def explore_perform_search(request): try: template = loader.get_template('explore/explore_perform_search.html') instances = Instance.objects() if 'HTTPS' in request.META['SERVER_PROTOCOL']: protocol = "https" else: protocol = "http" local = Instance(name="Local", protocol=protocol, address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], port=request.META['SERVER_PORT']) listInstances = [local] for instance in instances: listInstances.append(instance) template_hash = Template.objects.get(pk=request.session['exploreCurrentTemplateID']).hash queries = SavedQuery.objects(user=str(, template=str(request.session['exploreCurrentTemplateID'])) context = RequestContext(request, { 'instances': listInstances, 'template_hash': template_hash, 'queries':queries, 'template_id': request.session['exploreCurrentTemplateID'] }) if 'exploreCurrentTemplateID' not in request.session: return redirect('/explore/select-template') else: return HttpResponse(template.render(context)) except: return redirect("/explore")
def explore_all_versions_results(request): template_id = request.GET['id'] template = Template.objects().get(pk=template_id) version_id = template.templateVersion template_version = TemplateVersion.objects().get(pk=version_id) if len(template_version.versions) == 1: query = {"schema": template_id} else: list_query = [] for version in template_version.versions: list_query.append({'schema': version}) query = {"$or": list_query} request.session['queryExplore'] = query if 'HTTPS' in request.META['SERVER_PROTOCOL']: protocol = "https" else: protocol = "http" json_instances = [Instance(name="Local", protocol=protocol, address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], port=request.META['SERVER_PORT'], access_token="token", refresh_token="token").to_json()] request.session['instancesExplore'] = json_instances template = loader.get_template('explore/explore_results.html') context = RequestContext(request, { '': '', }) if 'exploreCurrentTemplateID' not in request.session: return redirect('/explore/select-template') else: return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
def edit_instance(request): instance_id = request.POST['instanceid'] name = request.POST['name'] errors = "" response_dict = {} # test if the name is "Local" if name.upper() == "LOCAL": errors += "By default, the instance named Local is the instance currently running." else: # test if an instance with the same name exists instance = Instance.objects(name=name) if len(instance) != 0 and str(instance[0].id) != instance_id: errors += "An instance with the same name already exists.<br/>" # If some errors display them, otherwise insert the instance if errors == "": instance = Instance.objects.get(pk=instance_id) = name else: response_dict = {'errors': errors} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict), content_type='application/javascript')
def get_token(self, username, password, client_id, client_secret, application): try: url = URL_TEST + "/o/token/" headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} data = { 'grant_type': 'password', 'username': username, 'password': password, 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret } r =, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=int(310000)) if r.status_code == 200: now = delta = timedelta(seconds=int(eval(r.content)["expires_in"])) expires = now + delta token = Instance(name=application, protocol='http', address='', port='8082', access_token=eval(r.content)["access_token"], refresh_token=eval( r.content)["refresh_token"], expires=expires).save() return token else: return '' except Exception, e: return ''
def explore_perform_search(request): try: if request.user.is_authenticated(): template = loader.get_template('explore_perform_search.html') instances = Instance.objects() if 'HTTPS' in request.META['SERVER_PROTOCOL']: protocol = "https" else: protocol = "http" local = Instance(name="Local", protocol=protocol, address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], port=request.META['SERVER_PORT']) listInstances = [local] for instance in instances: listInstances.append(instance) template_hash = Template.objects.get(pk=request.session['exploreCurrentTemplateID']).hash queries = SavedQuery.objects(user=str(, template=str(request.session['exploreCurrentTemplateID'])) context = RequestContext(request, { 'instances': listInstances, 'template_hash': template_hash, 'queries':queries, }) request.session['currentYear'] = currentYear() if 'exploreCurrentTemplateID' not in request.session: return redirect('/explore/select-template') else: return HttpResponse(template.render(context)) else: if 'loggedOut' in request.session: del request.session['loggedOut'] request.session['next'] = '/explore/perform-search' return redirect('/login') except: return redirect("/explore")
