Beispiel #1
def show_doc(ui):
    def bold(s, text=""):
        ui.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (s, "=" * len(s), text))

    def underlined(s, text=""):
        ui.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (s, "-" * len(s), text))

    # print options
    for optstr, desc in get_opts(globalopts):
        ui.write("%s::\n    %s\n\n" % (optstr, desc))

    # print cmds
    h = {}
    for c, attr in table.items():
        f = c.split("|")[0]
        f = f.lstrip("^")
        h[f] = c
    cmds = h.keys()

    for f in cmds:
        if f.startswith("debug"): continue
        d = get_cmd(h[f])
        # synopsis
        ui.write("[[%s]]\n" % d['cmd'])
        ui.write("%s::\n" % d['synopsis'].replace("hg ", "", 1))
        # description
        ui.write("%s\n\n" % d['desc'][1])
        # options
        opt_output = list(d['opts'])
        if opt_output:
            opts_len = max([len(line[0]) for line in opt_output])
            ui.write(_("    options:\n"))
            for optstr, desc in opt_output:
                if desc:
                    s = "%-*s  %s" % (opts_len, optstr, desc)
                    s = optstr
                s = textwrap.fill(s,
                                  initial_indent=4 * " ",
                                  subsequent_indent=(6 + opts_len) * " ")
                ui.write("%s\n" % s)
        # aliases
        if d['aliases']:
            ui.write(_("    aliases: %s\n\n") % " ".join(d['aliases']))

    # print topics
    for names, section, doc in helptable:
        if callable(doc):
            doc = doc()
            doc = gettext(doc)
Beispiel #2
def show_doc(ui):
    def bold(s, text=""):
        ui.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (s, "="*len(s), text))
    def underlined(s, text=""):
        ui.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (s, "-"*len(s), text))

    # print options
    for optstr, desc in get_opts(globalopts):
        ui.write("%s::\n    %s\n\n" % (optstr, desc))

    # print cmds
    h = {}
    for c, attr in table.items():
        f = c.split("|")[0]
        f = f.lstrip("^")
        h[f] = c
    cmds = h.keys()

    for f in cmds:
        if f.startswith("debug"): continue
        d = get_cmd(h[f])
        # synopsis
        ui.write("[[%s]]\n" % d['cmd'])
        ui.write("%s::\n" % d['synopsis'].replace("hg ","", 1))
        # description
        ui.write("%s\n\n" % d['desc'][1])
        # options
        opt_output = list(d['opts'])
        if opt_output:
            opts_len = max([len(line[0]) for line in opt_output])
            ui.write(_("    options:\n"))
            for optstr, desc in opt_output:
                if desc:
                    s = "%-*s  %s" % (opts_len, optstr, desc)
                    s = optstr
                s = textwrap.fill(s, initial_indent=4 * " ",
                                  subsequent_indent=(6 + opts_len) * " ")
                ui.write("%s\n" % s)
        # aliases
        if d['aliases']:
            ui.write(_("    aliases: %s\n\n") % " ".join(d['aliases']))

    # print topics
    for names, section, doc in helptable:
        if callable(doc):
            doc = doc()
            doc = gettext(doc)
Beispiel #3
def extendCommand(commandName, newFunction, moreOptions, moreSyntax):
    """Attempt to add options and syntax to an existing mercurial command.
    commandName - string name of existing mercurial command
    newFunction - function that will handle that command now. This function must accept 
                  a named argument, "original" which will contain the function 
                  Mercurial would normally call for the command.
    moreOptions - additional options formatted like the normal command-table options lists
    moreSyntax  - additional syntax help string, with a %s where old syntax will be inserted
    def findCmd(cmdName):
        keys = [(k, v) for k, v in commands.table.items()
                if k.lstrip("^").startswith(cmdName)]
        if not keys:
                _("Unable to find existing command to extend: %s.") % cmdName)
        if len(keys) > 1:
                _("Ambiguous command requested for extension: %s.") % cmdName)
        return keys[0]

    def allopts(opts):  # set of all short and long options for a command
        return set([x[0] for x in opts] + [x[1] for x in opts])

