alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Wavelength [$\AA$]', size=25, labelpad=5) plt.ylabel('$z$', size=35) for ii in range(10):
def plot_contour(*opts, fxn_name, animate_gif=True, fig_size=None, save_f=True, f_name='v1', in_type=None): def init(): for line in lines: line.set_data([], []) return lines def animate(i): num1 = int(x2[i]) for lnum, (line, scat) in enumerate(zip(lines, scats)): if num1 < dp[lnum]: # print(i, dp[lnum]) line.set_data( xlist[lnum][:num1], ylist[lnum][:num1]) # set data for each line separately. scat.set_offsets([xlist[lnum][num1], ylist[lnum][num1]]) line.set_label(nn[lnum]) # set the label and draw the legend plt.legend(loc="upper left") return lines if fig_size == 'small': fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8.5, 6.8)) plt.tight_layout() data, minima, x_lims, y_lims = plot_fxn(fxn_name, 'contour') ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_xlim(x_lims) ax.set_ylim(y_lims) ax.contour(*data, levels=np.logspace(-.5, 5, 35), norm=LogNorm(), cmap='viridis', alpha=0.7) ax.plot(*minima[0:2], 'x', markersize=12, mew=2, color='k') xlist, ylist, zlist, nn, dp = get_dlists(opts, in_type) n = len(xlist) # print(len(xlist)) if fxn_name == 'rosenbrock': if in_type == 'sdict': c = cm.rainbow_r(np.linspace(0, 1, n)) else: c = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, n)) else: c = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, n)) if animate_gif == False: for k in range(n): x_history = np.array(xlist[k]) y_history = np.array(ylist[k]) path = np.concatenate( (np.expand_dims(x_history, 1), np.expand_dims(y_history, 1)), axis=1).T ax.quiver(path[0, :-1], path[1, :-1], path[0, 1:] - path[0, :-1], path[1, 1:] - path[1, :-1], scale_units='xy', angles='xy', width=0.003, scale=1, color=c[k], label=nn[k]) plt.legend(loc="upper left") if save_f == True: plt.savefig('images/{}_path.png'.format(fxn_name)) else: line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2) #, markersize=12) lines = [] scats = [] for index in range(n): l_obj = ax.plot([], [], lw=2, color=c[index])[0] lines.append(l_obj) s_obj = ax.scatter([], [], lw=2, color=c[index]) scats.append(s_obj) num_min = int(len(xlist[0]) / 50) # print(num_min) x2 = np.rint(np.linspace(0, len(xlist[1]), endpoint=False, num=200)) # fix this # print(x2) # x2 = np.arange(len(xlist[0])) # blit=True --> only re-draw the parts that have changed. scat = ax.scatter( [], []) # Set the dot at some arbitrary position initially anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=len(x2), interval=1, blit=True)'images/{}_contour_{}.gif'.format(fxn_name, f_name), dpi=60, writer="imagemagick")
#plot slices responsible for reconstruction import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pyplot import cm fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(16, 8)) plt.gray() plt.tight_layout() maxLines = len(lines) #maxLines = 12 ax[0].imshow(powerSpect) ax[1].imshow(powerSpect) #color=iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0,1,len(lines)))) color=iter(cm.jet(np.linspace(0,1,maxLines+1))) fareyImage = np.zeros_like(powerSpect) for i, line in enumerate(lines): u, v = line c=next(color) ax[0].plot(u, v, '.', c=c) ax[1].plot(u, v, '.r',markersize=1) fareyImage[u,v] = 255 if i == maxLines: break #ax[0].set_title('Sampling (colour per line) for prime size:'+str(p)) #ax[1].set_title('Sampling (same colour per line) for prime size:'+str(p)) ax[0].set_title('Sampling (colour per line) for dyadic size:'+str(M)) ax[1].set_title('Sampling (same colour per line) for dyadic size:'+str(M)) #ax[0].set_xlim([0,M]) #ax[0].set_ylim([0,M])