def explore_all_results(request): template_id = request.GET['id'] if 'HTTPS' in request.META['SERVER_PROTOCOL']: protocol = "https" else: protocol = "http" request.session['queryExplore'] = {"schema": template_id} json_instances = [ Instance(name="Local", protocol=protocol, address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], port=request.META['SERVER_PORT'], access_token="token", refresh_token="token").to_json() ] request.session['instancesExplore'] = json_instances template = loader.get_template('explore/explore_results.html') context = RequestContext(request, { '': '', }) if 'exploreCurrentTemplateID' not in request.session: return redirect('/explore/select-template') else: return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
def create_instance(content, request): now = delta = timedelta(seconds=int(json.loads(content)["expires_in"])) expires = now + delta Instance(name=request["name"], protocol=request["protocol"], address=request["ip_address"], port=request["port"], access_token=json.loads(content)["access_token"], refresh_token=json.loads(content)["refresh_token"], expires=expires).save()
def test_create_instance(self): self.assertEquals(0, len(Instance.objects())) data = { 'name': 'test', 'protocol': 'http', 'ip_address': '', 'port': 8082, 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'client_id': 'client_id', 'client_secret': 'client_secret', 'timeout': 12, 'action': 'Ping' } response = '{"access_token": "token", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 31536000, "refresh_token": "refresh_token", "scope": "read write"}' create_instance(content=response, request=data) self.assertEquals(1, len(Instance.objects()))
def test_update_instance(self): instance = Instance(name='testtest', protocol='h', address='a', port=12, access_token='a', refresh_token='a', response = '{"access_token": "token", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 31536000, "refresh_token": "refresh_token", "scope": "read write"}' update_instance(instance=instance, content=response) instance_updated = Instance.objects.get(pk=ObjectId( self.assertIsNotNone(instance_updated) self.assertEquals(instance_updated.access_token, "token") self.assertEquals(instance_updated.refresh_token, "refresh_token") self.assertNotEqual(instance_updated.expires, instance.expires)
def get_results_by_instance_keyword(request): print 'BEGIN def getResultsKeyword(request)' resultsByKeyword = [] results = [] resultString = "" #Instance json_instances = [] if 'HTTPS' in request.META['SERVER_PROTOCOL']: protocol = "https" else: protocol = "http" instance = Instance(name="Local", protocol=protocol, address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], port=request.META['SERVER_PORT'], access_token="token", refresh_token="token") json_instances.append(instance.to_json()) request.session['instancesExplore'] = json_instances sessionName = "resultsExploreOaiPMh" + instance['name'] try: keyword = request.GET['keyword'] schemas = request.GET.getlist('schemas[]') userSchemas = request.GET.getlist('userSchemas[]') refinements = refinements_to_mongo(request.GET.getlist('refinements[]')) if 'onlySuggestions' in request.GET: onlySuggestions = json.loads(request.GET['onlySuggestions']) else: onlySuggestions = False except: keyword = '' schemas = [] userSchemas = [] refinements = {} onlySuggestions = True #We get all template versions for the given schemas #First, we take care of user defined schema templatesIDUser = Template.objects(title__in=userSchemas).distinct(field="id") templatesIDUser = [str(x) for x in templatesIDUser] #Take care of the rest, with versions templatesVersions = Template.objects(title__in=schemas).distinct(field="templateVersion") #We get all templates ID, for all versions allTemplatesIDCommon = TemplateVersion.objects(pk__in=templatesVersions, isDeleted=False).distinct(field="versions") #We remove the removed version allTemplatesIDCommonRemoved = TemplateVersion.objects(pk__in=templatesVersions, isDeleted=False).distinct(field="deletedVersions") templatesIDCommon = list(set(allTemplatesIDCommon) - set(allTemplatesIDCommonRemoved)) templatesID = templatesIDUser + templatesIDCommon #We retrieve deactivated registries so as not to get their metadata formats deactivatedRegistries = [str( for x in OaiRegistry.objects(isDeactivated=True).order_by('id')] metadataFormatsID = OaiMetadataFormat.objects(template__in=templatesID, registry__not__in=deactivatedRegistries).distinct(field="id") instanceResults = OaiRecord.executeFullTextQuery(keyword, metadataFormatsID, refinements) if len(instanceResults) > 0: if not onlySuggestions: xsltPath = os.path.join(settings.SITE_ROOT, 'static/resources/xsl/xml2html.xsl') xslt = etree.parse(xsltPath) transform = etree.XSLT(xslt) template = loader.get_template('oai_pmh/explore/explore_result_keyword.html') #Retrieve schema and registries. Avoid to retrieve the information for each result registriesName = {} objMetadataFormats = {} listRegistriesID = set([x['registry'] for x in instanceResults]) for registryId in listRegistriesID: obj = OaiRegistry.objects(pk=registryId).get() registriesName[str(registryId)] = listSchemaId = set([x['metadataformat'] for x in instanceResults]) for schemaId in listSchemaId: obj = OaiMetadataFormat.objects(pk=schemaId).get() objMetadataFormats[str(schemaId)] = obj listItems = [] xmltodictunparse = xmltodict.unparse appendResult = results.append toXML = etree.XML parse = etree.parse XSLT = etree.XSLT if not onlySuggestions: for instanceResult in instanceResults: custom_xslt = False appendResult({'title':instanceResult['identifier'], 'content':xmltodictunparse(instanceResult['metadata']),'id':str(instanceResult['_id'])}) dom = toXML(str(xmltodictunparse(instanceResult['metadata']).encode('utf-8'))) #Check if a custom list result XSLT has to be used try: metadataFormat = objMetadataFormats[str(instanceResult['metadataformat'])] if metadataFormat.template.ResultXsltList: listXslt = parse(BytesIO(metadataFormat.template.ResultXsltList.content.encode('utf-8'))) listTransform = XSLT(listXslt) newdom = listTransform(dom) custom_xslt = True else: newdom = transform(dom) except Exception, e: #We use the default one newdom = transform(dom) custom_xslt = False context = RequestContext(request, {'id':str(instanceResult['_id']), 'xml': str(newdom), 'title': instanceResult['identifier'], 'custom_xslt': custom_xslt, 'schema_name': metadataFormat.metadataPrefix, 'registry_name': registriesName[instanceResult['registry']], 'oai_pmh': True}) resultString+= template.render(context) else: for instanceResult in instanceResults[:20]: wordList = re.sub("[^\w]", " ", keyword).split() wordList = [x + "|" + x +"\w+" for x in wordList] wordList = '|'.join(wordList) listWholeKeywords = re.findall("\\b("+ wordList +")\\b", xmltodict.unparse(instanceResult['metadata']).encode('utf-8'), flags=re.IGNORECASE) labels = list(set(listWholeKeywords)) for label in labels: label = label.lower() result_json = {} result_json['label'] = label result_json['value'] = label if not result_json in resultsByKeyword: resultsByKeyword.append(result_json)
def get_results_by_instance_keyword(request): print 'BEGIN def getResultsKeyword(request)' resultsByKeyword = [] results = [] resultString = "" #Instance json_instances = [] if 'HTTPS' in request.META['SERVER_PROTOCOL']: protocol = "https" else: protocol = "http" instance = Instance(name="Local", protocol=protocol, address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], port=request.META['SERVER_PORT'], access_token="token", refresh_token="token") json_instances.append(instance.to_json()) request.session['instancesExplore'] = json_instances sessionName = "resultsExploreOaiPMh" + instance['name'] keyword = request.POST.get('keyword', '') schemas = request.POST.getlist('schemas[]', []) user_schemas = request.POST.getlist('userSchemas[]', []) refinements = refinements_to_mongo( json.loads(request.POST.get('refinements', '{}'))) registries = request.POST.getlist('registries[]', []) if 'onlySuggestions' in request.POST: onlySuggestions = json.loads(request.POST['onlySuggestions']) else: onlySuggestions = False metadata_format_ids = _get_metadata_formats_id(schemas=schemas, user_schemas=user_schemas, registries=registries) instanceResults = OaiRecord.executeFullTextQuery(keyword, metadata_format_ids, refinements) if len(instanceResults) > 0: if not onlySuggestions: xsltPath = os.path.join(settings.SITE_ROOT, 'static/resources/xsl/xml2html.xsl') xslt = etree.parse(xsltPath) transform = etree.XSLT(xslt) template = loader.get_template( 'oai_pmh/explore/explore_result_keyword.html') #Retrieve schema and registries. Avoid to retrieve the information for each result registriesName = {} objMetadataFormats = {} listRegistriesID = set([x['registry'] for x in instanceResults]) registriesURL = {} for registryId in listRegistriesID: obj = OaiRegistry.objects(pk=registryId).get() registriesName[str(registryId)] = registriesURL[str(registryId)] = obj.url listSchemaId = set([x['metadataformat'] for x in instanceResults]) for schemaId in listSchemaId: obj = OaiMetadataFormat.objects(pk=schemaId).get() objMetadataFormats[str(schemaId)] = obj listItems = [] xmltodictunparse = XMLdata.unparse appendResult = results.append toXML = etree.XML parse = etree.parse XSLT = etree.XSLT if not onlySuggestions: for instanceResult in instanceResults: custom_xslt = False appendResult({ 'title': instanceResult['identifier'], 'content': xmltodictunparse(instanceResult['metadata']), 'id': str(instanceResult['_id']) }) dom = toXML( str( xmltodictunparse( instanceResult['metadata']).encode('utf-8'))) #Check if a custom list result XSLT has to be used try: metadataFormat = objMetadataFormats[str( instanceResult['metadataformat'])] if metadataFormat.template.ResultXsltList: listXslt = parse( BytesIO( metadataFormat.template.ResultXsltList.content. encode('utf-8'))) listTransform = XSLT(listXslt) newdom = listTransform(dom) custom_xslt = True else: newdom = transform(dom) except Exception, e: #We use the default one newdom = transform(dom) custom_xslt = False registry_name = registriesName[instanceResult['registry']] if len(registry_name) > 30: registry_name = "{0}...".format(registry_name[:30]) url = urlparse(registriesURL[instanceResult['registry']]) context = RequestContext( request, { 'id': str(instanceResult['_id']), 'xml': str(newdom), 'title': instanceResult['identifier'], 'custom_xslt': custom_xslt, 'template_name': metadataFormat.template.title, 'registry_name': registry_name, 'registry_url': "{0}://{1}".format( url.scheme, url.netloc), 'oai_pmh': True }) resultString += template.render(context) else: for instanceResult in instanceResults[:20]: wordList = re.sub("[^\w]", " ", keyword).split() wordList = [x + "|" + x + "\w+" for x in wordList] wordList = '|'.join(wordList) listWholeKeywords = re.findall( "\\b(" + wordList + ")\\b", XMLdata.unparse( instanceResult['metadata']).encode('utf-8'), flags=re.IGNORECASE) labels = list(set(listWholeKeywords)) for label in labels: label = label.lower() result_json = {} result_json['label'] = label result_json['value'] = label if not result_json in resultsByKeyword: resultsByKeyword.append(result_json)
def add_repository(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = RepositoryForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if request.POST["action"] == "Register": errors = "" # test if the name is "Local" if (request.POST["name"].upper() == "LOCAL"): errors += "By default, the instance named Local is the instance currently running." else: # test if an instance with the same name exists instance = Instance.objects(name=request.POST["name"]) if len(instance) != 0: errors += "An instance with the same name already exists.<br/>" # test if new instance is not the same as the local instance if request.POST["ip_address"] == request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] and request.POST["port"] == request.META['SERVER_PORT']: errors += "The address and port you entered refer to the instance currently running." else: # test if an instance with the same address/port exists instance = Instance.objects(address=request.POST["ip_address"], port=request.POST["port"]) if len(instance) != 0: errors += "An instance with the address/port already exists.<br/>" # If some errors display them, otherwise insert the instance if(errors == ""): try: url = request.POST["protocol"] + "://" + request.POST["ip_address"] + ":" + request.POST["port"] + "/o/token/" # data="grant_type=password&username="******"username"] + "&password="******"password"] headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} data={ 'grant_type': 'password', 'username': request.POST["username"], 'password': request.POST["password"], 'client_id': request.POST["client_id"], 'client_secret': request.POST["client_secret"] } r =, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=int(request.POST["timeout"])) if r.status_code == 200: now = delta = timedelta(seconds=int(eval(r.content)["expires_in"])) expires = now + delta Instance(name=request.POST["name"], protocol=request.POST["protocol"], address=request.POST["ip_address"], port=request.POST["port"], access_token=eval(r.content)["access_token"], refresh_token=eval(r.content)["refresh_token"], expires=expires).save() messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Repository registered with success.') return redirect('/admin/repositories') else: message = "Unable to get access to the remote instance using these parameters." return render(request, 'admin/add_repository.html', {'form':form, 'action_result':message}) except Exception, e: message = "Unable to get access to the remote instance using these parameters." return render(request, 'admin/add_repository.html', {'form':form, 'action_result':message}) else: return render(request, 'admin/add_repository.html', {'form':form, 'action_result':errors}) elif request.POST["action"] == "Ping": try: url = request.POST["protocol"] + "://" + request.POST["ip_address"] + ":" + request.POST["port"] + "/rest/ping" r = requests.get(url, auth=(request.POST["username"], request.POST["password"]), timeout=int(request.POST["timeout"])) if r.status_code == 200: message = "Remote API reached with success." else: if 'detail' in eval(r.content): message = "Error: " + eval(r.content)['detail'] else: message = "Error: Unable to reach the remote API." except Exception, e: message = "Error: Unable to reach the remote API." return render(request, 'admin/add_repository.html', {'form':form, 'action_result':message})
def get_results_by_instance_keyword(request): print 'BEGIN def getResultsKeyword(request)' resultsByKeyword = [] results = [] resultString = "" #Instance json_instances = [] if 'HTTPS' in request.META['SERVER_PROTOCOL']: protocol = "https" else: protocol = "http" instance = Instance(name="Local", protocol=protocol, address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], port=request.META['SERVER_PORT'], access_token="token", refresh_token="token") json_instances.append(instance.to_json()) request.session['instancesExplore'] = json_instances sessionName = "resultsExploreOaiPMh" + instance['name'] try: keyword = request.GET['keyword'] schemas = request.GET.getlist('schemas[]') mergedSchemas = [] for schema in schemas: t = json.loads(schema) mergedSchemas += t['oai-pmh'] if 'onlySuggestions' in request.GET: onlySuggestions = json.loads(request.GET['onlySuggestions']) else: onlySuggestions = False except: keyword = '' schemas = [] onlySuggestions = True mergedSchemas = [] instanceResults = OaiRecord.executeFullTextQuery(keyword, mergedSchemas) if len(instanceResults) > 0: if not onlySuggestions: xsltPath = os.path.join(settings.SITE_ROOT, 'static/resources/xsl/xml2html.xsl') xslt = etree.parse(xsltPath) transform = etree.XSLT(xslt) #Retrieve schema and registries. Avoid to retrieve the information for each result registriesName = {} schemasName = {} listRegistriesID = set([x['registry'] for x in instanceResults]) for registryId in listRegistriesID: obj = OaiRegistry.objects(pk=registryId).get() registriesName[str(registryId)] = listSchemaId = set([x['metadataformat'] for x in instanceResults]) for schemaId in listSchemaId: obj = OaiMetadataFormat.objects(pk=schemaId).get() schemasName[str(schemaId)] = obj listItems = [] xmltodictunparse = unparse appendResult = results.append toXML = etree.XML parse = etree.parse XSLT = etree.XSLT if not onlySuggestions: for instanceResult in instanceResults: custom_xslt = False appendResult({ 'title': instanceResult['identifier'], 'content': xmltodictunparse(instanceResult['metadata']), 'id': str(instanceResult['_id']) }) dom = toXML( str( xmltodictunparse( instanceResult['metadata']).encode('utf-8'))) #Check if a custom list result XSLT has to be used try: schema = schemasName[str(instanceResult['metadataformat'])] if schema.ResultXsltList: listXslt = parse( BytesIO( schema.ResultXsltList.content.encode('utf-8'))) listTransform = XSLT(listXslt) newdom = listTransform(dom) custom_xslt = True else: newdom = transform(dom) except Exception, e: #We use the default one newdom = transform(dom) custom_xslt = False item = { 'id': str(instanceResult['_id']), 'xml': str(newdom), 'title': instanceResult['identifier'], 'custom_xslt': custom_xslt, 'schema_name': schema.metadataPrefix, 'registry_name': registriesName[instanceResult['registry']] } listItems.append(item) context = RequestContext(request, {'list_results': listItems}) else: for instanceResult in instanceResults[:20]: wordList = re.sub("[^\w]", " ", keyword).split() wordList = [x + "|" + x + "\w+" for x in wordList] wordList = '|'.join(wordList) listWholeKeywords = re.findall( "\\b(" + wordList + ")\\b", unparse(instanceResult['metadata']).encode('utf-8'), flags=re.IGNORECASE) labels = list(set(listWholeKeywords)) for label in labels: label = label.lower() result_json = {} result_json['label'] = label result_json['value'] = label if not result_json in resultsByKeyword: resultsByKeyword.append(result_json) if not onlySuggestions: template = loader.get_template( 'oai_pmh/explore/explore_result_keyword.html') resultString += template.render(context)
def add_repository(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = RepositoryForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if request.POST["action"] == "Register": errors = "" # test if the name is "Local" if (request.POST["name"].upper() == "LOCAL"): errors += "By default, the instance named Local is the instance currently running." else: # test if an instance with the same name exists instance = Instance.objects(name=request.POST["name"]) if len(instance) != 0: errors += "An instance with the same name already exists.<br/>" # test if new instance is not the same as the local instance if request.POST["ip_address"] == request.META[ 'REMOTE_ADDR'] and request.POST[ "port"] == request.META['SERVER_PORT']: errors += "The address and port you entered refer to the instance currently running." else: # test if an instance with the same address/port exists instance = Instance.objects( address=request.POST["ip_address"], port=request.POST["port"]) if len(instance) != 0: errors += "An instance with the address/port already exists.<br/>" # If some errors display them, otherwise insert the instance if (errors == ""): try: url = request.POST["protocol"] + "://" + request.POST[ "ip_address"] + ":" + request.POST[ "port"] + "/o/token/" # data="grant_type=password&username="******"username"] + "&password="******"password"] headers = { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } data = { 'grant_type': 'password', 'username': request.POST["username"], 'password': request.POST["password"], 'client_id': request.POST["client_id"], 'client_secret': request.POST["client_secret"] } r =, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=int(request.POST["timeout"])) if r.status_code == 200: now = delta = timedelta( seconds=int(eval(r.content)["expires_in"])) expires = now + delta Instance( name=request.POST["name"], protocol=request.POST["protocol"], address=request.POST["ip_address"], port=request.POST["port"], access_token=eval(r.content)["access_token"], refresh_token=eval(r.content)["refresh_token"], expires=expires).save() messages.add_message( request, messages.INFO, 'Repository registered with success.') return redirect('/admin/repositories') else: message = "Unable to get access to the remote instance using these parameters." return render(request, 'admin/add_repository.html', { 'form': form, 'action_result': message }) except Exception, e: message = "Unable to get access to the remote instance using these parameters." return render(request, 'admin/add_repository.html', { 'form': form, 'action_result': message }) else: return render(request, 'admin/add_repository.html', { 'form': form, 'action_result': errors }) elif request.POST["action"] == "Ping": try: url = request.POST["protocol"] + "://" + request.POST[ "ip_address"] + ":" + request.POST[ "port"] + "/rest/ping" r = requests.get(url, auth=(request.POST["username"], request.POST["password"]), timeout=int(request.POST["timeout"])) if r.status_code == 200: message = "Remote API reached with success." else: if 'detail' in eval(r.content): message = "Error: " + eval(r.content)['detail'] else: message = "Error: Unable to reach the remote API." except Exception, e: message = "Error: Unable to reach the remote API." return render(request, 'admin/add_repository.html', { 'form': form, 'action_result': message })
