def run(optimizer, objectivefunc, dataset_List, NumOfRuns, params, export_flags): """ It serves as the main interface of the framework for running the experiments. Parameters ---------- optimizer : list The list of optimizers names objectivefunc : list The list of boolean preference of objective functions dataset_List : list The list of the names of the data sets files NumOfRuns : int The number of independent runs params : set The set of parameters which are: 1. Size of population (PopulationSize) 2. The number of iterations (Iterations) export_flags : set The set of Boolean flags which are: 1. Export (Exporting the results in a file) 2. Export_details (Exporting the detailed results in files) 3. Export_details_labels (Exporting the labels detailed results in files) 4. Export_convergence (Exporting the covergence plots) 5. Export_boxplot (Exporting the box plots) Returns ----------- N/A """ # Select general parameters for all optimizers (population size, number of iterations) .... PopulationSize = params['PopulationSize'] Iterations = params['Iterations'] #Export results ? Export = export_flags['Export_avg'] Export_details = export_flags['Export_details'] Export_details_labels = export_flags['Export_details_labels'] Export_convergence = export_flags['Export_convergence'] Export_boxplot = export_flags['Export_boxplot'] #Automaticly generated name by date and time # Check if it works at least once Flag = False Flag_details = False Flag_details_Labels = False # CSV Header for for the cinvergence CnvgHeader = [] datasets_directory = "datasets/" # the directory where the dataset is stored results_directory = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + '/' Path(results_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dataset_len = len(dataset_List) k = [-1] * dataset_len f = [-1] * dataset_len points = [0] * dataset_len labelsTrue = [0] * dataset_len for l in range(0, Iterations): CnvgHeader.append("Iter" + str(l + 1)) #read all datasets for h in range(dataset_len): dataset_filename = dataset_List[h] + '.csv' # Read the dataset file and generate the points list and true values rawData = open( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), datasets_directory + dataset_filename), 'rt') data = numpy.loadtxt(rawData, delimiter=",") nPoints, nValues = data.shape #Number of points and Number of values for each point f[h] = nValues - 1 #Dimension value k[h] = len(numpy.unique(data[:, -1])) #k: Number of clusters points[h] = data[:, :-1].tolist() #list of points labelsTrue[h] = data[:, -1].tolist( ) #List of actual cluster of each points (last field) points[h] = preprocessing.normalize(points[h], norm='max', axis=0) for i in range(0, len(optimizer)): for j in range(0, len(objectivefunc)): for h in range(len(dataset_List)): HS = [0] * NumOfRuns CS = [0] * NumOfRuns VM = [0] * NumOfRuns AMI = [0] * NumOfRuns ARI = [0] * NumOfRuns Fmeasure = [0] * NumOfRuns SC = [0] * NumOfRuns accuracy = [0] * NumOfRuns DI = [0] * NumOfRuns DB = [0] * NumOfRuns stdev = [0] * NumOfRuns exSSE = [0] * NumOfRuns exTWCV = [0] * NumOfRuns purity = [0] * NumOfRuns entropy = [0] * NumOfRuns convergence = [0] * NumOfRuns executionTime = [0] * NumOfRuns #Agg = [0]*NumOfRuns for z in range(0, NumOfRuns): print("Dataset: " + dataset_List[h]) print("Run no.: " + str(z)) print("Population Size: " + str(PopulationSize)) print("Iterations: " + str(Iterations)) objective_name = objectivefunc[j] x = selector(optimizer[i], objective_name, k[h], f[h], PopulationSize, Iterations, points[h]) HS[z] = measures.HS(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) CS[z] = measures.CS(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) VM[z] = measures.VM(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) AMI[z] = measures.AMI(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) ARI[z] = measures.ARI(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) Fmeasure[z] = measures.Fmeasure(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) SC[z] = measures.SC(points[h], x.labelsPred) accuracy[z] = measures.accuracy(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) DI[z] = measures.DI(points[h], x.labelsPred) DB[z] = measures.DB(points[h], x.labelsPred) stdev[z] = measures.stdev(x.bestIndividual, x.labelsPred, k[h], points[h]) exSSE[z] = measures.SSE(x.bestIndividual, x.labelsPred, k[h], points[h]) exTWCV[z] = measures.TWCV(x.bestIndividual, x.labelsPred, k[h], points[h]) purity[z] = measures.purity(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) entropy[z] = measures.entropy(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) #Agg[z] = float("%0.2f"%(float("%0.2f"%(HS[z] + CS[z] + VM[z] + AMI[z] + ARI[z])) / 