    #look up existing command table entry
    fullNames, oldCmd = findCmd(commandName)
    oldFunc, oldOpts, oldSyntax = oldCmd
    #make sure none of our additional options conflict
    if allopts(oldOpts) & allopts(moreOptions):
        msg = _(
            "Extension trying to add conflicting options to %s") % commandName
    #create a replacement command tableentry that calls our function instead
    def wrapper(ui, repo, *args, **opts):
        cleanOpts = opts.copy()
        for opt in moreOptions:  #remove our added options from passthrough
            key = opt[1].replace("-", "_")
            del cleanOpts[key]

        def callOriginal():
            return oldFunc(ui, repo, *args, **cleanOpts)

        return newFunction(ui, repo, original=callOriginal, *args, **opts)

    options = oldOpts + moreOptions
    syntax = moreSyntax % oldSyntax
    # the functionn doc string is called by 'hg help'
    # we just follow the pattern and add our extension help
    wrapper.__doc__ = gettext(oldFunc.__doc__) + "\n\n" + gettext(
    # replace the commad table entry with our own
    commands.table[fullNames] = (wrapper, options, syntax)
Beispiel #4
def showdoc(ui):
    # print options
    for optstr, desc in get_opts(globalopts):
        ui.write("%s\n    %s\n\n" % (optstr, desc))

    # print cmds
    commandprinter(ui, table, minirst.subsection)

    # print help topics
    # The config help topic is included in the hgrc.5 man page.
    helpprinter(ui, helptable, minirst.section, exclude=['config'])

        _("This section contains help for extensions that are "
          "distributed together with Mercurial. Help for other "
          "extensions is available in the help system."))
             ".. contents::\n"
             "   :class: htmlonly\n"
             "   :local:\n"
             "   :depth: 1\n\n")

    for extensionname in sorted(allextensionnames()):
        mod = extensions.load(None, extensionname, None)
        ui.write("%s\n\n" % gettext(mod.__doc__))
        cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'cmdtable', None)
        if cmdtable:
            commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, minirst.subsubsubsection)
Beispiel #5
def showdoc(ui):
    # print options
    for optstr, desc in get_opts(globalopts):
        ui.write("%s\n    %s\n\n" % (optstr, desc))

    # print cmds
    commandprinter(ui, table, minirst.subsection)

    # print help topics
    # The config help topic is included in the hgrc.5 man page.
    helpprinter(ui, helptable, minirst.section, exclude=['config'])

    ui.write(_("This section contains help for extensions that are "
               "distributed together with Mercurial. Help for other "
               "extensions is available in the help system."))
             ".. contents::\n"
             "   :class: htmlonly\n"
             "   :local:\n"
             "   :depth: 1\n\n")

    for extensionname in sorted(allextensionnames()):
        mod = extensions.load(None, extensionname, None)
        ui.write("%s\n\n" % gettext(mod.__doc__))
        cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'cmdtable', None)
        if cmdtable:
            commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, minirst.subsubsubsection)
Beispiel #6
def extendCommand( commandName, newFunction, moreOptions, moreSyntax):
    """Attempt to add options and syntax to an existing mercurial command.
    commandName - string name of existing mercurial command
    newFunction - function that will handle that command now. This function must accept 
                  a named argument, "original" which will contain the function 
                  Mercurial would normally call for the command.
    moreOptions - additional options formatted like the normal command-table options lists
    moreSyntax  - additional syntax help string, with a %s where old syntax will be inserted
    def findCmd( cmdName):
        keys = [(k,v) for k,v in commands.table.items() if k.lstrip("^").startswith(cmdName)]
        if not keys:
            util.Abort( _("Unable to find existing command to extend: %s.") % cmdName)
        if len(keys)> 1:
            util.Abort( _("Ambiguous command requested for extension: %s.") % cmdName)
        return keys[0]
    def allopts( opts):# set of all short and long options for a command
        return set( [x[0] for x in opts] + [x[1] for x in opts])
    #look up existing command table entry
    fullNames, oldCmd = findCmd( commandName)
    oldFunc, oldOpts, oldSyntax = oldCmd
    #make sure none of our additional options conflict
    if allopts(oldOpts) & allopts(moreOptions):
        msg = _("Extension trying to add conflicting options to %s") % commandName
    #create a replacement command tableentry that calls our function instead
    def wrapper( ui, repo, *args, **opts):
        cleanOpts = opts.copy()
        for opt in moreOptions: #remove our added options from passthrough
            key= opt[1].replace("-","_")
            del cleanOpts[key]
        def callOriginal():
            return oldFunc( ui, repo, *args, **cleanOpts)
        return newFunction( ui, repo, original=callOriginal, *args, **opts)
    options = oldOpts + moreOptions
    syntax = moreSyntax % oldSyntax
    # the functionn doc string is called by 'hg help'
    # we just follow the pattern and add our extension help        
    wrapper.__doc__ = gettext(oldFunc.__doc__) + "\n\n" + gettext(newFunction.__doc__)
    # replace the commad table entry with our own
    commands.table[fullNames] = (wrapper, options, syntax)
Beispiel #7
    def prompt(query):
        """prompt query, and process base inputs

