Beispiel #1
    def test_transcription_model(self):
        #use simple production and degradation of mRNA and protein for testing
        # mRNA production rate is k1, degradation rate is g1
        # protein production rate is k2, degradation rate is g2
        stoichiometry_matrix = sympy.Matrix([[1, -1, 0,  0],
                                             [0,  0, 1, -1]])

        propensities = to_sympy_matrix(['k1',

        species = to_sympy_matrix(['x', 'y'])

        correct_rhs = to_sympy_matrix(
            ["k1 - g1 * x",
            "k2 * x - g2 * y",
            "k1 + g1 * x - 2 * g1 * V_0_0",
            "k2 * V_0_0 - (g1 + g2) * V_0_1",
            "k2 * x + g2 * y + k2 * V_0_1 + k2 * V_0_1 - 2 * g2 * V_1_1"])

        correct_lhs = to_sympy_matrix(['x','y','V_0_0', 'V_0_1', 'V_1_1'])

        constants = ["k1","k2","g1","g2"]
        model = Model(species, constants, propensities, stoichiometry_matrix)
        lna = LinearNoiseApproximation(model)
        problem =

        answer_rhs = problem.right_hand_side
        answer_lhs = problem.left_hand_side

        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(correct_rhs, answer_rhs)
        self.assertEqual(correct_lhs, answer_lhs)
Beispiel #2
    def test_creation_from_matrix_returns_itself(self):
        Given a `sympy.Matrix`, `to_sympy_matrix` should return the said matrix.

        m = sympy.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m, to_sympy_matrix(m))
Beispiel #3
    def test_creation_from_matrix_returns_itself(self):
        Given a `sympy.Matrix`, `to_sympy_matrix` should return the said matrix.

        m = sympy.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m, to_sympy_matrix(m))
Beispiel #4
    def test_creation_from_list_of_integers_returns_matrix(self):
        Given a list of integers, to_sympy_matrix should be able to convert it to a matrix of these integers

        m = sympy.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        m_as_list = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m, to_sympy_matrix(m_as_list))
Beispiel #5
    def test_creation_from_list_of_integers_returns_matrix(self):
        Given a list of integers, to_sympy_matrix should be able to convert it to a matrix of these integers

        m = sympy.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        m_as_list = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m, to_sympy_matrix(m_as_list))
Beispiel #6
    def test_creation_of_column_matrix_from_list_of_strings(self):
        Given a list of strings, to_sympy_matrix should be able to convert them into a column matrix of expresions
        m = sympy.Matrix([sympy.sympify('x+y+3'), sympy.sympify('x+3'), sympy.sympify('y-x'),

        m_as_string = ['x+y+3', 'x+3', 'y-x', 'x+y+166']

        matrix = to_sympy_matrix(m_as_string)
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m, matrix)
Beispiel #7
    def test_creation_from_list_of_strings_returns_matrix(self):
        Given a list of strings, to_sympy_matrix should be able to convert them into a matrix of expressions.

        m = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.sympify('x+y+3'), sympy.sympify('x+3')],
                          [sympy.sympify('y-x'), sympy.sympify('x+y+166')]])

        m_as_string = [['x+y+3', 'x+3'], ['y-x', 'x+y+166']]
        matrix = to_sympy_matrix(m_as_string)
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m, matrix)
Beispiel #8
    def test_creation_from_list_of_strings_returns_matrix(self):
        Given a list of strings, to_sympy_matrix should be able to convert them into a matrix of expressions.

        m = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.sympify('x+y+3'),

        m_as_string = [['x+y+3', 'x+3'], ['y-x', 'x+y+166']]
        matrix = to_sympy_matrix(m_as_string)
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m, matrix)
Beispiel #9
    def test_initialisation_of_stoichiometry_matrix_as_numpy_array(self):
        The model constructor should accept stoichiometry_matrix as a numpy matrix
        e.g. np.array(['y_0+y_1', 'y_1+y_2'])
        and return them as sympy Matrix
        e.g. sympy.Matrix([[-1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        answer = sympy.Matrix([[-1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])

        # Column
        m = Model(self.SAMPLE_VARIABLES, self.SAMPLE_CONSTANTS,
                  sympy.Matrix([[-1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]))
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m.stoichiometry_matrix, answer)
Beispiel #10
    def test_creation_of_column_matrix_from_list_of_strings(self):
        Given a list of strings, to_sympy_matrix should be able to convert them into a column matrix of expresions
        m = sympy.Matrix([

        m_as_string = ['x+y+3', 'x+3', 'y-x', 'x+y+166']

        matrix = to_sympy_matrix(m_as_string)
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m, matrix)
Beispiel #11
    def test_initialisation_of_stoichiometry_matrix_as_numpy_array(self):
        The model constructor should accept stoichiometry_matrix as a numpy matrix
        e.g. np.array(['y_0+y_1', 'y_1+y_2'])
        and return them as sympy Matrix
        e.g. sympy.Matrix([[-1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        answer = sympy.Matrix([[-1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])

        # Column
        m = Model(self.SAMPLE_VARIABLES,
                  sympy.Matrix([[-1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]))
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(m.stoichiometry_matrix, answer)
Beispiel #12
    def test_for_p53(self):
        Given the preopensities,
        Given the soichiometry matrix,
        Given the counter (list of Moments),
        Given the species list,
        Given k_vector and
        Given ek_counter (list of moment)
        The answer should match exactly the expected result

        stoichio = sympy.Matrix([
            [1, -1, -1, 0,  0,  0],
            [0,  0,  0, 1, -1,  0],
            [0,  0,  0, 0,  1, -1]

        propensities = to_sympy_matrix([
            ["                    c_0"],
            ["                c_1*y_0"],
            ["c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)"],
            ["                c_3*y_0"],
            ["                c_4*y_1"],
            ["                c_5*y_2"]])

        counter = [
        Moment([0, 0, 0], 1),
        Moment([0, 0, 2], sympy.Symbol("yx1")),
        Moment([0, 1, 1], sympy.Symbol("yx2")),
        Moment([0, 2, 0], sympy.Symbol("yx3")),
        Moment([1, 0, 1], sympy.Symbol("yx4")),
        Moment([1, 1, 0], sympy.Symbol("yx5")),
        Moment([2, 0, 0], sympy.Symbol("yx6"))

        species = sympy.Matrix(["y_0", "y_1", "y_2"])

        dbdt_calc = DBetaOverDtCalculator(propensities, counter,stoichio, species)
        k_vec = [1, 0, 0]
        ek_counter = [Moment([1, 0, 0], sympy.Symbol("y_0"))]

        answer = dbdt_calc.get(k_vec,ek_counter).T
        result = to_sympy_matrix(["c_0 - c_1*y_0 - c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)"," 0"," 0"," 0"," c_2*y_0/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - c_2/(c_6 + y_0)"," 0"," -c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**3 + c_2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2"])
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(answer, result)
    def test_centralmoments_using_MM_model(self):
        Given the MM model hard codded bellow,the result of central moment should match exactly the expected one
        counter_nvecs = [[0, 0], [0, 2], [1, 1], [2, 0]]
        mcounter_nvecs = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 2], [1, 1], [2, 0]]

        counter = [Moment(c,sympy.Symbol("YU{0}".format(i))) for i,c in enumerate(counter_nvecs)]
        mcounter = [Moment(c,sympy.Symbol("y_{0}".format(i))) for i,c in enumerate(mcounter_nvecs)]

        m = to_sympy_matrix([
                              ['-c_0*y_0*(y_0 + y_1 - 181) + c_1*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301)',
                              'c_2*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301)',

        species = sympy.Matrix(map(sympy.var, ['y_0', 'y_1']))

        propensities = to_sympy_matrix(['c_0*y_0*(y_0 + y_1 - 181)',
                                                        'c_1*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301)',
                                                        'c_2*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301)'])

        stoichiometry_matrix = sympy.Matrix([[-1, 1, 0],
                                             [0, 0, 1]])

        expected = to_sympy_matrix([
        ["c_2*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301)"," -2*c_2"," -2*c_2"," 0"],
        ["-c_0*y_0*y_1*(y_0 + y_1 - 181) + c_1*y_1*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301) + c_2*y_0*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301) - c_2*y_2*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301) - y_1*(-c_0*y_0*(y_0 + y_1 - 181) + c_1*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301))"," -c_0*y_0 - c_1"," -c_0*y_0 - c_0*(y_0 + y_1 - 181) - c_1 - c_2"," -c_2"],
        ["-2*c_0*y_0**2*(y_0 + y_1 - 181) + c_0*y_0*(y_0 + y_1 - 181) + 2*c_1*y_0*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301) + c_1*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301) - 2*y_2*(-c_0*y_0*(y_0 + y_1 - 181) + c_1*(-y_0 - y_1 + 301))"," 0"," -4*c_0*y_0 + 2*c_0*y_2 + c_0 - 2*c_1"," -4*c_0*y_0 + 2*c_0*y_2 - 2*c_0*(y_0 + y_1 - 181) + c_0 - 2*c_1"]
        answer = eq_central_moments(counter, mcounter, m, species, propensities, stoichiometry_matrix, 2)

        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(answer, expected)
Beispiel #14
    def test_derive_expr_from_counter_entry(self):
        Given the tuples of integers a, b and c
        Then, the "composite derivatives" should be exactly "a_result", "b_result" and "c_result", respectively


        expr = sp.simplify("c_0*y_0*(y_0 + y_1 - 181)/(y_2+c_1*y_1)")

        vars = sp.simplify(["y_0", "y_1", "y_2"])

        count_entr_a = (0, 1, 3)
        count_entr_b = (1, 1, 0)
        count_entr_c = (0, 0, 0)

        a_result = derive_expr_from_counter_entry(expr, vars, count_entr_a)
        b_result = derive_expr_from_counter_entry(expr, vars, count_entr_b)
        c_result = derive_expr_from_counter_entry(expr, vars, count_entr_c)

        a_expected = sp.diff(sp.diff(expr, "y_2", 3), "y_1")
        b_expected = sp.diff(sp.diff(expr, "y_0"), "y_1")
        c_expected = expr

        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(a_expected, a_result)
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(b_expected, b_result)
        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(c_expected, c_result)
    def test_centralmoments_using_p53model(self):
        Given the p53 model hard codded bellow,the result of central moment should match exactly the expected one
        counter_nvecs = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [2, 0, 0]]

        mcounter_nvecs = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 0],
                    [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [2, 0, 0]]

        counter = [Moment(c,sympy.Symbol("YU{0}".format(i))) for i,c in enumerate(counter_nvecs)]
        mcounter = [Moment(c,sympy.Symbol("y_{0}".format(i))) for i,c in enumerate(mcounter_nvecs)]

        m = to_sympy_matrix([
                              ['c_0 - c_1*y_0 - c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)',
                               'c_2*y_0/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - c_2/(c_6 + y_0)',
                               '-c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**3 + c_2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2'],
                              'c_3*y_0 - c_4*y_1',
                              'c_4*y_1 - c_5*y_2',
        species = to_sympy_matrix(['y_0', 'y_1', 'y_2'])
        propensities = to_sympy_matrix(['c_0',
                                                        'c_1 * y_0',
                                                        'c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)',

        stoichiometry_matrix = to_sympy_matrix([[1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0],
                                             [0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0],
                                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1]])

        answer = eq_central_moments(counter, mcounter, m, species, propensities, stoichiometry_matrix, 2)

        expected = to_sympy_matrix([
            [" 2*c_4*y_1*y_2 + c_4*y_1 - 2*c_5*y_2**2 + c_5*y_2 - 2*y_1*(c_4*y_1 - c_5*y_2)","               -2*c_5","                2*c_4","      0","                                                                                                                                                 0","                                                             0","                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0"],
            ["c_3*y_0*y_2 + c_4*y_1**2 - c_4*y_1*y_2 - c_4*y_1 - c_5*y_1*y_2 - y_1*(c_3*y_0 - c_4*y_1) - y_2*(c_4*y_1 - c_5*y_2)","                    0","           -c_4 - c_5","    c_4","                                                                                                                                               c_3","                                                             0","                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0"],
            ["2*c_3*y_0*y_1 + c_3*y_0 - 2*c_4*y_1**2 + c_4*y_1 - 2*y_2*(c_3*y_0 - c_4*y_1)","                    0","                    0"," -2*c_4","                                                                                                                                                 0","                                                         2*c_3","0"],
            ["c_0*y_2 - c_1*y_0*y_2 - c_2*y_0*y_2**2/(c_6 + y_0) + c_4*y_0*y_1 - c_5*y_0*y_2 - y_1*(c_0 - c_1*y_0 - c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)) - y_3*(c_4*y_1 - c_5*y_2)"," -c_2*y_0/(c_6 + y_0)","                    0","      0","                                -c_1 + 2*c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - 2*c_2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0) - c_5 - y_1*(c_2*y_0/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - c_2/(c_6 + y_0))","c_4","                                                                                              -c_2*y_0*y_2**2/(c_6 + y_0)**3 + c_2*y_2**2/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - y_1*(-c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**3 + c_2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2)"],
            ["c_0*y_1 - c_1*y_0*y_1 - c_2*y_0*y_1*y_2/(c_6 + y_0) + c_3*y_0**2 - c_4*y_0*y_1 - y_2*(c_0 - c_1*y_0 - c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)) - y_3*(c_3*y_0 - c_4*y_1)","                    0"," -c_2*y_0/(c_6 + y_0)","      0","                                                 c_2*y_0*y_1/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - c_2*y_1/(c_6 + y_0) - y_2*(c_2*y_0/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - c_2/(c_6 + y_0))"," -c_1 + c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - c_2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0) - c_4","                                                                                      -c_2*y_0*y_1*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**3 + c_2*y_1*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2 + c_3 - y_2*(-c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**3 + c_2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2)"],
            ["2*c_0*y_0 + c_0 - 2*c_1*y_0**2 + c_1*y_0 - 2*c_2*y_0**2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0) + c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0) - 2*y_3*(c_0 - c_1*y_0 - c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0))","                    0","                    0","      0"," 2*c_2*y_0**2/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - 4*c_2*y_0/(c_6 + y_0) - c_2*y_0/(c_6 + y_0)**2 + c_2/(c_6 + y_0) - 2*y_3*(c_2*y_0/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - c_2/(c_6 + y_0))","                                                             0"," -2*c_1 - 2*c_2*y_0**2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**3 + 4*c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2 + c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**3 - 2*c_2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0) - c_2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2 - 2*y_3*(-c_2*y_0*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**3 + c_2*y_2/(c_6 + y_0)**2)"]

        assert_sympy_expressions_equal(answer, expected)