def gera(nome_teste, nome_pred): pred = pd.read_csv('dados/'+ nome_teste, delimiter=' ', usecols=[0, 1], header=None, names=['alvo', 'preco']) out = pd.read_csv('dados/'+ nome_pred, delimiter=' ', usecols=[0], header=None, names=['resultado']) print len(pred) print len(out) errosx = [] errosy = [] acertosx = [] acertosy = [] precosx = [] precosy = [] for i in range(0, len(pred)): precosx.append(i) precosy.append(float(pred['preco'][i][2:])) if pred['alvo'][i] == out['resultado'][i]: acertosx.append(i) acertosy.append(float(pred['preco'][i][2:])) else: errosx.append(i) errosy.append(float(pred['preco'][i][2:])) plt.plot(precosx, precosy) plt.plot(errosx, errosy, 'rx') plt.plot(acertosx, acertosy, 'x')
def show_cmaps(names): matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=False) a=np.outer(np.arange(0,1,0.01),np.ones(10)) # pseudo image data f=figure(figsize=(10,5)) f.subplots_adjust(top=0.8,bottom=0.05,left=0.01,right=0.99) # get list of all colormap names # this only obtains names of built-in colormaps: maps=[m for m in cm.datad if not m.endswith("_r")] # use undocumented cmap_d dictionary instead maps = [m for m in cm.cmap_d if not m.endswith("_r")] maps.sort() # determine number of subplots to make l=len(maps)+1 if names is not None: l=len(names) # assume all names are correct! # loop over maps and plot the selected ones i=0 for m in maps: if names is None or m in names: i+=1 ax = subplot(1,l,i) ax.axis("off") imshow(a,aspect='auto',cmap=cm.get_cmap(m),origin="lower") title(m,rotation=90,fontsize=10,verticalalignment='bottom') # savefig("colormaps.png",dpi=100,facecolor='gray') show()
def show_plot(X, y, n_neighbors=10, h=0.2): # Create color maps cmap_light = ListedColormap(['#FFAAAA', '#AAFFAA', '#AAAAFF','#FFAAAA', '#AAFFAA', '#AAAAFF','#FFAAAA', '#AAFFAA', '#AAAAFF','#AAAAFF']) cmap_bold = ListedColormap(['#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF','#FF0000','#FF0000','#FF0000','#FF0000','#FF0000','#FF0000','#FF0000',]) for weights in ['uniform', 'distance']: # we create an instance of Neighbours Classifier and fit the data. clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors, weights=weights), y) clf.n_neighbors = n_neighbors # Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will assign a color to each # point in the mesh [x_min, x_max]x[y_min, y_max]. x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) plt.figure() plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, Z, cmap=cmap_light) # Plot also the training points plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, cmap=cmap_bold) plt.xlim(xx.min(), xx.max()) plt.ylim(yy.min(), yy.max()) plt.title("3-Class classification (k = %i, weights = '%s')" % (n_neighbors, weights))
def get_gabors(self, rf): lams = float(rf[0])/self.sfs # lambda = 1./sf #1./np.array([.1,.25,.4]) sigma = rf[0]/2./np.pi # rf = [100,100] gabors = np.zeros(( len(oris),len(phases),len(lams), rf[0], rf[1] )) i = np.arange(-rf[0]/2+1,rf[0]/2+1) #print i j = np.arange(-rf[1]/2+1,rf[1]/2+1) ii,jj = np.meshgrid(i,j) for o, theta in enumerate(self.oris): x = ii*np.cos(theta) + jj*np.sin(theta) y = -ii*np.sin(theta) + jj*np.cos(theta) for p, phase in enumerate(self.phases): for s, lam in enumerate(lams): fxx = np.cos(2*np.pi*x/lam + phase) * np.exp(-(x**2+y**2)/(2*sigma**2)) fxx -= np.mean(fxx) fxx /= np.linalg.norm(fxx) #if p==0: #plt.subplot(len(oris),len(lams),count+1) #plt.imshow(fxx,,interpolation='bicubic') #count+=1 gabors[o,p,s,:,:] = fxx return gabors
def plot_predict_is(self,h=5,**kwargs): """ Plots forecasts with the estimated model against data (Simulated prediction with data) Parameters ---------- h : int (default : 5) How many steps to forecast Returns ---------- - Plot of the forecast against data """ figsize = kwargs.get('figsize',(10,7)) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) date_index = self.index[-h:] predictions = self.predict_is(h) data =[-h:] t_params = self.transform_z() plt.plot(date_index,np.abs(data-t_params[-1]),label='Data') plt.plot(date_index,predictions,label='Predictions',c='black') plt.title(self.data_name) plt.legend(loc=2)
def scree_plot(pca_obj, fname=None): ''' Scree plot for variance & cumulative variance by component from PCA. Arguments: - pca_obj: a fitted sklearn PCA instance - fname: path to write plot to file Output: - scree plot ''' components = pca_obj.n_components_ variance = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ plt.figure() plt.plot(np.arange(1, components + 1), np.cumsum(variance), label='Cumulative Variance') plt.plot(np.arange(1, components + 1), variance, label='Variance') plt.xlim([0.8, components]); plt.ylim([0.0, 1.01]) plt.xlabel('No. Components', labelpad=11); plt.ylabel('Variance Explained', labelpad=11) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout() if fname is not None: plt.savefig(fname) plt.close() else: return
def plot_figure(data, row_labels, col_labels, abs_val, plot_bin, labels, time, logInterval): colors = ['#0077FF', '#FF0000', '#00FF00', 'magenta'] cmaps = [] for i in colors: cmaps.append(mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('m1',['black',i])) dim, rows, cols = data.shape vmax = np.amax(data) vmin = np.amin(data) fig, ax = plt.subplots() c = np.zeros([rows, cols, 4]) for i in range(dim): c = np.add(c, cmaps[i]((data[i]-vmin)/(vmax-vmin))) c = np.clip(c, 0, 1) pc = ax.imshow(c, aspect='auto', interpolation='none') #ax.set_title(labels[0]) fig.text(0.5, 0.04, 'Bin # along rod length', ha='center', fontsize=fontsize) fig.text(0.0, 0.5, 'Time (s)', va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=fontsize) #ax.add_patch(Rectangle((0.5, time/logInterval), cols-1, 10, edgecolor='w', # facecolor='none')) #ax.add_patch(Rectangle((bin_id, 0.5/logInterval), 1, rows-0.5/logInterval, # edgecolor='w', facecolor='none')) #plt.savefig('kymo.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig('3rods_1long_kymo.pdf')
def plotAlphas(datasetNames, sampleSizes, foldsSet, cvScalings, sampleMethods, fileNameSuffix): """ Plot the variation in the error with alpha for penalisation. """ for i, datasetName in enumerate(datasetNames): #plt.figure(i) for k in range(len(sampleMethods)): outfileName = outputDir + datasetName + sampleMethods[k] + fileNameSuffix + ".npz" data = numpy.load(outfileName) errors = data["arr_0"] meanMeasures = numpy.mean(errors, 0) foldInd = 4 for i in range(sampleSizes.shape[0]): plt.plot(cvScalings, meanMeasures[i, foldInd, 2:8], next(linecycler), label="m="+str(sampleSizes[i])) plt.xlabel("Alpha") plt.ylabel('Error') xmin, xmax = cvScalings[0], cvScalings[-1] plt.xlim((xmin,xmax)) plt.legend(loc="upper left")
def main(): # # "A dataset is a dictionary-like object that holds all the data and some # metadata about the data. This data is stored in the .data member, which # is a n_samples, n_features array. In the case of supervised problem, one # or more response variables are stored in the .target member." # Toy datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() # The iris dataset (classification) digits = datasets.load_digits() # The digits dataset (classification) #boston = datasets.load_boston() # The boston house-prices dataset (regression) #diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes() # The diabetes dataset (regression) #linnerud = datasets.load_linnerud() # The linnerud dataset (multivariate regression) print(iris.feature_names) print( print(iris.target_names) print( print(digits.images[0]) print(digits.target_names) print( plt.imshow(digits.images[0], cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
def main(): gw = gridworld() a = agent(gw) for epoch in range(20): a.initEpoch() while True: rwd, stat, act = a.takeAction() a.updateQ(rwd, stat, act) if gw.status() == 'Goal': break if mod(a.counter, 10)==0: print(gw.state()) print(gw.field()) print('Finished') print(a.counter) print(gw.state()) print(gw.field()) Q = transpose(a.Q(), (2,0,1)) for i in range(4): plt.subplot(2,2,i) plt.imshow(Q[i], interpolation='nearest') plt.title(a.actions()[i]) plt.colorbar()
def plotResults(datasetName, sampleSizes, foldsSet, cvScalings, sampleMethods, fileNameSuffix): """ Plots the errors for a particular dataset on a bar graph. """ for k in range(len(sampleMethods)): outfileName = outputDir + datasetName + sampleMethods[k] + fileNameSuffix + ".npz" data = numpy.load(outfileName) errors = data["arr_0"] meanMeasures = numpy.mean(errors, 0) for i in range(sampleSizes.shape[0]): plt.figure(k*len(sampleMethods) + i) plt.title("n="+str(sampleSizes[i]) + " " + sampleMethods[k]) for j in range(errors.shape[3]): plt.plot(foldsSet, meanMeasures[i, :, j]) plt.xlabel("Folds") plt.ylabel('Error') labels = ["VFCV", "PenVF+"] labels.extend(["VFP s=" + str(x) for x in cvScalings]) plt.legend(tuple(labels))
def work(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.worked = True samples = LGMM1(rng=self.rng, size=(self.n_samples,), **self.LGMM1_kwargs) samples = np.sort(samples) edges = samples[::self.samples_per_bin] centers = .5 * edges[:-1] + .5 * edges[1:] print edges pdf = np.exp(LGMM1_lpdf(centers, **self.LGMM1_kwargs)) dx = edges[1:] - edges[:-1] y = 1 / dx / len(dx) if plt.scatter(centers, y) plt.plot(centers, pdf) err = (pdf - y) ** 2 print np.max(err) print np.mean(err) print np.median(err) if not assert np.max(err) < .1 assert np.mean(err) < .01 assert np.median(err) < .01
def filterFunc(): rects = [] hsv_planes = [[[]]] if os.path.isfile(Image_File): BGR=cv2.imread(Image_File) gray = cv2.cvtColor(BGR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img = gray f = np.fft.fft2(img) fshift = np.fft.fftshift(f) magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(np.abs(fshift)) plt.subplot(221),plt.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray') plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) plt.subplot(222),plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap = 'gray') plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) FiltzeredFFT = HighPassFilter(fshift, 60) plt.subplot(223),plt.imshow(np.abs(FiltzeredFFT), cmap = 'gray') plt.title('Filtered'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(FiltzeredFFT) img_back = np.fft.ifft2(f_ishift) img_back = np.abs(img_back) plt.subplot(224),plt.imshow(np.abs(img_back), cmap = 'gray') plt.title('Filtered Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
