def get_curved_surf_triangle_centers(vtx, rad, detector_r=1.0, focal_length=1.0, nsteps=10, b_pxl=4): #Changed the rotation matrix to try and keep the curved surface towards the interior #Make sure diameter, etc. are set properly curved_surf_triangle_centers = [] mesh_surf, ring = curved_surface2(detector_r, diameter=2 * rad, nsteps=nsteps, base_pxl=b_pxl, ret_arr=True) initial_curved_surf = mh.rotate( mesh_surf, make_rotation_matrix(-np.pi / 2, (1, 0, 0))) #-np.pi with curved_surface2 triangles_per_surface = initial_curved_surf.triangles.shape[0] phi, axs = rot_axis([0, 0, 1], vtx) for vx, ph, ax in zip(vtx, -phi, axs): curved_surf_triangle_centers.extend( mh.shift( mh.rotate(initial_curved_surf, make_rotation_matrix(ph, ax)), -normalize(vx) * (np.linalg.norm(vx) + focal_length)).get_triangle_centers()) return np.asarray( curved_surf_triangle_centers), triangles_per_surface, ring
def BuildBlocker(radius, height): nsteps = 50 x_value = np.linspace(radius, radius + 200, nsteps) y_value = [1] * nsteps blocker = make.rotate_extrude(x_value, y_value, nsteps) blocker = mh.rotate(blocker, make_rotation_matrix(+np.pi / 2, (1, 0, 0))) blocker = mh.shift(blocker, (0, 0, height)) return blocker
def PlotBlocker(radius, height): nsteps = 30 x_value = np.linspace(radius, radius + 200, nsteps) y_value = [0] * nsteps blocker = make.rotate_extrude(x_value, y_value, nsteps) blocker = mh.rotate(blocker, make_rotation_matrix(+np.pi / 2, (1, 0, 0))) blocker = mh.shift(blocker, (0, 0, height)) blocker_triangles = blocker.get_triangle_centers() blocker_vertices = blocker.assemble() X = blocker_vertices[:, :, 0].flatten() Y = blocker_vertices[:, :, 1].flatten() Z = blocker_vertices[:, :, 2].flatten() trianglesblocker = [[3 * ii, 3 * ii + 1, 3 * ii + 2] for ii in range(len(X) / 3)] triang = Triangulation(X, Y, trianglesblocker) return triang, Z
def build_kabamland(kabamland, configname): # focal_length sets dist between lens plane and PMT plane (or back of curved detecting surface); #(need not equal true lens focal length) config = detectorconfig.configdict(configname) _, lens = kb.get_lens_triangle_centers( config.edge_length, config.base, config.diameter_ratio, config.thickness_ratio, config.half_EPD, config.blockers, blocker_thickness_ratio=config.blocker_thickness_ratio, light_confinement=config.light_confinement, focal_length=config.focal_length, lens_system_name=config.lens_system_name) surf = mh.rotate( kb.curved_surface2(config.detector_r, diameter=2 * kb.find_max_radius(config.edge_length, config.base), nsteps=9), make_rotation_matrix(-np.pi / 2, (1, 0, 0))) surf = mh.shift(surf, (0, 0, -config.focal_length)) kabamland.add_solid(Solid(surf,,, lm.fulldetect, 0x0000FF), rotation=None, displacement=(0, 0, 0)) kabamland.add_solid(Solid(lens, lm.lensmat,, rotation=None, displacement=None) blocker = BuildBlocker( np.max(lens.assemble()[:, :, 0].flatten()), lens.assemble()[:, :, 2].flatten()[np.argmax(lens.assemble()[:, :, 0].flatten())]) kabamland.add_solid(Solid(blocker,,, lm.fullabsorb, 0x0000FF), rotation=None, displacement=(0, 0, 0)) kabamland.channel_index_to_channel_id = [1] return lens, surf
def build_lens_icosahedron(kabamland, vtx, rad, diameter_ratio, thickness_ratio, half_EPD, blockers=True, blocker_thickness_ratio=1.0 / 1000, light_confinement=False, focal_length=1.0, lens_system_name=None): """input edge length of icosahedron 'edge_length', the number of small triangles in the base of each face 'base', the ratio of the diameter of each lens to the maximum diameter possible 'diameter_ratio' (or the fraction of the default such ratio, if a curved detector lens system), the ratio of the thickness of the lens to the chosen (not maximum) diameter 'thickness_ratio', the radius of the blocking entrance pupil 'half_EPD', and the ratio of the thickness of the blockers to that of the lenses 'blocker_thickness_ratio' to return the icosahedron of lenses in kabamland. Light_confinment=True adds cylindrical shells behind each lens that absorb all the light that touches them, so that light doesn't overlap between lenses. If lens_system_name is a string that matches one of the lens systems in, the corresponding lenses and detectors will be built. Otherwise, a default simple lens will be built, with parameters hard-coded below. """ # Get the list of lens meshes from the appropriate lens system as well as the lens material''' scale_rad = rad * diameter_ratio #max_radius->rad of the lens assembly lenses = lenssystem.get_lens_mesh_list(lens_system_name, scale_rad) lensmat = lenssystem.get_lens_material(lens_system_name) face = None for lns in lenses: #lns = mh.rotate(lns,make_rotation_matrix(ph,ax)) if not face: face = Solid(lns, lensmat, kabamland.detector_material) else: face += Solid(lns, lensmat, kabamland.detector_material) if light_confinement: shield = mh.rotate( cylindrical_shell(rad * (1 - 0.001), rad, focal_length, 32), make_rotation_matrix(np.pi / 2.0, (1, 0, 0))) baffle = Solid(shield, lensmat, kabamland.detector_material, black_surface, 0xff0000) if blockers: blocker_thickness = 2 * rad * blocker_thickness_ratio if half_EPD < rad: c1 = lenssystem.get_lens_sys( lens_system_name).c1 * lenssystem.get_scale_factor( lens_system_name, scale_rad) offset = [0, 0, c1 - np.sqrt(c1 * c1 - rad * rad)] anulus_blocker = mh.shift( mh.rotate( cylindrical_shell(half_EPD, rad, blocker_thickness, 32), make_rotation_matrix(np.pi / 2.0, (1, 0, 0))), offset) face += Solid(anulus_blocker, lensmat, kabamland.detector_material, black_surface, 0xff0000) phi, axs = rot_axis([0, 0, 1], vtx) for vx, ph, ax in zip(vtx, -phi, axs): kabamland.add_solid(face, rotation=make_rotation_matrix(ph, ax), displacement=-vx) if light_confinement: kabamland.add_solid(baffle, rotation=make_rotation_matrix(ph, ax), displacement=-normalize(vx) * (np.linalg.norm(vx) + focal_length / 2.0))