        - y/n for the rest of file
        - y/n for the rest
        - ? (help)
        - q (quit)

        else, input is returned to the caller.
        if resp_all[0] is not None:
            return resp_all[0]
        if resp_file[0] is not None:
            return resp_file[0]
        while True:
            resps = _("[Ynsfdaq?]")
            choices = (
                _("&Yes, record this change"),
                _("&No, skip this change"),
                _("&Skip remaining changes to this file"),
                _("Record remaining changes to this &file"),
                _("&Done, skip remaining changes and files"),
                _("Record &all changes to all remaining files"),
                _("&Quit, recording no changes"),
            r = ui.promptchoice("%s %s " % (query, resps), choices)
            if r == 7:  # ?
                doc = gettext(record.__doc__)
                c = doc.find(_("y - record this change"))
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l:
                        ui.write(l.strip(), "\n")
            elif r == 0:  # yes
                ret = "y"
            elif r == 1:  # no
                ret = "n"
            elif r == 2:  # Skip
                ret = resp_file[0] = "n"
            elif r == 3:  # file (Record remaining)
                ret = resp_file[0] = "y"
            elif r == 4:  # done, skip remaining
                ret = resp_all[0] = "n"
            elif r == 5:  # all
                ret = resp_all[0] = "y"
            elif r == 6:  # quit
                raise util.Abort(_("user quit"))
            return ret
Beispiel #8
    def prompt(skipfile, skipall, query):
        """prompt query, and process base inputs

        - y/n for the rest of file
        - y/n for the rest
        - ? (help)
        - q (quit)

        Return True/False and possibly updated skipfile and skipall.
        if skipall is not None:
            return skipall, skipfile, skipall
        if skipfile is not None:
            return skipfile, skipfile, skipall
        while True:
            resps = _('[Ynsfdaq?]'
                      '$$ &Yes, shelve this change'
                      '$$ &No, skip this change'
                      '$$ &Skip remaining changes to this file'
                      '$$ Shelve remaining changes to this &file'
                      '$$ &Done, skip remaining changes and files'
                      '$$ Shelve &all changes to all remaining files'
                      '$$ &Quit, shelving no changes'
                      '$$ &?'
            r = ui.promptchoice("%s %s" % (query, resps))
            if r == 7: # ?
                doc = gettext(shelve.__doc__)
                c = doc.find('::') + 2
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l.startswith('      '):
                        ui.write(l.strip(), '\n')
            elif r == 0: # yes
                ret = True
            elif r == 1: # no
                ret = False
            elif r == 2: # Skip
                ret = skipfile = False
            elif r == 3: # file (shelve remaining)
                ret = skipfile = True
            elif r == 4: # done, skip remaining
                ret = skipall = False
            elif r == 5: # all
                ret = skipall = True
            elif r == 6: # quit
                raise util.Abort(_('user quit'))
            return ret, skipfile, skipall
Beispiel #9
    def prompt(query):
        """prompt query, and process base inputs

        - y/n for the rest of file
        - y/n for the rest
        - ? (help)
        - q (quit)

        Returns True/False and sets reps_all and resp_file as
        if resp_all[0] is not None:
            return resp_all[0]
        if resp_file[0] is not None:
            return resp_file[0]
        while True:
            resps = _('[Ynsfdaq?]')
            choices = (_('&Yes, record this change'),
                    _('&No, skip this change'),
                    _('&Skip remaining changes to this file'),
                    _('Record remaining changes to this &file'),
                    _('&Done, skip remaining changes and files'),
                    _('Record &all changes to all remaining files'),
                    _('&Quit, recording no changes'),
            r = ui.promptchoice("%s %s" % (query, resps), choices)
            if r == 7: # ?
                doc = gettext(record.__doc__)
                c = doc.find('::') + 2
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l.startswith('      '):
                        ui.write(l.strip(), '\n')
            elif r == 0: # yes
                ret = True
            elif r == 1: # no
                ret = False
            elif r == 2: # Skip
                ret = resp_file[0] = False
            elif r == 3: # file (Record remaining)
                ret = resp_file[0] = True
            elif r == 4: # done, skip remaining
                ret = resp_all[0] = False
            elif r == 5: # all
                ret = resp_all[0] = True
            elif r == 6: # quit
                raise util.Abort(_('user quit'))
            return ret
Beispiel #10
    def prompt(skipfile, skipall, query):
        """prompt query, and process base inputs

        - y/n for the rest of file
        - y/n for the rest
        - ? (help)
        - q (quit)

        Return True/False and possibly updated skipfile and skipall.
        if skipall is not None:
            return skipall, skipfile, skipall
        if skipfile is not None:
            return skipfile, skipfile, skipall
        while True:
            resps = _('[Ynsfdaq?]'
                      '$$ &Yes, shelve this change'
                      '$$ &No, skip this change'
                      '$$ &Skip remaining changes to this file'
                      '$$ Shelve remaining changes to this &file'
                      '$$ &Done, skip remaining changes and files'
                      '$$ Shelve &all changes to all remaining files'
                      '$$ &Quit, shelving no changes'
                      '$$ &?')
            r = ui.promptchoice("%s %s" % (query, resps))
            if r == 7:  # ?
                doc = gettext(shelve.__doc__)
                c = doc.find('::') + 2
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l.startswith('      '):
                        ui.write(l.strip(), '\n')
            elif r == 0:  # yes
                ret = True
            elif r == 1:  # no
                ret = False
            elif r == 2:  # Skip
                ret = skipfile = False
            elif r == 3:  # file (shelve remaining)
                ret = skipfile = True
            elif r == 4:  # done, skip remaining
                ret = skipall = False
            elif r == 5:  # all
                ret = skipall = True
            elif r == 6:  # quit
                raise util.Abort(_('user quit'))
            return ret, skipfile, skipall
Beispiel #11
    def prompt(query):
        """prompt query, and process base inputs

        - y/n for the rest of file
        - y/n for the rest
        - ? (help)
        - q (quit)

        Returns True/False and sets reps_all and resp_file as
        if resp_all[0] is not None:
            return resp_all[0]
        if resp_file[0] is not None:
            return resp_file[0]
        while True:
            resps = _('[Ynsfdaq?]')
            choices = (_('&Yes, record this change'),
                       _('&No, skip this change'),
                       _('&Skip remaining changes to this file'),
                       _('Record remaining changes to this &file'),
                       _('&Done, skip remaining changes and files'),
                       _('Record &all changes to all remaining files'),
                       _('&Quit, recording no changes'), _('&?'))
            r = ui.promptchoice("%s %s" % (query, resps), choices)
            if r == 7:  # ?
                doc = gettext(record.__doc__)
                c = doc.find(_('y - record this change'))
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l:
                        ui.write(l.strip(), '\n')
            elif r == 0:  # yes
                ret = True
            elif r == 1:  # no
                ret = False
            elif r == 2:  # Skip
                ret = resp_file[0] = False
            elif r == 3:  # file (Record remaining)
                ret = resp_file[0] = True
            elif r == 4:  # done, skip remaining
                ret = resp_all[0] = False
            elif r == 5:  # all
                ret = resp_all[0] = True
            elif r == 6:  # quit
                raise util.Abort(_('user quit'))
            return ret
Beispiel #12
def get_cmd(cmd, cmdtable):
    d = {}
    attr = cmdtable[cmd]
    cmds = cmd.lstrip("^").split("|")

