def updateLayoutEnabled(self): ''' updates UI enabled/disabled flag based on layer data availability ''' enabled = self.dataModel.isEnabled() cmds.layout(self.cmdLayout.innerLayout,e=True,enable=enabled) cmds.layout(self.cmdLayout.buttonForm,e=True,enable=enabled)
def updateLayoutEnabled(self): ''' updates UI enabled/disabled flag based on layer data availability ''' enabled = LayerDataModel.getInstance().layerDataAvailable==True cmds.layout(self.cmdLayout.innerLayout,e=True,enable=enabled) cmds.layout(self.cmdLayout.buttonForm,e=True,enable=enabled)
def changePrefix(s, element, text): text = text.strip().title() if text and 2 < len(text) < 30 and "@" not in text: cmds.layout(element, e=True, bgc=(0.3,1,0.3))["pref"] = text else: cmds.control(element, e=True, bgc=(1,0.4,0.4))
def closeTodo(): # Animate todo closed. Fancy. if cmds.layout(gui, ex=True): height = cmds.layout(gui, q=True, h=True) for i in range(20): i = (100 - i*5) / 100.0 cmds.layout(gui, e=True, h=height * i) cmds.refresh() time.sleep(0.01) s._buidTodoTasks()
def __init__(self): if mc.layout(self.layoutname, query=True, exists=True) == True: mc.deleteUI(self.layoutname, lay=True) if mc.layout(self.layoutname, query=True, exists=True) != True: self.windowName = mc.loadUI(f=self._UI_File) mc.showWindow(self.windowName) allowedAreas = ['right', 'left'] self.layout=mc.dockControl(area='right', content=self.windowName, l='SP_2012', w=390, h=490, allowedArea=allowedAreas) self.layoutname=mc.dockControl(self.layout,q=1,fpn=1)
def createUI( self, win, index): # min/max of the attr need to be set correcty, not yet win.cRange.append( mc.floatSliderGrp( label=self.niceName, fieldStep=.1, precision=3, field=True, min=0, fieldMinValue=-1000000, max=5, fieldMaxValue=1000000, cc='bt_randomizer.updateChannel( ' + str(index) + ', 1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateChannel( ' + str(index) + ', 0)' )) # Offset - then modify the stepping of the float field win.cOffset.append( mc.floatFieldGrp( label='Offset', precision=3, numberOfFields=1, value1=0, cc='bt_randomizer.updateChannel( ' + str(index) + ', 1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateChannel( ' + str(index) + ', 0)' )) mc.floatField( (win.cOffset[-1] + '|' + mc.layout( win.cOffset[-1], q=1, ca=1)[1]), e=1, step=.1) # Step - then modify the stepping of the float field win.cStep.append( mc.floatFieldGrp( label='Step', precision=3, numberOfFields=1, value1=0, cc='bt_randomizer.updateChannel( ' + str(index) + ', 1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateChannel( ' + str(index) + ', 0)' )) mc.floatField( (win.cStep[-1] + '|' + mc.layout( win.cStep[-1], q=1, ca=1)[1]), e=1, step=.1) mc.separator( style="in", h=20)
def filterListByType(self, nodeType): if len(self.itemList) > 0: for item in self.itemList: classification = [] classification.append(item.nodeType) classification.extend(cmds.getClassification(item.nodeType)) clsStr = '|'.join(classification) if nodeType in clsStr: cmds.layout(item.listItemLayoutId, edit = 1, manage = 1) else: cmds.layout(item.listItemLayoutId, edit = 1, manage = 0)
def show(cls, menu_type, menu_name, preferences, **kwargs): """create marking menu""" cls.hide(kwargs["b"]) if not menu_name: return if menu_type == cls.MEL: cls._mel(menu_name, p=cmds.layout(cmds.getPanel(up=True), q=True, p=True), aob=True, mm=True, **kwargs) elif menu_type == cls.PYTHON: cls._python(menu_name, p=cmds.layout(cmds.getPanel(up=True), q=True, p=True), aob=True, mm=True, **kwargs) else: cls._preset(menu_name, preferences, p=cmds.layout(cmds.getPanel(up=True), q=True, p=True), aob=True, mm=True, **kwargs)
def _GUI_Delete(s): """ Overriding deletion for a fancy removal animation. """ if cmds.layout(s._root, ex=True): height = cmds.layout(s._root, q=True, h=True) for i in range(20): i = (100 - i*5) / 100.0 cmds.layout(s._root, e=True, h=height * i) cmds.refresh() time.sleep(0.01) element.MayaElement._GUI_Delete(s)
def sample(strYaya,*agre): cmds.deleteUI('layout_'+strYaya.split('saww')[1]) main_column_num = cmds.layout('main_layout',q=True,numberOfChildren=True) for d in range(main_column_num): rowlayoutNum = cmds.rowLayout('sadw'+str(d),q=True,numberOfChildren=True) if rowlayoutNum<12 or rowlayoutNum>0: for i in range(12 - int(rowlayoutNum)): try: layPos = cmds.layout('sadw'+str(int(d)+1),q=True,childArray=True) cmds.columnLayout(layPos[0] ,e=True,parent='sadw'+str(d)) except: pass
def updateToTool(self): ''' update controls to current tool ''' isPainting = self.isPainting() cmds.control(self.cmdLayout.innerLayout,e=True,enable=isPainting) cmds.button(self.cmdLayout.buttons[1],e=True,label="Flood" if isPainting else "Paint") if (isPainting): self.controls.brushRadiusSlider.setValue(cmds.artUserPaintCtx(self.TOOL_PAINT,q=True,radius=True)) self.controls.brushRadiusSlider.setEnabled(isPainting) layersAvailable = LayerDataModel.getInstance().layerDataAvailable cmds.layout(self.cmdLayout.buttonForm,e=True,enable=layersAvailable)
def delete(s): # Delete itself with warn: ans = cmds.confirmDialog( t=s.i18n["clips.deleteClip"], m=s.i18n["clips.deleteConfirm"], button=[s.i18n["yes"], s.i18n["no"]], defaultButton=s.i18n["yes"], cancelButton=s.i18n["no"], dismissString=s.i18n["no"] ) if ans == s.i18n["yes"]: # Are we ok to delete?? s.char.removeClip(s.clip) cmds.layout(s.wrapper, e=True, m=False)
def updatePlaneMode(self, planeMode, unused): if(self.currentPlaneMode == planeMode): return #hide advanced options UI if(self.currentPlaneMode is not None and self.currentPlaneMode.advancedSettingsUI is not None): cmds.layout(self.currentPlaneMode.advancedSettingsUI, edit=True, visible=False) self.currentPlaneMode = planeMode #show advanced options UI if(self.currentPlaneMode.advancedSettingsUI is not None): cmds.layout(self.currentPlaneMode.advancedSettingsUI, edit=True, visible=True) self.updatePreviewPlane()
def removeExportFolder(s, listElement, path): if cmds.layout(listElement, ex=True): cmds.deleteUI(listElement) if path in["dirs"]:["dirs"].remove(path) print "Removing Export Folder:", path
def removeExportSelection(s, listElement, item): if cmds.layout(listElement, ex=True): cmds.deleteUI(listElement) if item in["objs"]:["objs"].remove(item) print "Removing Export Object:", item
def deleteChannelsUI( win): chnlUI = mkList( mc.layout( win.channelsParent, q=1, ca=1)) if len(chnlUI): mc.deleteUI( chnlUI) win.cRange = [] win.cOffset = [] win.cStep = [] mc.setParent( win.channelsParent)
