Beispiel #1
def ray_for_pixel(camera, px, py):
    xoffset = (px + 0.5) * camera.pixel_size
    yoffset = (py + 0.5) * camera.pixel_size

    world_x = camera.half_width - xoffset
    world_y = camera.half_height - yoffset

    pixel = inverse(camera.transform) * point(world_x, world_y, -1)
    origin = inverse(camera.transform) * point(0, 0, 0)
    direction = normalize(pixel - origin)

    return ray(origin, direction)
    def test_inverse_bad_dimensions(self):
        Tests trying to get the inverse of a non square matrix
        rows = 5
        columns = 6
        m = []
        for i in xrange(rows):

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
Beispiel #3
    def entrancePupil(self,wave = wl.Default):
        Get the entrance pupil, being and imge of the aperture
        if self.aperture == None:
            return self.entranceAperture()

        ia = self.index(self.aperture)
        matrix = self.paraxialMatrix(wave,0,ia)
        p = self.aperture.getPoint()                # Position of aperture in global
        p.z += matrix.thickness - matrix.B/matrix.D # Location 
        mag = abs(matrix.A - matrix.C*matrix.B/matrix.D) # Mag

        return sur.CircularAperture(p,mag*self.aperture.maxRadius)
Beispiel #4
 def run(self):
     features = self.CreateFeatures()
     M = self.CreateMatrix(features)
     b = matrix.multiply(matrix.transpose(features), self.y)
     A = matrix.inverse(M)
     weight = matrix.multiply(A, b)
     error = self.CalculateError(weight)
     self.PrintResult(weight, error)
Beispiel #5
 def fit(self, input_data, output_data):
     """Fit input data with output data."""
     a = self._calculate_a(input_data)
     ata = np.transpose(a) @ a
     ata_lambda = ata + self._lambda * np.identity(ata.shape[0])
     ata_lambda_inv = matrix.inverse(ata_lambda)
     atb = np.transpose(a) @ output_data
     w = ata_lambda_inv @ atb
     self._coefficient = w
Beispiel #6
def normal_to_world(shape, normal):
    normal = transpose(inverse(shape.transform)) * normal
    normal.w = 0
    normal = normalize(normal)

    if shape.parent is not None:
        normal = normal_to_world(shape.parent, normal)

    return normal
Beispiel #7
def test():
    n = 4
    u = (2, 1, 0)
    v = (3, 4, 0)

    assert u == (2, 1, 0)
    assert u != v
    assert vector_add(u, v) == (5, 5, 0)
    assert vector_subtract(u, v) == (-1, -3, 0)
    assert inner_product(u, v) == (6, 4, 0)
    assert inner_product(n, u) == (8, 4, 0)
    assert dot_product(u, v) == 10
    assert dot_product(n, u) == 12
    assert cross_product(u, v) == (0, 0, 5)

    #render pixel of triangle scenario test
    from matrix import inverse, matrix_multiply

    S = (1, 0, 0)
    V = (2, 0.5, 0)

    P0 = (4, 0, 3)
    P1 = (4, 0, -3)
    P2 = (4, 6, 0)

    N = cross_product(vector_subtract(P1, P0), vector_subtract(P2, P0))
    t = -(dot_product(N, S) - dot_product(N, P0)) / dot_product(N, V)
    P = vector_add(S, inner_product(t, V))

    R = vector_subtract(P, P0)
    Q1 = vector_subtract(P1, P0)
    Q2 = vector_subtract(P2, P0)

    M1 = ((dot_product(Q1, Q1), dot_product(Q1, Q2)),
          (dot_product(Q1, Q2), dot_product(Q2, Q2)))
    M2 = ((dot_product(R, Q1),),
          (dot_product(R, Q2),))

    w = matrix_multiply(inverse(M1), M2)
    w = (1-w[0][0]-w[1][0], w[0][0], w[1][0])

    assert N == (36, 0, 0)
    assert t == 1.5
    assert P == (4, 0.75, 0)
    assert all([i > 0 for i in w])

    print('All tests ran successfully, no errors!')

