Beispiel #1
 def _handle_connection(connection):
             message.update(self.full_collection_name, upsert, multi,
                 spec, document, safe, kwargs), callback=callback)
    def update(self, spec, document,
               upsert=False, manipulate=False, safe=False, multi=False):
        """Update a document(s) in this collection.

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if either `spec` or `document` is not an
        instance of ``dict`` or `upsert` is not an instance of ``bool``. If
        `safe` is ``True`` then the update will be checked for errors, raising
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure` if one occurred. Safe inserts
        wait for a response from the database, while normal inserts do not.

        There are many useful `update modifiers`_ which can be used when
        performing updates. For example, here we use the ``"$set"`` modifier to
        modify some fields in a matching document:

        .. doctest::

          >>> db.test.insert({"x": "y", "a": "b"})
          >>> list(db.test.find())
          [{u'a': u'b', u'x': u'y', u'_id': ObjectId('...')}]
          >>> db.test.update({"x": "y"}, {"$set": {"a": "c"}})
          >>> list(db.test.find())
          [{u'a': u'c', u'x': u'y', u'_id': ObjectId('...')}]

          - `spec`: a ``dict`` or :class:`~pymongo.son.SON` instance specifying
            elements which must be present for a document to be updated
          - `document`: a ``dict`` or :class:`~pymongo.son.SON` instance
            specifying the document to be used for the update or (in the case
            of an upsert) insert - see docs on MongoDB `update modifiers`_
          - `upsert` (optional): perform an upsert operation
          - `manipulate` (optional): manipulate the document before updating?
          - `safe` (optional): check that the update succeeded?
          - `multi` (optional): update all documents that match `spec`, rather
            than just the first matching document. The default value for
            `multi` is currently ``False``, but this might eventually change to
            ``True``. It is recommended that you specify this argument
            explicitly for all update operations in order to prepare your code
            for that change.

        .. versionadded:: 1.1.1
           The `multi` parameter.

        .. _update modifiers:
        if not isinstance(spec, types.DictType):
            raise TypeError("spec must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(document, types.DictType):
            raise TypeError("document must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(upsert, types.BooleanType):
            raise TypeError("upsert must be an instance of bool")

        if upsert and manipulate:
            document = self.__database._fix_incoming(document, self)

            message.update(self.__full_name, upsert, multi,
                           spec, document, safe), safe)
    def update(self, spec, document,
               upsert=False, manipulate=False, safe=False, multi=False):
        """Update a single document in this collection.

        Raises TypeError if either spec or document isn't an instance of
        dict or upsert isn't an instance of bool. If `safe` is True then
        the update will be checked for errors, raising OperationFailure if one
        occurred. Safe inserts wait for a response from the database, while
        normal inserts do not.

          - `spec`: a SON object specifying elements which must be present for
            a document to be updated
          - `document`: a SON object specifying the document to be used for the
            update or (in the case of an upsert) insert. See docs on MongoDB
            `update modifiers <>`_
          - `upsert` (optional): perform an upsert operation
          - `manipulate` (optional): manipulate the document before updating?
          - `safe` (optional): check that the update succeeded?
          - `multi` (optional): update all documents that match `spec`, rather
            than just the first matching document. The default value for
            `multi` is currently False, but this might eventually change to
            True. It is recommended that you specify this argument explicitly
            for all update operations in order to prepare your code for that

        .. versionadded:: 1.1.1
           The `multi` parameter.
        if not isinstance(spec, types.DictType):
            raise TypeError("spec must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(document, types.DictType):
            raise TypeError("document must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(upsert, types.BooleanType):
            raise TypeError("upsert must be an instance of bool")

        if upsert and manipulate:
            document = self.__database._fix_incoming(document, self)

