def fix_defaultnames(objectswithdefaultnames): """Find objects with names that Maya uses when the user creates an object and fails to rename it. --- Naming (detect default names). Open list window with object names for review. fix_defaultobjectnames(list) create a UI for renaming objects with invalid (default) names. """ verbose = cmds.optionVar(query='checkmateVerbosity') if cmds.window('showObjectNamesWin', exists=True): cmds.deleteUI('showObjectNamesWin') win = cmds.window('showObjectNamesWin', width =340, height=400, title="Objects with default names") cmds.scrollLayout(childResizable=True) cmds.columnLayout(adjustableColumn=True) numitems = 0 for item in objectswithdefaultnames: if numitems < 500: numitems = numitems + 1 # cmds.button(label='select', command='\'%s\')' % item) cmds.nameField(object=item, receiveFocusCommand='\'%s\')' % item) else : break cmds.showWindow(win)
def run(*arg, **kwargs): """ Detect default names. --- Open list window with object names for review. has_defaultnames() -> boolean, int, list """ t0 = float(time.time()) valid_kwargs = ['verbose', 'type'] for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): if k not in valid_kwargs: raise TypeError("Invalid keyword argument %s" % k) try: verbose = kwargs['verbose'] except KeyError: verbose=False if cmds.optionVar(exists='checkmateVerbosity'): verbose = cmds.optionVar(query='checkmateVerbosity') else: verbose=False try: type = kwargs['type'] except KeyError: type = None else: pass numberofobjects = 0 result = False err = None ignore = ['persp', 'top', 'front', 'side', 'lambert1', 'particleCloud1'] names= ['Box', 'Char', 'Circle', 'Cylinder', 'Plane', 'Sphere', 'Text_', 'ambientLight', 'annotation', 'areaLight', 'blinn', 'phongE', 'phong', 'rampShader', 'nurbsCube', 'camera', 'curve', 'directionalLight', 'effector', 'file', 'fluid', 'group', 'ikHandle1', 'joint', 'lambert', 'locator', 'null', 'nurbsCircle', 'nurbsCone', 'nurbsCube', 'nurbsCylinder1 nurbsPlane', 'nurbsSphere', 'nurbsSquare', 'nurbsTorus', 'ocean', 'particle', 'pCone', 'pCube', 'pCylinder', 'pHelix1 pPipe', 'pPlane', 'pPrism', 'pPyramid', 'pSolid', 'pSphere', 'pTorus', 'plane', 'pointLight', 'polySurface', 'Rectangle', 'shotFar', 'shotMid', 'shotNear', 'spotLight', 'stereoCamera', 'strokeBrush', 'subdivCone', 'subdivCube1', 'subdivCylinder', 'subdivPlane', 'subdivSphere', 'subdivTorus', 'volumeLight', 'Object'] defaultnames = dict() foundnames = dict() foundnodes = dict() #foundnodes = {'a': ['b','c']} if type == 'materials': nodes = [x for x in if not x in ignore] elif type == 'textures': nodes = [x for x in'file') if not x in ignore] elif type == None: nodes = [x for x in if not x in ignore] if cmds.text("NameText", q = True, exists = True): cmds.deleteUI("NameText") if cmds.separator("SepNameText", q = True, exists = True): cmds.deleteUI("SepNameText") cmds.text("NameText", p = "ReviewLayout", label = " Please rename the following nodes") cmds.separator("SepNameText") for node in nodes: for name in names: # match one or more numbers at the end of the name exp = ''.join([name, "\d+$"]) if (re.compile(exp).match(node)) and True or False: result=True numberofobjects += 1 #Name Field cmds.nameField( node + "Text", p = "ReviewLayout", object = node, enable = True, rfc = partial(, node)) #print node # count the found name #countnames[name] = countnames.get(name, 0) + 1 if foundnames.get(name): foundnames.get(name).append(node) else: foundnames[name] = [node,] #foundnames[name] = foundnames.get(name, 0) + 1 # print 'node : %s -> %s' % (node, name) # if there is an entry for node in found nodes, append the name to the list of names for node if foundnodes.get(node): foundnodes.get(node).append(name) else: foundnodes[node] = [name,] if numberofobjects == 0: cmds.deleteUI("NameText") cmds.deleteUI("SepNameText") for k, v in foundnames.iteritems(): if verbose: print '%s -> found %s' % (k, len(v)), add=True) print '%-24s : %.6f seconds' % ('', (float(time.time())-t0)) return result, numberofobjects, foundnames