    u = ( 1, 2, 3 )
    v = ( 4, 5, 6 )
    from time import time
    start = time()
    for i in range(1000000):
        d = vector_subtract(u, v)
    print(time() - start)
Beispiel #8
def d_hill(ciphertext, key):
    # your code here
    if len(ciphertext) == 0:
        print('Error(d_hill): invalid ciphertext')
        return ''

    new_key = ''
    if len(key) > 4:
        new_key += key[:4]
    elif len(key) == 4:
        new_key += key
        new_key += key
        counter = 0
        while len(new_key) < 4:
            new_key += key[counter]
            counter += 1

    baseString = utilities_A4.get_lower()

    key_matrix = matrix.new_matrix(2, 2, 0)
    count = 0
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            key_matrix[i][j] = baseString.index(new_key[count].lower())
            count += 1

    if mod.gcd(matrix.det(key_matrix), 26) != 1:
        print('Error(d_hill): key is not invertible')
        return ''

    inverse_key_matrix = matrix.inverse(key_matrix, 26)

    plaintext = ''
    non_alpha = utilities_A4.get_nonalpha(ciphertext)
    blocks = utilities_A4.text_to_blocks(
        utilities_A4.remove_nonalpha(ciphertext), 2)

    for block in blocks:
        block_m = matrix.new_matrix(2, 1, 0)
        block_m[0][0] = baseString.index(block[0].lower())
        block_m[1][0] = baseString.index(block[1].lower())

        result_m = matrix.matrix_mod(matrix.mul(inverse_key_matrix, block_m),

        plaintext += baseString[result_m[0][0]].lower()
        plaintext += baseString[result_m[1][0]].lower()

    plaintext = utilities_A4.insert_nonalpha(plaintext, non_alpha)
    while plaintext[-1] == 'q':
        plaintext = plaintext[:-1]

    return plaintext
 def test_inverse_multiply(self):
     Checks that multiplying a matrix by its inverse
     is the identity
     a = [bitarray('11'), bitarray('10')]
     a_inverse = matrix.inverse(a)
     identity = matrix.identity(2)
     result = matrix.multiply(a, a_inverse)
     # Make sure the result matches the identity
     for i in xrange(len(identity)):
         self.assertTrue(result[i] == identity[i])
Beispiel #10
    def cam_observation_update(self, cam_obs):
        '''Single bearing-color observation'''
        zt = Matrix([
            cam_obs.bearing, cam_obs.color.r, cam_obs.color.g, cam_obs.color.b


        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            j = particle.get_feature_id(zt)
            if j < 0:  # not seen before
                # note, this will automagically add a new feature if possible
                particle.weight = self.add_hypothesis(particle.state, zt)
            else:  # j seen before
                feature = particle.get_feature_by_id(j)
                # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                # naming explains functionality
                z_hat = particle.measurement_prediction(
                    feature.mean, particle.state)
                H = self.jacobian_of_motion_model(particle.state, feature.mean)
                Q = mm(mm(H, feature.covar), transpose(H)) + self.Qt
                Q_inverse = inverse(Q)
                K = mm(mm(feature.covar, transpose(H)), Q_inverse)

                new_mean = feature.mean + mm(K, zt - z_hat)
                new_covar = mm(identity(5) - mm(K, H), feature.covar)

                particle.replace_feature_ekf(j, new_mean, new_covar)
                particle.weight = pow(
                    2 * math.pi * magnitude(Q), -1 / 2) * math.exp(
                        -0.5 * (transpose(zt - z_hat) * Q_inverse *
                                (zt - z_hat)))
            # endif
            # for all other nothing
        # end for

        temp_particle_list = []
        sum_ = 0
        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            sum_ = sum_ + particle.weight

        chosen = random() * sum_

        for _ in range(0, len(self.robot_particles)):
            for particle in self.robot_particles:
                chosen = chosen - particle.weight
                if chosen < 0:
                    # choose this particle

        self.robot_particles = temp_particle_list
Beispiel #11
 def fit(self, input_data, output_data):
     """Fit input data with output data."""
     w0 = np.random.rand(self._order)
     while True:
         a = self._calculate_a(input_data)
         b = output_data
         at = np.transpose(a)
         f_1 = 2 * at @ a @ w0 - 2 * at @ b
         f_2 = 2 * at @ a
         w1 = w0 - matrix.inverse(f_2) @ f_1
         if np.allclose(w1, w0):
         w0 = w1
     self._coefficient = w1
Beispiel #12
    def calculate_i_symbols_hard(self):
        Calculates list of intermediate symbols.