def vis_back_proj(ind=1, img_style="edge", pcd_style="intens", hide_occlussion_by_marker=False, save_without_show=False): imgfile = os.path.join( params['base_dir'], "img/" + str(ind).zfill(params["file_name_digits"]) + "." + params['image_format']) if img_style == "edge": gray = cv2.imread(imgfile) edges = cv2.Canny(gray, 50, 150, apertureSize=3) img = cv2.cvtColor(edges, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) elif img_style == "orig": img = cv2.imread(imgfile) else: raise Exception("Please input the right image style") csvfile = os.path.join( params['base_dir'], "pcd/" + str(ind).zfill(params["file_name_digits"]) + ".csv") csv = np.genfromtxt(csvfile, delimiter=",", skip_header=1) pcd = csv[:, :3] dis_arr = np.linalg.norm(pcd, axis=1) intens = csv[:, params['intensity_col_ind']] filels = os.listdir(params['base_dir']) cali_file_ls = [] for file in filels: if file.find("cali_result.txt") > -1: cali_file_ls.append(file) if len(cali_file_ls) > 1: warnings.warn( "More than one calibration file exit! Load the latest file.", UserWarning) latest_cali = find_latest(cali_file_ls) r_t = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(params['base_dir'], latest_cali), delimiter=',') print("Load ", latest_cali, " as the extrinsic calibration parameters!") elif len(cali_file_ls) == 1: r_t = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(params['base_dir'], cali_file_ls[0]), delimiter=',') print("Load ", cali_file_ls[0], " as the extrinsic calibration parameters!") else: raise Exception("No calibration file is found!") if pcd_style == "intens": pcd_color = np.fliplr( (cm.jet(intens.astype(np.float32) / intens.max()) * 255).astype( np.int32)[:, :3]) elif pcd_style == "dis": pcd_color = np.fliplr( (cm.jet(dis_arr / 42) * 255).astype(np.int32)[:, :3]) else: print("Please input the right pcd color style") backproj_img = back_project_pcd(img, pcd, pcd_color, r_t, ind, hide_occlussion_by_marker) if max(backproj_img.shape[0], backproj_img.shape[1]) > 1000: resize_factor = 1000. / max(backproj_img.shape[0], backproj_img.shape[1]) resized_img_for_view = cv2.resize(backproj_img, (0, 0), fx=resize_factor, fy=resize_factor) else: resized_img_for_view = backproj_img if save_without_show: window_name = "ind: " + str( ind) + " img_style: " + img_style + " pcd_style: " + pcd_style + ( " hide_occlusion " if hide_occlussion_by_marker else "") cv2.namedWindow(window_name, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow(window_name, resized_img_for_view) k = cv2.waitKey(0) if k == 27: # wait for ESC key to exit cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif k == ord('s'): # wait for 's' key to save and exit save_file_name = os.path.join( params['base_dir'], str(ind).zfill(params["file_name_digits"]) ) + "_" + img_style + "_" + pcd_style + ( "_hide_occlusion" if hide_occlussion_by_marker else "") + "." + params['image_format'] cv2.imwrite(save_file_name, img, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 70]) print("The image is saved to ", save_file_name) cv2.destroyAllWindows() else: save_file_name = os.path.join( params['base_dir'], str(ind).zfill(params["file_name_digits"]) ) + "_" + img_style + "_" + pcd_style + ( "_hide_occlusion" if hide_occlussion_by_marker else "") + "." + params['image_format'] cv2.imwrite(save_file_name, img, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 70]) print("The image is saved to ", save_file_name) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
