Beispiel #1
def expand_leaf(parent_node: MCTSNode, state, board):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.

    # The parent node can execute all the actions in the current state
    current_state = ravel_states(board, state, parent_node)
    parent_node.untried_actions = board.legal_actions(current_state)
    if len(parent_node.untried_actions) == 0:
        print("Cant expand leaf there are no possıble plays proceed.")
        parent_node.parent.wins = -inf
        parent_node.wins = -inf
        return None

    #select a random action that can be executed in that node
    #!!! Make this random. It is kinda random?
    p_action = parent_node.untried_actions.pop()

    #!!! action list might not be correct.
    #create a new node which would be the next state as a result of the chosen action
    new_node = MCTSNode(parent=parent_node,

    parent_node.child_nodes[p_action] = new_node
    return new_node
Beispiel #2
def expand_leaf(node, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.
    Expansion Phase
        if unexplored child
            expand (random order reduces bias)
        if terminal state
    ### testing syntax since using dict
    if node.untried_actions:   # if the node has any untried actions 
    # expand node 
    # __init__(self, parent=None, parent_action=None, action_list=[]):
        move = choice(node.untried_actions)
        new_node = MCTSNode(parent=node, parent_action=move, action_list=state.legal_moves)
        new_node.parent = node
        new_node.parent_action = move
        new_node.action_list =state.legal_moves
        node.child_nodes[move] = new_node
        return new_node
    return None
Beispiel #3
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.


    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)

    # start at root
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None, parent_action=None)
    node = root_node
    root_node.untried_actions = fun_board.legal_actions(state)

    for step in range(num_nodes):
        sampled_game = state

        # Start at root
        node = root_node
        node.state = sampled_game
        node = traverse_nodes(node, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)

        leaf_node = expand_leaf(node, sampled_game)
        sampled_game = rollout(leaf_node.state)

        won = board.win_values(sampled_game)
        if won is None:
            won = False
        elif won[identity_of_bot] == 1:
            won = True
            won = False
        backpropagate(leaf_node, won)

    best_action = None
    best_ratio = 0
    for action in root_node.child_nodes.keys():
        child_node = root_node.child_nodes[action]
        ratio = child_node.wins / child_node.visits
        if ratio >= best_ratio:
            best_ratio = ratio
            best_action = action

    # global root_node
    # root_node = root_node.child_nodes[best_action]

    if best_action is None:
    return best_action
Beispiel #4
def think(state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    start = time()
    time_elapsed = 0

    def get_result (sampled_game):
        reds, blues = sampled_game.score.get('red', 0), sampled_game.score.get('blue', 0)
        result = reds - blues if identity_of_bot == 'red' else blues - reds
        return result

    identity_of_bot = state.player_turn
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None, parent_action=None, action_list=state.legal_moves)

    while time_elapsed < 10:
    #for step in range(num_nodes):

        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state.copy()

        # Start at root
        node = root_node

        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        node = traverse_nodes(node, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)
        node = expand_leaf(node, sampled_game)
        backpropagate(node, get_result(sampled_game))
        time_elapsed = time() - start

    # Make choice based on tree
    choice = make_choice(root_node, state, identity_of_bot)
    action = choice.parent_action

    # Write tree to file for time testing (Extra Credit Assignment)
    file = open('mcts_modified.out', 'a')
    file.write(root_node.tree_to_string(horizon=100, indent=1))
    return action

    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate.
Beispiel #5
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    new_move = choice(node.untried_actions)
    new_node = MCTSNode(parent=node, parent_action=new_move, action_list=board.legal_actions(state))
    node.child_nodes[new_move] = new_node
    return new_node
def expand_leaf(node, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.

    new_node = node
    # Checking to make sure there are still untried actions
    if node.untried_actions:
        # Randomly choose untried action
        move = choice(node.untried_actions)
        # Apply the move to the game state
        # Make a new node with the move and the game state
        new_node = MCTSNode(node, move, state.legal_moves)
        # Append the new node to the tree
        node.child_nodes[move] = new_node
        # Remove the action from the list of untried actions
    return new_node
Beispiel #7
def think(game, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to
        construct the game tree.