            message.update(self.full_name(), upsert, multi,
                           spec, document, safe), safe)
Beispiel #4
    def update(self, spec, document, upsert=False, manipulate=False,
               safe=True, multi=False, callback=None, **kwargs):
        """Update a document(s) in this collection.
        Raises :class:`TypeError` if either `spec` or `document` is
        not an instance of ``dict`` or `upsert` is not an instance of
        ``bool``. If `safe` is ``True`` then the update will be
        checked for errors, raising
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure` if one
        occurred. Safe updates require a response from the database,
        while normal updates do not - thus, setting `safe` to ``True``
        will negatively impact performance.
        There are many useful `update modifiers`_ which can be used
        when performing updates. For example, here we use the
        ``"$set"`` modifier to modify some fields in a matching
        .. doctest::
          >>> db.test.insert({"x": "y", "a": "b"})
          >>> list(db.test.find())
          [{u'a': u'b', u'x': u'y', u'_id': ObjectId('...')}]
          >>> db.test.update({"x": "y"}, {"$set": {"a": "c"}})
          >>> list(db.test.find())
          [{u'a': u'c', u'x': u'y', u'_id': ObjectId('...')}]
        If `safe` is ``True`` returns the response to the *lastError*
        command. Otherwise, returns ``None``.
        # Any additional keyword arguments imply ``safe=True``, and will
        # be used as options for the resultant `getLastError`
        # command. For example, to wait for replication to 3 nodes, pass
        # ``w=3``.
          - `spec`: a ``dict`` or :class:`~bson.son.SON` instance
            specifying elements which must be present for a document
            to be updated
          - `document`: a ``dict`` or :class:`~bson.son.SON`
            instance specifying the document to be used for the update
            or (in the case of an upsert) insert - see docs on MongoDB
            `update modifiers`_
          - `upsert` (optional): perform an upsert if ``True``
          - `manipulate` (optional): manipulate the document before
            updating? If ``True`` all instances of
            :mod:`~pymongo.son_manipulator.SONManipulator` added to
            this :class:`~pymongo.database.Database` will be applied
            to the document before performing the update.
          - `safe` (optional): check that the update succeeded?
          - `multi` (optional): update all documents that match
            `spec`, rather than just the first matching document. The
            default value for `multi` is currently ``False``, but this
            might eventually change to ``True``. It is recommended
            that you specify this argument explicitly for all update
            operations in order to prepare your code for that change.
          - `**kwargs` (optional): any additional arguments imply
            ``safe=True``, and will be used as options for the
            `getLastError` command
        .. _update modifiers:
        .. mongodoc:: update
        if not isinstance(spec, dict):
            raise TypeError("spec must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(document, dict):
            raise TypeError("document must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(upsert, bool):
            raise TypeError("upsert must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(safe, bool):
            raise TypeError("safe must be an instance of bool")
        # TODO: apply SON manipulators
        # if upsert and manipulate:
        #     document = self.__database._fix_incoming(document, self)
        if kwargs:
            safe = True
        if safe and not callable(callback):
            raise TypeError("callback must be callable")
        if not safe and callback is not None:
            raise TypeError("callback can not be used with safe=False")
        if callback:
            callback = functools.partial(self._handle_response, orig_callback=callback)

