def test_mci_wrapper_book_example_2(self): """see if our result matches the one from Biomedical Optics Principles and Imaging page 56 (Table 3.2)""" # create a book_p56_mci which shall create a mci file book_p56_mci = MciWrapper() book_p56_mci.set_mci_filename(self.mci_filename) book_p56_mci.set_mco_filename(self.mco_filename) book_p56_mci.set_nr_photons(10**6) book_p56_mci.add_layer(1.5, 1000, 9000, 0., 1) mcml_path, mcml_file = os.path.split(path_to_gpumcml) if os.path.isfile(path_to_gpumcml): book_p56_mci.create_mci_file() sim_wrapper = SimWrapper() sim_wrapper.set_mci_filename(self.mci_filename) sim_wrapper.set_mcml_executable(path_to_gpumcml) sim_wrapper.run_simulation() self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(mcml_path + "/" + self.mco_filename), "mco file was created") refl = get_total_reflectance(os.path.join(mcml_path, self.mco_filename)) self.assertAlmostEqual(refl, 0.26, delta=0.01, msg="correct reflectance determined " + "according to book table 3.2")
def test_sim_wrapper(self): mcml_path, mcml_file = os.path.split(path_to_gpumcml) if os.path.isfile(path_to_gpumcml): self.mci_wrapper.create_mci_file() sim_wrapper = SimWrapper() sim_wrapper.set_mci_filename(self.mci_filename) sim_wrapper.set_mcml_executable(path_to_gpumcml) sim_wrapper.run_simulation() self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mcml_path, self.mco_filename)), "mco file was created")
def run(self): start = time.time() # setup simulation wrapper sim_wrapper = SimWrapper() sim_wrapper.set_mci_filename(MCI_FILENAME) sim_wrapper.set_mcml_executable(os.path.join(PATH_TO_MCML, EXEC_MCML)) # setup model tissue_model = self.factory.create_tissue_model() tissue_model.set_mci_filename(sim_wrapper.mci_filename) tissue_model.set_mco_filename(MCO_FILENAME) tissue_model.set_nr_photons(NR_PHOTONS) # setup array in which data shall be stored batch = self.factory.create_batch_to_simulate() batch.create_parameters(self.nr_samples) # dataframe created by batch: df = batch.df # add reflectance column to dataframe for w in WAVELENGHTS: df["reflectances", w] = np.NAN # for each instance of our tissue model for i in range(df.shape[0]): # set the desired element in the dataframe to be simulated tissue_model.set_dataframe_row(df.loc[i, :])"running simulation " + str(i) + " for\n" + str(tissue_model)) reflectances = create_spectrum(tissue_model, sim_wrapper, WAVELENGHTS) # store in dataframe for r, w in zip(reflectances, WAVELENGHTS): df["reflectances", w][i] = r # clean up temporarily created files os.remove(MCI_FILENAME) created_mco_file = os.path.join(PATH_TO_MCML, MCO_FILENAME) if os.path.isfile(created_mco_file): os.remove(created_mco_file) # save the created output f = open(self.output().path, 'w') df.to_csv(f) end = time.time()"time for creating batch of mc data: %.f s" % (end - start))
def run(self): start = time.time() # the specific subfolder where the generated spectra shall be saved simulated_data_folder=self._get_folder_name() # just to be a bit shorter in the code ex = self.experiment_dict # the wavelengths to be simulated wavelengths = np.arange(float(ex["wavelengths_start"]), float(ex["wavelengths_end"]), float(ex["wavelengths_step"])) * 10**-9 # create folder for mci files if not exists mci_folder = os.path.join(sc.get_full_dir("MC_DATA_FOLDER"), simulated_data_folder, "mci") if not os.path.exists(mci_folder): os.makedirs(mci_folder) # Setup simulation wrapper sim_wrapper = SimWrapper() sim_wrapper.set_mcml_executable(os.path.join(ex["path_to_mcml"], ex["mcml_executable"])) sim_wrapper.set_mci_filename(os.path.join(mci_folder, "Bat_" + str(self.batch_nr) + ".mci")) # Setup tissue model tissue_model = self.factory.create_tissue_model() tissue_model.set_mci_filename(sim_wrapper.mci_filename) tissue_model.set_nr_photons(int(ex["nr_photons"])) tissue_model._mci_wrapper.set_nr_runs( int(ex["nr_elements_in_batch"]) * wavelengths.shape[0]) tissue_model.create_mci_file() tissue_instance = tissueparser.read_tissue_config(self.tissue_file) # setup array in which data shall be stored batch = self.factory.create_batch_to_simulate() batch.set_tissue_instance(tissue_instance) # create the tissue samples and return them in dataframe df df = batch.create_tissue_samples(int(ex["nr_elements_in_batch"])) # add reflectance column to dataframe for w in wavelengths: df["reflectances", w] = np.NAN # Generate MCI file which contains list of all simulations in a Batch for i in range(df.shape[0]): # set the desired element in the dataframe to be simulated base_mco_filename = _create_mco_filename_for(simulated_data_folder, self.batch_nr, i) tissue_model.set_base_mco_filename(base_mco_filename) tissue_model.set_tissue_instance(df.loc[i, :]) tissue_model.update_mci_file(wavelengths) # Run simulations for computing reflectance from parameters sim_wrapper.run_simulation() # get information from created mco files for i in range(df.shape[0]): for wavelength in wavelengths: # for simulation get which mco file was created simulation_path = os.path.split(sim_wrapper.mcml_executable)[0] base_mco_filename = _create_mco_filename_for(simulated_data_folder, self.batch_nr, i) mco_filename = base_mco_filename + str(wavelength) + '.mco' # get diffuse reflectance from simulation df["reflectances", wavelength][i] = \ get_diffuse_reflectance(os.path.join(simulation_path, mco_filename)) # delete created mco file os.remove(os.path.join(simulation_path, mco_filename)) f = open(self.output().path, 'w') df.to_csv(f) end = time.time()"time for creating batch of mc data: %.f s" % (end - start))