        Returns the actions to be taken.
    identity_of_bot = game.current_player(state)
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None,

    for step in range(num_nodes):
        sampled_game = state  # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        node = root_node  # Start at root

        while node.untried_actions == [] and node.child_nodes != {}:
            node = traverse_nodes(node, game, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)
            sampled_game = game.next_state(sampled_game, node.parent_action)

        if node.untried_actions != []:
            node = expand_leaf(node, game, sampled_game)
            sampled_game = game.next_state(sampled_game, node.parent_action)

        points = rollout(game, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)
        result = points[identity_of_bot]
        backpropagate(node, result)

    choice = sorted(root_node.child_nodes.values(),
                    key=lambda c: c.visits)[-1].parent_action
    print("MCTS bot ", identity_of_bot, " picking ", choice)

    return choice
Beispiel #8
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.

    if len(node.untried_actions) == 0:
        return None

    action = choice(node.untried_actions)
    state = board.next_state(state, action)
    act_list = board.legal_actions(state)
    new_node = MCTSNode(parent=node,
    node.child_nodes[action] = new_node

    return new_node
def expand_leaf(node, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.


    # Make sure there are still actions to be taken
    # if node.untried_actions!=[]:
    if node.untried_actions:

        move = choice(node.untried_actions)


        new_node = MCTSNode(node, move, node.untried_actions)

        node.child_nodes[move] = new_node
        return new_node
        return node
Beispiel #10
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):  # expansion
    """ Adds new leaves to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.
    Every possible move is being "simulated" here. Each possible move is created as
    a new state in the tree
        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    All added child nodes.

    nodes = []

    while len(node.untried_actions) != 0:
        action = choice(node.untried_actions)

        new_state = board.next_state(state, action)
        new_node = MCTSNode(node, action, board.legal_actions(new_state))

        node.child_nodes[action] = new_node

    return nodes
Beispiel #11
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.

    if not node.untried_actions:
        if not node.child_nodes:
            return node, state
                "error: node was traversed to without untried actions, but with child nodes"
    random_move = choice(node.untried_actions)

    state = board.next_state(state, random_move)
    next_node = MCTSNode(parent=node,

    # remove the move from list of untried moves
    node.child_nodes[random_move] = next_node

    return next_node, state
Beispiel #12
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.

        action = node.untried_actions.pop(
        )  # tries to pop() an action from the list
        return node  # if list is empty, return node
        state = board.next_state(state, action)
        new_node = MCTSNode(
                state))  # create new leaf with list of legal actions
        # make pointer of child node equal the new_node
        node.child_nodes[action] = new_node
        return new_node
Beispiel #13
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None, parent_action=None, action_list=board.legal_actions(state))

    actions = board.legal_actions(state)
    leaves = []
    sampled_game = state
    node = root_node
    flag = False

    for step in range(num_nodes): 
        while len(node.untried_actions) == 0:
            if len(leaves) == 0:
                flag = True
            node = leaves[0]
            sampled_game = nodeState(node, state, board)
        if flag:
        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        leaf = traverse_nodes(node, board, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)

    for leaf in leaves:
        leafState = nodeState(leaf, state, board)
        score = rollout(board, leafState)
        myScore = score[identity_of_bot]
        if (myScore == 1): won = True
        else: won = False
        backpropagate(leaf, won)

    bestRatio = -1
    bestAction = actions[0]
    for key in root_node.child_nodes:
        branch = root_node.child_nodes[key]
        if bestRatio <= 0 or branch.visits > 1:
            if branch.visits == 0:
            ratio = branch.wins/branch.visits
            if bestRatio < ratio:
                bestAction = key
                bestRatio = ratio
    #print(bestRatio," ", bestAction)
    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate.
    return bestAction
Beispiel #14
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node. And the Updated state

    if not node.untried_actions:  # empty list of untried actions
        if not node.child_nodes:  # no children
            return node, state
        else:  # should be terminal node. Can't have children
                "error: node without untried actions and children is not expandable"

    next_move = choice(node.untried_actions)  # makes a random choice
    state = board.next_state(state, next_move)  # updates state with new action
    available_actions = board.legal_actions(
        state)  # get the next set of available actions
    new_child = MCTSNode(parent=node,

        next_move)  # removes the random choice from tried choices
        next_move] = new_child  # and declares at that index in child_nodes as the new node

    return new_child, state
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.
        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.
    Returns:    The added child node.