5)) executionTime[z] = x.executionTime convergence[z] = x.convergence optimizerName = x.optimizer objfname = x.objfname if (Export_details_labels == True): ExportToFileDetailsLabels = results_directory + "experiment_details_Labels.csv" with open(ExportToFileDetailsLabels, 'a', newline='\n') as out_details_labels: writer_details = csv.writer(out_details_labels, delimiter=',') if ( Flag_details_Labels == False ): # just one time to write the header of the CSV file header_details = numpy.concatenate( [["Dataset", "Optimizer", "objfname"]]) writer_details.writerow(header_details) Flag_details_Labels = True a = numpy.concatenate( [[dataset_List[h], optimizerName, objfname], x.labelsPred]) writer_details.writerow(a) out_details_labels.close() if (Export_details == True): ExportToFileDetails = results_directory + "experiment_details.csv" with open(ExportToFileDetails, 'a', newline='\n') as out_details: writer_details = csv.writer(out_details, delimiter=',') if ( Flag_details == False ): # just one time to write the header of the CSV file header_details = numpy.concatenate([[ "Dataset", "Optimizer", "objfname", "ExecutionTime", "SSE", "Purity", "Entropy", "HS", "CS", "VM", "AMI", "ARI", "Fmeasure", "TWCV", "SC", "Accuracy", "DI", "DB", "STDev" ], CnvgHeader]) writer_details.writerow(header_details) Flag_details = True a = numpy.concatenate([[ dataset_List[h], optimizerName, objfname, float("%0.2f" % (executionTime[z])), float("%0.2f" % (exSSE[z])), float("%0.2f" % (purity[z])), float("%0.2f" % (entropy[z])), float("%0.2f" % (HS[z])), float("%0.2f" % (CS[z])), float("%0.2f" % (VM[z])), float("%0.2f" % (AMI[z])), float("%0.2f" % (ARI[z])), float("%0.2f" % (Fmeasure[z])), float("%0.2f" % (exTWCV[z])), float("%0.2f" % (SC[z])), float("%0.2f" % (accuracy[z])), float("%0.2f" % (DI[z])), float("%0.2f" % (DB[z])), float("%0.2f" % (stdev[z])) ], numpy.around(convergence[z], decimals=2)]) writer_details.writerow(a) out_details.close() if (Export == True): ExportToFile = results_directory + "experiment.csv" with open(ExportToFile, 'a', newline='\n') as out: writer = csv.writer(out, delimiter=',') if ( Flag == False ): # just one time to write the header of the CSV file header = numpy.concatenate([[ "Dataset", "Optimizer", "objfname", "ExecutionTime", "SSE", "Purity", "Entropy", "HS", "CS", "VM", "AMI", "ARI", "Fmeasure", "TWCV", "SC", "Accuracy", "DI", "DB", "STDev" ], CnvgHeader]) writer.writerow(header) avgSSE = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(exSSE) / NumOfRuns))) avgTWCV = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(exTWCV) / NumOfRuns))) avgPurity = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(purity) / NumOfRuns))) avgEntropy = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(entropy) / NumOfRuns))) avgHomo = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(HS) / NumOfRuns))) avgComp = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(CS) / NumOfRuns))) avgVmeas = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(VM) / NumOfRuns))) avgAMI = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(AMI) / NumOfRuns))) avgARI = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(ARI) / NumOfRuns))) avgFmeasure = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(Fmeasure) / NumOfRuns))) avgSC = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(SC) / NumOfRuns))) avgAccuracy = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(accuracy) / NumOfRuns))) avgDI = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(DI) / NumOfRuns))) avgDB = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(DB) / NumOfRuns))) avgStdev = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(stdev) / NumOfRuns))) #avgAgg = str(float("%0.2f"%(sum(Agg) / NumOfRuns))) avgExecutionTime = float( "%0.2f" % (sum(executionTime) / NumOfRuns)) avgConvergence = numpy.around(numpy.mean( convergence, axis=0, dtype=numpy.float64), decimals=2).tolist() a = numpy.concatenate([[ dataset_List[h], optimizerName, objfname, avgExecutionTime, avgSSE, avgPurity, avgEntropy, avgHomo, avgComp, avgVmeas, avgAMI, avgARI, avgFmeasure, avgTWCV, avgSC, avgAccuracy, avgDI, avgDB, avgStdev ], avgConvergence]) writer.writerow(a) out.close() Flag = True # at least one experiment if Export_convergence == True:, optimizer, objectivefunc, dataset_List, Iterations) if Export_boxplot == True: ev_measures = [ 'SSE', 'Purity', 'Entropy', 'HS', 'CS', 'VM', 'AMI', 'ARI', 'Fmeasure', 'TWCV', 'SC', 'Accuracy', 'DI', 'DB', 'STDev' ], optimizer, objectivefunc, dataset_List, ev_measures, Iterations) if (Flag == False): # Faild to run at least one experiment print( "No Optomizer or Cost function is selected. Check lists of available optimizers and cost functions" ) print("Execution completed")
def run(optimizer, objectivefunc, dataset_List, NumOfRuns, params, export_flags, auto_cluster=True, n_clusters='supervised', labels_exist=True, metric='euclidean'): """ It serves as the main interface of the framework for running the experiments. Parameters ---------- optimizer : list The list of optimizers names objectivefunc : list The list of objective functions dataset_List : list The list of the names of the data sets files NumOfRuns : int The number of independent runs params : set The set of parameters which are: 1. Size of population (PopulationSize) 2. The number of iterations (Iterations) export_flags : set The set of Boolean flags which are: 1. Export (Exporting the results in a file) 2. Export_details (Exporting the detailed results in files) 3. Export_details_labels (Exporting the labels detailed results in files) 4. Export_convergence (Exporting the covergence plots) 5. Export_boxplot (Exporting the box plots) auto_cluster : boolean, default = True Choose whether the number of clusters is detected automatically. If True, select one of the following: 'supervised', 'CH', 'silhouette', 'elbow', 'gap', 'min', 'max', 'median' for n_clusters. If False, specify a list of integers for n_clusters. n_clusters : string, or list, default = 'supervised' A list of the number of clusters for the datasets in dataset_List Other values can be considered instead of specifying the real value, which are as follows: - supervised: The number of clusters is derived from the true labels of the datasets - elbow: The number of clusters is automatically detected by elbow method - gap: The number of clusters is automatically detected by gap analysis methos - silhouette: The number of clusters is automatically detected by silhouette coefficient method - CH: The number of clusters is automatically detected by Calinski-Harabasz index - DB: The number of clusters is automatically detected by Davies Bouldin index - BIC: The number of clusters is automatically detected by Bayesian Information Criterion score - min: The number of clusters is automatically detected by the minimum value of the number of clusters detected by all detection techniques - max: The number of clusters is automatically detected by the maximum value of the number of clusters detected by all detection techniques - median: The number of clusters is automatically detected by the median value of the number of clusters detected by all detection techniques - majority: The number of clusters is automatically detected by the majority vote of the number of clusters detected by all detection techniques labels_exist : boolean, default = True Specify if labels exist as the last column of the csv file of the datasets in dataset_List if the value is False, the following hold: - supervised value for n_clusters is not allowed - experiments, and experiments_details files contain only the evaluation measures for "SSE","TWCV","SC","DB","DI","STDev" - Export_boxplot is set for "SSE","TWCV","SC","DB","DI","STDev" metric : string, default = 'euclidean' The metric to use when calculating the distance between points if applicable for the objective function selected. It must be one of the options allowed by scipy.spatial.distance.pdist for its metric parameter Returns ----------- N/A """ if not labels_exist and n_clusters == 'supervised': print( 'Syupervised value for n_clusters is not allowed when labels_exist value is false' ) sys.exit() if isinstance(n_clusters, list): if len(n_clusters) != len(dataset_List): print( 'Length of n_clusters list should equal the length of dataset_List list' ) sys.exit() if min(n_clusters) < 2: print('n_clusters value should be larger than 2') sys.exit() if auto_cluster == True: print('n_clusters should be string if auto_cluster is true') sys.exit() else: if auto_cluster == False: print( 'n_clusters should be a list of integers if auto_cluster is false' ) sys.exit() # Select general parameters for all optimizers (population size, number of iterations) .... PopulationSize = params['PopulationSize'] Iterations = params['Iterations'] #Export results ? Export = export_flags['Export_avg'] Export_details = export_flags['Export_details'] Export_details_labels = export_flags['Export_details_labels'] Export_convergence = export_flags['Export_convergence'] Export_boxplot = export_flags['Export_boxplot'] # Check if it works at least once Flag = False Flag_details = False Flag_details_Labels = False # CSV Header for for the cinvergence CnvgHeader = [] if labels_exist: datasets_directory = "datasets/" # the directory where the dataset is stored else: datasets_directory = "datasets/unsupervised/" # the directory where the dataset is stored results_directory = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + '/' Path(results_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dataset_len = len(dataset_List) k = [-1] * dataset_len f = [-1] * dataset_len points = [0] * dataset_len labelsTrue = [0] * dataset_len for l in range(0, Iterations): CnvgHeader.append("Iter" + str(l + 1)) #read all datasets for h in range(dataset_len): dataset_filename = dataset_List[h] + '.csv' # Read the dataset file and generate the points list and true values rawData = open( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), datasets_directory + dataset_filename), 'rt') data = numpy.loadtxt(rawData, delimiter=",") nPoints, nValues = data.shape #Number of points and Number of values for each point if labels_exist: f[h] = nValues - 1 #Dimension value points[h] = data[:, :-1].tolist() #list of points labelsTrue[h] = data[:, -1].tolist( ) #List of actual cluster of each points (last field) else: f[h] = nValues #Dimension value points[h] = data.copy().tolist() #list of points labelsTrue[ h] = None #List of actual cluster of each points (last field) points[h] = preprocessing.normalize(points[h], norm='max', axis=0) if n_clusters == 'supervised': k[h] = len(numpy.unique(data[:, -1])) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'elbow': k[h] = clus_det.ELBOW(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'gap': k[h] = clus_det.GAP_STATISTICS(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'silhouette': k[h] = clus_det.SC(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'DB': k[h] = clus_det.DB(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'CH': k[h] = clus_det.CH(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'DB': k[h] = clus_det.DB(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'BIC': k[h] = clus_det.BIC(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'min': k[h] = clus_det.min_clusters(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'max': k[h] = clus_det.max_clusters(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'median': k[h] = clus_det.median_clusters(points[h]) #k: Number of clusters elif n_clusters == 'majority': k[h] = clus_det.majority_clusters( points[h]) #k: Number of clusters else: k[h] = n_clusters[h] #k: Number of clusters for i in range(0, len(optimizer)): for j in range(0, len(objectivefunc)): for h in range(len(dataset_List)): HS = [0] * NumOfRuns CS = [0] * NumOfRuns VM = [0] * NumOfRuns AMI = [0] * NumOfRuns ARI = [0] * NumOfRuns Fmeasure = [0] * NumOfRuns SC = [0] * NumOfRuns accuracy = [0] * NumOfRuns DI = [0] * NumOfRuns DB = [0] * NumOfRuns stdev = [0] * NumOfRuns exSSE = [0] * NumOfRuns exTWCV = [0] * NumOfRuns purity = [0] * NumOfRuns entropy = [0] * NumOfRuns convergence = [0] * NumOfRuns executionTime = [0] * NumOfRuns #Agg = [0]*NumOfRuns