Beispiel #1
def setupRigJoint(words, obj, verts, locations):
    key = words[0]
    typ = words[1]
    if typ == 'joint':
        loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, words[2])
        locations[key] = loc
    elif typ == 'vertex':
        v = int(words[2])
        locations[key] = verts[v].co
    elif typ == 'position':
        x = locations[words[2]]
        y = locations[words[3]]
        z = locations[words[4]]
        locations[key] = [x[0], y[1], z[2]]
    elif typ == 'line':
        k1 = float(words[2])
        k2 = float(words[4])
        locations[key] = vadd(vmul(locations[words[3]], k1),
                              vmul(locations[words[5]], k2))
    elif typ == 'offset':
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
        locations[key] = vadd(locations[words[2]], [x, y, z])
    elif typ == 'voffset':
        v = int(words[2])
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
            loc = verts[v].co
            loc = verts[v]
        locations[key] = vadd(loc, [x, y, z])
    elif typ == 'front':
        raw = locations[words[2]]
        head = locations[words[3]]
        tail = locations[words[4]]
        offs = map(float, words[5].strip().lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(','))
        vec = aljabr.vsub(tail, head)
        vec2 = aljabr.vdot(vec, vec)
        vraw = aljabr.vsub(raw, head)
        x = aljabr.vdot(vec, vraw) / vec2
        rvec = aljabr.vmul(vec, x)
        nloc = aljabr.vadd(head, rvec, offs)
        locations[key] = nloc
        raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
Beispiel #2
def setupRigJoint (words, obj, verts, locations):
    key = words[0]
    typ = words[1]
    if typ == 'joint':
        loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, words[2])
        locations[key] = loc
    elif typ == 'vertex':
        v = int(words[2])
        locations[key] = verts[v].co
    elif typ == 'position':
        x = locations[words[2]]
        y = locations[words[3]]
        z = locations[words[4]]
        locations[key] = [x[0],y[1],z[2]]
    elif typ == 'line':
        k1 = float(words[2])
        k2 = float(words[4])
        locations[key] = vadd(vmul(locations[words[3]], k1), vmul(locations[words[5]], k2))
    elif typ == 'offset':
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
        locations[key] = vadd(locations[words[2]], [x,y,z])
    elif typ == 'voffset':
        v = int(words[2])
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
            loc = verts[v].co
            loc = verts[v]         
        locations[key] = vadd(loc, [x,y,z])
    elif typ == 'front':
        raw = locations[words[2]]
        head = locations[words[3]]
        tail = locations[words[4]]
        offs = map(float, words[5].strip().lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(','))
        vec = aljabr.vsub(tail, head)
        vec2 = aljabr.vdot(vec, vec)
        vraw = aljabr.vsub(raw, head)
        x = aljabr.vdot(vec, vraw) / vec2
        rvec = aljabr.vmul(vec, x)
        nloc = aljabr.vadd(head, rvec, offs)
        locations[key] = nloc
        raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
Beispiel #3
def setupRigJoint (words, obj, coord, locations):
    key = words[0]
    typ = words[1]
    if typ == 'joint':
        locations[key] = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, words[2])
    elif typ == 'vertex':
        vn = int(words[2])
        locations[key] = obj.coord[vn]
    elif typ == 'position':
        x = locations[int(words[2])]
        y = locations[int(words[3])]
        z = locations[int(words[4])]
        locations[key] = np.array((x[0],y[1],z[2]))
    elif typ == 'line':
        k1 = float(words[2])
        vn1 = int(words[3])
        k2 = float(words[4])
        vn2 = int(words[5])
        locations[key] = k1*locations[vn1] + k2*locations[vn2]
    elif typ == 'offset':
        vn = int(words[2])
    	x = float(words[3])
    	y = float(words[4])
    	z = float(words[5])
        locations[key] = locations[vn] + np.array((x,y,z))
    elif typ == 'voffset':
        vn = int(words[2])
    	x = float(words[3])
    	y = float(words[4])
    	z = float(words[5])
            loc = obj.coord[vn]
            loc = coord[vn]         
        locations[key] = loc + np.array((x,y,z))
    elif typ == 'front':
        raw = locations[words[2]]
        head = locations[words[3]]
        tail = locations[words[4]]
        offs = map(float, words[5].strip().lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(','))
        offs = np.array(offs)
        vec =  tail - head
        vraw = raw - head
        x =,vraw) /, vec)
        locations[key] = head + x*vec + offs
        raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
Beispiel #4
def setupRigJoint(words, obj, coord, locations):
    key = words[0]
    typ = words[1]
    if typ == 'joint':
        locations[key] = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, words[2])
    elif typ == 'vertex':
        vn = int(words[2])
        locations[key] = obj.coord[vn]
    elif typ == 'position':
        x = locations[int(words[2])]
        y = locations[int(words[3])]
        z = locations[int(words[4])]