    # Create new node from parent node
    # Can choose action randomly
    # Action list comes from node.untried_actions?
    parent_node = node
    actions1 = board.legal_actions(state)
    state2 = board.next_state(state, actions1[0])
    actions2 = board.legal_actions(state2)
    # print("this is the length before ",len(parent_node.child_nodes) )
    child_node = MCTSNode(parent=parent_node,
        parent_node.child_nodes[actions2[0]] = child_node
        return child_node
        parent_node.child_nodes[actions1[0]] = child_node
        print("it broke", actions2, "also :", actions1)
    # print("this is the length after",len(parent_node.child_nodes) )
    return child_node
Beispiel #16
def think(state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = state.player_turn
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None, parent_action=None, action_list=state.legal_moves)

    for step in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state.copy()
        # Start at root
        node = root_node
        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        # Select
        v1 = traverse_nodes(node, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)
        # Expand
        delta = expand_leaf(v1, sampled_game)
        # Rollout
        # Iterator for backpropogate and win
        result = 0
        if identity_of_bot == sampled_game.winner:
            result = 1
        backpropagate(delta, result)

    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate
    return max(root_node.child_nodes.values(), key=lambda c: c.visits).parent_action
Beispiel #17
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.

    #new_node.parent = node                                    # Parent node to this node
    #new_node.parent_action = node.untried_actions.pop(0)      # The move that got us to this node - "None" for the root node.

    #board.next_state(state, new_node.parent_action)

    #new_node.child_nodes = {}                                 # Action -> MCTSNode dictionary of children
    #new_node.untried_actions = board.legal_actions(state)     # Yet unexplored actions

    #new_node.wins = 0
    #new_node.visits = 0

    action = node.untried_actions.pop(0)
    state = board.next_state(state, action)
    new_node = MCTSNode(node, action, board.legal_actions(state))
    node.child_nodes[new_node.parent_action] = new_node

    return new_node
Beispiel #18
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.

    #store and remove a random action from node that is giving birth
    if node.untried_actions:
        #print("Debugging untried actions:", len(node.untried_actions), node.untried_actions)
        pa = choice(node.untried_actions)

        #get the action list for your new child node
        al = board.legal_actions(board.next_state(state, pa))
        #print("expand_leaf", al)
        new_node = MCTSNode(node, pa, al)
        #print("new_node.untried_actions:", new_node.untried_actions)

        #update parent nodes child dict
        node.child_nodes[pa] = new_node

        return new_node
        return node
Beispiel #19
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.

    #if ending, return the node
    if board.is_ended(state):
        # print("expand ended")
        return node, state
    #a random action from this node
    random_action = choice(node.untried_actions)
    #remove the action from untried actions because already made the action
    ######### update the state ##########
    state = board.next_state(state, random_action)
    #create the node
    child = MCTSNode(parent=node,
    # add child node in the tree
    node.child_nodes[random_action] = child
    return child, state
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.

    # if does not have untried actions check to see if it has children
    if (not node.untried_actions):
        if (not node.child_nodes):
            return node, state
    # try an untried action in current node
    random_action = choice(node.untried_actions)
    state = board.next_state(state, random_action)
    next_node = MCTSNode(parent = node, parent_action = random_action, action_list = board.legal_actions(state))
    # remove untried action from the node
    # set new child as a leaf of current node
    node.child_nodes[random_action] = next_node
    # return the new leaf node and the state
    return next_node, state
Beispiel #21
def expand_leaf(node, board, state, child_action, test):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.

        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.


