Beispiel #1
def compute_dihedrals(trajectory, indices, opt=True):
    """Compute the dihedral angles between the supplied quartets of atoms in each frame in a trajectory.

    trajectory : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    indices : np.ndarray, shape=(n_dihedrals, 4), dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of four atoms which together make a
        dihedral angle. The angle is between the planes spanned by the first
        three atoms and the last three atoms, a torsion around the bond
        between the middle two atoms.
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate angles.

    dihedrals : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_dihedrals), dtype=float
        The output array gives, in each frame from the trajectory, each of the
        `n_dihedrals` torsion angles. The angles are measured in **radians**.

    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    quartets = ensure_type(np.asarray(indices), dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='indices', shape=(None, 4), warn_on_cast=False)
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(quartets < trajectory.n_atoms, quartets >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('indices must be between 0 and %d' % trajectory.n_atoms)

    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], quartets.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    if opt:
        _geometry._dihedral(xyz, quartets, out)
        _dihedral(xyz, quartets, out)
    return out
Beispiel #2
def find_closest_contact(traj, group1, group2, frame=0, periodic=True):
    """Find the closest contact between two groups of atoms.

    Given a frame of a Trajectory and two groups of atoms, identify the pair of
    atoms (one from each group) that form the closest contact between the two groups.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    group1 : np.ndarray, shape=(num_atoms), dtype=int
        The indices of atoms in the first group.
    group2 : np.ndarray, shape=(num_atoms), dtype=int
        The indices of atoms in the second group.
    frame : int, default=0
        The frame of the Trajectory to take positions from
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will compute distances under the minimum image

    result : tuple (int, int, float)
         The indices of the two atoms forming the closest contact, and the distance between them.
    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)[frame]
    atoms1 = ensure_type(group1, dtype=np.int32, ndim=1, name='group1', warn_on_cast=False)
    atoms2 = ensure_type(group2, dtype=np.int32, ndim=1, name='group2', warn_on_cast=False)
    if periodic and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(, 3, 3),
        box = None
    return _geometry._find_closest_contact(xyz, atoms1, atoms2, box)
Beispiel #3
    def write(self, xyz, cell_lengths=None):
        """Write one or more frames of data to a mdcrd file

        xyz : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of the atoms to write. By convention, the
            lengths should be in units of angstroms.
        cell_lengths : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, 3), dtype=float32, optional
            The length of the periodic box in each frame, in each direction,
            `a`, `b`, `c`. By convention the lengths should be in units
            of angstroms.
        if not self._mode == 'w':
            raise ValueError('write() is only available when file is opened '
                             'in mode="w"')

        xyz = ensure_type(xyz, np.float32, 3, 'xyz', can_be_none=False,
                shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False,
        cell_lengths = ensure_type(cell_lengths, np.float32, 2, 'cell_lengths',
                can_be_none=True, shape=(len(xyz), 3), warn_on_cast=False,

        if self._w_has_box is None:
            # this is the first write()
            self._n_atoms = xyz.shape[1]
            self._fh.write('TITLE : Created by MDTraj with %d atoms\n' % self._n_atoms)

            if cell_lengths is None:
                self._w_has_box = False
                self._w_has_box = True
        elif self._w_has_box is True:
            if cell_lengths is None:
                raise ValueError('This mdcrd file must contain unitcell '
        elif self._w_has_box is False:
            if cell_lengths is not None:
                raise ValueError('This mdcrd file must not contain unitcell '
            raise RuntimeError()

        for i in range(xyz.shape[0]):
            for j, coord in enumerate(xyz[i].reshape(-1)):
                lfdone = False
                out = "%8.3f" % coord
                if len(out) > 8:
                    raise ValueError('Overflow error')
                if (j+1) % 10 == 0:
                    lfdone = True

            if not lfdone:

            if cell_lengths is not None:
                self._fh.write("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n" % tuple(cell_lengths[i]))
Beispiel #4
    def write(self, coordinates, topology, time=None, unitcell_vectors=None,
        """Write one or more frames of a molecular dynamics trajectory to disk
        in the GROMACS GRO format.

        coordinates : np.ndarray, dtype=np.float32, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of each atom, in units of nanometers.
        topology : mdtraj.Topology
            The Topology defining the model to write.
        time : np.ndarray, dtype=float32, shape=(n_frames), optional
            The simulation time corresponding to each frame, in picoseconds.
            If not supplied, the numbers 0..n_frames will be written.
        unitcell_vectors : np.ndarray, dtype=float32, shape=(n_frames, 3, 3), optional
            The periodic box vectors of the simulation in each frame, in nanometers.
        precision : int, optional
            The number of decimal places to print for coordinates. Default is 3
        if not self._open:
            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
        if not self._mode == 'w':
            raise ValueError('file not opened for writing')

        coordinates = ensure_type(coordinates, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='coordinates', can_be_none=False, warn_on_cast=False)
        time = ensure_type(time, dtype=float, ndim=1, name='time', can_be_none=True, shape=(len(coordinates),), warn_on_cast=False)
        unitcell_vectors = ensure_type(unitcell_vectors, dtype=float, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors',
            can_be_none=True, shape=(len(coordinates), 3, 3), warn_on_cast=False)

        for i in range(coordinates.shape[0]):
            frame_time = None if time is None else time[i]
            frame_box = None if unitcell_vectors is None else unitcell_vectors[i]
            self._write_frame(coordinates[i], topology, frame_time, frame_box, precision)
Beispiel #5
def compute_angles(traj, angle_indices, opt=True):
    """Compute the bond angles between the supplied triplets of indices in each frame of a trajectory.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    angle_indices : np.ndarray, shape=(num_pairs, 2), dtype=int
       Each row gives the indices of three atoms which together make an angle.
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized
        SSE angle calculation implementation is 10-20x faster than the
        (itself optimized) numpy implementation.

    angles : np.ndarray, shape=[n_frames, n_angles], dtype=float
        The angles are in radians
    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    triplets = ensure_type(np.asarray(angle_indices), dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='angle_indices', shape=(None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(triplets < traj.n_atoms, triplets >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('angle_indices must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms)

    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], triplets.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    if opt:
        _geometry._angle(xyz, triplets, out)
        _angle(xyz, triplets, out)
    return out
Beispiel #6
def permute_energies(X, s):
    """Re-order an observable X so that u[i, j, k] correponds to frame i, sampled from state j, evaluated in state k.


    X : np.ndarray, shape=(n_iter, n_replicas, n_replicas)
        The observable to permute
    s : np.ndarray, shape=(n_iter, n_replicas), dtype='int'
        The thermodynamic state indices of each replica slot.  s[i, k] is the 
        thermodynamic state index of frame i, replica k.  

    X = ensure_type(X, 'float32', 3, "X")
    n_iter, n_replicas, n_replicas = X.shape
    s = ensure_type(s, "int", 2, "s", shape=(n_iter, n_replicas))
    u = np.zeros((n_iter, n_replicas, n_replicas))
    for i, si in enumerate(s):
        mapping = dict(zip(range(n_replicas), si))
        inv_map = {v:k for k, v in mapping.items()}
        si_inv = [inv_map[k] for k in range(n_replicas)]
        u[i] = X[i, si_inv]
    return u
Beispiel #7
def compute_dihedrals(traj, indices, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the dihedral angles between the supplied quartets of atoms in each frame in a trajectory.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    indices : np.ndarray, shape=(n_dihedrals, 4), dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of four atoms which together make a
        dihedral angle. The angle is between the planes spanned by the first
        three atoms and the last three atoms, a torsion around the bond
        between the middle two atoms.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will treat dihedrals that cross periodic images
        using the minimum image convention.
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate angles.

    dihedrals : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_dihedrals), dtype=float
        The output array gives, in each frame from the trajectory, each of the
        `n_dihedrals` torsion angles. The angles are measured in **radians**.

    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    quartets = ensure_type(indices, dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='indices', shape=(None, 4), warn_on_cast=False)
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(quartets < traj.n_atoms, quartets >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('indices must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms)

    if len(quartets) == 0:
        return np.zeros((len(xyz), 0), dtype=np.float32)

    if periodic and traj._have_unitcell:
        if opt and not np.allclose(traj.unitcell_angles, 90):
            warnings.warn('Optimized dihedral calculation does not work for non-orthorhombic '
                          'unit cells and periodic boundary conditions. Falling back to much '
                          'slower pure-Python implementation. Set periodic=False or opt=False '
                          'to disable this message.')
            opt = False

    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], quartets.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    if periodic and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3))
        if opt:
            _geometry._dihedral_mic(xyz, quartets, box, out)
            return out
            _dihedral(traj, quartets, periodic, out)
            return out

    if opt:
        _geometry._dihedral(xyz, quartets, out)
        _dihedral(traj, quartets, periodic, out)
    return out
Beispiel #8
def compute_angles(traj, angle_indices, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the bond angles between the supplied triplets of indices in each frame of a trajectory.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mdtraj trajectory.
    angle_indices : np.ndarray, shape=(num_angles, 3), dtype=int
       Each row gives the indices of three atoms which together make an angle.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will treat angles that cross periodic images using
        the minimum image convention.
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized
        SSE angle calculation implementation is 10-20x faster than the
        (itself optimized) numpy implementation.

    angles : np.ndarray, shape=[n_frames, n_angles], dtype=float
        The angles are in radians
    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    triplets = ensure_type(angle_indices, dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='angle_indices', shape=(None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(triplets < traj.n_atoms, triplets >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('angle_indices must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms)

    if len(triplets) == 0:
        return np.zeros((len(xyz), 0), dtype=np.float32)

    if periodic and traj._have_unitcell:
        if opt and not np.allclose(traj.unitcell_angles, 90):
            warnings.warn('Optimized angle calculation does not work for non-orthorhombic '
                          'unit cells and periodic boundary conditions. Falling back to much '
                          'slower pure-Python implementation. Set periodic=False or opt=False '
                          'to disable this message.')
            opt = False

    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], triplets.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    if periodic is True and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3))
        if opt:
            _geometry._angle_mic(xyz, triplets, box, out)
            return out
            _angle(traj, triplets, periodic, out)
            return out

    if opt:
        _geometry._angle(xyz, triplets, out)
        _angle(traj, triplets, periodic, out)
    return out
Beispiel #9
def compute_angles(traj, angle_indices, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the bond angles between the supplied triplets of indices in each frame of a trajectory.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mdtraj trajectory.
    angle_indices : np.ndarray, shape=(num_angles, 3), dtype=int
       Each row gives the indices of three atoms which together make an angle.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will treat angles that cross periodic images using
        the minimum image convention.
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized
        SSE angle calculation implementation is 10-20x faster than the
        (itself optimized) numpy implementation.

    angles : np.ndarray, shape=[n_frames, n_angles], dtype=float
        The angles are in radians
    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name="", shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    triplets = ensure_type(
        angle_indices, dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name="angle_indices", shape=(None, 3), warn_on_cast=False
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(triplets < traj.n_atoms, triplets >= 0)):
        raise ValueError("angle_indices must be between 0 and %d" % traj.n_atoms)

    if len(triplets) == 0:
        return np.zeros((len(xyz), 0), dtype=np.float32)

    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], triplets.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    if periodic is True and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(
            traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name="unitcell_vectors", shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3)
        if opt:
            orthogonal = np.allclose(traj.unitcell_angles, 90)
            _geometry._angle_mic(xyz, triplets, box.transpose(0, 2, 1).copy(), out, orthogonal)
            return out
            _angle(traj, triplets, periodic, out)
            return out

    if opt:
        _geometry._angle(xyz, triplets, out)
        _angle(traj, triplets, periodic, out)
    return out
Beispiel #10
def validate_input_arrays(predictions, measurements, uncertainties, prior_pops=None):
    """Check input data for correct shape and dtype

    predictions : ndarray, shape = (num_frames, num_measurements)
        predictions[j, i] gives the ith observabled predicted at frame j
    measurements : ndarray, shape = (num_measurements)
        measurements[i] gives the ith experimental measurement
    uncertainties : ndarray, shape = (num_measurements)
        uncertainties[i] gives the uncertainty of the ith experiment
    prior_pops : ndarray, shape = (num_frames), optional
        Prior populations of each conformation.  If None, skip.
    All inputs must have float64 type and compatible shapes.
    num_frames, num_measurements = predictions.shape

    ensure_type(predictions, np.float64, 2, "predictions")
    ensure_type(measurements, np.float64, 1, "measurements", shape=(num_measurements,))
    ensure_type(uncertainties, np.float64, 1, "uncertainties", shape=(num_measurements,))

    if prior_pops is not None:
        ensure_type(prior_pops, np.float64, 1, "prior_pops", shape=(num_frames,))
Beispiel #11
def compute_distances(traj, atom_pairs, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the distances between pairs of atoms in each frame.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    atom_pairs : np.ndarray, shape=(num_pairs, 2), dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of two atoms involved in the interaction.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will compute distances under the minimum image
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized
        SSE minimum image convention calculation implementation is over 1000x
        faster than the naive numpy implementation.

