def homogen(h0, f, n):
    # First lets generate the uniform mesh for this mesh width
    mesh = msh.grid_square(1, h0)
    # Matrix of nodes
    p = mesh[0]
    # Matrix of triangles index
    t = mesh[1]
    # Now lets compute the stiffness matrix
    A = fem.stiffness(p, t)
    # Lets compute the load vector
    Load = fem.load(p, t, n, f)
    # Lets compute the vector m that analogous to the load vector
    # with f(x.y)=1
    m = fem.load(p, t, n, lambda x, y: 1)
    # Lets create the matrix and vectors of the modified bigger system to
    # solve with lagrangian multipliers of size (size(A)+(1,1))
    size = A.shape[0]
    B = sparse.lil_matrix(np.zeros([size + 1, size + 1]))
    B[0:size, 0:size] = A
    B[0:size, size] = m
    B[size, 0:size] = m.transpose()
    # We add a zero at the end of f
    Load = np.concatenate((Load, np.array([[0]])))
    # Now lets get the solution of the linear system using spsolve function
    U = spla.spsolve(B, Load)
    #We extract the solution u and the multiplicer l
    u = U[0:size]
    l = U[size]
    # We return [p,t,u,l]
    return p, t, u, l
Beispiel #2
def homogen(h0,f,n):
	# First lets generate the uniform mesh for this mesh width
	# Matrix of nodes
	# Matrix of triangles index
	# Now lets compute the stiffness matrix
	# Lets compute the load vector
	# Lets compute the vector m that analogous to the load vector
	# with f(x.y)=1
	m=fem.load(p,t,n,lambda x,y:1)
	# Lets create the matrix and vectors of the modified bigger system to
	# solve with lagrangian multipliers of size (size(A)+(1,1))
	# We add a zero at the end of f 
	# Now lets get the solution of the linear system using spsolve function
	#We extract the solution u and the multiplicer l
	# We return [p,t,u,l]
	return p,t,u,l
Beispiel #3
def dirichlet_nonhomogeneous(h0, f, g, n):
    # First lets generate the uniform mesh for this mesh width
    mesh = msh.grid_square(1, h0)
    # Matrix of nodes
    p = mesh[0]
    # Matrix of triangles index
    t = mesh[1]
    # Matrix of border element index
    be = mesh[2]
    # Lets get the interior nodes in the mesh
    innod = fem.interiorNodes(p, t, be)
    # Rewrite the innod to match with indices beginning at 0
    innod = [i - 1 for i in innod]
    # Now lets compute the stiffness matrix
    Stiff = fem.stiffness(p, t)
    # Now lets compute the mass matrix
    Mass = fem.mass(p, t)
    # Lets compute the load vector
    Load = fem.load(p, t, n, f)
    # The complete matrix for the bilinear form is given by the sum of
    # the stiffness and the mass
    B = Stiff + Mass
    # Lets define a vector with of the values of u_g in each node
    # that is zero in the innernodes and g everywhere else
    ug = np.array([g(p[i][0], p[i][1]) for i in range(len(p))])
    ug[innod] = np.zeros(len(innod))
    # Calculate the new load vector with the Dirichleft taken in account
    Load = Load -, 1)
    # Now lets get the homogeneous problem solution as we did before
    # First lets initialize the array in zeros to respect the homogeneous
    # Dirichlet boundary conditions
    U = np.zeros(len(p))
    # Lets take just the interior points in the matrix B and the Load vector
    Bint = B[innod][:, innod]
    Loadint = Load[innod]
    # Now lets get the solution of the linear system of the interior points
    # using spsolve function
    Uint = spla.spsolve(Bint, Loadint)
    # We put them in the correspondence interior points of the complete
    # solution
    U[innod] = Uint
    # Finally we sum up the two solutions to get the final solution
    u = U + ug
    # We return [p,t,U]
    return p, t, u
def dirichlet_nonhomogeneous(h0, f, g, n):
    # First lets generate the uniform mesh for this mesh width
    mesh = msh.grid_square(1, h0)
    # Matrix of nodes
    p = mesh[0]
    # Matrix of triangles index
    t = mesh[1]
    # Matrix of border element index
    be = mesh[2]
    #Lets get the interior nodes in the mesh
    innod = fem.interiorNodes(p, t, be)
    # Rewrite the innod to match with indices beginning at 0
    innod = [i - 1 for i in innod]
    # Now lets compute the stiffness matrix
    Stiff = fem.stiffness(p, t)
    # Now lets compute the mass matrix
    Mass = fem.mass(p, t)
    # Lets compute the load vector
    Load = fem.load(p, t, n, f)
    # The complete matrix for the bilinear form is given by the sum of
    #the stiffness and the mass
    B = Stiff + Mass
    # Lets define a vector with of the values of u_g in each node
    # that is zero in the innernodes and g everywhere else
    ug = np.array([g(p[i][0], p[i][1]) for i in range(len(p))])
    ug[innod] = np.zeros(len(innod))
    #Calculate the new load vector with the Dirichleft taken in account
    Load = Load -, 1)
    #Now lets get the homogeneous problem solution as we did before
    # First lets initialize the array in zeros to respect the homogeneous
    # Dirichlet boundary conditions
    U = np.zeros(len(p))
    # Lets take just the interior points in the matrix B and the Load vector
    Bint = B[innod][:, innod]
    Loadint = Load[innod]
    # Now lets get the solution of the linear system of the interior points
    # using spsolve function
    Uint = spla.spsolve(Bint, Loadint)
    # We put them in the correspondence interior points of the complete
    # solution
    U[innod] = Uint
    # Finally we sum up the two solutions to get the final solution
    u = U + ug
    # We return [p,t,U]
    return p, t, u
Beispiel #5
def neumann(h0, f, n):
    # First lets generate the uniform mesh for this mesh width
    mesh = msh.grid_square(1, h0)
    # Matrix of nodes
    p = mesh[0]
    # Matrix of triangles index
    t = mesh[1]
    # Now lets compute the stiffness matrix
    Stiff = fem.stiffness(p, t)
    # Now lets compute the mass matrix
    Mass = fem.mass(p, t)
    # Lets compute the load vector
    Load = fem.load(p, t, n, f)
    # The complete matrix for the bilinear form is given by the sum of
    #the stiffness and the mass
    B = Stiff + Mass
    # Now lets get the solution of the linear system using spsolve function
    U = spla.spsolve(B, Load)
    # We return [p,t,U]
    return p, t, U
Beispiel #6
def neumann(h0,f,n):
	# First lets generate the uniform mesh for this mesh width
	# Matrix of nodes
	# Matrix of triangles index
	# Now lets compute the stiffness matrix
	# Now lets compute the mass matrix
	# Lets compute the load vector
	# The complete matrix for the bilinear form is given by the sum of 
	#the stiffness and the mass
	# Now lets get the solution of the linear system using spsolve function
	# We return [p,t,U]
	return p,t,U
Beispiel #7
def main(h0, n):
    p, t, be = mesh.grid_square(2, h0)  # shift mesh to origin#
    h = mesh.max_mesh_width(p, t)
    IN = fem.interiorNodes(p, t, be)
    S = fem.stiffness(p, t)
    M = fem.mass(p, t)
    L = fem.load(p, t, n, lambda x, y: 1)
    S = S.tocsr()
    M = M.tocsr()
    L = L.tocsr()