def main(): # use sys.argv if needed print('starting boids...') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Implementing Craig Reynold's Boids...") # add arguments parser.add_argument('--num-boids', dest='N', required=False) args = parser.parse_args() # number of boids N = 100 if args.N: N = int(args.N) # create boids boids = Boids(N) # setup plot fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, width), ylim=(0, height)) pts, = ax.plot([], [], markersize=10, c='k', marker='o', ls='None') beak, = ax.plot([], [], markersize=4, c='r', marker='o', ls='None') anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, tick, fargs=(pts, beak, boids), interval=50) # add a "button press" event handler cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', boids.buttonPress)
def work(self): self.worked = True kwargs = dict( weights=self.weights, mus=self.mus, sigmas=self.sigmas, low=self.low, high=self.high, q=self.q, ) samples = GMM1(rng=self.rng, size=(self.n_samples,), **kwargs) samples = np.sort(samples) edges = samples[::self.samples_per_bin] #print samples pdf = np.exp(GMM1_lpdf(edges[:-1], **kwargs)) dx = edges[1:] - edges[:-1] y = 1 / dx / len(dx) if plt.scatter(edges[:-1], y) plt.plot(edges[:-1], pdf) err = (pdf - y) ** 2 print np.max(err) print np.mean(err) print np.median(err) if not assert np.max(err) < .1 assert np.mean(err) < .01 assert np.median(err) < .01
def default_run(self): """ Plots the results, saves the figure, and finally displays it from simulating codewords with Sum-prod and Max-prod algorithms across variance levels. This combines the results in one plot. :return: """ if not os.path.exists("./graphs"): os.makedirs("./graphs") self.save_time = str(int(time.time())) self.simulate(Decoder.SUM_PROD) self.compute_error() plt.plot([math.log10(x) for x in self.variance_levels], [math.log10(y) for y in self.bit_error_probability], "ro-", label="Sum-Prod") self.simulate(Decoder.MAX_PROD) self.compute_error() plt.plot([math.log10(x) for x in self.variance_levels], [math.log10(y) for y in self.bit_error_probability], "g^--", label="Max-Prod") plt.legend(loc=2) plt.title("Hamming Decoder Factor Graph Simulation Results\n" + r"$\log_{10}(\sigma^2)$ vs. $\log_{10}(P_e)$" + " for Max-Prod & Sum-Prod Algorithms\n" + "Sample Size n = %(codewords)s Codewords \n Variance Levels = %(levels)s" % {"codewords": str(self.iterations), "levels": str(self.variance_levels)}) plt.xlabel("$\log_{10}(\sigma^2)$") plt.ylabel(r"$\log_{10}(P_e)$") plt.savefig("graphs/%(time)s-max-prod-sum-prod-%(num_codewords)s-codewords-variance-bit_error_probability.png" % {"time": self.save_time, "num_codewords": str(self.iterations)}, bbox_inches="tight")
def vis_result(image, seg, gt, title1='Segmentation', title2='Ground truth', savefile=None): indices = np.where(seg >= 0.5) indices_gt = np.where(gt >= 0.5) im_norm = image / image.max() rgb_image = color.gray2rgb(im_norm) multiplier = [0., 1., 1.] multiplier_gt = [1., 1., 0.] im_seg = rgb_image.copy() im_gt = rgb_image.copy() im_seg[indices[0], indices[1], :] *= multiplier im_gt[indices_gt[0], indices_gt[1], :] *= multiplier_gt fig = plt.figure() a = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(im_seg) a.set_title(title1) a = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(im_gt) a.set_title(title2) if savefile is None: else: plt.savefig(savefile) plt.close()
def compare_chebhist(dname, mylambda, c, Nbin = 25): if mylambda == 'Do not exist': print('--!!Warning: eig file does not exist, can not display compare histgram') else: mylambda = 1 - mylambda lmin = max(min(mylambda), -1) lmax = min(max(mylambda), 1) # print c cheb_file_content = '\n'.join([str(st) for st in c]) x = np.linspace(lmin, lmax, Nbin + 1) y = plot_chebint(c, x) u = (x[1:] + x[:-1]) / 2 v = y[1:] - y[:-1] plt.clf() plt.hold(True) plt.hist(mylambda,Nbin) plt.plot(u, v, "r.", markersize=10) plt.hold(False) filename = 'data/' + dname + '.png' plt.savefig(filename) cheb_filename = 'data/' + dname + '.cheb' f = open(cheb_filename, 'w+') f.write(cheb_file_content) f.close()
def run_test(fld, seeds, plot2d=True, plot3d=True, add_title="", view_kwargs=None, show=False, scatter_mpl=False, mesh_mvi=True): interpolated_fld = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, seeds) seed_name = seeds.__class__.__name__ if add_title: seed_name += " " + add_title try: if not plot2d: raise ImportError from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.clf() # plt.plot(seeds.get_points()[2, :], fld) mpl_plot_kwargs = dict() if interpolated_fld.is_spherical(): mpl_plot_kwargs['hemisphere'] = 'north' vlt.plot(interpolated_fld, **mpl_plot_kwargs) plt.title(seed_name) plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d')) if show: if scatter_mpl: plt.clf() vlt.plot2d_line(seeds.get_points(), fld, symdir='z', marker='o') plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d')) if show: except ImportError: pass try: if not plot3d: raise ImportError from viscid.plot import vlab _ = get_mvi_fig(offscreen=not show) try: if mesh_mvi: mesh = vlab.mesh_from_seeds(seeds, scalars=interpolated_fld) = True except RuntimeError: pass pts = seeds.get_points() p = vlab.points3d(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], interpolated_fld.flat_data, scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.02) vlab.axes(p) vlab.title(seed_name) if view_kwargs: vlab.view(**view_kwargs) vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d')) if show: except ImportError: pass
def plot_scenario(strategies, names, scenario_id=1): probabilities = get_scenario(scenario_id) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4.5)) ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.xticks(fontsize=14) plt.xlim((0, 1300)) # Remove the tick marks; they are unnecessary with the tick lines we just plotted. plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", bottom="on", top="off", labelbottom="on", left="off", right="off", labelleft="on") for rank, (strategy, name) in enumerate(zip(strategies, names)): plot_strategy(probabilities, strategy, name, rank) plt.title("Bandits: " + str(probabilities), fontweight='bold') plt.xlabel('Number of Trials', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Cumulative Regret', fontsize=14) plt.legend(names)
def plot(): elements_list = get_elements() x = range(0, len(elements_list)) y = elements_list print(x) plt.plot(x, y)
def main(): """The main function.""" # Build data ################ x = np.arange(0, 10000, 500) y = np.arange(0, 1, 0.05) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) z = np.power(xx,yy) print "xx =" print xx print "yy =" print yy print "z =" print z # Plot data ################# fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) surf = ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, z, cmap=cm.jet, rstride=1, cstride=1, color='b', shade=True) ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("Y") ax.set_zlabel("Z") fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)
def plotIterationResult(train_err_list): x = range(1,len(train_err_list) + 1) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(x,train_err_list) plt.xlabel('iterations') plt.ylabel('training error')
def plotTestData(tree): plt.figure() plt.axis([0,1,0,1]) plt.xlabel("X axis") plt.ylabel("Y axis") plt.title("Green: Class1, Red: Class2, Blue: Class3, Yellow: Class4") for value in class1: plt.plot(value[0],value[1],'go') plt.hold(True) for value in class2: plt.plot(value[0],value[1],'ro') plt.hold(True) for value in class3: plt.plot(value[0],value[1],'bo') plt.hold(True) for value in class4: plt.plot(value[0],value[1],'yo') plotRegion(tree) for value in classPlot1: plt.plot(value[0],value[1],'g.',ms=3.0) plt.hold(True) for value in classPlot2: plt.plot(value[0],value[1],'r.', ms=3.0) plt.hold(True) for value in classPlot3: plt.plot(value[0],value[1],'b.', ms=3.0) plt.hold(True) for value in classPlot4: plt.plot(value[0],value[1],'y.', ms=3.0) plt.grid(True)
def plotJ(J_history,num_iters): x = np.arange(1,num_iters+1) plt.plot(x,J_history) plt.xlabel(u"迭代次数",fontproperties=font) # 注意指定字体,要不然出现乱码问题 plt.ylabel(u"代价值",fontproperties=font) plt.title(u"代价随迭代次数的变化",fontproperties=font)
def one_file_features(self, im, demo=False): """ Zde je kontruován vektor příznaků pro klasfikátor """ # color processing fd = np.array([]) img = skimage.color.rgb2gray(im) # graylevel if self.hogFeatures: pass if self.grayLevelFeatures: imr = skimage.transform.resize(img, [9, 9]) glfd = imr.reshape(-1) fd = np.append(fd, glfd) if demo: plt.imshow(imr) #fd.append(hsvft[:]) if self.colorFeatures: #fd = np.append(fd, colorft) pass #print hog_image return fd
def zplane(self, title="", fontsize=18): """ Display filter in the complex plane Parameters ---------- """ rb = self.z ra = self.p t = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi + 0.1, 0.1) plt.plot(np.cos(t), np.sin(t), "k") plt.plot(np.real(ra), np.imag(ra), "x", color="r") plt.plot(np.real(rb), np.imag(rb), "o", color="b") M1 = -10000 M2 = -10000 if len(ra) > 0: M1 = np.max([np.abs(np.real(ra)), np.abs(np.imag(ra))]) if len(rb) > 0: M2 = np.max([np.abs(np.real(rb)), np.abs(np.imag(rb))]) M = 1.6 * max(1.2, M1, M2) plt.axis([-M, M, -0.7 * M, 0.7 * M]) plt.title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
def draw(data, classes, model, resolution=100): mycm ='Paired') one_min, one_max = data[:, 0].min()-0.1, data[:, 0].max()+0.1 two_min, two_max = data[:, 1].min()-0.1, data[:, 1].max()+0.1 xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(one_min, one_max, (one_max-one_min)/resolution), np.arange(two_min, two_max, (two_max-two_min)/resolution)) inputs = np.c_[xx1.ravel(), xx2.ravel()] z = [] for i in range(len(inputs)): z.append(predict(model, inputs[i])[0]) result = np.array(z).reshape(xx1.shape) plt.contourf(xx1, xx2, result, cmap=mycm) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=50, c=classes, cmap=mycm) t = np.zeros(15) for i in range(15): if i < 5: t[i] = 0 elif i < 10: t[i] = 1 else: t[i] = 2 plt.scatter(model[:, 0], model[:, 1], s=150, c=t, cmap=mycm) plt.xlim([0, 10]) plt.ylim([0, 10])
def display(spectrum): template = np.ones(len(spectrum)) #Get the plot ready and label the axes pyp.plot(spectrum) max_range = int(math.ceil(np.amax(spectrum) / standard_deviation)) for i in range(0, max_range): pyp.plot(template * (mean + i * standard_deviation)) pyp.xlabel('Units?') pyp.ylabel('Amps Squared') pyp.title('Mean Normalized Power Spectrum') if 'V' in Options: if 'v' in Options: tokens = sys.argv[-1].split('.') filename = tokens[0] + ".png" input = '' if os.path.isfile(filename): input = input("Error: Plot file already exists! Overwrite? (y/n)\n") while input != 'y' and input != 'n': input = input("Please enter either \'y\' or \'n\'.\n") if input == 'y': pyp.savefig(filename) else: print("Plot not written.") else: pyp.savefig(filename)
def build_hist(self, coverage, show=False, save=False, save_fn="max_hist_plot"): """ Build a histogram to determine what the maxes look & visualize match_count Might be used to determine a resonable threshold @param coverage: the average coverage for an single nt @param show: Show visualization with match maxes @param save_fn: Save to disk with this file name or else it will be the default @return: the histogram array """ #import matplotlib #matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt maxes = self.match_count.max(1) # get maxes along 1st dim h = plt.hist(maxes, bins=self.match_count.shape[0]) # figure out where the majority plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.xlabel("Count per index") plt.title("Frequency count histogram") if show: if save: plt.savefig(save_fn, dpi=160, frameon=False) return h[0]
# from all thies boxplot we can see that column 'crim','zn','rm', 'dis','black','lstat','medv' has some outlier ######## for "rm" column HVO and LVO finding and replacing # Detection of outliers for rad column(find limits for RM based on IQR) rm_IQR = boston['rm'].quantile(0.75) - boston['rm'].quantile(0.25) rm_lower_limit = boston['rm'].quantile(0.25) - (rm_IQR * 1.5) rm_upper_limit = boston['rm'].quantile(0.75) + (rm_IQR * 1.5) ####################### Replace ############################ # Now let's replace the outliers by the maximum and minimum limit boston['rm_replaced']= pd.DataFrame(np.where(boston['rm'] > rm_upper_limit, rm_upper_limit, np.where(boston['rm'] < rm_lower_limit, rm_lower_limit, boston['rm']))) sns.boxplot(boston.boston_replaced);plt.title('Boxplot'); #we see no outiers ######## for "crim" column HVO finding and replacing ############## # Detection of outliers (find limits for RM based on IQR) crim_IQR = boston['crim'].quantile(0.75) - boston['crim'].quantile(0.25) crim_upper_limit = boston['crim'].quantile(0.75) + (crim_IQR * 1.5) ####################### Replace ############################ # Now let's replace the outliers by the maximum and minimum limit boston['crim_replaced']= pd.DataFrame(np.where(boston['crim'] > crim_upper_limit, crim_upper_limit , boston['crim'])) sns.boxplot(boston.crim_replaced);plt.title('Boxplot');
def drawOS(spike_times, optimal_bin_num): plt.hist(spike_times, optimal_bin_num) plt.yticks([])
cols=['PCT_OBESE10','RECFACPTH10','FSRPTH10','PCT_NHWHITE10','PCT_NHBLACK10','PCT_HISP10', \ 'PCT_NHASIAN10','PCT_18YOUNGER10','MEDHHINC10','SNAPSPTH10'] df_append=pd.concat([df_main[cols],df_pred[cols]]) df_final=df_append[cols] model = KMeans(n_clusters=4) print pca_2=PCA(2) plot_columns=pca_2.fit_transform(df_final) plt.scatter(x=plot_columns[:,0],y=plot_columns[:,1],c=model.labels_) model.cluster_centers_ final = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=cols, columns=[1,2,3,4]) final[1] = model.cluster_centers_[0] final[2] = model.cluster_centers_[1] final[3] = model.cluster_centers_[2] final[4] = model.cluster_centers_[3] print len(DataFrame(model.labels_, columns=['Label'])) print DataFrame(model.labels_, columns=['Label']).groupby('Label').size() print final df_append['cluster_num']=model.labels_
def main(): train, test = get_data() train_X = rearrange(train['X']) train_Y = train['y'].flatten()-1 train_X, train_Y = shuffle(train_X, train_Y) test_X = rearrange(test['X']) test_Y = test['y'].flatten()-1 max_iter = 6 print_period = 10 lr = np.float32(0.0001) mu = np.float32(0.99) decay = np.float32(0.9) eps = np.float32(1e-10) reg = np.float32(0.01) N = train_X.shape[0] batch_sz = 500 num_batch = N // batch_sz M = 500 K = 10 poolsz = (2, 2) W1_shape = (20, 3, 5, 5) #(num_feature_maps, num_color_channels, filter_width, filter_height) W1_init = init_filter(W1_shape, poolsz) b1_init = np.zeros(W1_shape[0], dtype=np.float32) W2_shape = (50, 20, 5, 5) #(num_feature_maps, old_num_feature_maps, filter_width, filter_height) W2_init = init_filter(W2_shape, poolsz) b2_init = np.zeros(W2_shape[0], dtype=np.float32) #ANN W3_init = np.random.randn(W2_shape[0]*5*5, M) / np.sqrt(W2_shape[0]*5*5 + M) b3_init = np.zeros(M, dtype=np.float32) W4_init = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M+K) b4_init = np.zeros(K, dtype=np.float32) #init theano variables X = T.tensor4('X', dtype='float32') Y = T.ivector('T') W1 = theano.shared(W1_init, 'W1') b1 = theano.shared(b1_init, 'b1') W2 = theano.shared(W2_init, 'W2') b2 = theano.shared(b2_init, 'b2') W3 = theano.shared(W3_init.astype(np.float32), 'W3') b3 = theano.shared(b3_init, 'b3') W4 = theano.shared(W4_init.astype(np.float32), 'W4') b4 = theano.shared(b4_init, 'b4') #forward Z1 = convpool(X, W1, b1) Z2 = convpool(Z1, W2, b2) Z3 = relu(Z2.flatten(ndim=2).dot(W3) + b3) pY = T.nnet.softmax( + b4) #test & prediction functions params = [W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4] rcost = reg * np.sum((p*p).sum() for p in params) cost = -(T.log(pY[T.arange(Y.shape[0]), Y])).mean() + rcost prediction = T.argmax(pY, axis=1) momentum = [theano.shared( np.zeros_like(p.get_value(), dtype=np.float32)) for p in params] catchs = [theano.shared( np.ones_like(p.get_value(), dtype=np.float32)) for p in params] #RMSProp updates = [] grads = T.grad(cost, params) for p, g, m, c in zip(params, grads, momentum, catchs): updates_c = decay*c + (np.float32(1.0)-decay)*g*g updates_m = mu*m - lr*g / T.sqrt(updates_c + eps) updates_p = p + updates_m updates.append([c, updates_c]) updates.append([m, updates_m]) updates.append([p, updates_p]) #init functions train_op = theano.function(inputs=[X, Y], updates=updates) prediction_op = theano.function(inputs=[X, Y], outputs=[cost, prediction]) costs= [] for i in range(max_iter): shuffle_X, shuffle_Y = shuffle(train_X, train_Y) for j in range(num_batch): x = shuffle_X[j*batch_sz : (j*batch_sz+batch_sz), :] y = shuffle_Y[j*batch_sz : (j*batch_sz+batch_sz)] train_op(x, y) if j % print_period == 0: cost_val, p_val = prediction_op(test_X, test_Y) e = error_rate(p_val, test_Y) costs.append(cost_val) print("Cost / err at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.3f / %.3f" % (i, j, cost_val, e)) plt.plot(costs)
def show_array(self, arr): plt.figure() plt.imshow(arr, cmap="gray")
def plotStockData(stockAsPandas): (stockAsPandas.loc[:, stockAsPandas.columns != 'volume']).plot()
print("Cross Validation score for Decision Tree:",cross_validation_decision_tree) print("Cross Validation score for Adaptive Boosting:",cross_validation_adaptive_boosting) # Figure and comparison show names = ['Decision Tree', 'Adaptive Boosting'] values = [mean_absolute_error_decision_tree, mean_absolute_error_adaptive_boosting] plot.figure(figsize= (15, 5)) plot.subplot(121).set_ylabel('Mean Absolute Error'), values) values2 = [explained_variance_decision_tree, explained_variance_adaptive_boosting] plot.subplot(122).set_ylabel('Explained Variance'), values2) plot.figure(figsize= (15, 5)) values3 = [max_error_decision_tree, max_error_adaptive_boosting] plot.subplot(121).set_ylabel('Max Error'), values3) values4 = [r2_score_decision_tree, r2_score_adaptive_boosting] plot.subplot(122).set_ylabel('R2 Score'), values4) names = ['Split-1', 'Split-2', 'Split-3', 'Split-4', 'Split-5'] plot.figure(figsize = (15, 5)) plot.subplot(111)
def main(): #x1 = utils.imgLoad('Set12/04.png') #x2 = utils.imgLoad('Set12/05.png') #x =[x1,x2]) #x = utils.imgLoad('CBSD68/0018.png') #x = utils.imgLoad('Set12/04.png') #N = 12 #x = torch.arange(N*N).reshape(1,1,N,N).float() #print("x.shape =", x.shape) #print(x) C = x.shape[1] Cout = 3 rank = 3 K = 8 ks = 3 M = 32 local = False if not local: pad = utils.calcPad2D(*x.shape[2:], M) xpad = F.pad(x, pad, mode='reflect') else: xpad = x #print("Starting faiss_knn ...") #start = time.time() #xbq = xpad.reshape(N,1).numpy() #_, I = exs.knn(xbq,xbq, K) #end = time.time() #print("done.") #print(f"fais_knn time = {end-start:.3f}") mask = localMask(M, M, ks) mask = slidingMask(M, ks) print("Starting topK ...") start = time.time() edge = slidingTopK(xpad, K, M, mask) #edge = windowedTopK(xpad, K, M, mask) end = time.time() print("done.") print(f"time = {end-start:.3f}") print(f"edge.shape = ") print(edge.shape) sys.exit() print(edge[:, 0]) # (B, K, N, C) label, vertex = getLabelVertex(xpad, edge) #GConv = net.GraphConv(C,Cout, ks=ks) #ypad = GConv(x, edge) #y = utils.unpad(ypad, pad) fig, handler = visual.visplotNeighbors(xpad, edge, local_area=False, depth=0)
def muscle_plot(self, a=1, axs=None): """Plot muscle-tendon relationships with length and velocity.""" try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print('matplotlib is not available.') return if axs is None: _, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(9, 4)) lmopt = self.P['lmopt'] ltslack = self.P['ltslack'] vmmax = self.P['vmmax'] alpha0 = self.P['alpha0'] fm0 = self.P['fm0'] lm0 = self.S['lm0'] lmt0 = self.S['lmt0'] lt0 = self.S['lt0'] if np.isnan(lt0): lt0 = lmt0 - lm0*np.cos(alpha0) lm = np.linspace(0, 2, 101) lt = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)*0.05 + 1 vm = np.linspace(-1, 1, 101)*vmmax*lmopt fl = np.zeros(lm.size) fpe = np.zeros(lm.size) fse = np.zeros(lt.size) fvm = np.zeros(vm.size) fl_lm0 = self.force_l(lm0/lmopt) fpe_lm0 = self.force_pe(lm0/lmopt) fm_lm0 = fl_lm0 + fpe_lm0 ft_lt0 = self.force_se(lt0, ltslack)*fm0 for i in range(101): fl[i] = self.force_l(lm[i]) fpe[i] = self.force_pe(lm[i]) fse[i] = self.force_se(lt[i], ltslack=1) fvm[i] = self.force_vm(vm[i], a=a, fl=fl_lm0) lm = lm*lmopt lt = lt*ltslack fl = fl fpe = fpe fse = fse*fm0 fvm = fvm*fm0 xlim = self.margins(lm, margin=.05, minmargin=False) axs[0].set_xlim(xlim) ylim = self.margins([0, 2], margin=.05) axs[0].set_ylim(ylim) axs[0].plot(lm, fl, 'b', label='Active') axs[0].plot(lm, fpe, 'b--', label='Passive') axs[0].plot(lm, fl+fpe, 'b:', label='') axs[0].plot([lm0, lm0], [ylim[0], fm_lm0], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[0].plot([xlim[0], lm0], [fm_lm0, fm_lm0], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[0].plot(lm0, fm_lm0, 'o', ms=6, mfc='r', mec='r', mew=2, label='fl(LM0)') axs[0].legend(loc='best', frameon=True, framealpha=.5) axs[0].set_xlabel('Length [m]') axs[0].set_ylabel('Scale factor') axs[0].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[0].set_title('Muscle F-L (a=1)') xlim = self.margins([0, np.min(vm), np.max(vm)], margin=.05, minmargin=False) axs[1].set_xlim(xlim) ylim = self.margins([0, fm0*1.2, np.max(fvm)*1.5], margin=.025) axs[1].set_ylim(ylim) axs[1].plot(vm, fvm, label='') axs[1].set_xlabel('$\mathbf{^{CON}}\;$ Velocity [m/s] $\;\mathbf{^{EXC}}$') axs[1].plot([0, 0], [ylim[0], fvm[50]], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[1].plot([xlim[0], 0], [fvm[50], fvm[50]], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[1].plot(0, fvm[50], 'o', ms=6, mfc='r', mec='r', mew=2, label='FM0(LM0)') axs[1].plot(xlim[0], fm0, '+', ms=10, mfc='r', mec='r', mew=2, label='') axs[1].text(vm[0], fm0, 'FM0') axs[1].legend(loc='upper right', frameon=True, framealpha=.5) axs[1].set_ylabel('Force [N]') axs[1].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[1].set_title('Muscle F-V (a=1)') xlim = self.margins([lt0, ltslack, np.min(lt), np.max(lt)], margin=.05, minmargin=False) axs[2].set_xlim(xlim) ylim = self.margins([ft_lt0, 0, np.max(fse)], margin=.05) axs[2].set_ylim(ylim) axs[2].plot(lt, fse, label='') axs[2].set_xlabel('Length [m]') axs[2].plot([lt0, lt0], [ylim[0], ft_lt0], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[2].plot([xlim[0], lt0], [ft_lt0, ft_lt0], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[2].plot(lt0, ft_lt0, 'o', ms=6, mfc='r', mec='r', mew=2, label='FT(LT0)') axs[2].legend(loc='upper left', frameon=True, framealpha=.5) axs[2].set_ylabel('Force [N]') axs[2].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[2].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[2].set_title('Tendon') plt.suptitle('Muscle-tendon mechanics', fontsize=18, y=1.03) plt.tight_layout(w_pad=.1) return axs