    distances : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, num_pairs), dtype=float
        The distance, in each frame, between each pair of atoms.
    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    pairs = ensure_type(atom_pairs, dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='atom_pairs', shape=(None, 2), warn_on_cast=False)
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(pairs < traj.n_atoms, pairs >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('atom_pairs must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms)

    if len(pairs) == 0:
        return np.zeros((len(xyz), 0), dtype=np.float32)

    if periodic and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3),
        orthogonal = np.allclose(traj.unitcell_angles, 90)
        if opt:
            out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
            _geometry._dist_mic(xyz, pairs, box.transpose(0, 2, 1).copy(), out, orthogonal)
            return out
            return _distance_mic(xyz, pairs, box.transpose(0, 2, 1), orthogonal)

    # either there are no unitcell vectors or they dont want to use them
    if opt:
        out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
        _geometry._dist(xyz, pairs, out)
        return out
        return _distance(xyz, pairs)
Beispiel #12
def shrake_rupley(traj, probe_radius=0.14, n_sphere_points=960):
    """Compute the solvent accessible surface area of each atom in each simulation frame.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    probe_radius : float, optional
        The radius of the probe, in nm.
    n_sphere_pts : int, optional
        The number of points representing the surface of each atom, higher
        values leads to more accuracy.

    areas : np.array, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms)
        The accessible surface area of each atom in every frame

    This code implements the Shrake and Rupley algorithm, with the Golden
    Section Spiral algorithm to generate the sphere points. The basic idea
    is to great a mesh of points representing the surface of each atom
    (at a distance of the van der waals radius plus the probe
    radius from the nuclei), and then count the number of such mesh points
    that are on the molecular surface -- i.e. not within the radius of another
    atom. Assuming that the points are evenly distributed, the number of points
    is directly proportional to the accessible surface area (its just 4*pi*r^2
    time the fraction of the points that are accessible).

    There are a number of different ways to generate the points on the sphere --
    possibly the best way would be to do a little "molecular dyanmics" : put the
    points on the sphere, and then run MD where all the points repel one another
    and wait for them to get to an energy minimum. But that sounds expensive.

    This code uses the golden section spiral algorithm
    (picture at
    where you make this spiral that traces out the unit sphere and then put points
    down equidistant along the spiral. It's cheap, but not perfect.

    The gromacs utility g_sas uses a slightly different algorithm for generating
    points on the sphere, which is based on an icosahedral tesselation.
    roughly, the icosahedral tesselation works something like this

    .. [1] Shrake, A; Rupley, JA. (1973) J Mol Biol 79 (2): 351--71.
    if not _geometry._processor_supports_sse41():
        raise RuntimeError('This CPU does not support the required instruction set (SSE4.1)')

    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], xyz.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
    atom_radii = [_ATOMIC_RADII[atom.element.symbol] for atom in traj.topology.atoms]
    radii = np.array(atom_radii, np.float32) + probe_radius

    _geometry._sasa(xyz, radii, int(n_sphere_points), out)

    return out
Beispiel #13
    def write(self, xyz, types=None):
        """Write one or more frames of data to a xyz file.

        xyz : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of the atoms to write.
        types : np.ndarray, shape(3, )
            The type of each particle.

        if not self._mode == 'w':
            raise ValueError('write() is only available when file is opened '
                             'in mode="w"')

        if not types:
            # Make all particles the same type.
            types = ['X' for _ in xrange(xyz.shape[1])]
        xyz = ensure_type(xyz, np.float32, 3, 'xyz', can_be_none=False,
                        shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False,
        in_units_of(xyz, 'nanometers', self.distance_unit, inplace=True)

        for i in range(xyz.shape[0]):
            self._fh.write("Created with MDTraj {0}, {1}\n".format(version, str(

            for j, coord in enumerate(xyz[i]):
                self._fh.write('{0} {1:8.3f} {2:8.3f} {3:8.3f}\n'.format(
                    types[j], coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
Beispiel #14
    def _init(self, sequences, init_params):
        """Find initial means(hot start)"""
        sequences = [ensure_type(s, dtype=np.float32, ndim=2, name='s', warn_on_cast=False)
                     for s in sequences]
        self._impl._sequences = sequences

        if self.n_hotstart == 'all':
            small_dataset = np.vstack(sequences)
            small_dataset = np.vstack(sequences[0:min(len(sequences), self.n_hotstart)])

        if self.init_algo == "GMM" and ("m" in init_params or "v" in init_params):
            mixture = sklearn.mixture.GMM(self.n_states, n_init=1, random_state=self.random_state)
            if "m" in init_params:
                self.means_ = mixture.means_
            if "v" in init_params:
                self.vars_ = mixture.covars_
            if 'm' in init_params:
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    self.means_ = cluster.KMeans(
                        n_clusters=self.n_states, n_init=1, init='random',
                        n_jobs=self.n_jobs, random_state=self.random_state).fit(
            if 'v' in init_params:
                self.vars_ = np.vstack([np.var(small_dataset, axis=0)] * self.n_states)
        if 't' in init_params:
            transmat_ = np.empty((self.n_states, self.n_states))
            transmat_.fill(1.0 / self.n_states)
            self.transmat_ = transmat_
            self.populations_ = np.ones(self.n_states) / self.n_states
Beispiel #15
 def score(self, data):
     """Log-likelihood of sequences under the model
     sequences = [ensure_type(s, dtype=np.float32, ndim=2, name="s") for s in data]
     self.inferrer._sequences = data
     logprob, _ = self.inferrer.do_mslds_estep()
     return logprob
Beispiel #16
    def select_pairs(self, selection1=None, selection2=None):
        """Generate unique pairs of atom indices.

        If a selecton is a string, it will be resolved using the atom selection
        DSL, otherwise it is expected to be an array of atom indices.

        selection1 : str or array-like, shape=(n_indices, ), dtype=int
            A selection for `select()` or an array of atom indices.
        selection2 : str or array-like, shape=(n_indices, ), dtype=int
            A selection for `select()` or an array of atom indices.

        pairs : array-like, shape=(n_pairs, 2), dtype=int
            Each row gives the indices of two atoms.

        # Resolve selections using the atom selection DSL...
        if isinstance(selection1, string_types):
            a_indices =
        else:  # ...or use a provided array of indices.
            a_indices = ensure_type(selection1, dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
                                    name='a_indices', warn_on_cast=False)
        if isinstance(selection2, string_types):
            b_indices =
            b_indices = ensure_type(selection2, dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
                                    name='b_indices', warn_on_cast=False)

        # Create unique pairs from the indices.
        if np.array_equal(a_indices, b_indices):
            # This is more efficient and memory friendly by removing the
            # intermediate set creation required in the case below.
            pairs = np.fromiter(itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(a_indices, 2)),
                                dtype=np.int32, count=len(a_indices) * (len(a_indices) - 1))
            pairs = np.vstack((pairs[::2], pairs[1::2])).T
            pairs = np.array(list(set(
                (a, b) if a > b else (b, a)
                for a, b in itertools.product(a_indices, b_indices)
                if a != b)),
        return pairs
Beispiel #17
    def select_pairs(self, selection1=None, selection2=None):
        """Generate unique pairs of atom indices.

        If a selecton is a string, it will be resolved using the atom selection
        DSL, otherwise it is expected to be an array of atom indices.

        selection1 : str or array-like, shape=(n_indices, ), dtype=int
            A selection for `select()` or an array of atom indices.
        selection2 : str or array-like, shape=(n_indices, ), dtype=int
            A selection for `select()` or an array of atom indices.

        pairs : array-like, shape=(n_pairs, 2), dtype=int
            Each row gives the indices of two atoms.

        # Resolve selections using the atom selection DSL...
        if isinstance(selection1, string_types):
            a_indices =
        else:  # ...or use a provided array of indices.
            a_indices = ensure_type(selection1, dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
                                    name='a_indices', warn_on_cast=False)
        if isinstance(selection2, string_types):
            b_indices =
            b_indices = ensure_type(selection2, dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
                                    name='b_indices', warn_on_cast=False)

        # Create unique pairs from the indices.
        # In the cases where a_indices and b_indices are identical or mutually
        # exclusive, we can utilize a more efficient and memory friendly
        # approach by removing the intermediate set creation required in
        # the general case.
        if np.array_equal(a_indices, b_indices):
            pairs = self._unique_pairs_equal(a_indices)
        elif len(np.intersect1d(a_indices, b_indices)) == 0:
            pairs = self._unique_pairs_mutually_exclusive(a_indices, b_indices)
            pairs = self._unique_pairs(a_indices, b_indices)
        return pairs
Beispiel #18
def test_ensure_type_25():
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:

        val = ensure_type(a, np.float64, 1, '', length=10, warn_on_cast=False)

        assert val.dtype == np.float64
        assert a.dtype == np.float32  # a should not be changed
        assert len(w) == 0  # no warning since we set warn_on_cast to False
Beispiel #19
def test_ensure_type_2():
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:

        val = ensure_type(a, np.float64, 1, '', length=10)

        assert val.dtype == np.float64
        assert a.dtype == np.float32  # a should not be changed
        assert len(w) == 1
        assert issubclass(w[-1].category, TypeCastPerformanceWarning)
Beispiel #20
def compute_displacements(traj, atom_pairs, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the displacement vector between pairs of atoms in each frame of a trajectory.

    traj : Trajectory
        Trajectory to compute distances in
    atom_pairs : np.ndarray, shape[num_pairs, 2], dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of two atoms.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will compute distances under the minimum image
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our
        optimized minimum image convention calculation implementation is
        over 1000x faster than the naive numpy implementation.

    displacements : np.ndarray, shape=[n_frames, n_pairs, 3], dtype=float32
         The displacememt vector, in each frame, between each pair of atoms.
    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3))
    pairs = ensure_type(np.asarray(atom_pairs), dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='atom_pairs', shape=(None, 2))
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(pairs < traj.n_atoms, pairs >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('atom_pairs must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms)

    if periodic is True and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3))
        if opt and _geometry._processor_supports_sse41():
            out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32)
            _geometry._dist_mic_displacement(xyz, pairs, box, out)
            return out
            return _displacement_mic(xyz, pairs, box)

    # either there are no unitcell vectors or they dont want to use them
    if opt and _geometry._processor_supports_sse41():
        out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32)
        _geometry._dist_displacement(xyz, pairs, out)
        return out
    return _displacement(xyz, pairs)
Beispiel #21
def compute_distances(traj, atom_pairs, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the distances between pairs of atoms in each frame.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    atom_pairs : np.ndarray, shape=(num_pairs, 2), dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of two atoms involved in the interaction.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will compute distances under the minimum image
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized
        SSE minimum image convention calculation implementation is over 1000x
        faster than the naive numpy implementation.

    distances : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, num_pairs), dtype=float
        The distance, in each frame, between each pair of atoms.
    xyz = ensure_type(, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    pairs = ensure_type(np.asarray(atom_pairs), dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='atom_pairs', shape=(None, 2), warn_on_cast=False)

    if periodic is True and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3))
        if opt:
            out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
            _geometry._dist_mic(xyz, pairs, box, out)
            return out
            return _distance_mic(xyz, pairs, box)

    # either there are no unitcell vectors or they dont want to use them
    if opt:
        out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
        _geometry._dist(xyz, pairs, out)
        return out
        return _distance(xyz, pairs)
Beispiel #22
def compute_rdf(traj, pairs=None, r_range=None, bin_width=0.005,
                periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute radial distribution functions for pairs in every frame.

    traj : Trajectory
        Trajectory to compute radial distribution function in.
    pairs : array-like, shape=(n_pairs, 2), dtype=int, optional, default=None
        Each row gives the indices of two atoms.
    r_range : array-like, shape=(2,), optional, default=(0.0, 1.0)
        Minimum and maximum radii.
    bin_width : int, optional, default=0.005
        Width of the bins in nanometers.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will compute distances under the minimum image
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to compute the pair wise distances.

    r : np.ndarray, shape=(np.diff(r_range) / bin_width - 1), dtype=float
        Radii values corresponding to the centers of the bins.
    g_r : np.ndarray, shape=(np.diff(r_range) / bin_width - 1), dtype=float
        Radial distribution function values at r.

    See also

    if r_range is None:
        r_range = np.array([0.0, 1.0])
    r_range = ensure_type(r_range, dtype=np.float64, ndim=1, name='r_range',
                          shape=(2,), warn_on_cast=False)
    bins = np.arange(r_range[0], r_range[1], bin_width)

    distances = compute_distances(traj, pairs, periodic=periodic, opt=opt)
    g_r, edges = np.histogram(distances, bins=bins)
    r = 0.5 * (edges[1:] + edges[:-1])

    # Normalize by volume of the spherical shell.
    # See discussion There might be
    # a less biased way to accomplish this. The conclusion was that this could
    # be interesting to try, but is likely not hugely consequential. This method
    # of doing the calculations matches the implementation in other packages like
    # AmberTools' cpptraj and gromacs g_rdf.
    V = (4 / 3) * np.pi * (np.power(edges[1:], 3) - np.power(edges[:-1], 3))
    norm = len(pairs) * np.sum(1.0 / traj.unitcell_volumes) * V
    g_r = g_r.astype(np.float64) / norm  # From int64.
    return r, g_r
Beispiel #23
    def xyz(self, value):
        "Set the cartesian coordinates of each atom in each simulation frame"
        if is not None:
            # if we have a topology and its not None
            shape = (None, self.topology._numAtoms, 3)
            shape = (None, None, 3)

        value = ensure_type(value, np.float32, 3, 'xyz', shape=shape,
                            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        self._xyz = value
        self._rmsd_traces = None
Beispiel #24
    def unitcell_lengths(self, value):
        """Set the lengths that define the shape of the unit cell in each frame

        value : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, 3)
            The distances ``a``, ``b``, and ``c`` that define the shape of the
            unit cell in each frame, or None
        self._unitcell_lengths = ensure_type(value, np.float32, 2,
            'unitcell_lengths', can_be_none=True, shape=(len(self), 3),
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
Beispiel #25
    def unitcell_angles(self, value):
        """Set the lengths that define the shape of the unit cell in each frame

        value : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, 3)
            The angles ``alpha``, ``beta`` and ``gamma`` that define the
            shape of the unit cell in each frame. The angles should be in
        self._unitcell_angles = ensure_type(value, np.float32, 2,
            'unitcell_angles', can_be_none=True, shape=(len(self), 3),
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
Beispiel #26
def _compute_Q_tensor(all_directors):
    """Compute the Q-tensor for a set of directors.

    For each frame,
        Q_{ab} = 1/(2N) sum_{i_molecules} (3 * e_{ia} * e_{ib} - d_{ab})    [1]

    directors : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_compounds, 3), dtype=float64
        An array of directors describing each compound's orientation over time.

    Q_ab : np.ndarray, shape=(traj.n_frames, 3, 3), dtype=float64
        The Q-tensors describing the directors for each frame.

    See also

    .. [1] Allen, M. P.; Tildesley , D. J. (1987), "Computer Simulation of
           Liquids", p. 305, Eq. 11.19


    all_directors = ensure_type(all_directors, dtype=np.float64, ndim=3,
                                name='directors', shape=(None, None, 3))
    if NP18:
        normed = all_directors / np.linalg.norm(all_directors, axis=2)[..., np.newaxis]

    Q_ab = np.zeros(shape=(all_directors.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=np.float64)
    for n, directors in enumerate(all_directors):
        if NP18:
            normed_vectors = normed[n]
            normed_vectors = directors / np.sqrt((directors ** 2.0).sum(-1))[..., np.newaxis]
        for vector in normed_vectors:
            Q_ab[n, 0, 0] += 3.0 * vector[0] * vector[0] - 1
            Q_ab[n, 0, 1] += 3.0 * vector[0] * vector[1]
            Q_ab[n, 0, 2] += 3.0 * vector[0] * vector[2]
            Q_ab[n, 1, 0] += 3.0 * vector[1] * vector[0]
            Q_ab[n, 1, 1] += 3.0 * vector[1] * vector[1] - 1
            Q_ab[n, 1, 2] += 3.0 * vector[1] * vector[2]
            Q_ab[n, 2, 0] += 3.0 * vector[2] * vector[0]
            Q_ab[n, 2, 1] += 3.0 * vector[2] * vector[1]
            Q_ab[n, 2, 2] += 3.0 * vector[2] * vector[2] - 1
    Q_ab /= (2.0 * all_directors.shape[1])
    return Q_ab
Beispiel #27
def compute_translation_and_rotation(mobile, target):
    """Returns the translation and rotation mapping mobile onto target.

    mobile : ndarray, shape = (n_atoms, 3)
        xyz coordinates of a `single` frame, to be aligned onto target.
    target : ndarray, shape = (n_atoms, 3)
        xyz coordinates of a `single` frame

    translation : ndarray, shape=(3,)
        Difference between the centroids of the two conformations
    rotation : ndarray, shape=(3,3)
        Rotation matrix to apply to mobile to carry out the transformation.

    ensure_type(mobile, 'float', 2, 'mobile', warn_on_cast=False, shape=(None, 3))
    ensure_type(target, 'float', 2, 'target', warn_on_cast=False, shape=(target.shape[0], 3))

    mu1 = mobile.mean(0)
    mu2 = target.mean(0)

    translation = mu2

    mobile = mobile - mu1
    target = target - mu2

    correlation_matrix =, target)
    V, S, W_tr = np.linalg.svd(correlation_matrix)
    is_reflection = (np.linalg.det(V) * np.linalg.det(W_tr)) < 0.0
    if is_reflection:
        V[:, -1] = -V[:, -1]
    rotation =, W_tr)

    return translation, rotation
Beispiel #28
    def score(self, sequences):
        """Log-likelihood of sequences under the model

        sequences : list
            List of 2-dimensional array observation sequences, each of which
            has shape (n_samples_i, n_features), where n_samples_i
            is the length of the i_th observation.
        sequences = [ensure_type(s, dtype=np.float32, ndim=2, name='s')
                     for s in sequences]
        self._impl._sequences = sequences
        logprob, _ = self._impl.do_estep()
        return logprob
Beispiel #29
    def read(self, n_frames=None, stride=None, atom_indices=None):
        """Read one or more frames of data from the file

        n_frames : {int, None}
            The number of frames to read. If not supplied, all of the
            remaining frames will be read.
        stride : {int, None}
            By default all of the frames will be read, but you can pass this
            flag to read a subset of of the data by grabbing only every
            `stride`-th frame from disk.
        atom_indices : {int, None}
            By default all of the atom  will be read, but you can pass this
            flag to read only a subsets of the atoms for the `coordinates` and
            `velocities` fields. Note that you will have to carefully manage
            the indices and the offsets, since the `i`-th atom in the topology
            will not necessarily correspond to the `i`-th atom in your subset.

        xyz : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3), dtype=np.float32
            The cartesian coordinates, in nanometers
        _check_mode(self.mode, ('r'))

        if n_frames is None:
            n_frames = np.inf
        if stride is not None:
            stride = int(stride)
        if atom_indices is None:
            atom_slice = slice(None)
            atom_slice = ensure_type(atom_indices,, ndim=1,
                                     name='atom_indices', warn_on_cast=False)

        total_n_frames = len(self._handle.root.XYZList)
        frame_slice = slice(self._frame_index, min(
            self._frame_index + n_frames, total_n_frames), stride)
        if frame_slice.stop - frame_slice.start == 0:
            return np.array([], dtype=np.float32)

        xyz = self._handle.root.XYZList.__getitem__((frame_slice, atom_slice))
        if xyz.dtype == np.int16 or xyz.dtype == np.int32:
            xyz = _convert_from_lossy_integers(xyz)

        self._frame_index += (frame_slice.stop - frame_slice.start)
        return xyz
Beispiel #30
def squareform(distances, residue_pairs):
    """Reshape the contact distance to square contact maps

    distances : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_pairs)
        Distances between pairs of residues, as computed by
    residue_pairs : np.ndarray, shape=(n_pairs, 2)
        The indices of the residues involved in each pair, as
        returned by `mdtraj.geometry.compute_contacts`

    contact_maps : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_residues, n_residues)
        Reshaped version of `distances`, such that the distance, in
        the `k`th frame of the trajectory from residue `i` to residue `j`
        is given by `contact_maps[k, i, j]`. All entries in `contact_maps`
        corresponding to the distance between residues that were not
        part of residue_pairs are 0.0.

    See Also
    mdtraj.compute_contacts : Compute the array of contact distances
    if not isinstance(distances, np.ndarray) and distances.ndim == 2:
        raise ValueError('distances must be a 2d array')

    residue_pairs = ensure_type(
        residue_pairs,, ndim=2, name='residue_pars',
        shape=(None, 2), warn_on_cast=False)

    if not np.all(residue_pairs >= 0):
        raise ValueError('residue_pairs references a residue that is not in '
                         'the permitted range')
    if distances.shape[1] != residue_pairs.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('The number of pairs in distances, %d, does not '
                         'match the number of pairs in residue_pairs, %d.' %
                         (distances.shape[1], residue_pairs.shape[0]))

    n_residues = np.max(residue_pairs) + 1
    contact_maps = np.zeros((distances.shape[0], n_residues, n_residues), dtype=distances.dtype)
    contact_maps[:, residue_pairs[:, 0], residue_pairs[:, 1]] = distances
    contact_maps[:, residue_pairs[:, 1], residue_pairs[:, 0]] = distances

    return contact_maps
Beispiel #31
    def write(self,
        """Write one frame of a MD trajectory to disk in the AMBER NetCDF
        restart file format.

        coordinates : np.ndarray, dtype=np.float32, shape=([1,] n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of each atom, in units of angstroms. Must
            be only a single frame (shape can be (1,N,3) or (N,3) where N is
            the number of atoms)
        time : array-like with 1 element or float, optional
            The time corresponding to this frame. If not specified, a place
            holder of 0 will be written
        cell_lengths : np.ndarray, dtype=np.double, shape=([1,] 3)
            The lengths (a,b,c) of the unit cell for the frame in Angstroms
        cell_angles : np.ndarray, dtype=np.double, shape=([1,] 3)
            The angles between the unit cell vectors for the frame in Degrees

        You must only have one frame to write to this file.
        if self._mode != 'w':
            raise IOError(
                'The file was opened in mode=%s. Writing not allowed.' %
        if not self._needs_initialization:
            # Must have already been written -- can only write once
            raise RuntimeError('NetCDF restart file has already been written '
                               '-- can only write one frame to restart files.')
        coordinates = in_units_of(coordinates, None, 'angstroms')
        time = in_units_of(time, None, 'picoseconds')
        cell_lengths = in_units_of(cell_lengths, None, 'angstroms')
        cell_angles = in_units_of(cell_angles, None, 'degrees')