for z in range(0, NumOfRuns): print("Dataset: " + dataset_List[h]) print("k: " + str(k[h])) print("Run no.: " + str(z)) print("Population Size: " + str(PopulationSize)) print("Iterations: " + str(Iterations)) objective_name = objectivefunc[j] x = selector(optimizer[i], objective_name, k[h], f[h], PopulationSize, Iterations, points[h], metric) if labels_exist: HS[z] = measures.HS(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) CS[z] = measures.CS(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) VM[z] = measures.VM(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) AMI[z] = measures.AMI(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) ARI[z] = measures.ARI(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) Fmeasure[z] = measures.Fmeasure( labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) accuracy[z] = measures.accuracy( labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) purity[z] = measures.purity(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) entropy[z] = measures.entropy(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) #Agg[z] = float("%0.2f"%(float("%0.2f"%(HS[z] + CS[z] + VM[z] + AMI[z] + ARI[z])) / 5)) SC[z] = measures.SC(points[h], x.labelsPred) DI[z] = measures.DI(points[h], x.labelsPred) DB[z] = measures.DB(points[h], x.labelsPred) stdev[z] = measures.stdev(x.bestIndividual, x.labelsPred, k[h], points[h]) exSSE[z] = measures.SSE(x.bestIndividual, x.labelsPred, k[h], points[h]) exTWCV[z] = measures.TWCV(x.bestIndividual, x.labelsPred, k[h], points[h]) executionTime[z] = x.executionTime convergence[z] = x.convergence optimizerName = x.optimizer objfname = x.objfname if (Export_details_labels == True): ExportToFileDetailsLabels = results_directory + "experiment_details_Labels.csv" with open(ExportToFileDetailsLabels, 'a', newline='\n') as out_details_labels: writer_details = csv.writer(out_details_labels, delimiter=',') if ( Flag_details_Labels == False ): # just one time to write the header of the CSV file header_details = numpy.concatenate( [["Dataset", "Optimizer", "objfname", "k"]]) writer_details.writerow(header_details) Flag_details_Labels = True a = numpy.concatenate([[ dataset_List[h], optimizerName, objfname, k[h] ], x.labelsPred]) writer_details.writerow(a) out_details_labels.close() if (Export_details == True): ExportToFileDetails = results_directory + "experiment_details.csv" with open(ExportToFileDetails, 'a', newline='\n') as out_details: writer_details = csv.writer(out_details, delimiter=',') if ( Flag_details == False ): # just one time to write the header of the CSV file if labels_exist: header_details = numpy.concatenate([[ "Dataset", "Optimizer", "objfname", "k", "ExecutionTime", "SSE", "Purity", "Entropy", "HS", "CS", "VM", "AMI", "ARI", "Fmeasure", "TWCV", "SC", "Accuracy", "DI", "DB", "STDev" ], CnvgHeader]) else: header_details = numpy.concatenate([[ "Dataset", "Optimizer", "objfname", "k", "ExecutionTime", "SSE", "TWCV", "SC", "DI", "DB", "STDev" ], CnvgHeader]) writer_details.writerow(header_details) Flag_details = True if labels_exist: a = numpy.concatenate([[ dataset_List[h], optimizerName, objfname, k[h], float("%0.2f" % (executionTime[z])), float("%0.2f" % (exSSE[z])), float("%0.2f" % (purity[z])), float("%0.2f" % (entropy[z])), float("%0.2f" % (HS[z])), float("%0.2f" % (CS[z])), float("%0.2f" % (VM[z])), float("%0.2f" % (AMI[z])), float("%0.2f" % (ARI[z])), float("%0.2f" % (Fmeasure[z])), float("%0.2f" % (exTWCV[z])), float("%0.2f" % (SC[z])), float("%0.2f" % (accuracy[z])), float("%0.2f" % (DI[z])), float("%0.2f" % (DB[z])), float("%0.2f" % (stdev[z])) ], numpy.around( convergence[z], decimals=2)]) else: a = numpy.concatenate([[ dataset_List[h], optimizerName, objfname, k[h], float("%0.2f" % (executionTime[z])), float("%0.2f" % (exSSE[z])), float("%0.2f" % (exTWCV[z])), float("%0.2f" % (SC[z])), float("%0.2f" % (DI[z])), float("%0.2f" % (DB[z])), float("%0.2f" % (stdev[z])) ], numpy.around( convergence[z], decimals=2)]) writer_details.writerow(a) out_details.close() if (Export == True): ExportToFile = results_directory + "experiment.csv" with open(ExportToFile, 'a', newline='\n') as out: writer = csv.writer(out, delimiter=',') if ( Flag == False ): # just one