tmp['log_C1_true'] = -5 tmp['log_C2_true'] = -5 tmp['r1_true'] = 100. * (.3) tmp['r2_true'] = 100. * (.3) tmp['log_alpha1_true'] = np.array(log_alpha) tmp['log_alpha2_true'] = np.array(log_alpha) tmp['log_gamma1_true'] = 0. tmp['log_gamma2_true'] = 0. T = T.append(tmp, ignore_index=True) except: print d #Figure B, compare pso fitting plt.figure(figsize=(3, 5)) ax = [] cols = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, len(T['expt'].unique()))) fils = glob.glob('*/*/*.h5') df = pd.DataFrame([]) x = {} for tmp in T['expt'].unique(): ky = tmp.split('_')[-1].split('x')[0] x[ky] = np.array([]) x[ky + '_iter'] = np.array([]) for fil in fils: try: f = h5py.File(fil, 'r') if 'pso' in f.keys(): ky = fil.split('_')[1].split('x')[0] x[ky] = np.concatenate(
def load_labelsLinesMarkers(experiments, varied_values, colormap=None): ''' Load labels, lines, color and markers for the (simulation, groups) combinations. Returns ------- line_style, line_color, marker_color, marker_style : dictionaries with keys [simlutation] and [groups] ''' # Initiate the dictionaries line_label = initiate_nesteddict() marker_label = initiate_nesteddict() line_style = initiate_nesteddict() line_color = initiate_nesteddict() marker_color = initiate_nesteddict() marker_style = initiate_nesteddict() # Initiate colors, lines, markers to chose from if colormap == "rainbow": l_colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(experiments) + 1)) if colormap == "jet": l_colors = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, len(experiments) + 1)) if colormap == None: l_colors = [ 'navy', 'crimson', 'black', 'darkgreen', 'purple', 'magenta' ] * 5 m_colors = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, len(varied_values))) l_styles = [ '-', '--', ':', '-.', 'densely dotted', 'densely dasged', 'densely' ] * 5 m_styles = ['o', 'X', 'D', 'P', 's', 'x', 'd', 'p'] * 10 # Find the common prefix of the experiments common_prefix = ''.join(c[0] for c in takewhile( lambda x: all(x[0] == y for y in x), zip(*experiments))) # If no specific case was chosen, given random colors for experiment in experiments: if common_prefix == experiments[0] or common_prefix == "": line_label[experiment] = str(experiment).replace( "nl_", "").replace("th_", "").replace("_", " ") #.split("_")[0] if "=" in common_prefix: line_label[experiment] = str(experiment) else: try: line_label[experiment] = str(experiment).replace("_", " ") # line_label[experiment] = str(experiment).split(common_prefix)[-1].replace("_", " ")#.split("_")[0] except: line_label[experiment] = str(experiment).replace("_", " ") marker_label[experiment] = str(experiment).replace("__", ": ").replace( "_", " ") line_color[experiment] = l_colors[experiments.index(experiment)] line_style[experiment] = l_styles[experiments.index(experiment)] marker_color[experiment] = l_colors[experiments.index(experiment)] marker_style[experiment] = m_styles[experiments.index(experiment)] for variation in varied_values: line_label[variation] = str(variation) marker_label[variation] = str(variation) line_color[variation] = m_colors[varied_values.index(variation)] line_style[variation] = '-' marker_color[variation] = m_colors[varied_values.index(variation)] marker_style[variation] = m_styles[varied_values.index(variation)] if experiments == varied_values and len(experiments) == 1: return line_label[varied_values[0]], marker_label[ varied_values[0]], line_style[varied_values[0]], line_color[ varied_values[0]], marker_style[ varied_values[0]], marker_color[varied_values[0]] return line_label, marker_label, line_style, line_color, marker_style, marker_color