    # neumannnodes
    N = np.zeros(len(p))
    j = 0
    for i in range(0, len(p)):
        if p[i, 0] == 0 or p[i, 0] == 2:
            if 2 > p[i, 1] and p[i, 1] >= 1:
                N[j] = i
                j = j + 1
        if p[i, 1] == 2:
            N[j] = i
            j = j + 1
    j = j - 1  # number of neumannnodes
    Sr = sp.csr_matrix((len(IN) + j, len(IN) + j))
    Mr = sp.csr_matrix((len(IN) + j, len(IN) + j))
    Lr = sp.csr_matrix((len(IN) + j, 1))
    A = sp.csr_matrix((len(IN) + j, len(p)))
    for i in range(0, len(IN)):
        A[i, IN[i]] = 1

    for i in range(0, j):
        A[i + len(IN), N[i]] = 1
    Sr = A * S * A.transpose()
    Mr = A * M * A.transpose()
    Lr = A * L
    un = spla.spsolve(Sr + Mr, Lr)

    u1 = A.transpose() * un
    fem.plot(p, t, u1)
Beispiel #8
def dirichlet_homogeneous(h0,f,n):
	# First lets generate the uniform mesh for this mesh width
	# Matrix of nodes
	# Matrix of triangles index
	# Matrix of border element index
	#Lets get the interior nodes in the mesh
	# Rewrite the innod to match with indices beginning at 0
	innod=[i-1 for i in innod]
	# Now lets compute the stiffness matrix
	# Now lets compute the mass matrix
	# Lets compute the load vector
	# The complete matrix for the bilinear form is given by the sum of 
	#the stiffness and the mass
	# Now lets initialize the array in zeros to respect the homogeneous 
	# Dirichlet boundary conditions 
	# Lets take just the interior points in the matrix B and the Load vector
	# Now lets get the solution of the linear system of the interior points
	# using spsolve function
	# Finally we put them in the correspondence interior points of the complete
	# solution
	# We return [p,t,U]
	return p,t,U
Beispiel #9
def dirichlet_homogeneous(h0, f, n):
    # First lets generate the uniform mesh for this mesh width
    mesh = msh.grid_square(1, h0)
    # Matrix of nodes
    p = mesh[0]
    # Matrix of triangles index
    t = mesh[1]
    # Matrix of border element index
    be = mesh[2]
    #Lets get the interior nodes in the mesh
    innod = fem.interiorNodes(p, t, be)
    # Rewrite the innod to match with indices beginning at 0
    innod = [i - 1 for i in innod]
    # Now lets compute the stiffness matrix
    Stiff = fem.stiffness(p, t)
    # Now lets compute the mass matrix
    Mass = fem.mass(p, t)
    # Lets compute the load vector
    Load = fem.load(p, t, n, f)
    # The complete matrix for the bilinear form is given by the sum of
    #the stiffness and the mass
    B = Stiff + Mass
    # Now lets initialize the array in zeros to respect the homogeneous
    # Dirichlet boundary conditions
    U = np.zeros(len(p))
    # Lets take just the interior points in the matrix B and the Load vector
    Bint = B[innod][:, innod]
    Loadint = Load[innod]
    # Now lets get the solution of the linear system of the interior points
    # using spsolve function
    Uint = spla.spsolve(Bint, Loadint)
    # Finally we put them in the correspondence interior points of the complete
    # solution
    U[innod] = Uint
    # We return [p,t,U]
    return p, t, U
Beispiel #10
# a)
#Define the triangle with its nodes coordinates


# c) Lets define the source function by a lambda funcion

f = lambda x1,x2: x1*x2

# 2 Assembling the elements

# We gonna use the functions generated in the last homework to generate
# the meshes to study as benchmark

import meshes as msh




nodes=np.array([p[i-1] for i in t[K]])
Beispiel #11
import FEM as fem
import meshes as msh
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla

#We create the mesh
h0 = np.sqrt(2) / 5
mesh = msh.grid_square(1, h0)
# Matrix of nodes
pi = mesh[0]
# Matrix of triangles index
t = mesh[1]
# Matrix of boudary elements vertices
be = mesh[2]

# Lets get the coordinates of a triangle
K = 0
p = np.array([pi[i - 1] for i in t[K]])

#Lets define first the function f
f = lambda x1, x2: (8 * (np.pi**2) + 1) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x1) * np.cos(
    2 * np.pi * x2)
# The closest value of h0 to 1 to be able to generate a regular
h0 = np.sqrt(2) / 14
n = 3

# Lets get another time the mesh
h0 = np.sqrt(2) / 10
mesh = msh.grid_square(1, h0)
Beispiel #12
import scipy as sp 
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla

# To get a solution u(x,y)=cos(pi x)*cos(pi y) the source function must 
# be f(x,y)=(2 pi^2)cos(pi x)*cos(pi y)

#lets define the source function
f= lambda x1,x2: (2*np.pi**2)*np.cos(np.pi*x1)*np.cos(np.pi*x2)
# The order of the quadrature will be 3
# The closest value of h0 to 0.1 to be able to generate a regular 

# We create the mesh
# Matrix of nodes
# Matrix of triangles index
# Matrix of boudary elements vertices



g= lambda x1,x2: np.cos(np.pi*x1)*np.cos(np.pi*x2)

sum(map(lambda K:(TB(be,p,K).transpose()
    .dot(elemLoadNeumann(np.array([p[i-1] for i in be[K]]),n,g))),range(0,len(be))))
import meshes
import FEM
import time
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla

meshwidth = 0.05
processes = 8




print "difference of matrices:        ", spla.onenormest(seqM-parM)
print "time for sequential assembling:", seqTime
print "time for parallel assembling:  ", parTime
print "speed-up:  ", seqTime/parTime
print "efficiency:", (seqTime/parTime)/processes
Beispiel #14
file = 'square_mesh.msh'
mesh1 = msh.read_gmsh(file)
p1 = mesh1[0]
t1 = mesh1[1]
#Name of the file of the output plot
file = 'unstructured.png'
title = 'Unstructured mesh', t1, file, title)

# Get the p and t arrays for the regular mesh of the square of side 1
# For structured meshes the value of h0 is not arbitrary, as it has to fit
# a integer number of 1-dimensional elements in each border, the closest
# h0 to 0.01 that fullfill that is h0=np.sqrt(2)/14=0.10101....
a = 1
h0 = np.sqrt(2) / 14
mesh2 = msh.grid_square(a, h0)
p2 = mesh2[0]
t2 = mesh2[1]
#Name of the file of the output plot
file = 'regular.png'
title = 'Regular mesh', t2, file, title)

# Lets plot the number of nodes depending on maximal mesh width for the
# unstructured mesh generated by gmsh, all of them are meshes for a square of side length a=1, and
# the value of maximal width will be varied in gmsh in 6 different values:

# Lets put in an array yu the number of nodes for each h0
# and xu for the actual mesh width calculated with max_mesh_width

xu = []