Beispiel #1
def Format(Fmode=True, Dmode=True, dop=1):
    Set modes for latex printer -

        Fmode:  Suppress function arguments (True)          Use sympy latex for functions (False)
        Dmode:  Use compact form of derivatives (True)      Use sympy latex for derivatives (False)
        ipy:    Do not redirect ouput for ipython (True)    Redirect output for latex post processing (False)

    and redirects printer output so that latex compiler can capture it.

    GaLatexPrinter.Dmode = Dmode
    GaLatexPrinter.Fmode = Fmode
    if metric.in_ipynb():
        GaLatexPrinter.ipy = True
        GaLatexPrinter.ipy = False
    GaLatexPrinter.dop = dop
    GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg = True

    Basic.__str__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self)
    Matrix.__str__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self)
    Basic.__repr_ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self)

Beispiel #2
    def Fmt(self, fmt=1, title=None):

        self.fmt = fmt

        if metric.in_ipynb():
            return self

        latex_str = printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex(self)

        if printer.GaLatexPrinter.ipy:
            if title is None:
                if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str:
                    latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + latex_str + r' \end{equation*}'
                if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str:
                    latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + title + ' = ' + latex_str + r' \end{equation*}'
                    latex_str = latex_str.replace(r'\begin{align*}', r'\begin{align*} ' + title)
                    latex_str = latex_str.replace('&', '=&', 1)

            from IPython.core.display import display, Math
            if title is not None:
                return title + ' = ' + latex_str
                    return latex_str
        if title is not None:
            return title + ' = ' + latex_str
                return latex_str
Beispiel #3
    def Fmt(self, fmt=1, title=None):

        if metric.in_ipynb():
            return self

        latex_str = printer.GaLatexPrinter.latex(self)
        if printer.GaLatexPrinter.ipy:
            if title is None:
                if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str:
                    latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + latex_str + r' \end{equation*}'
                if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str:
                    latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + title + ' = ' + latex_str + r' \end{equation*}'
                    latex_str = latex_str.replace(r'\begin{align*}', r'\begin{align*} ' + title)
                    latex_str = latex_str.replace('&', '=&', 1)

            from IPython.core.display import display, Math
            if title is not None:
                return title + ' = ' + latex_str
                    return latex_str
        if title is not None:
            return title + ' = ' + latex_str
            return latex_str
Beispiel #4
def Format(Fmode=True, Dmode=True, dop=1):
    Set modes for latex printer -

        Fmode:  Suppress function arguments (True)          Use sympy latex for functions (False)
        Dmode:  Use compact form of derivatives (True)      Use sympy latex for derivatives (False)
        ipy:    Do not redirect ouput for ipython (True)    Redirect output for latex post processing (False)

    and redirects printer output so that latex compiler can capture it.

    GaLatexPrinter.Dmode = Dmode
    GaLatexPrinter.Fmode = Fmode
    if metric.in_ipynb():
        GaLatexPrinter.ipy = True
        GaLatexPrinter.ipy = False
    GaLatexPrinter.dop = dop
    GaLatexPrinter.latex_flg = True

    Basic.__str__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self)
    Matrix.__str__ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self)
    Basic.__repr_ = lambda self: GaLatexPrinter().doprint(self)

Beispiel #5
def Fmt(obj,fmt=0):
    if isinstance(obj,(list,tuple)):
        n = len(obj)
        if isinstance(obj,list):
            ldelim = '['
            rdelim = ']'
            ldelim = '('
            rdelim = ')'
        if fmt == 1:
            latex_str = r' \left ' + ldelim + r' \begin{array}{' + n*'c' + '} '
            for cell in obj:
                title = cell.title
                cell.title = None
                latex_cell = latex(cell)
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('\n', ' ')
                latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{equation*}', ' ')
                latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{equation*}', ' ')
                if cell.fmt != 1:
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{align*}', r'\begin{array}{c} ')
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace('&','')
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{align*}', r'\\ \end{array} ')
                latex_str += latex_cell + ', & '
                cell.title = title
            latex_str = latex_str[:-4]
            latex_str += r'\\ \end{array} \right ' + rdelim + ' \n'
            latex_str = ''
            i = 1
            for cell in obj:
                title = cell.title
                cell.title = None
                latex_cell = latex(cell)
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('\n', ' ')
                latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{equation*}', ' ')
                latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{equation*}', ' ')
                if cell.fmt != 1:
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{align*}', r'\begin{array}{c} ')
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace('&','')
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{align*}', r'\\ \end{array} ')
                cell.title = title
                if i == 1:
                    latex_str += r'\begin{array}{c} \left ' + ldelim + r' ' + latex_cell + r', \right. \\ '
                elif i == n:
                    latex_str += r' \left. ' + latex_cell + r'\right ' + rdelim + r' \\ \end{array}'
                    latex_str += r' ' + latex_cell + r', \\'
                i += 1
        if metric.in_ipynb():
            if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str:
                latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + latex_str + r'\end{equation*}'
            return Latex(latex_str)
            return latex_str
    return obj
Beispiel #6
def Fmt(obj, fmt=0):
    if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, dict)):
        n = len(obj)
        if isinstance(obj, list):
            ldelim = '['
            rdelim = ']'
        elif isinstance(obj, dict):
            ldelim = r'\{'
            rdelim = r'\}'
            ldelim = '('
            rdelim = ')'
        if fmt == 1:
            latex_str = r' \left ' + ldelim + r' \begin{array}{' + n * 'c' + '} '
            for cell in obj:
                if isinstance(ojb, dict):
                    cell.title = None
                    latex_cell = latex(cell) + ' : ' + latex(obj[cell])
                    title = cell.title
                    cell.title = None
                    latex_cell = latex(cell)
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('\n', ' ')
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{equation*}', ' ')
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace(r'\end{equation*}', ' ')
                if cell.fmt != 1:
                    latex_cell = latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{align*}',
                                                    r'\begin{array}{c} ')
                    latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('&', '')
                    latex_cell = latex_cell.replace(r'\end{align*}',
                                                    r'\\ \end{array} ')
                latex_str += latex_cell + ', & '
                cell.title = title
            latex_str = latex_str[:-4]
            latex_str += r'\\ \end{array} \right ' + rdelim + ' \n'
            latex_str = ''
            i = 1
            for cell in obj:
                title = cell.title
                cell.title = None
                latex_cell = latex(cell)
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('\n', ' ')
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{equation*}', ' ')
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace(r'\end{equation*}', ' ')
                if cell.fmt != 1:
                    latex_cell = latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{align*}',
                                                    r'\begin{array}{c} ')
                    latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('&', '')
                    latex_cell = latex_cell.replace(r'\end{align*}',
                                                    r'\\ \end{array} ')
                cell.title = title
                if i == 1:
                    latex_str += r'\begin{array}{c} \left ' + ldelim + r' ' + latex_cell + r', \right. \\ '
                elif i == n:
                    latex_str += r' \left. ' + latex_cell + r'\right ' + rdelim + r' \\ \end{array}'
                    latex_str += r' ' + latex_cell + r', \\'
                i += 1
        if metric.in_ipynb():  # For Ipython notebook
            if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str:
                latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + latex_str + r'\end{equation*}'
            return Latex(latex_str)
            return latex_str
    return obj
Beispiel #7
import os
import sys
import StringIO
import re
from sympy import Matrix, Basic, S, C, Symbol, Function, Derivative
from itertools import islice
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter
from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter, accepted_latex_functions
from sympy.core.function import _coeff_isneg
from inspect import getouterframes, currentframe
import ga
import mv
import lt
import metric
if metric.in_ipynb():
    from IPython.display import Latex

ip_cmds = \
\\newcommand{\\lp}{\\left (}
\\newcommand{\\rp}{\\right )}
\\newcommand{\\paren}[1]{\\lp {#1} \\rp}
\\newcommand{\\llt}{\\left <}
\\newcommand{\\rgt}{\\right >}
\\newcommand{\\abs}[1]{\\left |{#1}\\right | }
\\newcommand{\\pdiff}[2]{\\bfrac{\\partial {#1}}{\\partial {#2}}}
Beispiel #8
def Fmt(obj,fmt=0):
    if isinstance(obj,(list,tuple,dict)):
        n = len(obj)
        if isinstance(obj,list):
            ldelim = '['
            rdelim = ']'
        elif isinstance(obj,dict):
            ldelim = r'\{'
            rdelim = r'\}'
            ldelim = '('
            rdelim = ')'
        if fmt == 1:
            latex_str = r' \left ' + ldelim + r' \begin{array}{' + n*'c' + '} '
            for cell in obj:
                if isinstance(obj,dict):
                    #cell.title = None
                    latex_cell = latex(cell) + ' : '+ latex(obj[cell])
                    #title = cell.title
                    #cell.title = None
                    latex_cell = latex(cell)
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('\n', ' ')
                latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{equation*}', ' ')
                latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{equation*}', ' ')
                if cell.fmt != 1:
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{align*}', r'\begin{array}{c} ')
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace('&','')
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{align*}', r'\\ \end{array} ')
                latex_str += latex_cell + ', & '
                #cell.title = title
            latex_str = latex_str[:-4]
            latex_str += r'\\ \end{array} \right ' + rdelim + ' \n'
            latex_str = ''
            i = 1
            for cell in obj:
                #title = cell.title
                #cell.title = None
                latex_cell = latex(cell)
                latex_cell = latex_cell.replace('\n', ' ')
                latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{equation*}', ' ')
                latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{equation*}', ' ')
                if GaLatexPrinter.fmt != 1:
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\begin{align*}', r'\begin{array}{c} ')
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace('&','')
                    latex_cell= latex_cell.replace(r'\end{align*}', r'\\ \end{array} ')
                #cell.title = title
                if i == 1:
                    latex_str += r'\begin{array}{c} \left ' + ldelim + r' ' + latex_cell + r', \right. \\ '
                elif i == n:
                    latex_str += r' \left. ' + latex_cell + r'\right ' + rdelim + r' \\ \end{array}'
                    latex_str += r' ' + latex_cell + r', \\'
                i += 1
        if metric.in_ipynb():  # For Ipython notebook
            if r'\begin{align*}' not in latex_str:
                latex_str = r'\begin{equation*} ' + latex_str + r'\end{equation*}'
            return Latex('$$ '+latex_str+' $$')
            return latex_str
    elif isinstance(obj,int):
        GaLatexPrinter.prev_fmt = GaLatexPrinter.fmt
        GaLatexPrinter.fmt = obj
        raise TypeError(str(type(obj)) + ' not allowed arg type in Fmt')
Beispiel #9
from itertools import islice
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter
from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter, accepted_latex_functions
from sympy.core.function import _coeff_isneg
from sympy.core.operations import AssocOp
from sympy import init_printing

from IPython.display import display, Latex, Math
from sympy.interactive import printing

from inspect import getouterframes, currentframe
import ga
import mv
import lt
import metric
if metric.in_ipynb():
    from IPython.display import Latex

Format_cnt = 0

ip_cmds = \
\\newcommand{\\lp}{\\left (}
\\newcommand{\\rp}{\\right )}
\\newcommand{\\paren}[1]{\\lp {#1} \\rp}
\\newcommand{\\llt}{\\left <}
\\newcommand{\\rgt}{\\right >}