for i in range(0, 3, 1): m, b = get_ls_line(plot_data[i][:, 0], plot_data[i][:, 2]) ls_fit[i] = [b + m * x for x in plot_data[i][:, 0]] fits[i] = [m, b] #%% Plotting Average # Build Plot'ggplot') plot.title("Hall Effect at Different Magnetic Field Strengths (Cr)", color='k') plot.xlabel("Charge Density($J_x$) [$A/m^2$]") plot.ylabel("Electric Field Strength($E_y$) [J]") # Plot data for i in range(0, 3, 1): colors = cm.jet((0.85, 0.25, 0.45)) plot.errorbar(plot_data[i][:, 0], plot_data[i][:, 2], yerr=plot_data[i][:, 3], xerr=plot_data[i][:, 1], fmt='o', color=colors[i]) plot.plot(plot_data[i][:, 0], ls_fit[i], color=colors[i]) plot.legend(['Field Strength: {}G'.format(x) for x in trial_field_strengths]) # Display fig = plot.gcf() plot.figure() #%% Save Figure
support_types = np.unique(support) ''' Based on support ''' category = support.copy() types = support_types.copy() legend_labels = [r'$\rm CeO_{2}(100)$', r'$\rm CeO_{2}(111)$', 'Graphene', 'MgO(100)', '2H-'+r'$\rm MoS_{2}(0001)$', r'$\rm SrTiO_{3}(100)$', 'Steps of ' + r'$\rm CeO_{2}$', r'$\rm TiO_{2}(110)$', 'ZnO(100)'] term_index = np.where(np.array(x_features_poly_combined) == 'Ec_-1Ebind_2')[0][0] x_plot = X_before_scaling[:,term_index] y_plot = y.copy() sns.set_style("ticks") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) color_set = cm.jet(np.linspace(0,1,len(types))) for type_i, ci, label_i in zip(types, color_set, legend_labels): indices = np.where(np.array(category) == type_i)[0] ax.scatter(x_plot[indices], y_plot[indices], label=label_i, facecolor = ci, alpha = 0.8, s = 100) ax.plot([x_plot.min(), x_plot.max()], [DSL.predict(X_DSL).min(), DSL.predict(X_DSL).max()], 'k--', lw=2) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\rm E_{bind}^2/E_c$ ' + '(eV)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\rm E_a$' +'(eV)') plt.text(1.6,0, r'$\rm E_a$ = ' + str(np.around(u1, decimals = 3)) + r'$\rm E_{bind}^2/E_c$ ' + str(np.around(u0, decimals = 3))) plt.text(4,0.4, r'$\rm R^2$ = ' + str(np.around(DSL_r2, decimals = 3)) )
['PC%i' % (w + 1) for w in range(nDescriptors)], rotation=60) plt.legend(loc='right') plt.tight_layout() #%% Plot the normalized desciptor loading ''' Need to be completed ''' ind = 0 yvals = [] ylabels = [] bar_vals = [] space = 0.2 cm_cur = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, nDescriptors)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) n = len(descriptors) width = (1 - space) / (len(descriptors)) indeces = np.arange(0, pc_reg) + 0.5 PC_loadings = [] # Create a set of bars at each position for i, pci in enumerate(eig_vecs[:pc_reg]): vals = pci / np.sum(np.absolute(pci)) PC_loadings.append(vals) pos = width * np.arange(n) + i, vals, width=width, label=str(i + 1), color=cm_cur, alpha=1)
plotDir3 = '../plots/gws/Ka2017_TrPi2018_FixZPT0/F606W_F160W_K/0_10/GRB160821B/1.00/' pcklFile = os.path.join(plotDir3,"data.pkl") f = open(pcklFile, 'r') (data_out, data3, tmag3, lbol3, mag3, t0_best3, zp_best3, n_params3, labels3, best3, truths3) = pickle.load(f) f.close() tmag1 = tmag1 + t0_best1 tmag2 = tmag2 + t0_best2 tmag3 = tmag3 + t0_best3 title_fontsize = 30 label_fontsize = 30 #filts = ["u","g","r","i","z","y","J","H","K"] filts = ["F606W","F160W","K"] colors=cm.jet(np.linspace(0,1,len(filts))) tini, tmax, dt = 0.0, 21.0, 0.1 tt = np.arange(tini,tmax,dt) color1 = 'coral' color2 = 'cornflowerblue' color3 = 'palegreen' plotName = "%s/models_panels.pdf"%(plotDir) #plt.figure(figsize=(20,18)) plt.figure(figsize=(20,24)) tini, tmax, dt = 0.0, 10.0, 0.1 tt = np.arange(tini,tmax,dt) cnt = 0
import imageio from diffusion_model import grid import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pyplot import cm import numpy as np gr = grid(200, 200) gr.initiate_atoms_in_line(quantitiy=5000) images = [] for i in range(800): gr.simulate_move() images.append(np.uint8(cm.jet(gr.grid) * 255)) imageio.mimsave('diffusion.gif', images, duration=0.1)