        # typecheck all of the input arguments rigorously
        coordinates = ensure_type(coordinates,
                                  shape=(1, None, 3),
        n_frames, n_atoms = coordinates.shape[0], coordinates.shape[1]
        if n_frames != 1:
            raise ValueError('Can only write 1 frame to a restart file!')
        if time is not None:
                time = float(time)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('Can only provide a single time')
            time = 0.0
        cell_lengths = ensure_type(cell_lengths,
        cell_angles = ensure_type(cell_angles,
        if ((cell_lengths is None and cell_angles is not None)
                or (cell_lengths is not None and cell_angles is None)):
            prov, negl = 'cell_lengths', 'cell_angles'
            if cell_lengths is None:
                prov, negl = negl, prov
            raise ValueError('You provided the variable "%s" but did not '
                             'provide "%s". Either provide both or neither -- '
                             'one without the other is meaningless.' %
                             (prov, negl))

                                 set_time=(time is not None),
                                 set_cell=(cell_lengths is not None))
        self._needs_initialization = False

        # Write the time, coordinates, and box info
        if time is not None:
            self._handle.variables['time'][0] = float(time)
        self._handle.variables['coordinates'][:, :] = coordinates[0, :, :]
        if cell_lengths is not None:
            self._handle.variables['cell_angles'][:] = cell_angles[0, :]
            self._handle.variables['cell_lengths'][:] = cell_lengths[0, :]
Beispiel #32
def shrake_rupley(traj,
    """Compute the solvent accessible surface area of each atom or residue in each simulation frame.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    probe_radius : float, optional
        The radius of the probe, in nm.
    n_sphere_points : int, optional
        The number of points representing the surface of each atom, higher
        values leads to more accuracy.
    mode : {'atom', 'residue'}
        In mode == 'atom', the extracted areas are resolved per-atom
        In mode == 'residue', this is consolidated down to the
        per-residue SASA by summing over the atoms in each residue.
    change_radii : dict, optional
        A partial or complete dict containing the radii to change from the 
        defaults. Should take the form {"Symbol" : radii_in_nm }, e.g. 
        {"Cl" : 0.175 } to change the radii of Chlorine to 175 pm.
    get_mapping : bool, optional
        Instead of returning only the areas, also return the indices of the
        atoms or the residue-to-atom mapping. If True, will return a tuple
        that contains the areas and the mapping (np.array, shape=(n_atoms)).

    areas : np.array, shape=(n_frames, n_features)
        The accessible surface area of each atom or residue in every frame.
        If mode == 'atom', the second dimension will index the atoms in
        the trajectory, whereas if mode == 'residue', the second
        dimension will index the residues.

    This code implements the Shrake and Rupley algorithm, with the Golden
    Section Spiral algorithm to generate the sphere points. The basic idea
    is to great a mesh of points representing the surface of each atom
    (at a distance of the van der waals radius plus the probe
    radius from the nuclei), and then count the number of such mesh points
    that are on the molecular surface -- i.e. not within the radius of another
    atom. Assuming that the points are evenly distributed, the number of points
    is directly proportional to the accessible surface area (its just 4*pi*r^2
    time the fraction of the points that are accessible).

    There are a number of different ways to generate the points on the sphere --
    possibly the best way would be to do a little "molecular dyanmics" : put the
    points on the sphere, and then run MD where all the points repel one another
    and wait for them to get to an energy minimum. But that sounds expensive.

    This code uses the golden section spiral algorithm
    (picture at
    where you make this spiral that traces out the unit sphere and then put points
    down equidistant along the spiral. It's cheap, but not perfect.

    The gromacs utility g_sas uses a slightly different algorithm for generating
    points on the sphere, which is based on an icosahedral tesselation.
    roughly, the icosahedral tesselation works something like this

    .. [1] Shrake, A; Rupley, JA. (1973) J Mol Biol 79 (2): 351--71.

    xyz = ensure_type(,
                      shape=(None, None, 3),
    if mode == 'atom':
        dim1 = xyz.shape[1]
        atom_mapping = np.arange(dim1, dtype=np.int32)
    elif mode == 'residue':
        dim1 = traj.n_residues
        atom_mapping = np.array([a.residue.index for a in],
        if not np.all(
                np.unique(atom_mapping) == np.arange(1 +
            raise ValueError('residues must have contiguous integer indices '
                             'starting from zero')
        raise ValueError(
            'mode must be one of "residue", "atom". "%s" supplied' % mode)

    modified_radii = {}
    if change_radii is not None:
        # in case _ATOMIC_RADII is in use elsehwere...
        modified_radii = deepcopy(_ATOMIC_RADII)
        # Now, modify the values specified in 'change_radii'
        for k, v in change_radii.items():
            modified_radii[k] = v

    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], dim1), dtype=np.float32)
    if bool(modified_radii):
        atom_radii = [
            modified_radii[atom.element.symbol] for atom in traj.topology.atoms
        atom_radii = [
            _ATOMIC_RADII[atom.element.symbol] for atom in traj.topology.atoms
    radii = np.array(atom_radii, np.float32) + probe_radius

    _geometry._sasa(xyz, radii, int(n_sphere_points), atom_mapping, out)

    if get_mapping == True:
        return out, atom_mapping
        return out
Beispiel #33
    def read(self, frame_indices=None, atom_indices=None):
        _check_mode(self.mode, ('r', ))

        if frame_indices is None:
            frame_slice = slice(None)
            self._frame_index += frame_slice.stop - frame_slice.start
            frame_slice = ensure_type(frame_indices,
            if not np.all(
                    frame_slice < self._handle.root.coordinates.shape[0]):
                raise ValueError(
                    'As a zero-based index, the entries in '
                    'frame_slice must all be less than the number of frames '
                    'in the trajectory, %d' %
            if not np.all(frame_slice >= 0):
                raise ValueError(
                    'The entries in frame_indices must be greater '
                    'than or equal to zero')
            self._frame_index += frame_slice[-1] - frame_slice[0]

        if atom_indices is None:
            # get all of the atoms
            atom_slice = slice(None)
            atom_slice = ensure_type(atom_indices,
            if not np.all(atom_slice < self._handle.root.coordinates.shape[1]):
                raise ValueError(
                    'As a zero-based index, the entries in '
                    'atom_indices must all be less than the number of atoms '
                    'in the trajectory, %d' %
            if not np.all(atom_slice >= 0):
                raise ValueError('The entries in atom_indices must be greater '
                                 'than or equal to zero')

        def get_item(node, key):
            if not isinstance(key, tuple):
                return node.__getitem__(key)

            n_list_like = 0
            new_keys = []
            for item in key:
                if not isinstance(item, slice):
                        d = np.diff(item)
                        if len(d) == 0:
                            item = item[0]
                        elif np.all(d == d[0]):
                            item = slice(item[0], item[-1] + d[0], d[0])
                            n_list_like += 1
                    except Exception:
                        n_list_like += 1
            new_keys = tuple(new_keys)

            if n_list_like <= 1:
                return node.__getitem__(new_keys)

            data = node
            for i, item in enumerate(new_keys):
                dkey = [slice(None)] * len(key)
                dkey[i] = item
                dkey = tuple(dkey)
                data = data.__getitem__(dkey)

            return data

        def get_field(name, slice, out_units, can_be_none=True):
                node = self._get_node(where='/', name=name)
                data = get_item(node, slice)
                in_units = node.attrs.units
                if not isinstance(in_units, string_types):
                    in_units = in_units.decode()
                data = in_units_of(data, in_units, out_units)
                return data
            except self.tables.NoSuchNodeError:
                if can_be_none:
                    return None

        frames = Frames(
                                  (frame_slice, atom_slice, slice(None)),
            time=get_field('time', frame_slice, out_units='picoseconds'),
            cell_lengths=get_field('cell_lengths', (frame_slice, slice(None)),
            cell_angles=get_field('cell_angles', (frame_slice, slice(None)),
                                 (frame_slice, atom_slice, slice(None)),

        return frames
Beispiel #34
    def write(self, xyz, cell_lengths=None):
        """Write one or more frames of data to a mdcrd file

        xyz : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of the atoms to write. By convention, the
            lengths should be in units of angstroms.
        cell_lengths : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, 3), dtype=float32, optional
            The length of the periodic box in each frame, in each direction,
            `a`, `b`, `c`. By convention the lengths should be in units
            of angstroms.
        if not self._mode == 'w':
            raise ValueError('write() is only available when file is opened '
                             'in mode="w"')

        xyz = ensure_type(xyz,
                          shape=(None, None, 3),
        cell_lengths = ensure_type(cell_lengths,
                                   shape=(len(xyz), 3),

        if self._w_has_box is None:
            # this is the first write()
            self._n_atoms = xyz.shape[1]
            self._fh.write('TITLE : Created by MDTraj with %d atoms\n' %

            if cell_lengths is None:
                self._w_has_box = False
                self._w_has_box = True
        elif self._w_has_box is True:
            if cell_lengths is None:
                raise ValueError('This mdcrd file must contain unitcell '
        elif self._w_has_box is False:
            if cell_lengths is not None:
                raise ValueError('This mdcrd file must not contain unitcell '
            raise RuntimeError()

        for i in range(xyz.shape[0]):
            for j, coord in enumerate(xyz[i].reshape(-1)):
                lfdone = False
                out = "%8.3f" % coord
                if len(out) > 8:
                    raise ValueError('Overflow error')
                if (j + 1) % 10 == 0:
                    lfdone = True

            if not lfdone:

            if cell_lengths is not None:
                self._fh.write("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n" % tuple(cell_lengths[i]))
Beispiel #35
    def read(self, n_frames=None, stride=None, atom_indices=None):
        """Read one or more frames of data from the file

        n_frames : {int, None}
            The number of frames to read. If not supplied, all of the
            remaining frames will be read.
        stride : {int, None}
            By default all of the frames will be read, but you can pass this
            flag to read a subset of of the data by grabbing only every
            `stride`-th frame from disk.
        atom_indices : {int, None}
            By default all of the atom  will be read, but you can pass this
            flag to read only a subsets of the atoms for the `coordinates` and
            `velocities` fields. Note that you will have to carefully manage
            the indices and the offsets, since the `i`-th atom in the topology
            will not necessarily correspond to the `i`-th atom in your subset.

        If you'd like more flexible access to the data, that is available by
        using the pytables group directly, which is accessible via the
        `root` property on this class.

        frames : namedtuple
            The returned namedtuple will have the fields "coordinates", "time", "cell_lengths",
            "cell_angles", "velocities", "kineticEnergy", "potentialEnergy",
            "temperature" and "alchemicalLambda". Each of the fields in the
            returned namedtuple will either be a numpy array or None, dependening
            on if that data was saved in the trajectory. All of the data shall be
            n units of "nanometers", "picoseconds", "kelvin", "degrees" and
        _check_mode(self.mode, ('r',))

        if n_frames is None:
            n_frames = np.inf
        if stride is not None:
            stride = int(stride)

        total_n_frames = len(self._handle.root.coordinates)
        frame_slice = slice(self._frame_index, min(self._frame_index + n_frames, total_n_frames), stride)
        if frame_slice.stop - frame_slice.start == 0:
            return []

        if atom_indices is None:
            # get all of the atoms
            atom_slice = slice(None)
            atom_slice = ensure_type(atom_indices,, ndim=1,
                                     name='atom_indices', warn_on_cast=False)
            if not np.all(atom_slice < self._handle.root.coordinates.shape[1]):
                raise ValueError('As a zero-based index, the entries in '
                    'atom_indices must all be less than the number of atoms '
                    'in the trajectory, %d' % self._handle.root.coordinates.shape[1])
            if not np.all(atom_slice >= 0):
                raise ValueError('The entries in atom_indices must be greater '
                    'than or equal to zero')

        def get_field(name, slice, out_units, can_be_none=True):
                node = self._get_node(where='/', name=name)
                data = node.__getitem__(slice)
                in_units = node.attrs.units
                if not isinstance(in_units, string_types):
                    in_units = in_units.decode()
                data =  in_units_of(data, in_units, out_units)
                return data
            except self.tables.NoSuchNodeError:
                if can_be_none:
                    return None

        frames = Frames(
            coordinates = get_field('coordinates', (frame_slice, atom_slice, slice(None)),
                                    out_units='nanometers', can_be_none=False),
            time = get_field('time', frame_slice, out_units='picoseconds'),
            cell_lengths = get_field('cell_lengths', (frame_slice, slice(None)), out_units='nanometers'),
            cell_angles = get_field('cell_angles', (frame_slice, slice(None)), out_units='degrees'),
            velocities = get_field('velocities', (frame_slice, atom_slice, slice(None)), out_units='nanometers/picosecond'),
            kineticEnergy = get_field('kineticEnergy', frame_slice, out_units='kilojoules_per_mole'),
            potentialEnergy = get_field('potentialEnergy', frame_slice, out_units='kilojoules_per_mole'),
            temperature = get_field('temperature', frame_slice, out_units='kelvin'),
            alchemicalLambda = get_field('lambda', frame_slice, out_units='dimensionless')

        self._frame_index += (frame_slice.stop - frame_slice.start)
        return frames
Beispiel #36
def compute_distances(traj, atom_pairs, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the distances between pairs of atoms in each frame.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    atom_pairs : np.ndarray, shape=(num_pairs, 2), dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of two atoms involved in the interaction.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will compute distances under the minimum image
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized
        SSE minimum image convention calculation implementation is over 1000x
        faster than the naive numpy implementation.

    distances : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, num_pairs), dtype=float
        The distance, in each frame, between each pair of atoms.
    xyz = ensure_type(,
                      shape=(None, None, 3),
    pairs = ensure_type(atom_pairs,
                        shape=(None, 2),
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(pairs < traj.n_atoms, pairs >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('atom_pairs must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms)

    if len(pairs) == 0:
        return np.zeros((len(xyz), 0), dtype=np.float32)

    if periodic and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors,
                          shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3),
        orthogonal = np.allclose(traj.unitcell_angles, 90)
        if opt:
            out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
            _geometry._dist_mic(xyz, pairs,
                                box.transpose(0, 2, 1).copy(), out, orthogonal)
            return out
            return _distance_mic(xyz, pairs, box.transpose(0, 2, 1),

    # either there are no unitcell vectors or they dont want to use them
    if opt:
        out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
        _geometry._dist(xyz, pairs, out)
        return out
        return _distance(xyz, pairs)
Beispiel #37
    def write(self,
        """Write one or more frames of data to a lammpstrj file.

        xyz : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of the atoms to write. By convention,
            the lengths should be in units of angstroms.
        cell_lengths : np.ndarray, dtype=np.double, shape=(n_frames, 3)
            The lengths (a,b,c) of the unit cell for each frame. By convention,
            the lengths should be in units of angstroms.
        cell_angles : np.ndarray, dtype=np.double, shape=(n_frames, 3)
            The angles (\alpha, \beta, \gamma) defining the unit cell for
            each frame. (Units of degrees).
        types : np.ndarray, shape(3, ), dtype=int
            The numeric type of each particle.
        unit_set : str, optional
            The LAMMPS unit set that the simulation was performed in. See
   for options. Currently supported
            unit sets: 'real'.
        if not self._mode == 'w':
            raise ValueError('write() is only available when file is opened '
                             'in mode="w"')

        xyz = ensure_type(xyz,
                          shape=(None, None, 3),
        cell_lengths = ensure_type(cell_lengths,
                                   shape=(len(xyz), 3),
        if cell_angles is None:
            cell_angles = np.empty_like(cell_lengths)
        cell_angles = ensure_type(cell_angles,
                                  shape=(len(xyz), 3),
        if not types:
            # Make all particles the same type.
            types = np.ones(shape=(xyz.shape[1]))
        types = ensure_type(types,
                            shape=(xyz.shape[1], ),

        # TODO: Support other unit sets.
        if unit_set == 'real':
            self.distance_unit == 'angstroms'
            raise ValueError(
                'Unsupported unit set specified: {0}.'.format(unit_set))

        for i in range(xyz.shape[0]):
            # --- begin header ---
            self._fh.write('ITEM: TIMESTEP\n')
                '{0}\n'.format(i))  # TODO: Write actual time if known.
            self._fh.write('ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS\n')
            self.write_box(cell_lengths[i], cell_angles[i], xyz[i].min(axis=0))
            # --- end header ---

            # --- begin body ---
            self._fh.write('ITEM: ATOMS id type xu yu zu\n')
            for j, coord in enumerate(xyz[i]):
                    '{0:d} {1:d} {2:8.3f} {3:8.3f} {4:8.3f}\n'.format(
                        j + 1, types[j], coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
Beispiel #38
def compute_contacts(traj,
    """Compute the distance between pairs of residues in a trajectory.

    traj : md.Trajectory
        An mdtraj trajectory. It must contain topology information.
    contacts : array-like, ndim=2 or 'all'
        An array containing pairs of indices (0-indexed) of residues to
        compute the contacts between, or 'all'. The string 'all' will
        select all pairs of residues separated by two or more residues
        (i.e. the i to i+1 and i to i+2 pairs will be excluded).
    scheme : {'ca', 'closest', 'closest-heavy', 'sidechain', 'sidechain-heavy'}
        scheme to determine the distance between two residues:
            'ca' : distance between two residues is given by the distance
                between their alpha carbons
            'closest' : distance is the closest distance between any
                two atoms in the residues
            'closest-heavy' : distance is the closest distance between
                any two non-hydrogen atoms in the residues
            'sidechain' : distance is the closest distance between any
                two atoms in residue sidechains
            'sidechain-heavy' : distance is the closest distance between
                any two non-hydrogen atoms in residue sidechains
    ignore_nonprotein : bool
        When using `contact==all`, don't compute contacts between
        "residues" which are not protein (i.e. do not contain an alpha
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If periodic is True and the trajectory contains unitcell information,
        we will compute distances under the minimum image convention.
    soft_min : bool, default=False
        If soft_min is true, we will use a diffrentiable version of
        the scheme. The exact expression used
         is d = \frac{\beta}{log\sum_i{exp(\frac{\beta}{d_i}})} where
         beta is user parameter which defaults to 20nm. The expression
         we use is copied from the plumed mindist calculator.
    soft_min_beta : float, default=20nm
        The value of beta to use for the soft_min distance option.
        Very large values might cause small contact distances to go to 0.

    distances : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_pairs), dtype=np.float32
        Distances for each residue-residue contact in each frame
        of the trajectory
    residue_pairs : np.ndarray, shape=(n_pairs, 2), dtype=int
        Each row of this return value gives the indices of the residues
        involved in the contact. This argument mirrors the `contacts` input
        parameter. When `all` is specified as input, this return value
        gives the actual residue pairs resolved from `all`. Furthermore,
        when scheme=='ca', any contact pair supplied as input corresponding
        to a residue without an alpha carbon (e.g. HOH) is ignored from the
        input contacts list, meanings that the indexing of the
        output `distances` may not match up with the indexing of the input
        `contacts`. But the indexing of `distance` *will* match up with
        the indexing of `residue_pairs`

    >>> # To compute the contact distance between residue 0 and 10 and
    >>> # residues 0 and 11
    >>> md.compute_contacts(t, [[0, 10], [0, 11]])

    >>> # the itertools library can be useful to generate the arrays of indices
    >>> group_1 = [0, 1, 2]
    >>> group_2 = [10, 11]
    >>> pairs = list(itertools.product(group_1, group_2))
    >>> print(pairs)
    [(0, 10), (0, 11), (1, 10), (1, 11), (2, 10), (2, 11)]
    >>> md.compute_contacts(t, pairs)

    See Also
    mdtraj.geometry.squareform : turn the result from this function
        into a square "contact map"
    Topology.residue : Get residues from the topology by index
    if traj.topology is None:
        raise ValueError('contact calculation requires a topology')

    if isinstance(contacts, string_types):
        if contacts.lower() != 'all':
            raise ValueError('(%s) is not a valid contacts specifier' %

        residue_pairs = []
        for i in xrange(traj.n_residues):
            residue_i = traj.topology.residue(i)
            if ignore_nonprotein and not any(
                    a for a in residue_i.atoms if == 'ca'):
            for j in xrange(i + 3, traj.n_residues):
                residue_j = traj.topology.residue(j)
                if ignore_nonprotein and not any(
                        a for a in residue_j.atoms if == 'ca'):
                if residue_i.chain == residue_j.chain:
                    residue_pairs.append((i, j))

        residue_pairs = np.array(residue_pairs)
        if len(residue_pairs) == 0:
            raise ValueError('No acceptable residue pairs found')

        residue_pairs = ensure_type(np.asarray(contacts),
                                    shape=(None, 2),
        if not np.all(
            (residue_pairs >= 0) * (residue_pairs < traj.n_residues)):
            raise ValueError(
                'contacts requests a residue that is not in the permitted range'

    # now the bulk of the function. This will calculate atom distances and then
    # re-work them in the required scheme to get residue distances
    scheme = scheme.lower()
    if scheme not in [
            'ca', 'closest', 'closest-heavy', 'sidechain', 'sidechain-heavy'
        raise ValueError(
            'scheme must be one of [ca, closest, closest-heavy, sidechain, sidechain-heavy]'

    if scheme == 'ca':
        if soft_min:
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("The soft_min=True option with scheme=ca gives"
                          "the same results as soft_min=False")
        filtered_residue_pairs = []
        atom_pairs = []

        for r0, r1 in residue_pairs:
            ca_atoms_0 = [
                a.index for a in
                if == 'ca'
            ca_atoms_1 = [
                a.index for a in
                if == 'ca'
            if len(ca_atoms_0) == 1 and len(ca_atoms_1) == 1:
                atom_pairs.append((ca_atoms_0[0], ca_atoms_1[0]))
                filtered_residue_pairs.append((r0, r1))
            elif len(ca_atoms_0) == 0 or len(ca_atoms_1) == 0:
                # residue does not contain a CA atom, skip it
                if contacts != 'all':
                    # if the user manually asked for this residue, and didn't use "all"
                    import warnings
                        'Ignoring contacts pair %d-%d. No alpha carbon.' %
                        (r0, r1))
                raise ValueError(
                    'More than 1 alpha carbon detected in residue %d or %d' %
                    (r0, r1))

        residue_pairs = np.array(filtered_residue_pairs)
        distances = md.compute_distances(traj, atom_pairs, periodic=periodic)

    elif scheme in [
            'closest', 'closest-heavy', 'sidechain', 'sidechain-heavy'
        if scheme == 'closest':
            residue_membership = [[atom.index for atom in residue.atoms]
                                  for residue in traj.topology.residues]
        elif scheme == 'closest-heavy':
            # then remove the hydrogens from the above list
            residue_membership = [[
                atom.index for atom in residue.atoms
                if not (atom.element == element.hydrogen)
            ] for residue in traj.topology.residues]
        elif scheme == 'sidechain':
            residue_membership = [[
                atom.index for atom in residue.atoms if atom.is_sidechain
            ] for residue in traj.topology.residues]
        elif scheme == 'sidechain-heavy':
            # then remove the hydrogens from the above list
            residue_membership = [[
                atom.index for atom in residue.atoms
                if atom.is_sidechain and not (atom.element == element.hydrogen)
            ] for residue in traj.topology.residues]

        residue_lens = [len(ainds) for ainds in residue_membership]

        atom_pairs = []
        n_atom_pairs_per_residue_pair = []
        for pair in residue_pairs:
            n_atom_pairs_per_residue_pair.append(residue_lens[pair[0]] *

        atom_distances = md.compute_distances(traj,

        # now squash the results based on residue membership
        n_residue_pairs = len(residue_pairs)
        distances = np.zeros((len(traj), n_residue_pairs), dtype=np.float32)
        n_atom_pairs_per_residue_pair = np.asarray(

        for i in xrange(n_residue_pairs):
            index = int(np.sum(n_atom_pairs_per_residue_pair[:i]))
            n = n_atom_pairs_per_residue_pair[i]
            if not soft_min:
                distances[:, i] = atom_distances[:,
                                                 index:index + n].min(axis=1)
                distances[:, i] = soft_min_beta / \
                                                       atom_distances[:, index : index + n]), axis=1))

        raise ValueError('This is not supposed to happen!')

    return distances, residue_pairs
Beispiel #39
    def write(self, coordinates, time=None, cell_lengths=None, cell_angles=None,
                    velocities=None, kineticEnergy=None, potentialEnergy=None,
                    temperature=None, alchemicalLambda=None):
        """Write one or more frames of data to the file

        This method saves data that is associated with one or more simulation
        frames. Note that all of the arguments can either be raw numpy arrays
        or unitted arrays (with simtk.unit.Quantity). If the arrays are unittted,
        a unit conversion will be automatically done from the supplied units
        into the proper units for saving on disk. You won't have to worry about

        Furthermore, if you wish to save a single frame of simulation data, you
        can do so naturally, for instance by supplying a 2d array for the
        coordinates and a single float for the time. This "shape deficiency"
        will be recognized, and handled appropriately.

        coordinates : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of the atoms to write. By convention, the
            lengths should be in units of nanometers.
        time : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames,), optional
            You may optionally specify the simulation time, in picoseconds
            corresponding to each frame.
        cell_lengths : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, 3), dtype=float32, optional
            You may optionally specify the unitcell lengths.
            The length of the periodic box in each frame, in each direction,
            `a`, `b`, `c`. By convention the lengths should be in units
            of angstroms.
        cell_angles : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, 3), dtype=float32, optional
            You may optionally specify the unitcell angles in each frame.
            Organized analogously to cell_lengths. Gives the alpha, beta and
            gamma angles respectively. By convention, the angles should be
            in units of degrees.
        velocities :  np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3), optional
            You may optionally specify the cartesian components of the velocity
            for each atom in each frame. By convention, the velocities
            should be in units of nanometers / picosecond.
        kineticEnergy : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames,), optional
            You may optionally specify the kinetic energy in each frame. By
            convention the kinetic energies should b in units of kilojoules per
        potentialEnergy : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames,), optional
            You may optionally specify the potential energy in each frame. By
            convention the kinetic energies should b in units of kilojoules per
        temperature : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames,), optional
            You may optionally specify the temperature in each frame. By
            convention the temperatures should b in units of Kelvin.
        alchemicalLambda : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames,), optional
            You may optionally specify the alchemical lambda in each frame. These
            have no units, but are generally between zero and one.
        _check_mode(self.mode, ('w', 'a'))

        # these must be either both present or both absent. since
        # we're going to throw an error if one is present w/o the other,
        # lets do it now.
        if cell_lengths is None and cell_angles is not None:
            raise ValueError('cell_lengths were given, but no cell_angles')
        if cell_lengths is not None and cell_angles is None:
            raise ValueError('cell_angles were given, but no cell_lengths')

        # if the input arrays are simtk.unit.Quantities, convert them
        # into md units. Note that this acts as a no-op if the user doesn't
        # have simtk.unit installed (e.g. they didn't install OpenMM)
        coordinates = in_units_of(coordinates, None, 'nanometers')
        time = in_units_of(time, None, 'picoseconds')
        cell_lengths = in_units_of(cell_lengths, None, 'nanometers')
        cell_angles = in_units_of(cell_angles, None, 'degrees')
        velocities = in_units_of(velocities, None, 'nanometers/picosecond')
        kineticEnergy = in_units_of(kineticEnergy, None, 'kilojoules_per_mole')
        potentialEnergy = in_units_of(potentialEnergy, None, 'kilojoules_per_mole')
        temperature = in_units_of(temperature, None, 'kelvin')
        alchemicalLambda = in_units_of(alchemicalLambda, None, 'dimensionless')

        # do typechecking and shapechecking on the arrays
        # this ensure_type method has a lot of options, but basically it lets
        # us validate most aspects of the array. Also, we can upconvert
        # on defficent ndim, which means that if the user sends in a single
        # frame of data (i.e. coordinates is shape=(n_atoms, 3)), we can
        # realize that. obviously the default mode is that they want to
        # write multiple frames at a time, so the coordinate shape is
        # (n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
        coordinates = ensure_type(coordinates, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3,
            name='coordinates', shape=(None, None, 3), can_be_none=False,
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        n_frames, n_atoms, = coordinates.shape[0:2]
        time = ensure_type(time, dtype=np.float32, ndim=1,
            name='time', shape=(n_frames,), can_be_none=True,
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        cell_lengths = ensure_type(cell_lengths, dtype=np.float32, ndim=2,
            name='cell_lengths', shape=(n_frames, 3), can_be_none=True,
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        cell_angles = ensure_type(cell_angles, dtype=np.float32, ndim=2,
            name='cell_angles', shape=(n_frames, 3), can_be_none=True,
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        velocities = ensure_type(velocities, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3,
            name='velocities', shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3), can_be_none=True,
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        kineticEnergy = ensure_type(kineticEnergy, dtype=np.float32, ndim=1,
            name='kineticEnergy', shape=(n_frames,), can_be_none=True,
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        potentialEnergy = ensure_type(potentialEnergy, dtype=np.float32, ndim=1,
            name='potentialEnergy', shape=(n_frames,), can_be_none=True,
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        temperature = ensure_type(temperature, dtype=np.float32, ndim=1,
            name='temperature', shape=(n_frames,), can_be_none=True,
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        alchemicalLambda = ensure_type(alchemicalLambda, dtype=np.float32, ndim=1,
            name='alchemicalLambda', shape=(n_frames,), can_be_none=True,
            warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)

        # if this is our first call to write(), we need to create the headers
        # and the arrays in the underlying HDF5 file
        if self._needs_initialization:
                set_time=(time is not None),
                set_cell=(cell_lengths is not None or cell_angles is not None),
                set_velocities=(velocities is not None),
                set_kineticEnergy=(kineticEnergy is not None),
                set_potentialEnergy=(potentialEnergy is not None),
                set_temperature=(temperature is not None),
                set_alchemicalLambda=(alchemicalLambda is not None))
            self._needs_initialization = False

            # we need to check that that the entries that the user is trying
            # to save are actually fields in OUR file

            # try to get the nodes for all of the fields that we have
            # which are not None
            for name in ['coordinates', 'time', 'cell_angles', 'cell_lengths',
                         'velocities', 'kineticEnergy', 'potentialEnergy', 'temperature']:
                contents = locals()[name]
                if contents is not None:
                    self._get_node(where='/', name=name).append(contents)
                if contents is None:
                    # for each attribute that they're not saving, we want
                    # to make sure the file doesn't explect it
                        self._get_node(where='/', name=name)
                        raise AssertionError()
                    except self.tables.NoSuchNodeError:

            # lambda is different, since the name in the file is lambda
            # but the name in this python function is alchemicalLambda
            name = 'lambda'
            if alchemicalLambda is not None:
                self._get_node(where='/', name=name).append(alchemicalLambda)
                    self._get_node(where='/', name=name)
                    raise AssertionError()
                except self.tables.NoSuchNodeError:

        except self.tables.NoSuchNodeError:
            raise ValueError("The file that you're trying to save to doesn't "
                "contain the field %s. You can always save a new trajectory "
                "and have it contain this information, but I don't allow 'ragged' "
                "arrays. If one frame is going to have %s information, then I expect "
                "all of them to. So I can't save it for just these frames. Sorry "
                "about that :)" % (name, name))
        except AssertionError:
            raise ValueError("The file that you're saving to expects each frame "
                            "to contain %s information, but you did not supply it."
                            "I don't allow 'ragged' arrays. If one frame is going "
                            "to have %s information, then I expect all of them to. "
                            % (name, name))

        self._frame_index += n_frames
Beispiel #40
def rmsd_qcp(conformation1, conformation2):
    """Compute the RMSD with Theobald's quaterion-based characteristic

    Rapid calculation of RMSDs using a quaternion-based characteristic polynomial.
    Acta Crystallogr A 61(4):478-480.

    conformation1 : np.ndarray, shape=(n_atoms, 3)
        The cartesian coordinates of the first conformation
    conformation2 : np.ndarray, shape=(n_atoms, 3)
        The cartesian coordinates of the second conformation

    rmsd : float
        The root-mean square deviation after alignment between the two pointsets
                shape=(None, 3))
                shape=(conformation1.shape[0], 3))

    A = _center(conformation1)
    B = _center(conformation2)
    if not A.shape[0] == B.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            'conformation1 and conformation2 must have same number of atoms')
    n_atoms = len(A)

    # the inner product of the structures A and B
    G_A = np.einsum('ij,ij', A, A)
    G_B = np.einsum('ij,ij', B, B)
    # print 'GA', G_A, np.trace(, A))
    # print 'GB', G_B, np.trace(, B))

    # M is the inner product of the matrices A and B
    M =, A)

    # unpack the elements
    Sxx, Sxy, Sxz = M[0, :]
    Syx, Syy, Syz = M[1, :]
    Szx, Szy, Szz = M[2, :]

    # do some intermediate computations to assemble the characteristic
    # polynomial
    Sxx2 = Sxx * Sxx
    Syy2 = Syy * Syy
    Szz2 = Szz * Szz

    Sxy2 = Sxy * Sxy
    Syz2 = Syz * Syz
    Sxz2 = Sxz * Sxz

    Syx2 = Syx * Syx
    Szy2 = Szy * Szy
    Szx2 = Szx * Szx

    SyzSzymSyySzz2 = 2.0 * (Syz * Szy - Syy * Szz)
    Sxx2Syy2Szz2Syz2Szy2 = Syy2 + Szz2 - Sxx2 + Syz2 + Szy2

    # two of the coefficients
    C2 = -2.0 * (Sxx2 + Syy2 + Szz2 + Sxy2 + Syx2 + Sxz2 + Szx2 + Syz2 + Szy2)
    C1 = 8.0 * (Sxx * Syz * Szy + Syy * Szx * Sxz + Szz * Sxy * Syx -
                Sxx * Syy * Szz - Syz * Szx * Sxy - Szy * Syx * Sxz)

    SxzpSzx = Sxz + Szx
    SyzpSzy = Syz + Szy
    SxypSyx = Sxy + Syx
    SyzmSzy = Syz - Szy
    SxzmSzx = Sxz - Szx
    SxymSyx = Sxy - Syx
    SxxpSyy = Sxx + Syy
    SxxmSyy = Sxx - Syy
    Sxy2Sxz2Syx2Szx2 = Sxy2 + Sxz2 - Syx2 - Szx2

    # the other coefficient
    C0 = Sxy2Sxz2Syx2Szx2 * Sxy2Sxz2Syx2Szx2 \
        + (Sxx2Syy2Szz2Syz2Szy2 + SyzSzymSyySzz2) * (Sxx2Syy2Szz2Syz2Szy2 - SyzSzymSyySzz2) \
        + (-(SxzpSzx) * (SyzmSzy) + (SxymSyx) * (SxxmSyy - Szz)) * (-(SxzmSzx) * (SyzpSzy) + (SxymSyx) * (SxxmSyy + Szz)) \
        + (-(SxzpSzx) * (SyzpSzy) - (SxypSyx) * (SxxpSyy - Szz)) * (-(SxzmSzx) * (SyzmSzy) - (SxypSyx) * (SxxpSyy + Szz)) \
        + (+(SxypSyx) * (SyzpSzy) + (SxzpSzx) * (SxxmSyy + Szz)) * (-(SxymSyx) * (SyzmSzy) + (SxzpSzx) * (SxxpSyy + Szz)) \
        + (+(SxypSyx) * (SyzmSzy) + (SxzmSzx) * (SxxmSyy - Szz)) * (-(SxymSyx) * (SyzpSzy) + (SxzmSzx) * (SxxpSyy - Szz))

    E0 = (G_A + G_B) / 2.0
    f = lambda x: x**4.0 + C2 * x**2. + C1 * x + C0
    df = lambda x: 4 * x**3.0 + 2 * C2 * x + C1
    max_eigenvalue = scipy.optimize.newton(f, E0, df)
    rmsd = np.sqrt(np.abs(2.0 * (E0 - max_eigenvalue) / n_atoms))
    return rmsd
Beispiel #41
def discrete_approx_mvn(X, means, covars, match_variances=True):
    """Find a discrete approximation to a multivariate normal distribution.

    The method employs find the discrete distribution with support only at the
    supplied points X with minimal K-L divergence to a target multivariate
    normal distribution under the constraints that the mean and variance
    of the discrete distribution match the normal distribution exactly.

    X : np.ndarray, shape=(n_points, n_features)
        The allowable points
    means : np.ndarray, shape=(n_features)
        The mean vector of the MVN
    covars : np.ndarray, shape=(n_features, n_features) or shape=(n_features,)
        If covars is 2D, it's interpreted as the covariance matrix for
        the model. If 1D, we assume a diagonal covariance matrix with the
        specified diagonal entries.
    match_variances : bool, optimal
        When True, both the means and the variances of the discrete distribution
        are constrained. Under some circumstances, this is not satisfiable (e.g.
        if there aren't enough samples

    weights : np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
        The weight for each of the points in X in the resulting
        discrete probability distribution

    The discrete distribution is one that has mass only at the specified
    points. It can therefore be parameterized by a set of weights on each
    point. If :math:`\{X_i\}` is the set of allowable points, and
    :math:`\{w_i\}` are the weights, then our discrete distribution has
    the form

    .. math::

        p(y; w) = w_i \sum \delta(y - X_i).

    We chose the :math:`w_i` by minimizing the K-L divergence from the our
    discrete distribution to the desired multivariate normal subject to a
    constraint that the first moments of the discrete distribution match
    the mean of the multivariate normal exactly, and that the variances
    also match. Let :math:`q(x)` be the target distribution. The optimal
    weights are then

    .. math::

        min_{\{w_i\}} \sum_i p(X_i; w) \log \frac{p(X_i; w)}{q(X_i)}

    subject to

    .. math::

        \sum_i (X_i)       p(X_i; w) = \int_\Omega (x)    q(x) = \mu,
        \sum_i (X_i-mu)**2 p(X_i; w) = \int_\Omega (x-mu) q(x).

    .. [1] Tanaka, Ken'ichiro, and Alexis Akira Toda. "Discrete approximations
    of continuous distributions by maximum entropy." Economics Letters 118.3
    (2013): 445-450.
    X = ensure_type(np.asarray(X),
    means = ensure_type(np.asarray(means),
    covars = np.asarray(covars)

    # Get the un-normalized probability of each point X_i in the MVN
    # `prob` are the q(X_i) in the mathematics
    # `moments` are the \bar{T} that we want to match.
    if covars.ndim == 1:
        # diagonal covariance case
        if not len(covars) == len(means):
            raise ValueError(
                'Shape Error: covars and means musth have the same length')
        prob = np.exp(-0.5 *
                      np.sum(1. / np.sqrt(covars) * (X - means)**2, axis=1))
        moments = np.concatenate((means, covars)) if match_variances else means

    elif covars.ndim == 2:
        if not (covars.shape[0] == len(means)
                and covars.shape[1] == len(means)):
            raise ValueError(
                'Shape Error: covars must be square, with size = len(means)')

        # full 2d covariance matrix
        cv_chol = scipy.linalg.cholesky(covars, lower=True)
        cv_sol = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(cv_chol, (X - means).T,
        prob = np.exp(-0.5 * (np.sum(cv_sol**2, axis=1)))
        moments = np.concatenate(
            (means, np.diag(covars))) if match_variances else means
        raise ValueError('covars must be 1D or 2D')

    # this is T(x_i) for each X_i
    moment_contributions = np.hstack(
        (X, (X - means)**2)) if match_variances else X

    def objective_and_grad(l):
        dot =, l)
        lse = scipy.misc.logsumexp(dot, b=prob)
        # value of the objective function
        obj_value = lse -, moments)

        # gradient of objective function
        dot_max = dot.max(axis=0)
        log_numerator = np.log(
            np.sum(moment_contributions *
                   (prob * np.exp(dot - dot_max)).reshape(-1, 1),
                   axis=0)) + dot_max
        grad_value = np.exp(log_numerator - lse) - moments

        return obj_value, grad_value

    result = scipy.optimize.minimize(objective_and_grad,
    if not result['success']:
        raise NotSatisfiableError()

    dot =, result['x'])
    log_denominator = scipy.misc.logsumexp(dot, b=prob)
    weights = prob * np.exp(dot - log_denominator)
    if not np.all(np.isfinite(weights)):
        raise NotSatisfiableError()
    weights = weights / np.sum(weights)
    return weights
Beispiel #42
    def write(self,
        """Write one or more frames of a molecular dynamics trajectory to disk
        in the AMBER NetCDF format.

        coordinates : np.ndarray, dtype=np.float32, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of each atom, in units of angstroms.
        time : np.ndarray, dtype=np.float32, shape=(n_frames), optional
            The time index corresponding to each frame, in units of picoseconds.
        cell_lengths : np.ndarray, dtype=np.double, shape=(n_frames, 3)
            The lengths (a,b,c) of the unit cell for each frame.
        cell_angles : np.ndarray, dtype=np.double, shape=(n_frames, 3)
            The angles (\alpha, \beta, \gamma) defining the unit cell for
            each frame.

        If the input arrays are of dimension deficient by one, for example
        if the coordinates array is two dimensional, the time is a single
        scalar or cell_lengths and cell_angles are a 1d array of length three,
        that is okay. You'll simply be saving a single frame.
        if self._mode not in ['w', 'ws', 'a', 'as']:
            raise IOError(
                'The file was opened in mode=%s. Writing is not allowed.' %

        coordinates = in_units_of(coordinates, None, 'angstroms')
        time = in_units_of(time, None, 'picoseconds')
        cell_lengths = in_units_of(cell_lengths, None, 'angstroms')
        cell_angles = in_units_of(cell_angles, None, 'degrees')

        # typecheck all of the input arguments rigorously
        coordinates = ensure_type(coordinates,
                                  shape=(None, None, 3),
        n_frames, n_atoms = coordinates.shape[0], coordinates.shape[1]

        time = ensure_type(time,
        cell_lengths = ensure_type(cell_lengths,
                                   shape=(n_frames, 3),
        cell_angles = ensure_type(cell_angles,
                                  shape=(n_frames, 3),

        # are we dealing with a periodic system?
        if (cell_lengths is None
                and cell_angles is not None) or (cell_lengths is not None
                                                 and cell_angles is None):
            provided, neglected = 'cell_lengths', 'cell_angles'
            if cell_lengths is None:
                provided, neglected = neglected, provided
            raise ValueError(
                'You provided the variable "%s", but neglected to '
                'provide "%s". They either BOTH must be provided, or '
                'neither. Having one without the other is meaningless' %
                (provided, neglected))

        if self._needs_initialization:
                                     set_time=(time is not None),
                                     set_cell=(cell_lengths is not None
                                               and cell_angles is not None))
            self._needs_initialization = False

        # this slice object says where we're going to put the data in the
        # arrays
        frame_slice = slice(self._frame_index, self._frame_index + n_frames)

        # deposit the data
                frame_slice, :, :] = coordinates
            if time is not None:
                self._handle.variables['time'][frame_slice] = time
            if cell_lengths is not None:
                    frame_slice, :] = cell_lengths
            if cell_angles is not None:
                    frame_slice, :] = cell_angles
        except KeyError as e:
            raise ValueError("The file that you're trying to save to doesn't "
                             "contain the field %s." % str(e))

        # check for missing attributes
        missing = None
        if (time is None and 'time' in self._handle.variables):
            missing = 'time'
        elif (cell_angles is None and 'cell_angles' in self._handle.variables):
            missing = 'cell_angles'
        elif (cell_lengths is None
              and 'cell_lengths' in self._handle.variables):
            missing = 'cell_lengths'
        if missing is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "The file that you're saving to expects each frame "
                "to contain %s information, but you did not supply it."
                "I don't allow 'ragged' arrays." % missing)

        # update the frame index pointers. this should be done at the
        # end so that if anything errors out, we don't actually get here
        self._frame_index += n_frames
Beispiel #43
    def read(self, atom_indices=None):
        """Read data from an AMBER NetCDF restart file

        atom_indices : np.ndarray, dtype=int, optional
            The specific indices of the atoms you'd like to retrieve. If not
            supplied, all of the atoms will be retrieved.

        coordinates : np.ndarray, shape=(1, n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of the atoms, in units of angstroms. These
            files only ever contain 1 frame
        time : np.ndarray, None
            The time corresponding to the frame, in units of picoseconds, or
            None if no time information is present
        cell_lengths : np.ndarray, None
            The lengths (a, b, c) of the unit cell for the frame in angstroms,
            or None if the information is not present in the file
        cell_angles : np.ndarray, None
            The angles (\alpha, \beta, \gamma) defining the unit cell for each
            frame, or None if the information is not present in the file.

        If the file is not a NetCDF file with the appropriate convention, a
        TypeError is raised. If variables that are needed do not exist or if
        illegal values are passed in for parameters, ValueError is raised. If
        I/O errors occur, IOError is raised.
        if self._mode != 'r':
            raise IOError('The file was opened in mode=%s. Reading is not '
                          'allowed.' % self._mode)

        if 'coordinates' not in self._handle.variables:
            raise ValueError('No coordinates found in the NetCDF file.')

        # Check that conventions are correct
            conventions = self._handle.Conventions.decode('ascii')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            raise TypeError('NetCDF file does not have correct Conventions')
            convention_version = self._handle.ConventionVersion.decode('ascii')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            raise ValueError(
                'NetCDF file does not have correct ConventionVersion')
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('NetCDF file does not have ConventionVersion')
        if (not hasattr(self._handle, 'Conventions')
                or conventions != 'AMBERRESTART'):
            raise TypeError('NetCDF file does not have correct Conventions')
        if convention_version != '1.0':
            raise ValueError('NetCDF restart has ConventionVersion %s. Only '
                             'Version 1.0 is supported.' % convention_version)
        if atom_indices is not None:
            atom_slice = ensure_type(atom_indices,
            if not np.all(atom_slice) >= 0:
                raise ValueError('Entries in atom_slice must be >= 0')
            coordinates = self._handle.variables['coordinates'][atom_slice, :]
            coordinates = self._handle.variables['coordinates'][:, :]

        # Get unit cell parameters
        if 'cell_lengths' in self._handle.variables:
            cell_lengths = self._handle.variables['cell_lengths'][:]
            cell_lengths = None
        if 'cell_angles' in self._handle.variables:
            cell_angles = self._handle.variables['cell_angles'][:]
            cell_angles = None

        if cell_lengths is None and cell_angles is not None:
            warnings.warn('cell_lengths were found, but no cell_angles')
        if cell_lengths is not None and cell_angles is None:
            warnings.warn('cell_angles were found, but no cell_lengths')

        if 'time' in self._handle.variables:
            time = self._handle.variables['time'].getValue()
            warnings.warn('No time found in NetCDF file.')
            time = None

        # variables are mem-mapped, and are only backed by valid
        # memory while the file handle is open. This is _bad_ because we need to
        # support the user opening the file, reading the coordinates, and then
        # closing it, and still having the coordinates be a valid memory
        # segment.
        if coordinates is not None and not coordinates.flags['WRITEABLE']:
            coordinates = np.array(coordinates, copy=True)
        if cell_lengths is not None and not cell_lengths.flags['WRITEABLE']:
            cell_lengths = np.array(cell_lengths, copy=True)
        if cell_angles is not None and not cell_angles.flags['WRITEABLE']:
            cell_angles = np.array(cell_angles, copy=True)

        # The leading frame dimension is missing on all of these arrays since
        # restart files have only one frame. Reshape them to add this extra
        # dimension
        coordinates = coordinates[np.newaxis, :]
        if cell_lengths is not None:
            cell_lengths = cell_lengths[np.newaxis, :]
        if cell_angles is not None:
            cell_angles = cell_angles[np.newaxis, :]
        if time is not None:
            time = np.asarray([

        return coordinates, time, cell_lengths, cell_angles
Beispiel #44
def compute_rdf(traj,
    """Compute radial distribution functions for pairs in every frame.

    traj : Trajectory
        Trajectory to compute radial distribution function in.
    pairs : array-like, shape=(n_pairs, 2), dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of two atoms.
    r_range : array-like, shape=(2,), optional, default=(0.0, 1.0)
        Minimum and maximum radii.
    bin_width : float, optional, default=0.005
        Width of the bins in nanometers.
    n_bins : int, optional, default=None
        The number of bins. If specified, this will override the `bin_width`
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will compute distances under the minimum image
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to compute the pair wise distances.

    r : np.ndarray, shape=(np.diff(r_range) / bin_width - 1), dtype=float
        Radii values corresponding to the centers of the bins.
    g_r : np.ndarray, shape=(np.diff(r_range) / bin_width - 1), dtype=float
        Radial distribution function values at r.

    See also

    if r_range is None:
        r_range = np.array([0.0, 1.0])
    r_range = ensure_type(r_range,
                          shape=(2, ),
    if n_bins is not None:
        n_bins = int(n_bins)
        if n_bins <= 0:
            raise ValueError('`n_bins` must be a positive integer')
        n_bins = int((r_range[1] - r_range[0]) / bin_width)

    distances = compute_distances(traj, pairs, periodic=periodic, opt=opt)
    g_r, edges = np.histogram(distances, range=r_range, bins=n_bins)
    r = 0.5 * (edges[1:] + edges[:-1])

    # Normalize by volume of the spherical shell.
    # See discussion There might be
    # a less biased way to accomplish this. The conclusion was that this could
    # be interesting to try, but is likely not hugely consequential. This method
    # of doing the calculations matches the implementation in other packages like
    # AmberTools' cpptraj and gromacs g_rdf.
    V = (4 / 3) * np.pi * (np.power(edges[1:], 3) - np.power(edges[:-1], 3))
    norm = len(pairs) * np.sum(1.0 / traj.unitcell_volumes) * V
    g_r = g_r.astype(np.float64) / norm  # From int64.
    return r, g_r
Beispiel #45
    def write(self,
        """Write one frame of a MD trajectory to disk in the AMBER ASCII restart
        file format.

        coordinates : np.ndarray, dtype=np.float32, shape=([1,] n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of each atom, in units of angstroms. Must
            be only a single frame (shape can be (1,N,3) or (N,3) where N is
            the number of atoms)
        time : array-like with 1 element or float, optional
            The time corresponding to this frame. If not specified, a place
            holder of 0 will be written
        cell_lengths : np.ndarray, dtype=np.double, shape=([1,] 3)
            The lengths (a,b,c) of the unit cell for the frame in Angstroms
        cell_angles : np.ndarray, dtype=np.double, shape=([1,] 3)
            The angles between the unit cell vectors for the frame in Degrees
        if self._mode != 'w':
            raise IOError(
                'The file was opened in mode=%s. Writing not allowed.' %
        if not self._needs_initialization:
            # Must have already been written -- can only write once
            raise RuntimeError('restart file has already been written -- can '
                               'only write one frame to restart files.')
        # These are no-ops.
        # coordinates = in_units_of(coordinates, None, 'angstroms')
        # time = in_units_of(time, None, 'picoseconds')
        # cell_lengths = in_units_of(cell_lengths, None, 'angstroms')
        # cell_angles = in_units_of(cell_angles, None, 'degrees')

        # typecheck all of the input arguments rigorously
        coordinates = ensure_type(coordinates,
                                  shape=(1, None, 3),
        n_frames, self._n_atoms = coordinates.shape[0], coordinates.shape[1]
        if n_frames != 1:
            raise ValueError('Can only write 1 frame to a restart file!')
        if time is not None:
                time = float(time)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('Can only provide a single time')
            time = 0.0
        cell_lengths = ensure_type(cell_lengths,
        cell_angles = ensure_type(cell_angles,
        if ((cell_lengths is None and cell_angles is not None)
                or (cell_lengths is not None and cell_angles is None)):
            prov, negl = 'cell_lengths', 'cell_angles'
            if cell_lengths is None:
                prov, negl = negl, prov
            raise ValueError('You provided the variable "%s" but did not '
                             'provide "%s". Either provide both or neither -- '
                             'one without the other is meaningless.' %
                             (prov, negl))

            'Amber restart file (without velocities) written by '
        self._handle.write('%5d%15.7e\n' % (self._n_atoms, time))
        fmt = '%12.7f%12.7f%12.7f'
        for i in range(self._n_atoms):
            acor = coordinates[0, i, :]
            self._handle.write(fmt % (acor[0], acor[1], acor[2]))
            if i % 2 == 1: self._handle.write('\n')
        if self._n_atoms % 2 == 1: self._handle.write('\n')
        if cell_lengths is not None:
                fmt %
                (cell_lengths[0, 0], cell_lengths[0, 1], cell_lengths[0, 2]))
                fmt %
                (cell_angles[0, 0], cell_angles[0, 1], cell_angles[0, 2]) +
Beispiel #46
def compute_rdf_t(traj,
    """Compute time-dependent radial distribution functions.

    traj : Trajectory
        Trajectory to compute time-dependent radial distribution function in.
    pairs : array-like, shape=(n_pairs, 2), dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of two atoms.
    times : array-like, shape=(any, 2), dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of two frames.
    period_length : int, optional, default=None
        The length of each chunk of frames to consider when time-averaging
    r_range : array-like, shape=(2,), optional, default=(0.0, 1.0)
        Minimum and maximum radii.
    bin_width : float, optional, default=0.005
        Width of the bins in nanometers.
    n_bins : int, optional, default=None
        The number of bins. If specified, this will override the `bin_width`
    self_correlation : bool, default=True
        Whether or not to include the self-correlation, the case of i=j
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will compute distances under the minimum image
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to compute the pair wise distances.

    r : np.ndarray, shape=(np.diff(r_range) / bin_width - 1), dtype=float
        Radii values corresponding to the centers of the bins.
    g_r_t : np.ndarray, shape=(len(times), np.diff(r_range) / bin_width - 1), dtype=float
        Radial distribution function values at r.

    See also

    if r_range is None:
        r_range = np.array([0.0, 1.0])
    r_range = ensure_type(r_range,
                          shape=(2, ),
    if n_bins is not None:
        n_bins = int(n_bins)
        if n_bins <= 0:
            raise ValueError('`n_bins` must be a positive integer')
        n_bins = int((r_range[1] - r_range[0]) / bin_width)

    if period_length is None:
        period_length = traj.n_frames

    # Add self pairs to `pairs`
    if self_correlation:
        pairs_set = np.unique(pairs)
        pairs = np.vstack([np.vstack([pairs_set, pairs_set]).T, pairs])

    g_r_t = np.zeros(shape=(len(times), n_bins))
    num_chunks = int(np.floor(traj.n_frames / period_length))

    # Returns shape (len(times), len(pairs))
    frame_distances = compute_distances_t(traj,

    for n, distances in enumerate(frame_distances):
        tmp, edges = np.histogram(distances, range=r_range, bins=n_bins)
        g_r_t[n, :] += tmp
    r = 0.5 * (edges[1:] + edges[:-1])

    # Normalize by volume of the spherical shell (see above)
    V = (4 / 3) * np.pi * (np.power(edges[1:], 3) - np.power(edges[:-1], 3))
    norm = len(pairs) / (period_length) * np.sum(
        1.0 / traj.unitcell_volumes) * V

    g_r_t = g_r_t.astype(np.float64) / norm  # From int64.

    return r, g_r_t
Beispiel #47
def compute_dihedrals(traj, indices, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the dihedral angles between the supplied quartets of atoms in each frame in a trajectory.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    indices : np.ndarray, shape=(n_dihedrals, 4), dtype=int
        Each row gives the indices of four atoms which together make a
        dihedral angle. The angle is between the planes spanned by the first
        three atoms and the last three atoms, a torsion around the bond
        between the middle two atoms.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will treat dihedrals that cross periodic images
        using the minimum image convention.
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate angles.

    dihedrals : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_dihedrals), dtype=float
        The output array gives, in each frame from the trajectory, each of the
        `n_dihedrals` torsion angles. The angles are measured in **radians**.

    xyz = ensure_type(,
                      shape=(None, None, 3),
    quartets = ensure_type(indices,
                           shape=(None, 4),
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(quartets < traj.n_atoms, quartets >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('indices must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms)

    if len(quartets) == 0:
        return np.zeros((len(xyz), 0), dtype=np.float32)

    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], quartets.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    if periodic and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors,
                          shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3))
        if opt:
            orthogonal = np.allclose(traj.unitcell_angles, 90)
            _geometry._dihedral_mic(xyz, quartets,
                                    box.transpose(0, 2, 1).copy(), out,
            return out
            _dihedral(traj, quartets, periodic, out)
            return out

    if opt:
        _geometry._dihedral(xyz, quartets, out)
        _dihedral(traj, quartets, periodic, out)
    return out
Beispiel #48
    def read(self, n_frames=None, stride=None, atom_indices=None):
        """Read data from a molecular dynamics trajectory in the AMBER NetCDF

        n_frames : int, optional
            If n_frames is not None, the next n_frames of data from the file
            will be read. Otherwise, all of the frames in the file will be read.
        stride : int, optional
            If stride is not None, read only every stride-th frame from disk.
        atom_indices : np.ndarray, dtype=int, optional
            The specific indices of the atoms you'd like to retrieve. If not
            supplied, all of the atoms will be retrieved.

        coordinates : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
            The cartesian coordinates of the atoms, in units of angstroms.
        time : np.ndarray, None
            The time corresponding to each frame, in units of picoseconds, or
            None if no time information is present in the trajectory.
        cell_lengths : np.ndarray, None
            The lengths (a,b,c) of the unit cell for each frame, or None if
            the information is not present in the file.
        cell_angles : np.ndarray, None
            The angles (\alpha, \beta, \gamma) defining the unit cell for
            each frame, or None if  the information is not present in the file.
        if self._mode != 'r':
            raise IOError(
                'The file was opened in mode=%s. Reading is not allowed.' %

        if n_frames is None:
            n_frames = np.inf
        elif stride is not None:
            # 'n_frames' frames should be read in total
            n_frames *= stride

        total_n_frames = self.n_frames
        frame_slice = slice(self._frame_index,
                            self._frame_index + min(n_frames, total_n_frames),
        if self._frame_index >= total_n_frames:
            # just return something that'll look like len(xyz) == 0
            # this is basically just an alternative to throwing an indexerror
            return np.array([]), None, None, None

        if atom_indices is None:
            # get all of the atoms
            atom_slice = slice(None)
            atom_slice = ensure_type(atom_indices,
            if not np.all(atom_slice < self.n_atoms):
                raise ValueError(
                    'As a zero-based index, the entries in '
                    'atom_indices must all be less than the number of atoms '
                    'in the trajectory, %d' % self.n_atoms)
            if not np.all(atom_slice >= 0):
                raise ValueError('The entries in atom_indices must be greater '
                                 'than or equal to zero')

        if 'coordinates' in self._handle.variables:
            coordinates = self._handle.variables['coordinates'][frame_slice,
                                                                atom_slice, :]
            raise ValueError(
                'No coordinates found in the NetCDF file. The only '
                'variables in the file were %s' %

        if 'time' in self._handle.variables:
            time = self._handle.variables['time'][frame_slice]
            time = None

        if 'cell_lengths' in self._handle.variables:
            cell_lengths = self._handle.variables['cell_lengths'][frame_slice]
            cell_lengths = None

        if 'cell_angles' in self._handle.variables:
            cell_angles = self._handle.variables['cell_angles'][frame_slice]
            cell_angles = None

        if cell_lengths is None and cell_angles is not None:
            warnings.warn('cell_lengths were found, but no cell_angles')
        if cell_lengths is not None and cell_angles is None:
            warnings.warn('cell_angles were found, but no cell_lengths')

        self._frame_index = self._frame_index + min(n_frames, total_n_frames)

        # variables are mem-mapped, and are only backed
        # by valid memory while the file handle is open. This is _bad_.
        # because we need to support the user opening the file, reading
        # the coordinates, and then closing it, and still having the
        # coordinates be a valid memory segment.
        if coordinates is not None and not coordinates.flags['WRITEABLE']:
            coordinates = np.array(coordinates, copy=True)
        if time is not None and not time.flags['WRITEABLE']:
            time = np.array(time, copy=True)
        if cell_lengths is not None and not cell_lengths.flags['WRITEABLE']:
            cell_lengths = np.array(cell_lengths, copy=True)
        if cell_angles is not None and not cell_angles.flags['WRITEABLE']:
            cell_angles = np.array(cell_angles, copy=True)

        return coordinates, time, cell_lengths, cell_angles