    d['cmd'] = cmds[0]
    d['aliases'] = cmd.split("|")[1:]
    d['desc'] = get_desc(gettext(attr[0].__doc__))
    d['opts'] = list(get_opts(attr[1]))

    s = 'hg ' + cmds[0]
    if len(attr) > 2:
        if not attr[2].startswith('hg'):
            s += ' ' + attr[2]
            s = attr[2]
    d['synopsis'] = s.strip()

    return d
Beispiel #13
def get_cmd(cmd, cmdtable):
    d = {}
    attr = cmdtable[cmd]
    cmds = cmd.lstrip("^").split("|")

    d['cmd'] = cmds[0]
    d['aliases'] = cmd.split("|")[1:]
    d['desc'] = get_desc(gettext(attr[0].__doc__))
    d['opts'] = list(get_opts(attr[1]))

    s = 'hg ' + cmds[0]
    if len(attr) > 2:
        if not attr[2].startswith('hg'):
            s += ' ' + attr[2]
            s = attr[2]
    d['synopsis'] = s.strip()

    return d
Beispiel #14
    def prompt(query):
        """prompt query, and process base inputs

        - y/n for the rest of file
        - y/n for the rest
        - ? (help)
        - q (quit)

        else, input is returned to the caller.
        if resp_all[0] is not None:
            return resp_all[0]
        if resp_file[0] is not None:
            return resp_file[0]
        while True:
            resps = _('[Ynsfdaq?]')
            choices = (_('&Yes, record this change'),
                    _('&No, skip this change'),
                    _('&Skip remaining changes to this file'),
                    _('Record remaining changes to this &file'),
                    _('&Done, skip remaining changes and files'),
                    _('Record &all changes to all remaining files'),
                    _('&Quit, recording no changes'),
            r = (ui.prompt("%s %s " % (query, resps), choices)
                 or _('y')).lower()
            if r == _('?'):
                doc = gettext(record.__doc__)
                c = doc.find(_('y - record this change'))
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l: ui.write(l.strip(), '\n')
            elif r == _('s'):
                r = resp_file[0] = 'n'
            elif r == _('f'):
                r = resp_file[0] = 'y'
            elif r == _('d'):
                r = resp_all[0] = 'n'
            elif r == _('a'):
                r = resp_all[0] = 'y'
            elif r == _('q'):
                raise util.Abort(_('user quit'))
            return r
Beispiel #15
    def prompt(query):
        """prompt query, and process base inputs

        - y/n for the rest of file
        - y/n for the rest
        - ? (help)
        - q (quit)

        else, input is returned to the caller.
        if resp_all[0] is not None:
            return resp_all[0]
        if resp_file[0] is not None:
            return resp_file[0]
        while True:
            resps = _('[Ynsfdaq?]')
            choices = (_('&Yes, record this change'),
                       _('&No, skip this change'),
                       _('&Skip remaining changes to this file'),
                       _('Record remaining changes to this &file'),
                       _('&Done, skip remaining changes and files'),
                       _('Record &all changes to all remaining files'),
                       _('&Quit, recording no changes'), _('&?'))
            r = (ui.prompt("%s %s " % (query, resps), choices)
                 or _('y')).lower()
            if r == _('?'):
                doc = gettext(record.__doc__)
                c = doc.find(_('y - record this change'))
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l: ui.write(l.strip(), '\n')
            elif r == _('s'):
                r = resp_file[0] = 'n'
            elif r == _('f'):
                r = resp_file[0] = 'y'
            elif r == _('d'):
                r = resp_all[0] = 'n'
            elif r == _('a'):
                r = resp_all[0] = 'y'
            elif r == _('q'):
                raise util.Abort(_('user quit'))
            return r
Beispiel #16
    def prompt(skipfile, skipall, query, chunk):
        """prompt query, and process base inputs