def createFractal4(reduction, N, proportion): #parameters M = 2*N twoQuads = True angles, lengths = mojette.angleSet_Symmetric(N,N,1,True,50) perpAngle = farey.farey(1,0) angles.append(perpAngle) powerSpect = np.zeros((M,M)) #compute lines centered = True mLines = [] sLines = [] mValues = [] sValues = [] pValues = [] qValues = [] for angle in angles: m, s, p, q, inv = farey.toFinite(angle, M) pValues.append(p) qValues.append(q) if m not in mValues and m < M: u, v = radon.getSliceCoordinates2(m, powerSpect, centered, M) mLines.append((u,v)) mValues.append(m) #second quadrant if twoQuads: if m != 0 and m != M: #dont repeat these m = M-m if m not in mValues and m < M: u, v = radon.getSliceCoordinates2(m, powerSpect, centered, M) mLines.append((u,v)) mValues.append(m) i = (len(mValues)+len(sValues))/float(M) if i >= 1: break ss = [] ss.append(M) ss.extend(range(0, N/2)) maxLines = len(ss) for i,s in enumerate(ss): u, v = radon.getSliceCoordinates2(s, powerSpect, centered, M) sLines.append((u,v)) sValues.append(s) i = (len(mValues)+len(sValues))/float(M) if i >= 1.5: break length = 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(16, 8)) plt.gray() plt.tight_layout() maxLines = len(sLines+mLines) i = 0 ax[0].imshow(powerSpect) ax[1].imshow(powerSpect) color=iter(cm.jet(np.linspace(0,1,maxLines+1))) fareyImage = np.zeros_like(powerSpect) fareyImage1 = np.zeros_like(powerSpect) for i, sLine in enumerate(sLines): u, v = sLine ax[1].plot(u, v, '.w',markersize=1) fareyImage[u,v] = 1 length = length + 1 i = np.count_nonzero(fareyImage)/float((M*M)) if i >= reduction*proportion: break maxLines = len(mLines) for i, mLine in enumerate(mLines): u, v = mLine ax[0].plot(u, v, '.r', markersize=1) ax[1].plot(u, v, '.r',markersize=1) fareyImage[u,v] = 1 fareyImage1[u,v] = 1 length = length + 1 i = np.count_nonzero(fareyImage)/float((M*M)) if i >= reduction: break print("Proportion of M:", (length/float(M))) print("Non-zero elements with holes: ", np.count_nonzero(fareyImage1)/float((M*M)) * 100) print("Non-zero elements without holes: ", np.count_nonzero(fareyImage)/float((M*M)) * 100) print("Absolute difference percentage extra filled in is ", (np.count_nonzero(fareyImage)- np.count_nonzero(fareyImage1))/float((M*M)) *100) withHoles = np.count_nonzero(fareyImage1)/float((M*M)) * 100 withoutHoles = np.count_nonzero(fareyImage)/float((M*M)) * 100 percentage = (withoutHoles - withHoles)/float(withHoles) * 100 print("Percentage difference percentage extra filled in is ", percentage) ax[0].set_title('Sampling (colour per line) for dyadic size:'+str(M)) ax[1].set_title('Sampling (same colour per line) for dyadic size:'+str(M)) imageio.imsave("farey_image_"+str(M)+"_"+".png", fareyImage) lines = mLines + sLines return fareyImage, lines
plt.legend(lab, loc='upper right', fontsize=21, frameon=False) # plt.xlim(3000,14500) plt.xlim(3000, 10500) plt.ylim(0.001, 0.999) plt.xticks(fontsize=22) plt.yticks(fontsize=22) #### Separated in two windows ruta = '/Users/albertomolino/codigos/bpz-1.99.2/FILTER/SPLUS_July2017/' filtros = U.get_str(ruta + 'SPLUS.list', 0) bbs = [0, 5, 7, 9, 11] nbs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10] splus_colors = list(cm.jet(N.linspace(0, 1, 12))) colores_BB = N.zeros((3, 5), float) colores_NB = N.zeros((3, 7), float) colores_BB[:, 0] = (0.00, 0.00, 1.00) colores_BB[:, 1] = (0.00, 0.50, 0.00) colores_BB[:, 2] = (0.85, 0.65, 0.00) colores_BB[:, 3] = (1.00, 0.00, 0.00) colores_BB[:, 4] = (0.35, 0.00, 0.00) colores_NB[:, 0] = (0.00, 0.25, 1.00) colores_NB[:, 1] = (0.00, 0.65, 1.00) colores_NB[:, 2] = (0.00, 0.50, 0.00) colores_NB[:, 3] = (0.85, 0.65, 0.00) colores_NB[:, 4] = (0.80, 0.25, 0.00) colores_NB[:, 5] = (0.85, 0.00, 0.00)