        self.__limit = None
        connection = self.__pool.connection()
                message.update(self.full_collection_name, upsert, multi,
                    spec, document, safe, kwargs), callback=callback)
Beispiel #5
    def update(self, spec, document, upsert=False, manipulate=False,
               safe=True, multi=False, callback=None, **kwargs):
        """Update a document(s) in this collection.
        Raises :class:`TypeError` if either `spec` or `document` is
        not an instance of ``dict`` or `upsert` is not an instance of
        ``bool``. If `safe` is ``True`` then the update will be
        checked for errors, raising
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure` if one
        occurred. Safe updates require a response from the database,
        while normal updates do not - thus, setting `safe` to ``True``
        will negatively impact performance.
        There are many useful `update modifiers`_ which can be used
        when performing updates. For example, here we use the
        ``"$set"`` modifier to modify some fields in a matching
        .. doctest::
          >>> db.test.insert({"x": "y", "a": "b"})
          >>> list(db.test.find())
          [{u'a': u'b', u'x': u'y', u'_id': ObjectId('...')}]
          >>> db.test.update({"x": "y"}, {"$set": {"a": "c"}})
          >>> list(db.test.find())
          [{u'a': u'c', u'x': u'y', u'_id': ObjectId('...')}]
        If `safe` is ``True`` returns the response to the *lastError*
        command. Otherwise, returns ``None``.
        # Any additional keyword arguments imply ``safe=True``, and will
        # be used as options for the resultant `getLastError`
        # command. For example, to wait for replication to 3 nodes, pass
        # ``w=3``.
          - `spec`: a ``dict`` or :class:`~bson.son.SON` instance
            specifying elements which must be present for a document
            to be updated
          - `document`: a ``dict`` or :class:`~bson.son.SON`
            instance specifying the document to be used for the update
            or (in the case of an upsert) insert - see docs on MongoDB
            `update modifiers`_
          - `upsert` (optional): perform an upsert if ``True``
          - `manipulate` (optional): manipulate the document before
            updating? If ``True`` all instances of
            :mod:`~pymongo.son_manipulator.SONManipulator` added to
            this :class:`~pymongo.database.Database` will be applied
            to the document before performing the update.
          - `safe` (optional): check that the update succeeded?
          - `multi` (optional): update all documents that match
            `spec`, rather than just the first matching document. The
            default value for `multi` is currently ``False``, but this
            might eventually change to ``True``. It is recommended
            that you specify this argument explicitly for all update
            operations in order to prepare your code for that change.
          - `**kwargs` (optional): any additional arguments imply
            ``safe=True``, and will be used as options for the
            `getLastError` command
        .. _update modifiers:
        .. mongodoc:: update
        if not isinstance(spec, dict):
            raise TypeError("spec must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(document, dict):
            raise TypeError("document must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(upsert, bool):
            raise TypeError("upsert must be an instance of bool")
        if not isinstance(safe, bool):
            raise TypeError("safe must be an instance of bool")
        # TODO: apply SON manipulators
        # if upsert and manipulate:
        #     document = self.__database._fix_incoming(document, self)
        if kwargs:
            safe = True
        if safe and not callable(callback):
            raise TypeError("callback must be callable")
        if not safe and callback is not None:
            raise TypeError("callback can not be used with safe=False")
        if callback:
            callback = functools.partial(self._handle_response, orig_callback=callback)

        self.__limit = None
        connection = self.__pool.connection()
                message.update(self.full_collection_name, upsert, multi,
                    spec, document, safe, kwargs), callback=callback)
Beispiel #6
    def update(self,
        """Update a document(s) in this collection.

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if either `spec` or `document` is not an
        instance of ``dict`` or `upsert` is not an instance of ``bool``. If
        `safe` is ``True`` then the update will be checked for errors, raising
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure` if one occurred. Safe inserts
        wait for a response from the database, while normal inserts do not.

        There are many useful `update modifiers`_ which can be used when
        performing updates. For example, here we use the ``"$set"`` modifier to
        modify some fields in a matching document::

          >>> db.test.insert({"x": "y", "a": "b"})
          >>> list(db.test.find())
          [{u'a': u'b', u'x': u'y', u'_id': ObjectId('...')}]
          >>> db.test.update({"x": "y"}, {"$set": {"a": "c"}})
          >>> list(db.test.find())
          [{u'a': u'c', u'x': u'y', u'_id': ObjectId('...')}]

          - `spec`: a ``dict`` or :class:`~pymongo.son.SON` instance specifying
            elements which must be present for a document to be updated
          - `document`: a ``dict`` or :class:`~pymongo.son.SON` instance
            specifying the document to be used for the update or (in the case
            of an upsert) insert - see docs on MongoDB `update modifiers`_
          - `upsert` (optional): perform an upsert operation
          - `manipulate` (optional): manipulate the document before updating?
          - `safe` (optional): check that the update succeeded?
          - `multi` (optional): update all documents that match `spec`, rather
            than just the first matching document. The default value for
            `multi` is currently ``False``, but this might eventually change to
            ``True``. It is recommended that you specify this argument
            explicitly for all update operations in order to prepare your code
            for that change.

        .. versionadded:: 1.1.1
           The `multi` parameter.

        .. _update modifiers:
        if not isinstance(spec, types.DictType):
            raise TypeError("spec must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(document, types.DictType):
            raise TypeError("document must be an instance of dict")
        if not isinstance(upsert, types.BooleanType):
            raise TypeError("upsert must be an instance of bool")

        if upsert and manipulate:
            document = self.__database._fix_incoming(document, self)

            message.update(self.full_name(), upsert, multi, spec, document,
                           safe), safe)