    # Changes state of board to the next state
    state = board.next_state(state, child_action)

    # Creates a child node
    child_node = MCTSNode(parent=node,

    # Setting child node's untried actions.
    #child_node.untried_actions =
    #node_to_add_to.child_nodes[new_child] =
    return child_node
Beispiel #22
def expand_leaf(node, board, state):
    """ Adds a new leaf to the tree by creating a new child node for the given node.
        node:   The node for which a child will be added.
        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The added child node.
    #if the node is a deadend, don't expand!
    if not node.untried_actions:
        return node, state

    # arbitrarily pick action from the node
    random_action = choice(node.untried_actions)

    # find all possible actions after that action is made
    # NOTE - board is now changed, bc move was tried and board is a reference
    state = board.next_state(state, random_action)
    possible_actions = board.legal_actions(state)

    # make tha fookin' node
    child_node = MCTSNode(node, random_action, possible_actions)

    # adjust parent node's untried action list and child node dict
    node.child_nodes[random_action] = child_node

    return child_node, state
Beispiel #23
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None, parent_action=None, action_list=board.legal_actions(state))

    for step in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state

        # Start at root
        node = root_node

        # Do MCTS - This is all you!

    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate.
    return None
Beispiel #24
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.


    # Initialize variables
    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None,

    for step in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state

        # Start at root
        node = root_node

        # Traverse tree until leaf is reached, get new state
        leaf, new_state = traverse_nodes(node, board, sampled_game,

        # If the reached leaf is not a game ending state, expand the tree
        if not board.is_ended(new_state):
            child = expand_leaf(leaf, board, new_state)
            new_state = board.next_state(new_state, child.parent_action)
            child = leaf

        # Simulate possible outcome for leaf
        won = rollout(board, new_state, identity_of_bot)

        # Backpropogate simulation results
        backpropagate(child, won)

    best_UCT = 0
    best_children = []

    # Choose best child depending on UCT calculation
    for key, child in root_node.child_nodes.items():
        child_UCT = child.wins / float(child.visits)

        if child_UCT == best_UCT:
        elif child_UCT > best_UCT:
            best_children = [child]
            best_UCT = child_UCT

    best_child = choice(best_children)

    print("MCTS vanilla picking {} with ratio {}".format(
        best_child.parent_action, best_UCT))
    return best_child.parent_action
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None, parent_action=None, action_list=board.legal_actions(state))
    legal = False

    for step in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state
        # Start at root
        node = root_node
        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        won = False

        while node.untried_actions == [] and node.child_nodes != {}:
            node = traverse_nodes(node, board, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)
            if node.parent_action!=None:
                sampled_game = board.next_state(state, node.parent_action)

        if node.untried_actions != []:
            node = expand_leaf(node, board, sampled_game)
            node = traverse_nodes(node,board, sampled_game,identity_of_bot)
            sampled_game = board.next_state(state, node.parent_action)

        sampled_game = rollout(board, sampled_game)
        point = board.points_values(sampled_game)[identity_of_bot]

        if point == 1:
            won = True

        backpropagate(node, won)

        if board.is_ended(state) == True:

    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate.
    actionValue = 0
    actionTake = None
    for action in root_node.child_nodes.keys():
        test_node = root_node.child_nodes[action]
        if test_node.visits == 0:
            value = 0
            value = test_node.wins/test_node.visits
        if value > actionValue:
            actionTake = action
            actionValue = value
    return actionTake
Beispiel #26
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None, parent_action=None, action_list=board.legal_actions(state))

    for _ in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state

        # Start at root
        node = root_node

        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        node = traverse_nodes(node, board, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)
        #update state with actions taken to select selected_node
        selected_node = node
        select_actions = []
        while selected_node.parent:
            selected_node = selected_node.parent
        for action in select_actions:
            sampled_game = board.next_state(sampled_game, action)
        #handle possible selection of terminal node
        if not node.untried_actions:
            won = board.points_values(sampled_game)[1]
            #expand from selection
            node = expand_leaf(node, board, sampled_game)
            #update simulated state
            sampled_game = board.next_state(sampled_game, node.parent_action)
            # simulate game from new node
            sampled_game = rollout(board, sampled_game)
            won = board.points_values(sampled_game)[1]
        # update tree
        backpropagate(node, won)

    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate.
    best_winrate = -inf
    if identity_of_bot == 1:
        sign = 1
        sign = -1
    for action, child in root_node.child_nodes.items():
        child_winrate = (child.wins/child.visits)*sign
        if child_winrate > best_winrate:
            best_action = action
            best_winrate = child_winrate
    return best_action
Beispiel #27
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None,

    for step in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state  # reset state to exclude newly expanded leaf

        # Start at root
        node = root_node

        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        # Selection
        leaf = traverse_nodes(node, board, sampled_game,
                              identity_of_bot)  # current leaf

