Beispiel #1
class Attribute(BaseObject):
    stringIsLinkRe = re.compile('^\{[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_.]*\}$')

    def __init__(self, node, attributeDesc, isOutput, root=None, parent=None):
        Attribute constructor

            node (Node): the Node hosting this Attribute
            attributeDesc (desc.Attribute): the description of this Attribute
            isOutput (bool): whether this Attribute is an output of the Node
            root (Attribute): (optional) the root Attribute (List or Group) containing this one
            parent (BaseObject): (optional) the parent BaseObject
        super(Attribute, self).__init__(parent)
        self._name =
        self._root = None if root is None else weakref.ref(root)
        self._node = weakref.ref(node)
        self.attributeDesc = attributeDesc
        self._isOutput = isOutput
        self._value = copy.copy(attributeDesc.value)
        self._label = attributeDesc.label
        self._enabled = True

        # invalidation value for output attributes
        self._invalidationValue = ""

    def node(self):
        return self._node()

    def root(self):
        return self._root() if self._root else None

    def absoluteName(self):
        return '{}.{}.{}'.format(,,

    def getFullName(self):
        """ Name inside the Graph: """
        if isinstance(self.root, ListAttribute):
            return '{}[{}]'.format(self.root.getFullName(),
        elif isinstance(self.root, GroupAttribute):
            return '{}.{}'.format(self.root.getFullName(), self._name)
        return '{}.{}'.format(, self._name)

    def asLinkExpr(self):
        """ Return link expression for this Attribute """
        return "{" + self.getFullName() + "}"

    def getName(self):
        """ Attribute name """
        return self._name

    def getType(self):
        return self.attributeDesc.__class__.__name__

    def getBaseType(self):
        return self.getType()

    def getLabel(self):
        return self._label

    def getEnabled(self):
        if isinstance(self.desc.enabled, types.FunctionType):
                return self.desc.enabled(self.node)
                # Node implementation may fail due to version mismatch
                return True
        return self.attributeDesc.enabled

    def setEnabled(self, v):
        if self._enabled == v:
        self._enabled = v

    def _get_value(self):
        return self.getLinkParam().value if self.isLink else self._value

    def _set_value(self, value):
        if self._value == value:

        if isinstance(value, Attribute) or Attribute.isLinkExpression(value):
            # if we set a link to another attribute
            self._value = value
            # if we set a new value, we use the attribute descriptor validator to check the validity of the value
            # and apply some conversion if needed
            convertedValue = self.desc.validateValue(value)
            self._value = convertedValue
        # Request graph update when input parameter value is set
        # and parent node belongs to a graph
        # Output attributes value are set internally during the update process,
        # which is why we don't trigger any update in this case
        # TODO: update only the nodes impacted by this change
        # TODO: only update the graph if this attribute participates to a UID
        if self.isInput:

    def resetValue(self):
        self._value = self.attributeDesc.value

    def requestGraphUpdate(self):
        if self.node.graph:

    def isOutput(self):
        return self._isOutput

    def isInput(self):
        return not self._isOutput

    def uid(self, uidIndex=-1):
        # 'uidIndex' should be in 'self.desc.uid' but in the case of linked attribute
        # it will not be the case (so we cannot have an assert).
        if self.isOutput:
            # only dependent on the hash of its value without the cache folder
            return hashValue(self._invalidationValue)
        if self.isLink:
            return self.getLinkParam().uid(uidIndex)
        if isinstance(self._value, (
            # hash of sorted values hashed
            return hashValue([hashValue(v) for v in sorted(self._value)])
        return hashValue(self._value)

    def isLink(self):
        """ Whether the attribute is a link to another attribute. """
        # note: directly use self.node.graph._edges to avoid using the property that may become invalid at some point
        return self.node.graph and self.isInput and self.node.graph._edges and self in self.node.graph._edges.keys(

    def isLinkExpression(value):
        Return whether the given argument is a link expression.
        A link expression is a string matching the {nodeName.attrName} pattern.
        return isinstance(value, pyCompatibility.basestring
                          ) and Attribute.stringIsLinkRe.match(value)

    def getLinkParam(self, recursive=False):
        if not self.isLink:
            return None
        linkParam = self.node.graph.edge(self).src
        if not recursive:
            return linkParam
        if linkParam.isLink:
            return linkParam.getLinkParam(recursive)
        return linkParam

    def hasOutputConnections(self):
        """ Whether the attribute has output connections, i.e is the source of at least one edge. """
        # safety check to avoid evaluation errors
        if not self.node.graph or not self.node.graph.edges:
            return False
        return next(
             for edge in self.node.graph.edges.values() if edge.src == self),
            None) is not None

    def _applyExpr(self):
        For string parameters with an expression (when loaded from file),
        this function convert the expression into a real edge in the graph
        and clear the string value.
        v = self._value
        g = self.node.graph
        if not g:
        if isinstance(v, Attribute):
            g.addEdge(v, self)
        elif self.isInput and Attribute.isLinkExpression(v):
            # value is a link to another attribute
            link = v[1:-1]
            linkNode, linkAttr = link.split('.')
                g.addEdge(g.node(linkNode).attribute(linkAttr), self)
            except KeyError as err:
                    'Connect Attribute from Expression failed.\nExpression: "{exp}"\nError: "{err}".'
                    .format(exp=v, err=err))

    def getExportValue(self):
        if self.isLink:
            return self.getLinkParam().asLinkExpr()
        if self.isOutput:
            return self.defaultValue()
        return self._value

    def getValueStr(self):
        if isinstance(self.attributeDesc,
                      desc.ChoiceParam) and not self.attributeDesc.exclusive:
            assert (isinstance(self.value, pyCompatibility.Sequence)
                    and not isinstance(self.value, pyCompatibility.basestring))
            return self.attributeDesc.joinChar.join(self.value)
        if isinstance(self.attributeDesc, (desc.StringParam, desc.File)):
            return '"{}"'.format(self.value)
        return str(self.value)

    def defaultValue(self):
        if isinstance(self.desc.value, types.FunctionType):
            return self.desc.value(self)
        # Need to force a copy, for the case where the value is a list (avoid reference to the desc value)
        return copy.copy(self.desc.value)

    def _isDefault(self):
        return self._value == self.defaultValue()

    def getPrimitiveValue(self, exportDefault=True):
        return self._value

    def updateInternals(self):
        # Emit if the enable status has changed

    name = Property(str, getName, constant=True)
    fullName = Property(str, getFullName, constant=True)
    label = Property(str, getLabel, constant=True)
    type = Property(str, getType, constant=True)
    baseType = Property(str, getType, constant=True)
    desc = Property(desc.Attribute,
                    lambda self: self.attributeDesc,
    valueChanged = Signal()
    value = Property(Variant, _get_value, _set_value, notify=valueChanged)
    isOutput = Property(bool, isOutput.fget, constant=True)
    isLinkChanged = Signal()
    isLink = Property(bool, isLink.fget, notify=isLinkChanged)
    hasOutputConnectionsChanged = Signal()
    hasOutputConnections = Property(bool,
    isDefault = Property(bool, _isDefault, notify=valueChanged)
    linkParam = Property(BaseObject, getLinkParam, notify=isLinkChanged)
    rootLinkParam = Property(BaseObject,
                             lambda self: self.getLinkParam(recursive=True),
    node = Property(BaseObject, node.fget, constant=True)
    enabledChanged = Signal()
    enabled = Property(bool, getEnabled, setEnabled, notify=enabledChanged)
Beispiel #2
class Graph(BaseObject):
    _________________      _________________      _________________
    |               |      |               |      |               |
    |     Node A    |      |     Node B    |      |     Node C    |
    |               | edge |               | edge |               |
    |input    output|>---->|input    output|>---->|input    output|
    |_______________|      |_______________|      |_______________|

    Data structures:

        nodes = {'A': <nodeA>, 'B': <nodeB>, 'C': <nodeC>}
        edges = {B.input: A.output, C.input: B.output,}

    _cacheDir = ""

    class IO(object):
        """ Centralize Graph file keys and IO version. """
        __version__ = "1.1"

        class Keys(object):
            """ File Keys. """
            # Doesn't inherit enum to simplify usage (Graph.IO.Keys.XX, without .value)
            Header = "header"
            NodesVersions = "nodesVersions"
            ReleaseVersion = "releaseVersion"
            FileVersion = "fileVersion"
            Graph = "graph"

        class Features(Enum):
            """ File Features. """
            Graph = "graph"
            Header = "header"
            NodesVersions = "nodesVersions"
            PrecomputedOutputs = "precomputedOutputs"
            NodesPositions = "nodesPositions"

        def getFeaturesForVersion(fileVersion):
            """ Return the list of supported features based on a file version.