time to write the header of the CSV file if labels_exist: header = numpy.concatenate([[ "Dataset", "Optimizer", "objfname", "k", "ExecutionTime", "SSE", "Purity", "Entropy", "HS", "CS", "VM", "AMI", "ARI", "Fmeasure", "TWCV", "SC", "Accuracy", "DI", "DB", "STDev" ], CnvgHeader]) else: header = numpy.concatenate([[ "Dataset", "Optimizer", "objfname", "k", "ExecutionTime", "SSE", "TWCV", "SC", "DI", "DB", "STDev" ], CnvgHeader]) writer.writerow(header) Flag = True # at least one experiment avgSSE = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(exSSE) / NumOfRuns))) avgTWCV = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(exTWCV) / NumOfRuns))) avgPurity = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(purity) / NumOfRuns))) avgEntropy = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(entropy) / NumOfRuns))) avgHomo = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(HS) / NumOfRuns))) avgComp = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(CS) / NumOfRuns))) avgVmeas = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(VM) / NumOfRuns))) avgAMI = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(AMI) / NumOfRuns))) avgARI = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(ARI) / NumOfRuns))) avgFmeasure = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(Fmeasure) / NumOfRuns))) avgSC = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(SC) / NumOfRuns))) avgAccuracy = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(accuracy) / NumOfRuns))) avgDI = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(DI) / NumOfRuns))) avgDB = str(float("%0.2f" % (sum(DB) / NumOfRuns))) avgStdev = str( float("%0.2f" % (sum(stdev) / NumOfRuns))) #avgAgg = str(float("%0.2f"%(sum(Agg) / NumOfRuns))) avgExecutionTime = float( "%0.2f" % (sum(executionTime) / NumOfRuns)) avgConvergence = numpy.around(numpy.mean( convergence, axis=0, dtype=numpy.float64), decimals=2).tolist() if labels_exist: a = numpy.concatenate([[ dataset_List[h], optimizerName, objfname, k[h], avgExecutionTime, avgSSE, avgPurity, avgEntropy, avgHomo, avgComp, avgVmeas, avgAMI, avgARI, avgFmeasure, avgTWCV, avgSC, avgAccuracy, avgDI, avgDB, avgStdev ], avgConvergence]) else: a = numpy.concatenate([[ dataset_List[h], optimizerName, objfname, k[h], avgExecutionTime, avgSSE, avgTWCV, avgSC, avgDI, avgDB, avgStdev ], avgConvergence]) writer.writerow(a) out.close() if Export_convergence == True:, optimizer, objectivefunc, dataset_List, Iterations) if Export_boxplot == True: if labels_exist: ev_measures = [ 'SSE', 'Purity', 'Entropy', 'HS', 'CS', 'VM', 'AMI', 'ARI', 'Fmeasure', 'TWCV', 'SC', 'Accuracy', 'DI', 'DB', 'STDev' ] else: ev_measures = ['SSE', 'TWCV', 'SC', 'DI', 'DB', 'STDev'], optimizer, objectivefunc, dataset_List, ev_measures, Iterations) print("Execution completed")
HS[z] = measures.HS(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) CS[z] = measures.CS(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) VM[z] = measures.VM(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) AMI[z] = measures.AMI(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) ARI[z] = measures.ARI(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) Fmeasure[z] = measures.Fmeasure(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) SC[z] = measures.SC(points[h], x.labelsPred) accuracy[z] = measures.accuracy(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) DI[z] = measures.DI(points[h], x.labelsPred) DB[z] = measures.DB(points[h], x.labelsPred) stdev[z] = measures.stdev(x.bestIndividual, x.labelsPred, k[h], points[h]) exSSE[z] = measures.SSE(x.bestIndividual, x.labelsPred, k[h], points[h]) exTWCV[z] = measures.TWCV(x.bestIndividual, x.labelsPred, k[h], points[h]) purity[z] = measures.purity(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) entropy[z] = measures.entropy(labelsTrue[h], x.labelsPred) #Agg[z] = float("%0.2f"%(float("%0.2f"%(HS[z] + CS[z] + VM[z] + AMI[z] + ARI[z])) / 5)) executionTime[z] = x.executionTime convergence[z] = x.convergence optimizerName = x.optimizer objfname = x.objfname if (Export_details == True): with open(ExportToFileDetailsLabels, 'a', newline='\n') as out_details_labels: writer_details = csv.writer(out_details_labels,