        # Expansion
        new_leaf = expand_leaf(leaf, board,
                               sampled_game)  # expand to a new leaf
        sampled_game = board.next_state(sampled_game, new_leaf.parent_action)

        # Rollout
        if not board.is_ended(sampled_game):
            rollout(board, sampled_game)  # play the game

        # who wins
        score = board.points_values(sampled_game)
        winner = 'draw'
        if score is not None:
            if score[1] == 1:
                winner = 1
            elif score[2] == 1:
                winner = 2
            if winner is identity_of_bot:
                i_won = 1
                i_won = 0
            backpropagate(leaf, i_won)  # back up using i_won condition

    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate.
    best_child = max(
        key=lambda item: item[1].visits)[1]  # most frequently visited
    best_move = best_child.parent_action

    return best_move
Beispiel #28
def think(state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = state.player_turn
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None,

    for step in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state.copy()

        # Start at root
        node = root_node

        # Do MCTS - This is all you!

        leaf, sampled_game = traverse_nodes(node, sampled_game,

        # Expand and roll out unless terminal
        if len(leaf.untried_actions) > 0:
            new_node, sampled_game = expand_leaf(leaf, sampled_game)

            won = rollout(sampled_game, identity_of_bot)
            new_node = leaf
            if sampled_game.winner == identity_of_bot:
                won = True
                won = False
        backpropagate(new_node, won)

    best_action = None
    best_wins = 0
    for action, child in root_node.child_nodes.items():
        if child.wins > best_wins:
            best_wins = child.wins
            best_action = action

    #Prospects are bad...
    if best_action == None:
        best_action = choice(list(root_node.child_nodes.keys()))

    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate.
    return best_action
Beispiel #29
def think(state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    start = time()
    time_elapsed = 0
    def get_result (sampled_game):
        if sampled_game.winner == identity_of_bot: return 1
        if sampled_game.winner == 'tie': return 0.5
        if sampled_game.winner != identity_of_bot: return -1
        else: return -1

    identity_of_bot = state.player_turn
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None, parent_action=None, action_list=state.legal_moves)

    while time_elapsed < 10:
    #for step in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state.copy()

        # Start at root
        node = root_node

        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        node = traverse_nodes(node, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)
        node = expand_leaf(node, sampled_game)
        backpropagate(node, get_result(sampled_game))
        time_elapsed = time() - start

    # Make choice based on tree
    choice = make_choice(root_node, state, identity_of_bot)
    action = choice.parent_action

    # Write tree to file for time testing (Extra Credit Assignment)
    file = open('mcts_vanilla.out', 'a')
    file.write(root_node.tree_to_string(horizon=100, indent=1))

    return action
Beispiel #30
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)
    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None,
    step = 0
    global explore_faction

    while step < num_nodes:
        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        leaf_node, sampled_game = traverse_nodes(root_node, board, state,
        new_nodes = expand_leaf(leaf_node, board, sampled_game)
        if len(new_nodes) == 0:
        step += len(new_nodes)
        done_rollouts = {}
        for roll_node in new_nodes:
            if tuple(sorted(
                    roll_node.untried_actions)) in done_rollouts.keys():
                won = rollout(
                backpropagate(roll_node, won)
                if won == 1:
                    explore_faction += .25  # if a game is won, seek out games along this path.
                elif won == 0 and explore_faction > 0.25:
                    explore_faction -= 0.25  # if a game is lost, seek fewer games from this path.
                done_rollouts[tuple(sorted(roll_node.untried_actions))] = won

    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate.
    maximum = -1
    max_node = root_node
    for child in root_node.child_nodes.values():
        # print("Score: ", child.wins / child.visits)
        if child is not None and (child.wins / child.visits) > maximum:
            max_node = child
            maximum = (child.wins / child.visits)

    # print("Max Node: ", max_node, " - ", max_node.wins/max_node.visits)
    return max_node.parent_action
Beispiel #31
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.

        board:  The game setup.
        state:  The state of the game.