                fileVersion (str, Version): the file version

                tuple of Graph.IO.Features: the list of supported features
            if isinstance(fileVersion, pyCompatibility.basestring):
                fileVersion = Version(fileVersion)

            features = [Graph.IO.Features.Graph]
            if fileVersion >= Version("1.0"):
                features += [Graph.IO.Features.Header,
            if fileVersion >= Version("1.1"):
                features += [Graph.IO.Features.NodesPositions]
            return tuple(features)

    def __init__(self, name, parent=None):
        super(Graph, self).__init__(parent) = name
        self._updateEnabled = True
        self._updateRequested = False
        self.dirtyTopology = False
        self._nodesMinMaxDepths = {}
        self._computationBlocked = {}
        self._canComputeLeaves = True
        self._nodes = DictModel(keyAttrName='name', parent=self)
        self._edges = DictModel(keyAttrName='dst', parent=self)  # use dst attribute as unique key since it can only have one input connection
        self._compatibilityNodes = DictModel(keyAttrName='name', parent=self)
        self.cacheDir = meshroom.core.defaultCacheFolder
        self._filepath = ''
        self.header = {}

    def clear(self):
        # Tell QML nodes are going to be deleted
        for node in self._nodes:
            node.alive = False

    def fileFeatures(self):
        """ Get loaded file supported features based on its version. """
        if not self._filepath:
            return []
        return Graph.IO.getFeaturesForVersion(self.header.get(Graph.IO.Keys.FileVersion, "0.0"))

    def load(self, filepath, setupProjectFile=True):
        Load a meshroom graph ".mg" file.

            filepath: project filepath to load
            setupProjectFile: Store the reference to the project file and setup the cache directory.
                              If false, it only loads the graph of the project file as a template.
        with open(filepath) as jsonFile:
            fileData = json.load(jsonFile)

        # older versions of Meshroom files only contained the serialized nodes
        graphData = fileData.get(Graph.IO.Keys.Graph, fileData)

        if not isinstance(graphData, dict):
            raise RuntimeError('loadGraph error: Graph is not a dict. File: {}'.format(filepath))

        self.header = fileData.get(Graph.IO.Keys.Header, {})
        nodesVersions = self.header.get(Graph.IO.Keys.NodesVersions, {})

        with GraphModification(self):
            # iterate over nodes sorted by suffix index in their names
            for nodeName, nodeData in sorted(graphData.items(), key=lambda x: self.getNodeIndexFromName(x[0])):
                if not isinstance(nodeData, dict):
                    raise RuntimeError('loadGraph error: Node is not a dict. File: {}'.format(filepath))

                # retrieve version from
                #   1. nodeData: node saved from a CompatibilityNode
                #   2. nodesVersion in file header: node saved from a Node
                #   3. fallback to no version "0.0": retro-compatibility
                if "version" not in nodeData:
                    nodeData["version"] = nodesVersions.get(nodeData["nodeType"], "0.0")
                n = nodeFactory(nodeData, nodeName)

                # Add node to the graph with raw attributes values
                self._addNode(n, nodeName)

            # Create graph edges by resolving attributes expressions

            if setupProjectFile:
                # Update filepath related members
                # Note: needs to be done at the end as it will trigger an updateInternals.

        return True

    def updateEnabled(self):
        return self._updateEnabled

    def updateEnabled(self, enabled):
        self._updateEnabled = enabled
        if enabled and self._updateRequested:
            # Trigger an update if requested while disabled
            self._updateRequested = False

    def _addNode(self, node, uniqueName):
        Internal method to add the given node to this Graph, with the given name (must be unique).
        Attribute expressions are not resolved.
        if node.graph is not None and node.graph != self:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Node "{}" cannot be part of the Graph "{}", as it is already part of the other graph "{}".'.format(

        assert uniqueName not in self._nodes.keys()
        node._name = uniqueName
        node.graph = self

    def addNode(self, node, uniqueName=None):
        Add the given node to this Graph with an optional unique name,
        and resolve attributes expressions.
        self._addNode(node, uniqueName if uniqueName else self._createUniqueNodeName(node.nodeType))
        # Resolve attribute expressions
        with GraphModification(self):
        return node

    def copyNode(self, srcNode, withEdges=False):
        Get a copy instance of a node outside the graph.

            srcNode (Node): the node to copy
            withEdges (bool): whether to copy edges

            Node, dict: the created node instance,
                        a dictionary of linked attributes with their original value (empty if withEdges is True)
        with GraphModification(self):
            # create a new node of the same type and with the same attributes values
            # keep links as-is so that CompatibilityNodes attributes can be created with correct automatic description
            # (File params for link expressions)
            node = nodeFactory(srcNode.toDict(), srcNode.nodeType)  # use nodeType as name
            # skip edges: filter out attributes which are links by resetting default values
            skippedEdges = {}
            if not withEdges:
                for n, attr in node.attributes.items():
                    # find top-level links
                    if Attribute.isLinkExpression(attr.value):
                        skippedEdges[attr] = attr.value
                    # find links in ListAttribute children
                    elif isinstance(attr, ListAttribute):
                        for child in attr.value:
                            if Attribute.isLinkExpression(child.value):
                                skippedEdges[child] = child.value
        return node, skippedEdges

    def duplicateNode(self, srcNode):
        """ Duplicate a node in the graph with its connections.

            srcNode: the node to duplicate

            Node: the created node
        node, edges = self.copyNode(srcNode, withEdges=True)
        return self.addNode(node)

    def duplicateNodesFromNode(self, fromNode):
        Duplicate 'fromNode' and all the following nodes towards graph's leaves.

            fromNode (Node): the node to start the duplication from

            OrderedDict[Node, Node]: the source->duplicate map
        srcNodes, srcEdges = self.nodesFromNode(fromNode)
        # use OrderedDict to keep duplicated nodes creation order
        duplicates = OrderedDict()

        with GraphModification(self):
            duplicateEdges = {}
            # first, duplicate all nodes without edges and keep a 'source=>duplicate' map
            # keeps tracks of non-created edges for later remap
            for srcNode in srcNodes:
                node, edges = self.copyNode(srcNode, withEdges=False)
                duplicate = self.addNode(node)
                duplicates[srcNode] = duplicate  # original node to duplicate map

            # re-create edges taking into account what has been duplicated
            for attr, linkExpression in duplicateEdges.items():
                link = linkExpression[1:-1]  # remove starting '{' and trailing '}'
                # get source node and attribute name
                edgeSrcNodeName, edgeSrcAttrName = link.split(".", 1)
                edgeSrcNode = self.node(edgeSrcNodeName)
                # if the edge's source node has been duplicated, use the duplicate; otherwise use the original node
                edgeSrcNode = duplicates.get(edgeSrcNode, edgeSrcNode)
                self.addEdge(edgeSrcNode.attribute(edgeSrcAttrName), attr)

        return duplicates

    def outEdges(self, attribute):
        """ Return the list of edges starting from the given attribute """
        # type: (Attribute,) -> [Edge]
        return [edge for edge in self.edges if edge.src == attribute]

    def nodeInEdges(self, node):
        # type: (Node) -> [Edge]
        """ Return the list of edges arriving to this node """
        return [edge for edge in self.edges if edge.dst.node == node]

    def nodeOutEdges(self, node):
        # type: (Node) -> [Edge]
        """ Return the list of edges starting from this node """
        return [edge for edge in self.edges if edge.src.node == node]

    def removeNode(self, nodeName):
        Remove the node identified by 'nodeName' from the graph
        and return in and out edges removed by this operation in two dicts {dstAttr.getFullName(), srcAttr.getFullName()}
        node = self.node(nodeName)
        inEdges = {}
        outEdges = {}

        # Remove all edges arriving to and starting from this node
        with GraphModification(self):
            for edge in self.nodeOutEdges(node):
                outEdges[edge.dst.getFullName()] = edge.src.getFullName()
            for edge in self.nodeInEdges(node):
                inEdges[edge.dst.getFullName()] = edge.src.getFullName()

            node.alive = False

        return inEdges, outEdges

    def addNewNode(self, nodeType, name=None, position=None, **kwargs):
        Create and add a new node to the graph.

            nodeType (str): the node type name.
            name (str): if specified, the desired name for this node. If not unique, will be prefixed (_N).
            position (Position): (optional) the position of the node
            **kwargs: keyword arguments to initialize node's attributes