def get_results_by_instance_keyword(request): print 'BEGIN def getResultsKeyword(request)' resultsByKeyword = [] results = [] resultString = "" #Instance json_instances = [] if 'HTTPS' in request.META['SERVER_PROTOCOL']: protocol = "https" else: protocol = "http" instance = Instance(name="Local", protocol=protocol, address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], port=request.META['SERVER_PORT'], access_token="token", refresh_token="token") json_instances.append(instance.to_json()) request.session['instancesExplore'] = json_instances sessionName = "resultsExploreOaiPMh" + instance['name'] try: keyword = request.GET['keyword'] schemas = request.GET.getlist('schemas[]') userSchemas = request.GET.getlist('userSchemas[]') refinements = refinements_to_mongo( request.GET.getlist('refinements[]')) if 'onlySuggestions' in request.GET: onlySuggestions = json.loads(request.GET['onlySuggestions']) else: onlySuggestions = False except: keyword = '' schemas = [] userSchemas = [] refinements = {} onlySuggestions = True #We get all template versions for the given schemas #First, we take care of user defined schema templatesIDUser = Template.objects(title__in=userSchemas).distinct( field="id") templatesIDUser = [str(x) for x in templatesIDUser] #Take care of the rest, with versions templatesVersions = Template.objects(title__in=schemas).distinct( field="templateVersion") #We get all templates ID, for all versions allTemplatesIDCommon = TemplateVersion.objects( pk__in=templatesVersions, isDeleted=False).distinct(field="versions") #We remove the removed version allTemplatesIDCommonRemoved = TemplateVersion.objects( pk__in=templatesVersions, isDeleted=False).distinct(field="deletedVersions") templatesIDCommon = list( set(allTemplatesIDCommon) - set(allTemplatesIDCommonRemoved)) templatesID = templatesIDUser + templatesIDCommon #We retrieve deactivated registries so as not to get their metadata formats deactivatedRegistries = [ str( for x in OaiRegistry.objects(isDeactivated=True).order_by('id') ] metadataFormatsID = OaiMetadataFormat.objects( template__in=templatesID, registry__not__in=deactivatedRegistries).distinct(field="id") instanceResults = OaiRecord.executeFullTextQuery(keyword, metadataFormatsID, refinements) if len(instanceResults) > 0: if not onlySuggestions: xsltPath = os.path.join(settings.SITE_ROOT, 'static/resources/xsl/xml2html.xsl') xslt = etree.parse(xsltPath) transform = etree.XSLT(xslt) template = loader.get_template( 'oai_pmh/explore/explore_result_keyword.html') #Retrieve schema and registries. Avoid to retrieve the information for each result registriesName = {} objMetadataFormats = {} listRegistriesID = set([x['registry'] for x in instanceResults]) for registryId in listRegistriesID: obj = OaiRegistry.objects(pk=registryId).get() registriesName[str(registryId)] = listSchemaId = set([x['metadataformat'] for x in instanceResults]) for schemaId in listSchemaId: obj = OaiMetadataFormat.objects(pk=schemaId).get() objMetadataFormats[str(schemaId)] = obj listItems = [] xmltodictunparse = xmltodict.unparse appendResult = results.append toXML = etree.XML parse = etree.parse XSLT = etree.XSLT if not onlySuggestions: for instanceResult in instanceResults: custom_xslt = False appendResult({ 'title': instanceResult['identifier'], 'content': xmltodictunparse(instanceResult['metadata']), 'id': str(instanceResult['_id']) }) dom = toXML( str( xmltodictunparse( instanceResult['metadata']).encode('utf-8'))) #Check if a custom list result XSLT has to be used try: metadataFormat = objMetadataFormats[str( instanceResult['metadataformat'])] if metadataFormat.template.ResultXsltList: listXslt = parse( BytesIO( metadataFormat.template.ResultXsltList.content. encode('utf-8'))) listTransform = XSLT(listXslt) newdom = listTransform(dom) custom_xslt = True else: newdom = transform(dom) except Exception, e: #We use the default one newdom = transform(dom) custom_xslt = False context = RequestContext( request, { 'id': str(instanceResult['_id']), 'xml': str(newdom), 'title': instanceResult['identifier'], 'custom_xslt': custom_xslt, 'schema_name': metadataFormat.metadataPrefix, 'registry_name': registriesName[instanceResult['registry']], 'oai_pmh': True }) resultString += template.render(context) else: for instanceResult in instanceResults[:20]: wordList = re.sub("[^\w]", " ", keyword).split() wordList = [x + "|" + x + "\w+" for x in wordList] wordList = '|'.join(wordList) listWholeKeywords = re.findall( "\\b(" + wordList + ")\\b", xmltodict.unparse( instanceResult['metadata']).encode('utf-8'), flags=re.IGNORECASE) labels = list(set(listWholeKeywords)) for label in labels: label = label.lower() result_json = {} result_json['label'] = label result_json['value'] = label if not result_json in resultsByKeyword: resultsByKeyword.append(result_json)