        locations[key] = np.array((x[0], y[1], z[2]))
    elif typ == 'line':
        k1 = float(words[2])
        vn1 = int(words[3])
        k2 = float(words[4])
        vn2 = int(words[5])
        locations[key] = k1 * locations[vn1] + k2 * locations[vn2]
    elif typ == 'offset':
        vn = int(words[2])
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
        locations[key] = locations[vn] + np.array((x, y, z))
    elif typ == 'voffset':
        vn = int(words[2])
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
            loc = obj.coord[vn]
            loc = coord[vn]
        locations[key] = loc + np.array((x, y, z))
    elif typ == 'front':
        raw = locations[words[2]]
        head = locations[words[3]]
        tail = locations[words[4]]
        offs = map(float, words[5].strip().lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(','))
        offs = np.array(offs)
        vec = tail - head
        vraw = raw - head
        x =, vraw) /, vec)
        locations[key] = head + x * vec + offs
        raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
Beispiel #5
def setupLocations(obj):
    global locations
    locations = {}
    for j in joints:
        loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, j)
        locations[j] = loc
    for (j, v) in vertLocations:
        locations[j] = obj.verts[v].co
    for (j, h, t, k) in otherLocations:
        hloc = locations[h]
        tloc = locations[t]
        vec = vsub(tloc, hloc)
        vec2 = vmul(vec, k)
        loc = vadd(tloc, vec2)
        locations[j] = loc
    for (j, l, r, a) in midLocations:
        left = vmul(locations[l], 1 - a)
        right = vmul(locations[r], a)
        locations[j] = vadd(left, right)
Beispiel #6
def setupLocations(obj):
    global locations
    locations = {}
    for j in joints:
        loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, j)
        locations[j] = loc
    for (j, v) in vertLocations:
        locations[j] = obj.verts[v].co
    for (j, h, t, k) in otherLocations:
        hloc = locations[h]
        tloc = locations[t]
        vec = vsub(tloc, hloc)
        vec2 = vmul(vec, k)
        loc = vadd(tloc, vec2)
        locations[j] = loc
    for (j, l, r, a) in midLocations:
        left = vmul(locations[l], 1 - a)
        right = vmul(locations[r], a)
        locations[j] = vadd(left, right)
Beispiel #7
def newSetupJoints(obj, joints):
    the.Locations = {}
    for (key, typ, data) in joints:
        if typ == 'j':
            loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, data)
            the.Locations[key] = loc
            the.Locations[data] = loc
        elif typ == 'v':
            v = int(data)
            the.Locations[key] = obj.verts[v].co
        elif typ == 'x':
            the.Locations[key] = [
                float(data[2]), -float(data[1])
        elif typ == 'vo':
            v = int(data[0])
            loc = obj.verts[v].co
            the.Locations[key] = [
                loc[0] + float(data[1]), loc[1] + float(data[3]),
                loc[2] - float(data[2])
        elif typ == 'vl':
            ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) = data
            loc1 = obj.verts[int(v1)].co
            loc2 = obj.verts[int(v2)].co
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(vmul(loc1, k1), vmul(loc2, k2))
        elif typ == 'f':
            (raw, head, tail, offs) = data
            rloc = the.Locations[raw]
            hloc = the.Locations[head]
            tloc = the.Locations[tail]
            #print(raw, rloc)
            vec = aljabr.vsub(tloc, hloc)
            vec2 = aljabr.vdot(vec, vec)
            vraw = aljabr.vsub(rloc, hloc)
            x = aljabr.vdot(vec, vraw) / vec2
            rvec = aljabr.vmul(vec, x)
            nloc = aljabr.vadd(hloc, rvec, offs)
            #print(key, nloc)
            the.Locations[key] = nloc
        elif typ == 'b':
            the.Locations[key] = the.Locations[data]
        elif typ == 'p':
            x = the.Locations[data[0]]
            y = the.Locations[data[1]]
            z = the.Locations[data[2]]
            the.Locations[key] = [x[0], y[1], z[2]]
        elif typ == 'vz':
            v = int(data[0])
            z = obj.verts[v].co[2]
            loc = the.Locations[data[1]]
            the.Locations[key] = [loc[0], loc[1], z]
        elif typ == 'X':
            r = the.Locations[data[0]]
            (x, y, z) = data[1]
            r1 = [float(x), float(y), float(z)]
            the.Locations[key] = aljabr.vcross(r, r1)
        elif typ == 'l':
            ((k1, joint1), (k2, joint2)) = data
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(vmul(the.Locations[joint1], k1),
                                      vmul(the.Locations[joint2], k2))
        elif typ == 'o':
            (joint, offsSym) = data
            if type(offsSym) == str:
                offs = the.Locations[offsSym]
                offs = offsSym
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(the.Locations[joint], offs)
            raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
    def setupJoints(self):
        Evaluate symbolic expressions for joint locations and store them in self.locations.
        Joint locations are specified symbolically in the *Joints list in the beginning of the
        rig_*.py files (e.g. ArmJoints in 

        for (key, typ, data) in self.joints:
            if typ == 'j':
                loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(self.mesh, data)
                self.locations[key] = loc
                self.locations[data] = loc
            elif typ == 'v':
                v = int(data)
                self.locations[key] = self.mesh.coord[v]
            elif typ == 'x':
                self.locations[key] = np.array(
                    (float(data[0]), float(data[2]), -float(data[1])))
            elif typ == 'vo':
                v = int(data[0])
                offset = np.array(
                    (float(data[1]), float(data[3]), -float(data[2])))
                self.locations[key] = self.mesh.coord[v] + offset
            elif typ == 'vl':
                ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) = data
                loc1 = self.mesh.coord[int(v1)]
                loc2 = self.mesh.coord[int(v2)]
                self.locations[key] = k1 * loc1 + k2 * loc2
            elif typ == 'f':
                (raw, head, tail, offs) = data
                rloc = self.locations[raw]
                hloc = self.locations[head]
                tloc = self.locations[tail]
                vec = tloc - hloc
                vraw = rloc - hloc
                x =, vraw) /, vec)
                self.locations[key] = hloc + x * vec + np.array(offs)
            elif typ == 'b':
                self.locations[key] = self.locations[data]
            elif typ == 'p':
                x = self.locations[data[0]]
                y = self.locations[data[1]]
                z = self.locations[data[2]]
                self.locations[key] = np.array((x[0], y[1], z[2]))
            elif typ == 'vz':
                v = int(data[0])
                z = self.mesh.coord[v][2]
                loc = self.locations[data[1]]
                self.locations[key] = np.array((loc[0], loc[1], z))
            elif typ == 'X':
                r = self.locations[data[0]]
                (x, y, z) = data[1]
                r1 = np.array([float(x), float(y), float(z)])
                self.locations[key] = np.cross(r, r1)
            elif typ == 'l':
                ((k1, joint1), (k2, joint2)) = data
                self.locations[key] = k1 * self.locations[
                    joint1] + k2 * self.locations[joint2]
            elif typ == 'o':
                (joint, offsSym) = data
                if type(offsSym) == str:
                    offs = self.locations[offsSym]
                    offs = np.array(offsSym)
                self.locations[key] = self.locations[joint] + offs
                raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
 def setupJoints (self):
     Evaluate symbolic expressions for joint locations and store them in self.locations.