        - y/n for the rest of file
        - y/n for the rest
        - ? (help)
        - q (quit)

        Return True/False and possibly updated skipfile and skipall.
        newpatches = None
        if skipall is not None:
            return skipall, skipfile, skipall, newpatches
        if skipfile is not None:
            return skipfile, skipfile, skipall, newpatches
        while True:
            resps = _(
                "$$ &Yes, record this change"
                "$$ &No, skip this change"
                "$$ &Edit the change manually"
                "$$ &Skip remaining changes to this file"
                "$$ Record remaining changes to this &file"
                "$$ &Done, skip remaining changes and files"
                "$$ Record &all changes to all remaining files"
                "$$ &Quit, recording no changes"
                "$$ &?"
            r = ui.promptchoice("%s %s" % (query, resps))
            if r == 8:  # ?
                doc = gettext(record.__doc__)
                c = doc.find("::") + 2
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l.startswith("      "):
                        ui.write(l.strip(), "\n")
            elif r == 0:  # yes
                ret = True
            elif r == 1:  # no
                ret = False
            elif r == 2:  # Edit patch
                if chunk is None:
                    ui.write(_("cannot edit patch for whole file"))
                if chunk.header.binary():
                    ui.write(_("cannot edit patch for binary file"))
                # Patch comment based on the Git one (based on comment at end of
                phelp = "---" + _(
To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context).
To remove '+' lines, delete them.
Lines starting with # will be removed from the patch.

If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be
added to the record list. If it does not apply cleanly, a rejects
file will be generated: you can use that when you try again. If
all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is aborted and
the hunk is left unchanged.
                (patchfd, patchfn) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="hg-editor-", suffix=".diff", text=True)
                ncpatchfp = None
                    # Write the initial patch
                    f = os.fdopen(patchfd, "w")
                    f.write("\n".join(["# " + i for i in phelp.splitlines()]))
                    # Start the editor and wait for it to complete
                    editor = ui.geteditor()
                        '%s "%s"' % (editor, patchfn),
                        environ={"HGUSER": ui.username()},
                        errprefix=_("edit failed"),
                    # Remove comment lines
                    patchfp = open(patchfn)
                    ncpatchfp = cStringIO.StringIO()
                    for line in patchfp:
                        if not line.startswith("#"):
                    newpatches = parsepatch(ncpatchfp)
                    del ncpatchfp
                # Signal that the chunk shouldn't be applied as-is, but
                # provide the new patch to be used instead.
                ret = False
            elif r == 3:  # Skip
                ret = skipfile = False
            elif r == 4:  # file (Record remaining)
                ret = skipfile = True
            elif r == 5:  # done, skip remaining
                ret = skipall = False
            elif r == 6:  # all
                ret = skipall = True
            elif r == 7:  # quit
                raise util.Abort(_("user quit"))
            return ret, skipfile, skipall, newpatches
Beispiel #17
    def prompt(skipfile, skipall, query, chunk):
        """prompt query, and process base inputs

        - y/n for the rest of file
        - y/n for the rest
        - ? (help)
        - q (quit)

        Return True/False and possibly updated skipfile and skipall.
        newpatches = None
        if skipall is not None:
            return skipall, skipfile, skipall, newpatches
        if skipfile is not None:
            return skipfile, skipfile, skipall, newpatches
        while True:
            resps = _('[Ynesfdaq?]')
            choices = (_('&Yes, record this change'),
                       _('&No, skip this change'),
                       _('&Edit the change manually'),
                       _('&Skip remaining changes to this file'),
                       _('Record remaining changes to this &file'),
                       _('&Done, skip remaining changes and files'),
                       _('Record &all changes to all remaining files'),
                       _('&Quit, recording no changes'), _('&?'))
            r = ui.promptchoice("%s %s" % (query, resps), choices)
            if r == 8:  # ?
                doc = gettext(record.__doc__)
                c = doc.find('::') + 2
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l.startswith('      '):
                        ui.write(l.strip(), '\n')
            elif r == 0:  # yes
                ret = True
            elif r == 1:  # no
                ret = False
            elif r == 2:  # Edit patch
                if chunk is None:
                    ui.write(_('cannot edit patch for whole file'))
                if chunk.header.binary():
                    ui.write(_('cannot edit patch for binary file'))
                # Patch comment based on the Git one (based on comment at end of
                phelp = '---' + _("""
To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context).
To remove '+' lines, delete them.
Lines starting with # will be removed from the patch.