def startUp(): print( '########## mayaWrangler >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' ) # todo embedd in interface: wantSecondsCurrentTimeField = 1 wantCurrentTimeFieldInt = 1 wantCurrentTimeToMinMaxPopup = 1 wantTweakGraphEditPopup = 1 wantShelfSwitcherMM = 1 if not m.layout( lyout, ex=1 ): raise IOError, 'timeSlider layout: ' + lyout + ' does not exist (yet)! :/' print ('check! layout: ' + str(lyout) + ' exists!') if not m.control( currTimeField, ex=1 ): raise IOError, 'currTimeField: ' + currTimeField + ' does not exist (yet)! :/' print ('check! currTimeField: ' + str(currTimeField) + ' exists!') if wantSecondsCurrentTimeField: createSecondsCurrentTimeField() if wantCurrentTimeFieldInt: makeCurrentTimeFieldInt() if wantCurrentTimeToMinMaxPopup: addCurrentTimeToMinMaxPopup() if wantTweakGraphEditPopup: createTweakGraphEditPopup() if wantShelfSwitcherMM: import shelfSwitcher print( '########## mayaWrangler <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<' )
def cleanUP_editDishTAB(self,anchor): mc.textField( self.currentEditedDish ,e=True,tx='' ) chldList = mc.layout(anchor,q=True,ca=True) if chldList is not None and len(chldList)>0: for chld in chldList: mc.deleteUI(chld)
def _clear(s): """ Clear the layout ready to be refreshed """ if cmds.layout(s.wrapper, ex=True): cmds.deleteUI(s.wrapper) s.wrapper = cmds.columnLayout(adj=True, p=s.container)
def readUI(self): ''' This reads the UI elements and turns them into arguments saved in a kwargs style member variable ''' if self.uiArgDict: #this is some fanciness to read the values of UI elements and generate or run the resulting command #keys represent the argument names, the values are UI elements for k in self.uiArgDict.keys(): uiType = mc.objectTypeUI(self.uiArgDict[k]) value = None if uiType == 'rowGroupLayout': controls = mc.layout(self.uiArgDict[k], query=True, childArray=True) if 'check1' in controls: value = mc.checkBoxGrp(self.uiArgDict[k], query=True, value1=True) elif 'radio1' in controls: buttonNumber = mc.radioButtonGrp(self.uiArgDict[k], query=True, select=True) #there should be a control for the label and each the buttons..I hope labels = mc.radioButtonGrp(self.uiArgDict[k], query=True, **{'labelArray'+str(len(controls)-1):True}) value = labels[buttonNumber-1] else: OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Cannot read '+uiType+' UI element: '+self.uiArgDict[k]) continue self.kwargs[k] = value
def add_script_editor_toolbar(): # this is the last contorl on script editor tool bar goto_btn = mc.iconTextButton( 'scriptEditorToolbarGotoLineButton', q=1, fullPathName=1) flow_layout ='.*(?=\|)', goto_btn).group() for x in reversed(mc.layout(flow_layout, q=1, ca=1)): if x == 'scriptEditorToolbarGotoLineButton': break else: mc.deleteUI(x) mc.setParent(flow_layout) iconSize = 23 mc.separator(height=iconSize, horizontal=0, style='single') mc.iconTextButton( width=iconSize, height=iconSize, annotation='save tabs', image="save.png", c=lambda *x: save_tabs() ) mc.iconTextButton( width=iconSize, height=iconSize, annotation='load tabs', image="refresh.png", c=lambda *x: load_tabs() )
def switch_module(self,dishName,dishFile,*args): archive = zipfile.ZipFile(dishFile, 'r') jsonFile ='dish.ini') jsondata = json.loads(jsonFile) archive.close() #Clear chld chldrn = mc.layout( self.InfosTab, query=True, childArray=True ) for chld in chldrn: mc.deleteUI(chld) #------------------------------------------------------------------- mc.columnLayout( adjustableColumn=True ,p=self.InfosTab ,rs=5) header = """<html> <body> <h1>%s</h1></body> </html> """%(dishName ) self.dishType = dishName mc.text( self.module,e=True,l=header,font='boldLabelFont') mc.scrollField( editable=False, wordWrap=True, text=jsondata['moduleInfos'] ,h=140) mc.separator() mc.text( l='name bank') mc.columnLayout( adjustableColumn=True) LimbMenu = mc.optionMenu( label='',w=224 ) mc.menuItem( label='NONE') mc.setParent('..') mc.button(l='Open name composer',h=28) mc.optionMenu( LimbMenu ,e=True,changeCommand=partial(self.composePrfX,LimbMenu)) self.dishPrfx = mc.textField() mc.button(l='Import', h=42,c=self.validate_dish_before_merge )
def __init__(self): MPx.MPxCommand.__init__( self ) #add env variable for maya scripts path CSIDL_PERSONAL = 5 # My Documents SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 1 # Get current, not default value docs = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(ctypes.wintypes.MAX_PATH) ctypes.windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW(None, CSIDL_PERSONAL, None, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, docs) mayaENVfile = docs.value + "/maya/2016/Maya.env" os.chmod( mayaENVfile, 0o664 ) mayaEnv = open( mayaENVfile, 'a' ) mayaEnvR = open( mayaENVfile, 'r' ) readEnv = mayaEnvR.readlines() lineSet = set(readEnv) newline = "MAYA_MODULE_PATH= C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\plugin-ins\CGassetManager" newlineSpaces = "\n\nMAYA_MODULE_PATH= C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\plugin-ins\CGassetManager" if not newline in lineSet: mayaEnv.writelines(newlineSpaces) mayaEnv.close() mayaEnvR.close() #rehash the maya script cache mel.eval( "rehash;" ) if cmds.layout( "PM_plugins", exists=True ): pass else: mel.eval( "loadNewShelf \"shelf_PM_plugins\";" )
def clear(s, elem): ch = cmds.layout(elem, ca=True) if ch: for c in ch: try: cmds.deleteUI(c) except RuntimeError: pass
def clearElement(s, element): existing = cmds.layout(element, q=True, ca=True) if existing: for layout in existing: try: cmds.deleteUI(existing) except RuntimeError: pass
def removeAnimation(s, listElement, anim): if cmds.layout(listElement, ex=True): cmds.deleteUI(listElement) if anim in s.animationData: s.animationData.remove(anim)["anim"] = s.extractAnimationData(s.animationData) print "Removing Animation:",["name"]
def replaceVectorVariables(self, nodeAttr): parent = cmds.setParent(query=1) children = cmds.layout(parent, query=1, childArray=1) form = parent + "|" + children[0] children = cmds.layout(form, query=1, childArray=1) rowlayout = form + "|" + children[0] varslayout = form + "|" + children[1] children = cmds.layout(rowlayout, query=1, childArray=1) addbtn = rowlayout + "|" + children[0] rembtn = rowlayout + "|" + children[1] cmds.button(addbtn, edit=1, command=lambda *args: self.addVectorVariable(nodeAttr, varslayout)) cmds.button(rembtn, edit=1, command=lambda *args: self.removeAllVariables(nodeAttr, varslayout)) # Update content nameAttr = nodeAttr valueAttr = nodeAttr.replace("vparam_name", "vparam_value") # Sync name/value arrays count = self.syncNameValueArrays(nameAttr, valueAttr, vectorValues=True) # Build UI children = cmds.columnLayout(varslayout, query=1, childArray=1) if children is None: children = [] uicount = len(children) # Remove extra variables while uicount > count: cmds.deleteUI(children[-1]) uicount -= 1 # Sync existing values for i in xrange(uicount): self.syncVectorVariable(nameAttr, valueAttr, i, children[i]) # Add missing variables while uicount < count: self.addVectorVariable(nodeAttr, varslayout, name=cmds.getAttr("%s[%d]" % (nameAttr, uicount)), value=cmds.getAttr("%s[%d]" % (valueAttr, uicount))) uicount += 1
def get_text_edit(self): 'get current qtextedit from script editor' tabIdx = mc.tabLayout(gCommandExecuterTabs, q=1, st=1) _logger.debug('current tab: %s', tabIdx) cmd_executer = mc.layout(tabIdx,q=1,ca=1)[0] ptr=apiUI.MQtUtil.findControl(cmd_executer) self.textedit=sip.wrapinstance(long(ptr),QObject)
def _clearFrame(s): # Clear the UI """ Clear UI for next build """ s.GUI["wrapper"] = s.GUI.get("wrapper", "") if cmds.layout(s.GUI["wrapper"], ex=True): cmds.deleteUI(s.GUI["wrapper"]) s.GUI["wrapper"] = cmds.columnLayout(adjustableColumn=True, p=s.GUI["window"])
def _getTimelineWinSize(): '''Dimensione finestra timeline a seconda se sono su qt o no.''' mayaVersion = cmds.about(version=True).split()[0] if _isQt: return (cmds.layout('MainTimeSliderLayout|formLayout9|frameLayout2', q=True, w=True)-17, 38) else: return ((cmds.control('MayaWindow|mayaMainWindowForm', q=True, w=True)-311), 70)
def updateEnabled(self): cmds.layout(self.destinationRow, e=True, enable=not self.chkSelfReference.getValue()) self.chkBidirectional.setEnabled(not self.chkSelfReference.getValue())
def children(self): """ :return: children of this layout """ childnames = mutil.noneToList(cmds.layout(self, q=1, ca=1)) # assure we have long names to ensure uniqueness return uibase.wrapUI(["%s|%s" % (self, c) for c in childnames])
def installToolboxWindow(): installForm = cmds.formLayout() textLabel = cmds.text(label='Shelf') nameText = cmds.textField('nameText', width=200, tx='Custom') scriptsMenu = cmds.optionMenu('scriptsMenu') jsonPathText = cmds.textField('jsonPathText', ed=False, pht='path to json') jsonPathBtn = cmds.button('jsonPathBtn', width=50, label='...', c='browseForFile()') separator = ';' if cmds.about(nt=True) else ':' scriptsPaths = os.getenv('MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH') allparts = scriptsPaths.split(separator) for i, part in enumerate(allparts): if (i == 0): cmds.menuItem(label='Manually install scripts') if (i < 7): isSystemPath = FilterOutSystemPaths(part) if (isSystemPath == 0): cmds.menuItem(label=part) iconsMenu = cmds.optionMenu('iconsMenu') iconsPaths = os.getenv('XBMLANGPATH') iconsParts = iconsPaths.split(separator) for i, part in enumerate(iconsParts): if (i < 6): isSystemPath = FilterOutSystemPaths(part) if (isSystemPath == 0): cmds.menuItem(label=part) progressControl = cmds.progressBar('progressControl', maxValue=10, vis=False, width=250) btn1 = cmds.button(height=50, label='Install', c='CheckText()') btn2 = cmds.button(height=50, label='Close', c='cmds.deleteUI(\'Install Toolbox\')') listLayout = cmds.columnLayout('listLayout', adjustableColumn=True) try: dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) except: print 'running in test environment' dirname = 'C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Toolbox' JSONPath = dirname + '/toolboxShelf.json' try: data = json.load(open(JSONPath), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) cmds.textField('jsonPathText', e=True, text=JSONPath) for k in data: cb = cmds.checkBox(h=20, label=k, v=1) try: if data[k]["checkStatus"] == 0: cmds.checkBox(cb, e=True, v=0) if data[k]["checkStatus"] == 2: cmds.checkBox(cb, e=True, v=1, ed=0) except: pass except: pass cmds.formLayout(installForm, edit=True, attachForm=[(textLabel, 'top', 15), (textLabel, 'left', 10), (nameText, 'top', 10), (nameText, 'right', 10), (scriptsMenu, 'right', 10), (iconsMenu, 'right', 10), (jsonPathBtn, 'right', 10), (progressControl, 'left', 10), (progressControl, 'right', 10), (btn1, 'bottom', 0), (btn1, 'left', 0), (btn2, 'bottom', 0), (btn2, 'right', 0)], attachControl=[(nameText, 'left', 10, textLabel), (scriptsMenu, 'top', 10, textLabel), (scriptsMenu, 'left', 10, textLabel), (iconsMenu, 'top', 10, scriptsMenu), (iconsMenu, 'left', 10, textLabel), (jsonPathText, 'top', 10, iconsMenu), (jsonPathBtn, 'top', 10, iconsMenu), (jsonPathText, 'left', 10, textLabel), (jsonPathText, 'right', 10, jsonPathBtn), (progressControl, 'top', 20, jsonPathText), (progressControl, 'left', 10, textLabel), (listLayout, 'top', 20, jsonPathText), (listLayout, 'left', 10, textLabel), (btn2, 'left', 0, btn1)], attachPosition=[(btn1, 'right', 0, 50)]) shelfName = '' #get current tab names = cmds.layout('ShelfLayout', q=True, ca=True) shelfIndex = cmds.shelfTabLayout('ShelfLayout', query=True, selectTabIndex=True) #set text selectionString = (names[shelfIndex - 1]) cmds.textField(nameText, edit=True, tx=selectionString)
def get_exec_type(self): gCommandExecuterTabs = get_mel_global('$gCommandExecuterTabs') tabIdx = mc.tabLayout(gCommandExecuterTabs, q=1, st=1) cmd_executer = mc.layout(tabIdx, q=1, ca=1)[0] return mc.cmdScrollFieldExecuter(cmd_executer, q=1, st=1)
def __init__( self): self.cRange = [] self.cOffset = [] self.cStep = [] window, columnLayout, closeButton, seedButton, selectButton, undoButton = standardWindow( "randomizerWin", "Randomizer", ( "Close", "New Seed", "Reload Sel", "Reset")) mc.setParent( columnLayout) mc.text( 'Select objects, channels or components\nand click on \"Reload Sel\"') mc.separator( style='none', h=10) mc.frameLayout( label='Objects', borderStyle='etchedIn', cll=1, cl=0) mc.columnLayout( adj=1) # Transform Objects self.tRange = mc.floatSliderGrp( label='Translate Range', fieldStep=.1, precision=3, field=True, min=0, fieldMinValue=0, max=50, fieldMaxValue=10000, cc='bt_randomizer.updateTranslate(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateTranslate(0)' ) self.tScale = mc.floatFieldGrp( label='Multiply Axis', precision=3, numberOfFields=3, value1=1, value2=1, value3=1, cc='bt_randomizer.updateTranslate(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateTranslate(0)' ) for c in mc.layout( self.tScale, q=1, ca=1)[1:]: mc.floatField( (self.tScale + '|' + c), e=1, step=.1) mc.separator( style='in', h=20) # Rotate Objects self.rRange = mc.floatSliderGrp( label='Rotate Range', fieldStep=.1, precision=3, field=True, min=0, fieldMinValue=0, max=360, fieldMaxValue=10000, cc='bt_randomizer.updateRotate(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateRotate(0)' ) self.rScale = mc.floatFieldGrp( label='Multiply Axis', precision=3, numberOfFields=3, value1=1, value2=1, value3=1, cc='bt_randomizer.updateRotate(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateRotate(0)' ) for c in mc.layout( self.rScale, q=1, ca=1)[1:]: mc.floatField( (self.rScale + '|' + c), e=1, step=.1) mc.separator( style='in', h=20) # Scale Objects self.sRange = mc.floatSliderGrp( label='Scale Range', fieldStep=.1, precision=3, field=True, min=0, fieldMinValue=0, max=5, fieldMaxValue=10000, cc='bt_randomizer.updateScale(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateScale(0)' ) self.sScale = mc.floatFieldGrp( label='Multiply Axis', precision=3, numberOfFields=3, value1=1, value2=1, value3=1, cc='bt_randomizer.updateScale(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateScale(0)' ) for c in mc.layout( self.sScale, q=1, ca=1)[1:]: mc.floatField( (self.sScale + '|' + c), e=1, step=.1) self.uniformScale = mc.checkBoxGrp( label='Uniform Scale', l1='', ncb=1, v1=0, cc='\nbt_randomizer.updateScale(1)') # Channels mc.setParent( columnLayout) mc.frameLayout( label='Channels', borderStyle='etchedIn', cll=1, cl=1) self.channelsParent = mc.columnLayout( adj=1) createChannelsUI( self) # Components mc.setParent( columnLayout) mc.frameLayout( label='Components', borderStyle='etchedIn', cll=1, cl=1) mc.columnLayout( adj=1) self.tCmpRange = mc.floatSliderGrp( label='Translate Range', fieldStep=.01, precision=3, field=True, min=0, fieldMinValue=0, max=1, fieldMaxValue=10000, cc='bt_randomizer.updateComponents(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateComponents(0)' ) self.tCmpScale = mc.floatFieldGrp( label='Multiply Axis', precision=3, numberOfFields=3, value1=1, value2=1, value3=1, cc='bt_randomizer.updateComponents(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateComponents(0)' ) for c in mc.layout( self.tCmpScale, q=1, ca=1)[1:]: mc.floatField( (self.tCmpScale + '|' + c), e=1, step=.1) # move along normal is not yet working, the checkBox is disabled self.cmpAlongNormal = mc.checkBoxGrp( label='Along Normal', en=1, l1='', ncb=1, v1=0, cc='\nbt_randomizer.updateComponents(1)') mc.separator( h=10, style='none'); self.cmpUseDnoise = mc.checkBoxGrp( label='Use Dnoise', l1='', ncb=1, v1=0, cc='\nbt_randomizer.updateComponents(1)') self.cmpDnoiseScale = mc.floatFieldGrp( label='Multiply Dnoise', precision=3, numberOfFields=3, value1=1, value2=1, value3=1, en=0, cc='bt_randomizer.genDnoiseAll()\nbt_randomizer.updateComponents(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.genDnoiseAll()\nbt_randomizer.updateComponents(0)' ) for c in mc.layout( self.cmpDnoiseScale, q=1, ca=1)[1:]: mc.floatField( (self.cmpDnoiseScale + '|' + c), e=1, step=.1) # Selection mc.setParent( columnLayout) mc.frameLayout( label='Selection', borderStyle='etchedIn', cll=1, cl=1) mc.columnLayout( adj=1) self.selection = mc.floatSliderGrp( label='Selection Ratio', fieldStep=.1, precision=3, field=True, min=0, max=1, value=1, cc='bt_randomizer.updateSelection(1)', dc='bt_randomizer.updateSelection(0)' ) mc.button( closeButton, edit=1, command='import maya.cmds\nmaya.cmds.deleteUI( \"' + window + '\")') mc.button( seedButton, edit=1, command='[o.generate() for o in bt_randomizer.sel]\n[o.generate() for o in bt_randomizer.selCmp]\n[o.generate() for o in bt_randomizer.selChnl]\nbt_randomizer.updateAll()') mc.button( selectButton, edit=1, command='bt_randomizer.start()') mc.button( undoButton, edit=1, command='')
def clearInfo(self): chdn = cmds.layout(self.infoUI, q=1, ca=1) if not chdn == None: for chd in chdn: cmds.deleteUI(chd)
def _refresh(self, node): #print('InputButtons._refresh: ' + node) try: lastParentLayout = cmds.setParent(q=True) cmds.setParent(self.path) with UITemplate('DefaultTemplate'): node_i = node + '.i' attrs = cmds.listAttr(node_i, m=True) or [] conn = cmds.listConnections( node_i, s=True, d=False, c=True, p=True) or [] conn = dict(zip(conn[::2], conn[1::2])) lyt_ = self.path + '|' children = [ (lyt_ + x) for x in (cmds.layout(self.path, q=True, ca=True) or []) ] nChildren = len(children) i = 0 node_ = node + '.' for attr in attrs: if i < nChildren: row = children[i] cmds.text(row + '|name', e=True, l=attr) upstream = row + '|upstream' trash = row + '|trash' else: row = cmds.rowLayout(nc=3, h=20, cw=[(2, 30), (3, 30)]) cmds.text('name', l=attr) upstream = cmds.symbolButton('upstream', i='hsUpStreamCon.png', h=20) trash = cmds.symbolButton('trash', i='smallTrash.png', h=20) cmds.setParent('..') plug = node_ + attr src = conn.get(plug) if src: cmds.symbolButton(upstream, e=True, en=True, c=_partial(_showUpstream, plug)) else: cmds.symbolButton(upstream, e=True, en=False) cmds.symbolButton(trash, e=True, c=_callback( cmds.evalEcho, 'removeMultiInstance -b 1 ' + plug)) i += 1 for i in range(i, nChildren): cmds.deleteUI(children[i]) finally: if lastParentLayout: cmds.setParent(lastParentLayout)
def layersAvailableHandler(self): cmds.layout(self.baseLayout, e=True, enable=LayerDataModel.getInstance().layerDataAvailable)
def cleanup(self, root): # ( No need to change ) chdn = cmds.layout(root, q=1, ca=1) if not chdn == None: for chd in chdn: cmds.deleteUI(chd) #, layout=1
def updateListBGC(self, *args): chdn = cmds.layout(self.list, q=1, ca=1) colors = checkingBoxCmd(0).colors cmds.scrollLayout(self.listScr, e=1, bgc=colors[1 - len(chdn) % 2])
def cleanup(self): chd = cmds.layout(self.root, q=1, ca=1) if not chd == None: for item in chd: cmds.deleteUI(item)
def setVisible(layout, visible): cmds.layout(layout, e=True, visible=visible)
def setEnabled(layout, enabled): cmds.layout(layout, e=True, enable=enabled)
def clear(s, element): ch = cmds.layout(element, q=True, ca=True) if ch: for c in ch: try: cmds.deleteUI(c) except RuntimeError: pass
def updateUIEnabled(self): useVolumeSearch = self.controls.useVolumeAssociation.getValue() cmds.layout(self.controls.volumeSearchRow, e=True, enable=useVolumeSearch)
def __init__(self, uiFile=None, **info): try: cmds.deleteUI(self.__UI[self.__class__].window) except: pass try: self.__UI[self.__class__].window.close() except: pass if self.__class__ in self.__messages: for msg in self.__messages[self.__class__]: try: om.MMessage.removeCallback(msg) except: pass self.__messages.update({self.__class__:[]}) self.__UI.update({self.__class__:self}) if uiFile: self.window = cmds.loadUI(f=config.getPath(config.kUI, "%s.ui"%uiFile)) width = cmds.window(self.window, q=True, width=True) height = cmds.window(self.window, q=True, height=True) left = (1920 - width) / 2 top = (1080 - height) / 2 cmds.windowPref(self.window, topLeftCorner=[top, left], width=width, height=height) detector = {"button" : cmds.button, "checkBox" : cmds.checkBox, "intSlider" : cmds.intSlider, "optionMenu" : cmds.optionMenu, "progressBar" : cmds.progressBar, "radioButton" : cmds.radioButton, "text" : cmds.text, "textField" : cmds.textField, "textScrollList" : cmds.textScrollList} for item in info: found = False for target in detector: if detector[target](info[item], exists=True): found = True pathList = detector[target](info[item], q=True, fpn=True).split('|') self.__setattr__(item, "%s|%s"%(self.window, '|'.join(pathList[1:]))) break if not found: if cmds.layout(info[item], exists=True): parentList = cmds.layout(info[item], q=True, parent=True).split('|') self.__setattr__(item, "%s|%s|%s"%(self.window, '|'.join(parentList[1:]), info[item])) children = cmds.layout(self.__getattribute__(item), q=True, fpn=True, ca=True) for child in children: cmds.deleteUI(child) else: try: widget = '|'.join(cmds.control(info[item], q=True, fpn=True).split("|")[1:]) self.__setattr__(item, "%s|%s"%(self.window, widget)) except: cmds.confirmDialog(message=u'未找到控件:'+info[item], icon='warning', title=u'PuTao') self.uiMessage = omui.MUiMessage.addUiDeletedCallback(self.window, self.close) cmds.showWindow(self.window) self.setupUi() else: self.uiMessage = None self.window = QMayaWindow() self.window.closed.connect(lambda *_: self.__UI.update({self.__class__:None})) self.setupUi(self.window)
def runAutoPro(self): statusUpdate(self, 'Starting AutoPro') #reset textField values to default for error detection reasons resetValue(self) mel.progressBar('autoProProgress', edit = 1, visible=1) statusUpdate(self, 'Optimizing Scene') import maya.mel as mm mm.eval('source cleanupScene.mel') mm.eval('performCleanUpSceneForEverything') statusUpdate(self, 'Finished Optimizing Scene') addProgress() #collect display layers display_Layers = ap.find_layers() #collect the state of display layers display_layers_state = ap.collect_layer_state(display_Layers) #hide layers ap.hide_all_layers(display_Layers) #progressWindow() #Check to see if a file is loaded statusUpdate(self, 'Query Scene Load') if not (mel.file(query=1, sceneName=1)): mel.progressBar('autoProProgress', edit = 1, visible=0) statusUpdate(self, 'No file loaded. Please load a file.') mel.error("No file loaded. Please load a file") #update name variables updateNameVars() addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Name Variables Verified') statusUpdate(self, 'Checking File Name') #check the name and edit the GUI accordingly. nameCheck = ap.nameCheck(yearMonth, projNum) mel.textField("studentFileNameTextField", edit = True, text = nameCheck[1]) if(nameCheck[0]): mel.textField("fileNamedTextField", edit=True, text = "Yes", backgroundColor = ap.bgColor(0)) else: mel.textField("fileNamedTextField", edit = True, text = "No", backgroundColor = ap.bgColor(100)) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Name Check Complete') statusUpdate(self, 'Gathering Nodes') #Load the assemblie nodes minus cameras masterNodes = ap.masterGroup() #sort to capture all children nodes as well as main assembly nodes allNodes = ap.nodeCollect(masterNodes) nodes= [] addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Nodes Collected') statusUpdate(self, 'PolySurfaceShape Work Around') #this is a bit of a hack to get around the polySurfaceShape node that is created when an object has history for tempNode in allNodes: if 'polySurfaceShape' not in tempNode: nodes.append(tempNode) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Work Around Complete') statusUpdate(self, 'Calculating Node Quantities') #calculate total nodes and place in GUI totalNodes = len(nodes) transformNodes = ap.listCollect(nodes, 'transform') visiNodes = ap.listCollect(nodes, 'mesh') totalShape = len(visiNodes) totalTrans = len(transformNodes) mel.textField("totalObjectsTextField", edit=1, text=totalTrans) mel.textField("totalShapeObjectsTextField", edit=1, text = totalShape) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Node Quantities Complete') statusUpdate(self, 'Comparing Default Names') #compare geometry names to defualt name list and calculate and populate GUI fields global defaultNames defaultNames = ap.defaultCompare(transformNodes) mel.textField("notNamedTextField", edit=1, text=len(defaultNames)) notNamedPercent = int((float(len(defaultNames))/float(totalTrans))*100.0) percentDefaultNames = (str(notNamedPercent) + "%") notNamedColor = ap.bgColor(notNamedPercent) mel.textField("notNamedPercentTextField", edit=1, text=percentDefaultNames, backgroundColor = notNamedColor) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Default Names Compared') statusUpdate(self, 'Checking Master Group') #Check to master Group node and subGroups subGroups = ap.subGroups(masterNodes) if ((len(masterNodes)) ==1) and subGroups != False: mel.textField("groupedTextField", edit=True, text = "Yes", backgroundColor = (0.0, 0.8, 0.0)) else: mel.textField("groupedTextField", edit = True, text = "No", backgroundColor = (0.8, 0.0, 0.0)) mel.textField("masterNodeTextField", edit = True, text = str(masterNodes)) mel.textField("subGroupTextField", edit=True, text = str(subGroups)) #checks to see if there are subGroups addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Master Group and SubGroups Checked') statusUpdate(self, 'Checking Display Layers') #Checks for geometry to be in display layer and updates GUI displayLayers = mel.layout('LayerEditorDisplayLayerLayout', query = 1, childArray =1) visibleLayer = [] if displayLayers != None: for dLayer in displayLayers: if mel.objExists(dLayer): if(mel.getAttr('%s.visibility' % dLayer)): visibleLayer.append(dLayer) for layer in visibleLayer: mel.setAttr('%s.visibility' % layer, 0) global notLayered notLayeredLocal = [] for node in visiNodes: if (ap.visibleTest(node)): notLayeredLocal.append(node) if displayLayers != None: for layer2 in visibleLayer: mel.setAttr('%s.visibility' % layer2, 1) notLayered = notLayeredLocal mel.textField("notLayeredTextField", edit = 1, text = len(notLayered)) notLayerPercent = int((float(len(notLayered))/float(len(visiNodes)))*100.0) percentNotLayer = (str(notLayerPercent) + "%") notLayeredColor = ap.bgColor(notLayerPercent) mel.textField("notLayeredPercentTextField", edit=1, text=percentNotLayer, backgroundColor = notLayeredColor) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Display Layers Checked') statusUpdate(self, 'Checking Transforms') #Checks for frozen transforms. global notFroze notFroze = ap.spreadSheet(ap.listCollect(nodes, 'transform')) mel.textField("notFrozenTextField", edit= 1, text=len(notFroze)) notFrozePercent = int((float(len(notFroze))/float(totalTrans))*100.00) percentNotFroze = (str(notFrozePercent) + "%") notFrozeColor = ap.bgColor(notFrozePercent) mel.textField("notFrozenPercentTextField", edit =1, text = percentNotFroze, backgroundColor = notFrozeColor) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Transforms Checked') statusUpdate(self, 'Checking for History') #check for History global withHistory withHistory = ap.historyFinder(ap.listCollect(nodes, 'mesh')) mel.textField("withHistoryTextField", edit = 1, text = len(withHistory)) withHistoryPercent = int((float(len(withHistory))/float(len(visiNodes)))*100.0) percentWithHistory = (str(withHistoryPercent) + "%") withHistoryColor = ap.bgColor(withHistoryPercent) mel.textField("withHistoryPercentTextField", edit=1, text=percentWithHistory, backgroundColor = withHistoryColor) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'History Checked') statusUpdate(self, 'Checking Pivots') #Check for pivots global notCentered notCentered = ap.centerPivot(ap.listCollect(nodes, 'transform')) mel.textField("notCenteredTextField", edit=1, text = len(notCentered)) notCenteredPercent = int((float(len(notCentered))/float(totalTrans))*100.0) percentNotCentered = (str(notCenteredPercent) + "%") notCenteredColor = ap.bgColor(notCenteredPercent) mel.textField("notCenteredPercentTextField", edit = 1, text = percentNotCentered, backgroundColor = notCenteredColor) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Pivots Checked') statusUpdate(self, 'Testing N-gons') #Test N-gons global nGonList nGonList = ap.nGonFinder(allNodes) nGonPercent = int((float(len(nGonList[0]))/float(len(visiNodes)))*100.0) percentNGons = (str(nGonPercent) + "%") nGonColor = ap.bgColor(nGonPercent) mel.textField("totalNgonObjectsTextField", edit =1, text = len(nGonList[0])) mel.textField("ngonPercentTextField", edit = 1, text = percentNGons , backgroundColor = nGonColor) mel.textField("totalNgonsTextField", edit =1, text = len(nGonList[1])) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'N-gons Complete') statusUpdate(self, 'Testing Lamina Faces') #test Lamina faces global laminaList laminaList = ap.laminaFinder(allNodes) laminaPercent = int((float(len(laminaList[0]))/float(len(visiNodes)))*100.0) percentLamina = (str(laminaPercent) + "%") laminaColor = ap.bgColor(laminaPercent) mel.textField("totalLaminaObjectsTextField", edit =1, text = len(laminaList[0])) mel.textField("laminaPercentTextField", edit = 1, text = percentLamina , backgroundColor = laminaColor) if laminaList[1]==None: laminaListLen =0 else: laminaListLen = len(laminaList[1]) mel.textField("totalLaminaTextField", edit =1, text = laminaListLen) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Laminas Complete') statusUpdate(self, 'Tool Completed') mel.rowLayout( 'progressRowLayout', edit = 1, visible = 0) mel.rowLayout('autoProStatusRowLayout', edit =1, visible = 0) statusUpdate(self, 'Testing Tri Faces') #test Lamina faces global triList triList = ap.triFinder(allNodes) triPercent = int((float(len(triList[0]))/float(len(visiNodes)))*100.0) percentTri = (str(triPercent) + "%") triColor = ap.bgColor(triPercent) mel.textField("totalTriObjectsTextField", edit =1, text = len(triList[0])) mel.textField("triPercentTextField", edit = 1, text = percentTri , backgroundColor = triColor) if triList[1]==None: triListLen =0 else: triListLen = len(triList[1]) mel.textField("totalTriTextField", edit =1, text = triListLen) addProgress() statusUpdate(self, 'Tris Complete') statusUpdate(self, 'Tool Completed') mel.rowLayout( 'progressRowLayout', edit = 1, visible = 0) mel.rowLayout('autoProStatusRowLayout', edit =1, visible = 0) ap.set_layers_visibility(display_Layers, display_layers_state) #push grades auto pushGrades('self')
def ui_embed(self, parentLayout, char=''): ''' @param parentLayout: Parent UI layout to parent spaces UI to. @type parentLayout: str @param char: Character namespace to create UI for @type char: str ''' # Get Character Prefix if char: char += ':' # List all spaces with given prefix spaceNodeList = + '*_spn', r=True, et='transform') spaceNodeList = [ i for i in spaceNodeList if not i.endswith('_con_spn') ] # Generate target list with default elements targetList = ['SuperMover', 'Default'] # Build Spaces List from eNum attributes for node in spaceNodeList: if mc.objExists(node + '.spaces'): enumList = mc.addAttr(node + '.spaces', q=True, en=True).split(':') [ targetList.append(i) for i in enumList if not targetList.count(i) ] # Begin UI Build if not mc.layout(parentLayout, q=True, ex=True): raise UserInputError( 'Parent layout ' + parentLayout + ' does not exists! Unable to embed Spaces UI!') mc.setParent(parentLayout) # Clear Layout childArray = mc.layout(parentLayout, q=True, ca=True) if type(childArray) == list: mc.deleteUI(childArray) # Add Spaces control layout mc.rowColumnLayout(self.uiRCL, numberOfColumns=5, columnWidth=[(1, 160), (2, 160), (3, 80), (4, 80), (5, 80)]) # Add KeyFrame CheckBoxs mc.checkBoxGrp(self.uiKeyPreviousCBG, numberOfCheckBoxes=1, label="Key Before Switch", v1=0) mc.checkBoxGrp(self.uiKeyCBG, numberOfCheckBoxes=1, label="Key After Switch", v1=0) for i in range(3): mc.separator(h=20, style='none') mc.checkBoxGrp(self.uiMaintainPosCBG, numberOfCheckBoxes=1, label="Maintain Position", v1=1) for i in range(4): mc.separator(h=20, style='none') for i in range(5): mc.separator(h=20, style='single') # ALL OptionMenu mc.text(label='ALL') mc.optionMenuGrp(self.uiAllOMG, cw=(1, 1), cal=(1, 'center'), label='', cc='') for item in targetList: mc.menuItem(label=item) mc.button(w=80, l='Reset', c='"' + char + '")') mc.button(w=80, l='Select', c='"' + char + '*_spn"))') mc.button(w=80, l='Key', c='"' + char + '")') for i in range(5): mc.separator(h=20, style='single') # Create attrEnumOptionMenu controls to accurately represent attribute values at all times. # ie - Update on frame change for spacesNode in spaceNodeList: tag = mc.getAttr(spacesNode + '.nameTag') mc.text(label=tag) mc.attrEnumOptionMenu( tag + '_switchAEO', w=160, label='', attribute=spacesNode + '.spaces', dtg=spacesNode + '.spaces', cc='"' + spacesNode + '")') mc.button(w=80, l='Reset', c='"' + spacesNode + '")') mc.button(w=80, l='Select', c='"' + spacesNode + '")') mc.button(w=80, l='Key', c='"' + spacesNode + '")')
def replace(self, plug): """ Called if an attribute editor already exists and another node of the same type is now to be edited. """ self.setNodeName(plug.split('.')[0]) # All the attributes of the current node. listAttr = cmds.listAttr(self.nodeName) # Get the current widget Maya name. currentWidgetName = cmds.setParent(query=True) # Convert it to C++ ptr. ptr = OpenMayaUI.MQtUtil.findLayout(currentWidgetName) # Convert it to PySide object. currentWidget = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtWidgets.QWidget) # Get the Layout. currentLayout = currentWidget.parent().parent().parent() # Get a button button = currentLayout.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, PLUS_BUTTON_NAME) # Reconnect the button. We need it to be sure the button is connected # with proper object. Sometimes pymel creates several AETemplate # objects, in this way we need to be sure that the button is connected # with proper object. button.clicked.disconnect() button.clicked.connect(self.createContextMenu) # The "Walter" layout that contains everything. mainLayout = cmds.layout(currentWidgetName, query=True, parent=True) # Iterate all the children of the layout. for layout in cmds.layout(mainLayout, query=True, childArray=True): fullName = '|'.join([mainLayout, layout]) # Check if current item is a frameLayout if not cmds.frameLayout(fullName, query=True, exists=True): continue group = cmds.frameLayout(fullName, query=True, label=True) # Check if we need to display this group visible = False # TODO: It's not a perfect way to iterate the attributes this way. # But we have a few of them, so for now it's OK. for attr in ATTRIBUTES: if attr.get('group') == group and attr['name'] in listAttr: visible = True continue # Hide/show cmds.frameLayout(fullName, edit=True, visible=visible) # Delete all old UIs of custom attributes customPath = cmds.layout( "walterCustomLayout", query=True, fullPathName=True) childLayouts = cmds.layout( "walterCustomLayout", query=True, childArray=True) for layout in childLayouts or []: fullName = '|'.join([customPath, layout]) cmds.deleteUI(fullName) # Switch to the layout with custom attributes cmds.setParent(customPath) # List of predefined attributes known = [attr['name'] for attr in ATTRIBUTES] # Find attributes that will be exported but they wasn't defined. customAttrs = [ a for a in listAttr if a[:PREFIX_SIZE] == PREFIX and a not in known] for a in customAttrs: currentPlug = '.'.join([self.nodeName, a]) if cmds.addAttr(currentPlug, query=True, parent=True) != a: # We are here because the current attribute is a child of some # another attribute. We need to skip it. continue cmds.rowLayout( numberOfColumns=4, columnWidth4=( BUTTON_POSITION * 6 / 14, BUTTON_POSITION * 2 / 14, BUTTON_POSITION * 6 / 14 - BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE)) nameLayout = a + "NameLayout" attrLayout = a + "Layout" buttonLayout = a + "Button" # Text field with the attribute name. text = a[PREFIX_SIZE:] if text[0] == '_': text = text[1:] cmds.textField( nameLayout, text=text, changeCommand= lambda text, n=self.nodeName, a=a, nl=nameLayout, al=attrLayout, bl=buttonLayout: self.renameAttr(n, a, PREFIX + '_' + text, nl, al, bl)) # The group that repesents an attribute. control = self.getControllerGroup(currentPlug, custom=True) control(attrLayout, attribute=currentPlug, label="") # Remove the text label from the group. We already have a text field children = cmds.layout(attrLayout, query=True, childArray=True) path = cmds.layout(attrLayout, query=True, fullPathName=True) if children and len(children) > 1: # Remove the first. It's a text label. cmds.deleteUI(children.pop(0)) # Hide all except the second item. We can't remove them because # Maya use them when it changes the current attribute of the # group. children.pop(0) for item in children: fullItem = '|'.join([path, item]) if cmds.layout(fullItem, query=True, exists=True): cmds.layout(fullItem, edit=True, visible=False) if cmds.control(fullItem, query=True, exists=True): cmds.control(fullItem, edit=True, visible=False) # Empty space for filling cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=1) cmds.setParent('..') # The button to remove the attribute. cmds.button( buttonLayout, label="-", width=BUTTON_SIZE, height=BUTTON_SIZE, command=lambda c, a=a: self.deleteAttr(a)) cmds.setParent("..") # Return the parent. cmds.setParent(currentWidgetName)
def getRegion(rrStart_x, rrStart_y, rrLast_x, rrLast_y): values = [rrStart_x, rrStart_y, rrLast_x, rrLast_y] camOverscan =, q=1, ovr=1) if LockedAttr() == 'locked': cmds.warning('Unlock you camera\'s main attributtes') return False if cmds.window("vpRenderWindow", exists=1) == False: getRvStatus() getPaneLayoutStatus() if values[3] < 0: values[3] = 0 if values[2] > formX: values[2] = formX if values[2] - values[0] < 20 or values[1] - values[3] < 20: cmds.warning('Region is too small') else: leftW = marLeft + values[0] topW = marTop + (formY - values[1]) resoX = values[2] - values[0] resoY = values[1] - values[3] main(values) if "Viewport_RenderShape" not in setToolBegin() else: cmds.setAttr('defaultResolution.width', resoX) cmds.setAttr('defaultResolution.height', resoY) aspRatio = float(cmds.getAttr('defaultResolution.width')) / float( cmds.getAttr('defaultResolution.height')) cmds.setAttr('defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio', aspRatio) ScaleToCrop = float(formX) / resoX ScaleToCrop2 = float(formY) / resoY cmds.setAttr(camera0 + '.preScale', float(ScaleToCrop) / camOverscan) if 'OverScanExpression' not in'expression'): cmds.expression(name='OverScanExpression', s=camera0 + '.overscan = Viewport_RenderShape.overscan', o=camera0, ae=1) # Pixel Offset pixoffX = (float(formX) / 2) - (values[0] + float(resoX) / 2) pixoffY = (float(formY) / 2) - (formY - values[1]) - (float(resoY) / 2) # Film Translate FxOff = float(pixoffX) / (formX / 2) FxOff = FxOff * ScaleToCrop if FxOff > 0: FxOff = FxOff * -1 else: FxOff = -FxOff cmds.setAttr(camera0 + '.filmTranslateH', FxOff) unitY = float(formY) / 2 * float(formX) / formY FyOff = float(pixoffY) / unitY FyOff = FyOff * ScaleToCrop cmds.setAttr(camera0 + '.filmTranslateV', FyOff) cmds.setAttr('defaultResolution.width', resoX) cmds.setAttr('defaultResolution.height', resoY) aspRatio = float(cmds.getAttr('defaultResolution.width')) / float( cmds.getAttr('defaultResolution.height')) cmds.setAttr('defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio', aspRatio) cmds.layout('scrollBarForm', e=1, vis=0) cmds.renderWindowEditor(renderViews, e=True, snp=(currentPanel, resoX, resoY)) cmds.renderWindowEditor(renderViews, e=True, rs=True, cap=0, pca=0) cmds.renderWindowEditor(renderViews, e=1, cl=(resoX, resoY, 0, 0, 0)) if currentRender == 'arnold': cmds.arnoldRender(cam=camera1) elif currentRender == 'vray': if cmds.getAttr("vraySettings.vfbOn") == 1: cmds.setAttr("vraySettings.vfbOn", 0) cmds.setAttr('vraySettings.width', resoX) cmds.setAttr('vraySettings.height', resoY) mel.eval('vraySetPixelDeviceAspect();') vrendCommand = 'vrend -camera %s' % (camera0) mel.eval(vrendCommand) elif currentRender == 'mentalRay': cmds.Mayatomr(pv=True, cam=camera0) else: cmds.warning( 'Render engine not supported. Rendering using Maya Software renderer.' ) cmds.render(camera1, x=resoX, y=resoY) reRenderVals.append(resoX) reRenderVals.append(resoY)
def refreshUI(args): if cmds.layout(win + 'RootLayout', q=True, ex=True): cmds.deleteUI(win + 'RootLayout') createBodyUI()
#nc = item.split("|") print item for axe in ["X", "Y", "Z"]: mc.setAttr(item + ".translate" + axe, lock=True) import maya.cmds as cmds print(cmds.objectTypeUI( 'viewPanes' )) import sys for c,e in enumerate(cmds.objectTypeUI(listAll=True)): c += 1 sys.stdout.write(e + " ") if c % 3 == 0: sys.stdout.write('\n') channelWindow = mc.layout('MayaWindow|MainChannelsLayersLayout', parent=True, q=1) mc.window(channelWindow, active=True, q=1) ## probleme bounding box infini mc.exactWorldBoundingBox( listBad = [] selectionList = if selectionList: for item in selectionList: values = mc.exactWorldBoundingBox(item) if values[0] < -1e+10 or values[0] > 1e+10 : listBad.append(item) print ">> " + item + " : " + str(values) else: print ">> : " + item + " IS OK"
def populateMaterials(self): print("ML Log: populateMaterials") # Remove any existing materials. if (cmds.layout("RPRMaterialsFlow", exists=True)): cmds.deleteUI("RPRMaterialsFlow", layout=True) # Ensure that the material container is the current parent. cmds.setParent(self.materialsContainer) # Create the new flow layout. cmds.flowLayout("RPRMaterialsFlow", columnSpacing=0, wrap=True) # Add materials for the selected category. for material in self.materials: fileName = material["fileName"] imageFileName = self.libraryPath + "/" + fileName + "/" + fileName + ".jpg" materialName = material["name"] # Horizontal layout for small icons. if (self.iconSize < 64): iconWidth = self.iconSize + 5 cmds.rowLayout(width=self.cellWidth, height=self.cellHeight, numberOfColumns=2, columnWidth2=(self.iconSize, self.cellWidth - iconWidth - 5)) cmds.iconTextButton(style='iconOnly', image=imageFileName, width=self.iconSize, height=self.iconSize, command=partial(self.selectMaterial, material), doubleClickCommand=partial( self.importMaterial, material)) cmds.iconTextButton(style='textOnly', height=self.iconSize, label=self.getTruncatedText( materialName, self.cellWidth - iconWidth - 5), align="left", command=partial(self.selectMaterial, material), doubleClickCommand=partial( self.importMaterial, material)) # Vertical layout for large icons. else: cmds.columnLayout(width=self.cellWidth, height=self.cellHeight) cmds.iconTextButton(style='iconOnly', image=imageFileName, width=self.iconSize, height=self.iconSize, command=partial(self.selectMaterial, material), doubleClickCommand=partial( self.importMaterial, material)) cmds.text(label=self.getTruncatedText(materialName, self.iconSize), align="center", width=self.iconSize) cmds.setParent('..') # Perform an initial layout update. self.updateMaterialsLayout()
def _separatorMoved(): h = cmds.layout(form1, q=True, h=True) + h2 ExprespyEditor.setOpt('height', h) #print(h) cmds.paneLayout(pane, e=True, h=h, ps=(1, 100, 99))
def captureMode(s): = True cmds.layout(s.previewLayout, e=True, m=False) cmds.layout(s.camLayout, e=True, m=True) cmds.iconTextButton(s.thumb, e=True, l=s.i18n["captureBtn"])
def update(): cmds.layout(self.cmdLayout.outerLayout.layout, e=True, enable=selectionState.getLayersAvailable())
def refreshUI(self, args) : if cmds.layout(self.window+'BodyLayout', ex=True) : cmds.deleteUI(self.window+'BodyLayout') self.createBody() self.refreshObjectList() self.refreshDisplay()
def __init__(self, name): with UITemplate('Exprespy'): def _separatorMoved(): h = cmds.layout(form1, q=True, h=True) + h2 ExprespyEditor.setOpt('height', h) #print(h) cmds.paneLayout(pane, e=True, h=h, ps=(1, 100, 99)) pane = cmds.paneLayout(name, cn='horizontal2', ps=(1, 100, 99), st=5, smc=_separatorMoved, h=self.getOpt('height')) form1 = cmds.formLayout('form1') super(ExprespyEditor, self).__init__(path=pane) cmds.formLayout( form1, e=True, af=[ (self.editor, 'top', 0), (self.editor, 'left', 0), (self.editor, 'right', 0), (self.editor, 'bottom', 0), ], ) cmds.setParent(pane) form2 = cmds.formLayout('form2') rawl = cmds.rowLayout('rawl', nc=3) if self.isRichEditor(): sln = self.getBoolOpt('lineNumber') self.widget().syncSettings(sln=sln) cmds.checkBox('lineNumber', l='Line Number', v=sln, cc=ExprespyEditor._lineNumber_changed) else: cmds.text(l=' ') cmds.checkBox('rawMode', l='Raw Mode', v=self.getBoolOpt('rawMode'), cc=ExprespyEditor._rawMode_changed) cmds.checkBox('shortName', l='Short Name', v=self.getBoolOpt('shortName'), cc=ExprespyEditor._shortName_changed) h2 = cmds.layout(rawl, q=True, h=True) cmds.setParent('..') self._inputsAPI1 = cmds.checkBox('inputsAPI1', l='Inputs API 1.0 MObject') cmds.formLayout( form2, e=True, af=[ (rawl, 'top', 0), (rawl, 'left', 0), (self._inputsAPI1, 'top', 0), (self._inputsAPI1, 'right', 0), ], ) # これによって UINodeTracker が UI と共に死ぬまで生きる。 self._trackerPath = _decideTrackerUIPath(self.path) (UINodeTracker.getInstance(self._trackerPath) or UINodeTracker(self._trackerPath)).registerCallback(self._refresh)
def setEnabled(self, enabled): cmds.layout(self.mainLayout, e=True, enable=enabled)
def ui(self): # Main Layout =================================================================================================== if cmds.layout('animToolsChannelBoxUI', exists=True): cmds.deleteUI('animToolsChannelBoxUI') cmds.formLayout('animToolsChannelBoxUI', p=self.channelPane) scrollUI = cmds.scrollLayout(cr=True) cmds.separator(st='none', h=5) # Menu =================================================================================================== cmds.menuBarLayout()'UI', hm=True) cmds.menuItem(l='Close', c=self.removeUI)'Playblast') cmds.menuItem(l='Playblast - Temp', c=lambda *_: cmds.playblast(format='image', sequenceTime=0, clearCache=1, viewer=1, showOrnaments=1, offScreen=True, fp=4, percent=100, compression='jpg', quality=100)) cmds.menuItem(divider=True) # cmds.menuItem(l='Playblast - Allison UI', c=allison.playblastWrapper) ''''Camera') cmds.menuItem(l='Set Saved Layout', c=self.savedLayout) cmds.menuItem(d=True) cmds.menuItem(l='Toggle Display', c=bboy.toggleViewport) ''''Anim') self.prefsRadioMenu(pref='evaluation', ) self.prefsRadioMenu(pref='default tangent', ) cmds.menuItem(l='', divider=True) cmds.menuItem(l='Weighted tangents', checkBox=(cmds.keyTangent(q=True, g=True, wt=True)), c=lambda x: cmds.keyTangent(e=True, g=True, wt=x))'Time') self.prefsRadioMenu(pref='playback speed', ) self.prefsRadioMenu(pref='frames per second', ) cmds.menuItem(l='', divider=True) self.keepFrames = cmds.menuItem(l='Keep keys at current frames', checkBox=False)'World') self.prefsRadioMenu(pref='up axis', ) # self.prefsRadioMenu(pref='working units',) cmds.setParent('..') # endMenu # Main Layout =================================================================================================== tab = cmds.tabLayout() self.keysUI() self.motionTrailUI() self.noteUI() # End UI =================================================================================================== cmds.setParent('..') # end tab cmds.setParent('..') # end scroll cmds.setParent('..') # end form cmds.formLayout( 'animToolsChannelBoxUI', e=True, attachForm=[ (scrollUI, 'left', 0), (scrollUI, 'top', 0), (scrollUI, 'bottom', 0), (scrollUI, 'right', 0), ], )