Beispiel #1
def mutant_hero(population, crossover_fnc, cmp_fnc):
    hero = population[0]
    hero_o = hero['org'][0]
    hero_a = hero['amplitude']
    child_o = [ele for ele in hero_o]
    child_o = [child_o, [0,0,0]]
    child = {'org' : child_o, 'amplitude' : hero_a}
    child = mut.mutation(child, True)
    population.sort(lambda x,y : mtr.comparator(x,y,cmp_fnc))
    population = population[:-1]
    return population
Beispiel #2
def greedy_selection(population, crossover_fnc, cmp_fnc):
    indices = four_indices(len(population))

    parents = [population[indices[i]] for i in range(4)]
    parents.sort(lambda x,y : mtr.comparator(x,y,cmp_fnc))

    winner1, winner2 = parents[0], parents[1]

    # Fitness is measured before crossover is complete and automatically
    #  cached in a tuple.  child1 and child2 should be tuples now.
    child1, child2 = cvr.crossover(winner1, winner2, crossover_fnc)

    # Mutate (if the check passes)
    child1 = mut.mutation(child1)
    child2 = mut.mutation(child2)

    # Add the children, resort, remove the worst 2
    population.sort(lambda x,y : mtr.comparator(x,y,cmp_fnc))
    population = population[:-2]

    return population
Beispiel #3
def do_experiment(cmp_fnc, c_over_op, select_op, trial, force=False):
    ID = str(cmp_fnc)+"."+str(c_over_op)+"."+str(select_op)+"."+str(trial)

    cmp_fnc   = mtr.fn_list[cmp_fnc]
    c_over_op = cvr.fn_list[c_over_op]
    select_op = sel.fn_list[select_op]

    print "ID:", ID,
    print str(cmp_fnc)[10:-15],str(c_over_op)[10:-15],str(select_op)[10:-15]

    pop = None
    generation = 0
    while ( generation < max_gens ):
        # First check to see if this experiment is already done...
        d ="dat/"+ID+"." + str(generation) + ".pop")
        if 'pop' in d:
            prog = 100.0 * float(generation)/(max_gens-1)
            print "\rAlready computed.  Skipping ahead.  %",prog," f:",first,
            sys.stdout.flush()            # Update our percentage ticker.

            generation = generation + 1   # Advance the generation counter.
            pop = d['pop']                # Load that population into memory.

        # Initialize our population if we haven't already
        if not pop:
            pop = initialize_pop()

        # Otherwise we need to compute!
        pop.sort(lambda x,y : mtr.comparator(x,y, cmp_fnc) )  # Eval and sort
        IO_update(ID, generation, pop, max_gens)              # Spit out status
        pop = select_op(pop, c_over_op, cmp_fnc)              # Breed
        generation = generation + 1                           # Tick

        # Forcibly revaluate the fitness of the hero.
            del pop[0]['fitness']
        except KeyError:
    print "  Done."
Beispiel #4
def non_greedy_selection(population, crossover_fnc, cmp_fnc):
    indices = four_indices(len(population))

    parents = [population[indices[i]] for i in range(4)]
    parents.sort(lambda x,y : mtr.comparator(x,y,cmp_fnc))

    winner1, winner2 = parents[0], parents[1]
    loser1, loser2   = parents[2], parents[3]

    # Fitness is measured before crossover is complete and automatically
    #  cached in a tuple.  child1 and child2 should be tuples now.
    child1, child2 = cvr.crossover(winner1, winner2, crossover_fnc)

    # Mutate (if the check passes)
    child1 = mut.mutation(child1)
    child2 = mut.mutation(child2)

    # Replace the losers from selection
    population[population.index(loser1)] = child1
    population[population.index(loser2)] = child2

    return population
Beispiel #5
def do_experiment(cmp_fnc, c_over_op, select_op, trial, force=False):
    ID = combo_to_ID(cmp_fnc, c_over_op, select_op, trial)

    cmp_fnc   = mtr.fn_list[cmp_fnc]
    c_over_op = cvr.fn_list[c_over_op]
    select_op = sel.fn_list[select_op]

    print "ID:", ID,
    print str(cmp_fnc)[10:-15],str(c_over_op)[10:-15],str(select_op)[10:-15]

    pop = already_computed(ID, max_gens-1)
    if pop:

    pop = None
    generation = 0
    while ( generation < max_gens ):
        tmp = already_computed(ID, generation)
        if tmp:
            # Iteratively load saved generations up to where we stopped before
            pop, generation = tmp, generation + 1

        # Initialize our population if we haven't already
        if not pop:
            pop = initialize_pop()

        # Otherwise we need to compute!
        pop.sort(lambda x,y : mtr.comparator(x,y, cmp_fnc) )  # Eval and sort
        IO_update(ID, generation, pop, max_gens)              # Spit out status
        pop = select_op(pop, c_over_op, cmp_fnc)              # Breed
        generation = generation + 1                           # Tick

        # Forcibly revaluate the fitness of the hero.
            del pop[0]['fitness']
        except KeyError: