def add(self, input): clss = input.__class__ #Array if clss == list: for x in input: self.add(x) #String elif clss == str: input = os.path.expanduser(input) if os.path.isfile(input): input = os.path.abspath(input) self.add_file(file(input)) elif os.path.isdir(input): self.add_dir(input) else: files = mglob.expand(input) files.sort() for i in files: if not os.path.isfile(i) and not os.path.isdir(i): files.remove(i) else: self.add(i) #File elif clss == file: self.add_file(input) #directory elif clss == dir: self.add_dir(input)
def myapps_cmd(args): print "myapps_cmd",args files = mglob.expand(args.file) tg = pj(ctr.get_fs(), "C/predefjava/predefcollections") print "Copying",files, "to",tg for f in files: shutil.copy(f, tg)
def extract_jar(jarf): try: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(jarf, "r") except zipfile.BadZipfile: print "corrupt: bad zip,",jarf raise td = tempfile.mkdtemp() tempdirs.append(td) zf.extractall(td) return mglob.expand("rec:" + td + "=*.class")
def CreatePy(adlDir,py_filesDir): """ Create parse results to send to the builder. """ fnames = mglob.expand("rec:"+adlDir+"=*.adl") n=0 e=0 errCount=0 count=len(fnames) #startTime=time.clock() fnames.sort() print "ADL File count: ",count," in ",adlDir print "\n Placing Python source files in ", py_filesDir for fname in fnames: n+=1 print "\n\nProcessing # ",n,' of ',count,' --->',fname adlSource = file(fname).read() try: # parsed_adl is the returned ParseResults object parsed_adl = adl_1_4.archetypeDefinition.parseString(adlSource) except ParseException: e+=1 logging.error("Error # "+str(e)+" Occured Parsing "+fname+':\n') print "Parsing Failed -- Error Logged!\n" errCount+=1 else:"Processing: "+fname) bldArchetype(fname,parsed_adl,py_filesDir) #print "\n\nParsed ",count," files in",time.clock()-startTime," seconds." print "\n\nParsed ",count," files." print "There were ",errCount," parse errors. ""There were "+repr(errCount)+" parse errors. ") if errCount > 0: print "Please see the error log file for errors & warnings.""*******END OF LOG FILE FOR THIS RUN*******") return