        This is ineffecient.  Calculates a, the inverse of a
        and then does matrix multiplication between a^-1 and d

        This WILL take a long time for larger symbolsizes

        Returns list of bit arrays representing intermediate symbols
        a = self.a()
        ai = matrix.inverse(a)
        d = self.calculate_d()
        return matrix.multiply(ai, d)
Beispiel #13
 def importance_factor(self, bigQ, blob, pseudoblob):
     Calculate the relative importance of this measurement (weight) to be
     used as part of resampling
         np.ndarray bigQ (measurement covariance)
         Blob blob (recieved measurement)
         Blob pseudoblob (estimated measurement)
     v1 = 2.0 * math.pi * magnitude(bigQ)
     v1 = pow(v1, -0.5)
     delz = blob_to_matrix(blob) - blob_to_matrix(pseudoblob)
     delzt = delz.T
     v2 = math.exp(-0.5 * mm(mm(delzt, inverse(bigQ)), delz))
     return v1 * v2
 def importance_factor(self, bigQ, blob, pseudoblob):
     Calculate the relative importance of this measurement (weight) to be
     used as part of resampling
         np.ndarray bigQ (measurement covariance)
         Blob blob (recieved measurement)
         Blob pseudoblob (estimated measurement)
     v1 = 2.0*math.pi *magnitude(bigQ)
     v1 = pow(v1, -0.5)
     delz = blob_to_matrix(blob) - blob_to_matrix(pseudoblob)
     delzt = delz.T
     v2 = math.exp(-0.5 * mm(mm(delzt, inverse(bigQ)), delz))
     return v1 * v2
Beispiel #15
    def kRegression(self, point, k, weight):
        """ Performs a locally weighted kernel regression
        `point : np.array` the point to be classified

        `k : int` the number of nearest neighbors

        `weight : float` how strongly the closeness of the neighbor is taken into consideration

        `classification : float` the classification label of the given point
        distances = []
        weights = []
        for i in range(self.N):
            distance = lrDistance(point, self.X[:, i], self.dim)
            weights.append(npexp(-distance / weight))

        # Find indices of nearest neighbors
        ind_neighbors = argpartition(distances, k)[:k]

        # Sort neighbors by weight
        neigbor_weights = []
        for i in ind_neighbors:
            neigbor_weights.append((i, weights[i]))
        nw = reversed(sorted(neigbor_weights, key=itemgetter(1)))

        # Matrix of nearest points
        P = zeros((self.dim, k))
        # Diagonal matrix of weights
        K = zeros((k, k))
        # Labels vector
        f = zeros(k)

        column = 0
        for i, weight in nw:
            P[:, column] = self.X[:, i]
            K[column][column] = weight
            f[column] = self.y[i]
            column += 1

        w = inverse(P @ K @ P.T) @ (P @ K) @ f
        classification = w.T @ point

        return classification
Beispiel #16
    def cam_observation_update(self, cam_obs):
        '''Single bearing-color observation'''
        zt = Matrix([cam_obs.bearing,
            cam_obs.color.r, cam_obs.color.g, cam_obs.color.b])


        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            j = particle.get_feature_id(zt)
            if j < 0: # not seen before
                # note, this will automagically add a new feature if possible
                particle.weight = self.add_hypothesis(particle.state, zt)
            else: # j seen before
                feature = particle.get_feature_by_id(j)
                # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                # naming explains functionality
                z_hat = particle.measurement_prediction(feature.mean, particle.state)
                H = self.jacobian_of_motion_model(particle.state, feature.mean)
                Q = mm(mm(H, feature.covar), transpose(H)) + self.Qt
                Q_inverse = inverse(Q)
                K = mm(mm(feature.covar, transpose(H)), Q_inverse)

                new_mean = feature.mean + mm(K, zt - z_hat)
                new_covar = mm(identity(5) - mm(K, H), feature.covar)

                particle.replace_feature_ekf(j, new_mean, new_covar)
                particle.weight = pow(2*math.pi*magnitude(Q), -1/2) * math.exp(-0.5 * (transpose(zt - z_hat)*Q_inverse*(zt - z_hat)))
            # endif
            # for all other nothing
        # end for