environment.setColor(color) environment.stroke(points) environment.getImage().save('./threebody/%d.png' % (file_cnt)) environment.close() data = [{'color': color, 'radius': radius}] + points dataset.append(data) file_cnt += 1 for i in range(0, 3): world.objects[i].setPos([random.random()*2.2-1.1, random.random()*2.2-1.1, random.random()]) world.objects[i].setVelocity([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) world.objects[i].trajectory = [] obj = world.objects world.update(1) ''' scat = [] for i in range(0, 3): scat.append(ax.scatter(obj[i].pos[0], obj[i].pos[1], c = 1, alpha = 1)) return scat anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=20, blit=True) ''' print(world) while file_cnt < 65537: generate() print(file_cnt) if file_cnt % 4096 == 0: f = open('./threebody/strokes.txt', 'w')
def cavity_iteration(params, fd_lower=10.47, fd_upper=10.51, display=False): threshold = 0.0005 eps = params.eps eps_array = np.array([eps]) multi_results = multi_sweep(eps_array, fd_lower, fd_upper, params, threshold) labels = params.labels collected_data_re = None collected_data_im = None collected_data_abs = None results_list = [] for sweep in multi_results.values(): for i, fd in enumerate(sweep.fd_points): transmission = sweep.transmissions[i] p = sweep.params[i] coordinates_re = [[fd], [p.eps], [p.Ej], [p.fc], [p.g], [p.kappa], [p.kappa_phi], [p.gamma], [p.gamma_phi], [p.Ec], [p.n_t], [p.n_c]] coordinates_im = [[fd], [p.eps], [p.Ej], [p.fc], [p.g], [p.kappa], [p.kappa_phi], [p.gamma], [p.gamma_phi], [p.Ec], [p.n_t], [p.n_c]] coordinates_abs = [[fd], [p.eps], [p.Ej], [p.fc], [p.g], [p.kappa], [p.kappa_phi], [p.gamma], [p.gamma_phi], [p.Ec], [p.n_t], [p.n_c]] point = np.array([transmission]) abs_point = np.array([np.abs(transmission)]) for j in range(len(coordinates_re) - 1): point = point[np.newaxis] abs_point = abs_point[np.newaxis] hilbert_dict = OrderedDict() hilbert_dict['t_levels'] = p.t_levels hilbert_dict['c_levels'] = p.c_levels packaged_point_re = xr.DataArray(point, coords=coordinates_re, dims=labels, attrs=hilbert_dict) packaged_point_im = xr.DataArray(point, coords=coordinates_im, dims=labels, attrs=hilbert_dict) packaged_point_abs = xr.DataArray(abs_point, coords=coordinates_abs, dims=labels, attrs=hilbert_dict) packaged_point_re = packaged_point_re.real packaged_point_im = packaged_point_im.imag if collected_data_re is not None: collected_data_re = collected_data_re.combine_first( packaged_point_re) else: collected_data_re = packaged_point_re if collected_data_im is not None: collected_data_im = collected_data_im.combine_first( packaged_point_im) else: collected_data_im = packaged_point_im if collected_data_abs is not None: collected_data_abs = collected_data_abs.combine_first( packaged_point_abs) else: collected_data_abs = packaged_point_abs a_abs = collected_data_abs.squeeze() max_indices = local_maxima(a_abs.values[()]) maxima = a_abs.values[max_indices] indices_order = np.argsort(maxima) two_peaks = False if len(max_indices) == 2: two_peaks = True max_indices = max_indices[indices_order[-2:]] f_r = a_abs.f_d[max_indices[1]].values[()] f_r_2 = a_abs.f_d[max_indices[0]].values[()] split = f_r - f_r_2 ratio = a_abs[max_indices[1]] / a_abs[max_indices[0]] ratio = ratio.values[()] max_idx = np.argmax(a_abs).values[()] A_est = a_abs[max_idx] f_r_est = a_abs.f_d[max_idx] #popt, pcov = curve_fit(lorentzian_func, a_abs.f_d, a_abs.values, p0=[A_est, f_r_est, 0.001]) popt, pcov = lorentzian_fit(a_abs.f_d.values[()], a_abs.values[()]) Q_factor = popt[2] if display: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) a_abs.plot(ax=axes) """ print "Resonance frequency = " + str(popt[1]) + " GHz" print "Q factor = " + str(Q_factor) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,1) collected_data_abs.plot(ax=axes) axes.plot(a_abs.f_d, lorentzian_func(a_abs.f_d, *popt), 'g--') plt.title(str(p.t_levels) + str(' ') + str(p.c_levels)) props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=1) if two_peaks == True: textstr = 'f_r = ' + str(popt[1]) + 'GHz\n$Q$ = ' + str(Q_factor) + '\n$\chi$ = ' + str( split * 1000) + 'MHz\n$\kappa$ = ' + str(1000 * params.kappa) + 'MHz\nRatio = ' + str(ratio) else: textstr = 'f_r = ' + str(popt[1]) + 'GHz\n$Q$ = ' + str(Q_factor) + '\n$\kappa$ = ' + str(1000 * params.kappa) + 'MHz' label = axes.text(a_abs.f_d[0], popt[0], textstr, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top', bbox=props) #collected_dataset = xr.Dataset({'a_re': collected_data_re, # 'a_im': collected_data_im, # 'a_abs': collected_data_abs}) #time = #cwd = os.getcwd() #time_string = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S') #directory = cwd + '/eps=' + str(eps) + 'GHz' + '/' + time_string #if not os.path.exists(directory): # os.makedirs(directory) # collected_dataset.to_netcdf(directory+'/') """ #fc_new = params.fc + 10.49602 - popt[1] #g_new = params.g * np.sqrt(23.8 * 1000 / split) / 1000 #kappa_new = Q_factor * params.kappa / 8700 return popt[1], split, Q_factor
def lm_plot(self, x, axs=None): """Plot results of actdyn_ode45 function. data = [t, lmt, lm, lt, vm, fm*fm0, fse*fm0, fl*fm0, fpe*fm0, alpha] """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print('matplotlib is not available.') return if axs is None: _, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 6)) axs[0, 0].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], 'b', label='LMT') lmt = x[:, 2]*np.cos(x[:, 9]) + x[:, 3] if np.sum(x[:, 9]) > 0: axs[0, 0].plot(x[:, 0], lmt, 'g--', label=r'$LM \cos \alpha + LT$') else: axs[0, 0].plot(x[:, 0], lmt, 'g--', label=r'LM+LT') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 1], margin=.1) axs[0, 0].set_ylim(ylim) axs[0, 0].legend(framealpha=.5, loc='best') axs[0, 1].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 3], 'b') #axs[0, 1].plot(x[:, 0], lt0*np.ones(len(x)), 'r') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 3], margin=.1) axs[0, 1].set_ylim(ylim) axs[1, 0].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 2], 'b') #axs[1, 0].plot(x[:, 0], lmopt*np.ones(len(x)), 'r') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 2], margin=.1) axs[1, 0].set_ylim(ylim) axs[1, 1].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 4], 'b') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 4], margin=.1) axs[1, 1].set_ylim(ylim) axs[2, 0].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 5], 'b', label='Muscle') axs[2, 0].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 6], 'g--', label='Tendon') ylim = self.margins(x[:, [5, 6]], margin=.1) axs[2, 0].set_ylim(ylim) axs[2, 0].set_xlabel('Time (s)') axs[2, 0].legend(framealpha=.5, loc='best') axs[2, 1].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 8], 'b', label='PE') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 8], margin=.1) axs[2, 1].set_ylim(ylim) axs[2, 1].set_xlabel('Time (s)') axs[2, 1].legend(framealpha=.5, loc='best') ylabel = ['$L_{MT}\,(m)$', '$L_{T}\,(m)$', '$L_{M}\,(m)$', '$V_{CE}\,(m/s)$', '$Force\,(N)$', '$Force\,(N)$'] for i, axi in enumerate(axs.flat): axi.set_ylabel(ylabel[i], fontsize=14) axi.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axi.yaxis.set_label_coords(-.2, 0.5) plt.suptitle('Simulation of muscle-tendon mechanics', fontsize=18, y=1.03) plt.tight_layout() return axs
def get_spidy(root: str): #From: categories = list(lovelanguage)[1:] N = len(categories) # What will be the angle of each axis in the plot? (we divide the plot / number of variable) angles = [n / float(N) * 2 * pi for n in range(N)] angles += angles[:1] # Initialise the spider plot fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) plt.title('Which programming language do people love the most?', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') # If you want the first axis to be on top: ax.set_theta_offset(pi / 2) ax.set_theta_direction(-1) # Draw one axe per variable + add labels labels yet plt.xticks(angles[:-1], categories) # Draw ylabels ax.set_rlabel_position(0) plt.yticks([5, 10, 15], ["5%", "10%", "15%"], color="grey", size=12) plt.ylim(0, 15) # Plot each individual = each line of the data # Ind1 values = lovelanguage.loc[0].drop('group').values.flatten().tolist() values += values[:1] ax.plot(angles, values, linewidth=1, linestyle='solid', label="Professional(Love)") ax.fill(angles, values, 'b', alpha=0.1) # Ind2 values = lovelanguage.loc[1].drop('group').values.flatten().tolist() values += values[:1] ax.plot(angles, values, linewidth=1, linestyle='solid', label="Students(Love)") ax.fill(angles, values, 'r', alpha=0.1) # Add legend plt.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.1, 0.1)) #plt.savefig('static/lovewWeb.png') ####HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE categories1 = list(hatelanguage)[1:] N = len(categories1) # What will be the angle of each axis in the plot? (we divide the plot / number of variable) angles = [n / float(N) * 2 * pi for n in range(N)] angles += angles[:1] # Initialise the spider plot fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) bx = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) plt.title('Which programming language do people hate the most?', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') # If you want the first axis to be on top: bx.set_theta_offset(pi / 2) bx.set_theta_direction(-1) # Draw one axe per variable + add labels labels yet plt.xticks(angles[:-1], categories) # Draw ylabels bx.set_rlabel_position(0) plt.yticks([3, 6, 9], ["3%", "6%", "9%"], color="red", size=12) plt.ylim(0, 9) # Plot each individual = each line of the data # Ind1 values = hatelanguage.loc[0].drop('group').values.flatten().tolist() values += values[:1] bx.plot(angles, values, linewidth=1, linestyle='solid', label="Professional(Hate)") bx.fill(angles, values, 'b', alpha=0.1) # Ind2 values = hatelanguage.loc[1].drop('group').values.flatten().tolist() values += values[:1] bx.plot(angles, values, linewidth=1, linestyle='solid', label="Students(Hate)") bx.fill(angles, values, 'r', alpha=0.1) # Add legend plt.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.1, 0.1))
def draw_graph(grph, edge_labels=True, node_color='#AFAFAF', edge_color='#CFCFCF', plot=True, node_size=2000, with_labels=True, arrows=True, layout='neato'): """ Parameters ---------- grph : networkxGraph A graph to draw. edge_labels : boolean Use nominal values of flow as edge label node_color : dict or string Hex color code oder matplotlib color for each node. If string, all colors are the same. edge_color : string Hex color code oder matplotlib color for edge color. plot : boolean Show matplotlib plot. node_size : integer Size of nodes. with_labels : boolean Draw node labels. arrows : boolean Draw arrows on directed edges. Works only if an optimization_model has been passed. layout : string networkx graph layout, one of: neato, dot, twopi, circo, fdp, sfdp. """ if type(node_color) is dict: node_color = [node_color.get(g, '#AFAFAF') for g in grph.nodes()] # set drawing options options = { 'prog': 'dot', 'with_labels': with_labels, 'node_color': node_color, 'edge_color': edge_color, 'node_size': node_size, 'arrows': arrows } # try to use pygraphviz for graph layout try: import pygraphviz pos = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(grph, prog=layout) except ImportError: logging.error('Module pygraphviz not found, I won\'t plot the graph.') return # draw graph nx.draw(grph, pos=pos, **options) # add edge labels for all edges if edge_labels is True and plt: labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(grph, 'weight') nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(grph, pos=pos, edge_labels=labels) # show output if plot is True:
def random_eval_experiment(): ''' Experiment illutrating how quickly global random evaluation will fail as a method of optimization. Output is minimum value attained by random sampling over the cube [-1,1] x [-1,1] x... [-1,1] evaluating simple quadratic for 100, 1000, or 10000 times. The dimension is increased from 1 to 100 and the minimum plotted for each dimension. ''' # define symmetric quadratic N-dimensional g = lambda w:, w) # loop over dimensions, sample directions, evaluate mean_evals = [] big_dim = 100 num_pts = 10000 pt_stops = [100, 1000, 10000] for dim in range(big_dim): dim_eval = [] m_eval = [] for pt in range(num_pts): # generate random direction using normalized gaussian direction = np.random.randn(dim + 1, 1) norms = np.sqrt(np.sum(direction * direction, axis=1))[:, np.newaxis] direction = direction / norms e = g(direction) dim_eval.append(e) # record mean and std of so many pts if (pt + 1) in pt_stops: m_eval.append(np.min(dim_eval)) mean_evals.append(m_eval) # convert to array for easy access mean_evals_global = np.asarray(mean_evals) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3)) # create subplot with 3 panels, plot input function in center plot gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1, width_ratios=[1]) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.01) # plot input function ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) for k in range(len(pt_stops)): mean_evals = mean_evals_global[:, k] # scatter plot mean value ax.plot(np.arange(big_dim) + 1, mean_evals) # clean up plot - label axes, etc., ax.set_xlabel('dimension of input') ax.set_ylabel('funciton value') # draw legend t = [str(p) for p in pt_stops] ax.legend(t, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # draw horizontal axis ax.plot(np.arange(big_dim) + 1, np.arange(big_dim) * 0, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='k')
def qubit_iteration(params, fd_lower=8.9, fd_upper=9.25, display=False): threshold = 0.001 eps = params.eps eps_array = np.array([eps]) multi_results = multi_sweep(eps_array, fd_lower, fd_upper, params, threshold) labels = params.labels collected_data_re = None collected_data_im = None collected_data_abs = None results_list = [] for sweep in multi_results.values(): for i, fd in enumerate(sweep.fd_points): transmission = sweep.transmissions[i] p = sweep.params[i] coordinates_re = [[fd], [p.eps], [p.Ej], [p.fc], [p.g], [p.kappa], [p.kappa_phi], [p.gamma], [p.gamma_phi], [p.Ec], [p.n_t], [p.n_c]] coordinates_im = [[fd], [p.eps], [p.Ej], [p.fc], [p.g], [p.kappa], [p.kappa_phi], [p.gamma], [p.gamma_phi], [p.Ec], [p.n_t], [p.n_c]] coordinates_abs = [[fd], [p.eps], [p.Ej], [p.fc], [p.g], [p.kappa], [p.kappa_phi], [p.gamma], [p.gamma_phi], [p.Ec], [p.n_t], [p.n_c]] point = np.array([transmission]) abs_point = np.array([np.abs(transmission)]) for j in range(len(coordinates_re) - 1): point = point[np.newaxis] abs_point = abs_point[np.newaxis] hilbert_dict = OrderedDict() hilbert_dict['t_levels'] = p.t_levels hilbert_dict['c_levels'] = p.c_levels packaged_point_re = xr.DataArray(point, coords=coordinates_re, dims=labels, attrs=hilbert_dict) packaged_point_im = xr.DataArray(point, coords=coordinates_im, dims=labels, attrs=hilbert_dict) packaged_point_abs = xr.DataArray(abs_point, coords=coordinates_abs, dims=labels, attrs=hilbert_dict) packaged_point_re = packaged_point_re.real packaged_point_im = packaged_point_im.imag if collected_data_re is not None: collected_data_re = collected_data_re.combine_first( packaged_point_re) else: collected_data_re = packaged_point_re if collected_data_im is not None: collected_data_im = collected_data_im.combine_first( packaged_point_im) else: collected_data_im = packaged_point_im if collected_data_abs is not None: collected_data_abs = collected_data_abs.combine_first( packaged_point_abs) else: collected_data_abs = packaged_point_abs a_abs = collected_data_abs.squeeze() if True: max_indices = local_maxima(a_abs.values[()]) maxima = a_abs.values[max_indices] indices_order = np.argsort(maxima) max_idx = np.argmax(a_abs).values[()] A_est = a_abs[max_idx] f_r_est = a_abs.f_d[max_idx] popt, pcov = lorentzian_fit(a_abs.f_d.values[()], a_abs.values[()]) f_r = popt[1] two_peaks = False split = None if len(max_indices) >= 2: two_peaks = True max_indices = max_indices[indices_order[-2:]] f_01 = a_abs.f_d[max_indices[1]].values[()] f_12 = a_abs.f_d[max_indices[0]].values[()] split = f_12 - f_r if display: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) a_abs.plot(ax=axes) """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) xlim = axes.get_xlim() ylim = axes.get_ylim() xloc = xlim[0] + 0.1*(xlim[1]-xlim[0]) yloc = ylim[1] - 0.1*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]) collected_data_abs.plot(ax=axes) axes.plot(a_abs.f_d, lorentzian_func(a_abs.f_d, *popt), 'g--') print "Resonance frequency = " + str(popt[1]) + " GHz" print "Q factor = " + str(Q_factor) plt.title(str(p.t_levels) + str(' ') + str(p.c_levels)) props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=1) if two_peaks == True: textstr = '$f_{01}$ = ' + str(f_01) + 'GHz\n' + r'$\alpha$ = ' + str(1000*split) + 'MHz\n$Q$ = ' + str(Q_factor) + '\n$FWHM$ = ' + str(1000*params.kappa) + 'MHz' else: #textstr = 'fail' textstr = '$f_{01}$ = ' + str(f_r_est.values[()]) + 'GHz\n$Q$ = ' + str( Q_factor) + '\n$FWHM$ = ' + str(1000 * params.kappa) + 'MHz' #textstr = '$f_{01}$ = ' + str(f_01) + 'GHz\n' + r'$\alpha$ = ' + str(split) + 'GHz' label = axes.text(xloc, yloc, textstr, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top', bbox=props) collected_dataset = xr.Dataset({'a_re': collected_data_re, 'a_im': collected_data_im, 'a_abs': collected_data_abs}) time = cwd = os.getcwd() time_string = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S') directory = cwd + '/eps=' + str(eps) + 'GHz' + '/' + time_string if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) collected_dataset.to_netcdf(directory+'/') """ #new_fq = params.fq + 9.19324 - f_r_est.values[()] # new_chi = (2*params.chi - split - 0.20356)/2 #new_chi = -0.20356 * params.chi / split return f_r, split
def generictf(flow_df, min_flow, max_flow, radius, efficiency, flow_unit='feet/sec', fluid_density=1000, verbose=False, enable_plot=False): # Turbine's flow velocity to power transfer curve model def transferfunction(flow, flow_unit, min_flow, max_flow, radius, efficiency, fluid_density): # Checks if flow velocity units are valid and perform conversion if flow_unit == 'feet/sec': # Converts the flow velocity from feet/s to meters/s v_ms = abs(flow) * 0.3048 max_v_ms = abs(max_flow) * 0.3048 else: if flow_unit == 'meters/sec': # Stores the flow velocity in meters/s v_ms = abs(flow) max_v_ms = abs(max_flow) else: # If flow unit is not feet/sec nor meters/sec raise NameError("Error: flow velocity unit " + flow_unit + " is not currently supported") # Checks if flow velocity is above minimum value to generate power if abs(flow) > (min_flow): # Checks if flow velocity is bellow maximum value (output is not yet saturated) if abs(flow) < (max_flow): # Returns power calculated from transfer function considering incompressible fluid return (efficiency * (fluid_density) * 3.14159 * (radius**2) * (v_ms**3)) / 2 else: # Returns saturated max power return (efficiency * (fluid_density) * 3.14159 * (radius**2) * (max_v_ms**3)) / 2 else: # Returns zero power return 0 # Imports library dependencies import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Checks if verbose is true and prints input parameters for calculation if verbose == True: print(" ") print( "The input turbine parameters to calculate instantaneous power generation are:" ) print(" Min flow velocity: " + str(min_flow) + " in " + flow_unit) print(" Max flow velocity: " + str(max_flow) + " in " + flow_unit) print(" Radius: " + str(radius) + " in meters") print(" Efficiency: " + str(efficiency)) print(" ") print("Fluid density is " + str(fluid_density) + " kg per cubic meter") # Display warning for high efficiency values if efficiency > 0.593: print(" ") print("Warning: Efficiency is above Betz Limit (0.593)") # Checks if enable_plot is true and plots turbine's transfer function if enable_plot == True: # Plots the transfer function of selected turbine model flow = [0.01 * x for x in range(0, int(110 * max_flow))] power = [ transferfunction(x, flow_unit, min_flow, max_flow, radius, efficiency, fluid_density) for x in flow ] plt.plot(flow, power) plt.title("Flow Velocity to Power Transfer Curve") plt.xlabel("Flow velocity in " + flow_unit) plt.ylabel("Output power in Watts") #plt.grid(b=True) #plt.draw() #plt.pause(3) #plt.figure() # Creates power time series as an empty dataframe power_df = pd.DataFrame() # Converts flow velocity time series in instantaneous power time series power_df['power'] = flow_df.flow.apply(lambda x: transferfunction( x, flow_unit, min_flow, max_flow, radius, efficiency, fluid_density)) # Checks if verbose is true and prints average power generation if verbose == True: print(" ") print("Average power generation: " + "{0:.4f}".format(power_df['power'].mean()) + " Watts") # Returns generated power dataframe return power_df