             The newly created node.
        if name and name in self._nodes.keys():
            name = self._createUniqueNodeName(name)

        n = self.addNode(Node(nodeType, position=position, **kwargs), uniqueName=name)
        return n

    def _createUniqueNodeName(self, inputName):
        i = 1
        while i:
            newName = "{name}_{index}".format(name=inputName, index=i)
            if newName not in self._nodes.objects:
                return newName
            i += 1

    def node(self, nodeName):
        return self._nodes.get(nodeName)

    def upgradeNode(self, nodeName):
        Upgrade the CompatibilityNode identified as 'nodeName'
            nodeName (str): the name of the CompatibilityNode to upgrade

            the list of deleted input/output edges
        node = self.node(nodeName)
        if not isinstance(node, CompatibilityNode):
            raise ValueError("Upgrade is only available on CompatibilityNode instances.")
        upgradedNode = node.upgrade()
        with GraphModification(self):
            inEdges, outEdges = self.removeNode(nodeName)
            self.addNode(upgradedNode, nodeName)
            for dst, src in outEdges.items():
                    self.addEdge(self.attribute(src), self.attribute(dst))
                except (KeyError, ValueError) as e:
                    logging.warning("Failed to restore edge {} -> {}: {}".format(src, dst, str(e)))

        return upgradedNode, inEdges, outEdges

    def upgradeAllNodes(self):
        """ Upgrade all upgradable CompatibilityNode instances in the graph. """
        nodeNames = [name for name, n in self._compatibilityNodes.items() if n.canUpgrade]
        with GraphModification(self):
            for nodeName in nodeNames:

    @Slot(str, result=Attribute)
    def attribute(self, fullName):
        # type: (str) -> Attribute
        Return the attribute identified by the unique name 'fullName'.
        node, attribute = fullName.split('.', 1)
        return self.node(node).attribute(attribute)

    def getNodeIndexFromName(name):
        """ Nodes are created with a suffix index; returns this index by parsing node name.

            name (str): the node name
             int: the index retrieved from node name (-1 if not found)
            return int(name.split('_')[-1])
            return -1

    def sortNodesByIndex(nodes):
        Sort the given list of Nodes using the suffix index in their names.
        [NodeName_1, NodeName_0] => [NodeName_0, NodeName_1]

            nodes (list[Node]): the list of Nodes to sort
            list[Node]: the sorted list of Nodes based on their index
        return sorted(nodes, key=lambda x: Graph.getNodeIndexFromName(

    def nodesByType(self, nodeType, sortedByIndex=True):
        Returns all Nodes of the given nodeType.

            nodeType (str): the node type name to consider.
            sortedByIndex (bool): whether to sort the nodes by their index (see Graph.sortNodesByIndex)
            list[Node]: the list of nodes matching the given nodeType.
        nodes = [n for n in self._nodes.values() if n.nodeType == nodeType]
        return self.sortNodesByIndex(nodes) if sortedByIndex else nodes

    def findNodeCandidates(self, nodeNameExpr):
        pattern = re.compile(nodeNameExpr)
        return [v for k, v in self._nodes.objects.items() if pattern.match(k)]

    def findNode(self, nodeExpr):
        candidates = self.findNodeCandidates('^' + nodeExpr)
        if not candidates:
            raise KeyError('No node candidate for "{}"'.format(nodeExpr))
        if len(candidates) > 1:
            raise KeyError('Multiple node candidates for "{}": {}'.format(nodeExpr, str([ for c in candidates])))
        return candidates[0]

    def findNodes(self, nodesExpr):
        return [self.findNode(nodeName) for nodeName in nodesExpr]

    def edge(self, dstAttributeName):
        return self._edges.get(dstAttributeName)

    def getLeaves(self):
        nodesWithOutput = set([edge.src.node for edge in self.edges])
        return set(self._nodes) - nodesWithOutput

    def addEdge(self, srcAttr, dstAttr):
        assert isinstance(srcAttr, Attribute)
        assert isinstance(dstAttr, Attribute)
        if srcAttr.node.graph != self or dstAttr.node.graph != self:
            raise RuntimeError('The attributes of the edge should be part of a common graph.')
        if dstAttr in self.edges.keys():
            raise RuntimeError('Destination attribute "{}" is already connected.'.format(dstAttr.getFullName()))
        edge = Edge(srcAttr, dstAttr)
        return edge

    def addEdges(self, *edges):
        with GraphModification(self):
            for edge in edges:

    def removeEdge(self, dstAttr):
        if dstAttr not in self.edges.keys():
            raise RuntimeError('Attribute "{}" is not connected'.format(dstAttr.getFullName()))

    def getDepth(self, node, minimal=False):
        """ Return node's depth in this Graph.
        By default, returns the maximal depth of the node unless minimal is set to True.

            node (Node): the node to consider.
            minimal (bool): whether to return the minimal depth instead of the maximal one (default).
            int: the node's depth in this Graph.
        assert node.graph == self
        assert not self.dirtyTopology
        minDepth, maxDepth = self._nodesMinMaxDepths[node]
        return minDepth if minimal else maxDepth

    def getInputEdges(self, node):
        return set([edge for edge in self.edges if edge.dst.node is node])

    def _getInputEdgesPerNode(self):
        nodeEdges = defaultdict(set)

        for edge in self.edges:

        return nodeEdges

    def _getOutputEdgesPerNode(self):
        nodeEdges = defaultdict(set)

        for edge in self.edges:

        return nodeEdges

    def dfs(self, visitor, startNodes=None, longestPathFirst=False, reverse=False):
        # Default direction: from node to root
        # Reverse direction: from node to leaves
        nodeChildren = self._getOutputEdgesPerNode() if reverse else self._getInputEdgesPerNode()
        # Initialize color map
        colors = {}
        for u in self._nodes:
            colors[u] = WHITE

        nodes = startNodes or self.getLeaves()

        if longestPathFirst:
            # Graph topology must be known and node depths up-to-date
            assert not self.dirtyTopology
            nodes = sorted(nodes, key=lambda item: item.depth)

            for node in nodes:
                self.dfsVisit(node, visitor, colors, nodeChildren, longestPathFirst)
        except StopGraphVisit:

    def dfsVisit(self, u, visitor, colors, nodeChildren, longestPathFirst):
            self._dfsVisit(u, visitor, colors, nodeChildren, longestPathFirst)
        except StopBranchVisit:

    def _dfsVisit(self, u, visitor, colors, nodeChildren, longestPathFirst):
        colors[u] = GRAY
        visitor.discoverVertex(u, self)
        # d_time[u] = time = time + 1
        children = nodeChildren[u]
        if longestPathFirst:
            assert not self.dirtyTopology
            children = sorted(children, reverse=True, key=lambda item: self._nodesMinMaxDepths[item][1])
        for v in children:
            visitor.examineEdge((u, v), self)
            if colors[v] == WHITE:
                visitor.treeEdge((u, v), self)
                # (u,v) is a tree edge
                self.dfsVisit(v, visitor, colors, nodeChildren, longestPathFirst)  # TODO: avoid recursion
            elif colors[v] == GRAY:
                # (u,v) is a back edge
                visitor.backEdge((u, v), self)
            elif colors[v] == BLACK:
                # (u,v) is a cross or forward edge
                visitor.forwardOrCrossEdge((u, v), self)
            visitor.finishEdge((u, v), self)
        colors[u] = BLACK
        visitor.finishVertex(u, self)

    def dfsOnFinish(self, startNodes=None):
        :param startNodes: list of starting nodes. Use all leaves if empty.
        :return: visited nodes and edges. The order is defined by the visit and finishVertex event.
        nodes = []
        edges = []
        visitor = Visitor()
        visitor.finishVertex = lambda vertex, graph: nodes.append(vertex)
        visitor.finishEdge = lambda edge, graph: edges.append(edge)
        self.dfs(visitor=visitor, startNodes=startNodes)
        return nodes, edges

    def dfsToProcess(self, startNodes=None):
        Return the full list of predecessor nodes to process in order to compute the given nodes.

            startNodes: list of starting nodes. Use all leaves if empty.

