Beispiel #1
def test_find_no_solution_where_none_exists(my_map, starts, goals):
    depth = 5
    a1, a2 = 0, 1
    a1_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a1, starts[a1], goals[a1], depth)
    a2_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a2, starts[a2], goals[a2], depth)
    solution_path = mdd.find_solution_in_joint_mdd([a1_mdd, a2_mdd],
    assert solution_path == None, "test_find_no_solution_where_none_exists Failed: Finds a solution where none exists"
    print("test_find_no_solution_where_none_exists Passed")
Beispiel #2
def test_three_agent_joint_mdd_search(my_map, starts, goals):
    depth = 4
    a1, a2, a3 = 0, 1, 2
    a1_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a1, starts[a1], goals[a1], depth)
    a2_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a2, starts[a2], goals[a2], depth)
    a3_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a3, starts[a3], goals[a3], depth)
    found_path = mdd.is_solution_in_joint_mdd([a1_mdd, a2_mdd, a3_mdd],
    assert found_path == True, "test_three_agent_joint_mdd_search Failed: Finds no solution with 3 agents when one exists"
    print("test_three_agent_joint_mdd_search Passed")
Beispiel #3
def test_bootstrap_bfs_tree(my_map, starts, goals):
    agent = 0
    depth = 4
    mdd_4 = mdd.MDD(my_map, 0, starts[agent], goals[agent], depth)
    mdd_5 = mdd.MDD(my_map, 0, starts[agent], goals[agent], depth + 1, mdd_4)
    bfs_tree = mdd_5.bfs_tree['tree']
    for node in bfs_tree.keys():
        for val in bfs_tree[node]:
            loc, t = val
            assert not my_map[loc[0]][loc[
                1]], "test_bootstrap_bfs_tree Failed: Bootstrap BFS explores invalid cells"
            assert t <= depth + 1, "test_bootstrap_bfs_tree Failed: Bootstrap BFS explores to depth greater than " + str(
                depth + 1)
    print("test_bootstrap_bfs_tree Passed")
Beispiel #4
def test_mdd_generation(my_map, starts, goals):
    agent = 0
    depth = 4
    new_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, 0, starts[agent], goals[agent], depth)
    # Hardcoded test for a simple case below
    assert set(new_mdd.mdd[((1, 1), 0)]) == set(
        [((2, 1), 1), ((1, 2), 1)]
    ), "test_mdd_generation Failed: test case ((1, 1), 0) -> ((2, 1), 1), ((1, 2), 1) failed"
    assert set(new_mdd.mdd[((1, 2), 1)]) == set(
        [((2, 2), 2), ((1, 3), 2)]
    ), "test_mdd_generation Failed: test case ((1, 2), 1) -> ((2, 2), 2), ((1, 3), 2) failed"
    assert set(new_mdd.mdd[((2, 1), 1)]) == set(
        [((2, 2), 2)]
    ), "test_mdd_generation Failed: test case ((2, 1), 1) -> ((2, 2), 2) failed"
    assert set(new_mdd.mdd[((1, 3), 2)]) == set(
        [((2, 3), 3)]
    ), "test_mdd_generation Failed: test case (((1, 3), 2) -> ((2, 3), 3) failed"
    assert set(new_mdd.mdd[((2, 2), 2)]) == set(
        [((3, 2), 3), ((2, 3), 3)]
    ), "test_mdd_generation Failed: test case ((2, 2), 2) -> ((3, 2), 3), ((2, 3), 3) failed"
    assert set(new_mdd.mdd[((2, 3), 3)]) == set([
        ((3, 3), 4)
    ]), "test_mdd_generation Failed: test case ((2,3),3) -> ((3,3),4) failed"
    assert set(new_mdd.mdd[((3, 2), 3)]) == set([
        ((3, 3), 4)
    ]), "test_mdd_generation Failed: test case ((3,2),3) -> ((3,3),4) failed"
    print("test_mdd_generation Passed")
Beispiel #5
def test_find_solution_in_joint_mdd(my_map, starts, goals):
    depth = 4
    a1, a2, a3 = 0, 1, 2
    a1_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a1, starts[a1], goals[a1], depth)
    a2_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a2, starts[a2], goals[a2], depth)
    a3_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a3, starts[a3], goals[a3], depth)
    solution_path = mdd.find_solution_in_joint_mdd([a1_mdd, a2_mdd, a3_mdd],
    for i in range(len(solution_path[0]) - 1):
        this_locs = [solution_path[j][i] for j in range(len(solution_path))]
        next_locs = [
            solution_path[j][i + 1] for j in range(len(solution_path))
        assert all_moves_valid(
            this_locs, next_locs
        ), "test_find_solution_in_joint_mdd Failed: Finds a solution with invalid steps"
    print("test_find_solution_in_joint_mdd Passed")
Beispiel #6
def test_mdd_level_i(my_map, starts, goals):
    agent = 0
    depth = 4
    new_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, agent, starts[agent], goals[agent], depth)
    assert {starts[agent]} == new_mdd.get_level(
        0), "test_mdd_level_i Failed: Level 0 isn't the start node"
    assert set([(2, 1), (1, 2)]) == set(
    ), "test_mdd_level_i Failed: Level 1 isn't [((2, 1), 1), ((1, 2), 1)]"
    print("test_mdd_level_i Passed")
Beispiel #7
def test_simple_construction(my_map, starts, goals):
    agent = 0
    depth = 7  # Arbitrary depth
    new_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, 0, starts[agent], goals[agent], depth, False)
    assert new_mdd.agent == 0, "test_simple_construction Failed: Agent is improperly set"
    assert new_mdd.depth == depth, "test_simple_construction Failed: Depth is improperly set"
    assert new_mdd.start == starts[
        agent], "test_simple_construction Failed: Start is improperly set"
    assert new_mdd.goal == goals[
        agent], "test_simple_construction Failed: Goal is improperly set"
    print("test_simple_construction Passed")
Beispiel #8
def test_depth_d_bfs_tree(my_map, starts, goals):
    agent = 0
    depth = 4
    new_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, 0, starts[agent], goals[agent], depth)
    bfs_tree_dict = new_mdd.get_depth_d_bfs_tree(my_map, starts[agent], depth)
    bfs_tree = bfs_tree_dict['tree']
    for node in bfs_tree.keys():
        for val in bfs_tree[node]:
            loc, t = val
            assert not my_map[loc[0]][loc[
                1]], "test_depth_d_bfs_tree Failed: BFS explores invalid cells"
            assert t <= depth, "test_depth_d_bfs_tree Failed: BFS explores to depth greater than " + str(
    print("test_depth_d_bfs_tree Passed")
Beispiel #9
def test_two_agent_joint_mdd_search(my_map, starts, goals):
    a1, a2 = 0, 1
    depth = 2  # No solution
    a1_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a1, starts[a1], goals[a1], depth)
    a2_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a2, starts[a2], goals[a2], depth)
    found_path = mdd.is_solution_in_joint_mdd([a1_mdd, a2_mdd], dummy_tracker)
    assert found_path == False, "test_two_agent_joint_mdd_search Failed: Finds a solution when none exists"

    depth = 3  # Solution
    a1_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a1, starts[a1], goals[a1], depth)
    a2_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a2, starts[a2], goals[a2], depth)
    found_path = mdd.is_solution_in_joint_mdd([a1_mdd, a2_mdd], dummy_tracker)
    assert found_path == True, "test_two_agent_joint_mdd_search Failed: Finds no solution when one exists"

    depth1 = 3
    depth2 = 2  # Mismatched solution depths
    a1_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a1, starts[a1], goals[a1], depth1)
    a2_mdd = mdd.MDD(my_map, a2, starts[a2], goals[a2], depth2)
    found_path = mdd.is_solution_in_joint_mdd([a1_mdd, a2_mdd], dummy_tracker)
    assert found_path == True, "test_two_agent_joint_mdd_search Failed: Finds no solution when the depth of the input mdds mismatch"
Beispiel #10
    def find_solution(self, disjoint=True, heuristic=None):
        """ Finds paths for all agents from their start locations to their goal locations

        disjoint    - use disjoint splitting or not

        self.start_time = timer.time()

        # Generate the root node
        # constraints   - list of constraints
        # paths         - list of paths, one for each agent
        #               [[(x11, y11), (x12, y12), ...], [(x21, y21), (x22, y22), ...], ...]
        # collisions     - list of collisions in paths
        root = {'cost': 0, 'constraints': [], 'paths': [], 'collisions': []}
        for i in range(self.num_of_agents):  # Find initial path for each agent
            path = a_star(self.my_map, self.starts[i], self.goals[i],
                          self.heuristics[i], i, root['constraints'])
            if path is None:
                raise BaseException('No solutions')

        root['cost'] = get_sum_of_cost(root['paths'])
        root['collisions'] = detect_collisions(root['paths'])
        root['h_val'] = 0

        # Task 3.1: Testing

        # Task 3.2: Testing
        #for collision in root['collisions']:
        #    print(standard_splitting(collision))

        # Task 3.3: High-Level Search
        #           Repeat the following as long as the open list is not empty:
        #             1. Get the next node from the open list (you can use self.pop_node()
        #             2. If this node has no collision, return solution
        #             3. Otherwise, choose the first collision and convert to a list of constraints (using your
        #                standard_splitting function). Add a new child node to your open list for each constraint
        #           Ensure to create a copy of any objects that your child nodes might inherit

        while len(self.open_list) > 0:
            p = self.pop_node()
            if len(p['collisions']) == 0:
                self.sum_of_costs = get_sum_of_cost(p['paths'])
                return p['paths']

            collision = p['collisions'][0]
            constraints = standard_splitting(
                collision)  #disjoint_splitting(collision)
            for constraint in constraints:
                q = {
                    'cost': 0,
                    copy.deepcopy(p['constraints'] + [constraint]),
                    'paths': copy.deepcopy(p['paths']),
                    'collisions': []
                """ Task 4  
                if constraint['positive'] == True:
                    if paths_violate_constraint(constraint, q['paths']):

                agent = constraint['agent']
                path = a_star(self.my_map, self.starts[agent],
                              self.goals[agent], self.heuristics[agent], agent,

                if path != None:
                    q['paths'][agent] = path
                    q['collisions'] = detect_collisions(q['paths'])
                    q['cost'] = get_sum_of_cost(q['paths'])

                    if self.CT_heuristic == None:
                        q['h_val'] = 0
                        MDD_list = [mdd.MDD(self.my_map, self.starts[i], self.goals[i],\
                                compute_heuristics(self.my_map, self.goals[i]), i, q['constraints'])\
                                for i in range(len(self.starts))]
                        if self.CT_heuristic == "CG":
                            graph_inst = mdd.graph_from_MDD(MDD_list)
                            mvc_inst = mvc.BruteForceMVC(graph_inst)
                            q['h_val'] = mvc_inst.getMVC()
                        elif self.CT_heuristic == "DG":
                            graph_inst = joint_mdd.graph_from_MDD(MDD_list)
                            mvc_inst = mvc.BruteForceMVC(graph_inst)
                            q['h_val'] = mvc_inst.getMVC()
                        elif self.CT_heuristic == "WDG":
                            graph_inst = joint_mdd.weighted_graph_from_MDD(
                                MDD_list, self.my_map, self.starts, self.goals)
                            ewmvc_inst = mvc.BruteForceEWMVC(graph_inst)
                            q['h_val'] = ewmvc_inst.getEWMVC()


        if path is None:
            raise BaseException('No solutions')

        return root['paths']