def random_local_experiment(): ''' Experiment illustrating the ultimate shortcoming of local random search. Output is fraction of directions that are decreasing on a simple quadratic centered at the point [1,0,0...] as we increase the dimension of the function ''' # define symmetric quadratic N-dimensional g = lambda w:, w) # loop over dimensions, sample points, evaluate mean_evals = [] big_dim = 25 num_pts = 10000 pt_stops = [100, 1000, 10000] for dim in range(big_dim): # containers for evaluation dim_eval = [] m_eval = [] # starting vector start = np.zeros((dim + 1, 1)) start[0] = 1 for pt in range(num_pts): # generate random point on n-sphere r = np.random.randn(dim + 1) r.shape = (len(r), 1) pt_norm = math.sqrt(, r)) r = [b / pt_norm for b in r] r += start # compare new direction to original point if g(r) < g(start): dim_eval.append(1) else: dim_eval.append(0) # record mean and std of so many pts if (pt + 1) in pt_stops: m_eval.append(np.mean(dim_eval)) # store average number of descent directions mean_evals.append(m_eval) # convert to array for easy access mean_evals_global = np.asarray(mean_evals) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3)) # create subplot with 3 panels, plot input function in center plot gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1, width_ratios=[1]) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.01) # plot input function ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) for k in range(len(pt_stops)): mean_evals = mean_evals_global[:, k] # scatter plot mean value ax.plot(np.arange(big_dim) + 1, mean_evals) # clean up plot - label axes, etc., ax.set_xlabel('dimension of input') ax.set_ylabel('fraction of directions descennding') # draw legend t = [str(p) for p in pt_stops] ax.legend(t, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # draw horizontal axis ax.plot(np.arange(big_dim) + 1, np.arange(big_dim) * 0, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='k')
def main(candidate_file): candidates = get_candidates(candidate_file) # get the graph of users for the whole year calorie_king_social_network = CKGraph() graphs = calorie_king_social_network.build_undirected_graph(uids=candidates.keys()) G = graphs[0] components = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G) giant_component = components[0] giant_nodes = giant_component.nodes() #get the active users for each day master_query ="""Select distinct(ck_id) from activity_time_log """ db = DBConnection() #get the field names for each day of the year result = db.query("DESCRIBE activity_time_log") days = filter(lambda y: y != 'ck_id', map(lambda x: str(x['Field']), result)) #make the matrix of user activity activity = numpy.zeros((len(giant_nodes),len(days))) rows = {} row_count = 0 column_count = 0 for day in days: active_users = db.query(master_query + "WHERE " + day + " IS NOT NULL") active_users = map(lambda x: str(x['ck_id']), active_users) for user in active_users: if user in candidates.keys() and int(candidates[user]) in giant_nodes: if user not in rows.keys(): row_count += 1 rows[user] = row_count activity[rows[user],column_count] = 1 column_count += 1 #for each row in the plot, make a list of the days of activity plot_rows = {} for r in rows.values(): plot_rows[r] = [] current_column_start = -1 current_column_width = 0 for i in range(len(activity[r,:])): #if there's activity today if activity[r,i] == 1: #then if we haven't started a bar, start one if current_column_start == -1: current_column_start = i current_column_width += 1 #if there's not activity today and it's the end of a bar elif activity[r,i] < 1 and current_column_start != -1: plot_rows[r].append((current_column_start, current_column_width)) current_column_start = -1 current_column_width = 0 #make the broken bar blot fig = pyplot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #colors colormap = #add the bars column_width = [1,3] increment = lambda x: [x[0]+3, 3] random_rows = random.sample(plot_rows.keys(),len(plot_rows.keys())) for i in range(1,len(random_rows)+1): color = colormap((random.random(), random.random(), random.random())) ax.broken_barh(plot_rows[random_rows[i-1]], tuple(column_width), facecolor=color) column_width = increment(column_width) ax.set_xlabel("Days of user activity") ax.set_xlim(0,365) ax.set_ylabel("User") ax.set_title('User Activity Map')
def graph(self, save=False): for i in range(len(self.names_stations)): if np.sum(np.isnan(self.Y_PM25[:, 0, i])) > 100: continue name_station = str(self.names_stations[i, ( np.logical_not(self.names_stations[i].mask))]) name_station = name_station.replace("]", '') name_station = name_station.replace("[", '') name_station = name_station.replace("b", '') name_station = name_station.replace("'", '') name_station = name_station.replace(" ", '') plt.figure(figsize=(30, 15)) plt.title(name_station, fontsize=30) plt.plot(self.date_Y[24 * self.ML:], pd.Series(self.Y_PM25[24 * self.ML:, 0, i]).rolling( window=self.window_moving_average, min_periods=1, center=False).mean().values, 'r*-', linewidth=3, markersize=10, label='Real Data') plt.plot(self.date_DA_ML[24 * self.ML:], pd.Series( self.Xa_PM25_ML[24 * self.ML:len(self.date_DA_ML), 0, i]).rolling( window=self.window_moving_average, min_periods=1, center=False).mean().values, 'k', linewidth=4, markersize=10, label='LE-DA') plt.plot(self.date_FC_ML[:-1], pd.Series(self.Xa_PM25_FC[:, 0, i]).rolling( window=self.window_moving_average, min_periods=1, center=False).mean().values, 'b', linewidth=4, markersize=10, label='LE-FC') plt.plot(self.date_FC_ML, pd.Series( self.Xa_PM25_ML[len(self.date_DA_ML):, 0, i]).rolling( window=self.window_moving_average, min_periods=1, center=False).mean().values, 'g', linewidth=4, markersize=10, label='LE-ML') #plt.plot(self.date_Y[24*self.ML:],pd.Series(self.Xb_PM25_ML[24*self.ML:,0,i]).rolling(window=self.window_moving_average,min_periods=1,center=False).mean().values,'k--',linewidth=3,markersize=10,label='LE') plt.axvline(self.date_FC_ML[0], linewidth=3, linestyle='--', color=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3]) ax = plt.gca() plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plt.yticks(fontsize=30) plt.ylabel('PM$_{2.5}$ Concentration [$\mu$g/m$^3$]', fontsize=45) plt.grid(axis='x') plt.legend(fontsize=35) plt.xticks(fontsize=30) ax.set_xlim(self.date_ML[24 * self.ML], self.date_ML[-1]) ax.set_ylim(0, 150) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(20)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%m-%d')) if save: plt.savefig('./figures/' + name_station + '_ML_' + str(self.ML) + '.png', format='png')
graph.imshow(blurred) result = inverse(blurred, PSF, 1e-3) # 逆滤波 graph.subplot(232) graph.xlabel("inverse deblurred") graph.imshow(result) result = wiener(blurred, PSF, 1e-3) # 维纳滤波 graph.subplot(233) graph.xlabel("wiener deblurred(k=0.01)") graph.imshow(result) blurred_noisy = blurred + 0.1 * blurred.std() * \ np.random.standard_normal(blurred.shape) # 添加噪声,standard_normal产生随机的函数 graph.subplot(234) graph.xlabel("motion & noisy blurred") graph.imshow(blurred_noisy) # 显示添加噪声且运动模糊的图像 result = inverse(blurred_noisy, PSF, 0.1 + 1e-3) # 对添加噪声的图像进行逆滤波 graph.subplot(235) graph.xlabel("inverse deblurred") graph.imshow(result) result = wiener(blurred_noisy, PSF, 0.1 + 1e-3) # 对添加噪声的图像进行维纳滤波 graph.subplot(236) graph.xlabel("wiener deblurred(k=0.01)") graph.imshow(result)
def waterlilyv2(flow_df, flow_unit='feet/sec', fluid_density=1000, verbose=False, enable_plot=False): # Water Lily turbine's flow velocity to power transfer curve model based on manufacturer's plot def transferfunction2(flow, flow_unit, min_flow, max_flow, fluid_density): # Checks if flow velocity units are valid and perform conversion if flow_unit == 'feet/sec': # Converts the flow velocity from feet/s to meters/s v_kmh = abs(flow) * 1.09728 max_v_kmh = abs(max_flow) * 1.09728 else: if flow_unit == 'meters/sec': # Stores the flow velocity in meters/s v_kmh = abs(flow) * 3.6 max_v_kmh = abs(max_flow) * 3.6 else: # If flow unit is not feet/sec nor meters/sec raise NameError("Error: flow velocity unit " + flow_unit + " is not currently supported") # Checks if flow velocity is above minimum value to generate power if abs(flow) > (min_flow): # Checks if flow velocity is bellow maximum value (output is not yet saturated) if abs(flow) < (max_flow): # Returns power calculated from transfer function considering proportionality to fluid density return (fluid_density / 1000) * (0.1056 * (v_kmh**2) + 0.0669 * (v_kmh) - 0.4709) else: # Returns saturated max power return (fluid_density / 1000) * (0.1056 * (max_v_kmh**2) + 0.0669 * (max_v_kmh) - 0.4709) else: # Returns zero power return 0 # Imports library dependencies import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if flow_unit == 'feet/sec': # Turbine parameters min_flow = 1.6586 # in feet per second (1.82 Km/h) max_flow = 10.4804 # in feet per second (11.5 Km/h) else: if flow_unit == 'meters/sec': # Turbine parameters min_flow = 0.5056 # in meters per second (1.82 Km/h) max_flow = 3.1944 # in meters per second (11.5 Km/h) else: # If flow unit is not feet/sec nor meters/sec raise NameError("Error: flow velocity unit " + flow_unit + " is not currently supported") # Checks if verbose is true and prints input parameters for calculation if verbose == True: print(" ") print( "The input turbine parameters to calculate instantaneous power generation are:" ) print(" Min flow velocity: " + str(min_flow) + " in " + flow_unit) print(" Max flow velocity: " + str(max_flow) + " in " + flow_unit) print( " Transfer equation: P = 0.1056*(v_kmh^2) + 0.0669*(v_kmh) - 0.4709 in Watts" ) print(" ") print("Fluid density is " + str(fluid_density) + " kg per cubic meter") # Checks if enable_plot is true and plots turbine's transfer function if enable_plot == True: flow = [0.01 * x for x in range(0, int(110 * max_flow))] power = [ transferfunction2(x, flow_unit, min_flow, max_flow, fluid_density) for x in flow ] plt.plot(flow, power) plt.title("Flow Velocity to Power Transfer Curve") plt.xlabel("Flow velocity in " + flow_unit) plt.ylabel("Output power in Watts") #plt.grid(b=True) # Creates power time series as an empty dataframe power_df = pd.DataFrame() # Converts flow velocity time series in instantaneous power time series power_df['power'] = flow_df.flow.apply(lambda x: transferfunction2( x, flow_unit, min_flow, max_flow, fluid_density)) # Checks if verbose is true and prints average power generation if verbose == True: print(" ") print("Average power generation: " + "{0:.4f}".format(power_df['power'].mean()) + " Watts") # Returns generated power dataframe return power_df
def reconstruction_spectrum_by_four_inputs_predicted(): tr_ae_lsf_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0705/image2lsf_model7_dr03-36-0.00491458.h5") tr_ae_f0_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0622/transfer_autoencoder_f0_model1-10-0.03161320.h5" ) tr_ae_uv_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0622/transfer_autoencoder_uv_model1-09-0.865.h5") tr_ae_energy_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0622/" "transfer_autoencoder_energy_model6_dr03-06-0.01141086.h5") # predict the four variables using the pretrained models lsf_predicted, f0_prediected, uv_predicted, energy_predicted = \ do_the_prediction_of_image2grandeurs(tr_ae_lsf_model, tr_ae_f0_model, tr_ae_uv_model, tr_ae_energy_model) print("aaa") print(lsf_predicted.shape) print(f0_prediected.shape) print(uv_predicted.shape) print(energy_predicted.shape) # use a threshold of 0.5 to reset the uv predicted to 0 or 1 uv_predicted[uv_predicted >= 0.5] = 1 uv_predicted[uv_predicted < 0.5] = 0 print("aaa") X_f0 = np.load("../../LSF_data/f0_all_chapiter.npy") energy = np.load("../../LSF_data/energy_all_chapiters.npy") spectrum = np.load( "../../data_npy_one_image/spectrogrammes_all_chapitre_corresponding.npy" ) max_spectrum = np.max(spectrum) spectrum = spectrum / max_spectrum spectrum = np.matrix.transpose(spectrum) y_test = spectrum[-15951:] # calculate the maximum value of the original data to be used during denormalisation max_f0 = np.max(X_f0) max_energy = np.max(energy) # denormalisation f0_prediected = f0_prediected * max_f0 energy_predicted = energy_predicted * max_energy # the 13th, which is the last coefficient of the lsf reset to zero lsf_predicted[:, 12] = 0 # load the energy_lsf_spectrum model used mymodel = keras.models.load_model( "C:/Users/chaoy/Desktop/StageSilentSpeech/results/week_0607/" "energy_lsf_spectrum_model2-667-0.00000845.h5") test_result = mymodel.predict( [lsf_predicted, f0_prediected, uv_predicted, energy_predicted]) result = np.matrix.transpose(test_result) mse = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError() error = mse(y_test, test_result).numpy() print( "mean squared error between the spectrum predicted and the original spectrum : %8f" % error) result = result * max_spectrum # reconstruct the wave file test_reconstruit = librosa.griffinlim(result, hop_length=735, win_length=735 * 2) sf.write("ch7_reconstructed_total_model_lsf_0715.wav", test_reconstruit, 44100) # load the wave file produced by griffin-lim wav_produced, _ = librosa.load( "ch7_reconstructed_total_model_lsf_0715.wav", sr=44100) spectrogram_produced_griffin = np.abs( librosa.stft(wav_produced, n_fft=735 * 2, hop_length=735, win_length=735 * 2)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3) img = librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db( np.matrix.transpose(y_test), ref=np.max), sr=44100, hop_length=735, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', ax=ax[0]) ax[0].set_title('original spectrum') librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db(result, ref=np.max), sr=44100, hop_length=735, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', ax=ax[1]) ax[1].set_title('spectrum learned') librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db( spectrogram_produced_griffin, ref=np.max), sr=44100, hop_length=735, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', ax=ax[2]) ax[2].set_title('spectrum reproduced griffinlim') fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax, format="%+2.0f dB")
def project(vertices, *args): vertices = np.array(vertices) centroid = getCentroid(vertices) if (args==()): print ('Specify either ML or AP plane') return elif (args[0]=='ML'): #1. ML contour #get the lower bound of the shape in x direction #the Xray source will be placed on lower bound xLower = getMinimumCoordinate(vertices, 0) #define APplane i.e., XZ plane y=ymin -- 0x+1y+0z=yLower ML = [1,0,0,-xLower] #define position of the xray camera #the camera's axis will be on the centroid axis of the 3d shape cameraPos = [1000+xLower,centroid[1],centroid[2]] print ('ML plane equation - x='+str(xLower)) print ('ML camera position = '+str(cameraPos)) #take perspective projection in AP plane projectedVertices = perspective_project(vertices, ML, cameraPos) #after projection the dimensions of vertices are still the same #get the contour of projected vertices #arguments 0 and 2 mean in x-z plane mesh, coordinates, coordinateMap = getContour(projectedVertices, 1, 2) #get only the boundary vertices boundaryPoints, correspondenceMap = getContourVertices(mesh, coordinates, coordinateMap) #plot the points to verify plt.scatter(boundaryPoints[:,0], boundaryPoints[:,1]) return boundaryPoints, correspondenceMap elif (args[0]=='AP'): #1. AP contour #get the lower bound of the shape in y direction #the Xray source will be placed on lower bound yLower = getMinimumCoordinate(vertices, 1) #define APplane i.e., XZ plane y=ymin -- 0x+1y+0z=yLower AP = [0,1,0,-yLower] #define position of the xray camera #the camera's axis will be on the centroid axis of the 3d shape cameraPos = [centroid[0],1000+yLower,centroid[2]] print ('AP plane equation - y='+str(yLower)) print ('AP camera position = '+str(cameraPos)) #take perspective projection in AP plane projectedVertices = perspective_project(vertices, AP, cameraPos) #after projection the dimensions of vertices are still the same #get the contour of projected vertices #arguments 0 and 2 mean in x-z plane mesh, coordinates, coordinateMap = getContour(projectedVertices, 0, 2) #get only the boundary vertices boundaryPoints, correspondenceMap = getContourVertices(mesh, coordinates, coordinateMap) #plot the points to verify plt.scatter(boundaryPoints[:,0], boundaryPoints[:,1]) return boundaryPoints, correspondenceMap else: print (args[0]+' plane not defined.')
def reconstruction_spectrum_four_inputs_five_images_lsf_models(): tr_ae_lsf_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0823/" "data_coupe_five_images_to_lsf_model1-08-0.00374416.h5") tr_ae_f0_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0823/image2f0_data_coupe_model1-07-0.04049132.h5") tr_ae_uv_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0823/image2uv_data_coupe_model1-16-0.86421.h5") tr_ae_energy_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0823/" "image2energy_data_coupe_model1-06-0.00781385.h5") # predict the four variables using the pretrained models lsf_predicted, f0_prediected, uv_predicted, energy_predicted = \ do_the_prediction_of_four_grandeurs_avec_fiveimages2lsf_models \ (tr_ae_lsf_model, tr_ae_f0_model, tr_ae_uv_model, tr_ae_energy_model) print("aaa") print(lsf_predicted.shape) print(f0_prediected.shape) print(uv_predicted.shape) print(energy_predicted.shape) # use a threshold of 0.5 to reset the uv predicted to 0 or 1 uv_predicted[uv_predicted >= 0.5] = 1 uv_predicted[uv_predicted < 0.5] = 0 X_f0 = np.load("../../LSF_data_coupe/f0_cut_all.npy") energy = np.load("../../LSF_data_coupe/energy_cut_all.npy") # on utilise les données coupées (84679,736) spectrum = np.load( "../../data_coupe/spectrogrammes_all_chapitres_coupe.npy") max_spectrum = np.max(spectrum) spectrum = spectrum / max_spectrum y_test = spectrum[-15949:-2] # calculate the maximum value of the original data to be used during denormalisation max_f0 = np.max(X_f0) max_energy = np.max(energy) # denormalisation f0_prediected = f0_prediected * max_f0 energy_predicted = energy_predicted * max_energy # the 13th, which is the last coefficient of the lsf reset to zero lsf_predicted[:, 12] = 0 # load the energy_lsf_spectrum model used mymodel = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0823/energy_lsf_spectrum_data_coupe_model2-678-0.00000796.h5" ) test_result = mymodel.predict( [lsf_predicted, f0_prediected, uv_predicted, energy_predicted]) result = np.matrix.transpose(test_result) mse = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError() error = mse(y_test, test_result).numpy() print( "mean squared error between the spectrum predicted and the original spectrum : %8f" % error) result = result * max_spectrum # reconstruct the wave file test_reconstruit = librosa.griffinlim(result, hop_length=735, win_length=735 * 2) sf.write("ch7_reconstructed_5imageslsf_0825_data_coupe.wav", test_reconstruit, 44100) # load the wave file produced by griffin-lim wav_produced, _ = librosa.load( "ch7_reconstructed_5imageslsf_0825_data_coupe.wav", sr=44100) spectrogram_produced_griffin = np.abs( librosa.stft(wav_produced, n_fft=735 * 2, hop_length=735, win_length=735 * 2)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3) img = librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db( np.matrix.transpose(y_test), ref=np.max), sr=44100, hop_length=735, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', ax=ax[0]) ax[0].set_title('original spectrum') librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db(result, ref=np.max), sr=44100, hop_length=735, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', ax=ax[1]) ax[1].set_title('spectrum learned') librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db( spectrogram_produced_griffin, ref=np.max), sr=44100, hop_length=735, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', ax=ax[2]) ax[2].set_title('spectrum reproduced griffinlim') fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax, format="%+2.0f dB")
def pruned_plotting(interpretability_pruned, new_scores_pruned, names_pruned, interpretability_not_pruned, new_scores_not_pruned, names_not_pruned, start_score, accuracy_lim=None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() sc_pruned = plt.scatter(interpretability_pruned, new_scores_pruned, c='red') sc_not_pruned = plt.scatter(interpretability_not_pruned, new_scores_not_pruned, c='blue') ax.set_xlabel("Interpretability (low -> high)") ax.set_ylabel("Accuracy (Micro AUC)") ax.set_xlim((0, 1.0)) if type(accuracy_lim) != type(None): ax.set_ylim(accuracy_lim) ax.axhline(y=start_score, color='red', linestyle='--') ax.legend(loc='upper left') annot = ax.annotate("", xy=(0,0), xytext=(-220,70),textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")) annot.set_visible(False) def pruned_update_annot(ind, sc, names): pos = sc.get_offsets()[ind["ind"][0]] annot.xy = pos text = names[ind["ind"][0]] #print(text + ": " + str(y[ind["ind"][0]])) annot.set_text(text) annot.get_bbox_patch().set_alpha(0.4) def pruned_hover(event): vis = annot.get_visible() if event.inaxes == ax: cont, ind = sc_pruned.contains(event) if cont: pruned_update_annot(ind, sc_pruned,names_pruned) annot.set_visible(True) fig.canvas.draw_idle() else: cont, ind = sc_not_pruned.contains(event) if cont: pruned_update_annot(ind, sc_not_pruned, names_not_pruned) annot.set_visible(True) fig.canvas.draw_idle() else: if vis: annot.set_visible(False) fig.canvas.draw_idle() fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", pruned_hover)
def DT(X, y, train_size, data_name): X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=train_size) # # Fit classification model dt = DecisionTreeClassifier() path = dt.cost_complexity_pruning_path(X_train, y_train) ccp_alphas, impurities = path.ccp_alphas, path.impurities fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(ccp_alphas[:-1], impurities[:-1], marker='o', drawstyle="steps-post") ax.set_xlabel("effective alpha") ax.set_ylabel("total impurity of leaves") ax.set_title("Total Impurity vs effective alpha for training set") clfs = [] for ccp_alpha in ccp_alphas: clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0, ccp_alpha=ccp_alpha), y_train) clfs.append(clf) print("Number of nodes in the last tree is: {} with ccp_alpha: {}".format( clfs[-1].tree_.node_count, ccp_alphas[-1])) # %% # For the remainder of this example, we remove the last element in # ``clfs`` and ``ccp_alphas``, because it is the trivial tree with only one # node. Here we show that the number of nodes and tree depth decreases as alpha # increases. clfs = clfs[:-1] ccp_alphas = ccp_alphas[:-1] node_counts = [clf.tree_.node_count for clf in clfs] depth = [clf.tree_.max_depth for clf in clfs] fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax[0].plot(ccp_alphas, node_counts, marker='o', drawstyle="steps-post") ax[0].set_xlabel("alpha") ax[0].set_ylabel("number of nodes") ax[0].set_title("Number of nodes vs alpha") ax[1].plot(ccp_alphas, depth, marker='o', drawstyle="steps-post") ax[1].set_xlabel("alpha") ax[1].set_ylabel("depth of tree") ax[1].set_title("Depth vs alpha") fig.tight_layout() # %% # Accuracy vs alpha for training and testing sets # ---------------------------------------------------- # When ``ccp_alpha`` is set to zero and keeping the other default parameters # of :class:`DecisionTreeClassifier`, the tree overfits, leading to # a 100% training accuracy and 88% testing accuracy. As alpha increases, more # of the tree is pruned, thus creating a decision tree that generalizes better. # In this example, setting ``ccp_alpha=0.015`` maximizes the testing accuracy. train_scores = [clf.score(X_train, y_train) for clf in clfs] test_scores = [clf.score(X_test, y_test) for clf in clfs] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel("alpha") ax.set_ylabel("accuracy") ax.set_title("Accuracy vs alpha for training and testing sets") ax.plot(ccp_alphas, train_scores, marker='o', label="train", drawstyle="steps-post") ax.plot(ccp_alphas, test_scores, marker='o', label="test", drawstyle="steps-post") ax.legend() # %% best_alpha = 0.040790348647614105 # %% # Create CV training and test scores for various training set sizes train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve( DecisionTreeClassifier(ccp_alpha=best_alpha), X, y, # Number of folds in cross-validation cv=5, # Evaluation metric scoring='accuracy', # Use all computer cores n_jobs=-1, # 50 different sizes of the training set train_sizes=np.linspace(0.01, 1.0, 50)) print(train_scores) # Create means and standard deviations of training set scores train_mean = np.mean(train_scores, axis=1) train_std = np.std(train_scores, axis=1) # Create means and standard deviations of test set scores test_mean = np.mean(test_scores, axis=1) test_std = np.std(test_scores, axis=1) # Draw lines plt.plot(train_sizes, train_mean, '--', color="#111111", label="Training score") plt.plot(train_sizes, test_mean, color="#111111", label="Cross-validation score") # Draw bands plt.fill_between(train_sizes, train_mean - train_std, train_mean + train_std, color="#DDDDDD") plt.fill_between(train_sizes, test_mean - test_std, test_mean + test_std, color="#DDDDDD") # Create plot plt.title("DT Learning Curve - {}".format(data_name)) plt.xlabel("Training Set Size"), plt.ylabel("Accuracy Score"), plt.legend( loc="best") plt.tight_layout()
def reconstruction_spectrum_original_lsf(): """ This function is used to test if we use the original lsf values and other variables predicted by models could improve the result of the prediction. If it's true, that means the problem is from the wrong prediction of lsf values. This test is used to localize the problem. :return: """ tr_ae_lsf_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0622/" "transfer_autoencoder_lsf_model1-12-0.00502079.h5") tr_ae_f0_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0622/transfer_autoencoder_f0_model1-10-0.03161320.h5" ) tr_ae_uv_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0622/transfer_autoencoder_uv_model1-09-0.865.h5") tr_ae_energy_model = keras.models.load_model( "../../results/week_0622/" "transfer_autoencoder_energy_model6_dr03-06-0.01141086.h5") # predict the four variables using the pretrained models _, f0_prediected, uv_predicted, energy_predicted = \ do_the_prediction_of_image2grandeurs(tr_ae_lsf_model, tr_ae_f0_model, tr_ae_uv_model, tr_ae_energy_model) # the lsf predicted in this case is replaced by the original lsf values lsf_original = np.load("../../LSF_data/lsp_all_chapiter.npy") lsf_test = lsf_original[-15951:, :] print("aaa") print(lsf_original.shape) print(f0_prediected.shape) print(uv_predicted.shape) print(energy_predicted.shape) X_f0 = np.load("../../LSF_data/f0_all_chapiter.npy") energy = np.load("../../LSF_data/energy_all_chapiters.npy") spectrum = np.load( "../../data_npy_one_image/spectrogrammes_all_chapitre_corresponding.npy" ) max_spectrum = np.max(spectrum) spectrum = spectrum / max_spectrum spectrum = np.matrix.transpose(spectrum) y_test = spectrum[-15951:] # calculate the maximum value of the original data to be used during denormalisation max_f0 = np.max(X_f0) max_energy = np.max(energy) # denormalisation f0_prediected = f0_prediected * max_f0 energy_predicted = energy_predicted * max_energy # load the energy_lsf_spectrum model used mymodel = keras.models.load_model( "C:/Users/chaoy/Desktop/StageSilentSpeech/results/week_0607/" "energy_lsf_spectrum_model2-667-0.00000845.h5") test_result = mymodel.predict( [lsf_test, f0_prediected, uv_predicted, energy_predicted]) result = np.matrix.transpose(test_result) mse = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError() error = mse(y_test, test_result).numpy() print( "mean squared error between the spectrum predicted and the original spectrum : %8f" % error) result = result * max_spectrum # reconstruct the wave file test_reconstruit = librosa.griffinlim(result, hop_length=735, win_length=735 * 2) sf.write("ch7_reconstructed_total_model_lsf.wav", test_reconstruit, 44100) # load the wave file produced by griffin-lim wav_produced, _ = librosa.load("ch7_reconstructed_total_model_lsf.wav", sr=44100) spectrogram_produced_griffin = np.abs( librosa.stft(wav_produced, n_fft=735 * 2, hop_length=735, win_length=735 * 2)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3) img = librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db( np.matrix.transpose(y_test), ref=np.max), sr=44100, hop_length=735, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', ax=ax[0]) ax[0].set_title('original spectrum') librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db(result, ref=np.max), sr=44100, hop_length=735, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', ax=ax[1]) ax[1].set_title('spectrum learned') librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db( spectrogram_produced_griffin, ref=np.max), sr=44100, hop_length=735, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', ax=ax[2]) ax[2].set_title('spectrum reproduced griffinlim') fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax, format="%+2.0f dB")
opac2 = np.loadtxt(lines[7:])[:,1:].T logT2 = np.loadtxt(lines[7:])[:,0] logR2 = np.loadtxt(lines[5:6]) Rmin = min(np.min(logR1), np.min(logR2)) Rmax = max(np.max(logR1), np.max(logR2)) Tmin = min(np.min(logT1), np.min(logT2)) Tmax = max(np.max(logT1), np.max(logT2)) i1 = np.where(logT1>=4.)[0][0] i2 = np.where(logT2<4.)[0][-1] interpolator1 = RBS(logR1, logT1, opac1) interpolator2 = RBS(logR2, logT2, opac2) for rho in np.arange(-10.,0.1,2.): T = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, 200) R = rho - 3.*T + 18. T = T[(R>Rmin)&(R<Rmax)] R = R[(R>Rmin)&(R<Rmax)] # c = np.hstack((interpolator2(R[:i2],T[:i2]), interpolator1(R[i1:],T[i1:]))) c = [interpolator2(Ri,Ti) for (Ri,Ti) in zip(R,T) if Ti<4.] + \ [interpolator1(Ri,Ti) for (Ri,Ti) in zip(R,T) if Ti>=4.] c = np.squeeze(c) pl.plot(T, c, 'k-') pl.xlabel(r'$\log_{10}(T/\mathrm{K})$') pl.ylabel(r'$\log_{10}(\kappa_\mathrm{R}/(\mathrm{cm}^2/\mathrm{g}))$')
def plot_price(cfg): param_list = cfg['plot_params'].split(" ") if len(param_list) < 3: logging.warn("Plot params malformed. Skipping plot.") return else:"Plotting symbol {param_list[0].strip()}")" from {param_list[1]}")" to {param_list[2]}") register_matplotlib_converters() prices_input_file = CLEANED_PRICES_FILE #prices_input_file = cfg['raw_data_dir'] + cfg['raw_prices_input_file'] try:"Reading " + prices_input_file) prices_df = pd.read_table(prices_input_file, sep=',') prices_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(prices_df['date'])"Prices df shape " + str(prices_df.shape)) except Exception as e: logging.critical("Not parsed: " + prices_input_file + "\n" + str(e)) sys.exit() # param string [symbol start-date end-date] # e.g. IBM 2009-01-01 2019-01-01 symbol = param_list[0].strip() start_list = param_list[1].split('-') start_yr = int(start_list[0]) start_mo = int(start_list[1]) start_d = int(start_list[2]) end_list = param_list[2].split('-') end_yr = int(end_list[0]) end_mo = int(end_list[1]) end_d = int(end_list[2]) date_start = pd.Timestamp(start_yr, start_mo, start_d) date_end = pd.Timestamp(end_yr, end_mo, end_d) # filter on date range"Filtering on date range") df = prices_df[(prices_df['date'] >= date_start) & (prices_df['date'] <= date_end)] df = df.sort_values(['date']) # get group for this symbol"Filtering on symbol") df = df.groupby('symbol').get_group(symbol) # write df to file span_str = (date_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "_" + date_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) csv_name = STOX_DATA_DIR + symbol + "_" + span_str + ".csv" df.to_csv(csv_name, index=False, sep="\t", float_format='%.3f') # plot open/close price fig = plt.figure() plt.suptitle(symbol, fontsize=10) plt.scatter(df['date'].tolist(), df['open'], color='green', s=2) plt.scatter(df['date'].tolist(), df['close'], color = 'blue', s=2) plt_filename = STOX_DATA_DIR + symbol + "_" + span_str + ".png" plt.savefig(plt_filename)