Beispiel #1
def _finalize_source(fld, arr, grid, dat_target):
    if isinstance(fld, field.ScalarField):
        dat_target.scalars = arr =
    elif isinstance(fld, field.VectorField):
        dat_target.vectors = arr =
    src = VTKDataSource(data=grid) =
    return src
Beispiel #2
def add_dataset(dataset, name='', **kwargs):
    """Add a dataset object to the Mayavi pipeline.


    :dataset: a tvtk dataset, or a Mayavi source.
              The dataset added to the Mayavi pipeline
    :figure: a figure identifier number or string, None or False, optionnal.

            If no `figure` keyword argument is given, the data
            is added to the current figure (a new figure if created if

            If a `figure` keyword argument is given, it should either the name
            the number of the figure the dataset should be added to, or None,
            in which case the data is not added to the pipeline.

            If figure is False, a null engine is created. This null
            engine does not create figures, and is mainly usefull for
            tensting, or using the VTK algorithms without visualization.


    The corresponding Mayavi source is returned.
    if isinstance(dataset, tvtk.Object):
        d = VTKDataSource() = dataset
    elif isinstance(dataset, Source):
        d = dataset
        raise TypeError(
              "first argument should be either a TVTK object"\
              " or a mayavi source")

    if len(name) > 0: = name
    if not 'figure' in kwargs:
        # No figure has been specified, retrieve the default one.
        engine = get_engine()
    elif kwargs['figure'] is False:
        # Get a null engine that we can use.
        engine = get_null_engine()
    elif kwargs['figure'] is not None:
        figure = kwargs['figure']
        engine = engine_manager.find_figure_engine(figure)
        engine.current_scene = figure
        # Return early, as we don't want to add the source to an engine.
        return d
    return d
Beispiel #3
def add_dataset(dataset, name='', **kwargs):
    """Add a dataset object to the Mayavi pipeline.


    :dataset: a tvtk/vtk dataset/tvtk/VTK Algorithm, or a Mayavi source. The
              dataset added to the Mayavi pipeline

    :figure: a figure identifier number or string, None or False, optionnal.

            If no `figure` keyword argument is given, the data
            is added to the current figure (a new figure if created if

            If a `figure` keyword argument is given, it should either the name
            the number of the figure the dataset should be added to, or None,
            in which case the data is not added to the pipeline.

            If figure is False, a null engine is created. This null
            engine does not create figures, and is mainly usefull for
            tensting, or using the VTK algorithms without visualization.


    The corresponding Mayavi source is returned.

    if isinstance(dataset, (tvtk.DataSet, vtk.vtkDataSet)):
        d = VTKDataSource() = tvtk.to_tvtk(dataset)
    elif isinstance(dataset, (tvtk.DataObject, vtk.vtkDataObject)):
        d = VTKObjectSource()
        tp = tvtk.TrivialProducer()
        d.object = tp
    elif isinstance(dataset, (tvtk.Object, vtk.vtkObject)):
        d = VTKObjectSource()
        d.object = tvtk.to_tvtk(dataset)
    elif isinstance(dataset, Source):
        d = dataset
        raise TypeError(
              "first argument should be either a TVTK object"
              " or a mayavi source")

    if len(name) > 0: = name
    engine = _get_engine_from_kwarg(kwargs)
    if engine is None:
        # Return early, as we don't want to add the source to an engine.
        return d
    return d
def add_dataset(dataset, name='', **kwargs):
    """Add a dataset object to the Mayavi pipeline.


    :dataset: a tvtk/vtk dataset/tvtk/VTK Algorithm, or a Mayavi source. The
              dataset added to the Mayavi pipeline

    :figure: a figure identifier number or string, None or False, optional.

            If no `figure` keyword argument is given, the data
            is added to the current figure (a new figure if created if

            If a `figure` keyword argument is given, it should either the name
            the number of the figure the dataset should be added to, or None,
            in which case the data is not added to the pipeline.

            If figure is False, a null engine is created. This null
            engine does not create figures, and is mainly usefull for
            tensting, or using the VTK algorithms without visualization.


    The corresponding Mayavi source is returned.

    if isinstance(dataset, (tvtk.DataSet, vtk.vtkDataSet)):
        d = VTKDataSource() = tvtk.to_tvtk(dataset)
    elif isinstance(dataset, (tvtk.DataObject, vtk.vtkDataObject)):
        d = VTKObjectSource()
        tp = tvtk.TrivialProducer()
        d.object = tp
    elif isinstance(dataset, (tvtk.Object, vtk.vtkObject)):
        d = VTKObjectSource()
        d.object = tvtk.to_tvtk(dataset)
    elif isinstance(dataset, Source):
        d = dataset
        raise TypeError(
              "first argument should be either a TVTK object"
              " or a mayavi source")

    if len(name) > 0: = name
    engine = _get_engine_from_kwarg(kwargs)
    if engine is None:
        # Return early, as we don't want to add the source to an engine.
        return d
    return d
Beispiel #5
def fancy_axes(figure=None, target=None, nb_labels=5, xl=None, xh=None,
               tight=False, symmetric=False, padding=0.05, opacity=0.7,
               face_color=None, line_width=2.0, grid_color=None,
               labels=True, label_color=None, label_shadow=True,
    """Make axes with 3 shaded walls and a grid similar to matplotlib

        figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
        target (Mayavi Element): If either xl or xh are not given, then
            get that limit from a bounding box around `target`
        nb_labels (int, sequence): number of labels in all, or each
            (x, y, z) directions
        xl (float, sequence): lower corner of axes
        xh (float, sequence): upper corner of axes
        tight (bool): If False, then let xl and xh expand to make nicer
            labels. This uses matplotlib to determine new extrema
        symmetric (bool): If True, then xl + xh = 0
        padding (float): add padding as a fraction of the total length
        opacity (float): opacity of faces
        face_color (sequence): color (r, g, b) of faces
        line_width (float): Width of grid lines
        grid_color (sequence): Color of grid lines
        labels (bool): Whether or not to put axis labels on
        label_color (sequence): color of axis labels
        label_shadow (bool): Add shadows to all labels
        consolidate_labels (bool): if all nb_labels are the same, then
            only make one axis for the labels

        VTKDataSource: source to which 2 surfaces and 3 axes belong
    if figure is None:
        figure = mlab.gcf()

    # setup xl and xh
    if xl is None or xh is None:
        _outline = mlab.outline(target, figure=figure)

        if xl is None:
            xl = _outline.bounds[0::2]
        if xh is None:
            xh = _outline.bounds[1::2]

    nb_labels = np.broadcast_to(nb_labels, (3,))
    xl = np.array(np.broadcast_to(xl, (3,)))
    xh = np.array(np.broadcast_to(xh, (3,)))
    L = xh - xl

    xl -= padding * L
    xh += padding * L

    # now adjust xl and xh to be prettier
    if symmetric:
        tight = False
    if not tight:
        from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator
        for i in range(len(xl)):  # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate
            l = AutoLocator()
            l.set_view_interval(xl[i], xh[i])
            locs = l()
            xl[i] = locs[0]
            xh[i] = locs[-1]

    dx = (xh - xl) / (nb_labels - 1)
    grid = tvtk.ImageData(dimensions=nb_labels, origin=xl, spacing=dx)
    src = VTKDataSource(data=grid) = "fancy_axes"

    if face_color is None:
        face_color = figure.scene.background
    if grid_color is None:
        grid_color = figure.scene.foreground
    if label_color is None:
        label_color = grid_color

    face = mlab.pipeline.surface(src, figure=figure, opacity=opacity,
                                 color=face_color) = True

    if line_width:
        grid = mlab.pipeline.surface(src, figure=figure, opacity=1.0,
                                     color=grid_color, line_width=line_width,
                                     representation='wireframe') = True

    if labels:
        def _make_ax_for_labels(_i, all_axes=False):
            if all_axes:
                _ax = Axes(name='axes-labels')
                _ax = Axes(name='{0}-axis-labels'.format('xyz'[_i]))
                # VTK bug... y_axis and z_axis are flipped... how is VTK still
                # the de-facto 3d plotting library?
                if _i == 0:
                    _ax.axes.x_axis_visibility = True
                    _ax.axes.y_axis_visibility = False
                    _ax.axes.z_axis_visibility = False
                elif _i == 1:
                    _ax.axes.x_axis_visibility = False
                    _ax.axes.y_axis_visibility = False
                    _ax.axes.z_axis_visibility = True  # VTK bug
                elif _i == 2:
                    _ax.axes.x_axis_visibility = False
                    _ax.axes.y_axis_visibility = True  # VTK bug
                    _ax.axes.z_axis_visibility = False
                    raise ValueError()
   = 0.0
            _ax.axes.number_of_labels = nb_labels[_i]
            # import IPython; IPython.embed()
            _ax.title_text_property.color = label_color
            _ax.title_text_property.shadow = label_shadow
            _ax.label_text_property.color = label_color
            _ax.label_text_property.shadow = label_shadow

        if consolidate_labels and np.all(nb_labels[:] == nb_labels[0]):
            _make_ax_for_labels(0, all_axes=True)
            _make_ax_for_labels(0, all_axes=False)
            _make_ax_for_labels(1, all_axes=False)
            _make_ax_for_labels(2, all_axes=False)

    return src