    Returns:    The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)

    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None,

    for step in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state

        # Start at root
        node = root_node
        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        node = traverse_nodes(node, board, sampled_game, identity_of_bot)
        sampled_game = update_state(node, board, state)
        node = expand_leaf(node, board, sampled_game)
        sampled_game = update_state(node, board, state)
        if node:
            won = rollout(board, sampled_game)
            backpropagate(node, won, identity_of_bot)

    # With the completed tree, get the action with the best rate.

    best_action = None
    best_rate = float('-inf')
    highest_visits = 0
    for child in root_node.child_nodes:
        r = root_node.child_nodes[child]
        child_wins = r.visits - r.wins if r.player != identity_of_bot else r.wins
        child_rate = child_wins / root_node.child_nodes[child].visits
        child_visits = root_node.child_nodes[child].visits
        if child_rate > best_rate and child_visits >= highest_visits:
            best_action = child
            best_rate = child_rate
            #print("BEST: " + str(best_rate))
            highest_visits = child_visits
    print("MCTS Vanilla bot " + str(identity_of_bot) +
          " picking %s with expected win rate %f" %
          (str(best_action), best_rate))

    return best_action
Beispiel #32
def think(board, state):
    """ Performs MCTS by sampling games and calling the appropriate functions to construct the game tree.
		board:	The game setup.
		state:	The state of the game.
	Returns:	The action to be taken.

    identity_of_bot = board.current_player(state)

    root_node = MCTSNode(parent=None,

    max_child_visits = 0  # May belong inside of below loop, took it out during testing, never got that far tho
    selected_action = None
    next_state = state
    for step in range(num_nodes):
        # Copy the game for sampling a playthrough
        sampled_game = state
        # Start at root
        node = root_node

        # max_child_visits = 0
        # selected_action = None

        # Do MCTS - This is all you!
        child_node = traverse_nodes(node, sampled_game, identity_of_bot, board)
        if child_node.parent != None:
            check_win_state = board.next_state(next_state,
            has_won = board.is_ended(check_win_state)
            has_won = board.is_ended(next_state)
        if not has_won:
            expanded_node = expand_leaf(child_node, board, next_state)
            next_state = board.next_state(next_state,
            win_dict = rollout(next_state, board)
            backpropagate(expanded_node, win_dict)

    # Return an action, typically the most frequently used action (from the root) or the action with the best
    # estimated win rate.
    for children in root_node.child_nodes.values():
        if children.visits > max_child_visits:
            max_child_visits = children.visits
            selected_action = children.parent_action

    micro_actions[(selected_action[0], selected_action[1])].append(
        (selected_action[2], selected_action[3]))
    ##print("test", micro_actions)
    ##print("selected action", selected_action)
    return selected_action
Beispiel #33
    def onClick(self, event):
        x,y = self.get_intersection(event.x, event.y)
        if (x != -1 and y != -1):
            board_coords = self.get_board_coordinates(x, y)
            if not self.first_move: board = self.board_state.get_board()
            if self.first_move or board[board_coords[1]][board_coords[0]] == 0: # player is able to place piece
                if self.first_move:
                    self.first_move = False
                                                    self.placePiece(x, y),
                    new_board = [[0] * BOARD_SIZE for _ in range(BOARD_SIZE)]
                    new_board[board_coords[1]][board_coords[0]] = BLACK
                    self.board_state = BoardState(grid=new_board,
                                                  recent_move=(board_coords[1], board_coords[0]), turn=BLACK, search_breadth=1)
                    self.player_turn = (-1)*self.player_turn

                                                    self.placePiece(x, y),
                    self.board_state =[1],board_coords[0])
                    self.player_turn = (-1)*self.player_turn

                possible_winner = self.board_state.get_winner()
                if possible_winner != 0:
                    ai_mcts_node = MCTSNode(self.board_state)
                    ai_mcts_tree = MCTSTree(ai_mcts_node)

                    next_state = ai_mcts_tree.best_move(time_cutoff=WAIT_TIME)
                    self.board_state = next_state

                    ai_move = next_state.get_recent_move()
                    print("("+str(ai_move[0])+", "+str(ai_move[1])+")")
                                                    self.placePiece((ai_move[1]+1)*self.grid_interval, (ai_move[0]+1)*self.grid_interval),
                    self.player_turn = (-1) * self.player_turn

                    possible_winner = self.board_state.get_winner()
                    if possible_winner != 0: