Beispiel #1
def check_mst_vs_scipy(stages_full: Dict[str, Stage],
                       mst: Dict[str, Stage]) -> None:
    compare our MST solution to scipy baseline
    :param stages_full: full network
    :param mst: mst solution
    assign_ids = np.array(
        [stage_id for stage_id in sorted(stages_full.keys())])
    N = assign_ids.size
    # create cost array
    cost = np.zeros((len(stages_full), len(stages_full)))
    for stage_id, stage in stages_full.items():
        for down_stage_id in stage.down_stages:
            down_stage = stages_full[down_stage_id]
            i = np.flatnonzero(assign_ids == stage_id)
            j = np.flatnonzero(assign_ids == down_stage_id)
            cost[j, i] = cost[i, j] = GuaranteedServiceModelDAG._get_edge_cost(
                stage, down_stage)
    C = minimum_spanning_tree(cost).toarray()
    assert C.sum() == calc_edge_cost(
        mst), 'different costs for MST and scipy solvers'
    for i, c in enumerate(C):
        for d in range(N):
            if assign_ids[d] in mst[assign_ids[i]].down_stages.keys():
                assert C[i, d] != 0, 'scipy said there is no edge'
                assert C[i, d] == 0, 'scipy said there must be an edge'
Beispiel #2
def calc_edge_cost(stages: Dict[str, Stage]):
    cost = 0
    for stage_id, stage in stages.items():
        for down_stage_id in stage.down_stages:
            down_stage = stages[down_stage_id]
            cost += GuaranteedServiceModelDAG._get_edge_cost(stage, down_stage)
    return cost