        temp_particle_list = []
        sum_ = 0
        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            sum_ = sum_ + particle.weight

        chosen = random()*sum_

        for _ in range(0, len(self.robot_particles)):
            for particle in self.robot_particles:
                chosen = chosen - particle.weight
                if chosen < 0:
                    # choose this particle

        self.robot_particles = temp_particle_list
 def __init__(self, matrix: Optional[Matrix] = None, **kwargs):
         matrix (Optional[Matrix]): A matrix representing the transformation
             points (Dict[VectorType, VectorType]): A map of pairs of input and output points of the transformation
     if matrix is not None:
         self.matrix = Matrix(matrix) if type(
             matrix) is not Matrix else matrix
     elif "points" in kwargs:
         inputs = [
             Vector(v) if type(v) is not Vector else v
             for v in kwargs["points"].keys()
         outputs = [
             Vector(v) if type(v) is not Vector else v
             for v in kwargs["points"].values()
         self.matrix = Matrix(cols=outputs) @ inverse(Basis(*inputs).matrix)
    def test_inverse_2x2(self):
        Tests the computation of a simple 2x2 matrix
        m = [bitarray('11'), bitarray('10')]
        known_inverse = [bitarray('01'), bitarray('11')]
        m_inverse = matrix.inverse(m)

        # Make sure m isnt changed
        self.assertTrue(m[0] == bitarray('11'))
        self.assertTrue(m[1] == bitarray('10'))

        # Make sure inverse result has same dimensions
        self.assertTrue(len(m) == len(m_inverse))
        for i in xrange(len(m)):
            self.assertTrue(len(m[i]) == len(m_inverse[i]))

        # Make sure result is same as known result
        for i in xrange(len(known_inverse)):
            self.assertTrue(m_inverse[i] == known_inverse[i])
Beispiel #19
 def __HessionInverse(self, features):
     AtA = matrix.multiply(matrix.transpose(features), features)
     return matrix.inverse(AtA)
Beispiel #20
def world_to_object(shape, point):
    if shape.parent is not None:
        point = world_to_object(shape.parent, point)
    return inverse(shape.transform) * point
Beispiel #21
def intersect(shape, ray):
    local_ray = transform(ray, inverse(shape.transform))
    return shape.local_intersect(shape, local_ray)
Beispiel #22
    def cam_cb(self, ros_view):
        # motion update all particles

        rospy.loginfo('rolling cam_cb')
        rospy.loginfo('core_v2: cam_cb -> pre low_variance_resample')

        count = 0

        for i in range(0, len(self.particles)):
            if rospy.is_shutdown():
            count += 1
            if (count % 10) == 0:
                rospy.loginfo('particle: %d' % count)
            self.particles[i].weight = 1

            if count == 1:
                rospy.loginfo('<<< start motion_update %d' % count)

            if (count % 10) == 0:
                rospy.loginfo('<<< start correspondence %d' % count)

            scan = ros_view.last_sensor_reading

            correspondence = self.particles[i].match_features_to_scan(scan)
            if (count % 10) == 0:
                rospy.loginfo('<<< end correspondence %d' % count)

            for pair in correspondence:
                if rospy.is_shutdown():
                blob = pair[1]
                if pair[0] == 0:
                    # unseen feature observed
                    self.particles[i].weight *= self.particles[
                    # update feature
                    pseudoblob = self.particles[i].generate_measurement(
                    bigH = self.particles[i].measurement_jacobian(pair[0])
                    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                    bigQ = self.particles[i].measurement_covariance(
                        bigH, pair[0], self.Qt)
                    bigQinv = inverse(bigQ)
                    bigK = self.particles[i].kalman_gain(
                        pair[0], bigH, bigQinv)

                        bigK, blob, pseudoblob))
                        bigK, bigH))
                    if pair[0] < 0:
                        # potential new feature seen
                        # update feature ^ but update as if the feature not seen
                        weighty = self.particles[i].no_match_weight()
                        # possibly add the feature to the full feature set
                        if self.particles[i].get_feature_by_id(
                                pair[0]).update_count > 5:
                            # the self.particles[i] has been seen 3 times
                            feature = self.particles[i].potential_features[
                            self.particles[i].feature_set[-pair[0]] = feature
                            del self.particles[i].potential_features[pair[0]]
                        # feature seen
                        # update feature and robot pose weight
                        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                        weighty = self.particles[i].importance_factor(
                            bigQ, blob, pseudoblob)
                    self.particles[i].weight *= weighty

            self.particles[i].state.header.frame_id = 'odom'

            if abs(self.particles[i].weight - 1) < .001:
                rospy.loginfo('suspicious 1: %d' % len(correspondence))
                rospy.loginfo('not suspicious weight: %f' %
                              (self.particles[i].weight, ))
            if (count % 10) == 0:
                rospy.loginfo('<<< end correspondence loop %d' % count)

        rospy.loginfo('core_v2: cam_cb -> post low_variance_resample')
def step_impl(context):
    context.inv = inverse(context.transform)
def step_impl(context):
    context.inv = inverse(context.half_quarter)
Beispiel #25
def test_q4():
    print("Testing Q4: Matrix Library")
    filename = 'q4_solution.txt'
    outFile = open(filename, 'w')

    outFile.write('1- Testing is_vector:\n')
    outFile.write('is_vector({}) =  {}\n'.format([], matrix.is_vector([])))
    outFile.write('is_vector({}) =  {}\n'.format([10], matrix.is_vector([10])))
    outFile.write('is_vector({}) =  {}\n'.format([10, 20],
                                                 matrix.is_vector([10, 20])))
    outFile.write('is_vector({}) =  {}\n'.format(10, matrix.is_vector(10)))
    outFile.write('is_vector({}) =  {}\n'.format([3, 4.5],
                                                 matrix.is_vector([3, 4.5])))
    outFile.write('is_vector({}) =  {}\n'.format([[]], matrix.is_vector([[]])))
    outFile.write('is_vector({}) =  {}\n'.format([[1, 2], [3, 4]],
                                                 matrix.is_vector([[1, 2],
                                                                   [3, 4]])))

    outFile.write('2- Testing is_matrix')
    A = []
    outFile.write('is_matrix({}) =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_matrix(A)))
    A = [5]
    outFile.write('is_matrix({}) =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_matrix(A)))
    A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    outFile.write('is_matrix({}) =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_matrix(A)))
    A = [[1], [2], [3]]
    outFile.write('is_matrix({}) =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_matrix(A)))
    A = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
    outFile.write('is_matrix({}) =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_matrix(A)))
    A = 5
    outFile.write('is_matrix({}) =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_matrix(A)))
    A = [5.5]
    outFile.write('is_matrix({}) =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_matrix(A)))
    A = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]
    outFile.write('is_matrix({}) =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_matrix(A)))

    print('3- Testing print_matrix')
    A = []
    A = [10, 20, 30]
    A = [[10], [20], [30]]
    A = [[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60], [70, 80, 10]]
    A = [[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60], [70, 80]]

    outFile.write('4/5/6- Testing size functions\n')
    A = []
    outFile.write('get_rowCount({})    =  {}\n'.format(A,
    outFile.write('get_ColumnCount({}) =  {}\n'.format(
        A, matrix.get_columnCount(A)))
    outFile.write('get_size({})        =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.get_size(A)))

    A = [1, 2, 3]
    outFile.write('get_rowCount({})    =  {}\n'.format(A,
    outFile.write('get_ColumnCount({}) =  {}\n'.format(
        A, matrix.get_columnCount(A)))
    outFile.write('get_size({})        =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.get_size(A)))

    A = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
    outFile.write('get_rowCount({})    =  {}\n'.format(A,
    outFile.write('get_ColumnCount({}) =  {}\n'.format(
        A, matrix.get_columnCount(A)))
    outFile.write('get_size({})        =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.get_size(A)))

    A = [[1, 2], [3]]
    outFile.write('get_rowCount({})    =  {}\n'.format(A,
    outFile.write('get_ColumnCount({}) =  {}\n'.format(
        A, matrix.get_columnCount(A)))
    outFile.write('get_size({})        =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.get_size(A)))

    outFile.write('7- Testing is_square\n')
    A = []
    outFile.write('is_square({})    =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_square(A)))
    A = [5]
    outFile.write('is_square({})    =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_square(A)))
    A = [5, 6]
    outFile.write('is_square({})    =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_square(A)))
    A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    outFile.write('is_square({})    =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_square(A)))
    A = [5.5]
    outFile.write('is_square({})    =  {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_square(A)))

    outFile.write('8/9/10- Testing getter functions\n')
    A = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
    i = 0
    j = 1
    outFile.write('get_row({},{})    = {}\n'.format(A, i, matrix.get_row(A,
    outFile.write('get_Column({},{}) = {}\n'.format(A, j,
                                                    matrix.get_column(A, j)))
    outFile.write('get_element({},{},{}) = {}\n'.format(
        A, i, j, matrix.get_element(A, i, j)))

    i = 2
    j = 2
    outFile.write('get_row({},{})    = {}\n'.format(A, i, matrix.get_row(A,
    outFile.write('get_Column({},{}) = {}\n'.format(A, j,
                                                    matrix.get_column(A, j)))
    outFile.write('get_element({},{},{}) = {}\n'.format(
        A, i, j, matrix.get_element(A, i, j)))

    i = 1
    j = 3
    outFile.write('get_row({},{})    = {}\n'.format(A, i, matrix.get_row(A,
    outFile.write('get_Column({},{}) = {}\n'.format(A, j,
                                                    matrix.get_column(A, j)))
    outFile.write('get_element({},{},{}) = {}\n'.format(
        A, i, j, matrix.get_element(A, i, j)))

    A = [[1, 2, 3], []]
    outFile.write('get_row({},{})    = {}\n'.format(A, i, matrix.get_row(A,
    outFile.write('get_Column({},{}) = {}\n'.format(A, j,
                                                    matrix.get_column(A, j)))
    outFile.write('get_element({},{},{}) = {}\n'.format(
        A, i, j, matrix.get_element(A, i, j)))

    outFile.write('11- Testing new_matrix\n')
    r = 0
    c = 0
    pad = 0
        r, c, pad, matrix.new_matrix(r, c, pad)))
    c = 1
        r, c, pad, matrix.new_matrix(r, c, pad)))
    r = 1
        r, c, pad, matrix.new_matrix(r, c, pad)))
    r = 2
    c = 1
        r, c, pad, matrix.new_matrix(r, c, pad)))
    c = 2
    r = 1
        r, c, pad, matrix.new_matrix(r, c, pad)))
    c = 3
    r = 3
        r, c, pad, matrix.new_matrix(r, c, pad)))
    r = -1
        r, c, pad, matrix.new_matrix(r, c, pad)))
    r = 3
    c = -5
        r, c, pad, matrix.new_matrix(r, c, pad)))
    c = 5
    pad = 3.5
        r, c, pad, matrix.new_matrix(r, c, pad)))

    outFile.write('12- Testing get_I\n')
    size = -1
    outFile.write('get_I({})    = {}\n'.format(size, matrix.get_I(size)))
    size = 0
    outFile.write('get_I({})    =  {}\n'.format(size, matrix.get_I(size)))
    size = 1
    outFile.write('get_I({})    =  {}\n'.format(size, matrix.get_I(size)))
    size = 2
    outFile.write('get_I({})    =  {}\n'.format(size, matrix.get_I(size)))
    size = 3
    outFile.write('get_I({})    =  {}\n'.format(size, matrix.get_I(size)))

    outFile.write('13- Testing is_identity\n')
    A = [1]
    outFile.write('is_identity({}) = {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_identity(A)))
    A = matrix.get_I(3)
    outFile.write('is_identity({}) = {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_identity(A)))
    A = [[1, 0], [1, 1]]
    outFile.write('is_identity({}) = {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_identity(A)))
    A = [[1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
    outFile.write('is_identity({}) = {}\n'.format(A, matrix.is_identity(A)))

    outFile.write('14- Testing scalar_mul\n')
    A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    c = 10
    outFile.write('scalar_mul({},{}) = {}\n'.format(A, c,
                                                    matrix.scalar_mul(c, A)))
    A = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    outFile.write('scalar_mul({},{}) = {}\n'.format(A, c,
                                                    matrix.scalar_mul(c, A)))
    A = []
    outFile.write('scalar_mul({},{}) = {}\n'.format(A, c,
                                                    matrix.scalar_mul(c, A)))
    A = [1, 2, 3, [4]]
    outFile.write('scalar_mul({},{}) = {}\n'.format(A, c,
                                                    matrix.scalar_mul(c, A)))
    A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    c = [10]
    outFile.write('scalar_mul({},{}) = {}\n'.format(A, c,
                                                    matrix.scalar_mul(c, A)))

    outFile.write('15- Testing mul\n')
    A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    B = [[10, 20], [30, 40]]
    outFile.write('mul({},{})=\n{}\n'.format(A, c, matrix.mul(A, B)))
    A = [[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7]]
    B = [[10, 20], [30, 40], [50, 60]]
    outFile.write('mul({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, c, matrix.mul(A, B)))
    A = [5]
    B = [10]
    outFile.write('mul({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, B, matrix.mul(A, B)))
    A = [0, 1, 2]
    B = [[0], [1], [2]]
    outFile.write('mul({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, B, matrix.mul(A, B)))
    A = [[0], 1]
    B = [1, 0]
    outFile.write('mul({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, B, matrix.mul(A, B)))
    A = [1, 0]
    B = [[0], 1]
    outFile.write('mul({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, B, matrix.mul(A, B)))
    A = [[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7]]
    B = [[10, 20], [30, 40], [50, 60]]
    outFile.write('mul({},{})= {}\n'.format(B, A, matrix.mul(B, A)))
    A = [[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7]]
    B = [[10, 20], [30, 40]]
    outFile.write('mul({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, B, matrix.mul(A, B)))

    outFile.write('16- Testing matrix_mod\n')
    A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    m = 2
    outFile.write('matrix_mod({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m,
                                                   matrix.matrix_mod(A, m)))
    A = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    m = 2
    outFile.write('matrix_mod({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m,
                                                   matrix.matrix_mod(A, m)))
    A = [[3], [5]]
    m = 3
    outFile.write('matrix_mod({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m,
                                                   matrix.matrix_mod(A, m)))
    A = [[3], [5]]
    m = 0
    outFile.write('matrix_mod({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m,
                                                   matrix.matrix_mod(A, m)))
    A = [3, [5]]
    m = 6
    outFile.write('matrix_mod({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m,
                                                   matrix.matrix_mod(A, m)))

    outFile.write('17- Testing det\n')
    A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    outFile.write('det({})= {}\n'.format(A, matrix.det(A)))
    A = [10]
    outFile.write('det({})= {}\n'.format(A, matrix.det(A)))
    A = [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]
    outFile.write('det({})= {}\n'.format(A, matrix.det(A)))
    A = [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2]]
    outFile.write('det({})= {}\n'.format(A, matrix.det(A)))

    outFile.write('18- Testing inverse\n')
    A = [[1, 4], [8, 11]]
    m = 26
    outFile.write('inverse({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m, matrix.inverse(A, m)))
    A = [[4, 3], [1, 1]]
    m = 5
    outFile.write('inverse({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m, matrix.inverse(A, m)))
    A = [[1, 4], [8, 10]]
    m = 26
    outFile.write('inverse({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m, matrix.inverse(A, m)))
    A = [1, 4, 8, 10]
    m = 15
    outFile.write('inverse({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m, matrix.inverse(A, m)))
    A = [[4, 3], [1, 1]]
    m = -5
    outFile.write('inverse({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m, matrix.inverse(A, m)))
    A = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
    m = 7
    outFile.write('inverse({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m, matrix.inverse(A, m)))
    A = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]
    m = 7
    outFile.write('inverse({},{})= {}\n'.format(A, m, matrix.inverse(A, m)))

    print('Comparing q4_solution with q4_sample:')
    print(utilities_A4.compare_files('q4_solution.txt', 'q4_sample.txt'))
Beispiel #26
def pattern_at_shape(p, obj, world_point):
    object_point = world_to_object(obj, world_point)
    pattern_point = inverse(p.transform) * object_point
    return p.pattern_at(p, pattern_point)
Beispiel #27
 def to_coords(self, vector: VectorType) -> Vector:
     """Converts a vectors coordinates from canonical to this basis'"""
     assert(self.matrix.determinant() != 0)
     return inverse(self.matrix) @ vector
    def cam_cb(self, ros_view):
        # motion update all particles

        rospy.loginfo('rolling cam_cb')
        rospy.loginfo('core_v2: cam_cb -> pre low_variance_resample')

        count = 0

        for i in range(0, len(self.particles)):
            if rospy.is_shutdown():
            count += 1
            if (count % 10) == 0:
                rospy.loginfo('particle: %d' % count)
            self.particles[i].weight = 1

            if count == 1:
                rospy.loginfo('<<< start motion_update %d' % count)

            if (count % 10) == 0:
                rospy.loginfo('<<< start correspondence %d' % count)

            scan = ros_view.last_sensor_reading

            correspondence = self.particles[i].match_features_to_scan(scan)
            if (count % 10) == 0:
                rospy.loginfo('<<< end correspondence %d' % count)
            for pair in correspondence:
                if rospy.is_shutdown():
                blob = pair[1]
                if pair[0] == 0:
                    # unseen feature observed
                    self.particles[i].add_hypothesis(self.particles[i].state, blob)
                    self.particles[i].weight *= self.particles[i].no_match_weight()
                    # update feature
                    pseudoblob = self.particles[i].generate_measurement(pair[0])
                    bigH = self.particles[i].measurement_jacobian(pair[0])
                    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                    bigQ = self.particles[i].measurement_covariance(bigH, pair[0], self.Qt)
                    bigQinv = inverse(bigQ)
                    bigK = self.particles[i].kalman_gain(pair[0], bigH, bigQinv)

                        .update_mean(bigK, blob, pseudoblob))
                        .update_covar(bigK, bigH))
                    if pair[0] < 0:
                        # potential new feature seen
                        # update feature ^ but update as if the feature not seen
                        weighty = self.particles[i].no_match_weight()
                        # possibly add the feature to the full feature set
                        if self.particles[i].get_feature_by_id(pair[0]).update_count > 5:
                            # the self.particles[i] has been seen 3 times
                            feature = self.particles[i].potential_features[pair[0]]
                            self.particles[i].feature_set[-pair[0]] = feature
                            del self.particles[i].potential_features[pair[0]]
                        # feature seen
                        # update feature and robot pose weight
                        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                        weighty = self.particles[i].importance_factor(bigQ, blob, pseudoblob)
                    self.particles[i].weight *= weighty
            self.particles[i].state.header.frame_id = 'odom'
            if abs(self.particles[i].weight - 1) < .001:
                rospy.loginfo('suspicious 1: %d' % len(correspondence))
                rospy.loginfo('not suspicious weight: %f' % (self.particles[i].weight,))
            if (count % 10) == 0:
                rospy.loginfo('<<< end correspondence loop %d' % count)

        rospy.loginfo('core_v2: cam_cb -> post low_variance_resample')
def d_hill(ciphertext, key):
    plaintext = ''

    if len(ciphertext) == 0:
        print('Error(d_hill): invalid ciphertext')
        return plaintext

    if len(key) > 4:
        key = key[:4]

    elif len(key) < 4:
        x = len(key)
        count = 0

        while len(key) != 4:
            if count == x:
                count = 0

            key += key[count]
            count += 1

    alpha = utilities_A4.get_nonalpha(ciphertext)
    text = utilities_A4.remove_nonalpha(ciphertext)
    text = text.upper()

    if len(text) % 2 != 0:
        text += 'Q'

    indx1 = 0
    indx2 = 0
    textMatrix = matrix.new_matrix(2, int(len(text) / 2), 0)
    for i in range(len(text)):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            textMatrix[0][indx1] = base.find(text[i])
            indx1 += 1

            textMatrix[1][indx2] = base.find(text[i])
            indx2 += 1

    keyMatrix = matrix.new_matrix(2, 2, 0)
    count = 0
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            keyMatrix[i][j] = base.find(key[count].upper())
            count += 1

    inverse = matrix.inverse(keyMatrix, 26)

    for i in range(int(len(text) / 2)):
        a = textMatrix[0][i] * inverse[0][0] + textMatrix[1][i] * inverse[0][1]
        b = textMatrix[0][i] * inverse[1][0] + textMatrix[1][i] * inverse[1][1]
        plaintext += base[a % 26]
        plaintext += base[b % 26]

    plaintext = utilities_A4.insert_nonalpha(plaintext, alpha)
    plaintext = plaintext.lower()

    while plaintext[len(plaintext) - 1] == 'q':
        plaintext = plaintext[:-1]

    return plaintext