             visited nodes and edges that are not already computed (node.status != SUCCESS).
             The order is defined by the visit and finishVertex event.
        nodes = []
        edges = []
        visitor = Visitor()

        def discoverVertex(vertex, graph):
            if vertex.hasStatus(Status.SUCCESS):
                # stop branch visit if discovering a node already computed
                raise StopBranchVisit()
            if self._computationBlocked[vertex]:
                raise RuntimeError("Can't compute node '{}'".format(

        def finishVertex(vertex, graph):
            chunksToProcess = []
            for chunk in vertex.chunks:
                if chunk.status.status is Status.SUBMITTED:
                    logging.warning('Node "{}" is already submitted.'.format(
                if chunk.status.status is Status.RUNNING:
                    logging.warning('Node "{}" is already running.'.format(
                if chunk.status.status is not Status.SUCCESS:
            if chunksToProcess:
                nodes.append(vertex)  # We could collect specific chunks

        def finishEdge(edge, graph):
            if edge[0].hasStatus(Status.SUCCESS) or edge[1].hasStatus(Status.SUCCESS):

        visitor.finishVertex = finishVertex
        visitor.finishEdge = finishEdge
        visitor.discoverVertex = discoverVertex
        self.dfs(visitor=visitor, startNodes=startNodes)
        return nodes, edges

    @Slot(Node, result=bool)
    def canCompute(self, node):
        Return the computability of a node based on itself and its dependency chain.
        Computation can't happen for:
         - CompatibilityNodes
         - nodes having a non-computed CompatibilityNode in its dependency chain

            node (Node): the node to evaluate

            bool: whether the node can be computed
        if isinstance(node, CompatibilityNode):
            return False
        return not self._computationBlocked[node]

    def updateNodesTopologicalData(self):
        Compute and cache nodes topological data:
            - min and max depth
            - computability


        compatNodes = []
        visitor = Visitor()

        def discoverVertex(vertex, graph):
            # initialize depths
            self._nodesMinMaxDepths[vertex] = (0, 0)
            # initialize computability
            self._computationBlocked[vertex] = False
            if isinstance(vertex, CompatibilityNode):
                # a not computed CompatibilityNode blocks computation
                if not vertex.hasStatus(Status.SUCCESS):
                    self._computationBlocked[vertex] = True

        def finishEdge(edge, graph):
            currentVertex, inputVertex = edge

            # update depths
            currentDepths = self._nodesMinMaxDepths[currentVertex]
            inputDepths = self._nodesMinMaxDepths[inputVertex]
            if currentDepths[0] == 0:
                # if not initialized, set the depth of the first child
                depthMin = inputDepths[0] + 1
                depthMin = min(currentDepths[0], inputDepths[0] + 1)
            self._nodesMinMaxDepths[currentVertex] = (depthMin, max(currentDepths[1], inputDepths[1] + 1))

            # update computability
            if currentVertex.hasStatus(Status.SUCCESS):
                # output is already computed and available,
                # does not depend on input connections computability
            # propagate inputVertex computability
            self._computationBlocked[currentVertex] |= self._computationBlocked[inputVertex]

        leaves = self.getLeaves()
        visitor.finishEdge = finishEdge
        visitor.discoverVertex = discoverVertex
        self.dfs(visitor=visitor, startNodes=leaves)

        # update graph computability status
        canComputeLeaves = all([self.canCompute(node) for node in leaves])
        if self._canComputeLeaves != canComputeLeaves:
            self._canComputeLeaves = canComputeLeaves

        # update compatibilityNodes model
        if len(self._compatibilityNodes) != len(compatNodes):

    compatibilityNodes = Property(BaseObject, lambda self: self._compatibilityNodes, constant=True)

    def dfsMaxEdgeLength(self, startNodes=None):
        :param startNodes: list of starting nodes. Use all leaves if empty.
        nodesStack = []
        edgesScore = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        visitor = Visitor()

        def finishEdge(edge, graph):
            u, v = edge
            for i, n in enumerate(reversed(nodesStack)):
                index = i + 1
                if index > edgesScore[(n, v)]:
                    edgesScore[(n, v)] = index

        def finishVertex(vertex, graph):
            v = nodesStack.pop()
            assert v == vertex

        visitor.discoverVertex = lambda vertex, graph: nodesStack.append(vertex)
        visitor.finishVertex = finishVertex
        visitor.finishEdge = finishEdge
        self.dfs(visitor=visitor, startNodes=startNodes, longestPathFirst=True)
        return edgesScore

    def flowEdges(self, startNodes=None):
        Return as few edges as possible, such that if there is a directed path from one vertex to another in the
        original graph, there is also such a path in the reduction.

        :param startNodes:
        :return: the remaining edges after a transitive reduction of the graph.
        flowEdges = []
        edgesScore = self.dfsMaxEdgeLength(startNodes)

        for link, score in edgesScore.items():
            assert score != 0
            if score == 1:
        return flowEdges

    def nodesFromNode(self, startNode, filterTypes=None):
        Return the node chain from startNode to the graph leaves.

            startNode (Node): the node to start the visit from.
            filterTypes (str list): (optional) only return the nodes of the given types
                              (does not stop the visit, this is a post-process only)
            The list of nodes and edges, from startNode to the graph leaves following edges.
        nodes = []
        edges = []
        visitor = Visitor()

        def discoverVertex(vertex, graph):
            if not filterTypes or vertex.nodeType in filterTypes:

        visitor.discoverVertex = discoverVertex
        visitor.examineEdge = lambda edge, graph: edges.append(edge)
        self.dfs(visitor=visitor, startNodes=[startNode], reverse=True)
        return nodes, edges

    def _applyExpr(self):
        with GraphModification(self):
            for node in self._nodes:

    def toDict(self):
        return {k: node.toDict() for k, node in self._nodes.objects.items()}

    def asString(self):
        return str(self.toDict())

    def save(self, filepath=None, setupProjectFile=True):
        path = filepath or self._filepath
        if not path:
            raise ValueError("filepath must be specified for unsaved files.")

        self.header[Graph.IO.Keys.ReleaseVersion] = meshroom.__version__
        self.header[Graph.IO.Keys.FileVersion] = Graph.IO.__version__

        # store versions of node types present in the graph (excluding CompatibilityNode instances)
        usedNodeTypes = set([n.nodeDesc.__class__ for n in self._nodes if isinstance(n, Node)])

        self.header[Graph.IO.Keys.NodesVersions] = {
            "{}".format(p.__name__): meshroom.core.nodeVersion(p, "0.0")
            for p in usedNodeTypes

        data = {
            Graph.IO.Keys.Header: self.header,
            Graph.IO.Keys.Graph: self.toDict()

        with open(path, 'w') as jsonFile:
            json.dump(data, jsonFile, indent=4)

        if path != self._filepath and setupProjectFile:

    def _setFilepath(self, filepath):
        Set the internal filepath of this Graph.
        This method should not be used directly from outside, use save/load instead.
            filepath: the graph file path
        if not os.path.isfile(filepath):

        if self._filepath == filepath:
        self._filepath = filepath
        # For now:
        #  * cache folder is located next to the graph file
        #  * graph name if the basename of the graph file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]
        self.cacheDir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filepath)), meshroom.core.cacheFolderName)

    def _unsetFilepath(self):
        self._filepath = "" = ""
        self.cacheDir = meshroom.core.defaultCacheFolder

    def updateInternals(self, startNodes=None, force=False):
        nodes, edges = self.dfsOnFinish(startNodes=startNodes)
        for node in nodes:
            if node.dirty or force:

    def updateStatusFromCache(self, force=False):
        for node in self._nodes:
            if node.dirty or force:

    def updateStatisticsFromCache(self):
        for node in self._nodes:

    def update(self):
        if not self._updateEnabled:
            # To do the update once for multiple changes
            self._updateRequested = True

        if os.path.exists(self._cacheDir):
        for node in self.nodes:
            node.dirty = False

        # Graph topology has changed
        if self.dirtyTopology:
            # update nodes topological data cache
            self.dirtyTopology = False


    def markNodesDirty(self, fromNode):
        Mark all nodes following 'fromNode' as dirty, and request a graph update.
        All nodes marked as dirty will get their outputs to be re-evaluated
        during the next graph update.

            fromNode (Node): the node to start the invalidation from

        See Also:
            Graph.update, Graph.updateInternals, Graph.updateStatusFromCache
        nodes, edges = self.nodesFromNode(fromNode)
        for node in nodes:
            node.dirty = True

    def stopExecution(self):
        """ Request graph execution to be stopped by terminating running chunks"""
        for chunk in self.iterChunksByStatus(Status.RUNNING):

    def clearSubmittedNodes(self):
        """ Reset the status of already submitted nodes to Status.NONE """
        for node in self.nodes:

    def clearDataFrom(self, startNode):
        for node in self.nodesFromNode(startNode)[0]:

    def iterChunksByStatus(self, status):
        """ Iterate over NodeChunks with the given status """
        for node in self.nodes:
            for chunk in node.chunks:
                if chunk.status.status == status:
                    yield chunk

    def getChunksByStatus(self, status):
        """ Return the list of NodeChunks with the given status """
        chunks = []
        for node in self.nodes:
            chunks += [chunk for chunk in node.chunks if chunk.status.status == status]
        return chunks

    def getChunks(self, nodes=None):
        """ Returns the list of NodeChunks for the given list of nodes (for all nodes if nodes is None) """
        chunks = []
        for node in nodes or self.nodes:
            chunks += [chunk for chunk in node.chunks]
        return chunks

    def getOrderedChunks(self):
        """ Get chunks as visited by dfsOnFinish.

            list of NodeChunks: the ordered list of NodeChunks
        return self.getChunks(self.dfsOnFinish()[0])

    def nodes(self):
        return self._nodes

    def edges(self):
        return self._edges

    def cacheDir(self):
        return self._cacheDir

    def cacheDir(self, value):
        if self._cacheDir == value:
        # use unix-style paths for cache directory
        self._cacheDir = value.replace(os.path.sep, "/")

    nodes = Property(BaseObject, nodes.fget, constant=True)
    edges = Property(BaseObject, edges.fget, constant=True)
    filepathChanged = Signal()
    filepath = Property(str, lambda self: self._filepath, notify=filepathChanged)
    fileReleaseVersion = Property(str, lambda self: self.header.get(Graph.IO.Keys.ReleaseVersion, "0.0"), notify=filepathChanged)
    cacheDirChanged = Signal()
    cacheDir = Property(str, cacheDir.fget, cacheDir.fset, notify=cacheDirChanged)
    updated = Signal()
    canComputeLeavesChanged = Signal()
    canComputeLeaves = Property(bool, lambda self: self._canComputeLeaves, notify=canComputeLeavesChanged)
Beispiel #3
class BaseNode(BaseObject):
    Base Abstract class for Graph nodes.

    # Regexp handling complex attribute names with recursive understanding of Lists and Groups
    # i.e: a.b, a[0], a[0].b.c[1]
    attributeRE = re.compile(r'\.?(?P<name>\w+)(?:\[(?P<index>\d+)\])?')

    def __init__(self, nodeType, position=None, parent=None, **kwargs):
        Create a new Node instance based on the given node description.
        Any other keyword argument will be used to initialize this node's attributes.

            nodeDesc (desc.Node): the node description for this node
            parent (BaseObject): this Node's parent
            **kwargs: attributes values
        super(BaseNode, self).__init__(parent)
        self._nodeType = nodeType
        self.nodeDesc = None

        # instantiate node description if nodeType is valid
        if nodeType in meshroom.core.nodesDesc:
            self.nodeDesc = meshroom.core.nodesDesc[nodeType]()

        self.packageName = self.packageVersion = ""
        self._internalFolder = ""

        self._name = None
        self.graph = None
        self.dirty = True  # whether this node's outputs must be re-evaluated on next Graph update
        self._chunks = ListModel(parent=self)
        self._uids = dict()
        self._cmdVars = {}
        self._size = 0
        self._position = position or Position()
        self._attributes = DictModel(keyAttrName='name', parent=self)
        self.attributesPerUid = defaultdict(set)
        self._alive = True  # for QML side to know if the node can be used or is going to be deleted

    def __getattr__(self, k):
            # Throws exception if not in prototype chain
            # return object.__getattribute__(self, k) # doesn't work in python2
            return object.__getattr__(self, k)
        except AttributeError as e:
                return self.attribute(k)
            except KeyError:
                raise e

    def getName(self):
        return self._name

    def getLabel(self):
            str: the high-level label of this node
        t, idx = self._name.split("_")
        return "{}{}".format(t, idx if int(idx) > 1 else "")

    def getDocumentation(self):
        return self.nodeDesc.documentation

    def packageFullName(self):
        return '-'.join([self.packageName, self.packageVersion])

    @Slot(str, result=Attribute)
    def attribute(self, name):
        att = None
        # Complex name indicating group or list attribute
        if '[' in name or '.' in name:
            p = self.attributeRE.findall(name)

            for n, idx in p:
                # first step: get root attribute
                if att is None:
                    att = self._attributes.get(n)
                    # get child Attribute in Group
                    assert isinstance(att, GroupAttribute)
                    att = att.value.get(n)
                if idx != '':
                    # get child Attribute in List
                    assert isinstance(att, ListAttribute)
                    att =
            att = self._attributes.get(name)
        return att

    def getAttributes(self):
        return self._attributes

    @Slot(str, result=bool)
    def hasAttribute(self, name):
        return name in self._attributes.keys()

    def _applyExpr(self):
        for attr in self._attributes:

    def nodeType(self):
        return self._nodeType

    def position(self):
        """ Get node position. """
        return self._position

    def position(self, value):
        """ Set node position.

            value (Position): target position
        if self._position == value:
        self._position = value

    def alive(self):
        return self._alive

    def alive(self, value):
        if self._alive == value:
        self._alive = value

    def depth(self):
        return self.graph.getDepth(self)

    def minDepth(self):
        return self.graph.getDepth(self, minimal=True)

    def toDict(self):

    def _computeUids(self):
        """ Compute node uids by combining associated attributes' uids. """
        for uidIndex, associatedAttributes in self.attributesPerUid.items():
            # uid is computed by hashing the sorted list of tuple (name, value) of all attributes impacting this uid
            uidAttributes = [(a.getName(), a.uid(uidIndex)) for a in associatedAttributes if a.enabled]
            self._uids[uidIndex] = hashValue(uidAttributes)

    def _buildCmdVars(self):
        def _buildAttributeCmdVars(cmdVars, name, attr):
            if attr.enabled:
                if is not None:
                    # if there is a valid command line "group"
                    v = attr.getValueStr()
                    cmdVars[name] = '--{name} {value}'.format(name=name, value=v)
                    cmdVars[name + 'Value'] = str(v)

                    if v:
                        cmdVars[] = cmdVars.get(, '') + \
                                                                ' ' + cmdVars[name]
                elif isinstance(attr, GroupAttribute):
                    assert isinstance(attr.value, DictModel)
                    # if the GroupAttribute is not set in a single command line argument,
                    # the sub-attributes may need to be exposed individually
                    for v in attr._value:
                        _buildAttributeCmdVars(cmdVars,, v)

        """ Generate command variables using input attributes and resolved output attributes names and values. """
        for uidIndex, value in self._uids.items():
            self._cmdVars['uid{}'.format(uidIndex)] = value

        # Evaluate input params
        for name, attr in self._attributes.objects.items():
            if attr.isOutput:
                continue  # skip outputs
            _buildAttributeCmdVars(self._cmdVars, name, attr)

        # For updating output attributes invalidation values
        cmdVarsNoCache = self._cmdVars.copy()
        cmdVarsNoCache['cache'] = ''

        # Evaluate output params
        for name, attr in self._attributes.objects.items():
            if attr.isInput:
                continue  # skip inputs

            # Only consider File attributes for command output parameters
            if not isinstance(attr.attributeDesc, desc.File):

            defaultValue = attr.defaultValue()
                attr.value = defaultValue.format(**self._cmdVars)
                attr._invalidationValue = defaultValue.format(**cmdVarsNoCache)
            except KeyError as e:
                logging.warning('Invalid expression with missing key on "{nodeName}.{attrName}" with value "{defaultValue}".\nError: {err}'.format(,, defaultValue=defaultValue, err=str(e)))
            except ValueError as e:
                logging.warning('Invalid expression value on "{nodeName}.{attrName}" with value "{defaultValue}".\nError: {err}'.format(,, defaultValue=defaultValue, err=str(e)))
            v = attr.getValueStr()

            self._cmdVars[name] = '--{name} {value}'.format(name=name, value=v)
            self._cmdVars[name + 'Value'] = str(v)

            if v:
                self._cmdVars[] = self._cmdVars.get(, '') + \
                                                          ' ' + self._cmdVars[name]

    def isParallelized(self):
        return bool(self.nodeDesc.parallelization) if meshroom.useMultiChunks else False

    def nbParallelizationBlocks(self):
        return len(self._chunks)

    def hasStatus(self, status):
        if not self._chunks:
            return False
        for chunk in self._chunks:
            if chunk.status.status != status:
                return False
        return True

    def _isComputed(self):
        return self.hasStatus(Status.SUCCESS)

    def clearData(self):
        """ Delete this Node internal folder.
        Status will be reset to Status.NONE
        if self.internalFolder and os.path.exists(self.internalFolder):

    def isAlreadySubmitted(self):
        for chunk in self._chunks:
            if chunk.isAlreadySubmitted():
                return True
        return False

    def alreadySubmittedChunks(self):
        return [ch for ch in self._chunks if ch.isAlreadySubmitted()]

    def clearSubmittedChunks(self):
        """ Reset all submitted chunks to Status.NONE. This method should be used to clear inconsistent status
        if a computation failed without informing the graph.

            This must be used with caution. This could lead to inconsistent node status
            if the graph is still being computed.
        for chunk in self.alreadySubmittedChunks():
            chunk.upgradeStatusTo(Status.NONE, ExecMode.NONE)

    def upgradeStatusTo(self, newStatus):
        Upgrade node to the given status and save it on disk.
        for chunk in self._chunks:

    def updateStatisticsFromCache(self):
        for chunk in self._chunks:

    def _updateChunks(self):

    def updateInternals(self, cacheDir=None):
        """ Update Node's internal parameters and output attributes.

        This method is called when:
         - an input parameter is modified
         - the graph main cache directory is changed

            cacheDir (str): (optional) override graph's cache directory with custom path
        if self.nodeDesc:

        for attr in self._attributes:

        # Update chunks splitting
        # Retrieve current internal folder (if possible)
            folder = self.internalFolder
        except KeyError:
            folder = ''
        # Update command variables / output attributes
        self._cmdVars = {
            'cache': cacheDir or self.graph.cacheDir,
            'nodeType': self.nodeType,
        if self.nodeDesc:
        # Notify internal folder change if needed
        if self.internalFolder != folder:

    def internalFolder(self):
        return self._internalFolder.format(**self._cmdVars)

    def updateStatusFromCache(self):
        Update node status based on status file content/existence.
        for chunk in self._chunks:

    def submit(self, forceCompute=False):
        for chunk in self._chunks:
            if forceCompute or chunk.status.status != Status.SUCCESS:
                chunk.upgradeStatusTo(Status.SUBMITTED, ExecMode.EXTERN)

    def beginSequence(self, forceCompute=False):
        for chunk in self._chunks:
            if forceCompute or chunk.status.status != Status.SUCCESS:
                chunk.upgradeStatusTo(Status.SUBMITTED, ExecMode.LOCAL)

    def processIteration(self, iteration):

    def process(self, forceCompute=False):
        for chunk in self._chunks:

    def endSequence(self):

    def getGlobalStatus(self):
        Get node global status based on the status of its chunks.

            Status: the node global status
        chunksStatus = [chunk.status.status for chunk in self._chunks]

        anyOf = (Status.ERROR, Status.STOPPED, Status.KILLED,
                 Status.RUNNING, Status.SUBMITTED)
        allOf = (Status.SUCCESS,)

        for status in anyOf:
            if any(s == status for s in chunksStatus):
                return status
        for status in allOf:
            if all(s == status for s in chunksStatus):
                return status

        return Status.NONE

    def getChunks(self):
        return self._chunks

    def getSize(self):
        return self._size

    def setSize(self, value):
        if self._size == value:
        self._size = value

    def __repr__(self):

    name = Property(str, getName, constant=True)
    label = Property(str, getLabel, constant=True)
    nodeType = Property(str, nodeType.fget, constant=True)
    documentation = Property(str, getDocumentation, constant=True)
    positionChanged = Signal()
    position = Property(Variant, position.fget, position.fset, notify=positionChanged)
    x = Property(float, lambda self: self._position.x, notify=positionChanged)
    y = Property(float, lambda self: self._position.y, notify=positionChanged)
    attributes = Property(BaseObject, getAttributes, constant=True)
    internalFolderChanged = Signal()
    internalFolder = Property(str, internalFolder.fget, notify=internalFolderChanged)
    depthChanged = Signal()
    depth = Property(int, depth.fget, notify=depthChanged)
    minDepth = Property(int, minDepth.fget, notify=depthChanged)
    chunksChanged = Signal()
    chunks = Property(Variant, getChunks, notify=chunksChanged)
    sizeChanged = Signal()
    size = Property(int, getSize, notify=sizeChanged)
    globalStatusChanged = Signal()
    globalStatus = Property(str, lambda self: self.getGlobalStatus().name, notify=globalStatusChanged)
    isComputed = Property(bool, _isComputed, notify=globalStatusChanged)
    aliveChanged = Signal()
    alive = Property(bool, alive.fget, alive.fset, notify=aliveChanged)
Beispiel #4
class NodeChunk(BaseObject):
    def __init__(self, node, range, parent=None):
        super(NodeChunk, self).__init__(parent)
        self.node = node
        self.range = range
        self.logManager = LogManager(self)
        self.status = StatusData(, node.nodeType, node.packageName, node.packageVersion)
        self.statistics = stats.Statistics()
        self.statusFileLastModTime = -1
        self._subprocess = None
        # notify update in filepaths when node's internal folder changes

    def index(self):
        return self.range.iteration

    def name(self):
        if self.range.blockSize:
            return "{}({})".format(, self.index)

    def statusName(self):

    def logger(self):
        return self.logManager.logger

    def execModeName(self):

    def updateStatusFromCache(self):
        Update node status based on status file content/existence.
        statusFile = self.statusFile
        oldStatus = self.status.status
        # No status file => reset status to Status.None
        if not os.path.exists(statusFile):
            self.statusFileLastModTime = -1
            with open(statusFile, 'r') as jsonFile:
                statusData = json.load(jsonFile)
            self.statusFileLastModTime = os.path.getmtime(statusFile)
        if oldStatus != self.status.status:

    def statusFile(self):
        if self.range.blockSize == 0:
            return os.path.join(self.node.graph.cacheDir, self.node.internalFolder, 'status')
            return os.path.join(self.node.graph.cacheDir, self.node.internalFolder, str(self.index) + '.status')

    def statisticsFile(self):
        if self.range.blockSize == 0:
            return os.path.join(self.node.graph.cacheDir, self.node.internalFolder, 'statistics')
            return os.path.join(self.node.graph.cacheDir, self.node.internalFolder, str(self.index) + '.statistics')

    def logFile(self):
        if self.range.blockSize == 0:
            return os.path.join(self.node.graph.cacheDir, self.node.internalFolder, 'log')
            return os.path.join(self.node.graph.cacheDir, self.node.internalFolder, str(self.index) + '.log')

    def saveStatusFile(self):
        Write node status on disk.
        data = self.status.toDict()
        statusFilepath = self.statusFile
        folder = os.path.dirname(statusFilepath)
        if not os.path.exists(folder):
        statusFilepathWriting = getWritingFilepath(statusFilepath)
        with open(statusFilepathWriting, 'w') as jsonFile:
            json.dump(data, jsonFile, indent=4)
        renameWritingToFinalPath(statusFilepathWriting, statusFilepath)

    def upgradeStatusTo(self, newStatus, execMode=None):
        if newStatus.value <= self.status.status.value:
            print('WARNING: downgrade status on node "{}" from {} to {}'.format(, self.status.status,
        if execMode is not None:
            self.status.execMode = execMode
        self.status.status = newStatus

    def updateStatisticsFromCache(self):
        oldTimes = self.statistics.times
        statisticsFile = self.statisticsFile
        if not os.path.exists(statisticsFile):
        with open(statisticsFile, 'r') as jsonFile:
            statisticsData = json.load(jsonFile)
        if oldTimes != self.statistics.times:

    def saveStatistics(self):
        data = self.statistics.toDict()
        statisticsFilepath = self.statisticsFile
        folder = os.path.dirname(statisticsFilepath)
        if not os.path.exists(folder):
        statisticsFilepathWriting = getWritingFilepath(statisticsFilepath)
        with open(statisticsFilepathWriting, 'w') as jsonFile:
            json.dump(data, jsonFile, indent=4)
        renameWritingToFinalPath(statisticsFilepathWriting, statisticsFilepath)

    def isAlreadySubmitted(self):
        return self.status.status in (Status.SUBMITTED, Status.RUNNING)

    def process(self, forceCompute=False):
        if not forceCompute and self.status.status == Status.SUCCESS:
            print("Node chunk already computed:",
        global runningProcesses
        runningProcesses[] = self
        startTime = time.time()
        self.statThread = stats.StatisticsThread(self)
        except Exception as e:
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemError, GeneratorExit) as e:
            self.status.elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime
            print(' - elapsed time:', self.status.elapsedTimeStr)
            # ask and wait for the stats thread to stop
            self.statistics = stats.Statistics()
            del runningProcesses[]