     Joint locations are specified symbolically in the *Joints list in the beginning of the
     rig_*.py files (e.g. ArmJoints in 
     for (key, typ, data) in self.joints:
         if typ == 'j':
             loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(self.mesh, data)
             self.locations[key] = loc
             self.locations[data] = loc
         elif typ == 'v':
             v = int(data)
             self.locations[key] = self.mesh.coord[v]
         elif typ == 'x':
             self.locations[key] = np.array((float(data[0]), float(data[2]), -float(data[1])))
         elif typ == 'vo':
             v = int(data[0])
             offset = np.array((float(data[1]), float(data[3]), -float(data[2])))
             self.locations[key] = self.mesh.coord[v] + offset
         elif typ == 'vl':
             ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) = data
             loc1 = self.mesh.coord[int(v1)]
             loc2 = self.mesh.coord[int(v2)]
             self.locations[key] = k1*loc1 + k2*loc2
         elif typ == 'f':
             (raw, head, tail, offs) = data
             rloc = self.locations[raw]
             hloc = self.locations[head]
             tloc = self.locations[tail]
             vec = tloc - hloc
             vraw = rloc - hloc
             x =, vraw)/,vec)
             self.locations[key] = hloc + x*vec + np.array(offs)
         elif typ == 'b':
             self.locations[key] = self.locations[data]
         elif typ == 'p':
             x = self.locations[data[0]]
             y = self.locations[data[1]]
             z = self.locations[data[2]]
             self.locations[key] = np.array((x[0],y[1],z[2]))
         elif typ == 'vz':
             v = int(data[0])
             z = self.mesh.coord[v][2]
             loc = self.locations[data[1]]
             self.locations[key] = np.array((loc[0],loc[1],z))
         elif typ == 'X':
             r = self.locations[data[0]]
             (x,y,z) = data[1]
             r1 = np.array([float(x), float(y), float(z)])
             self.locations[key] = np.cross(r, r1)
         elif typ == 'l':
             ((k1, joint1), (k2, joint2)) = data
             self.locations[key] = k1*self.locations[joint1] + k2*self.locations[joint2]
         elif typ == 'o':
             (joint, offsSym) = data
             if type(offsSym) == str:
                 offs = self.locations[offsSym]
                 offs = np.array(offsSym)
             self.locations[key] = self.locations[joint] + offs
             raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
Beispiel #10
def newSetupJoints (obj, joints):
    the.Locations = {}
    for (key, typ, data) in joints:
        if typ == 'j':
            loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, data)
            the.Locations[key] = loc
            the.Locations[data] = loc
        elif typ == 'v':
            v = int(data)
            the.Locations[key] = obj.verts[v].co
        elif typ == 'x':
            the.Locations[key] = [float(data[0]), float(data[2]), -float(data[1])]
        elif typ == 'vo':
            v = int(data[0])
            loc = obj.verts[v].co
            the.Locations[key] = [loc[0]+float(data[1]), loc[1]+float(data[3]), loc[2]-float(data[2])]
        elif typ == 'vl':
            ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) = data
            loc1 = obj.verts[int(v1)].co
            loc2 = obj.verts[int(v2)].co
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(vmul(loc1, k1), vmul(loc2, k2))
        elif typ == 'f':
            (raw, head, tail, offs) = data
            rloc = the.Locations[raw]
            hloc = the.Locations[head]
            tloc = the.Locations[tail]
            #print(raw, rloc)
            vec = aljabr.vsub(tloc, hloc)
            vec2 = aljabr.vdot(vec, vec)
            vraw = aljabr.vsub(rloc, hloc)
            x = aljabr.vdot(vec, vraw) / vec2
            rvec = aljabr.vmul(vec, x)
            nloc = aljabr.vadd(hloc, rvec, offs)
            #print(key, nloc)
            the.Locations[key] = nloc
        elif typ == 'b':
            the.Locations[key] = the.Locations[data]
        elif typ == 'p':
            x = the.Locations[data[0]]
            y = the.Locations[data[1]]
            z = the.Locations[data[2]]
            the.Locations[key] = [x[0],y[1],z[2]]
        elif typ == 'vz':
            v = int(data[0])
            z = obj.verts[v].co[2]
            loc = the.Locations[data[1]]
            the.Locations[key] = [loc[0],loc[1],z]
        elif typ == 'X':
            r = the.Locations[data[0]]
            (x,y,z) = data[1]
            r1 = [float(x), float(y), float(z)]
            the.Locations[key] = aljabr.vcross(r, r1)
        elif typ == 'l':
            ((k1, joint1), (k2, joint2)) = data
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(vmul(the.Locations[joint1], k1), vmul(the.Locations[joint2], k2))
        elif typ == 'o':
            (joint, offsSym) = data
            if type(offsSym) == str:
                offs = the.Locations[offsSym]
                offs = offsSym
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(the.Locations[joint], offs)
            raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)