def init_node(self, ns="~"): self.imu_pose = rospy.get_param(ns + "imu_pose") self.imu_pose = n2g(self.imu_pose, "Pose3") self.imu_rot = self.imu_pose.rotation() # Parameters for Node self.dvl_max_velocity = rospy.get_param(ns + "dvl_max_velocity") self.keyframe_duration = rospy.get_param(ns + "keyframe_duration") self.keyframe_translation = rospy.get_param(ns + "keyframe_translation") self.keyframe_rotation = rospy.get_param(ns + "keyframe_rotation") # Subscribers and caches self.imu_sub = Subscriber(IMU_TOPIC, Imu) self.dvl_sub = Subscriber(DVL_TOPIC, DVL) self.depth_sub = Subscriber(DEPTH_TOPIC, Depth) self.depth_cache = Cache(self.depth_sub, 1) # Use point cloud for visualization self.traj_pub = rospy.Publisher(LOCALIZATION_TRAJ_TOPIC, PointCloud2, queue_size=10) self.odom_pub = rospy.Publisher(LOCALIZATION_ODOM_TOPIC, Odometry, queue_size=10) # Sync self.ts = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.imu_sub, self.dvl_sub], 200, 0.1) self.ts.registerCallback(self.callback) = tf.TransformBroadcaster() loginfo("Localization node is initialized")
def initROS(self): # publishers self.vel_costmap_topic_pub = rospy.Publisher( self.vel_costmap_topic_name, OccupancyGrid, queue_size=10, latch=True) self.origin_topic_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.origin_topic_name, PoseStamped, queue_size=10) self.vis_marker_topic_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.vis_marker_topic_name, Marker, queue_size=1) self.vel_constraints_topic_pub = rospy.Publisher( self.vel_constraints_topic_name, Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1) # service clients # none here # subscribers and listeners self.qtc_state_topic_sub = Subscriber(self.qtc_state_topic_name, String) self.qtc_cache = Cache(self.qtc_state_topic_sub, 10, allow_headerless=True) self.human_tracking_topic_sub = Subscriber( self.human_tracking_topic_name, PeopleTracker) subs = [self.qtc_state_topic_sub, self.human_tracking_topic_sub] self.ts = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer(subs, 60, slop=0.1, allow_headerless=True) self.ts.registerCallback(self.callback) self.listenerBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.listenerBuffer)
def test_all_funcs(self): sub = Subscriber("/empty", String) cache = Cache(sub, 5) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(1) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(2) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(3) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(4) cache.add(msg) l = len(cache.getInterval(rospy.Time(2.5), rospy.Time(3.5))) self.assertEquals(l, 1, "invalid number of messages" + " returned in getInterval 1") l = len(cache.getInterval(rospy.Time(2), rospy.Time(3))) self.assertEquals(l, 2, "invalid number of messages" + " returned in getInterval 2") l = len(cache.getInterval(rospy.Time(0), rospy.Time(4))) self.assertEquals(l, 5, "invalid number of messages" + " returned in getInterval 3") s = cache.getElemAfterTime(rospy.Time(0)).header.stamp self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(0), "invalid msg return by getElemAfterTime") s = cache.getElemBeforeTime(rospy.Time(3.5)).header.stamp self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(3), "invalid msg return by getElemBeforeTime") s = cache.getLastestTime() self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(4), "invalid stamp return by getLastestTime") s = cache.getOldestTime() self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(0), "invalid stamp return by getOldestTime") # Add another msg to fill the buffer msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(5) cache.add(msg) # Test that it discarded the right one s = cache.getOldestTime() self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(1), "wrong message discarded")
class LocalizationNode(object): def __init__(self): self.pose = None self.prev_time = None self.prev_vel = None self.keyframes = [] # Force yaw at origin to be aligned with x axis self.imu_yaw0 = None self.imu_pose = [0, 0, 0, -np.pi / 2, 0, 0] self.imu_rot = None self.dvl_max_velocity = 0.3 # Create a new key pose when # - |ti - tj| > min_duration and # - |xi - xj| > max_translation or # - |ri - rj| > max_rotation self.keyframe_duration = None self.keyframe_translation = None self.keyframe_rotation = None self.dvl_error_timer = 0.0 def init_node(self, ns="~"): self.imu_pose = rospy.get_param(ns + "imu_pose") self.imu_pose = n2g(self.imu_pose, "Pose3") self.imu_rot = self.imu_pose.rotation() # Parameters for Node self.dvl_max_velocity = rospy.get_param(ns + "dvl_max_velocity") self.keyframe_duration = rospy.get_param(ns + "keyframe_duration") self.keyframe_translation = rospy.get_param(ns + "keyframe_translation") self.keyframe_rotation = rospy.get_param(ns + "keyframe_rotation") # Subscribers and caches self.imu_sub = Subscriber(IMU_TOPIC, Imu) self.dvl_sub = Subscriber(DVL_TOPIC, DVL) self.depth_sub = Subscriber(DEPTH_TOPIC, Depth) self.depth_cache = Cache(self.depth_sub, 1) # Use point cloud for visualization self.traj_pub = rospy.Publisher(LOCALIZATION_TRAJ_TOPIC, PointCloud2, queue_size=10) self.odom_pub = rospy.Publisher(LOCALIZATION_ODOM_TOPIC, Odometry, queue_size=10) # Sync self.ts = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.imu_sub, self.dvl_sub], 200, 0.1) self.ts.registerCallback(self.callback) = tf.TransformBroadcaster() loginfo("Localization node is initialized") def callback(self, imu_msg, dvl_msg): depth_msg = self.depth_cache.getLast() if depth_msg is None: return dd_delay = (depth_msg.header.stamp - dvl_msg.header.stamp).to_sec() if abs(dd_delay) > 1.0: logdebug("Missing depth message for {}".format(dd_delay)) rot = r2g(imu_msg.orientation) # nRb = nRs * bRs^-1 rot = rot.compose(self.imu_rot.inverse()) if self.imu_yaw0 is None: self.imu_yaw0 = rot.yaw() rot = gtsam.Rot3.Ypr(rot.yaw() - self.imu_yaw0, rot.pitch(), rot.roll()) vel = np.array( [dvl_msg.velocity.x, dvl_msg.velocity.y, dvl_msg.velocity.z]) if np.any(np.abs(vel) > self.dvl_max_velocity): if self.pose: self.dvl_error_timer += (dvl_msg.header.stamp - self.prev_time).to_sec() if self.dvl_error_timer > 5.0: logwarn( "DVL velocity ({:.1f}, {:.1f}, {:.1f}) exceeds max velocity {:.1f} for {:.1f} secs." .format( vel[0], vel[1], vel[2], self.dvl_max_velocity, self.dvl_error_timer, )) vel = self.prev_vel else: return else: self.dvl_error_timer = 0.0 if self.pose: dt = (dvl_msg.header.stamp - self.prev_time).to_sec() dv = (vel + self.prev_vel) * 0.5 trans = dv * dt local_point = gtsam.Point2(trans[0], trans[1]) pose2 = gtsam.Pose2(self.pose.x(), self.pose.y(), self.pose.rotation().yaw()) point = pose2.transform_from(local_point) self.pose = gtsam.Pose3( rot, gtsam.Point3(point.x(), point.y(), depth_msg.depth)) else: self.pose = gtsam.Pose3(rot, gtsam.Point3(0, 0, depth_msg.depth)) self.prev_time = dvl_msg.header.stamp self.prev_vel = vel omega = imu_msg.angular_velocity omega = np.array([omega.x, omega.y, omega.z]) self.prev_omega = self.imu_rot.matrix().dot(omega) new_keyframe = False if not self.keyframes: new_keyframe = True else: duration = self.prev_time.to_sec() - self.keyframes[-1][0] if duration > self.keyframe_duration: odom = self.keyframes[-1][1].between(self.pose) odom = g2n(odom) translation = np.linalg.norm(odom[:3]) rotation = abs(odom[-1]) if (translation > self.keyframe_translation or rotation > self.keyframe_rotation): new_keyframe = True if new_keyframe: self.keyframes.append((self.prev_time.to_sec(), self.pose)) self.publish_pose(new_keyframe) def publish_pose(self, publish_traj=False): if self.pose is None: return header = rospy.Header() header.stamp = self.prev_time header.frame_id = "odom" odom_msg = Odometry() odom_msg.header = header # pose in odom frame odom_msg.pose.pose = g2r(self.pose) # twist in local frame odom_msg.child_frame_id = "base_link" # Local planer behaves worse # odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = self.prev_vel[0] # odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = self.prev_vel[1] # odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.z = self.prev_vel[2] # odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.x = self.prev_omega[0] # odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.y = self.prev_omega[1] # odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = self.prev_omega[2] odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = 0 odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = 0 odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.z = 0 odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.x = 0 odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.y = 0 odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = 0 self.odom_pub.publish(odom_msg) p = odom_msg.pose.pose.position q = odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation, p.y, p.z), (q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w), header.stamp, "base_link", "odom") if publish_traj: traj = np.array([g2n(pose) for _, pose in self.keyframes]) traj_msg = ros_colorline_trajectory(traj) traj_msg.header = header self.traj_pub.publish(traj_msg)
def test_all_funcs(self): sub = Subscriber("/empty", String) cache = Cache(sub, 5) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(1) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(2) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(3) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(4) cache.add(msg) l = len(cache.getInterval(rospy.Time(2.5), rospy.Time(3.5))) self.assertEquals( l, 1, "invalid number of messages" + " returned in getInterval 1") l = len(cache.getInterval(rospy.Time(2), rospy.Time(3))) self.assertEquals( l, 2, "invalid number of messages" + " returned in getInterval 2") l = len(cache.getInterval(rospy.Time(0), rospy.Time(4))) self.assertEquals( l, 5, "invalid number of messages" + " returned in getInterval 3") s = cache.getElemAfterTime(rospy.Time(0)).header.stamp self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(0), "invalid msg return by getElemAfterTime") s = cache.getElemBeforeTime(rospy.Time(3.5)).header.stamp self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(3), "invalid msg return by getElemBeforeTime") s = cache.getLatestTime() self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(4), "invalid stamp return by getLatestTime") self.assertEqual( s, cache.getLastestTime(), "stamps returned by getLatestTime and getLastestTime don't match") s = cache.getOldestTime() self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(0), "invalid stamp return by getOldestTime") # Add another msg to fill the buffer msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(5) cache.add(msg) # Test that it discarded the right one s = cache.getOldestTime() self.assertEqual(s, rospy.Time(1), "wrong message discarded")
def test_headerless(self): sub = Subscriber("/empty", String) cache = Cache(sub, 5, allow_headerless=False) msg = String() cache.add(msg) self.assertIsNone(cache.getElemAfterTime(rospy.Time(0)), "Headerless message invalidly added.") cache = Cache(sub, 5, allow_headerless=True) rospy.rostime.set_rostime_initialized(True) rospy.rostime._set_rostime(rospy.Time(0)) cache.add(msg) s = cache.getElemAfterTime(rospy.Time(0)) self.assertEqual(s, msg, "invalid msg returned in headerless scenario") s = cache.getElemAfterTime(rospy.Time(1)) self.assertIsNone(s, "invalid msg returned in headerless scenario") rospy.rostime._set_rostime(rospy.Time(2)) cache.add(msg) s = cache.getInterval(rospy.Time(0), rospy.Time(1)) self.assertEqual(s, [msg], "invalid msg returned in headerless scenario") s = cache.getInterval(rospy.Time(0), rospy.Time(2)) self.assertEqual(s, [msg, msg], "invalid msg returned in headerless scenario")
def test_all_funcs(self): sub = Subscriber(self.node, String, "/empty") cache = Cache(sub, 5) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = Time(seconds=0) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = Time(seconds=1) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = Time(seconds=2) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = Time(seconds=3) cache.add(msg) msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = Time(seconds=4) cache.add(msg) l = len(cache.getInterval(Time(seconds=2.5), Time(seconds=3.5))) self.assertEqual( l, 1, "invalid number of messages" + " returned in getInterval 1") l = len(cache.getInterval(Time(seconds=2), Time(seconds=3))) self.assertEqual( l, 2, "invalid number of messages" + " returned in getInterval 2") l = len(cache.getInterval(Time(), Time(seconds=4))) self.assertEqual( l, 5, "invalid number of messages" + " returned in getInterval 5") s = cache.getElemAfterTime(Time()).header.stamp self.assertEqual(s, Time(), "invalid msg return by getElemAfterTime") s = cache.getElemBeforeTime(Time(seconds=3.5)).header.stamp self.assertEqual(s, Time(seconds=3), "invalid msg return by getElemBeforeTime") s = cache.getLastestTime() self.assertEqual(s, Time(seconds=4), "invalid stamp return by getLastestTime") s = cache.getOldestTime() self.assertEqual(s, Time(), "invalid stamp return by getOldestTime") # Add another msg to fill the buffer msg = AnonymMsg() msg.header.stamp = Time(seconds=5) cache.add(msg) # Test that it discarded the right one s = cache.getOldestTime() self.assertEqual(s, Time(seconds=1), "wrong message discarded")
def test_headerless(self): sub = Subscriber(self.node, String, "/empty") cache = Cache(sub, 5, allow_headerless=False) msg = String() cache.add(msg) self.assertIsNone( cache.getElemAfterTime(Time(clock_type=ClockType.ROS_TIME)), "Headerless message invalidly added.") cache = Cache(sub, 5, allow_headerless=True) cache.add(msg) s = cache.getElemAfterTime(Time(clock_type=ClockType.ROS_TIME)) self.assertEqual(s, msg, "invalid msg returned in headerless scenario") currentRosTime = ROSClock().now() s = cache.getElemAfterTime(currentRosTime) self.assertIsNone(s, "invalid msg returned in headerless scenario") cache.add(msg) s = cache.getInterval(Time(clock_type=ClockType.ROS_TIME), currentRosTime) self.assertEqual(s, [msg], "invalid msg returned in headerless scenario") s = cache.getInterval(Time(clock_type=ClockType.ROS_TIME), (currentRosTime + Duration(seconds=2))) self.assertEqual(s, [msg, msg], "invalid msg returned in headerless scenario")