    def stopProcess(self):

    statusChanged = Signal()
    statusName = Property(str, statusName.fget, notify=statusChanged)
    execModeNameChanged = Signal()
    execModeName = Property(str, execModeName.fget, notify=execModeNameChanged)
    statisticsChanged = Signal()

    nodeFolderChanged = Signal()
    statusFile = Property(str, statusFile.fget, notify=nodeFolderChanged)
    logFile = Property(str, logFile.fget, notify=nodeFolderChanged)
    statisticsFile = Property(str, statisticsFile.fget, notify=nodeFolderChanged)
Beispiel #5
class TaskManager(BaseObject):
    Manage graph - local and external - computation tasks.
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(TaskManager, self).__init__(parent)
        self._graph = None
        self._nodes = DictModel(keyAttrName='_name', parent=self)
        self._nodesToProcess = []
        self._nodesExtern = []
        # internal thread in which local tasks are executed
        self._thread = TaskThread(self)

        self._blockRestart = False

    def requestBlockRestart(self):
        Block computing.
        Note: should only be used to completely stop computing.
        self._blockRestart = True

    def blockRestart(self):
        """ Avoid the automatic restart of computing. """
        for node in self._nodesToProcess:
            chunkCount = 0
            for chunk in node.chunks:
                if chunk.status.status in (Status.SUBMITTED, Status.ERROR):
                    chunkCount += 1
            if chunkCount == len(node.chunks):
                self.removeNode(node, displayList=True)

        self._blockRestart = False
        self._nodesToProcess = []
        self._thread._state = State.DEAD

    def restart(self):
        Restart computing when thread has been stopped.
        Note: this is done like this to avoid app freezing.
        # Make sure to wait the end of the current thread

        # Avoid restart if thread was globally stopped
        if self._blockRestart:

        if self._thread._state != State.STOPPED:

        for node in self._nodesToProcess:
            if node.getGlobalStatus() == Status.STOPPED:
                # Remove node from the computing list
                self.removeNode(node, displayList=False, processList=True)

                # Remove output nodes from display and computing lists
                outputNodes = node.getOutputNodes(recursive=True,
                for n in outputNodes:
                    if n.getGlobalStatus() in (Status.ERROR, Status.SUBMITTED):
                        self.removeNode(n, displayList=True, processList=True)

        # Start a new thread with the remaining nodes to compute
        self._thread = TaskThread(self)

    def compute(self,
        Start graph computation, from root nodes to leaves - or nodes in 'toNodes' if specified.
        Computation tasks (NodeChunk) happen in a separate thread (see TaskThread).

        :param graph: the graph to consider.
        :param toNodes: specific leaves, all graph leaves if None.
        :param forceCompute: force the computation despite nodes status.
        :param forceStatus: force the computation even if some nodes are submitted externally.
        self._graph = graph


        if forceCompute:
            nodes, edges = graph.dfsOnFinish(startNodes=toNodes)
                graph, nodes,
                "COMPUTATION")  # name of the context is important for QML
                "COMPUTATION")  # name of the context is important for QML
            # Check dependencies of toNodes
            if not toNodes:
                toNodes = graph.getLeafNodes(dependenciesOnly=True)
            toNodes = list(toNodes)
            allReady = self.checkNodesDependencies(graph, toNodes,

            # At this point, toNodes is a list
            # If it is empty, we raise an error to avoid passing through dfsToProcess
            if not toNodes:

            nodes, edges = graph.dfsToProcess(startNodes=toNodes)
            if not nodes:
                logging.warning('Nothing to compute')
                graph, nodes,
                "COMPUTATION")  # name of the context is important for QML
                "COMPUTATION")  # name of the context is important for QML

            nodes = [node for node in nodes if not self.contains(node)
                     ]  # be sure to avoid non-real conflicts
            chunksInConflict = self.getAlreadySubmittedChunks(nodes)

            if chunksInConflict:
                chunksStatus = set(
                    [ for chunk in chunksInConflict])
                chunksName = [ for node in chunksInConflict]
                # Warning: Syntax and terms are parsed on QML side to recognize the error
                # Syntax : [Context] ErrorType: ErrorMessage
                msg = '[COMPUTATION] Already Submitted:\n' \
                      'WARNING - Some nodes are already submitted with status: {}\nNodes: {}'.format(
                      ', '.join(chunksStatus),
                      ', '.join(chunksName)

                if forceStatus:
                    raise RuntimeError(msg)

        for node in nodes:
            node.destroyed.connect(lambda obj=None, self.
                                   onNodeDestroyed(obj, name))


        if self._thread._state == State.IDLE:
        elif self._thread._state in (State.DEAD, State.ERROR):
            self._thread = TaskThread(self)

        # At the end because it raises a WarningError but should not stop processing
        if not allReady:

    def onNodeDestroyed(self, obj, name):
        Remove node from the taskmanager when it's destroyed in the graph
        :param obj:
        :param name:
        if name in self._nodes.keys():

    def contains(self, node):
        return node in self._nodes.values()

    def containsNodeName(self, name):
        """ Check if a node with the argument name belongs to the display list. """
        if name in self._nodes.keys():
            return True
        return False

    def removeNode(self,
        """ Remove node from the Task Manager.

                node (Node): node to remove.
                displayList (bool): remove from the display list.
                processList (bool): remove from the nodesToProcess list.
                externList (bool): remove from the nodesExtern list.
        if displayList and self._nodes.contains(node):
        if processList and node in self._nodesToProcess:
        if externList and node in self._nodesExtern:

    def clear(self):
        Remove all the nodes from the taskmanager
        self._nodesExtern = []
        self._nodesToProcess = []

    def updateNodes(self):
        Update task manager nodes lists by checking the nodes status.
        self._nodesExtern = [
            node for node in self._nodesExtern
            if node.isExtern() and node.isAlreadySubmitted()
        newNodes = [node for node in self._nodes if node.isAlreadySubmitted()]
        if len(newNodes) != len(self._nodes):

    def update(self, graph):
        Add all the nodes that are being rendered in a renderfarm to the taskmanager when new graph is loaded
        :param graph:
        for node in graph._nodes:
            if node.isAlreadySubmitted(
            ) and node._chunks.size() > 0 and node.isExtern():

    def checkCompatibilityNodes(self, graph, nodes, context):
        compatNodes = []
        for node in nodes:
            if node in graph._compatibilityNodes.values():
        if compatNodes:
            # Warning: Syntax and terms are parsed on QML side to recognize the error
            # Syntax : [Context] ErrorType: ErrorMessage
            raise RuntimeError(
                "[{}] Compatibility Issue:\n"
                "Cannot compute because of these incompatible nodes:\n"
                "{}".format(context, sorted(compatNodes)))

    def checkDuplicates(self, nodesToProcess, context):
        for node in nodesToProcess:
            for duplicate in node.duplicates:
                if duplicate in nodesToProcess:
                    # Warning: Syntax and terms are parsed on QML side to recognize the error
                    # Syntax : [Context] ErrorType: ErrorMessage
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "[{}] Duplicates Issue:\n"
                        "Cannot compute because there are some duplicate nodes to process:\n\n"
                        "First match: '{}' and '{}'\n\n"
                        "There can be other duplicate nodes in the list. Please, check the graph and try again."
                        .format(context, node.nameToLabel(,

    def checkNodesDependencies(self, graph, toNodes, context):
        Check dependencies of nodes to process.
        Update toNodes with computable/submittable nodes only.

            bool: True if all the nodes can be processed. False otherwise.
        ready = []
        computed = []
        for node in toNodes:
            if context == "COMPUTATION":
                if graph.canCompute(
                        node) and graph.canSubmitOrCompute(node) % 2 == 1:
                elif node.isComputed:
            elif context == "SUBMITTING":
                if graph.canCompute(
                        node) and graph.canSubmitOrCompute(node) > 1:
                elif node.isComputed:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Argument 'context' must be: 'COMPUTATION' or 'SUBMITTING'"

        if len(ready) + len(computed) != len(toNodes):
            return False

        return True

    def raiseDependenciesMessage(self, context):
        # Warning: Syntax and terms are parsed on QML side to recognize the error
        # Syntax : [Context] ErrorType: ErrorMessage
        raise RuntimeWarning(
            "[{}] Unresolved dependencies:\n"
            "Some nodes cannot be computed in LOCAL/submitted in EXTERN because of unresolved dependencies.\n\n"
            "Nodes which are ready will be processed.".format(context))

    def raiseImpossibleProcess(self, context):
        # Warning: Syntax and terms are parsed on QML side to recognize the error
        # Syntax : [Context] ErrorType: ErrorMessage
        raise RuntimeError(
            "[{}] Impossible Process:\n"
            "There is no node able to be processed.".format(context))

    def submit(self, graph=None, submitter=None, toNodes=None):
        Nodes are send to the renderfarm
        :param graph:
        :param submitter:
        :param toNodes:

        # Ensure submitter is properly set
        sub = None
        if submitter:
            sub = meshroom.core.submitters.get(submitter, None)
        elif len(meshroom.core.submitters) == 1:
            # if only one submitter available use it
            allSubmitters = meshroom.core.submitters.values()
            sub = next(iter(allSubmitters))  # retrieve the first element
        if sub is None:
            # Warning: Syntax and terms are parsed on QML side to recognize the error
            # Syntax : [Context] ErrorType: ErrorMessage
            raise RuntimeError(
                "[SUBMITTING] Unknown Submitter:\n"
                "Unknown Submitter called '{submitter}'. Available submitters are: '{allSubmitters}'."