If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be
added to the record list. If it does not apply cleanly, a rejects
file will be generated: you can use that when you try again. If
all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is aborted and
the hunk is left unchanged.
                (patchfd, patchfn) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="hg-editor-",
                ncpatchfp = None
                    # Write the initial patch
                    f = os.fdopen(patchfd, "w")
                    f.write('\n'.join(['# ' + i for i in phelp.splitlines()]))
                    # Start the editor and wait for it to complete
                    editor = ui.geteditor()
                    util.system("%s \"%s\"" % (editor, patchfn),
                                environ={'HGUSER': ui.username()},
                                errprefix=_("edit failed"),
                    # Remove comment lines
                    patchfp = open(patchfn)
                    ncpatchfp = cStringIO.StringIO()
                    for line in patchfp:
                        if not line.startswith('#'):
                    newpatches = parsepatch(ncpatchfp)
                    del ncpatchfp
                # Signal that the chunk shouldn't be applied as-is, but
                # provide the new patch to be used instead.
                ret = False
            elif r == 3:  # Skip
                ret = skipfile = False
            elif r == 4:  # file (Record remaining)
                ret = skipfile = True
            elif r == 5:  # done, skip remaining
                ret = skipall = False
            elif r == 6:  # all
                ret = skipall = True
            elif r == 7:  # quit
                raise util.Abort(_('user quit'))
            return ret, skipfile, skipall, newpatches
Beispiel #18
def mimport(ui, repo, *patterns, **opts):
    """qimport patches from mailboxes

    You will be prompted for whether to qimport items from every patch
    group found in configured mailboxes (see 'hg help mbox' for
    details). If patterns are passed they will be used to filter out
    patch groups not matching either of them. Group duplicates (based
    on group or first patch title and sender) are ignored too. For
    each query, the following responses are possible:

    n - skip this patch group
    y - qimport this patch group

    d - done, import selected patches and quit
    q - quit, importing nothing

    ? - display help
    if opts['mbox']:
        paths = [opts['mbox']]
        paths = ui.config('mbox', 'paths', '').split(os.pathsep)
    paths = [p.strip() for p in paths if p]
    if not paths:
        raise util.Abort(_('no mailbox path configured'))
    patchmessages = getpatchmessages(paths)

    matcher = makematcher(patterns)
    selecteds = []
    stop = False

    datefn = util.always
    if opts.get('date'):
        datefn = util.matchdate(opts.get('date'))
    orphans = opts.get('all')
    groups = filter(matcher, getgroups(patchmessages, datefn, orphans))
    def cmpgroup(a, b):
        return -cmp(a[1][0].date(), b[1][0].date())
    groups = removeduplicates(groups)

    for intro, patches in groups:
        if intro:
            ui.status('%s\n' % intro.subject)
            for p in patches:
                ui.status('    %s\n' % p.subject)
            ui.status('%s\n' % patches[0].subject)

        while 1:
            allowed = _('[Nydq?]')
            choices = [_('&No'), _('&Yes'), _('&Done'), _('&Quit'), _('&?')]
            r = ui.promptchoice(_('import this group? %s ') % allowed, choices)
            if r == 4:
                doc = gettext(mimport.__doc__)
                c = doc.find(_('n - skip this patch group'))
                for l in doc[c:].splitlines():
                    if l:
                        ui.write(l.strip(), '\n')
            elif r == 1:
            elif r == 2:
                stop = True
            elif r == 3:
                raise util.Abort(_('user quit'))

        if stop:

    importpatches(ui, repo, selecteds)