def test_variable_export(model):
    # if 'package' is argued instead of 'packages'
    m, grid, output_path = model
    variables = ['botm']
    layers = list(range(get_nlay(m)))
    outfiles = export(m, grid, variable='botm', output_path=output_path)
    check_files(outfiles, variables, layers=layers)
def test_transient2d_bar_graph(model):
    # if 'package' is argued instead of 'packages'
    m, grid, output_path = model
    variables = ['recharge']
    layers = list(range(get_nlay(m)))
    outfiles = export(m, grid, variable=variables, output_path=output_path)
    check_files(outfiles, variables, layers=layers)
def test_variables_export(model):
    m, grid, output_path = model
    variables = ['top', 'thickness']
    layers = list(range(get_nlay(m)))
    outfiles = export(m, grid,
    check_files(outfiles, variables, layers=layers)
def test_export_irch(shellmound):
    m, grid, output_path = shellmound
    variables = ['irch']
    layers = list(range(get_nlay(m)))
    outfiles = export(m, grid, variable='irch', output_path=output_path)
    n_unique_pers = len(set(m.rch.irch.array.sum(axis=(1, 2, 3))))
    # should be a pdf and tif for each unique period
    assert len(outfiles) == n_unique_pers * 2
    check_files(outfiles, variables, layers=layers)
def test_package_export(model):
    # if 'package' is argued instead of 'packages'
    m, grid, output_path = model
    variables = ['thickness', 'top', 'botm']
    layers = list(range(get_nlay(m)))
    if m.version == 'mf6':
    outfiles = export(m, grid, package='dis', output_path=output_path)
    check_files(outfiles, variables, layers=layers)
def test_variable_export_with_package(model):
    m, grid, output_path = model
    variables = ['botm']
    packages = ['dis']
    layers = list(range(get_nlay(m)))
    outfiles = export(m, grid,
    check_files(outfiles, variables, layers=layers)
def test_transient_list_export(model):
    m, grid, output_path = model
    outfiles = export(m, grid, 'wel', output_path=output_path)
    variables = ['wel0_stress_period_data']
    if m.version != 'mf6':
        variables = ['wel_stress_period_data']
    check_files(outfiles, variables=variables)
    df = mftransientlist_to_dataframe(m.wel.stress_period_data, squeeze=True)
    df.index = range(len(df))
    if 'cellid' in df.columns:
        df['cellid'] = df['cellid'].astype(str)
    df2 = shp2df(outfiles[0]).drop('geometry', axis=1)
    assert np.allclose(df.drop('cellid', axis=1),
                       df2.drop('cellid', axis=1))
def test_package_list_export(model):
    m, grid, output_path = model
    packages = ['dis', 'rch'] #, 'wel']
    variables = ['botm', 'top', 'thickness', 'idomain', 'rech', 'recharge'] #, 'wel']
    if m.version == 'mf6':
    nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = get_nrow_ncol_nlay_nper(m)
    layers = list(range(nlay))
    outfiles = []
    for package in packages:
        outfiles += export(m, grid, package, output_path=output_path)
    check_files(outfiles, variables, layers=layers)
    tifs = [f for f in outfiles if f.endswith('.tif')]
    for f in tifs:
        with as src:
            assert src.width == ncol
            assert src.height == nrow
            compare_polygons(grid.bbox, box(*src.bounds))
    shps = [f for f in outfiles if f.endswith('.shp')]
    for f in shps:
        with as src:
            assert box(*src.bounds).within(grid.bbox)
def test_export_sfr(model):
    m, grid, output_path = model
    # mf2005 style SFR export not implemented yet
    # TODO: implement mf2005 sfr package export
    if m.version != 'mf6':
    outfiles = export(m, grid, 'sfr', output_path=output_path)
    # TODO: finish this test
    variables = ['']
    if m.version != 'mf6':
        variables = ['wel_stress_period_data']
        df = pd.DataFrame(
        compare_cols = ['strtop']
        df = pd.DataFrame(
        compare_cols = ['rlen', 'rwid', 'rgrd', 'rtp', 'rbth', 'rhk']
    check_files(outfiles, variables=variables)
    df.index = range(len(df))
    if 'cellid' in df.columns:
        df['cellid'] = df['cellid'].astype(str)
    df2 = shp2df(outfiles[0]).drop('geometry', axis=1)
    df2['cellid'] = list(zip(df2['k'], df2['i'], df2['j']))
    df2['cellid'] = df2['cellid'].astype(str)
    assert np.allclose(df[compare_cols], df2[compare_cols])
def test_packages_export(model):
    m, grid, output_path = model
    packages = ['dis'] # 'wel'
    outfiles = export(m, grid, packages[0], output_path=output_path)
    # TODO : add some checks
    assert True
def test_model_export(model):
    m, grid, output_path = model
    outfiles = export(m, grid, output_path=output_path)
    # TODO : add some checks
    assert True