        # Update task manager's lists

        # Check dependencies of toNodes
        if not toNodes:
            toNodes = graph.getLeafNodes(dependenciesOnly=True)
        toNodes = list(toNodes)
        allReady = self.checkNodesDependencies(graph, toNodes, "SUBMITTING")

        # At this point, toNodes is a list
        # If it is empty, we raise an error to avoid passing through dfsToProcess
        if not toNodes:

        nodesToProcess, edgesToProcess = graph.dfsToProcess(startNodes=toNodes)
        if not nodesToProcess:
            logging.warning('Nothing to compute')
            graph, nodesToProcess,
            "SUBMITTING")  # name of the context is important for QML
            "SUBMITTING")  # name of the context is important for QML

        flowEdges = graph.flowEdges(startNodes=toNodes)
        edgesToProcess = set(edgesToProcess).intersection(flowEdges)"Nodes to process: {}".format(nodesToProcess))"Edges to process: {}".format(edgesToProcess))

            res = sub.submit(nodesToProcess, edgesToProcess, graph.filepath)
            if res:
                for node in nodesToProcess:
                    node.destroyed.connect(lambda obj=None,
                                           self.onNodeDestroyed(obj, name))
                    node.submit()  # update node status

            # At the end because it raises a WarningError but should not stop processing
            if not allReady:
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Error on submit : {}".format(e))

    def submitFromFile(self, graphFile, submitter, toNode=None):
        Submit the given graph via the given submitter.
        graph = meshroom.core.graph.loadGraph(graphFile)
        toNodes = graph.findNodes([toNode]) if toNode else None
        self.submit(graph, submitter, toNodes)

    def getAlreadySubmittedChunks(self, nodes):
        Check if nodes have already been submitted in another Meshroom instance.
        :param nodes:
        out = []
        for node in nodes:
            for chunk in node.chunks:
                # Already submitted/running chunks in another task manager
                if chunk.isAlreadySubmitted() and not self.containsNodeName(
        return out

    nodes = Property(BaseObject, lambda self: self._nodes, constant=True)
    restartRequested = Signal()
Beispiel #6
class Attribute(BaseObject):
    stringIsLinkRe = re.compile('^\{[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_.]*\}$')

    def __init__(self, node, attributeDesc, isOutput, root=None, parent=None):
        Attribute constructor

            node (Node): the Node hosting this Attribute
            attributeDesc (desc.Attribute): the description of this Attribute
            isOutput (bool): whether this Attribute is an output of the Node
            root (Attribute): (optional) the root Attribute (List or Group) containing this one
            parent (BaseObject): (optional) the parent BaseObject
        super(Attribute, self).__init__(parent)
        self._name =
        self._root = None if root is None else weakref.ref(root)
        self._node = weakref.ref(node)
        self.attributeDesc = attributeDesc
        self._isOutput = isOutput
        self._value = attributeDesc.value
        self._label = attributeDesc.label

        # invalidation value for output attributes
        self._invalidationValue = ""

    def node(self):
        return self._node()

    def root(self):
        return self._root() if self._root else None

    def absoluteName(self):
        return '{}.{}.{}'.format(,, self._name)

    def fullName(self):
        """ Name inside the Graph: """
        if isinstance(self.root, ListAttribute):
            return '{}[{}]'.format(self.root.fullName(), self.root.index(self))
        elif isinstance(self.root, GroupAttribute):
            return '{}.{}'.format(self.root.fullName(), self._name)
        return '{}.{}'.format(, self._name)

    def asLinkExpr(self):
        """ Return link expression for this Attribute """
        return "{" + self.fullName() + "}"

    def getName(self):
        """ Attribute name """
        return self._name

    def getType(self):
        return self.attributeDesc.__class__.__name__

    def getLabel(self):
        return self._label

    def _get_value(self):
        return self.getLinkParam().value if self.isLink else self._value

    def _set_value(self, value):
        if self._value == value:

        if isinstance(value, Attribute) or Attribute.isLinkExpression(value):
            # if we set a link to another attribute
            self._value = value
            # if we set a new value, we use the attribute descriptor validator to check the validity of the value
            # and apply some conversion if needed
            convertedValue = self.desc.validateValue(value)
            self._value = convertedValue
        # Request graph update when input parameter value is set
        # and parent node belongs to a graph
        # Output attributes value are set internally during the update process,
        # which is why we don't trigger any update in this case
        # TODO: update only the nodes impacted by this change
        # TODO: only update the graph if this attribute participates to a UID
        if self.isInput:

    def resetValue(self):
        self._value = ""

    def requestGraphUpdate(self):
        if self.node.graph:

    def isOutput(self):
        return self._isOutput

    def isInput(self):
        return not self._isOutput

    def uid(self, uidIndex=-1):
        # 'uidIndex' should be in 'self.desc.uid' but in the case of linked attribute
        # it will not be the case (so we cannot have an assert).
        if self.isOutput:
            # only dependent on the hash of its value without the cache folder
            return hashValue(self._invalidationValue)
        if self.isLink:
            return self.getLinkParam().uid(uidIndex)
        if isinstance(self._value, (list, tuple, set,)):
            # hash of sorted values hashed
            return hashValue([hashValue(v) for v in sorted(self._value)])
        return hashValue(self._value)

    def isLink(self):
        """ Whether the attribute is a link to another attribute. """
        return self.node.graph and self.isInput and self in self.node.graph.edges.keys()

    def isLinkExpression(value):
        Return whether the given argument is a link expression.
        A link expression is a string matching the {nodeName.attrName} pattern.
        return isinstance(value, pyCompatibility.basestring) and Attribute.stringIsLinkRe.match(value)

    def getLinkParam(self):
        return self.node.graph.edge(self).src if self.isLink else None

    def _applyExpr(self):
        For string parameters with an expression (when loaded from file),
        this function convert the expression into a real edge in the graph
        and clear the string value.
        v = self._value
        g = self.node.graph
        if not g:
        if isinstance(v, Attribute):
            g.addEdge(v, self)
        elif self.isInput and Attribute.isLinkExpression(v):
            # value is a link to another attribute
            link = v[1:-1]
            linkNode, linkAttr = link.split('.')
            g.addEdge(g.node(linkNode).attribute(linkAttr), self)

    def getExportValue(self):
        if self.isLink:
            return self.getLinkParam().asLinkExpr()
        if self.isOutput:
            return self.desc.value
        return self._value

    def getValueStr(self):
        if isinstance(self.attributeDesc, desc.ChoiceParam) and not self.attributeDesc.exclusive:
            assert(isinstance(self.value, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(self.value, pyCompatibility.basestring))
            return self.attributeDesc.joinChar.join(self.value)
        if isinstance(self.attributeDesc, (desc.StringParam, desc.File)):
            return '"{}"'.format(self.value)
        return str(self.value)

    def defaultValue(self):
        return self.desc.value

    def _isDefault(self):
        return self._value == self.defaultValue()

    def getPrimitiveValue(self, exportDefault=True):
        return self._value

    name = Property(str, getName, constant=True)
    label = Property(str, getLabel, constant=True)
    type = Property(str, getType, constant=True)
    desc = Property(desc.Attribute, lambda self: self.attributeDesc, constant=True)
    valueChanged = Signal()
    value = Property(Variant, _get_value, _set_value, notify=valueChanged)
    isOutput = Property(bool, isOutput.fget, constant=True)
    isLinkChanged = Signal()
    isLink = Property(bool, isLink.fget, notify=isLinkChanged)
    isDefault = Property(bool, _isDefault, notify=valueChanged)